SV Warframe Thread #1: But I don't wanna go on the Solar Rail

So I wished I had realized this however long has had this function for:

Ducanator - Ducat to platinum pricing ratios

Every time Baro comes around, I take quite some time going through my Prime items inventory comparing ducat price with current platinum price (calculating ducat/plat) and judging which items are best to sell to people and which are better to trade for ducats.

No more.

This site does that same calculation automatically, and as far as I've checked seems pretty trustworthy.

Now whenever Baro comes around, I can just go to the ducat kiosk, check what I got and check this list (Ducats/Plat column) instead of having to calculate all that stuff.

Basically, everything that has a Ducats/Plat value of 5 an higher gets traded for Ducats. Everything with lower than 5 D/P value, gets saved for trading with other players for Plat.

There is only one more point of consideration; sets in Warframe are sold for more than the addition of their individual parts, so you might want to keep a part with high Ducat/Plat value instead of trading it for plat, if it lets you complete a set that has a low Ducat/Plat value. But you would have to check and calculate that set's ducat/plat value manually.
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1) Do not feel the Arthur/Atheship. (Arthur talks abput hitting the open robe with Aoi. Aoi is genki, he's paraboid and gruff)

2) Loving the holistic natural use of.powers
Okay, one of the boyband profiles specifically call out that they aren't demons.

The a line from the song, "Join us embrace us," is straight up technocyte. But, "Don't ever erase us," is very Void going by what Drusus says about the Dante stuff.

Interestingly, there's a line early on that might indicate they too are time traveling, or that the technocyte is aware it is?
I have to say, I was aware the Warframe community was very horny, but I'm a bit in awe of just how fucking horny they are for the new Ember skin.

The new mall instance in particular is just fucking ridiculous. It's Embers everywhere, all the time.
Also some lyrics gain double meaning when you apply information about Infested/Technocyte.
My favorite is: "Neon lights flicker / DJ spins the track"

In Warframe, flickering lights is the sign of intrusion from outside the mission, stuff like the Stalker and his Acolytes, the other hunters, the hit squads, and most importantly Lich and Sister candidates. So this line is kind of literally explaining what happens when the CODA is given a new body.
There's also the 'now that you're invested, we're turning up the heat' line - invested can mean 'infused with/granted power', as well as other meanings, and of course sounds like infested, a little. Pair that with all the references to unified thought and purpose (which are simultaneously blandly generic pop filler lines and/or literally just a reference to NSYNC) and you have a song that genuinely could have rolled off the production line in the 90s which nevertheless is a Technocyte anthem.

It's a genuine musical achievement.


That. Cursed, but accurate.

Shower thought: given the technocyte is an Orokin weapon, they literally weaponized cringe.

Given their proclivity for what we in the modern day would consider war crimes and crimes against humanity, it's unsurprising.

Also, any thoughts on our new 5 minute prologue quest? It sounds like Space Mom doesn't want us to go out to the mall; maybe she thinks we'll make friends who will be a bad influence.

The gambling frame who's momentarily immortal being revealed in a trailer narrated by Nanami the week JJK ends
3rd Ability: Omamori
Surround yourself with charms that each has a chance to heal you upon taking damage, the number of charms is determined by your dice rolls.
Rolling triple 6s grants invulnerability for the duration of the ability.

"While Hakari is not a user of reverse cursed technique, his domain expansion 'Idle Death Gamble' allows him to use infinite cursed energy to reverse any damage his body sustains, in other words in the 4 minutes and 11 seconds following a jackpot Hakari is effectively immortal."

"While Koumei is not a health tank Warframe, her third ability "Omamori' allows her to use infinite vitality to negate any damage her body sustains, in other words in the max duration following a roll of triple 6s Koumei is effectively immortal."

holy peak Warframe
LMAO, DE literally did a blatant JJK reference :V
On Cyte-09:
Taking that living nightmare of the Infestation, the undead flesh of Technocyte, and moulding it specifically to resemble a normal military uniform, is so funny to me.

Update 37: Koumei & the Five Fates

UPDATE 37: KOUMEI & THE FIVE FATES Seize the threads of destiny with Koumei! Koumei & the Five Fates introduces the 58th Warframe Koumei and her signature weapons, the Higasa and Amanata, as well as a new “Shrine Defense” game mode. Venture into Saya's Fate Dream from Koumei's Shrine in C...

Starting today @ 12 PM ET until December 31st @ 11:59 PM ET, login to earn 5 Forma for FREE!

An Inbox message* containing 5 built Forma will be delivered to you upon logging in between the aforementioned dates that can be used (at your discretion) towards experimenting with the changes to Caliban, Nova, Companions and more!
Note on Koumei's Foundry Craft Time: Since Koumei is earned via the new Shrine Defense game mode, which was designed with a difficulty level appropriate for the early game path (more on that in the dedicated section below), we have made Koumei's crafting time 24 hours instead of the standard 72 hours. This is so that new players can familiarize themselves with the Foundry and enjoy their newly earned Warframe faster (which is a bonus for all!).

AW YEAH !!!!!

Roll Koumei's Dice

Koumei, what shall be my fate?

The Ostrons have turned to Koumei to seek readings and guidance to their present, so shall you.

Select the "Roll Koumei's Dice" option at Koumei's Shrine to cast her Dice and see what the future has in store. Saya will decipher to you what the Dice foretell.

This is a purely narrative system inspired by the questions we ask and seek through fortune-telling tools.

Curious addition.

Anyway off to play Warframe.