Things went... well, not perfectly, but damn well.

As Lilac threw herself back, bombs began slamming into the ground around the creature, detonating and showering the creature in small plumes of rubble. The ever-constant brr of the propeller, as well as the bombs, took it's attention off the dragon as it turned, mouth already filling with fire...

Then the crescent of crimson wind bit deep, perfectly bisecting the beast and causing it to deflate in a splatter of lava. The fight was over.

Exited laughter rang out through the cityscape as Sam celebrated the hype, raising Murasama high and letting it shine in the flames of the dead city and the red lightning crackling along its deadly edge, displaying the superiorty of his line for all to see.
Vile nodded as he saw the monster be swiftly executed by the combatants. He walked forward, stepping into the obvious line of sight of the various combatants, slowly clapping as he did so. Eventually, he came to a stop a decent distance from the group, so he could keep most of them in his vision at any one time.

"Well done, you lot. Looks like I might be stuck with some people who are almost halfway competent. I think you're all summons from other worlds like I am, and I also think that you don't know anything more about this situation than I do. We were brought here to kill an Iblis by some people who couldn't even teleport us right, and I personally don't know where they or 'Iblis' is.

Any of you have a clue on that, or an idea on what to do? I'm willing to listen, it's not like I have anything better to do right now. Oh yeah, names. You can call me Vile. Don't forget that name, especially if you need help with a challenging fight."
Sash breathed slowly, recovering from the hormone rush as the fight finished. Carol finally arrived, just in time to see that her new allies were certainly competent enough at fighting. She leaped off the sword and, mid-jump, morphed it back into the shape of a blade. As she landed gracefully, like the kitty she was, she strapped the thing back to her back, smirking.

"Well, nice to see we got some competent new partners. I have no idea what this 'Iblis' guy is but given that lava monster thingy, I assume he's the local evil overlord slash criminal conqueror wannabe slash mad scientist with dellusions of grandeur?"

Lilac stepped forward. "We don't actually have a clue. We have just arrived after a teleporting accident with an ancient dragon tech prototype." She then looked around. "Anyone is hurt? I got a small reserve of Life Petals if someone got injured. Also got some spare energy recharges, if anyone's energy is running low."

While Lilac tried to get a feel of the situation, the green feline instead focused on Mugman and Sam. "That was cool! That sword of yours look awesome! And that biplane maneuver was so cool! You two do this kind of thing often?"
Realizing that the battle was over before she even arrived, Luna pouted. "Dang, I wanted to sho-"
Lilac stepped forward. "We don't actually have a clue. We have just arrived after a teleporting accident with an ancient dragon tech prototype." She then looked around. "Anyone is hurt? I got a small reserve of Life Petals if someone got injured. Also got some spare energy recharges, if anyone's energy is running low."
"Life petals?" The Avatar asked, looking confused, but interested. "Never heard of those, what are they?"
Your blow descended upon the creature's head... but just as your blade bit into the crest, Kasanov took the opportunity to blow out the thing's center of mass, causing it to deflate like a balloon.
Vile nodded as he saw the monster be swiftly executed by the combatants. He walked forward, stepping into the obvious line of sight of the various combatants, slowly clapping as he did so. Eventually, he came to a stop a decent distance from the group, so he could keep most of them in his vision at any one time.

"Well done, you lot. Looks like I might be stuck with some people who are almost halfway competent. I think you're all summons from other worlds like I am, and I also think that you don't know anything more about this situation than I do. We were brought here to kill an Iblis by some people who couldn't even teleport us right, and I personally don't know where they or 'Iblis' is.

Any of you have a clue on that, or an idea on what to do? I'm willing to listen, it's not like I have anything better to do right now. Oh yeah, names. You can call me Vile. Don't forget that name, especially if you need help with a challenging fight."
Rene Petit
He looked desultorily at the puddle of molten rock, pooling at his feet, taking a step back. Ah, whatever, he thought. It's all over now. And he can insult the Reaper for being a scavanger. Whole new fields of insults were opened to him.

He paused, tilting his head. Did he hear Mox fall? Eh, who cared, he's still going to mock him anyways.

Then, he turned and faced the... robot? Yes, that's a robot. Not a MEC though. "That's a silly name," he said bluntly.
While Lilac tried to get a feel of the situation, the green feline instead focused on Mugman and Sam. "That was cool! That sword of yours look awesome! And that biplane maneuver was so cool! You two do this kind of thing often?"

Having jumped off of the biplane after a bit of victorious grandstanding, Sam met Lilac halfway with a look of great satisfaction plastered on his face. He left Murasama out of its scabbard just a little long so Lilac could get a good look at it up close.

"My day job is vigilantilism against all manner of evil scumbags, so in that sense I do. I was about to go on a relaxing vacatiom to the tropics before this went down, so usually I look the part too." Sam replied while gesturing at his outfit. "Though lava monsters are new to the kill count. Usually it's cyborgs, ninjas, mercenaries or a combination thereof."

Mugman let out a victorious whoop and a holler as he flew in a victory lap of the small area after his passenger sliced the monster in half, after his passenger jumped off Mugman took his Aeroplane into a slow circle and came to a halt, the plane puttering in place near the ground.

While Lilac tried to get a feel of the situation, the green feline instead focused on Mugman and Sam. "That was cool! That sword of yours look awesome! And that biplane maneuver was so cool! You two do this kind of thing often?"
Mugman sets his plane down before hopping out when he replies "First time having a passenger on board, but this ain't the first time I've fought some oversized critter!" Mugman says cheerfully as he goes about shrinking his Biplane back to pocket size.

"Just earlier today I started work as a debt collector for nasty folks as big as that, although usually for fellers this small it's easier to just do it on foot." Mugman comments as he puts his biplane back into his pocket. After a few seconds, he stops and thinks about the Iblis feller that the guy named "Vile" mentioned, he sounds like a nasty piece of work, and from the lava monster it might be his minion. Maybe he's like the local Devil or something? Oh dear, he better not be, it was hard enough fighting the Devil with Cuphead by his side, fighting someone like that alone would be nasty. But, then again, he had friends didn't he?

Mugman realized there was a bunch of other people that weren't there when he introduced himself initially, so he called out to the soldiers and the other people that showed up by introducing himself "Howdy! My name is Mugman!" He says as he strikes a pose for the second time that day.
Things went... well, not perfectly, but damn well.

As Lilac threw herself back, bombs began slamming into the ground around the creature, detonating and showering the creature in small plumes of rubble. The ever-constant brr of the propeller, as well as the bombs, took it's attention off the dragon as it turned, mouth already filling with fire...

Then the crescent of crimson wind bit deep, perfectly bisecting the beast and causing it to deflate in a splatter of lava. The fight was over.
@Lt Darkhound @Laplace
One of the Lava beasts was down, torn apart by his gunfire, but the second one was closing in, and with hardly any ammunition, Mox was doubtful he'd be able to take it down before it was on top of him. Leveling his weapon all the same, he took aim and-

Watched the monster get absolutely annihalated. And not by him.

Incredibly aware of the danger of unknown elements in a gunfight, Mox spun into the nearest cover, slamming a new magazine into his weapon, and taking a glance at the river of crazy that had just streamed into their little battlefield.

It was....Indescribable. Pratal didn't have a clue where to start.

Which meant it was probably dangerous. Some sort of mind-altering drugs maybe? Had they been gassed or poisoned? Where these- clearly alien- creatures even real, and if so, how unfriendly were they?

Mox knew, through personal experience, that there was no such thing as a friendly alien.

Peeking out of his meager cover in time to see the insane templar start taunting the new contacts, Prox keyed his mic onto the teams closed band. Assuming they were still using XCOM channels, of course. Thinking of Xcom caused Mox to remember the commander. If only he were here now, he'd know what to do. He usually did.

Shaking the thought from his head, Mox keyed his mic.

"Templar, keep them distracted. Reaper, do you have a shot? They either haven't seen me yet, or think I'm with them...which means they are probably ADVENT."
Your blow descended upon the creature's head... but just as your blade bit into the crest, Kasanov took the opportunity to blow out the thing's center of mass, causing it to deflate like a balloon.

Your shot hits perfectly, stealing the Templar's kill before he could react.

Rene Petit
He looked desultorily at the puddle of molten rock, pooling at his feet, taking a step back. Ah, whatever, he thought. It's all over now. And he can insult the Reaper for being a scavanger. Whole new fields of insults were opened to him.

He paused, tilting his head. Did he hear Mox fall? Eh, who cared, he's still going to mock him anyways.

Then, he turned and faced the... robot? Yes, that's a robot. Not a MEC though. "That's a silly name," he said bluntly.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Having successfully stolen Smalltime's kill, Alex began to move towards the edge of the lot to cover Mox from those two stragglers when a whole lot of things happened at once. A bunch of contacts arrived from two different locations. One group near Mox, which announced their entrance by killing the lavasharkmonsterthing that Mox didn't get. The other group was to Smalltime's back. Bombs fell from the sky, and the contacts revealed themselves as generally non-human. Which was bad.

After spending the last twenty or so years fighting aliens who continually gained more and more humanoid features, Alex had a severe dislike of non-humans, no matter how humanoid they were. Even genetically modified humans like Mox were barely trusted, and even then only after extensive work by both sides. The arrival of the hordes kicked Alex's fight-or-flight into high gear, and he lined up a shot on the purple thing near Mox.
Shaking the thought from his head, Mox keyed his mic.

"Templar, keep them distracted. Reaper, do you have a shot? They either haven't seen me yet, or think I'm with them...which means they are probably ADVENT."
"I have a shot on Purple. Not too sure 'bout them being ADVENT though. Not enough markings to be Walking Propaganda." Alex muttered into his mic, this time on the XCOM channel. If this turned into a fight, the three operatives didn't stand a chance. Not without the Great Commandy One guiding them.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Having successfully stolen Smalltime's kill, Alex began to move towards the edge of the lot to cover Mox from those two stragglers when a whole lot of things happened at once. A bunch of contacts arrived from two different locations. One group near Mox, which announced their entrance by killing the lavasharkmonsterthing that Mox didn't get. The other group was to Smalltime's back. Bombs fell from the sky, and the contacts revealed themselves as generally non-human. Which was bad.

After spending the last twenty or so years fighting aliens who continually gained more and more humanoid features, Alex had a severe dislike of non-humans, no matter how humanoid they were. Even genetically modified humans like Mox were barely trusted, and even then only after extensive work by both sides. The arrival of the hordes kicked Alex's fight-or-flight into high gear, and he lined up a shot on the purple thing near Mox.

"I have a shot on Purple. Not too sure 'bout them being ADVENT though. Not enough markings to be Walking Propaganda." Alex muttered into his mic, this time on the XCOM channel. If this turned into a fight, the three operatives didn't stand a chance. Not without the Great Commandy One guiding them.
@Lt Darkhound @Laplace
One of the Lava beasts was down, torn apart by his gunfire, but the second one was closing in, and with hardly any ammunition, Mox was doubtful he'd be able to take it down before it was on top of him. Leveling his weapon all the same, he took aim and-

Watched the monster get absolutely annihalated. And not by him.

Incredibly aware of the danger of unknown elements in a gunfight, Mox spun into the nearest cover, slamming a new magazine into his weapon, and taking a glance at the river of crazy that had just streamed into their little battlefield.

It was....Indescribable. Pratal didn't have a clue where to start.

Which meant it was probably dangerous. Some sort of mind-altering drugs maybe? Had they been gassed or poisoned? Where these- clearly alien- creatures even real, and if so, how unfriendly were they?

Mox knew, through personal experience, that there was no such thing as a friendly alien.

Peeking out of his meager cover in time to see the insane templar start taunting the new contacts, Prox keyed his mic onto the teams closed band. Assuming they were still using XCOM channels, of course. Thinking of Xcom caused Mox to remember the commander. If only he were here now, he'd know what to do. He usually did.

Shaking the thought from his head, Mox keyed his mic.

"Templar, keep them distracted. Reaper, do you have a shot? They either haven't seen me yet, or think I'm with them...which means they are probably ADVENT."
Rene Petit
"Y'all bitchworths need to chill," Rene opined over the comms, whispering in his helmet. "They are not ADVENT." He paused. "Well, they could be. But unlikely. They don't look like them, and I'm sure the Elders would die before they deploy these things." Then, he turned his attention back to the group. "Well then! Thanks for the save, even if we really didn't need one. I'm Rene Petit, you can either call me Smalltime or Shock, I don't give a fuck, and I'm a wizard."
"I have a shot on Purple. Not too sure 'bout them being ADVENT though. Not enough markings to be Walking Propaganda." Alex muttered into his mic, this time on the XCOM channel. If this turned into a fight, the three operatives didn't stand a chance. Not without the Great Commandy One guiding them.

"Y'all bitchworths need to chill," Rene opined over the comms, whispering in his helmet. "They are not ADVENT." He paused. "Well, they could be. But unlikely. They don't look like them, and I'm sure the Elders would die before they deploy these things." Then, he turned his attention back to the group. "Well then! Thanks for the save, even if we really didn't need one. I'm Rene Petit, you can either call me Smalltime or Shock, I don't give a fuck, and I'm a wizard."
Mox tapped the side of his helm, despite the fact that his two compatriots likely wouldn't be able to see the action.

"Can't always trust your eyes fool. Psychic confusion, seen it happen to the best. Until we have confirmation of what they are and where we are, they are to be regarded as hostiles. If you get your head ripped off by one, its not my fault. I might even enjoy watching."

Mox decided against risking another peek out of cover. If the things were psychically disguised- which he hoped for his sanities sake that they were- then that still made it dangerous. He didn't know of any friendly units operating in....wherever they were- including his own "allies"-. Which meant that the enemy would be, for some reason or another, trying to change the appearance of their own troops. Was Advent trying to confuse them? We're they in his head already? And if they weren't and that really was what the new arrivals looked like....was that better?
Rene Petit
"Y'all bitchworths need to chill," Rene opined over the comms, whispering in his helmet. "They are not ADVENT." He paused. "Well, they could be. But unlikely. They don't look like them, and I'm sure the Elders would die before they deploy these things." Then, he turned his attention back to the group. "Well then! Thanks for the save, even if we really didn't need one. I'm Rene Petit, you can either call me Smalltime or Shock, I don't give a fuck, and I'm a wizard."
Luna pushed forward, a grin on her face. "Oh thank god, a fucking wizard." She started to slow, a somewhat cautious look on her face. "...You know Constantine?" She asked, "You don't like like any wizard that the League's worked with before."
Luna pushed forward, a grin on her face. "Oh thank god, a fucking wizard." She started to slow, a somewhat cautious look on her face. "...You know Constantine?" She asked, "You don't like like any wizard that the League's worked with before."
Rene Petit
"...who precisly is this 'League' that you speak of?" Rene queried, waving his hand around. He tried to remember. In the wake of the invasion, there had been several resistance factions. Simple statistics meant that at least one would have league in their names. "I can't remember. And this John Constantine, I don't know either. All I know is that I might have to challenge him for the rights for his last name," he mused, stroking the chin of his helmet.

"A product of ancient dragon technology, transmitted through technology. Essentially, in liquid form, they can be injected into organic bodies to instantly repair damage." Lilac said.

It was about then that she noticed the odd figures in the powered armors and wielding plasma guns not calming down and still pointing guns.

Carol blinked a few times and realized the figures were not calming down. Her claws came out and she took a defensive stance near Mugman and Sam. "Lilac" she said, "I don't think all of them are friendly. And now that I think about it... powered armor and plasma guns? If we see a crazy gun-wielding snake alien leading them, then I bet who is involved in this mess!"

Lilac stared at the XCOM members, wanting to look determined but being unsure. "I don't know Carol. The armor's different and the gun designs look... different. They also haven't shot at us yet. The invaders were almost mindlessly violent, with the only form of communication they knew being to brainwash people. They've been muttering stuff since we made it here."

"Well, there's one way to be sure." Carol went, first making sure her shields were active and fully powered.

"Hey!" she called to the XCOM members. "Are you guys Shade Troopers dispatched by Brevon or not? Is this city's state your fault?"

This caused Carol to visibly relax, as well as Lilac.

"Okay. So you're not vicious alien invaders led by a snake alien anwsering to a brainwashing-happy alien conqueror. Well, at least that's good." Carol said, sounding relieved. "Now, can you guys just lower your guns? Frankly, I think all of us just want to figure out where we are and pointing guns at one another is kinda not helping."

This caused Carol to visibly relax, as well as Lilac.

"Okay. So you're not vicious alien invaders led by a snake alien anwsering to a brainwashing-happy alien conqueror. Well, at least that's good." Carol said, sounding relieved. "Now, can you guys just lower your guns? Frankly, I think all of us just want to figure out where we are and pointing guns at one another is kinda not helping."
Mox grimaced. This wasn't right. Nothing here was right. He didn't want to shoot and start something, but he would bet money on....whatever these things were being dangerous, and killing them as soon as they lowered their guns.

"Keep on your guard, Reaper, they haven't seen you yet."

Pretending to be the "good guys" was a regular schtick of Advent. They weren't the alien conquerors, or so they told the public. They were liberators, enlighteners. They held the key to humanities future, in their 'Gene Therapy' Clinics. They were here to help. Each lie more brazen and false then the last.

"Ah yes. After I lower my weapon, should I just off myself? Or would you prefer to kill me yourself, Advent Scum!" Barked the Skirmisher from behind his cover. "I don't know where they dug you up from, or what you're trying to pull, but Skirmishers do not surrender!"

And then he said something incredibly rude in ADVENT code, the resulting mixture of sharp barks and slurs seeming to drip explicatives.

Mugman was, needless to say, deeply annoyed and frustrated by these two punks. They were clearly soldiers! They were supposed to have more decorum and seriousness then this! What... What punks.

"Now you just wait one cotton picking minute! We came here because we heard gunfire! We came here and risked our hides to help you! Now I don't know what the heck this advent nonsense is but you can bet your bottom dollar that if you keep acting like this I'm going to go over there and knock some sense into you until you stop threatening random people for some reason God only knows!" Mugman yells at them, genuinely frustrated and angry at the mans sheer ungratefulness and likely bigotry, shaking his fist at the man.
Rene Petit
At the little... thing's, name pending creation or asking, outburst, Rene decided to step in. Mox and Winter, while annoying, were known. And, despite the bitterness and salt, perhaps he felt that they still deserved life. Or perhaps Rene just wanted to prolong their suffering and lord over the fact that he, voted XCOM's most insane operative, beating out Jane Kelly by a substantial margin, was the one that talked to the unknowns. Yes, that sounded not bad at all.

He clapped his hands. "Very well then!" he cried, retracting both his shimmering blades, "let us have peace!" He walked over to Mox, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "My friend, I reassure you, these, are not ADVENT. In addition, there is no hint of psionic dickery here. I can tell with my wizarding senses of wizardness. Guns down, friends! And let us all have a nice talk."

Mugman was, needless to say, deeply annoyed and frustrated by these two punks. They were clearly soldiers! They were supposed to have more decorum and seriousness then this! What... What punks.

"Now you just wait one cotton picking minute! We came here because we heard gunfire! We came here and risked our hides to help you! Now I don't know what the heck this advent nonsense is but you can bet your bottom dollar that if you keep acting like this I'm going to go over there and knock some sense into you until you stop threatening random people for some reason God only knows!" Mugman yells at them, genuinely frustrated and angry at the mans sheer ungratefulness and likely bigotry, shaking his fist at the man.
Any train of thought that Mox once had was immediately stopped dead, derailed, and flung off of a bridge into the frigid rapids below when the....cup....started yelling at him. The description was not figurative, it was not a guess. The thing was literally a cup.

This fact stunned Mox for long enough to allow Rene to do something no one had ever expected Rene to do.
Rene Petit
At the little... thing's, name pending creation or asking, outburst, Rene decided to step in. Mox and Winter, while annoying, were known. And, despite the bitterness and salt, perhaps he felt that they still deserved life. Or perhaps Rene just wanted to prolong their suffering and lord over the fact that he, voted XCOM's most insane operative, beating out Jane Kelly by a substantial margin, was the one that talked to the unknowns. Yes, that sounded not bad at all.

He clapped his hands. "Very well then!" he cried, retracting both his shimmering blades, "let us have peace!" He walked over to Mox, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "My friend, I reassure you, these, are not ADVENT. In addition, there is no hint of psionic dickery here. I can tell with my wizarding senses of wizardness. Guns down, friends! And let us all have a nice talk."
-Which was make peace.

If the train was derailed before, now it was exploding. Mox slowly turned his head to regard the Templar, as if to say 'Have you lost your mind?'

But no, there was no winning this fight. As long as he held a weapon he hadn't surrendered. It was just....something tactical. Mox didn't know. He wished the Commander were here.

"This goes wrong, and you find yourself face down on an operating table having a psionic control chip implanted into your brain stem-" Mox growled in the Templars face, slamming his armored forehead against the smaller mans. "If this goes wrong and we all die a horrible fate at the hands of....whatever those are, I want you to remember, in your last seconds of free will, that I. Was. Right."

And with that he shoved the templar away, and lowered his gun, and stepped from cover, preparing to be greeted by a projectile in the face.
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If the train was derailed before, now it was exploding. Mox slowly turned his head to regard the Templar, as if to say 'Have you lost your mind?'

But no, there was no winning this fight. As long as he held a weapon he hadn't surrendered. It was just....something tactical. Mox didn't know. He wished the Commander were here.

"This goes wrong, and you find yourself face down on an operating table having a psionic control chip implanted into your brain stem-" Mox growled in the Templars face, slamming his armored forehead against the smaller mans. "If this goes wrong and we all die a horrible fate at the hands of....whatever those are
Rene Petit
"My friend! Relax. You are too high strung. I must buy you a drink, maybe ten, at some point," he grinned, letting Mox's bad attitude wash off of him like water on a stone. "In the meantime, why not wave and say hi? You cannot possibly hate them more than you hate me. I made sure of that."

The Templar followed Mox, side by side, waving cheerily.
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Rene Petit
At the little... thing's, name pending creation or asking, outburst, Rene decided to step in. Mox and Winter, while annoying, were known. And, despite the bitterness and salt, perhaps he felt that they still deserved life. Or perhaps Rene just wanted to prolong their suffering and lord over the fact that he, voted XCOM's most insane operative, beating out Jane Kelly by a substantial margin, was the one that talked to the unknowns. Yes, that sounded not bad at all.

He clapped his hands. "Very well then!" he cried, retracting both his shimmering blades, "let us have peace!" He walked over to Mox, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "My friend, I reassure you, these, are not ADVENT. In addition, there is no hint of psionic dickery here. I can tell with my wizarding senses of wizardness. Guns down, friends! And let us all have a nice talk."

Any train of thought that Mox once had was immediately stopped dead, derailed, and flung off of a bridge into the frigid rapids below when the....cup....started yelling at him. The description was not figurative, it was not a guess. The thing was literally a cup.

This fact stunned Mox for long enough to allow Rene to do something no one had ever expected Rene to do.

-Which was make peace.

If the train was derailed before, now it was exploding. Mox slowly turned his head to regard the Templar, as if to say 'Have you lost your mind?'

But no, there was no winning this fight. As long as he held a weapon he hadn't surrendered. It was just....something tactical. Mox didn't know. He wished the Commander were here.

"This goes wrong, and you find yourself face down on an operating table having a psionic control chip implanted into your brain stem-" Mox growled in the Templars face, slamming his armored forehead against the smaller mans. "If this goes wrong and we all die a horrible fate at the hands of....whatever those are, I want you to remember, in your last seconds of free will, that I. Was. Right."

And with that he shoved the templar away, and lowered his gun, and stepped from cover, preparing to be greeted by a projectile in the face.

Rene Petit
"My friend! Relax. You are too high strung. I must buy you a drink, maybe ten, at some point," he grinned, letting Mox's bad attitude wash off of him like water on a stone. "In the meantime, why not wave and say hi? You cannot possibly hate them more than you hate me. I made sure of that."

The Templar followed Mox, side by side, waving cheerily.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Alex peered down the scope of his Shadow Lance as he watched Smalltime attempt to talk to the unknowns. It was actually quite odd. The insane Templar being reasonable. It could be some form of magic from these new contacts, or just plain psionic bullshit from the Elders, like it usually was. For now, he would wait and watch, as was the Reaper way. Should the contacts turn hostile, he would do his best to support his fellow operatives in their inevitable firefight that would culminate in their untimely demise. And if it went well, then the Reaper would improvise. Contact with unknowns rarely went well for XCOM.
Rene Petit
"...who precisly is this 'League' that you speak of?" Rene queried, waving his hand around. He tried to remember. In the wake of the invasion, there had been several resistance factions. Simple statistics meant that at least one would have league in their names. "I can't remember. And this John Constantine, I don't know either. All I know is that I might have to challenge him for the rights for his last name," he mused, stroking the chin of his helmet.
The girl blinked. "The Justice League. You know, The Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, they created an extradimensional peace keeping force designed to protect Earth from invasions and extradimensional threats. I mean, sure we only have access to a certain number of other Earths so far, but with each passing week Flash is setting up gateways to more earths. And... you might not want Contantine's name. He's... uh... Defaulted on a lot of contracts for his soul... most of the Homo Magus I've met know of him."

"A product of ancient dragon technology, transmitted through technology. Essentially, in liquid form, they can be injected into organic bodies to instantly repair damage." Lilac said.

"So... Not an actual plant..." Luna said with a sigh, shaking her head. "Damn..."
The girl blinked. "The Justice League. You know, The Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, they created an extradimensional peace keeping force designed to protect Earth from invasions and extradimensional threats. I mean, sure we only have access to a certain number of other Earths so far, but with each passing week Flash is setting up gateways to more earths. And... you might not want Contantine's name. He's... uh... Defaulted on a lot of contracts for his soul... most of the Homo Magus I've met know of him."
Rene Petit
Walking near the girl once more, Rene was confronted by a flurry of strange terms. Superman? Flash? Wonder Woman? Rendered down to their components they made sense, but in context, they presented an utterly odd picture. He shook his head. "I will be level with you. I don't know what you're talking about. I've never heard of them. Speaking of, do you know what ADVENT is? The Reapers? Templars? Skirmishers? Sectoids? The Elders?"

There's something odd going on. His senses tingled. Or that's just the Elerium coffee.
Gormaw watched the fight end with a scowl, frustrated he didn't have a chance to get stuck in. He was half tempted to continue the fight anyway and get a brawl going between the rest of the survivors, but just barely managed to restrain himself. Couldn't afford to risk his brand new boy in a skirmish like that and if the oomans here were with the Imperium then it'd take more than a bunch of guns to get them to forget about it. Instead, the ork got closer to examine the remains of the magma creature, poking the thing with the tip of his choppa's handle.

"Ugly lil fing..." The nob grumbled as he prodded the monster.