"Brave, brave Sir Smalltime, Smalltime led the way! Brave, brave, Sir Smalltime, Smalltime ran away!"
Rene Petit
"It's a tatical retreat, dipshit!" Rene screamed over the comms. "Something I'd expect you to know!" He stood up from behind a car, randomly firing a burst from his plasma autopistol at the lava-things. He fired another one, this time taking a look to survey the situation. "What's the situation, Winter?"
Rene Petit
Wildly, or as Rene would insist, caculatingly, flailing his psi-blades at the creature, casting waves of weak psionic force at random, stumbled away from the flame. Already, he could feel the bare skin of his forearms, unprotected by armor, redden and blister. Why, why did Geist, when designing the Templar armor, leave the forearms open? Perhaps he should leave a comment.

He fell on the ground, facing the sky. He didn't pause, vaulting to a standing position.

And then he ran for cover.
You bolt for the nearest car, noting as you do that Mox was laying down fire aimed at one of the creatures. Diving, you roll away as the still-tailless lava creature slams into the car behind you, hissing like a teakettle.
Rene Petit
"It's a tatical retreat, dipshit!" Rene screamed over the comms. "Something I'd expect you to know!" He stood up from behind a car, randomly firing a burst from his plasma autopistol at the lava-things. He fired another one, this time taking a look to survey the situation. "What's the situation, Winter?"
You don't exactly have the best angle to shoot at the creature, so your shot goes wild and hits some buildings across the street. Your second burst was much better aimed, managing to hit the creature in the head to it's annoyance.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Alex swore as the plasma shot sheared into the lavasharkmonsterthing (he really needed a better name for them...), but didn't kill the thing. "Damn. I knew bringing AP Ammo wasn't the best idea..." The Reaper muttered, before turning on his shortrange radio (open channel) to taunt Smalltime. "Brave, brave Sir Smalltime, Smalltime led the way! Brave, brave, Sir Smalltime, Smalltime ran away!"

After making that quiet little taunt, Alex turned his attention back towards the lavasharkmonsterthing that he had shot. By some miracle the thing was still intact, and was actively searching for him. Sticking to the shadows, Alex moved to cover behind a different car, and lined up another shot on the same target. Wasn't a Sting, but that just meant that he could get a better aimed shot. He took a slow breath as he lined up on center mass, just behind the fore legs of the lavasharkmonsterthing. With a muted pew, the high density plasma round left the Shadow Lance, and zipped towards the target.
This shot does much better, ripping through it's mouth and head in a larger spray of lava. The creature is unable to turn as it deflates like a balloon with all it's air let out.

Soon, only a puddle of lava and some rocks remain to mark where the creature had been.
Mox groaned. That hadn't been expected, or indeed welcome. However it had happened all the same. All he could hope for now is that neither of his "compatriots" had noticed. Though, from the flashes of light outside, they apparently were busy dealing with their own problems.

However, while they may not have noticed, one of the lava dog sharks had, swinging its molten head towards the still-prone Mox. Cursing in both languages he knew, the Skirmisher scrambled to his feet, scooping his Submachinegun off the rubble-strewn ground, he racked the bolt in one smooth motion and leveled it at the beast. Shouting something incomprehensible, he squeezed the trigger, letting off a burst of plasma fire.
Sadly, most of your shots miss, doing little except irritate the creature you were aiming at. It hurls itself at you, slamming into the corner of the building... and breaking it, causing the support frame to collapse on it.

At that point, it didn't stand a chance- unable to dodge, it ate a massive amount of plasma shots to it's head, and soon began to deflate.



@Insufficient Dakka

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
You don't exactly have the best angle to shoot at the creature, so your shot goes wild and hits some buildings across the street. Your second burst was much better aimed, managing to hit the creature in the head to it's annoyance.
Rene Petit
Rene did what he did best- charge in screaming a war cry, Psi-blades extended. He aimed for the head, his intent on first cleaving it off in a mighty blow and then drawing the second cut along the flanks of the beast.

He'd get burned again of course, but at he frankly didn't care at this point. That was something for future-Rene to worry about.

Future-Rene always thought past-Rene was an asshole.
Rene Petit
"It's a tatical retreat, dipshit!" Rene screamed over the comms. "Something I'd expect you to know!" He stood up from behind a car, randomly firing a burst from his plasma autopistol at the lava-things. He fired another one, this time taking a look to survey the situation. "What's the situation, Winter?"
You bolt for the nearest car, noting as you do that Mox was laying down fire aimed at one of the creatures. Diving, you roll away as the still-tailless lava creature slams into the car behind you, hissing like a teakettle.
You don't exactly have the best angle to shoot at the creature, so your shot goes wild and hits some buildings across the street. Your second burst was much better aimed, managing to hit the creature in the head to it's annoyance.

This shot does much better, ripping through it's mouth and head in a larger spray of lava. The creature is unable to turn as it deflates like a balloon with all it's air let out.

Soon, only a puddle of lava and some rocks remain to mark where the creature had been.
Sadly, most of your shots miss, doing little except irritate the creature you were aiming at. It hurls itself at you, slamming into the corner of the building... and breaking it, causing the support frame to collapse on it.

At that point, it didn't stand a chance- unable to dodge, it ate a massive amount of plasma shots to it's head, and soon began to deflate.
Rene Petit
Rene did what he did best- charge in screaming a war cry, Psi-blades extended. He aimed for the head, his intent on first cleaving it off in a mighty blow and then drawing the second cut along the flanks of the beast.

He'd get burned again of course, but at he frankly didn't care at this point. That was something for future-Rene to worry about.

Future-Rene always thought past-Rene was an asshole.
Aleksandr Kasanov
"The Tactical Retreat is a very fine art! If that's what you're attempting to do, you're failing as miserably as the French did in the Second World War!" Alex snarked back over comms as Smalltime charged back into the fray at the loner lavasharkmonsterthing. The thing was between Smalltime and him, so a miss on the lavasharkmonsterthing would still be a hit if it grazed the insane Templar. Not that Alex intended to miss, just steal Smalltime's kill. The Reaper quickly sighted in on center mass of the lavasharkmonsterthing, and pulled the trigger, even as Smalltime stabbed the thing in the face.
You bolt for the nearest car, noting as you do that Mox was laying down fire aimed at one of the creatures. Diving, you roll away as the still-tailless lava creature slams into the car behind you, hissing like a teakettle.
You don't exactly have the best angle to shoot at the creature, so your shot goes wild and hits some buildings across the street. Your second burst was much better aimed, managing to hit the creature in the head to it's annoyance.

This shot does much better, ripping through it's mouth and head in a larger spray of lava. The creature is unable to turn as it deflates like a balloon with all it's air let out.

Soon, only a puddle of lava and some rocks remain to mark where the creature had been.
Sadly, most of your shots miss, doing little except irritate the creature you were aiming at. It hurls itself at you, slamming into the corner of the building... and breaking it, causing the support frame to collapse on it.

At that point, it didn't stand a chance- unable to dodge, it ate a massive amount of plasma shots to it's head, and soon began to deflate.



@Insufficient Dakka

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
The gunfire was loud, but being loud wasn't hard to do in a dead city. However, the first enemy was dead, so that was enough for now.

However, that didn't stop two of the things friends from running in and crashing Mox's party.

Pratal grimaced. Nowhere for him to run too, and he surely couldn't count on his "allies" for help. This was on him then. The Skirmisher planted his feet, partially-used magazine falling from his weapon even as he slapped a new one in place.

The air around Pratal Mox faintly shimmered as his alien genetics automatically released battle pheromones, and pumped adrenaline into his system. He wasn't sure if either would help, but any little bit would be welcome.

Leveling his weapon at the closest of the beasts, he fired, then moved to the next target. Sharp, controlled burst of plasma, nigh-perfectly accurate at this range, and searingly deadly.
Xan stared at the... purple goat lady, but decided it was better not to answer right now.

Then she was found, again, staring at the living cartoon character as though it had grown a third head. Where the hell was this thing from - some old school Disney cartoon? It's voice sounded enough like... Mickey Mouse on helium.

At least neither of these things smelled human... they were skeeving her out enough, triggering that urge would just lead to...

Xan closed her eyes tightly, digging her nails into her palm as she tried to stop drifting into that train of thought.

Distracted from the bizarre trio, Xan flinched as she felt an unpleasant surge in her gut before looking at the garrishly dressed man. Gulping deeply, she lowered her eyes and shook her head.

Glad to be pulled away - even if it was back to the abomination trio - the haggard-looking woman raised a dark metal belt with a large oval buckle resembling a strange face, a mustache made of motorcycle handles sticking out the front and wide light purple eyes that faded into orange in the center, "...Yeah, I can fight."

'But my instincts are telling me if I want to survive this hellscape, it might be better to run...', she thought as she looked away, paranoia edging into her thoughts as she looked to the darkened corners of the blasted foyer.

"Well, that's great. Means we won't have to spend much time babysitting you." Carol's comment got her a glare from Lilac. "... what?"

The dragoness rolled her eyes. Still, Carol crossed her arms, noticing the way that the weird person was staring at them.

"Do I have something on my face or something? What's the problem?"

Lilac, guessing that Xan's flinch and general attitude was due to prejudice, decided to pre-empt things before Carol might offend Xan into saying or doing something they might all regret. "Look Carol, just drop it."

"Sheesh! Just wanted to know..."


Mugman just nodded in response to what the gals were saying, he didn't know much about aliens other than what Hinda Burg summoned up when she went and became a moon, but that was alright. It just meant there was more to know!

"I'm swell thanks! What kind of cup would I be if I couldn't be drunk out of?" Mugman replies, letting go of his straw and letting it return to it's usual straight up position. Had they never met a cup before? After a moment, a thought comes to at Carol's reaction.

"Golly! If you think that's special, watch this!" He responds, feeling boastful himself as he strikes a pose, grabbing his handle and holding it out above his torso.

Mugman pauses for a moment, lowering his head in front of his torso swirling the fluids contained in his mug around in idle thought.

"Well, I've got my Shots, and I've fought quite a few nasty folks just today with my buddy Cuphead while working as debt collectors, so I should be alright." After responding on his combat experience, he plopped his mug back onto his shoulders. This was a serious situation after all, probably life or death. He'd just beaten King Dice and the Devil though, so he was sure he could handle anything this world could throw at him!

"Golly! Are you a wrestler?" Mugman says in surprise and interest at what looked like some kind of oddball Championship Belt. He didn't know gals could be wrestlers!

"Whoa! Awesome!" went Carol, clearly impressed. "So your kind can detach their heads? That's really cool! I bet this come in handy for a lot of stuff!"

Lilac, meanwhile, looked... a bit more disturbed by what she was seeing.

However, before the duo could say or do anything else, the sound of gunfire filled the air. The reaction of the duo was pretty instantaneous. The dragoness's pupils shrunk to dots for a second and then, she ran to the door faster than any being on foot should possibly be able to.

"HEY!" went Carol before suddenly realizing what was gonna happen. "Oh dear. Please tell me you're not going to-"

"Not a chance!" went Lilac.

Then, she somehow begun to glow blue? Sparkles flew and circled as she curled up and begun to float in mid-air, a strange high-pitching whirring sound, like something building up, becoming audible. Then, as the sound reached its apex, Lilac shot out like a rocket, bursting out of the door like a living missile. She had went from standing still to faster than the speed of sound instantly... on foot. And before the eyes of the others, maintained this speed, again ON FOOT, her legs a half-circle blur as she dashed toward the source of the commotion.

The green feline sighed and facepalmed, as if used to such antics, shrugged, and then unsheated the rather ridiculously large blade she was carrying on her back.

"Sorry guys." she said, to the tacky shirt-wearing guy, the weird armor person, and the cute cartoon mug person. "But it seems I got to pull Lilac's tail out of the fire. Again."

She did a short leap... and swung her blade, which before the eyes of the others, re-arranged itself, taking the shape of a grey motorcycle. Carol wasted no time in driving right out of the building, going after her foolish, reckless dragon friend.

... and to think that Lilac believe that she's the reckless one!

Well, time to see in what kind of mess they got themselves in and what kind of weird alien has just run afoul of the local bad guys. Again.
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Glad to be pulled away - even if it was back to the abomination trio - the haggard-looking woman raised a dark metal belt with a large oval buckle resembling a strange face, a mustache made of motorcycle handles sticking out the front and wide light purple eyes that faded into orange in the center, "...Yeah, I can fight."

'But my instincts are telling me if I want to survive this hellscape, it might be better to run...', she thought as she looked away, paranoia edging into her thoughts as she looked to the darkened corners of the blasted foyer.
You couldn't see anything except dust, ashes and a pebble here and there.

The only things living nearby are you, the cup-headed kid, the guy with the sword and the two furrys heading off at ridiculous speeds... as well as whoever fired those weapons.
You couldn't see anything except dust, ashes and a pebble here and there.

The only things living nearby are you, the cup-headed kid, the guy with the sword and the two furrys heading off at ridiculous speeds... as well as whoever fired those weapons.
Her eyes narrowed as her face twisted into a scowl, starting to turn away from the group as the strange cup boy decided to drink from it's own head. As she took a step, though--

"Golly! Are you a wrestler?" Mugman says in surprise and interest at what looked like some kind of oddball Championship Belt. He didn't know gals could be wrestlers!
--She was distracted from stalking away by the strange yet... innocent creature's question. Xan's head snapped back around as her eyebrows knitted together, an inkling of concern drifting through her, "No. Something terrible... but it gets the job done."

"Well, that's great. Means we won't have to spend much time babysitting you." Carol's comment got her a glare from Lilac. "... what?"

The dragoness rolled her eyes. Still, Carol crossed her arms, noticing the way that the weird person was staring at them.

"Do I have something on my face or something? What's the problem?"

Lilac, guessing that Xan's flinch and general attitude was due to prejudice, decided to pre-empt things before Carol might offend Xan into saying or doing something they might all regret. "Look Carol, just drop it."

"Sheesh! Just wanted to know..."
Her harsh glare flattened into one of sheer annoyance at the mention of babysitting - sure, she was a pretty damn horrible thing and all but... she had some pride considering all the other inhuman monsters she'd defeated in the past alongside her mentor. Already on edge at the arrival of a definitely human lollygagger, she opened her mouth to snap a retort when--



@Insufficient Dakka

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
However, before the duo could say or do anything else, the sound of gunfire filled the air. The reaction of the duo was pretty instantaneous. The dragoness's pupils shrunk to dots for a second and then, she ran to the door faster than any being on foot should possibly be able to.

"HEY!" went Carol before suddenly realizing what was gonna happen. "Oh dear. Please tell me you're not going to-"

"Not a chance!" went Lilac.

Then, she somehow begun to glow blue? Sparkles flew and circled as she curled up and begun to float in mid-air, a strange high-pitching whirring sound, like something building up, becoming audible. Then, as the sound reached its apex, Lilac shot out like a rocket, bursting out of the door like a living missile. She had went from standing still to faster than the speed of sound instantly... on foot. And before the eyes of the others, maintained this speed, again ON FOOT, her legs a half-circle blur as she dashed toward the source of the commotion.

The green feline sighed and facepalmed, as if used to such antics, shrugged, and then unsheated the rather ridiculously large blade she was carrying on her back.

"Sorry guys." she said, to the tacky shirt-wearing guy, the weird armor person, and the cute cartoon mug person. "But it seems I got to pull Lilac's tail out of the fire. Again."

She did a short leap... and swung her blade, which before the eyes of the others, re-arranged itself, taking the shape of a grey motorcycle. Carol wasted no time in driving right out of the building, going after her foolish, reckless dragon friend.

... and to think that Lilac believe that she's the reckless one!

Well, time to see in what kind of mess they got themselves in and what kind of weird alien has just run afoul of the local bad guys. Again.
--her teeth snapped shut with a clap. It was too late to yell at the pink goat and the green cat about the fact it could be some Mad Max type looters and BOY would they be interested in some new, weird ass pets in the shape of... whatever the shit those two girls actually were.

Instead, she shuffled a little bit closer to Mugman (@malbutorious) as she kept her eye on the distance where the shot had rung out from, protectively attempting to step between him and the direction of the gunfire, "...Stay close, we might be dealing with something uglier than anything I can dish out in a second."

Her hands instinctively snapped the dark grey belt to her waist as she continued surveying the area - she wasn't about to rush out into a looter's firefight.
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Glancing up the buildings around her, Luna nodded. "These are a mite taller than the ones I practiced with back home... but it shouldn't take me too long to find a good vantage point. Maybe five, ten minutes at most..." She looked over to the stranger again, "Do you happen to have a pair of binoculars or the like on you? I normally keep a pair in my work outfit..." Left unsaid was the very solid point that she wasn't wearing said outfit, and instead just a white sundress. "Unluckily, I haven't been able to figure out organic lenses yet, so I can't just weave my vine into any yet."
Vile shrugged and chuckled. "Of course I don't. Why would I have something I don't need? Maybe you haven't realized this yet, but I'm a Reploid. This isn't armor." He paused for a moment. "Well, not in the way that you humans think of armor, at least."
The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
His auditory sensors picking up a distant sound, Vile turned around instantly, almost jumping into a fighting position. "Energy weapon discharges. At a guess, those who summoned us or those who were summoned with us. Either way, I think I should have a word with them." He looked at Luna for a moment. "You can stay with the greenskin, but I'm off to see if they know more about this than you. If he's anything at all what he looks like, I don't think he can resist the temptation of a fight, so he'll be along shortly." With that, he ran off, smoothly charging towards the sound of weapon fire. It probably wasn't much, but it might be something. Besides, it wasn't like he had any other ideas on what to do. This whole city was abandoned, where could he go if not towards a brawl?
Lilac rolled her eyes and turned her attentions to the odd ape guy in the tacky shirt, Carol also turning to face him.

"Oh, by the way, teleporter accident or something." Carol went. "No idea why it dragged you guys here too, though."

"Spatial nonesense, eh? Oh well. Good enough for now." He replied as he dusted himself off and join the small congregation, seemingly unbothered by the fact that he was a long way from Kansas.

Thinking a bit, Carol got serious for a moment. "Say, anyone here doesn't know how to fight? We can take of ourselves and I'm sure goody-blueboots will be more than glad to play hero if any of us get in trouble but well, it would be really nice if we had all skills and weapons in case we run into bad guys. Given the current pattern and the generally unfriendly looks of this place, I don't think we should hang out here longer than necessary."

Sam tapped the hilt of Murasama at his side to make his point for him. "Wouldn't be carrying this if I couldn't."

Distracted from the bizarre trio, Xan flinched as she felt an unpleasant surge in her gut before looking at the garrishly dressed man. Gulping deeply, she lowered her eyes and shook her head

Sam just beamed a smile in return. One that somehow, while genuine, was infuriatingly smug to the point of urging her to wipe it off his face with her fist.

Mugman pauses for a moment, lowering his head in front of his torso swirling the fluids contained in his mug around in idle thought.

"Well, I've got my Shots, and I've fought quite a few nasty folks just today with my buddy Cuphead while working as debt collectors, so I should be alright." After responding on his combat experience, he plopped his mug back onto his shoulders. This was a serious situation after all, probably life or death. He'd just beaten King Dice and the Devil though, so he was sure he could handle anything this world could throw at him!

"What the fuck." Sam wishepered softly, but with a lot of passion at the defiement of anatomy before him.

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here..

"Sounds like a fight." Sam remarked as he attempted to pinpoint the exact nature and direction of the sounds.

However, before the duo could say or do anything else, the sound of gunfire filled the air. The reaction of the duo was pretty instantaneous. The dragoness's pupils shrunk to dots for a second and then, she ran to the door faster than any being on foot should possibly be able to.

"HEY!" went Carol before suddenly realizing what was gonna happen. "Oh dear. Please tell me you're not going to-"

"Not a chance!" went Lilac.

Then, she somehow begun to glow blue? Sparkles flew and circled as she curled up and begun to float in mid-air, a strange high-pitching whirring sound, like something building up, becoming audible. Then, as the sound reached its apex, Lilac shot out like a rocket, bursting out of the door like a living missile. She had went from standing still to faster than the speed of sound instantly... on foot. And before the eyes of the others, maintained this speed, again ON FOOT, her legs a half-circle blur as she dashed toward the source of the commotion.

The green feline sighed and facepalmed, as if used to such antics, shrugged, and then unsheated the rather ridiculously large blade she was carrying on her back.

"Sorry guys." she said, to the tacky shirt-wearing guy, the weird armor person, and the cute cartoon mug person. "But it seems I got to pull Lilac's tail out of the fire. Again."

She did a short leap... and swung her blade, which before the eyes of the others, re-arranged itself, taking the shape of a grey motorcycle. Carol wasted no time in driving right out of the building, going after her foolish, reckless dragon friend.

... and to think that Lilac believe that she's the reckless one!

Well, time to see in what kind of mess they got themselves in and what kind of weird alien has just run afoul of the local bad guys. Again.

"Oy, wait up!" Sam yelled. They may be a bunch of weirdos but getting seperated in unknown and hostile territory wasn't going to help any of them. So he ran after them, looking rather casual despite breaking an olympic record on flip flops. He wasn't going to be overtaking either of them though.

--She was distracted from stalking away by the strange yet... innocent creature's question. Xan's head snapped back around as her eyebrows knitted together, an inkling of concern drifting through her, "No. Something terrible... but it gets the job done."
"Golly..." Mugman replies, his word drifting off. Was she a debtor like those back home? Did she sell her soul to the Devil for power? He sure hoped not, she may have been intimidatin' but nobody deserved that.

"Whoa! Awesome!" went Carol, clearly impressed. "So your kind can detach their heads? That's really cool! I bet this come in handy for a lot of stuff!"
"Why, yes it-" Mugman started for a moment before being interrupted by the sound of gunfire.

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...

At the sudden sound of gunfire, Mugman jumped in fright, his straw temporarily forming an exclamation point over his head. Although he couldn't respond in time as Lilac ran off after it with Carol soon following.

"Oh gosh! I can't just let some new friends go off alone! I better help them." Mugman says, more to himself as he acts quickly, Mugman reached into his pockets and pulled out the shrunken figure of his Aeroplane to quickly expand it. Hopping into the cockpit he pulls the ignition cable multiple times, the propellers spinning for a moment each time and the sound of the engine groaning with each pull.

"Come on you hunk of junk, you can't just let gals go off into a fight alone like this." He grumbles as he bashes the top of the plane trying to kick it into life.

Instead, she shuffled a little bit closer to Mugman (@malbutorious) as she kept her eye on the distance where the shot had rung out from, protectively attempting to step between him and the direction of the gunfire, "...Stay close, we might be dealing with something uglier than anything I can dish out in a second."

Her hands instinctively snapped the dark grey belt to her waist as she continued surveying the area - she wasn't about to rush out into a looter's firefight.
"I can't just let them go off alone like that! They may be able to handle themselves but I'd feel terrible if they got hurt when I could have helped." He says quickly as he desperately pulls the ignition cable on the plane, finally making it's engine start to roar to life and the propeller buzzing to a spin as the plane starts to hover in place in the air.

"I'm awfully sorry miss, but I've really got to go!" He yells back at her as he zooms off in his plane, chasing after the others, only just now noticing the casually dressed man from before running out. It wouldn't be hard to follow Carol's motorcycle's engine, nor the sound of gunfire.

"Oy, wait up!" Sam yelled. They may be a bunch of weirdos but getting seperated in unknown and hostile territory wasn't going to help any of them. So he ran after them, looking rather casual despite breaking an olympic record on flip flops. He wasn't going to be overtaking either of them though.

Mugman slows down as he flies alongside the fellow who was running along at a decent clip.

"Hey! Need a lift? It may look small but my plane is a strong feller!" Mugman wouldn't be able to shrink down his plane with a second passenger on board, and it'd be a bit slower from the weight, but he should be able to at least help him follow the others.
The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
Gormaw rushed from out of the eatery at the sound of general destruction, chain choppa and kustom slugga in either hand. Red eyes watched Vile run off.

"Oi, iz dat sneaky git tryin' ta find a fight wiffout us?!" Gormaw half asked, half shouted to Luna. He didn't wait for an answer before running off after the robot, gunning his chain axe as he ran on stubby but powerful legs.
Mugman slows down as he flies alongside the fellow who was running along at a decent clip.

"Hey! Need a lift? It may look small but my plane is a strong feller!" Mugman wouldn't be able to shrink down his plane with a second passenger on board, and it'd be a bit slower from the weight, but he should be able to at least help him follow the others.

"If you think you can handle it, that'd be nice!" Sam said before jumping up to a frankly unreasonable hight for someone who looked so relatively normal, if highly out of place. The hight would give Mugman ample opportunity to manouvre the plane under Sam, and for Sam to carefully aim his decent as to not dropkick the toon in the head.
Vile shrugged and chuckled. "Of course I don't. Why would I have something I don't need? Maybe you haven't realized this yet, but I'm a Reploid. This isn't armor." He paused for a moment. "Well, not in the way that you humans think of armor, at least."
"Reploid...?" The girl repeated the word, quite obviously unfamiliar with it. She look up at the stranger, about to ask further when -

The sound of plasmafire, collapsing buildings and voices echo through the empty city, losing their meaning but reaching the ears of everyone else here...
The girl flinched at the sound of weapon fire, face going a little pale. Before she smoothed her face into a much sharper expression.
His auditory sensors picking up a distant sound, Vile turned around instantly, almost jumping into a fighting position. "Energy weapon discharges. At a guess, those who summoned us or those who were summoned with us. Either way, I think I should have a word with them." He looked at Luna for a moment. "You can stay with the greenskin, but I'm off to see if they know more about this than you. If he's anything at all what he looks like, I don't think he can resist the temptation of a fight, so he'll be along shortly." With that, he ran off, smoothly charging towards the sound of weapon fire. It probably wasn't much, but it might be something. Besides, it wasn't like he had any other ideas on what to do. This whole city was abandoned, where could he go if not towards a brawl?

Gormaw rushed from out of the eatery at the sound of general destruction, chain choppa and kustom slugga in either hand. Red eyes watched Vile run off.

"Oi, iz dat sneaky git tryin' ta find a fight wiffout us?!" Gormaw half asked, half shouted to Luna. He didn't wait for an answer before running off after the robot, gunning his chain axe as he ran on stubby but powerful legs.
Watching as Gormmy did exactly what the stranger... Reploid? How he said it didn't sound like a name... and the word itself...

No. No time for that.

Gormmy did exactly as the stranger thought he would. It was amusing.

But no time for that. The girl started to run forward, before pushing off, leaping as high into the air as she could, easily soaring up, over the top of the buildings, a good couple of feet over eighty in the air, the girl glanced around, trying to see if she could spot where the battle was happening before she landed.
"I can't just let them go off alone like that! They may be able to handle themselves but I'd feel terrible if they got hurt when I could have helped." He says quickly as he desperately pulls the ignition cable on the plane, finally making it's engine start to roar to life and the propeller buzzing to a spin as the plane starts to hover in place in the air.

"I'm awfully sorry miss, but I've really got to go!" He yells back at her as he zooms off in his plane, chasing after the others, only just now noticing the casually dressed man from before running out. It wouldn't be hard to follow Carol's motorcycle's engine, nor the sound of gunfire.
Xan stared at the plane zooming off from her shoulder with a blank expression before glancing around the ruins again, realizing she was alone. Her shoulders drooped as she took in a deep breath... before covering her mouth and hacking harshly from the sulfurous grit. Once the fit had died down, she briefly considered her options - chase after the strange ass group that had appeared in the hellscape, or sit here and hope they return.

One meant she kept her secret safe for a little bit longer.

The other meant blowing the doors wide open on it, and all it's disgusting intricacies, to make sure that group of weirdos wasn't sold into some friggin' Mad Max black market. ...It's what Haruka would do, though.

Turning back to where she arrived, Xan raised a hand as though hailing a taxi, only to be greeted by blazing emerald eyes, followed by a strange red motorcycle seconds later. She threw herself over the machine and raced off to catch up with the rest of the group.
Rene Petit
Rene did what he did best- charge in screaming a war cry, Psi-blades extended. He aimed for the head, his intent on first cleaving it off in a mighty blow and then drawing the second cut along the flanks of the beast.

He'd get burned again of course, but at he frankly didn't care at this point. That was something for future-Rene to worry about.

Future-Rene always thought past-Rene was an asshole.
Your blow descended upon the creature's head... but just as your blade bit into the crest, Kasanov took the opportunity to blow out the thing's center of mass, causing it to deflate like a balloon.
Aleksandr Kasanov
"The Tactical Retreat is a very fine art! If that's what you're attempting to do, you're failing as miserably as the French did in the Second World War!" Alex snarked back over comms as Smalltime charged back into the fray at the loner lavasharkmonsterthing. The thing was between Smalltime and him, so a miss on the lavasharkmonsterthing would still be a hit if it grazed the insane Templar. Not that Alex intended to miss, just steal Smalltime's kill. The Reaper quickly sighted in on center mass of the lavasharkmonsterthing, and pulled the trigger, even as Smalltime stabbed the thing in the face.
Your shot hits perfectly, stealing the Templar's kill before he could react.
The gunfire was loud, but being loud wasn't hard to do in a dead city. However, the first enemy was dead, so that was enough for now.

However, that didn't stop two of the things friends from running in and crashing Mox's party.

Pratal grimaced. Nowhere for him to run too, and he surely couldn't count on his "allies" for help. This was on him then. The Skirmisher planted his feet, partially-used magazine falling from his weapon even as he slapped a new one in place.

The air around Pratal Mox faintly shimmered as his alien genetics automatically released battle pheromones, and pumped adrenaline into his system. He wasn't sure if either would help, but any little bit would be welcome.

Leveling his weapon at the closest of the beasts, he fired, then moved to the next target. Sharp, controlled burst of plasma, nigh-perfectly accurate at this range, and searingly deadly.
A number of your shots ground into one of the creature's crests, but enough land to the point where the creature begins spraying lava everywhere as it deflates.

Backing up, you turn to the other one... just to see a glowing blue purple goat person strike out at it, air around it flickering as sprayed lava was stopped by some sort of force field.

"Well, that's great. Means we won't have to spend much time babysitting you." Carol's comment got her a glare from Lilac. "... what?"

The dragoness rolled her eyes. Still, Carol crossed her arms, noticing the way that the weird person was staring at them.

"Do I have something on my face or something? What's the problem?"

Lilac, guessing that Xan's flinch and general attitude was due to prejudice, decided to pre-empt things before Carol might offend Xan into saying or doing something they might all regret. "Look Carol, just drop it."

"Sheesh! Just wanted to know..."

"Whoa! Awesome!" went Carol, clearly impressed. "So your kind can detach their heads? That's really cool! I bet this come in handy for a lot of stuff!"

Lilac, meanwhile, looked... a bit more disturbed by what she was seeing.

However, before the duo could say or do anything else, the sound of gunfire filled the air. The reaction of the duo was pretty instantaneous. The dragoness's pupils shrunk to dots for a second and then, she ran to the door faster than any being on foot should possibly be able to.

"HEY!" went Carol before suddenly realizing what was gonna happen. "Oh dear. Please tell me you're not going to-"

"Not a chance!" went Lilac.

Then, she somehow begun to glow blue? Sparkles flew and circled as she curled up and begun to float in mid-air, a strange high-pitching whirring sound, like something building up, becoming audible. Then, as the sound reached its apex, Lilac shot out like a rocket, bursting out of the door like a living missile. She had went from standing still to faster than the speed of sound instantly... on foot. And before the eyes of the others, maintained this speed, again ON FOOT, her legs a half-circle blur as she dashed toward the source of the commotion.

The green feline sighed and facepalmed, as if used to such antics, shrugged, and then unsheated the rather ridiculously large blade she was carrying on her back.

"Sorry guys." she said, to the tacky shirt-wearing guy, the weird armor person, and the cute cartoon mug person. "But it seems I got to pull Lilac's tail out of the fire. Again."

She did a short leap... and swung her blade, which before the eyes of the others, re-arranged itself, taking the shape of a grey motorcycle. Carol wasted no time in driving right out of the building, going after her foolish, reckless dragon friend.

... and to think that Lilac believe that she's the reckless one!

Well, time to see in what kind of mess they got themselves in and what kind of weird alien has just run afoul of the local bad guys. Again.
It only took a second to reach the fight at Lilac's speed, and as she approached she could see the lava creature harassing some guy with a gun. So of course she'd attack the creature.

Carol, on the other hand, wasn't as fast, so she got there thirty seconds later, having followed the plane above toward the scene.

"Golly..." Mugman replies, his word drifting off. Was she a debtor like those back home? Did she sell her soul to the Devil for power? He sure hoped not, she may have been intimidatin' but nobody deserved that.

"Why, yes it-" Mugman started for a moment before being interrupted by the sound of gunfire.

At the sudden sound of gunfire, Mugman jumped in fright, his straw temporarily forming an exclamation point over his head. Although he couldn't respond in time as Lilac ran off after it with Carol soon following.

"Oh gosh! I can't just let some new friends go off alone! I better help them." Mugman says, more to himself as he acts quickly, Mugman reached into his pockets and pulled out the shrunken figure of his Aeroplane to quickly expand it. Hopping into the cockpit he pulls the ignition cable multiple times, the propellers spinning for a moment each time and the sound of the engine groaning with each pull.

"Come on you hunk of junk, you can't just let gals go off into a fight alone like this." He grumbles as he bashes the top of the plane trying to kick it into life.

"I can't just let them go off alone like that! They may be able to handle themselves but I'd feel terrible if they got hurt when I could have helped." He says quickly as he desperately pulls the ignition cable on the plane, finally making it's engine start to roar to life and the propeller buzzing to a spin as the plane starts to hover in place in the air.

"I'm awfully sorry miss, but I've really got to go!" He yells back at her as he zooms off in his plane, chasing after the others, only just now noticing the casually dressed man from before running out. It wouldn't be hard to follow Carol's motorcycle's engine, nor the sound of gunfire.

Mugman slows down as he flies alongside the fellow who was running along at a decent clip.

"Hey! Need a lift? It may look small but my plane is a strong feller!" Mugman wouldn't be able to shrink down his plane with a second passenger on board, and it'd be a bit slower from the weight, but he should be able to at least help him follow the others.

"If you think you can handle it, that'd be nice!" Sam said before jumping up to a frankly unreasonable hight for someone who looked so relatively normal, if highly out of place. The hight would give Mugman ample opportunity to maneuver the plane under Sam, and for Sam to carefully aim his decent as to not dropkick the toon in the head.
Sam lands without any due fuss, and the plane takes off, climbing quickly above the lower rooftops as the two of you look around for whatever the gunfire was...

Then the pilot noticed the flashes from an abandoned shopping mall's parking lot.
Xan stared at the plane zooming off from her shoulder with a blank expression before glancing around the ruins again, realizing she was alone. Her shoulders drooped as she took in a deep breath... before covering her mouth and hacking harshly from the sulfurous grit. Once the fit had died down, she briefly considered her options - chase after the strange ass group that had appeared in the hellscape, or sit here and hope they return.

One meant she kept her secret safe for a little bit longer.

The other meant blowing the doors wide open on it, and all it's disgusting intricacies, to make sure that group of weirdos wasn't sold into some friggin' Mad Max black market. ...It's what Haruka would do, though.

Turning back to where she arrived, Xan raised a hand as though hailing a taxi, only to be greeted by blazing emerald eyes, followed by a strange red motorcycle seconds later. She threw herself over the machine and raced off to catch up with the rest of the group.
You couldn't exactly follow the plane strait, but you could follow the green cat with the bike, and soon caught up to her.

It was only a few moments later that the two of you arrived.
Vile shrugged and chuckled. "Of course I don't. Why would I have something I don't need? Maybe you haven't realized this yet, but I'm a Reploid. This isn't armor." He paused for a moment. "Well, not in the way that you humans think of armor, at least."

His auditory sensors picking up a distant sound, Vile turned around instantly, almost jumping into a fighting position. "Energy weapon discharges. At a guess, those who summoned us or those who were summoned with us. Either way, I think I should have a word with them." He looked at Luna for a moment. "You can stay with the greenskin, but I'm off to see if they know more about this than you. If he's anything at all what he looks like, I don't think he can resist the temptation of a fight, so he'll be along shortly." With that, he ran off, smoothly charging towards the sound of weapon fire. It probably wasn't much, but it might be something. Besides, it wasn't like he had any other ideas on what to do. This whole city was abandoned, where could he go if not towards a brawl?
It surprisingly wasn't far; down two blocks, then a left, and you could see the parking lot with all the commotion on your right.

Gormaw rushed from out of the eatery at the sound of general destruction, chain choppa and kustom slugga in either hand. Red eyes watched Vile run off.

"Oi, iz dat sneaky git tryin' ta find a fight wiffout us?!" Gormaw half asked, half shouted to Luna. He didn't wait for an answer before running off after the robot, gunning his chain axe as he ran on stubby but powerful legs.
You're able to keep pace with the Reploid, slowly cathing up as you follow it toward the fight... and there it is.
"Reploid...?" The girl repeated the word, quite obviously unfamiliar with it. She look up at the stranger, about to ask further when -

The girl flinched at the sound of weapon fire, face going a little pale. Before she smoothed her face into a much sharper expression.

Watching as Gormmy did exactly what the stranger... Reploid? How he said it didn't sound like a name... and the word itself...

No. No time for that.

Gormmy did exactly as the stranger thought he would. It was amusing.

But no time for that. The girl started to run forward, before pushing off, leaping as high into the air as she could, easily soaring up, over the top of the buildings, a good couple of feet over eighty in the air, the girl glanced around, trying to see if she could spot where the battle was happening before she landed.
From here, you could see a blue glow coming from a nearby shopping mall parking lot, as well as someone using some sort of glowing weapon... wait is that a tiny plane with a guy on it's back?

...Well, even distracted like you were, you easily nail the landing in the parking lot, a good distance behind the guy with the glowing swords.
Throwing a hand out, Luna gave a mental prob to the vine that wrapped around her arm. It shifted and flowed, in an almost serpentine manner as it moved into her hands. Bringing her hands together, the girl quickly shaped the vine into the vague shape of a blade, as it began to darken.

The vine shifted further, shifting into an elaborate broadsword that at first glance looked to be made of black obsidian, but should one be close enough, it's obviously of wood.

Just wood blacker than the night sky, and harder than steel. Cupping the pommel of the blade, Luna gave a command, allowing the bottom of the blade to open up, depositing a small seed in her hands.

With blade in one hand, and pure potential in the other, the girl approached, trying to get a better look at the battlefield, and the strangers who were a part of it.

She didn't want to be on the wrong side of the fight after all.
As the dragoness ran toward the fight scene, she quickly assessed the situation. Armored figures, fighting what was obviously lava monsters. It was quite easy to guess what the situation was, especially given the similarity of some of the attacked figures compared to the people who had warped into this mysterious world with her.

Noticing that they had managed to defeat all of the monsters but one, Lilac decided to pre-empt it. She came as a lavender, black, and blue blur before coming into range of the strange creature. Without slowing down, she spun a bit and swung her tendrils, turning her momentum into kinetic energy, unleashing an upward slashing motion with them. The goal was to launch the monster off the ground, allowing her to whip it repeatedly while its feet left the ground before using a spinning kick to slam it back into the ground.

That is, given it connects. If it does not or something goes wrong, it should be easy to instead convert her remaining momentum into a Dragon Cyclone, allowing her to disengage.

In the distance, Carol was once again questionning her best friend's sanity as she tried to get there as fast as she could while hoping that the burly aliens with the big armor suits and the big guns won't decide that they're threats just the same as that odd lava monster.

... why is that lava monster after those weirdos anyway?
As the dragoness ran toward the fight scene, she quickly assessed the situation. Armored figures, fighting what was obviously lava monsters. It was quite easy to guess what the situation was, especially given the similarity of some of the attacked figures compared to the people who had warped into this mysterious world with her.

Noticing that they had managed to defeat all of the monsters but one, Lilac decided to pre-empt it. She came as a lavender, black, and blue blur before coming into range of the strange creature. Without slowing down, she spun a bit and swung her tendrils, turning her momentum into kinetic energy, unleashing an upward slashing motion with them. The goal was to launch the monster off the ground, allowing her to whip it repeatedly while its feet left the ground before using a spinning kick to slam it back into the ground.

That is, given it connects. If it does not or something goes wrong, it should be easy to instead convert her remaining momentum into a Dragon Cyclone, allowing her to disengage.

In the distance, Carol was once again questioning her best friend's sanity as she tried to get there as fast as she could while hoping that the burly aliens with the big armor suits and the big guns won't decide that they're threats just the same as that odd lava monster.

... why is that lava monster after those weirdos anyway?
Hilariously enough, instead of launching the creature your tendrils pierced into the lava, sending a spray of superhot rock onto your shield. The creature attempted to turn to snap at you, leaving him open to be finished off by the guy with the gun...
Hilariously enough, instead of launching the creature your tendrils pierced into the lava, sending a spray of superhot rock onto your shield. The creature attempted to turn to snap at you, leaving him open to be finished off by the guy with the gun...

Sash was rather... unpleasantly surprised. Her automated shielding came online and for a moment, the transparent force field that surrounded her flashed blue, becoming visible. But given what she had just done, enough of the sudden heat still passed through that she aborted her course of action and immediately kicked backward. She barely managed to not land on her face, groaning in annoyance. She briefly lowered her visor for a second and muttered something that was not quite her usual style of speech. But then, given that the display told her that she had apparently just significantly damaged her shields by sticking her tendrils into something that would usually vaporize them, that was understandable.

Then, she mentally kicked herself. It dawned upon her, a bit too late, that she had tackled the situation without thinking. She had gotten in trouble before because of that, almost died because of it. Now, she had just taken rather large amounts of damage uselessly and made a fool out of herself trying to play hero.

It also dawned to her that if she had switched her shield to its Fire configuration, she might have both avoided damage and managed to actually damage the thing.

Such internal thoughts were thankfully very swift inside her mind, meaning that she was sufficiently aware to see the monster's counter-attack coming. Namely, trying to snap at her. Despite her tendril stinging, she rather easily kicked into the ground, going backward briefly, putting some distance between herself and the lava monster as to cause its maneuver to miss.

In the distance, Carol was rather less than impressed ; hasn't Lilac learnt anything from the Brevon Crisis? Apart from the fact that she just dove into a conflict they have no info upon, it seems Lilac has once again bit on more than she can chew. Seriously, trying to attack a monster apparently made of lava barehanded? Certainly not one of Lilac's brightest moves to say the least.

Well, lava probably mean extreme heat and she happen to have an elemental orb with the correct charge available for her shield generator.

Hopefully, Lilac won't do anything stupid before she get there. Well, more stupid than she already did.

"If you think you can handle it, that'd be nice!" Sam said before jumping up to a frankly unreasonable hight for someone who looked so relatively normal, if highly out of place. The hight would give Mugman ample opportunity to manouvre the plane under Sam, and for Sam to carefully aim his decent as to not dropkick the toon in the head.
Sam lands without any due fuss, and the plane takes off, climbing quickly above the lower rooftops as the two of you look around for whatever the gunfire was...

Then the pilot noticed the flashes from an abandoned shopping mall's parking lot.
Catching the man with the wings was easy enough, his plane was actually pretty agile when it cane down to it. Seein the bright green flashes reminded Mugman of the Chaser shots, but manuvering closer, making a wide turn for his new passenger's sake, he saw the scary looking lava monster. Seeing Lilac get sprawed out by the Lava Monster's backlash forced Mugman to make his decision, pushing a pedal on the floor of his plane he launched a few Toon Patented Friendly Fire Proof BombsTM​ as soon as he got in range of the beast from above. Back home, it'd take minutes of constant bombardment to defeat a large scary lookin opponent, but Mugman had a feelin' that he was in a Run and Gun more than a Boss Fight.
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Catching the man with the wings was easy enough, his plane was actually pretty agile when it cane down to it. Seein the bright green flashes reminded Mugman of the Chaser shots, but manuvering closer, making a wide turn for his new passenger's sake, he saw the scary looking lava monster. Seeing Lilac get sprawed out by the Lava Monster's backlash forced Mugman to make his decision, pushing a pedal on the floor of his plane he launched a few Toon Patented Friendly Fire Proof BombsTM​ as soon as he got in range of the beast from above. Back home, it'd take minutes of constant bombardment to defeat a large scary lookin opponent, but Mugman had a feelin' that he was in a Run and Gun more than a Boss Fight.

"Looks like we're dealing witha real hothead!" Sam shouted over the roaring of the air passing by them. He had his flip-flop clad feet firmly planted on the rotor plane's wings, standing in a low crouch as to minimize drag and be in a proper iaido stance.

"Drive me closer! I want to hit it with my sword!" If Mugman were to do a low altitude bombing run Sam could give a little demonstration as to why his nickname was Jetstream.

"Looks like we're dealing witha real hothead!" Sam shouted over the roaring of the air passing by them. He had his flip-flop clad feet firmly planted on the rotor plane's wings, standing in a low crouch as to minimize drag and be in a proper iaido stance.

"Drive me closer! I want to hit it with my sword!" If Mugman were to do a low altitude bombing run Sam could give a little demonstration as to why his nickname was Jetstream.
"Sure thing good buddy!" Mugman replied with a chuckle, it's always good to know that a new friend has a sense of humor. Mugman takes the plane into a dive, launching bombs all the while at the lava monster as he attempts to swoop within arms distance of the creature. He's done trickier maneuvers, and he can afford to take a hit or two.

"Sure thing good buddy!" Mugman replied with a chuckle, it's always good to know that a new friend has a sense of humor. Mugman takes the plane into a dive, launching bombs all the while at the lava monster as he attempts to swoop within arms distance of the creature. He's done trickier maneuvers, and he can afford to take a hit or two.

A smirk appeared on Sam's face as he readied himself. The closer to the monster they got the hotter the atmosphere and the more Sam's perception of time begun to slow.
The individual, roiling streams of lava in the monster became visible to him, wreathed in cinders and shimmering air. He saw the sluggish movements of his allies and the monster itself, bancing around one another as though they were deep underwater. And he felt the sheer power held in his body coiling in on itself, waiting for that one moment, that one perfect opportunity to spring free and obliterate whatever stood in its way.


And with a simple pull on the trigger, that coil sprung and Murasama was shot out of its sheathe at dazzling speeds. But Sam graped its hilt nonetheless and completed the slash perfectly. A blood red, crescent arc of wind contained by the crackling power coursing through Murasama blasted forward and towards the lava monster, intent on bisecting the beast in one fell swoop.
Sash was rather... unpleasantly surprised. Her automated shielding came online and for a moment, the transparent force field that surrounded her flashed blue, becoming visible. But given what she had just done, enough of the sudden heat still passed through that she aborted her course of action and immediately kicked backward. She barely managed to not land on her face, groaning in annoyance. She briefly lowered her visor for a second and muttered something that was not quite her usual style of speech. But then, given that the display told her that she had apparently just significantly damaged her shields by sticking her tendrils into something that would usually vaporize them, that was understandable.

Then, she mentally kicked herself. It dawned upon her, a bit too late, that she had tackled the situation without thinking. She had gotten in trouble before because of that, almost died because of it. Now, she had just taken rather large amounts of damage uselessly and made a fool out of herself trying to play hero.

It also dawned to her that if she had switched her shield to its Fire configuration, she might have both avoided damage and managed to actually damage the thing.

Such internal thoughts were thankfully very swift inside her mind, meaning that she was sufficiently aware to see the monster's counter-attack coming. Namely, trying to snap at her. Despite her tendril stinging, she rather easily kicked into the ground, going backward briefly, putting some distance between herself and the lava monster as to cause its maneuver to miss.

In the distance, Carol was rather less than impressed ; hasn't Lilac learnt anything from the Brevon Crisis? Apart from the fact that she just dove into a conflict they have no info upon, it seems Lilac has once again bit on more than she can chew. Seriously, trying to attack a monster apparently made of lava barehanded? Certainly not one of Lilac's brightest moves to say the least.

Well, lava probably mean extreme heat and she happen to have an elemental orb with the correct charge available for her shield generator.

Hopefully, Lilac won't do anything stupid before she get there. Well, more stupid than she already did.


Catching the man with the wings was easy enough, his plane was actually pretty agile when it cane down to it. Seein the bright green flashes reminded Mugman of the Chaser shots, but manuvering closer, making a wide turn for his new passenger's sake, he saw the scary looking lava monster. Seeing Lilac get sprawed out by the Lava Monster's backlash forced Mugman to make his decision, pushing a pedal on the floor of his plane he launched a few Toon Patented Friendly Fire Proof BombsTM​ as soon as he got in range of the beast from above. Back home, it'd take minutes of constant bombardment to defeat a large scary lookin opponent, but Mugman had a feelin' that he was in a Run and Gun more than a Boss Fight.

"Looks like we're dealing witha real hothead!" Sam shouted over the roaring of the air passing by them. He had his flip-flop clad feet firmly planted on the rotor plane's wings, standing in a low crouch as to minimize drag and be in a proper iaido stance.

"Drive me closer! I want to hit it with my sword!" If Mugman were to do a low altitude bombing run Sam could give a little demonstration as to why his nickname was Jetstream.

"Sure thing good buddy!" Mugman replied with a chuckle, it's always good to know that a new friend has a sense of humor. Mugman takes the plane into a dive, launching bombs all the while at the lava monster as he attempts to swoop within arms distance of the creature. He's done trickier maneuvers, and he can afford to take a hit or two.
A smirk appeared on Sam's face as he readied himself. The closer to the monster they got the hotter the atmosphere and the more Sam's perception of time begun to slow.
The individual, roiling streams of lava in the monster became visible to him, wreathed in cinders and shimmering air. He saw the sluggish movements of his allies and the monster itself, bancing around one another as though they were deep underwater. And he felt the sheer power held in his body coiling in on itself, waiting for that one moment, that one perfect opportunity to spring free and obliterate whatever stood in its way.


And with a simple pull on the trigger, that coil sprung and Murasama was shot out of its sheathe at dazzling speeds. But Sam grasped its hilt nonetheless and completed the slash perfectly. A blood red, crescent arc of wind contained by the crackling power coursing through Murasama blasted forward and towards the lava monster, intent on bisecting the beast in one fell swoop.
Things went... well, not perfectly, but damn well.

As Lilac threw herself back, bombs began slamming into the ground around the creature, detonating and showering the creature in small plumes of rubble. The ever-constant brr of the propeller, as well as the bombs, took it's attention off the dragon as it turned, mouth already filling with fire...

Then the crescent of crimson wind bit deep, perfectly bisecting the beast and causing it to deflate in a splatter of lava. The fight was over.