I yawned, stretching as I went from a deep sleep to a half-awakened state. My fingers brushed the dandelions on the ground, and I shot up.

This was not my bed, these were not the clothes that I went to sleep in, and this was not my house.

Internal panic set in, before I clamped down on that.

All around me, hundreds of people were crawling out from under tarps or out of holes, blinking in the early morning light. A trio of strange individuals were talking worriedly a few yards away, two men and a spearwoman who looked oddly like the Nasuverse Jeanne D'Arc.

Part of me worried that they would see me as a stranger, an enemy. A strange man in strange clothes suddenly appearing in their encampment overnight was unlikely to be seen in an friendly light. But, looking around at the ramshackle tent city covering the dandelion-covered field, at the faces of people who looked as lost as I felt, I had the feeling that my circumstances were not unfamiliar.

Grabbing the heavy leatherbound book that I had pulled from the shelves of that otherworldly library, and the wooden staff that I had awoken next to, I started off towards the trio. They would likely have answers.

"Uh, hi? I just woke up here, do you know whats going on?"

Actions: Read Book x3 (Strength, Toughness, Speed)

@PanzerComrade56 @Terran Imperium @ZeeBat

Edit: Ignore the dice rolls.
Newix threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: 4 Total: 20
4 4 5 5 3 3 8 8
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"Pick a book and learn an external magic, or leave and become an internal mage"
"Umm, I will just leave then"
*Fades to black*

I woke up to sun in my eyes, on a damp field in the middle of nowhere. And shouting and even some wood cutting? "What the fuck?" I pushed myself to my feet quickly, with surprising grace. I tried to rearrange my glasses, then when they weren't there I checked the ground. No glasses? Then I noticed that I could see really clearly, and I took a bit more notice around me.
I was in a sectioned off patch of field amidst dozens of other sleepers, and right before my eyes another person appeared from an unoccupied patch. That wasn't all. A small group of humanoids were in small clusters arguing or just normally talking to each other. I noticed there were a few people reading books, even a dude with some snow around him. Clearly these were the people who chose to pick a book and be magicians.
"Wait, so what am I?" I looked at my slim but fairly firm hands, and the clean and finely trimmed nails. My hair was long and loose, with a small circlet that seemed to act as a headband. Long blonde hair half-way down my back!
I touched my ears, suspicious of something. Pointed. I looked down at my feet. Hmm, seems a bit further a way than normal, though not by a huge amount.
I then noticed I was wearing a sword and shield, with a dagger hanging on a firm belt on each side. I was wearing armour, and had a heavy pack on my back. I searched through it and grabbed a food bar to nom on. Unfortunately my water bottles were empty. Lots of rope and a tarp would be useful.

Anyway, after a few minutes of inspecting my gear, interspersed by glancing at the regular new arrivals to see if they looked special, I decided to do something.

I walked up to a dude with a wooden staff and a big book who had just woken up and appeared to be greeting a tiny cluster of people talking.

"Hey what's going on? what the hell is up with us all appearing in a random place? I'm an elf which is legit though. I feel quite elfy too." *offers hand to shake to group.

@PanzerComrade56, @Terran Imperium, @ZeeBat, @Newix

Action 1: start training 10 groups of Internal Mages in swordfighting (13 dice iirc)
Action 2: Find a spot further away from where the others have dug their shelters at, and dig my own personal Latrine, and set up a makeshift hovel for myself
Action 3: train my personal skill Swordsmastery
Rikimaru threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Training swordfighters Total: 52
2 2 9 9 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 2 2
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The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of void. You can in passing see others dreams, a mecha t-rex fighting a mouse wizard. Love and wealth, war and peace. All that is human lies out before you. You see also the forces of the mind raw energy and power made physical in one form or another. In time you are dragged before a maze of physical invisible force, wandering your way though it, eventually you get to the center and grab onto an orb of that same type of force.

When you awaken you are able to summon a small amount of telekinetic force around your hand

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Toughness: 0
Finesse: 0
(+1 to two different magic stats of choice)
Davius awoke with a small gasp, overwhelmed by the sudden sensation of power he felt. As he looked at the source of it, he couldn't help but to laugh out in amazement. As he waved his hand at the dandelions around him, the light and fragile flowers snapped and flew a short distance away. The sight reminded him of how he used to kick similar plants when he was returning home from school, years ago when he was young. Today, the sound of their delicate stems cracking under his newfound power was just as satisfying. He loved the idea of telekinesis since he was a small child, enamoured with the idea of maing things move with a mere gesture.

For a moment, even though he was approaching his thirties, he was back that child that watched with awe as Darth Vader tossed pieces of machinery at Luke in a display f telekinetic might, and didn't care that his recreation of the scene with some flowers was far less impressive.

Still, eventually he caught himself at how silly he must have looked like, and his dream coming true or not, he decided that he had to start acting like an adult now. Especially seeing that most people around him were in their early twenties at best, so he probably should start acting as the adult in the room he technically was. As he looked around, most of the remaining exhilaration left him when he saw Anastasia and Cosmas. A reminder that he had more immediate concerns than food situation or threats from all sides, if what the orcs had told this 'Matthew' was true.

Regardless of the anxiety he felt, he donned his usual a polite smile and moved to the group that regarded him with suspicion, but also the one which seemed to contain quite a concentration of powerful individuals. He needed their acceptance if he was to survive in this new strange world. Some part of him just now realised that he was never going to meet his friends or family again. Those distrustful stragners were all the people he knew here. Davius tried to push these somber thoughts aside and focus on conversation at hand.

"Well, those aren't good news. We definitely can't stay here for long, and neither the forest, nor the mountains are viable paths for us to take. I admire your forward thinking Matthew, it greatly helped us." It was the first time he spoke with the dragon-man, so Davius wagered it would pay him off to be especially polite. Besides, his actions really were worthy of praise.

"Since the consensus appears to be not leaving this rather enormous and ever growing group, and we don't know when the people will stop arriving, I believe we should prepare for the possibility of the Dwarves' plan failing and said Queen's forces attacking us before that happens. In that case, our best bet at defending ourselves would be to try and consolidate this crowd." He himself would prefer to leave it with a group of well chosen companions, but he knew that it would be a lost battle with Anastasia having become the front and somewhat of a heart of this group.

"The highest units of organisation seem to be groups of around a dozen people. There is no one trying to promote cooperation between them, so it appears we need to do this. The best way to start, would be by trying to convince other groups to join us and have us work to establish a relatively well organised camp where we guide any volunteers to hunt, gather resources, build shelters or train, depending on their skills. It would be best if it was placed somewhere near the arrival point for all the new people.

"From then on, people will probably decide to join us on their own. Many are going to initially lack the skills necessary to hunt or scavenge for food on their own, or to make shelter, so if they see a group with the people who can provide all of this in exchange for doing what they are skilled in, they are going to want to join it.

"Besides, all of us have appeared on an alien and apparently hostile new world, surrounded by strangers. Being guided to do what they can do best is going to help them come to terms with this situation." 'I have yet to myself' thought Davius. He did his best to ignore this worry.

"Of course, it would be only a temporary solution to the problem of complete lack of organisation of our crowd, but it is at least a start, and we can try to initiate more complicated group efforts, like fortifying this place, once we have any group to speak of. What do you think?"

Distribute points to Strenght and Speed.
Action 1: Practice telekinesis by using it to help whatever tasks Davius needs to perform, training as book commands and playing with with it in free time.
Action 2: Read as much of the book as possible.
Action 3: Try to convince some NPC groups to join our group and start working towards establishing our camp, as stated above.
"Uh, hi? I just woke up here, do you know whats going on?"
"Hey what's going on? what the hell is up with us all appearing in a random place? I'm an elf which is legit though. I feel quite elfy too." *offers hand to shake to group.
Anastasia's eyes brightened upon seeing new comrades join them. She gave them a wide blinding sunny smile.

"Welcometh. Mine own nameth is Anastasia Sylvestre, thy white-hair'd gentleman th're is Jack Winters , the hood'd gentleman is Lucas Malayaka, thy brown-hair'd gentleman is Cosmas Nirganatre, thy vampire is Lucien Pyrone. The robed gentleman thither is Davius Czar that gent worries a gross amount and may sound heartless oft but he hath a big soft heart and the other one wearing leather armor is Korr Vhett, thither is this people hither too(NPCs). This art the persons that joined our group so far doth thee wish to join us? The more we art, the easier we can protect each other!" She pointed to each and every one of them respectively while she presented them. She also shook the elf's hand when she finished she extended her now free hand to the other man beside the elf.
When Anastasia heard Davius speak, she swiveled her head to look at him, directing her smile his way.

"That is such a valorous idea Davius! if 't be true our group seemeth dependable and stout t'will attract people to us and discourage in-fighting! I wast sure thee wast a valorous person despite Cosmas's misgivings!"
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Anastasia's eyes brightened upon seeing new comrades join them. She gave them a wide blinding sunny smile.

"Welcometh. Mine own nameth is Anastasia Sylvestre, thy white-hair'd gentleman th're is Jack Winters , the hood'd gentleman is Lucas Malayaka, thy brown-hair'd gentleman is Cosmas Nirganatre, thy vampire is Lucien Pyrone. The robed gentleman thither is Davius Czar that gent worries a gross amount and may sound heartless oft but he hath a big soft heart and the other one wearing leather armor is Korr Vhett, thither is this people hither too(NPCs). This art the persons that joined our group so far doth thee wish to join us? The more we art, the easier we can protect each other!" She pointed to each and every one of them respectively while she presented them. She also shook the elf's hand when she finished she extended her now free hand to the other man beside the elf.

When Anastasia heard Davius speak, she swiveled her head to look at him, directing her smile his way.

"That is such a valorous idea Davius! if 't be true our group seemeth dependable and stout t'will attract people to us and discourage in-fighting! I wast sure thee wast a valorous person despite Cosmas's misgivings!"
It took me a second to parse Anastasia's Shakespearean English.

"Uh, sure, I guess?", I said, shaking her offered hand. "Protection from what though? How did we end up here?"
The robed gentleman thither is Davius Czar that gent worries a gross amount and may sound heartless oft but he hath a big soft heart
Said gentleman fought to keep a polite smile on his face and not betray the dark thoughts he had.

'Is she doing this on purpose?' he internally wandered, anxious at the implications of her words. He could see the image painted by her words, of him, an untrustworthy snake that only wormed his way into this group thanks to monumental naivety of its informal leader. That's the message anyone with half a brain-cell capable of doubt is going to get, that's the first impression they'll receive.

Is it possible for someone come up with all of this by accident?
When Anastasia heard Davius speak, she swiveled her head to look at him, directing her smile his way.

"That is such a valorous idea Davius! if 't be true our group seemeth dependable and stout t'will attract people to us and discourage in-fighting! I wast sure thee wast a valorous person despite Cosmas's misgivings!"
'So she is...' decided the telekinetic, a fear crystalising somewhere within him. So perfect, she first made him into some deceiver, and now provided the alternative source of 'true' information about him, someone who thinks him a murder-spree advocate.

Someone she colludes with.

So this is what hides behind this facade. He should have known, it was so painfully obvious! No one could be so naive!

Externally however, he kept his habitual smile and forced a small laugh out. 'It will not be enough' he decided.

"Oh, you think of me too highly. I am just a pessimist, trying to make the best out of the situation we have found ourselves in." Best to make it appear as if there were no implications. A flaw of acting naive, is that you can't imply too hard or too much, without breaking character.
It took me a second to parse Anastasia's Shakespearean English.

"Uh, sure, I guess?", I said, shaking her offered hand. "Protection from what though? How did we end up here?"
"Speaking of, I'm afraid we are in the middle of a sizable conflict. From what Matthew has gathered," He nodded towards the dragon-man. "Forces of some incredibly powerful mage-Queen are fighting the Dwarves in the mountains to the east. The orcs on the eastern side of the lake think that Dwarves will lose, and declared the place we are in a 'quarantine zone'. It means we are most likely going to get attacked by those forces. This makes organising this entire crowd so we can organise some defence vital to our lives."
EDIT: Damn hitting the accidental post reply button...
EDIT 2: Added the response part.
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"Speaking of, I'm afraid we are in the middle of a sizable conflict. From what Matthew has gathered," He nodded towards the dragon-man. "Forces of some incredibly powerful mage-Queen are fighting the Dwarves in the mountains to the east. The orcs on the eastern side of the lake think that Dwarves will lose, and declared the place we are in a 'quarantine zone'. It means we are most likely going to get attacked by those forces. This makes organising this entire crowd so we can organise some defence vital to our lives."
@Terran Imperium

"And we'll be trapped between them like a hammer and an anvil."

I looked back at the crowd of people. Just normal 21st century people, plucked out of streets and houses and dropped here like I was. There's no way we'd be able to train them into soldiers in time, and thats not even considering logistical issues with food and weapons and shelter. We'd get annihilated if we fought.

"Is there any way to get around the quarantine? Or at least get outside of the warpath?"
"Already thirsty? Then I suppose it is time to hold up my end of the deal."

Rolling up my right sleeve I offer up my forearm.

"Just make it quick."
You have checked over your gear and examined what everyone else has done.
You test your new body finding yourself to be quite ready and skilled for combat.

Noelle Noble

Having given my gear a once-over and testing out my skills with some 'shadow boxing', I do my best to take stock of the situation. There's quite a few of us, from the 'other' world, among the thousand natives of this world and region. Slightly more than a dozen, at least. That comforts me a little. Whoever picked me clearly made a mistake, but at least the others should be able to keep these people safe. I think of approaching the others, but seeing them all hard at work, I decide not to. Besides, they all look like competent soldiers and mages. The latter in particular are especially intimidating and impressive. As far as I know, these other 'chosen', for a lack of better term, are from the same world I am. In other words, from a world where magic doesn't exist. Yet they all seem to have adapted to the existence of magic and are doing impressive things with it already. Why was someone like me chosen in the first place...? Deciding the best thing to do is to stay out of their way, I pick a corner that doesn't seem to have much activity going on and get to work with...something...

Actions -
  • Train Hand to Hand Combat Skill - Fisticuffs seems to be the skill I was gifted alongside this body, infinitely superior to my old one. I question the utility of such a skill in a world where armor and melee weapons clearly exist, but perhaps it can help as a last ditch 'weapon'? I should get to work on practicing.
  • Attempt to learn Knife-Fighting Skill - Ok, there's still the mystery box with my name of it. I'm yet to open that, I'll let it sit for a bit more. Whatever is inside, I doubt it's a weapon though. Which means the only weapon I have to my name is this hunting knife. From what I can tell of my name body, it seems be fairly strong and dexterous. In video-game terms, I might be a rogue? Not sure what to think of that. Anyway, with the knife as my only weapon, I should get to work practicing how to use it. Maybe down the line I can try and combine it with my hand-to-hand skills and see if I can't make a unified style of sorts.
  • Attempt to learn Stealth Skill - Hand to Hand combat and Knife combat. How do I use these? Clearly I'm not going to be facing foes head on. What niche can I fill? A backstabbing scout of sorts, perhaps? I should probably get started on practicing my stealth. Here goes nothing.
"And we'll be trapped between them like a hammer and an anvil."

I looked back at the crowd of people. Just normal 21st century people, plucked out of streets and houses and dropped here like I was. There's no way we'd be able to train them into soldiers in time, and thats not even considering logistical issues with food and weapons and shelter. We'd get annihilated if we fought.

"Is there any way to get around the quarantine? Or at least get outside of the warpath?"

John had been quiet for a while, content to let others figure out what to do, he's not the kind to come up with sane plans after all. But he takes this opportunity to help fill the new guy in.

"Doesn't look like it, the forest nearby is full of man-eating elves. So the only possible way out of here are the plains to the north, but I'm willing to bet that whenever the Vamp scouts that way there'll be something there to impede us. Besides..."

He gestures to the constant flow of new arrivals. "People are constantly coming in, and not all of them are waking up. The group's made the decision to dig in for their sake, dying doesn't sound great but leaving them to die sounds worse. To me at least."

"Anyway, onto brighter subjects." John turns to the small grouping of people. He hasn't properly introduced himself, which would've been considered rather rude where he came from. "I've worked in construction for most of my life, done quite a few DIY projects and the pack I came with had some useful tools. So if any of you need anything built, John Fletcher's your guy."

"...if we have the wood for it. That's still a problem."

John tactfully ignores the one guy-(Cosmas, apparently.)-offering his blood to the Vampire...Lucien if Anastasia is right. He's not quite ready to get mixed up in that business.
"Hey you, yes you! you strong looking people lazing about! Do you want to become skilled fighters, because I am a Swordmaster of Hoeth, a high Elf of the most potent bloodline. I promise that if you follow my leadership, you will flourish. We will kick the Dark Witches ass and then any other threats to us."
A cluster of 50 humans surrounded me, but I quickly gave up on most and pick the ten that seemed even slightly okay I got to work, focusing my time and energy on bringing them to swinging sticks around enough to be sort of okay.
Commander Thanatos the Swordmaster had his command.
"not too bad for a morning's training, men! By the end of the week I am certain that we will have proper blades for you, and we get to work on overall fitness levels tomorrow. Training, fitness, and the rest of the day working on projects under my leadership, for I have other skills."

Turning to the Knight lady, I offered to spend time sparring with her when I had spare time tomorrow.

Then I hunted down a shovel and got to work making sure I had a place to properly shit.
Rikimaru threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: last sqaud of the day Total: 7
7 7
Rikimaru threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Latrine and hovel Total: 4
4 4
Rikimaru threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Sword training Total: 4
4 4
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John had been quiet for a while, content to let others figure out what to do, he's not the kind to come up with sane plans after all. But he takes this opportunity to help fill the new guy in.

"Doesn't look like it, the forest nearby is full of man-eating elves. So the only possible way out of here are the plains to the north, but I'm willing to bet that whenever the Vamp scouts that way there'll be something there to impede us. Besides..."

He gestures to the constant flow of new arrivals. "People are constantly coming in, and not all of them are waking up. The group's made the decision to dig in for their sake, dying doesn't sound great but leaving them to die sounds worse. To me at least."

"Anyway, onto brighter subjects." John turns to the small grouping of people. He hasn't properly introduced himself, which would've been considered rather rude where he came from. "I've worked in construction for most of my life, done quite a few DIY projects and the pack I came with had some useful tools. So if any of you need anything built, John Fletcher's your guy."

"...if we have the wood for it. That's still a problem."

John tactfully ignores the one guy-(Cosmas, apparently.)-offering his blood to the Vampire...Lucien if Anastasia is right. He's not quite ready to get mixed up in that business.
My hopes sank as John spoke of the cannibalistic elves and the unexplored, yet likely hostile north. We really are trapped, aren't we?
"...awesome. Hopefully we'll think of something before then."

Oh, right.

"I'm Eric Danner."
While everyone is yapping and making plans Korr is simply just reading while sitting on a rock. Learning about healing magic and in general trying to understand this divine power he now has.

He takes a moment to sit his book down and holds up his hands and channeling his magic into them.

His hands glow with a golden light that can only be described as holy and divine.
I walk up to Korr. "Greetings, human, I seem to be a high elf, which is great. Out of interest, how long do you think it will take for you to be able to purify water? and if so how many liters a day? because we have a major biological hazard just waiting to become lethal, in the form of people shitting and the normal people who seem not to be particularly productive aren't really hygienic. I saw one of them shit higher stream than the others. Disgusting normals. Anyway, if you could handle the early water source purification to keep jardia and dysentry down, I would much appreciate it, and even offer to train you in the mundane skills once I have expanded upon my high elf capabilities.
What do you think mage?"
I walk up to Korr. "Greetings, human, I seem to be a high elf, which is great. Out of interest, how long do you think it will take for you to be able to purify water? and if so how many liters a day? because we have a major biological hazard just waiting to become lethal, in the form of people shitting and the normal people who seem not to be particularly productive aren't really hygienic. I saw one of them shit higher stream than the others. Disgusting normals. Anyway, if you could handle the early water source purification to keep jardia and dysentry down, I would much appreciate it, and even offer to train you in the mundane skills once I have expanded upon my high elf capabilities.
What do you think mage?"
"Don't rightly know if i could do that at the moment but you could just try and purify it yourselves."
I walk up to Korr. "Greetings, human, I seem to be a high elf, which is great. Out of interest, how long do you think it will take for you to be able to purify water? and if so how many liters a day? because we have a major biological hazard just waiting to become lethal, in the form of people shitting and the normal people who seem not to be particularly productive aren't really hygienic. I saw one of them shit higher stream than the others. Disgusting normals. Anyway, if you could handle the early water source purification to keep jardia and dysentry down, I would much appreciate it, and even offer to train you in the mundane skills once I have expanded upon my high elf capabilities.
What do you think mage?"
"Whatever type of elf you think you are, I don't exactly trust you." I said sharply after observing the byplay between the usual group and the newcomers. "We have learned of what elves are like here in this world, so what's to say you won't soon act like them?"

Not that I could really talk about being a monster, I thought as I flexed my claws restlessly. Still, even I would not fall so low as to do the depraved things that the elves here were said to do. If anything I would be more than happy to end any threat that might enter our collective. With so many threats around us, it would pay to be careful as we were in such a weak position.
"Already thirsty? Then I suppose it is time to hold up my end of the deal."

Rolling up my right sleeve I offer up my forearm.

"Just make it quick."
"..Ah." I hesitated when the one from before spoke up. Now that someone was actually seeking to feed me I couldn't help but feel a curl of dread in my gut as unease rolled through me. This was really it wasn't it? That I really was what I thought I was. Not something I liked thinking about but even as I looked at the pale, rather frail really, arm being offered I could feel something in the back of my head. Predatory instinct perhaps?

"Well...if you're sure." With that, I gently took the arm while fully baring my fangs. Then I bit where my instincts guided me I could find a safe vein to pierce.


It...was an indescribable taste. So much so that I almost forgot to withdraw when I had taken what I felt could be taken safely. Draining someone that had so willingly offered this is not something I should do! But, I could feel the temptation even as I pulled away.

"Thank you greatly." I said with a small bow after liking my fangs clean, trying to hind the slight tremors in my form. "Uh, you might want to wrap that. I don't know if my bites have some sort of 'healing after' effect."
I lean closer to the vampire, making sure to not let others hear, "It's alright, I am a high elf, you're a motherfucking vampire. You don't need to get all uppity at me. I mean come on man, High elves are completely trustworthy, just don't mess with my shit! When I have some followers I can feed one to you sometime I don't mind."
My hopes sank as John spoke of the cannibalistic elves and the unexplored, yet likely hostile north. We really are trapped, aren't we?
"...awesome. Hopefully we'll think of something before then."

Oh, right.

"I'm Eric Danner."

"Pleased to meet ya Eric." John throws over his shoulder, idly wandering towards the lake.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've been idle for long enough so I'm going to take a look around the lake for anything useful. At least I'm not likely to be murdered there."

The displaced construction worker drops into a jog having said that, he's intent on getting back before nightfall after all. "Shout if anything tries to kill you guys!"

His sudden departure doesn't have anything to do with the Elf guy whispering to Lucien, and the latter's meal freaking him out. Nope. He's just taking initiative, yeah.

Denial is the best.

Action 1:Scavenge by the lake for anything useful.

Action 2:Train Strength

Action 3:Train Toughness
[X]All three actions on reading, boosting speed, finesse and toughness. Will talk to GEoM about perks but thinking of a "Raise Undead" and "Alter Undead" combo.
You spend the day adsorbed into your book feeling the connection the book has with the dark plane just like your own connection. concentrating on the connection and letting it blossom ever so slowly inside. You animate a few bugs around you and can feel them dance underneath your command. Yet you note quickly that you are not growing more skilled with the two spells you have learned only growing in that raw feeling of magical manipulation.

3 actions to reading my book. (Finishing up getting that level 1. Summoning 1 and healing 1 please)
Like your opposite, you spend the day studying your tome. You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. In time you learn how to heal with the energy from this connection and how to let yourself be a gateway for that energy that a small glowing orb of light can come through. It currently isn't much more than a flash light, but it is a start.

I look up from nearby, and shake my head it wasn't my problem. Looking at the many people and then back at the book, I know what needs to be done... or at least what I think needs to be done... or what I think should be done... no hesitating. My backpack is sadly empty of seeds, and I am unsure if anyone else has any but taking a breath I bring my voice up in volume.

"Excuse me does anyone have any seeds?"

I look at the land around me and start planning how to layout farmland, that's something you want started sooner rather than later.

[X]Layout farmland
[X]Read Plant book
[X]Read Plant book again

(+1 to two different magical stats of choice, You should hit level 1, hit me up on discord for perks)

You get to work on laying out farmland and find a number of people are already considering it and you walk into a debate on it.

"What we need are planter boxes, trying to feed this many people horizontally without mechanical equipment is insanity one person can work more food with a series of planters letting us grow two or three levels at a time"
"Yeah but we need wood for that, and rumor is there are nasty things in those woods if we go beyond the edge we will be in trouble."
"Blagh guerrilla warfare isn't something we are ready for"

They have started clearing an area of grass and stock piling dandelion roots which you help expand before planting more dandelions over it which with your nearly learned magic you wave your hand over, letting the nature come through you and into the earth where it feed them and they rapidly grow over the course of about 20 minutes into fully grown. They start to pick them amazed by what you did and asking how often you can do it, but you can tell your already starting to feel tired. (Add growth skill with a note that you have a perk into affecting many things at once)

Action 1: Train Strength
Action 2: Train Stamina
Action 3: After feeding scout North as a bat.
(Go ahead and make your training rolls, here or in the OOC.)
(map updated on discord)

You train in your new body not just discovering it's limits but how easily they bend to real effort. You have no idea how far you could take it. How strong, tough, fast you can be.
You take to your bat form finding the north more open than the other directions. There is even a road, but it's getting late and you hear a commotion so turn around to see what is going on.

Action 1: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 2: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 3: Gain the people's trust even more
(Go ahead and make rolls for training)

You spend the day practicing with a spear a good choice, given that the people as a whole have nothing else to fight with so being an expert seems wise. A few others join your training somewhat, but it's not many most people are more focused on their survival, the ones you see training near you are a bit different all fairly fit young men with short hair cuts.
You can't really gain more trust of the people, currently your making promises but have yet to deliver anything. (+2 to next charisma roll with large groups, -2 if you don't deliver soon).

1. Spend roughly a 3rd of the day flying as far as I can over the forest, try and get a comprehensive idea of it's layout and see if I can find anything useful.
2. Cut down and gather up wood and other materials at the edge of the woods that would be useful in construction.
3. Get some people together and teach them how to not poison themselves with food.
(map updated)

You fly over the forest occasionally having to rise to avoid a few arrows, but mostly they seem to be content following and watching you, not that you ever see more than a glimpse of them. Until suddenly the wind around you starts to spin, you try to get away but it follows you, circling and pulling you do. You feel like a soap bubble caught in a drain as it empties. You furiously pull upwards with all your might fighting against the wind, until your suddenly in range and dozens of arrows and a few javelins fly at you. Most fall short and a few more miss because of the wind. One embeds into your armor before the falling weapons seems to distract their mages, which you still haven't seen and you are able to fly away as the wind weakens for a moment.

You are cautious gathering wood, but the elves seem to let people at the edge of the forest, though you would assume going deeper is a bad idea.

You are able to talk to a few people about cooking their food and choosing food well, and can only hope they pass it on.

Action 1 & 2: Read my book (whenever I have free time)
(+1 to two magical stats of choice)You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. You keep studying and improving with your book so that you feel capable of learning a spell or two now, a proper use of your magic (PM me or hit me up on discord about perks)

[1] Scout to the mountains to the west
[2] Gather plants while scountin
[3] Train finesse to 2
(Map updated)

There is little to see on the mountains given that the dwarves are inside of it and you do not see a clear entrance. Likewise the mountain is sparse, you find trees, and a few shrubs, but they are not immensely useful in any immediate sense. You come back just in time to see the start of a commotion.
(Roll for training)

Actions: Read Book x3 (Strength, Toughness, Speed)
You spend the day adsorbed in your book as others worry about the long term with petty things like, food, water and shelter you focus on what matters. Magic.
(Will do a book blurb next turn when you hit level 1)

Action 1: start training 10 groups of Internal Mages in swordfighting (13 dice iirc)
Action 2: Find a spot further away from where the others have dug their shelters at, and dig my own personal Latrine, and set up a makeshift hovel for myself
Action 3: train my personal skill Swordsmastery
10 men are trained in the basic of using wooden sword (Sticks) but that is of questionable use given the lack of real blades at the moment.
You have to walk more than a mile to actually get away from people, and even then it's apparent that won't work long if people keep coming like they are at 1000 a day. You manage to dig to holes, on for waste, and one to sleep in.

(You rolled for skill increase)
Action 1: Practice telekinesis by using it to help whatever tasks Davius needs to perform, training as book commands and playing with with it in free time.
Action 2: Read as much of the book as possible.
Action 3: Try to convince some NPC groups to join our group and start working towards establishing our camp, as stated above.

(+1 to two different magical stats and message me on discord, or the ooc about your perks)

The various people haven't really broken into groups yet, people are just trying to survive, some are taking it like a vacation, others are working on ever improving shelters and a few are even trying to start agriculture, but you don't have a distinct camp, just people everywhere.

  • Train Hand to Hand Combat Skill - Fisticuffs seems to be the skill I was gifted alongside this body, infinitely superior to my old one. I question the utility of such a skill in a world where armor and melee weapons clearly exist, but perhaps it can help as a last ditch 'weapon'? I should get to work on practicing.
  • Attempt to learn Knife-Fighting Skill - Ok, there's still the mystery box with my name of it. I'm yet to open that, I'll let it sit for a bit more. Whatever is inside, I doubt it's a weapon though. Which means the only weapon I have to my name is this hunting knife. From what I can tell of my name body, it seems be fairly strong and dexterous. In video-game terms, I might be a rogue? Not sure what to think of that. Anyway, with the knife as my only weapon, I should get to work practicing how to use it. Maybe down the line I can try and combine it with my hand-to-hand skills and see if I can't make a unified style of sorts.
  • Attempt to learn Stealth Skill - Hand to Hand combat and Knife combat. How do I use these? Clearly I'm not going to be facing foes head on. What niche can I fill? A backstabbing scout of sorts, perhaps? I should probably get started on practicing my stealth. Here goes nothing.
(Roll, for the first and take a skill point in the bottom two)

You spend the day practicing on the skills to kill people, congratulations on the healthy and mature reaction to awakening in a new world. Or so others would say if they were not so obviously backing away from the sulking person playing with their knife.

Action 1:Scavenge by the lake for anything useful.

Action 2:Train Strength

Action 3:Train Toughness
There is nothing useful by the lake except water.
(roll for training)

Action 1: Train
Action 2: Train
(level up to level 1!)
Action three: Train 15 people in ice magic. (or attempt such.)
(1 die from skill level, +5 from being more than 3x their level, +5 from charisma 5, +2 from book, 13 d10 total~, needs 4 wins.)

(perks approved)

The 15 people have started to grasp the basics of magic, they are already learning different spells and skills, focusing in different ways, without a focus they naturally are doing what they want or think the colony needs.
Yet they have learned and if given reagents they can spread the knowledge and they will try to improve on their own or with the aid of reagents.


The non-existent town is rapidly developing.

Already the shelters are getting more sophisticated, tents and tepees using sticks, 550 cord and tarps. Some people are grouping together so they can have a tarp above and below them or even building a small square of tarps for more cover from the wind and rain.

Agriculture is, well not being developed, but being considered, a few people are trying to work together rough boxes to plant in, but wood working with just a knife is difficult to say the least, still they have some success and others, are picking a slowly growing area clean or grass, and piling up the dandelions from it, so it is open dirt ready to be used.

It is the end of the day when things get complicated.

You meet the dwarves for the first time, under cover of darkness they approach asking for whomever is in charge, given no clear answer they explain to the growing crowd they are requesting safe passage through what you humans are apparently claiming as your own lands. The band of dwarves seems to be almost entirely women and young children, with a few men dotted around but they seem to be exceptionally old if you had to guess. They wear weapons and armor, but not as heavy as you would expect. It appears these are refugees fleeing their war torn home? Or not?

The ruckus does not go unnoticed, soon you have another group arrive. The elves. This is not a refugee group, but two dozen warriors with a mix of bow, dagger, and a focus?

They are not the elves you would expect, the wear a mix of leather and bone armor, with camouflaged colors dyed onto it. Their arrow heads are bone and drip a green fluid you can only assume is nasty.
Their eyes are narrow, and they look angry a type of fierce anger that defines them seems to envelope their every motion.

They demand the dwarves, weapons already drawn. They explain you do not need to get in the way, that this matter does not concern you.

One way or another blood is being drawn tonight.

(Those participating in the fight, or lack therefore of, tag me on discord)
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They demand the dwarves, weapons already drawn. They explain you do not need to get in the way, that this matter does not concern you.

One way or another blood is being drawn tonight.
Anastasia walked up to in front of their group. She twirled her spear with an inhuman speed and strength and settled it in a low tense stance. Ready to act at any sign of hostile move from the Elves.

"And what wilt thee doth with those folk? if 't be true thee wish to bringeth those folk harm then we cannot alloweth thou has't those folk. I won't beest capable of sleeping well tonight knowing I abandoned these people to their fate and discarded mine morals! Thither is no needeth for things to wend that way! Just leaveth those folk alone. Those gents art but women and children!"

Anastasia hoped this will convince them.
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You spend the day adsorbed into your book feeling the connection the book has with the dark plane just like your own connection. concentrating on the connection and letting it blossom ever so slowly inside. You animate a few bugs around you and can feel them dance underneath your command. Yet you note quickly that you are not growing more skilled with the two spells you have learned only growing in that raw feeling of magical manipulation.

Like your opposite, you spend the day studying your tome. You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. In time you learn how to heal with the energy from this connection and how to let yourself be a gateway for that energy that a small glowing orb of light can come through. It currently isn't much more than a flash light, but it is a start.

(+1 to two different magical stats of choice, You should hit level 1, hit me up on discord for perks)

You get to work on laying out farmland and find a number of people are already considering it and you walk into a debate on it.

"What we need are planter boxes, trying to feed this many people horizontally without mechanical equipment is insanity one person can work more food with a series of planters letting us grow two or three levels at a time"
"Yeah but we need wood for that, and rumor is there are nasty things in those woods if we go beyond the edge we will be in trouble."
"Blagh guerrilla warfare isn't something we are ready for"

They have started clearing an area of grass and stock piling dandelion roots which you help expand before planting more dandelions over it which with your nearly learned magic you wave your hand over, letting the nature come through you and into the earth where it feed them and they rapidly grow over the course of about 20 minutes into fully grown. They start to pick them amazed by what you did and asking how often you can do it, but you can tell your already starting to feel tired. (Add growth skill with a note that you have a perk into affecting many things at once)

(Go ahead and make your training rolls, here or in the OOC.)
(map updated on discord)

You train in your new body not just discovering it's limits but how easily they bend to real effort. You have no idea how far you could take it. How strong, tough, fast you can be.
You take to your bat form finding the north more open than the other directions. There is even a road, but it's getting late and you hear a commotion so turn around to see what is going on.

(Go ahead and make rolls for training)

You spend the day practicing with a spear a good choice, given that the people as a whole have nothing else to fight with so being an expert seems wise. A few others join your training somewhat, but it's not many most people are more focused on their survival, the ones you see training near you are a bit different all fairly fit young men with short hair cuts.
You can't really gain more trust of the people, currently your making promises but have yet to deliver anything. (+2 to next charisma roll with large groups, -2 if you don't deliver soon).

(map updated)

You fly over the forest occasionally having to rise to avoid a few arrows, but mostly they seem to be content following and watching you, not that you ever see more than a glimpse of them. Until suddenly the wind around you starts to spin, you try to get away but it follows you, circling and pulling you do. You feel like a soap bubble caught in a drain as it empties. You furiously pull upwards with all your might fighting against the wind, until your suddenly in range and dozens of arrows and a few javelins fly at you. Most fall short and a few more miss because of the wind. One embeds into your armor before the falling weapons seems to distract their mages, which you still haven't seen and you are able to fly away as the wind weakens for a moment.

You are cautious gathering wood, but the elves seem to let people at the edge of the forest, though you would assume going deeper is a bad idea.

You are able to talk to a few people about cooking their food and choosing food well, and can only hope they pass it on.

(+1 to two magical stats of choice)You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. You keep studying and improving with your book so that you feel capable of learning a spell or two now, a proper use of your magic (PM me or hit me up on discord about perks)

(Map updated)

There is little to see on the mountains given that the dwarves are inside of it and you do not see a clear entrance. Likewise the mountain is sparse, you find trees, and a few shrubs, but they are not immensely useful in any immediate sense. You come back just in time to see the start of a commotion.
(Roll for training)

You spend the day adsorbed in your book as others worry about the long term with petty things like, food, water and shelter you focus on what matters. Magic.
(Will do a book blurb next turn when you hit level 1)

10 men are trained in the basic of using wooden sword (Sticks) but that is of questionable use given the lack of real blades at the moment.
You have to walk more than a mile to actually get away from people, and even then it's apparent that won't work long if people keep coming like they are at 1000 a day. You manage to dig to holes, on for waste, and one to sleep in.

(You rolled for skill increase)

(+1 to two different magical stats and message me on discord, or the ooc about your perks)

The various people haven't really broken into groups yet, people are just trying to survive, some are taking it like a vacation, others are working on ever improving shelters and a few are even trying to start agriculture, but you don't have a distinct camp, just people everywhere.

(Roll, for the first and take a skill point in the bottom two)

You spend the day practicing on the skills to kill people, congratulations on the healthy and mature reaction to awakening in a new world. Or so others would say if they were not so obviously backing away from the sulking person playing with their knife.

There is nothing useful by the lake except water.
(roll for training)


The non-existent town is rapidly developing.

Already the shelters are getting more sophisticated, tents and tepees using sticks, 550 cord and tarps. Some people are grouping together so they can have a tarp above and below them or even building a small square of tarps for more cover from the wind and rain.

Agriculture is, well not being developed, but being considered, a few people are trying to work together rough boxes to plant in, but wood working with just a knife is difficult to say the least, still they have some success and others, are picking a slowly growing area clean or grass, and piling up the dandelions from it, so it is open dirt ready to be used.

It is the end of the day when things get complicated.

You meet the dwarves for the first time, under cover of darkness they approach asking for whomever is in charge, given no clear answer they explain to the growing crowd they are requesting safe passage through what you humans are apparently claiming as your own lands. The band of dwarves seems to be almost entirely women and young children, with a few men dotted around but they seem to be exceptionally old if you had to guess. They wear weapons and armor, but not as heavy as you would expect. It appears these are refugees fleeing their war torn home? Or not?

The ruckus does not go unnoticed, soon you have another group arrive. The elves. This is not a refugee group, but two dozen warriors with a mix of bow, dagger, and a focus?

They are not the elves you would expect, the wear a mix of leather and bone armor, with camouflaged colors dyed onto it. Their arrow heads are bone and drip a green fluid you can only assume is nasty.
Their eyes are narrow, and they look angry a type of fierce anger that defines them seems to envelope their every motion.

They demand the dwarves, weapons already drawn. They explain you do not need to get in the way, that this matter does not concern you.

One way or another blood is being drawn tonight.

(Those participating in the fight, or lack therefore of, tag me on discord)
Now Korr for all intents and purposes likes to live. But there could be no denying that he can't just set back and watch as people are slaughtered.

He walks towards the Elves making sure that he stops next to a random person who if need be can function as his meat shield. While also casting a uneasy glance towards Anastasia and her bold proclamation.

"Greetings I am Korr i'm the Resident healer among these folk. Would you be able to explain to us why you need these dwarves. I'm sure that we can avoid violence completely if we just lower the weapons and talk things out."
You spend the day adsorbed into your book feeling the connection the book has with the dark plane just like your own connection. concentrating on the connection and letting it blossom ever so slowly inside. You animate a few bugs around you and can feel them dance underneath your command. Yet you note quickly that you are not growing more skilled with the two spells you have learned only growing in that raw feeling of magical manipulation.

Like your opposite, you spend the day studying your tome. You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. In time you learn how to heal with the energy from this connection and how to let yourself be a gateway for that energy that a small glowing orb of light can come through. It currently isn't much more than a flash light, but it is a start.

(+1 to two different magical stats of choice, You should hit level 1, hit me up on discord for perks)

You get to work on laying out farmland and find a number of people are already considering it and you walk into a debate on it.

"What we need are planter boxes, trying to feed this many people horizontally without mechanical equipment is insanity one person can work more food with a series of planters letting us grow two or three levels at a time"
"Yeah but we need wood for that, and rumor is there are nasty things in those woods if we go beyond the edge we will be in trouble."
"Blagh guerrilla warfare isn't something we are ready for"

They have started clearing an area of grass and stock piling dandelion roots which you help expand before planting more dandelions over it which with your nearly learned magic you wave your hand over, letting the nature come through you and into the earth where it feed them and they rapidly grow over the course of about 20 minutes into fully grown. They start to pick them amazed by what you did and asking how often you can do it, but you can tell your already starting to feel tired. (Add growth skill with a note that you have a perk into affecting many things at once)

(Go ahead and make your training rolls, here or in the OOC.)
(map updated on discord)

You train in your new body not just discovering it's limits but how easily they bend to real effort. You have no idea how far you could take it. How strong, tough, fast you can be.
You take to your bat form finding the north more open than the other directions. There is even a road, but it's getting late and you hear a commotion so turn around to see what is going on.

(Go ahead and make rolls for training)

You spend the day practicing with a spear a good choice, given that the people as a whole have nothing else to fight with so being an expert seems wise. A few others join your training somewhat, but it's not many most people are more focused on their survival, the ones you see training near you are a bit different all fairly fit young men with short hair cuts.
You can't really gain more trust of the people, currently your making promises but have yet to deliver anything. (+2 to next charisma roll with large groups, -2 if you don't deliver soon).

(map updated)

You fly over the forest occasionally having to rise to avoid a few arrows, but mostly they seem to be content following and watching you, not that you ever see more than a glimpse of them. Until suddenly the wind around you starts to spin, you try to get away but it follows you, circling and pulling you do. You feel like a soap bubble caught in a drain as it empties. You furiously pull upwards with all your might fighting against the wind, until your suddenly in range and dozens of arrows and a few javelins fly at you. Most fall short and a few more miss because of the wind. One embeds into your armor before the falling weapons seems to distract their mages, which you still haven't seen and you are able to fly away as the wind weakens for a moment.

You are cautious gathering wood, but the elves seem to let people at the edge of the forest, though you would assume going deeper is a bad idea.

You are able to talk to a few people about cooking their food and choosing food well, and can only hope they pass it on.

(+1 to two magical stats of choice)You focus on that connection the book helped you forge, and you help it blossom. You keep studying and improving with your book so that you feel capable of learning a spell or two now, a proper use of your magic (PM me or hit me up on discord about perks)

(Map updated)

There is little to see on the mountains given that the dwarves are inside of it and you do not see a clear entrance. Likewise the mountain is sparse, you find trees, and a few shrubs, but they are not immensely useful in any immediate sense. You come back just in time to see the start of a commotion.
(Roll for training)

You spend the day adsorbed in your book as others worry about the long term with petty things like, food, water and shelter you focus on what matters. Magic.
(Will do a book blurb next turn when you hit level 1)

10 men are trained in the basic of using wooden sword (Sticks) but that is of questionable use given the lack of real blades at the moment.
You have to walk more than a mile to actually get away from people, and even then it's apparent that won't work long if people keep coming like they are at 1000 a day. You manage to dig to holes, on for waste, and one to sleep in.

(You rolled for skill increase)

(+1 to two different magical stats and message me on discord, or the ooc about your perks)

The various people haven't really broken into groups yet, people are just trying to survive, some are taking it like a vacation, others are working on ever improving shelters and a few are even trying to start agriculture, but you don't have a distinct camp, just people everywhere.

(Roll, for the first and take a skill point in the bottom two)

You spend the day practicing on the skills to kill people, congratulations on the healthy and mature reaction to awakening in a new world. Or so others would say if they were not so obviously backing away from the sulking person playing with their knife.

There is nothing useful by the lake except water.
(roll for training)


The non-existent town is rapidly developing.

Already the shelters are getting more sophisticated, tents and tepees using sticks, 550 cord and tarps. Some people are grouping together so they can have a tarp above and below them or even building a small square of tarps for more cover from the wind and rain.

Agriculture is, well not being developed, but being considered, a few people are trying to work together rough boxes to plant in, but wood working with just a knife is difficult to say the least, still they have some success and others, are picking a slowly growing area clean or grass, and piling up the dandelions from it, so it is open dirt ready to be used.

It is the end of the day when things get complicated.

You meet the dwarves for the first time, under cover of darkness they approach asking for whomever is in charge, given no clear answer they explain to the growing crowd they are requesting safe passage through what you humans are apparently claiming as your own lands. The band of dwarves seems to be almost entirely women and young children, with a few men dotted around but they seem to be exceptionally old if you had to guess. They wear weapons and armor, but not as heavy as you would expect. It appears these are refugees fleeing their war torn home? Or not?

The ruckus does not go unnoticed, soon you have another group arrive. The elves. This is not a refugee group, but two dozen warriors with a mix of bow, dagger, and a focus?

They are not the elves you would expect, the wear a mix of leather and bone armor, with camouflaged colors dyed onto it. Their arrow heads are bone and drip a green fluid you can only assume is nasty.
Their eyes are narrow, and they look angry a type of fierce anger that defines them seems to envelope their every motion.

They demand the dwarves, weapons already drawn. They explain you do not need to get in the way, that this matter does not concern you.

One way or another blood is being drawn tonight.

(Those participating in the fight, or lack therefore of, tag me on discord)
The daylight hours passed swiftly for me, absorbed as I was in the book. It was entrancing. Magical knowledge explained not in vague mystical language, but in clear and concise scientific terms. The book spoke of electrons and ions, of rotating magnetic fields and of EM frequencies, but as I ran my fingers across the smooth textbook pages I could still feel that otherworldy power in the back of my mind, a link to that infinite storm.

The day drew to a close, and it soon became too dark to read. I packed the book back into my bag, mentally berating myself for forgetting to actually build a shelter. Maybe I could sleep under my tarp and hope it doesn't rain? But my sleeping arrangements soon became the least of my worries because when night fell, it brought trouble with it.

The dwarves arrived first, refugees, mostly women and children, from the mountains. Armed, at least in comparison to us, but clearly not soldiers. They sought passage through our "lands", presumably fleeing from the Dark Queen. I'm not sure how they planned on getting past the quarantine but the fact that they're fleeing in the first place doesn't say good things our own chances of survival.

The elves came next, stepping out of the treeline clad in leather and bone. They gave us an ultimatum: the dwarves or our lives. Morality warred with pragmatism in my head. Give an innocent group of refugees, including children, to these monsters? Or drag untrained, unequipped civilians into a battle not our own, a battle I'm not sure we could win?

Anastasia made the decision for us, for good or for ill, stepping forward and declaring the dwarves under our protection. Korr stepped forward next, trying for a peaceful resolution. But these elves did not come with peaceful intentions. They came with ultimatums and poisoned weapons. I doubt they'll listen to reason.

As I stood at the front of the growing crowd, I gripped my wooden staff. True, usable power was just out of my reach. If it came down to a fight, I would be stuck with only a knife and a glorified walking stick.

I hope it doesn't come down to a fight.
You fly over the forest occasionally having to rise to avoid a few arrows, but mostly they seem to be content following and watching you, not that you ever see more than a glimpse of them. Until suddenly the wind around you starts to spin, you try to get away but it follows you, circling and pulling you do. You feel like a soap bubble caught in a drain as it empties. You furiously pull upwards with all your might fighting against the wind, until your suddenly in range and dozens of arrows and a few javelins fly at you. Most fall short and a few more miss because of the wind. One embeds into your armor before the falling weapons seems to distract their mages, which you still haven't seen and you are able to fly away as the wind weakens for a moment.

You are cautious gathering wood, but the elves seem to let people at the edge of the forest, though you would assume going deeper is a bad idea.

You are able to talk to a few people about cooking their food and choosing food well, and can only hope they pass it on.

Well, that was a...productive day, I suppose.

I didn't really see anything useful down in the Woods when I flew over, and yhere was the...well almost dying, but I got a good collection of Wood for use later, and told a few people what I knew about cooking food, so hopefully we'll have fewer food poisonings in the future.

Hm...maybe tomorrow, I could get those Cooks together, and use my Wood and stuff to make like a mess-area, or like a kitchen-building-thing. If we can centralize food preparation and production, then we'll probably have less stuff going to waste....

It is the end of the day when things get complicated.

You meet the dwarves for the first time, under cover of darkness they approach asking for whomever is in charge, given no clear answer they explain to the growing crowd they are requesting safe passage through what you humans are apparently claiming as your own lands. The band of dwarves seems to be almost entirely women and young children, with a few men dotted around but they seem to be exceptionally old if you had to guess. They wear weapons and armor, but not as heavy as you would expect. It appears these are refugees fleeing their war torn home? Or not?

The ruckus does not go unnoticed, soon you have another group arrive. The elves. This is not a refugee group, but two dozen warriors with a mix of bow, dagger, and a focus?

They are not the elves you would expect, the wear a mix of leather and bone armor, with camouflaged colors dyed onto it. Their arrow heads are bone and drip a green fluid you can only assume is nasty.
Their eyes are narrow, and they look angry a type of fierce anger that defines them seems to envelope their every motion.

They demand the dwarves, weapons already drawn. They explain you do not need to get in the way, that this matter does not concern you.

One way or another blood is being drawn tonight.

I pause in my musings as I glimps the brewing confrontation through the crowds of people and rough-built shelters.

Oh look, the Drukhari Wanabees have shown up. And some Dwarves.

Guess their Plan didn't work. Unfortunate.

But, I should probably give them a welcome. Would only be nice, considering how they treated me when I visited their homes.

My wings snap open and take flight, swooping over the crowds and landing behind the Elf party, landing in a crouch before rising to my 7+ foot height.

"Well, look who decided to wander out of the woods," I growl, looking over the party, "The Wannabe Drukhari. What, come lokming for some Dwarves to add to your collection of 'bones of sapient beings we've flayed alive and burned to death because we're Edgy Bois whose parents never hugged us?'"

I draw my axe and shrug my shield down onto my arm. "If you really want a challenge," I snarl, "why not take a swing at me instead. Some of your Mates already did and struck out, but who knows? Maybe you lot will get lucky."

I take a step forward, lips peeling back to reveal my mouthful of Saurian teeth. "Come get some, Beasts."
Well, that was a...productive day, I suppose.

I didn't really see anything useful down in the Woods when I flew over, and yhere was the...well almost dying, but I got a good collection of Wood for use later, and told a few people what I knew about cooking food, so hopefully we'll have fewer food poisonings in the future.

Hm...maybe tomorrow, I could get those Cooks together, and use my Wood and stuff to make like a mess-area, or like a kitchen-building-thing. If we can centralize food preparation and production, then we'll probably have less stuff going to waste....

I pause in my musings as I glimps the brewing confrontation through the crowds of people and rough-built shelters.

Oh look, the Drukhari Wanabees have shown up. And some Dwarves.

Guess their Plan didn't work. Unfortunate.

But, I should probably give them a welcome. Would only be nice, considering how they treated me when I visited their homes.

My wings snap open and take flight, swooping over the crowds and landing behind the Elf party, landing in a crouch before rising to my 7+ foot height.

"Well, look who decided to wander out of the woods," I growl, looking over the party, "The Wannabe Drukhari. What, come lokming for some Dwarves to add to your collection of 'bones of sapient beings we've flayed alive and burned to death because we're Edgy Bois whose parents never hugged us?'"

I draw my axe and shrug my shield down onto my arm. "If you really want a challenge," I snarl, "why not take a swing at me instead. Some of your Mates already did and struck out, but who knows? Maybe you lot will get lucky."

I take a step forward, lips peeling back to reveal my mouthful of Saurian teeth. "Come get some, Beasts."

"Do we need to fight?" Personally I would prefer to be deciding if my area of growth had a vertical limit but no, wars had to happen. "Why don't we all sit down to some dandelion soup... if you can eat that, otherwise we have... deer bone soup? And you elves can tell us why you want the dwarves, the dwarves can tell us what they are running from. Then we as a neutral party should be able to help come to a peaceful resolution. We can be like switzerland... Not that you would know what that is. Also can you please not shoot at our dragon, that would help?" I turn to the dragon. "We don't need to fight, this may all be some big misunderstanding."