"We don't need to fight, this may all be some big misunderstanding."

I glance at the Pacifist. "Some of their buddies shot at me earlier, and tried to rip me out of the sky with Magic. I doubt there is much of a misunderstanding here." I focus back on the Elves. "It never ends well to make deals with Dark Eldar, even if these are but a pale imitation."
Well, that was a...productive day, I suppose.

I didn't really see anything useful down in the Woods when I flew over, and yhere was the...well almost dying, but I got a good collection of Wood for use later, and told a few people what I knew about cooking food, so hopefully we'll have fewer food poisonings in the future.

Hm...maybe tomorrow, I could get those Cooks together, and use my Wood and stuff to make like a mess-area, or like a kitchen-building-thing. If we can centralize food preparation and production, then we'll probably have less stuff going to waste....

I pause in my musings as I glimps the brewing confrontation through the crowds of people and rough-built shelters.

Oh look, the Drukhari Wanabees have shown up. And some Dwarves.

Guess their Plan didn't work. Unfortunate.

But, I should probably give them a welcome. Would only be nice, considering how they treated me when I visited their homes.

My wings snap open and take flight, swooping over the crowds and landing behind the Elf party, landing in a crouch before rising to my 7+ foot height.

"Well, look who decided to wander out of the woods," I growl, looking over the party, "The Wannabe Drukhari. What, come lokming for some Dwarves to add to your collection of 'bones of sapient beings we've flayed alive and burned to death because we're Edgy Bois whose parents never hugged us?'"

I draw my axe and shrug my shield down onto my arm. "If you really want a challenge," I snarl, "why not take a swing at me instead. Some of your Mates already did and struck out, but who knows? Maybe you lot will get lucky."

I take a step forward, lips peeling back to reveal my mouthful of Saurian teeth. "Come get some, Beasts."
Korr snaps at the dragonman and say "How about you shut the fuck up you overgrown lizard. You want to fight with them then kindly don't drag us in. They have every right to kill anyone entering their forest so shut the fuck up. Lets try and soove this as peacefully as possible." Korr then turns back towards the elf party and says "I apologize for the behavior of the overgrown dragon. Look how about we all sit down and discuss this okay. Instead of possibly tearing each other's throats out over what could be simple misunderstanding."

Returning back to the camp after scouting when I heard the commotion I observed the new strangers. The dwarves passing through our area was troubling for a number of reasons, that the Dwarves in the mountain were loosing, that we were on a refugee route, and that the Elves had enough umbrage with the dwarves to leave their forests like this. I didn't like one bit of this.

Landing and returning back to my normal form, it had a real shock to find out I could actually shapeshift, I eyed the elves with distrust. Flexing my claws I made myself ready to attack these intruders. To be honest, I didn't really give a damn about the dwarves, they weren't part of ours, and they were bringing nothing but trouble. But like I had said to the so-called 'high' elf I meant what I said about cutting the throat of any elf threat that went into our area.

It would seem this would be the first time to see just how well this new body of mine performed in actual combat.
I start rallying the men with my 10 charisma. Focus on some newbies, convincing some that it's all a dream and that they will wake up if they die.
"Please human, you must not strike a high elf."
"Please, elf, if you claim that privilege then I would like to have a condition: Leave the ears of men to hear truth and not lies and honeyed words."

I point at the silver tongued knave with a thin finger.

"To lie with those bewitched lips and twist their hopes to make fanatical soldiers who die at your command is unacceptable. "
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"Please, elf, if you claim that privilege then I would like to have a condition: Leave the ears of men to hear truth and not lies and honeyed words."

I point at the silver tongued knave with a thin finger.

"To lie with those bewitched lips and twist their hopes to make fanatical soldiers who die at your command is unacceptable. "
"fair enough. I will however rally the non specials to do as our council of war considers."
Jack watches all this occur, the gossip mill bringing him word of what was happening near to him and his students, who were still discussing the finer points of ice magic.

"...well, this is likely to end in bloodshed." He muttered. "Right then, if fighting breaks out, make your decisions now on whether you will help or not." He says to the other beginner ice mages- "That goes for the rest of you, too." he says a bit louder, to the people who were watching in on the training. "We're kinda all in this together. Unless you guys happen to trust dark eldar."
Not quite sure whether I should be happy with the results of my training or not. While I rapidly learned the art of knife-fighting, to a serviceable extent I like to think, and improved at moving stealthily, my hand-to-hand skills remained the same...ish. I don't quite know how to put it, but I sort of had this instinctual feeling that I didn't actually improve in that regard. Pity, because it looks like trouble is knocking on our door.

The dialogue goes flying over my head. Apparently some dwarves showed up and are asking to be allowed through our territory, then a group of elves showed up asking that we let them deal with the previous group. But said elves have had a not-entirely-friendly encounter with one of our number before. Said person, the dragon-ish humanoid being, seems eager to get into a scrap with the elves, but another of us prefers diplomacy. Where things might go from here is anyone's guess.

Some of us are herding the civilians to the rear, in an attempt to keep them safe. I feel tempted to do the same, but this new body of mine is so much better in every way than the one I had before. Good enough to take on creatures like trained and armed fantasy elves? Maybe not, but between the two options the being in the not-dream offered, I'm one of the meat-shields, the lesser ones, aren't I? Dammit. Doing my best to push aside my fears and doubts, I make my way over to where most of 'us' appear to gathering.
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It had taken John longer to get back to the group than he thought it would, and thankfully it looks like the situation with the Vampire has blown over.

Unfortunately it looks like the Cannibal Elves have moved in, and are making demands for a group of Dwarven Refugees. The dragon-guy is making threats while a lot of the others seem to be either defensive or attempting to solve this diplomatically.

John rakes his eyes over the Dwarves, children, women and old men. Lightly armed and armored, so they might lend a hand if things go south. Though they could just take the opportunity to flee.

Glancing over to the Elves John couldn't say he would blame them.

Sighing he makes his way to the front of the group facing off against the Elves, he might not have any weapons but he at least knows how to handle himself. And looking at the ones who choose to take a book, he get's the feeling they can't take as much punishment as he can.

John fixes his full attention on the hostile group, he'll let the others try diplomacy, but he'll be ready if they start something.
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With the 'battle' done I turn to a different task
Teaching my magic.

I start looking for some other people to teach magic to

- Teach 5
- teach 5
Teach 5

(I am basically going to teach him the philosophy of 'Undeath is eternal movment, Live is the birth of movement and true death is the end of movment. Would like to do this IC.)
DevilsAdvocate threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Teaching Total: 58
1 1 8 8 4 4 8 8 6 6 9 9 8 8 8 8 2 2 4 4
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Okay so I rolled a d6 for some reason.

Action 1 and 2 : strength training
Action 3: sword fighting training.
Rikimaru threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: training with d10 this time Total: 21
4 4 9 9 8 8
Seeing how everything settled down, I go back to reading, and spend some time using magic to help grow food. "Hey if we want wood I should be able to help. If anyone could get a sapling I should be able to make it into a tree... in less time."

-Read Magic Book
-Reading 2 the electric Boogalo (Read magic book more)
-Use magic to speed crop growth.
A new dawn.

I grunt as I stretch out my six limbs, crawling out of my hole in the ground and checking to make sure that my woodpile was still around. Seeing that it is, I don my armor and strap on my gear.

Ok, orders of the day. What to do.

Well, I already showed some people basic food preperation, so...maybe work beyond that. I have building material, and having a central area where trained people make and serve food is probably a good idea.

Ok, so, plan for the day: gather some more Wood, get some people to help me build a primitive cooking and eating area, and train up some more cooks.

...yeah, that sounds good. Not like it's a *waste* of my time.

Let's get started.

Action 1: Spend about a third of the day gathering wood and other building materials from the edge of the woods, and bringing them to the rough center of our 'town'.

Action 2: Find my 'students' from the other day and recruit some randoms to help me build a food-preparation area. Calling it a kitchen right now would be insulting to Kitchens everywhere.

Action 3: Train up some more people in the Art of Cooking, what little I know.
Jack stretches as he wakes to the new morning. Time for more studying, I suppose...

Three actions go towards increasing three of my magic stats; power, toughness, speed.

"Mwahaha!" Jack Cackled, near the end of the day. "Power! Very limited power!"
Alanek threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: strength Total: 21
5 5 10 10 3 3 3 3
Alanek threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Toughness Total: 12
1 1 8 8 3 3
Alanek threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: speed Total: 15
9 9 2 2 4 4
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Jack stretches as he wakes to the new morning. Time for more studying, I suppose...

Three actions go towards increasing three of my magic stats; power, toughness, speed.

"Mwahaha!" Jack Cackled, near the end of the day. "Power! Very limited power!"

I see a bit of a fairly weedy human mage practicing spells, and I notice he has achieved a new level of competency.
"congratulations good sir, soon you will be capable of great spells"
I see a bit of a fairly weedy human mage practicing spells, and I notice he has achieved a new level of competency.
"congratulations good sir, soon you will be capable of great spells"
Jack looks mildly panicked.
"Wait no, you've made me seem approachable, I've been cultivating the insane look to avoid-"
Random bystander: "Hey... I know you taught some people yesterday. Could you teach me as well?"
"...this." Jack said, groaning slightly, before his hands light up with blue magic.
"BACK! Back, you vultures! I said tomorrow and I meant it! Bug me and you'll never be taught!" He roared at the busybodies who tried to surround him like seagulls.
A few hours later and dawn arrived, heralding the beginning of a new day in this unfamiliar world. The others had gone with the elves and dwarves, but several of us remained at "camp". Well, time to get to work then.

1. Finish up Magic Level 1, take perk/spells Lightning Bolt (Bolt) and Plasma Barrier (Shield)
2. Train Lightning Bolt
3. Train Train Plasma Barrier

Edit: 1 success for Bolt (Passed), 3 successes for Shield (Passed)
Newix threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Lightning Bolt Training Total: 19
5 5 5 5 1 1 8 8
Newix threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Plasma Barrier Training Total: 32
4 4 7 7 10 10 9 9 2 2
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