Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Of course I thought it was a dream, and of course I was wrong about it. It was too real, too intense to be a dream but I had to go and ignore everything the strange man said, didn't I? I didn't even spare a single glance at one of the books being offered. Just ran right out the door. Then...PAIN! And now I'm...somewhere. I don't know where. This sure as hell isn't home.

Keeping my panic in check, barely, I do my best to take stock of the situation. I notice several others, some looking just as confused, nearby. Oh fuck. People. Doing my utter best to not attract attention, I turn my eyes to the pack and small box next to me...

1.) Check Inventory
2.) Assess Situation
3.) Why do I suddenly have knowledge of hand-to-hand combat? Test them out a little.

First action: read my book. (Strength)
Second action, read my other book.
Third action, training magic toughness... Collecting ice formed for water.

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of water. Glaciers the size of Jupiter crash together within an ocean as big as the universe. On those very glaciers tribe of elementals, living beings made of water or ice go to war with one another, welding frozen weapons and armor. Your astral forms dives into the ocean, between the glaciers, and passes krakens the size of countries, eating fish the size of houses. Eventual the ocean grows dark, and the cold starts to burn it's harder and harder to focus on your target on building that connection. In time all fades in the depths of the ocean until the only light is a snowflake deep below you. It burns you body mind and soul but eventually you sink low enough and with shaking fingers that have long since turned blue you touch the glowing singular snow flake.

You awaken covered in snow, freezing cold, but with the capacity to summon a small amount of frost around your hand now.

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Toughness: 1
Finesse: 0

[X]Action 12&3 read "Crossing the river to hades and back"strength, Toughness and Finesse.

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of darkness. Armies of undead fight one another on top wrestling skeletal golems the size of planets. Dark clouds realm over them destroying all they touch. A flock of bats attacks a lone imp demon that was scavenging the battle field. The darkness envelops you as your mind flies through the realm of darkness, you occasionally see more scenes of death, war undeath blood or combat, but eventually you find yourself before a glowing black orb that flies into you and you awaken.

You can now summon a force of darkness around your hand.

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Toughness: 1
Finesse: 1

Action 1 list down all the contents of my kit
Action 2 read book
Action 3 read book

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of light. Angels dance among the clouds, balls of light fly to and fro, everywhere. You are pulled along, seeing oceans of light and energy swirl around one another, golden dragons of pure energy breathing out prismatic flames. In time you are pulled in front of a pedestal with a golden ball on it. It flies into you, and suddenly you awaken able to summon a small swirling light around your hands.

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Finesse: 0

1st Action: Go scout the forest.
2nd Action: Hunt in the forest
3rd Action: Read book in shade.

You manage to take down a small deer by a mix of surprise and speed. You drag it back to camp, but as you start to leave the wood a few arrows impact by your feet. You don't see where they came from, or who shot them. It seems almost like a warning not to return. You read your book in peace and start to get a very general sense of the magic in this universe.

Action 1: Assess my 'mage kit' and learn of what it consists of.
Action 2: Read as much of the Telekinesis section of the book as I can
Action 3: Try to practice any spell and techniques found in there

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of void. You can in passing see others dreams, a mecha t-rex fighting a mouse wizard. Love and wealth, war and peace. All that is human lies out before you. You see also the forces of the mind raw energy and power made physical in one form or another. In time you are dragged before a maze of physical invisible force, wandering your way though it, eventually you get to the center and grab onto an orb of that same type of force.

When you awaken you are able to summon a small amount of telekinetic force around your hand

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Toughness: 0
Finesse: 0
(+1 to two different magic stats of choice)

Action 1 (Rally Everyone)
Action 2 (Assess all of her companions's gear and her's too)
Action 3 (Practicing her spearmanship and help anyone who might need it.)

After having spent so much of day one rallying people and helping them with their equipment you have peoples attention the next day. (+2 dice to one charisma roll on day 2)
You also manage to start training a few people in spear use, it's only a group of five right now, and all they have is sharpened sticks.
You know all of your own equipment and what the normal person has.

Action 1 (Examine Book)
Action 2 (Examine Kit's Book)
Action 3 (Look at the book more)

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of earth, forest so tall, that as you fall into them it feels like sinking into an ocean. They exist on the backs and covering all of several mountains which stand side by side fighting off a great stone dragon the size of venus.You float through them all falling deeper into the earth, particular the dirt surrounded by roots and bugs you fall and fall until you see an orb of green light at the center of a giant root structure, you reach out and touch it.

When you awaken you are covered in leaves you can summon a green glow around you hand which helps the dandelions grow right before your eyes.

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Toughness: 0
Finesse: 0
(+1 to two different Magic stats of choice)

Action 1: Take Inventory of my gear.
Action 2: Fly to, and explore around, the Lake.
Action 3: test out my new body, see what innate abilities I have, how my new physique compares to my old one. 'Work in the new clothes', as it were.

You are aware of your gear, and body you manage to get a good flight to the lake in but you notice something strange. The other side of the lake, is barricaded, wood, stone and iron makes a rough wall with no small number of spikes jutting out of it. Manned by large green skinned men, most of which have bows or javelins. (if you wish to land to contact them hit me up on the discord server)

[1] Read through the Short guide to edible plants
[2] Explore Water Source to the West
[3] Gather Wood

You flip through your short book on edible plants, getting note of the herbs, and wild vegtables you may be able to find in the area. You also learn how to prepare the dandelion stems.
You like the dragon man, can see the lake, which upon the other end is barricaded by large green men.
You gather a fairly large pile of wood? Congratulations, you are now the richest person here?

Action 1 (Read my Book
Action 2 (Take Inventory of my Equipment)
Action 3 (Practice projecting my mana to manipulate the earth by casting Rock Throw.)

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of stone. Mountains rest upon mountains where golems, and elementals of solid stone, battle with stone swords and shields. It rains stone upon their battlefield, and their dead fall apart to just normal rocks once more. You fall for hours before you feel you have even reached the second highest peak, but eventually you fall not just into but through the mountains, seeing several of the elemental, up close and seeing caves, some of which moved around as if alive. Eventually you find yourself at what you think is the bottom a glowing brown orb in front of you, you reach out and touch it.

You awaken covered in stone and can summon a small amount of stone around your hand, which quickly falls to the ground.

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Toughness: 0
Finesse: 0
(+1 to two different Magic stats of choice)

Action: Read book
Action: Check Inventory
Action: Asset situation

The connection ritual is simple, it starts with grabbing your book, and meditating upon it, the book said you had to find a connection to the plane you wished to bond with, whether this book or a reagent of some sort. So you hold it, and you focus taking your time since you have little else to do.

You awaken in an astral, incorporeal form in the realm of void. You see translucent warriors of force duel throwing rays of force and energy at one another. They duel takes place on disk the size of saturns rings that are flying through space around one another. You find yourself pulled flying through the plane until you are pulled into a maze of invisible force at it's center which takes forever to find you see an orb of glowing energy, you reach out and touch it.

When you awaken you are able to summon a small amount of telekinetic force around your hand

Level(lowest of all 4 other skill) :0
Strength: 0
Speed: 0
Toughness: 0
Finesse: 0
(+1 to one magic stat of choice)

1.) Check Inventory
2.) Assess Situation
3.) Why do I suddenly have knowledge of hand-to-hand combat? Test them out a little.

You have checked over your gear and examined what everyone else has done.
You test your new body finding yourself to be quite ready and skilled for combat.

With the constant stream of people, already a thousand people have arrived.

They haven't done much, dealing with the constant arrivals has been a constant thing. For shelter people have started digging small holes and putting the tarps over them, some others dragged sticks from the forest and made simple teepees.

For food most ate their rations, some type of bowls or pots are needed to really cook the dandelions but the small deer hunted does slow down the ration consumption some as it's quickly chopped up and cooked over a fire.

Someone has set up a few sticks in the ground and used the cord to make a small cordon area around the spawning point for people. So that no one trips over the new sleeping arrivals.

Many people gather some sticks and sharpen them and many harden them over a fire as well, you apparently have a few survival experts.

In general though since people arrived through out the day, not at the beginning not much has actually happened besides panic and setting up a basic shelter.

(Map Update coming)

Your magic level is the lowest of your four magical stats (So 0 right now)
Every time your magical level goes up you get to pick 2 perks.

Perks can be new skills, or enhancements to those skills.

The basic skills are the five seen in the war college guide
(Bolt, Shield, AOE, Buff, Counter Spell)

Other skills are possible with permission. (Growing plants, making buildings etc etc)

After having skills you can spend a perk point to enhance them (just discuss it with me). (For example, making your bolt attack follow enemies, which may give 9 again on the skill)
Chewing on my food, I keep reading my book.

"I think you might need to gather people up, My Highness( @Terran Imperium )"

My shaking hand keeps flipping the pages even as my eyes cannot stop taking in these mystical teachings.

What possiblities lie inside this tome of mine...

[X]All three actions on reading, boosting speed, finesse and toughness. Will talk to GEoM about perks but thinking of a "Raise Undead" and "Alter Undead" combo.
DevilsAdvocate threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Magic Total: 32
1 1 6 6 9 9 2 2 9 9 5 5
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Korr gets up from after the trip he was just on and walks up to a random person and says. "I just saw heaven and it was glorious."
I look up from nearby, and shake my head it wasn't my problem. Looking at the many people and then back at the book, I know what needs to be done... or at least what I think needs to be done... or what I think should be done... no hesitating. My backpack is sadly empty of seeds, and I am unsure if anyone else has any but taking a breath I bring my voice up in volume.

"Excuse me does anyone have any seeds?"

I look at the land around me and start planning how to layout farmland, that's something you want started sooner rather than later.

[X]Layout farmland
[X]Read Plant book
[X]Read Plant book again
Sitting down by the tarp-covered hole I had spent the night in I shifted restlessly, my thoughts turning to the events of yesterday. Even now what had happened to me seemed surreal but what I had been able to do had made it all hit home. The deer I had caught had been small, true and it had been mostly luck that I had been able to take it down but the feeling of my claws sliding through its flesh had been unforgettable. I'd never killed anything before that wasn't some sort of bug or spider so just being able to that was...disturbing.

' throat feels dry...'

It didn't help even now my throat was dryer than yesterday and blood of the deer had not helped. Even now the memory of actually biting the deer and the feel of fur in my mouth made me queasy. Reading the book that had appeared with me had helped distract me from those thoughts. As did the scare I had received from those arrows. I hadn't even noticed anyone in the forest until those arrows had been shot at me.

'I should probably tell someone about that actually...'

Getting up from the ground I made to look for anyone, like that Knight girl from before to inform everyone about the threat in the forest. I should also get stronger, no matter what I was now I was still in danger.

Action 1: Train Strength
Action 2: Train Stamina
Action 3: After feeding scout North as a bat.
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Sitting down by the tarp-covered hole I had spent the night in I shifted restlessly, my thoughts turning to the events of yesterday. Even now what had happened to me seemed surreal but what I had been able to do had made it all hit home. The deer I had caught had been small, true and it had been mostly luck that I had been able to take it down but the feeling of my claws sliding through its flesh had been unforgettable. I'd never killed anything before that wasn't some sort of bug or spider so just being able to that was...disturbing.

' throat feels dry...'

It didn't help even now my throat was dryer than yesterday and blood of the deer had not helped. Even now the memory of actually biting the deer and the feel of fur in my mouth made me queasy. Reading the book that had appeared with me had helped distract me from those thoughts. As did the scare I had received from those arrows. I hadn't even noticed anyone in the forest until those arrows had been shot at me.

'I should probably tell someone about that actually...'

Getting up from the ground I made to look for anyone, like that Knight girl from before to inform everyone about the threat in the forest. I should also get stronger, no matter what I was now I was still in danger.

Action 1: Train Strength
Action 2: Train Stamina
Action 3: After feeding scout forest again as a bat.
Anastasia was in a good mood since yesterday, she trained five people willing to get into spearmanship. They were in need of men and women who could hunt food and protect the people when they were in such a precarious situation! They had to sleep on the cold grass ground but it's not like they had a choice. Already people are doing their best to create shelters!

Before she could continue on her review of the current situation, she noticed the vampire that went scouting yesterday, his name was Lucien. And surprisingly he had a deer on his shoulders! That really will help things!

She started fully sprinting his way and jumped on him. She was dead worried that her companion will somehow get hurt during his scouting or worse!

"So how didst thy scouting in the edge of the forest wend? thee weren't hurt hopefully. How didst thee hunt such a big deer?! Cometh! Shall we wend see the others? And telleth us what thee hath found."

Action 1: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 2: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 3: Gain the people's trust even more
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Anastasia was in a good mood since yesterday, she trained five people willing to get into spearmanship. They were in need of men and women who could hunt food and protect the people when they were in such a precarious situation! They had to sleep on the cold grass ground but it's not like they had a choice. Already people are doing their best to create shelters!

Before she could continue on her review of the current situation, she noticed the vampire that went scouting yesterday, his name was Lucien. And surprisingly he had a deer on his shoulders! That really will help things!

She started fully sprinting his way and jumped on him. She was dead worried that her companion will somehow get hurt during his scouting or worse!

"So how didst thy scouting in the edge of the forest wend? thee weren't hurt hopefully. How didst thee hunt such a big deer?! Cometh! Shall we wend see the others? And telleth us what thee hath found."

Action 1: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 2: Train Spearmanship Skill
Action 3: Gain the people's trust even more

After the knight girl from before ran up to me I took a moment to decipher what she said. On one hand, it was nice to be recognized for being able to hunt that deer, on the other...well to say were quite frankly in a shit situation would not be amiss.

"I had no trouble scouting what I was able to for our map but not everything is good news." Biting my lip I frowned. "The deer was mostly luck if I'm being honest but the important is that I don't think we can rely on the forest for food. We're definitely not alone in this world."

"I didn't see anyone when I was in the forest but when I was leaving something shot black arrows at me. They landed just behind me and I think if they were actually aiming for me they would have hit. Whatever is in the forest probably isn't friendly and I don't think they want us to go in there." I explained, wondering if I should have brought one of the arrows with me. "We really need to tell the others of this, I don't feel comfortable knowing that there are enemies so close when we are still defenseless and in the open like this."
You are aware of your gear, and body you manage to get a good flight to the lake in but you notice something strange. The other side of the lake, is barricaded, wood, stone and iron makes a rough wall with no small number of spikes jutting out of it. Manned by large green skinned men, most of which have bows or javelins. (if you wish to land to contact them hit me up on the discord server)

One Diplomacy Later...

Ok, so...this is concerning.

We've got some Dark Queen who eats souls and rapes minds somewhere, probably heading this way, and the woods have Drukhari-Lite in them. Lovely. Better tell the others about this.

To that end, I land in the middle of this shanty-pit-town that is being built, and straighten to my...rather impressive height.

How tall am I now? Gotta be like over seven feet, maybe closer to 8.

"Ahem, hello, displaced Humans of...I presume Earth. My name is Matthew, and I just had a short conversation with some Orcs on the other side of the lake. They seem like decent folks. But they gave me a few warnings: Firstly, apparently we're in like a 'Quarantine' area, so don't try and approach their village. The reason this area is quarantined, it because they're trying to build a defensive line against what they called the 'Black Queen', a soul-eating-mind-raping evil sorceress who is the local uberbad. So yeah, that's a thing. Also, apparently the local elves in the woods over there have decided to try and emulate the Dark Eldar and be all edgy with the whole cannibalism, torture, I-make-art-out-of-bones-mommy-please-stop-stabbing-yourself-and-love-me shtick. aware of that, I guess."

I pause after my little speech, before looking around at the crowd I've seemed to gather. "While I'm here, anyone have any idea what's going on?"
With a groan and an audible 'pop!' of stretching joints John joins the waking world...only to be met with the sky and dandelions at the edge of his vision.

"The Hell?" He jolts upright, adrenaline waking him up faster then normal. He's woken up in strange places plenty of times sure, but nothing comes close to an open field surounded by...bug-men and knights!?

It's now that the details of what he had dismissed as a dream come rushing back. Replacing his mounting panic with annoyance, he had laughed at the guy offering cool magic and walked out the door before he could finish his dammed speech! Now he's stuck in some fantasy setting without a neat gimmick.

Grumbling he grabs his bag-(taking note of it's odd, but useful, contents.)-and makes his way outside of the sectioned off area, which seems to be dedicated to newly arrived...people, he supposees.

John takes a moment to clear his throat about to speak before a motherf*cking dragon drops out of the sky and announces that apparently everything is horrible and we're in quarantine. Fuck.

Raising his voice John speaks, keeping his usual outward calm dispite the circumstances. "I'm with the dragon...I guess? I'd like to know if anyone has a plan beyond 'die horribly.' following his announcement. 'Cause I sure don't."
One Diplomacy Later...

Ok, so...this is concerning.

We've got some Dark Queen who eats souls and rapes minds somewhere, probably heading this way, and the woods have Drukhari-Lite in them. Lovely. Better tell the others about this.

To that end, I land in the middle of this shanty-pit-town that is being built, and straighten to my...rather impressive height.

How tall am I now? Gotta be like over seven feet, maybe closer to 8.

"Ahem, hello, displaced Humans of...I presume Earth. My name is Matthew, and I just had a short conversation with some Orcs on the other side of the lake. They seem like decent folks. But they gave me a few warnings: Firstly, apparently we're in like a 'Quarantine' area, so don't try and approach their village. The reason this area is quarantined, it because they're trying to build a defensive line against what they called the 'Black Queen', a soul-eating-mind-raping evil sorceress who is the local uberbad. So yeah, that's a thing. Also, apparently the local elves in the woods over there have decided to try and emulate the Dark Eldar and be all edgy with the whole cannibalism, torture, I-make-art-out-of-bones-mommy-please-stop-stabbing-yourself-and-love-me shtick. aware of that, I guess."

I pause after my little speech, before looking around at the crowd I've seemed to gather. "While I'm here, anyone have any idea what's going on?"
Anastasia dragged Lucien back to the camp just in time to see the Dragonman that left yesterday just coming back down and share his discoveries. She didn't explain anything yet to their fellow companions and the other helpless people.

"Well, hither art the facts. We art in an unknown region, we also are surrounded. In the south thither is the forest whither lurks the Dark Elves; across the lake in the East thither is the Ork's blockade and in the west thither is the mountain. Either God in Heaven hath a horrible gust in humor or it's the Devil himself trapping us hither!"

Anastasia pointed to the North, making her point.

"Lucien can thee wend scout out the North? Its the only direction hath left."

Anastasia paused to think a little bit about what they discovered and decided to clear somethings.

"We can at least believeth that the Orks art telling the truth since Lucien can confirm that thither is people in the forest. Probably, the Elves as those gents hath said. We cannot confirm their words about this evil sorceress which can cometh only from two directions, the South or the North. The latter which we didn't scout out yet."
I stop from my laying out of farmland to look up at the knight. "Should we try to stay here and fortify this place, or should we make a run for it? I think we should try and fight, but soul eating mind raping queen sounds a good bit out of our league, and not someone we can surrender to if we make the wrong choice."
"Well, hither art the facts. We art in an unknown region, we also are surrounded. In the south thither is the forest whither lurks the Dark Elves; across the lake in the East thither is the Ork's blockade and in the west thither is the mountain. Either God in Heaven hath a horrible gust in humor or it's the Devil himself trapping us hither
Korr shuts his book real quick as he hears all the commotion and says "i wouldn't be so sure of this being the work of god or the devil. Considering that a moment ago I saw heaven and then what I presume might be a manifestation of god."
Hearing the news the dragon brought just made me feel like my heart had dropped into my stomach. We were hemmed in for all sides by what seemed to be the worst possible of the fantasy tropes. The orcs seemed decent weirdly enough but the others were, well not too good for our continued survival. This 'Dark Queen' sounded like a Disk 2 final boss and the thought of mind control never sat well with me.

"Well, seeing as it's the only direction left I can go scout the North. But I'd prefer to do that at night, we don't know what's there and I'd prefer not to have a handicap given all the dangerous stuff surrounding us at the moment." I answered with a sigh before shooting a strange look at the all the 'god' talk. Scouting was something I was fairly sure I was able to do since there was this niggling...feeling? Instinct? That told me my body was moldable in a fairly more esoteric way.

"Uh. I'm starting to feel really thirsty though..." I finally admitted with a shudder. I had been fine yesterday but something told me I should be careful now
I stop from my laying out of farmland to look up at the knight. "Should we try to stay here and fortify this place, or should we make a run for it? I think we should try and fight, but soul eating mind raping queen sounds a good bit out of our league, and not someone we can surrender to if we make the wrong choice."
Anastasia frowned when she heard his words. That wouldn't do at all!

"No! We can't leaveth, thither is still more people appearing and we don't knoweth at which hour is t going to cease! We can't abandon those people!"

Korr shuts his book real quick as he hears all the commotion and says "i wouldn't be so sure of this being the work of god or the devil. Considering that a moment ago I saw heaven and then what I presume might be a manifestation of god."
Anastasia didn't answer him. She was just speaking metaphorically, she wasn't sure about God yet but the presence of Magic seems to indicate there is more than it let the eye see.

Hearing the news the dragon brought just made me feel like my heart had dropped into my stomach. We were hemmed in for all sides by what seemed to be the worst possible of the fantasy tropes. The orcs seemed decent weirdly enough but the others were, well not too good for our continued survival. This 'Dark Queen' sounded like a Disk 2 final boss and the thought of mind control never sat well with me.

"Well, seeing as it's the only direction left I can go scout the North. But I'd prefer to do that at night, we don't know what's there and I'd prefer not to have a handicap given all the dangerous stuff surrounding us at the moment." I answered with a sigh before shooting a strange look at the all the 'god' talk. Scouting was something I was fairly sure I was able to do since there was this niggling...feeling? Instinct? That told me my body was moldable in a fairly more esoteric way.

"Uh. I'm starting to feel really thirsty though..." I finally admitted with a shudder. I had been fine yesterday but something told me I should be careful now
Anastasia turned to Lucien, a blinding sunny smile on her face.

"We has't a water supply thither, thee can drinketh thither but not too much. thither art other people too that needeth't."
Anastasia frowned when she heard his words. That wouldn't do at all!

"No! We can't leaveth, thither is still more people appearing and we don't knoweth at which hour is t going to cease! We can't abandon those people!"

Anastasia didn't answer him. She was just speaking metaphorically, she wasn't sure about God yet but the presence of Magic seems to indicate there is more than it let the eye see.

Anastasia turned to Lucien, a blinding sunny smile on her face.

"We has't a water supply thither, thee can drinketh thither but not too much. thither art other people too that needeth't."

John glanced at the area he arrived in, she was right. People kept appearing, and not all of them are waking up.

He turned back to the woman with a grimace. "So, the plan is to fortify and train? Sounds...doable. If a little trying."

John gestures off to the north. "And If the Vamp doesn't want to head out I can go scout in his place, I doubt I'm as fast but I can at least handle myself if things go south."
"No! We can't leaveth, thither is still more people appearing and we don't knoweth at which hour is t going to cease! We can't abandon those people!"

"I am not suggesting we should leave, it's just something we have to consider if we don't leave we may not survive an attack. I hope we could win, but how many of us have experience in fantasy warfare. We may have a dragon on our side but for all we know the enemy could have ten. It's possible if we stay we would only be signing our own death sentences. How much time do we have weeks, months, or only days. We may have dragons, and trolls, and vampires, we may even have magic. But our enemy has all that, and more she will know how to use it, while it is all new to us."

I put my head down, embarrassment sinking in now that I was calling attention to myself. "I don't think we should run though, we probably won't be able to escape. But I won't tell myself any lies, I won't say that staying here isn't without risk. I do say that people should think about the risk, and that those you would, are given a chance to flee. I would prefer if they would fight but it's not any of our place to tell them what they should do!"
I put my head down, embarrassment sinking in now that I was calling attention to myself. "I don't think we should run though, we probably won't be able to escape. But I won't tell myself any lies, I won't say that staying here isn't without risk. I do say that people should think about the risk, and that those you would, are given a chance to flee. I would prefer if they would fight but it's not any of our place to tell them what they should do!"

I kinda just listen to all the people about me talking, before one guy get's really, really fatalistic all of the sudden.

I roll my eyes, before turning to walk away, find a less-uncomfortable spot to sleep on calling back. "Well, that's certainly a way to keep people's spirits up, my sir. On that lovely note, I think I'll be passing out for a little. Later folks."

I continue to walk until I'm a little ways away, and find a little dip to lay down in, stripping off my armour and using my pack as a pillow.

It takes only a short while to fall into a dreamless sleep.

Morning comes, and...yup, this still isn't a dream.


...well, not much I can do about it now. Might as well make myself useful.

Alright, so...what do we need...

Hm...interesting that I'm already making us into a 'Group' that I include myself in. Guess my brain is still human even if I have a Drake's body.

Ok, so, we need information about potential threats, we need building materials, and...well, buildings. Those I can handle.

Also, what skills do I have that could be useful here...well, I had that first aid class in grade 12 as part of SHSM. And I...kinda know how to cook. Oh, and Karate. Lots of folks don't have weapons, so a method of unarmed defence could be useful.

Alright, so...rough plan. Spend like a...third of the day flying out over the forest, look for...well anything, come back and cut down a few smaller trees and collect other wood and plant fibers for use in construction, then maybe start teaching people how to prepare food safely.

Alright, sounds like a plan.

I put my armor back on, strap up all my shit, and take to the air, ready to be a productive member of society.

Nice change from the norm.

1. Spend roughly a 3rd of the day flying as far as I can over the forest, try and get a comprehensive idea of it's layout and see if I can find anything useful.
2. Cut down and gather up wood and other materials at the edge of the woods that would be useful in construction.
3. Get some people together and teach them how to not poison themselves with food.
"We has't a water supply thither, thee can drinketh thither but not too much. thither art other people too that needeth't."
"Let's just say that it's not that type of drink I need." I said with a small shake of my head. It would be so much easier if water was all I needed. Or if I could just do without the rather unnerving appetite I had gained. Just figured I couldn't even get some sort of fantastic power from a weird dream without some sort of downside. At least no one was treating me differently, though how long that would last I didn't know.
John gestures off to the north. "And If the Vamp doesn't want to head out I can go scout in his place, I doubt I'm as fast but I can at least handle myself if things go south."
"Tsk. I never said I wouldn't go scout. Just that it's better for me to do at night when I'm at an advantage." I said with a frown. Normally I wouldn't be so defensive but given our situation, I couldn't risk losing favor with the group and I really was one of the best suited for scouting. At least at night. 'Given what we know of the situation we're pretty much in danger from all sides and we seem to be at the center of a soon to be conflict, unfortunately. So it's best to do what we can to stack the deck in our favor."
"Tsk. I never said I wouldn't go scout. Just that it's better for me to do at night when I'm at an advantage." I said with a frown. Normally I wouldn't be so defensive but given our situation, I couldn't risk losing favor with the group and I really was one of the best suited for scouting. At least at night. 'Given what we know of the situation we're pretty much in danger from all sides and we seem to be at the center of a soon to be conflict, unfortunately. So it's best to do what we can to stack the deck in our favor."

John ignores the part where the Vampire alludes to being...thirsty, and shrugs. "As long as you get it done Vamp it doesn't matter to me, I'd probably be better off figuring out defenses anyway."

John grimmaces, the situation with building materials will have to be addressed. And this whole situation doesn't need to be made worse by him ticking off a Vampire, one of his allies no less.

The displaced man brings his attention to the supply problem, no sense worrying about something like an ally. "How are we gonna handle the Elves? We'll need a decent supply of wood if we're to get any serious work done. Are we just gonna barge in and knock some heads around if they start trouble? Because I'm down for that."
Yay, electricity problems.

Action 1: Train
Action 2: Train
(level up to level 1!)
Action three: Train 15 people in ice magic. (or attempt such.)
(1 die from skill level, +5 from being more than 3x their level, +5 from charisma 5, +2 from book, 13 d10 total~, needs 4 wins.)

Perk desired:
1: Ice "bolt"
2: Free shaping of ice
Alanek threw 1 13-faced dice. Reason: training Total: 5
5 5
Alanek threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: training mk 2 Total: 63
5 5 2 2 1 1 8 8 5 5 7 7 6 6 6 6 8 8 2 2 10 10 3 3
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After spending the night beneath a tarp, I crawled out to look over all the progress that had been made. The dream still fresh in my mind, I could now feel a connection to the earth, albeit I had to really look for it. At least it was something, I supposed.

Magic Toughness: +1
Magic Finesse: +1

As I observed the field coming to life as people scurried out from underneath their shelters to go about their business, I also scanned for the distinct people that I had met just yesterday. I spot the distinctive form of Anastasia practicing her spear skills, and begin heading towards her, noticing as I drew closer that some of the others seemed to be congregated around her.

Right as I came to a stop besides another mage, judging by his absorbtion with his book, Anastasia ran off towards a figure who had an entire deer slung over his shoulder, and began dragging him back towards us. Just as she rejoined us with the vampire, the dragon guy who flew off landed right in the middle of our little gathering. While it undoubtedly startled me, a much more concerning thought was how he was able to fly all the way here and land without any of us noticing. Looking towards the sky, with more caution, before returning to the group conversation.

'Hmm, guarded Orcs over the lake to the northast, a rampaging Evil sorceress somewhere within the mountains to our southeast, dark wood elves in the forest to the southeast, and unexplored plains to our northwest. We are sitting between two anvils with a magical hammer on its way to slam us into either one.'

Shortly after everyone begins deliberating on our course of action, Matthew walks a short distance away before going to sleep on his pack. 'Huh, was he up all night?'

Turning back to the group, I realize two things, first, if we wanted more time to prepare and organize, we needed to delay that sorceress, and second, if she truly was somewhere underground, I was the best candidate to help the dwarves, assuming they both accepted our help and didn't attack us on sight, and that they hadn't fallen yet, which was multitudes worse than the former. I resolved to quickly advance my magic as quickly and extensively as I could.

Action 1 & 2: Read my book (whenever I have free time)

Remembering the bunch of tools I had in my bag, the regret I felt resurged, as I wished I had asked my dad for more details whenever he worked on one of his little DIY projects.

The displaced man brings his attention to the supply problem, no sense worrying about something like an ally. "How are we gonna handle the Elves? We'll need a decent supply of wood if we're to get any serious work done. Are we just gonna barge in and knock some heads around if they start trouble? Because I'm down for that."

At that point, I speak up to throw in my own thoughts into the ring, "I think we'd be better off staying at the outer fringes, with people who can helpfully detect any Elves to check the area first. Even then, I'm reluctant at the idea, considering we currently lack any healers to deal with anyone who gets poisoned or injured."

"That said, how do you guys feel about sending somebody, preferably someone who can fly, out to scout the mountains? The last thing we need is for that witch to hit us with a surprise blitz. Anyway, I have a building kit, consisting of a giant plier with swiss army knives as handles, a bunch of nails, a hand saw, a hatchet, and a hammer, so, any projects?"

Turning towards Anastasia specifically, "Considering the presence of our 'friendly' forest fae, I think we should either break the news to everyone or declare the forest off-limits unless they have an enhanced escort, eitherway I'd rather someone not end up as cannibal elf stew while they go looking for herbs or prey. Perhaps you'd be up to the task?"
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After taking a jaunt in the woods Newt decided to walk back into the clearing with his haul of wood which he placed near the person who looked like she was in charge of the group. Placing his book on plants top of the pile in case anyone else wanted to read it while he was going out to scout the mountains to the west. He might as well keep an eye out for plants that his books have mention that would be useful while walking there. He needed to get used to his new body and a long walk would probably do him some good.

[1] Scout to the mountains to the west
[2] Gather plants while scountin
[3] Train finesse to 2
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Seeing the Bug man setting down his book I remembered something of my own. "I have a book that describes a process where an Internal and External gain gain power from each other, it seems like it could be useful if anyone wants to look it over just ask."