Blinking as the early morning light enters my eyes, I rub at them and sit up. Taking only a few moments to see the dandelion covered field vastly different from the library I was in moments ago. Well what I thought was moments ago sleep can play havoc with the sense of time. Taking in the sights around me, my eyes narrow on the several dangerous looking people, a sleeping dragon, and armor wearing knight chief among them. However with the flat field and nowhere to run, I push myself up and cough into my hands weakly.

"Um... Hello, I am Arme Seele, and if you don't mind that I ask who are you guys? Not that you have to answer or anything!"

Action 1 (Examine Book)
Action 2 (Examine Kit)
Action 3 (Look at the book more)
Anastasia after finishing her presentation and getting the name of the ork woman Zheldie, she moved on to the new guy that woke up with a bright sunny smile. She extended a hand to shake as a greeting.

"Welcometh. Mine own nameth is Anastasia Sylvestre, thy white-hair'd gentleman th're already presenteth thee self, the hood'd gentleman is Lucas Malayaka, thy brown-hair'd gentleman is Cosmas Nirganatre and the vampire that wend away is Lucien Pyrone." She pointed to each and every one of them respectively.

Anastasia paused for a moment to let him digest the information then continued.
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I nod and stand their quietly unsure if I should say anything to the woman in... no Anastasia. I shift my weight from one foot to another, then swallow a lump in my throat. "Do you know what's going on?"
I nod and stand their quietly unsure if I should say anything to the woman in... no Anastasia. I shift my weight from one foot to another, then swallow a lump in my throat. "Do you know what's going on?"
Anastasia wanted to cry internally. Why is everyone ignoring her handshakes? Or did they come from a world with a completely different culture where handshakes doesn't exist? Still she kept a smile on her face however. It wouldn't do to worry Arme.

"No one knoweth what's happening but don't worry as long as I and mine companions art hither, we wilt keepeth thee safe. We hath sent one of our friends to scout an area in the south-east whither we art planning to settle and assess our situation. Doth thou has't any question?"
"Godspeed and goodluck. Should you need to feast on blood I am willing to volunteer a bit of my own later tonight."

I open my book once more to keep reading, one boney finger tracing a line of text.

"Thank you for the offer! I really wasn't sure what I was going to do about that though I was hoping an animal could help." I said with a sheepish smile. Within me, I could feel a sense of anticipation and a frankly disturbing curl of hunger when I thought of blood. Not even thinking of what I normally thought of as my favorite food before..all of this provoked the same reaction anymore. How unnerving.

Quieting to listen to all the others considered the problem we seemed to keep running into of whether we should leave or stay. I didn't feel that splintering the entire group was wise, more so when upon studying the more normal looking humans that showed up without books I noticed how very...normal they all looked. They didn't have any of the books the weaker bodied among us had nor did they have inhuman vitality or features. Could they be normal people then?

Edging away from the group I considered how I was going to run all the way to the forest. I had never been one to run for long distances, not since quite a few years ago and despite how I felt now I didn't really know how it would all work.

Hearing voices start to get heated at the edge of my range I turned back to look at where people had gathered it seemed that there were more of them now and someone of them just gave me the sense that they were nervous. I only really knew that because my gaze seemed to be drawn to them more, like it was for those that weaker unlike the bug man and the woman with the spear. Predatory instinct?

Hesitating I shifted restlessly before going back quietly for the moment. A normal person could run 5 miles in around an hour and I was sure that I could do far better now so it wouldn't hurt me overmuch to stay for a short time. Better a small delay than some sort of massive splintering that I would run back into unprepared otherwise.
"Thank you for the offer! I really wasn't sure what I was going to do about that though I was hoping an animal could help." I said with a sheepish smile. Within me, I could feel a sense of anticipation and a frankly disturbing curl of hunger when I thought of blood. Not even thinking of what I normally thought of as my favorite food before..all of this provoked the same reaction anymore. How unnerving.

Quieting to listen to all the others considered the problem we seemed to keep running into of whether we should leave or stay. I didn't feel that splintering the entire group was wise, more so when upon studying the more normal looking humans that showed up without books I noticed how very...normal they all looked. They didn't have any of the books the weaker bodied among us had nor did they have inhuman vitality or features. Could they be normal people then?

Edging away from the group I considered how I was going to run all the way to the forest. I had never been one to run for long distances, not since quite a few years ago and despite how I felt now I didn't really know how it would all work.

Hearing voices start to get heated at the edge of my range I turned back to look at where people had gathered it seemed that there were more of them now and someone of them just gave me the sense that they were nervous. I only really knew that because my gaze seemed to be drawn to them more, like it was for those that weaker unlike the bug man and the woman with the spear. Predatory instinct?

Hesitating I shifted restlessly before going back quietly for the moment. A normal person could run 5 miles in around an hour and I was sure that I could do far better now so it wouldn't hurt me overmuch to stay for a short time. Better a small delay than some sort of massive splintering that I would run back into unprepared otherwise.
Having caught my breath and gained a little distance from Ms Sylvestre I noticed that the vampire had either rejoined us or never left.

"Everything going well? I had thought you would be in the woods by now hiding from the sun."
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Anastasia released both men from her arms and looked at where the voice came from. There she saw a grey-skined woman with what looked like a permanent scowl on her face and quite sharp teeth. At least as sharp as Lucien's.
Walking over her, Anastasia offered her hand to shake and smiled her usual smile at the Ork look-a-like woman.
Davius started massaging his sides a bit, grateful for the protection his armor provided. With some dose of satisfaction, he noticed that his accuser lacked any additional protection and fared far worse. 'Suits him well', he thought, trying not to let a vengeful smirk appear on his face. It was helped by it not being his most comfortable hug ever, as proved by him instinctivelty massaging his sides, not to mention that he usually reserved hugs for the closest family members, and this breach of personal space had left him distinctly uncomfortable.

His mood wasn't helped by the fact that they seemed to be so quick to think him a purge-happy 'barbarian'. It still baffled him how his words could be misinterpreted that way, but the fact they somehow managed to jump to such extreme conclusions had left him with a sense of unease. Especially considering how otherwise naive and optimistic Anastasia had been.
"Doth thee wanteth to join us?"

Anastasia momentarly paused, then her eyes nearly seemed to shine for a moment.

"And I do beseech you touch thy ears? Please?"
'A bit too direct', Davius noticed. Well, at least he wouldn't be fully outmatched when it came to socialising, for once.
"You do realize I just be wakin' up right? Join you for what exactly and for dat matta' who exactly are you and yer friends little lady," Zheldie asked as she stood up to her full height looking down at the girl. Then the girl's other question caught up to her, causing her to flinch back in surprise at the bizarre request. "That be a mighty strange request little lady, why do ya seem so interested in my ears?"
"Aye, I offereth my most humble apology about that thou mayest refer to me as Anastasia Sylvestre, thy white-hair'd gentleman th're is Jack Winters, the hood'd gentleman is Lucas Malayaka, thy brown-hair'd gentleman is Cosmas Nirganatre and the vampire is Lucien Pyrone. I do beseech you asketh for thy name mine Lady?"

The fact Anastasia had failed to introduce him did little to reduce his worries. Well then, in that case he needed to counter the mistrustful duo.

"Please, forgive my acquaintance here, she can be a bit... presumptious at times" Davius offered with a gentle smile. Since Anastasia seemed to just entangle herself into a conversation with another person, again without mentioning him, he felt he could afford a slightly mocking remark. "You can call me Davius Czar." He considered her a bit, before deciding to answer her questions. She seemed more... rough, than others, and not just because of her inhuman appearance, but also due to her accent that suggested a tougher background, back when she was, he presumed, human. He expected her to be more responsive to utilitarian arguments, than to Anastasia's approach, which suited him perfectly.

"As to why you would like to join our little group, it is my belief that in about a week, when food is going to become scarce in the area, unless new people stop appearing anytime soon, that is, this crowd is going to become less than friendly. As the competition for resources, hunting grounds and access to drinking water is going to grow heated, it would be be best if you had somebody to watch your back and help in various ways only our unique spellbooks and abilities can. Alone, I'm afraid that the various groups that are going to form and would consider lone wolfs easy targets to rob them off supplies. I don't doubt that you are more than capable, but as people say, quantity has a quality of its own.

"So, what will you say? Can we count you in our group, miss..." Davius strained the last syllable into question, inviting her to introduce herself.
Jack looks askance at the man. "...Those are his reasons, and his alone, for the record. As for why you should stay amongst us... Why not, really. You're here next to us, and unless you see someone you recognize, no reason to find another group yet. We also seem to be the only ones with the books or otherwise special..."
He pauses, then snaps his fingers. "Right, you just woke up. Dragon man has scouted in the air. No civilization in sight. Only a massive plain of these dandelions, the mountains over there, and the forest. We've only been up a few minutes, don't know any dangers yet."
Seeing as everyone else was being busy after he introduced himself Newt decided to look at the things that came with him after waking up from the dream. Rummaging around his pack he found a book on edible plants and started perusing it whilst keeping track of how often new people appeared in the clearing. It was slow going at first due to his unfamiliarity with his extra limbs but he managed to coordinate them well enough to handle his book with the respect it deserved.

[1] Read through the Short guide to edible plants
[2] Explore Water Source to the West
[3] Gather Wood
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Having caught my breath and gained a little distance from Ms Sylvestre I noticed that the vampire had either rejoined us or never left.

"Everything going well? I had thought you would be in the woods by now hiding from the sun."

"I was about to go but stuff seemed to get rather heated here. Just wondering what was going on." I said awkwardly, there was no way I was going to admit to being nervous about going out by myself in a body I barely knew on an alien world. I'd like it if someone were to come with me but given how far away the forest was I doubted anyone in this group right now could keep up with me and I did need some measure of urgency to also hunt. Anything to supplement our rations could only do us some good.
"I was about to go but stuff seemed to get rather heated here. Just wondering what was going on." I said awkwardly, there was no way I was going to admit to being nervous about going out by myself in a body I barely knew on an alien world. I'd like it if someone were to come with me but given how far away the forest was I doubted anyone in this group right now could keep up with me and I did need some measure of urgency to also hunt. Anything to supplement our rations could only do us some good.
"Honestly I am not entirely sure myself."

I turn to look at the gathering pile of humans and not humans.

"People seem to be worried about how little food and how many people are appearing out of nothing. Not entirely unreasonable concerns but the only real way to combat it is to gain a way to supplement existing food stores. Voicing those concerns does nothing but distract people from figuring out what they can do and getting food."
Not a turn update, you don't need to update anything, just wanted to give some blurbs from your books and when I do turn updates, I'll cover you doing the ritual and the astral stuff.

From zero to true zero, a comprehensive guide to all levels of Ice magic
"Ice Magic has a long-standing tradition as being a common choice for battle mages. The harder nature makes it a stronger choice than liquid water in both defensive and offensive applications. In fact, Sir flemarim the tactician who wrote the original war academy guide to magic started off using ice for those very reasons. However, this is chapter one so we shall start where we must. You must reach out to the six (seven) realms at least in particularly you must reach out to the plane of Water and become a gateway for the power of Ice. It is becoming this gateway that creates the divide between internal and external mages. The energy does not care about space in the same way that we do, to it, we are impossibly thin, in many ways to it we do not exist because we are not a magical power. So the power must be either inside or outside of the gateway (you) because the gateway is too small to exist partway through."

Crossing the river to Hades and back

Nothing dead is gone. It has only changed states, much like wood once burned becomes heat, it has become a type of energy instead of matter. That energy can be taken it can be used, it can be harnessed for those foolish or brave enough to make the choice to do so. Armies once fallen can march for you presuming you have the dedication to master these arts which have gotten so many young mages killed. You must become a pathway for the lower plane. The plane of the fallen the dark and forgotten welcomes all rather than requiring a test or sacrifice mastery is the test. However waxing poetic will not kill your foes and bring them back for your use. We will not look at the steps to connect yourself to one of the seven planes. Like all connections to a plane it is a simple ritual, and once connected you may choose no other realm to connect to, though you will be able to make new connections to the lower realm.

An Encyclopedic Guide to Earth Magic for Initiates to Grandmasters

Chapter 1: Page one. Chronological development. Earth Magic is made by forming a connection to the realm of earth. It is one of the four parallel realms that circle our realm. In order to form this connection, one must have a source of Earth Magic to send themselves on an astral journey to that realm and then accept that realm into their -Soul- (See chapter 7 Debates). After doing so it will take a great deal of training and practice where you must both improve the strength of the connection as well as your fine manipulation in using it. (See Chapter 3 Training). Stone Magic is Valued for bonded partners (Not Covered in this book, try the rest of our series!). While a bonded partner is highly recommended you must make sure you are in good enough health as the ritual, will take a physical toll on the body unlike any other magic, as well as the bond grows stronger that toll will increase. With or without a bonded partner, we recommend studying in the war academy standard which is split into the five essential spells. (See our Guide to War Academy Magic).


The Idiots intro to healing magic (with pictures)
You have chosen to learn magic that falls within the high realm (place) good job! This magic is very good you choose well. This magic is best at healing wounds and that is what we will be learning. So after the holy prayers which will let the good magic flow through you, you will have to learn to heal wounds by practicing on wounds. The easiest way is to serve with a crusade and be in the healing corps. However, failing that (which you should not) then you can simply cut yourself. (note do make sure this cut will not seriously harm you of stop your focus).In the following pages are the pictures for how to properly do the prayers and make the connection with the high realm. Do note the proper holy symbols and be prepared to see the holy realm for the first time.

Guide to Universal Laws and Magic Theory
Magic is energy harnessed from one of the seven planes in order to create effects on our world. The Seven Planes are the one we are on, the plane of the void that lies at the center and has unaligned magic. (Matter of perspective, fire magic in the fire realm to a fire creature seem unaligned). Circling our realm horizontally is the four natural realms of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire respectively. Above us is the realm of light, which contains all that we consider being good, and that leaves the realm below which contains all that we consider being evil. One of the most popular theories for why this is is because the energy for the other six realms mixed and is what created our realm thus it is not a coincidence but because of our creation that we see all things in the light realm as good and the low as evil. It would also explain reagents and focuses quite nicely in certain ways.

Introduction to Magic Theory and Applied Telekinesis
Telekinesis is the art of using pure force to manipulate our world. This is done by, first completing a short ritual that connects your soul to the physical realm that we live upon. Afterward, it is a matter of time and training Telekinesis is an incredibly versatile school of magic and some claim that it comes easier because we live upon the realm we are connected to. This is not true. You will have to constantly train and study to improve in your chosen discipline however we will be covering all five of the academy war mage guidelines for magical combat, which are as follows.
1) Bolt: You must have at least some basic offensive spell to protect yourself with.
2) Shield: You must equally have some ability to protect yourself from harm
3) Enhancing: Single combat is a rare thing, people travel and usually fight in groups the ability to enhance an ally is critical because it can be so efficent.
4) Area Denial: Whether it is your home or part of a battlefield), the ability to deny an area instantly gives you many more tactical options
5) Counter Spell: It is not enough to have shielding magic, you may come across other forms of magic and if you can not stop them you are defenseless.
These are the 5 things all academy war mages are expected to be able to do in some form, and we will be covering all of them in order.

@Planetary Tennis

The Simple Steps to Bending Nature to Your Whim

Nature magic is the most valuable to society. It allows larger cities to exist and lowers the numbers of farmers so a society may have more people in those cities focused on industry. In fact, because of this, almost all nations refuse to use nature mages in their military, the cost is simply too high to the nation. This has lead to the assumption that nature is hard to master, when it is in fact the opposite. Enhancing an already existing object is easier than creating and mainting one for yourself. Compared to the fire mage who must continually conjure his fire, a nature mage, simply has to provide energy to a plant and then the plant uses that energy on it's own. The first step as with all magic is to become a pathway for the energy of earth to flow through you. We will be examining how to do that and then what to do with after having acomplished that task. Largely this will cover farming and infrastructure, plant battle magic is less advanced in the civilized world than the other elements.
My eyes blink open slowly, and the first thing that I see (beyond the sky) is a long, scaly snout that I know I didn't have before.

I sit up, a little panicked, only for the Panic to grow further as I look over myself and see that it's not just a Snout, I seem to have been transformed into a lizard/dragon person.

Which is cool, but also wft how does this ha-


That dream. With the Librarian-dude who reeked of Tzeenchian Fuckery and offered me a Book from his library, which I figured was some memetic hazard Chaos bullshit and Noped instantly.

I groan, realizing that no, this is a real thing, this happened, and by not picking a book, I get to become a Dragon.

Or, half dragon., I think I can deal with that. Dragons are cool.

Ok, look around...looks like I'm in a field, and there's a lake over there, some people scattered around...some are talking, some look confused, not gonna approach anyone *just* yet.

Oh look, a backpack. And some other stuff in a bundle.

Probably good to go over that...

Action 1: Take Inventory of my gear.

Ok, large backpack...knife, some Ration bars, a tarp, some rope or cord, not sure what the difference is. Some bandages, rubbing alcohol, sewing kit, two canteens...empty, lovely. And that's it for the rucksack, let's see what this other bundle is... Shield, throwing knives, some leather-and-metal armor, wood and leather shield, Axe. Just a simple, utilitarian steel war-axe.

Hm. I like Swords better from an aesthetic point of view, but I realize I have no training whatsoever with Swords, so an Axe is probably a much better choice.

Alright, that looks like everything, I pack up the pack, test out and slip on my Armor, sheath my weapons on the provided belt-spaces, and grab my shield.

I look over at the loose clusters, and...yeah, I don't really feel up to interacting with people rn. I think I'll go look around the Lake a bit, test out these Wings, look for a good spot to build a Shelter for myself. Maybe test out my new body, see what these claws and scales and muscles can do.

With that thought, I spread my wings, and with a WHOOSH take to the air, instantly taking immense joy in the action, letting out a warbling roar as I lazily swoop towards the lake.

Action 2: Fly to, and explore around, the Lake.
Action 3: test out my new body, see what innate abilities I have, how my new physique compares to my old one. 'Work in the new clothes', as it were.
I turn and look at the dragon as it flies up. "Uh... hi... unless you are too far away, I am Arme Seele." I look down at my book and around at the others. "Should we worry that the Dragon ran away?"
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Anastasia returned to her spear practice while waiting for Lucien to come back.

"We aren't f'rcing anyone to stayeth with us if 't be true that gent wisheth to leaveth then so beest t as longeth as that gent doesn't maketh us any problem."
Korr upon reading his book and reading through it decides to go and find someone who has a sharp weapon.

A little later he finds Anastasia with her spear. So he walks up to her and asks "Hey do you think that you can stab me in the arm lightly for me to practice my magic on later."

@Terran Imperium
Korr upon reading his book and reading through it decides to go and find someone who has a sharp weapon.

A little later he finds Anastasia with her spear. So he walks up to her and asks "Hey do you think that you can stab me in the arm lightly for me to practice my magic on later."

@Terran Imperium
Anastasia actually nearly choked on her own spit and stumble because of the bluntness of this man.

"Wha-?! What?!"
"My book says that the best way to learn healing magic is to either A join the Healing Corps of a crusade or B cut myself and heal that. I don't have a knife or a sharp stick so yeah."
Anastasia frowned at the man.

"I won't stab thee!"

Sighing she extended her left hand while holding her spear with her right.

"Just giveth me thy handeth, I wilt cutteth thy palm lightly."
Dinac woke up, lying on the grass, as he quickly stood up and began formulating something's to do:
1)Do some light stretches
2)Look for dangers in the area
3)Look for notable landmarks in the area
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"Artifice and you, how to get started"
As you are already familiar with the rule of three and it's requirements I will instead focus on the requirements for artifice. Every part of your magical device must be derived from a focus, this is so it has the magical capacity to be formed into "one" object. EG: A flaming sword would use metal and a fire focus to making a flaming blade, limited by the quality of both materials and the skill of both the fire mage and artificer. However, once they have that blade, they must make a handle for it so that it can be wielded without burning the user, such would have to be another focus magically joined and it's magical power changed to protect its self and the user from the harmful effects. This applies to all artifice though, enhanced armor will in time rip itself free of straps or joinery that are not part of it magically, the energy of protection constantly pushing them apart."

@Planetary Tennis
"How to Partner bond for beginner mages"​
The partner bond is in it's most simple of forms a connection between an external and internal magic user which allows them to use some of each other's powers. This is extremely useful and a valid way to go much stronger, however, considerations must be made carefully because of the strength of such a connection. Firstly, understand that the connection is made by transplanting part of your soul within each others soul. This can not be undone, not even with death. It is the highest level of permanency and as such needs to be considered carefully. Furthermore, the strength of the bond means that injuries to one can appear on the other with this effect increasing with the strength of the relationship. Then there is the physical cost, a toll on the body that grows as the relationship grows stronger, with training this damage can be overcome, but it still worth consideration.

Yet, It is worth it to many if not most to partner bond if they find someone they think is worth bonding with. This is because the power gained is permanent and of a nature different than your own opening up more versatility. As well the ability to share emotions or at higher level thoughts can be immensely valuable. So now that you have been warned I will be detailing the method by which you can commence with the ritual and make your partner bond"​
Everything fucking hurt.

I wasn't exagerating. Every muscles in my body screamed like the damned. It was like I slept in a coffin of steel, then someone rolled that coffin down a waterfall.

"Jesus fuck anyone got the number of that train?" I groaned, pushing myself off the earth before immediately stumbling over myself again. Something was... off. Something didn't feel quite right. I looked down and started patting myself and felt my hand touching steel.

That's... might have explain the odd balance? Except, no. Not really. I stood up and took a few experimental steps. It wasn't the armor that threw me off. The armor was like a second skin to me. It's something else.

I started to check my belonging. There was a shield, a fuck huge sword, a bunch of supplies, and

huh? I guess I'll check the book out then,

Action: Read book
Action: Check Inventory
Action: Asset situation