Supervillain CEO (CK2 Quest)

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Vote Tally : Supervillain CEO (CK2 Quest) Original - Superhero | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 92-102]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] Plan: Resetting a foundation
-[X] Promotional Campaign
-[X] Smoothing things over with the Fairchilds
-[X] Recruit Henchmen
-[X] Setup Production Facilities.
-[X] Establish Local Crime
-[X] Research Green Technology.
-[X] Spend time with Joan
-[X] Improve Nasira's power armour
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Plan: Negative
-[X] Promotional Campaign
-[X] Reach out to Another Business
--[X] Hooded Treats DC50
-[X] Fortified Your Operations
-[X] Setup Production Facilities.
-[X] Spy on a Rival.
--[X] Hooded Treats DC50
---[X] Assign White Dragon
-[X] Research Improved Purification.
-[X] Spend time with Joan
-[X] Spend time with Nasira
No. of Votes: 2
[◈] Plan: Negative
[X] giodan
[X] Marlin

Total No. of Voters: 9
The vote is now closed.
Vote Tally : Supervillain CEO (CK2 Quest) Original - Superhero | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 92-112]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] Plan: Resetting a foundation
-[X] Promotional Campaign
-[X] Smoothing things over with the Fairchilds
-[X] Recruit Henchmen
--[X] White Dragon
-[X] Setup Production Facilities.
-[X] Establish Local Crime
-[X] Research Green Technology.
-[X] Spend time with Joan
-[X] Improve Nasira's power armour
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Plan: Negative
-[X] Promotional Campaign
-[X] Reach out to Another Business
--[X] Hooded Treats DC50
-[X] Fortified Your Operations
-[X] Setup Production Facilities.
-[X] Spy on a Rival.
--[X] Hooded Treats DC50
---[X] Assign White Dragon
-[X] Research Improved Purification.
-[X] Spend time with Joan
-[X] Spend time with Nasira
No. of Votes: 5

Total No. of Voters: 16
Winter 2012 Results
[X] Plan: Resetting a foundation
-[X] Promotional Campaign
-[X] Smoothing things over with the Fairchilds
-[X] Recruit Henchmen
--[X] White Dragon
-[X] Setup Production Facilities.
-[X] Establish Local Crime
-[X] Research Green Technology.
-[X] Spend time with Joan
-[X] Improve Nasira's power armour

[-] Promotional Campaign
Promoting your services and products is something every business needs to do if they want to thrive and yours is no exception. Run some additional advertisements to improve your image and get more sells.
DC: 65. Cost: 0. Effect: Possible Increased Profits, +1 Prestige.
Rolled: 15+37 = 52 (Failure)

While your company's name didn't need any improving, its brand recognition did as while highly thought of by those that knew about you, that circle was unfortunately limited. To this end, you have your marketing department come up with new ways to promote your business.

Unfortunately, their efforts misaimed and/or mistimed. You aren't sure if you were just late to this round of the game, but by the time you entered your target areas, the bulk of your potential customers had already been snatched up by your competitors.

Your promotional campaign was only partially successful and failed to be profitable.

[-] Smoothing things over with the Fairchilds
While things have initially gone poorly with the Fairchilds, you are confident that you can smooth things over with your new in-laws. Though Joan's siblings will be easier to sway than her parents.
DC: 60/90. Cost: 0. Effect: Improve relations with your new in-laws.
Rolled: 53+37+10 = 100 (Success)

With how bad things went with the patriarch and matriarch of the Fairchild family, you decided that when you take another swing at the matter of in-laws to start with your wife's siblings rather than her parents.

You approach Abigail Fairchild and Alexis Fairchild first. As Joan expected and hoped, both Abby and Alex were supportive of their sister's marriage, especially since you and Joan made sure to keep them from suspecting anything untoward about it. A few chats and you feel ready to move onto the next part of the plan, which was to approach Marcelle Fairchild. Another few friendly conversation and offering to set up some gigs for Marcelle's only mildly successful band.

With the younger Fairchild siblings won over in December, you moved onto the eldest two in January. While both of them being semi-successful in the acting industry, Breanne Fairchild proved to be the easier one to win over. Not really aligned with either Joan or their parents, Breanne was quite susceptible your charm offensive and didn't take long to bring her into Joan's camp.

Irwin on the other hand was a harder sell. Despite his friendly exterior, the man was the selfish, self-serving sort at heart and while he bore no ill will towards Joan, Irwin's primary interest was in keeping the good books of his parents so he could retain access to their money. Fortunately, your successes with the rest of the Fairchild siblings meant that he was open to your persuasions and he fell in line after you pulled a couple of strings to get him his most successor job to date.

Having swayed all of the Fairchilds in the younger generation, you took another swing at Marcus and Noelle Fairchild. You aren't sure if it is because the marriage has been in place for almost half a year now without any sign of fraying or because you managed to win over the rest of the family, but the elder Fairchilds are more receptive to your overtures this time around.

You have a couple dinners with them and while things are tense, your good behaviour combined with your good reputation is enough that they don't seem to think ill of you anymore. Unfortunately, you weren't able to completely patch things up between Joan and her parents, but the nature of the matter means it is because the Fairchilds and not an outsider like you even if you have married into the family. Neither Joan nor her parents want to be the first to concede in their prior argument and while they are back on speaking terms, things are still strained.

You have managed to get on good terms with all members of the Fairchild family.

[-] Recruit Henchmen
As a supervillain, it is important to recruit talented individuals to fight on your behalf.
DC: Scaling. Cost: 1 Wealth. Effect: Recruit Reliable Henchmen.
Rolled: 27+27+35 = 89 (Success)

As a capable supervillain in her own right, you leave Nasira to find some suitable talent for your more shady endeavours. As is usually the case, the White Dragon doesn't disappoint you and over the last few months, she has picked up a veritable bunch of loyal and competent minions. After picking an initial few from the criminals secretly on your payroll, Nasira branched out into other parts of the country. While Hampshire might be cleared out, the British Isles have plenty of reliable thugs and Nasira is about to pick up a good couple dozen natives and even a handful of foreign individuals looking for a better future in the country.

Gain Organisation Trait Reliable Henchman: +5 to Supervillain Rolls

[-] Setup Production Facilities.
While you could rely upon external suppliers, having some serious internal production facilities would boost your company's profits and capabilities.
DC: 30. Cost: -1 Profits if successful. Effect: Increased Profits.
Rolled: 46+25+3 = 74 (Success)

While the Goodman Corporation has never lacked for those willingly to handle production on its behalf, you have decided to make things more in house. It is just sensible planning to not leave your business dependent on other business even if said other business is a partner and not a rival. So you decided to make some investments and expand the businesses that Goodman Corporation got involved in. While you have begun the construction of a few new sites, it would be some time until they got fully operational so the bulk of what you did came from buying out existing businesses and adding them to your own company.

Net change of +1 Profits.

[-] Establish Local Crime
The deficit of organised crime that you have left in the county means that as the Warlord, it would be pretty easy if somewhat expensive to establish new groups that are loyal to you and take their marching orders from you.
DC: 30. Cost: 5 Wealth. Effect: Establish new organised crime in Hampshire under your control.
Rolled: 27+22+2 = 41 (Success)

You don't like crime, but it is better to have it under your control where it is relatively restrained than let it run wild and untamed. Who knows what sort of monsters could arise if things are left to their natural course?

Unfortunately, you did too much of a good job in some ways. Sure, the devastation that White Dragon wrought has allowed you pretty much a free hand in organising your new crime syndicate, but in other ways, building from scratch is hurting you as it slows things down and costs a pretty penny. There are no pre-existing networks and groups to hijack or take advantage of, but there are plenty of ex-criminals floundering about.

You wrap most of them into your new organised along with some new blood and then have anyone who doesn't play ball executed. A bit harsh, but there is a life of crime for you and it gives you the control that you desire. None of these petty criminals want to get into a fight with the Warlord of Winchester and his White Dragon.

All in all, it goes well if not as well as you could have hoped. You have your crime syndicate in place, but right now, it consists of a whole load of local gangs that happen to answer to you.

You have established the beginnings of a criminal syndicate under your control in Hampshire.

[-] Research Green Technology.
While the world is still a few years away from the point of no return, you are uncomfortable about how close that point is and you dislike what reckless industrialisation and capitalism has done to the planet.
DC: 50. Cost: 0. Effect: Improves Green Technology.
Rolled: 33+27+10+2 = 72 (Success)

Having worked on improved purification techniques during Autumn and having acquired the foremost advancements in solar power from Wallis Technologies, you decide look into a new branch of environment friendly technology. After going through a few ideas, you eventually settle on the concept of electric cars. The concept had been around for some time, dating as far as over a century ago, but for various reasons they never gained popularity.

You decided to change that. While Goodman Corporation wasn't in the business of producing cars, it was certainly something it could do and to that end, you had your scientists work with their counterparts at Wallis Technologies to develop new generation of electric cars.

Gain Electric Vehicles I

[-] Spend time with Joan
You got something of involuntarily wife that you can't afford to just let go. Try to get to know your old nemesis better as a person and sort out your complicated relationship.
DC: ???. Cost: 0. Effect: Improve your relationship with Joan Fairchild.
Rolled: 91+10 = 101 (Critical Success)

"This has gotten way too normal for me," says Joan as she walks into the kitchen, still wearing her superheroine costume, a full-body purple jumpsuit with golden boots, belt and gauntlets while a purple mask covers the upper half of her face, "You know that we aren't actually married right?"

"Define married," you reply from where you are cooking a dinner for the two of you, "Our marriage would fit plenty of historical definitions and it certainly fits the fae definition."

"Ugh, don't remind me of that guy," grumbles Joan as she leans against the worktop, watching you work, "What are we having for dinner by the way?"

"Salmon fillets with potato wedges, sweet corn and broccoli," you answer.

"Huh," says Joan, "Not exactly my tastes, but I've learnt to trust your cooking. Speaking of which, why does a billionaire like you cook or even know how to?"

"I wasn't always a billionaire," you point out, "I learnt to cook growing up and had to once I was living on my own. Now I could afford to eat out or get takeaway or just pay someone to cook for me, but I don't because I like to cook."

"I just got takeaway or got some microwave meals, sometimes something I can throw in the oven for fifteen or twenty minutes," says Joan, "Mum and Dad always had a cook or two working for them growing up so I never learnt it as a child. When I got my own place, I just kept up getting someone else to do it. Heh, I guess I am still am."

"You are," you confirm, "What was on your mind when we said that we weren't actually married?"

"We don't love each other," states Joan with a wave of her hand, "We got forced into the marriage and we didn't get married because we were in love with each other."

"That is called arranged marriage," you say, "Unfortunately common for much of history and still commonplace in some places to this day."

"Whatever," replies Joan, "The worst and best of this is how nice you are. It would be a good thing, but then you go and make it all terrible by being evil."

"I am criminal not evil," you reply back with a frown, "Those are two separate things even if they can overlap."

"Then explain why I am unable to deal with the new gangs popping because they are part of your operations?" demands Joan, glaring at you while your own frown deepens.

"I am filling a void that would be filled by a worse person," you counter, "As our society stands, crime will continue to rise and appear no matter how often we beat down on it. By taking control of it, I am able to limit its excesses while I am in control."

"Sounds like a pretty good excuse to explain away being a crime lord," retorts Joan as she folds her arms.

"Ideally I would undertake social reforms to minimise the conditions required for crime to arise, but that is a long time away," you tell your wife, turning to face her, "In the meantime, I need to expand my influence so I can help more people and I need to use my influence to help those that I can. For taking control of the local organised crime, I am able to prevent those that turn to crime from needlessly preying upon the innocent.

Yes, it is far from ideal, but that is just the sorry state of modern society. We need proper social systems in place to care for the fortunate, we need to care for people so they don't need to turn to illegal methods to get by in life. We need to shuffle society's wealth downwards so it stops making its way up to the elite and starts making its way down to the masses. We need to-hmph!"

You are quite startled to find Joan embracing you a hug, the suddenness of it reminding you that your wife has super speed whilst her indominable grip on you reminds that her strength is also strength. The last unexpected reminder that Joan counts as being buxom leaves you with an unwanted blush on your face through fortunately Joan isn't in a position to see the redness of your face.

"If only you weren't a supervillain," mutters Joan before releasing you and leaving the kitchen with the same speed that she used to hug you.

[-] Improve Nasira's power armour
There are a few ways in which you could upgrade Nasira's power armour. Take the time to implement one of them.
DC: 75. Cost: 0. Effect: Upgrade Nasira's White Dragon Power Armour.
Rolled: 60+27+10 = 97 (Success)

While you got plenty of use out of your own armour over the years, Nasira got far more mileage out of her power armour as the White Dragon. After being refined over the better part of the last decade, the power armour was impressive as it provided a substantial degree of protection and empowerment. The armour plating itself could stand up to armour-piercing bullets and super strong fists whilst granting the wearer a degree of enhanced strength and reducing the amount exertion required for physical activity. Continuous upgrades and improvements over the years had greatly enhanced those capabilities from what they started out as, but there is always room for more upgrades.

[] [PA] Sonic Weaponry. Install some sonic blasters in the wrists of the armour.
[] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[] [PA] Supercharge. Grant the armour the ability to overcharge itself to temporarily boost its capabilities.


Random Event Roll = 2 (Lyn Corporation approaches Goodman Corporation.)

To your surprise, you get another offer, but this time it is from Moira Lyn from Lyn Corporation up in Scotland. Your fellow CEO wants you and your wife to come and visit her or for her to come and visit you and your wife. She doesn't mind either way but would prefer the former.

You don't trust the woman. Her company has been too whimsy and erratic, but successful despite that lack of focus. The woman herself is an oddity and you've been in your other business long enough to pick up when an individual isn't a normal person. And while you have no evidence, Moira Lyn is most certainly no ordinary individual.

[] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan.
[] [Lyn] Accept the offer and invite Moira Lyn to Hampshire.
[] [Lyn] Reject the offer as you want nothing to do with this crazy woman.


I wanted to do better justice to bits involving Joan and the Fairchilds, but the nature of CKII quests means I can only put to so much that. Unless I am willingly to do mini-turns or interludes, but frankly, I don't have the time to expend that amount of effort minor stuff like this.

By the way, the main sticking point between Joan and Leo is that one is a superhero while the other is supervillain. Until you find a way to overcome that, you are always going to need to be wary of that obstacle.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan.
[X] [PA] Sonic Weaponry. Install some sonic blasters in the wrists of the armour.
[X] [Lyn] Reject the offer as you want nothing to do with this crazy woman.
[X] [PA] Sonic Weaponry. Install some sonic blasters in the wrists of the armour.
[X] [Lyn] Reject the offer as you want nothing to do with this crazy woman.
[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan.
[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan.

I have a feeling that "Moira Lyn" is a fae that was sent to retrive Joan on behalf of the fae that won the bet against Joan, so I do not think we should take the offer here...
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[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Reject the offer as you want nothing to do with this crazy woman.

Fairchilds did feel a bit rushed. Maybe concentrate on one or two of them at a time in the future?

Interactions with Joan are good, I really like their dynamic.

Do we have any preferences or input from Nazira about her armor upgrades?
I have a feeling that "Moira Lyn" is a fae that was sent to retrive Joan on behalf of the fae that won the bet against Joan, so I do not think we should take the offer here...

Moira Lyn has been around for decades before that event happened and Leo killed the fae who tried to marry Joan.

Do we have any preferences or input from Nazira about her armor upgrades?

She is confident that Leo will give her something good aka no preference.
[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan
Moira Lyn is almost certainly a fae and accepting her invitation is not a good idea. That said, insulting her by refusing her invitation is a much worse idea. Being rude to the Fair Folk never ends well, and being invited guests should give us some degree of safety.
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We rolled a 2 for a RER, there is no way of getting around the pain that is coming.

RER is rolled on a D6 and how high or low the number is doesn't reflect how good or bad the event is for you. What it does represent the order that I figured up the possible random events for this turn.
[X] [PA] Flight. Upgrade the armour so it is capable of flight.
[X] [Lyn] Accept the offer and go to Scotland with Joan.

Flight provides maneuverability for close combat and the option to run away if needed.

The Lyn choices are essentially 1) scoping out an unknown variable on their turf (our deception+skills vs their unknown defenses), 2) allowing an unknown variable into your turf (their unknown skills vs our defenses), and 3) potentially offending an unknown variable. In order to preserve information security, I'd prefer to go to their turf and try to avoid invoking any suspicions while potentially learning more about their abilities.