tankdrop24 - Chirico Cuvie (R8/8) [IN PLAY]
Name: Chirico Cuvie
High Concept: Overman Scopedog Pilot
Trouble: Shell Shocked Veteran
Other Aspects: Prone to Wander, Combat Veteran, Keeps to Himself

+5: Piloting, Will
+4: Crafts, Shoot
+3: Stealth, Athletics
+2: Notice, Physique
+1: Investigate, Burglary, Fight


AT Mechanic: Pilots of VOTOMS units often take on the responsibility of maintaining their equipment themselves. +1 to Craft rolls on Mechs.

Low Profile: +2 to Stealth while outside a Mech.

Veteran Ambusher: +2 to Shoot or Physique when attack an unaware or distracted enemy while in Mech.

The Untouchable: A Veteran of Combat across dozens of worlds,Chirico's instincts piloting a Scopedog make him a difficult target to hit. Gain a +2 bonus to rolls evading ranged attacks.

Ace Pilot: Chirico is experienced enough piloting an Armored Trooper that he can usually make up for any deficiencies in the machine's capabilities itself with his skill piloting. At the cost of a Fate Point he can roll with his driving skill in place of the skill of a Mech he is piloting.

Break Contact: Once per scenario, you may make a Drive roll to attempt to retreat far away enough to disappear from your enemies' sight, with the difficulty determined by how hard the terrain is to navigate or hide in, and your enemies' ability to keep up with or track you.

Counterfire: As long as Chirico isn't being attacked, and an attacker is within range of his guns, he may defend others from Fight and Shoot attacks by using Shoot to force the attacker to break off the attack.

Precision Fire: +2 bonus to Shoot CA rolls involving disabling or destroying parts of an enemy.

Quick Healer-Tier 1


"Armor Magnum" Heavy Anti-Material Pistol [3]

Stress and Consqunces:
Physical: OOO
Mental: OOOO

Name: ATM-09-ST Scopedog
High Concept: Mass Production Armored Trooper
Other Aspects: Built from Scrap, Triple Sensor, Wheels in Feet


+5: Shoot
+4: Athletics
+3: Physical
+2: Fight
+1: Notice


Enhanced Speed-Tier 1

Enhanced Durability-Tier 1


GAT-22 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher launcher [4]/[5]
SMAT-38 9-Tube Missile shoulder Missile Gun Pod [6]
Arm Punch [3]

Stress and Consequences:

Physical: OOOOOO
Armor: 1

Refresh: 5
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Since we're starting a new thread, let me correct something that's been bugging me for a while.

  • @tankdrop24 - Scopedog and Chirico Cuvie (Armored Troopers Votom).

It's spelt Armored Trooper Votoms, not Armored Troopers Votom.

Just go ultimate scrub and read tv tropes recap pages and then pretend you watched the show or something if you feel lost.
It's what I've been doing for this last season.

Between Jojo Part 4 and Game of Thrones, sacrifices had to be made.

Should be "Refresh: 8".

Funnily enough, it looks like there was a mistake in the last threads threadmarks for you. Chirico was displayed as having a refresh of 7, when calculating his stunts here, he should really be 8.

I suppose it might have been his "has a mech suit" acting like a stunt, but as written on his sheet, it's 8.

Since we're starting a new thread, let me correct something that's been bugging me for a while.

It's spelt Armored Trooper Votoms, not Armored Troopers Votom.


It's what I've been doing for this last season.

Between Jojo Part 4 and Game of Thrones, sacrifices had to be made.

I was doing it too.

Though now I'll probably have to start actually watching the show or something instead of faking it. But Season 4 ended on garbage and Season 5 looks to be more of the same...
Moved sheet present:
Brother Julius
Space Marine Dreadnaught
Xenophobic background
A home that is not, Entombed as a war machine, Humanity above all else​
+5: Physique, Will
+4: Shoot, Fight
+3: Rapport, Notice
+2: Empathy, Provoke
+1: Investigate, Lore​
Strength II [-3]
Durability III [-5]
Enhanced Senses [-2]

Gives Julius +2 to Notice when used to overcome sensory obstacles such as distance or background noise. Additionally, Julius may look into infrared and ultraviolet spectrum's.​
Ironclad Mk. XVI Dreadnaught [A5]
Bristling With Sensors
Anti-tank Cannon [W5]
Proto-bolter [W4]
Power fist [W4]
Environmental Protection
Suppressive Fire!

As long as you're shooting, attempts to move in or through the zone your target is in face a +2 difficulty check or being shot.
Armor: 5
Ment: OOOO
Cons: [2][2P][2M][4][6]​
Refresh: -11

Having now seen the system in action, I have a few comments to make about my sheet:
  • Bound to Honor is something that looks like it's going to be compelled a lot.
  • Deus Vult can possibly be both compelled (as, perhaps, a test of Valerie's faith or a moral dilemma) and invoked (as a source of zeal and strength during trying times).
  • My Mind is Also a Blade will be very handy during psychic combat.
  • If I were to nitpick, I could fuse Deus Vult and Bound to Honor into an aspect called Knightly Ideals, since one could say that religiosity and honor were both part of what being a knight was.
  • I'd also add an aspect called Empath, which should be self-explanatory. Unless that could fall under the psychic aspect already there.
  • I'm not entirely sure what Medieval Gardevoir Knight is supposed to do.

Having now seen the system in action, I have a few comments to make about my sheet:
  • Bound to Honor is something that looks like it's going to be compelled a lot.
  • Deus Vult can possibly be both compelled (as, perhaps, a test of Valerie's faith or a moral dilemma) and invoked (as a source of zeal and strength during trying times).
  • My Mind is Also a Blade will be very handy during psychic combat.
  • If I were to nitpick, I could fuse Deus Vult and Bound to Honor into an aspect called Knightly Ideals, since one could say that religiosity and honor were both part of what being a knight was.
  • I'd also add an aspect called Empath, which should be self-explanatory. Unless that could fall under the psychic aspect already there.
  • I'm not entirely sure what Medieval Gardevoir Knight is supposed to do.

You could in fact fuse Bound to Honor and Deus Vult into one aspect and get pretty much the same mileage out of it, this is correct. Empath sounds a little boring of an aspect on its own, if you could spice it up a bit, that would be good. Either that, or find another attribute of Valerie's character you want to emphasize.

Medieval Gardevoir Knight is your High Concept. The problem with most high concepts is that they tend to be very superficial in this sort of game, as they are forced to describe what you are instead of who you are.

However, it can be used in a few ways. First off, I can compel it very easily for social stuff, since in addition to your lack of voice, you have a blatantly non human appearance. Any scene in which somebody just doesn't trust you because creepy mind magic creature could be a possible compel against that. Medieval can be used for invokes or compels on anything based on your status as being out of your time; this is a world in the future, after all. Knight part could easily be invoked for physical skills and training and what have you from her status as a knight, much as Gardevoir could be used for some psychic stuff (if that psychic stuff connects to that species very closely).

You can do a fair amount of stuff with it.

EDIT: Yes, I'll note that some of those aspects overlap, or can be invoked for the same stuff. That's okay. You can only invoke a particular aspect with a fate point* once on a given round for a thing, so if you have two aspects relevant to that thing, you can stack two invocations with that.

*I specify with a fate point because free invocations from Create an Advantage and obtaining boosts do not have this issue.
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Takoe - Jetstream Sam [WAITING]

High Concept: Cyborg Samurai With All The Style Points

Trouble: "You like killing, don't you?"

Other Aspects: Family Tradition Bearer, Best With The Blade, What Is It? Did You Want To Practice First?


Superb (+5): Provoke, Fight

Great (+4): Athletics, Physique

Good (+3): Notice, Empathy

Fair (+2): Shoot, Stealth

Average (+1): Drive, Lore


Infuriate: Scaring people isn't your forte; seriously pissing them off, on the other hand, is right up your alley. Gain +2 to any roll when deliberately trying to get someone angry with you by making mental attack with such a goal. Any consequences (such as grudges) or temporary aspects that result must name you as the source and target of the anger.

Quick Draw: You can draw and use a weapon in a single motion. You take no penalty when drawing a weapon as a supplemental action; if you're in a race to see who draws first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to draw, gain a +1 on the roll.

Iaijutsu: (Requires Quick Draw) You are trained in iaijutsu, the art of drawing a sword. The first attack you make with a sword each scene inflicts two additional stress. Furthermore, you may add one to your Fight skill when making it.

Air Dash: You have mastered the art of double jumping and air dashing, allowing for far greater maneuverability and combat options while airborne. Up to two times in one "airtime", you may treat the air as if it is normal ground and move as such.


Enhanced Speed-Tier 1
You are very fast, just past the edge of human capability.
  • Your Notice is at +4 for the purpose of determining turn order.
  • All your Athletics checks are made at +1, including dodging.
  • Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move one zone without taking a -1 penalty for the supplemental action.
  • Difficulty factors from moving are reduced by 2 when rolling Stealth
Enhanced Durability-Tier 1
You're unusually tough and have incredible fortitude. You can take more punishment.
  • Naturally have Armor:1 against all physical stress
  • Two additional boxes of physical stress capacity.

CODEC implants
Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher [6] X 5
Guided Anti-Air Missiles [5] X 5
Hyper-dense Frag Grenade [6] X 5
EMP Grenade [4] X 5
RP Grenade [4] X 5
Jam Grenade [4] X 5
3D Photo frame X 5
Regenerative Nanopaste X 5
MCFC electrolyte package X 5

Demonic Blade, Family Heirloom
Weapon: 6
Air Blade
Atomic Destabilization

CNT Armour

Armour: 4
Blade Mode
Enhanced Speed-Tier 2
Enhanced Strength-Tier 2


Your sword swings are somehow able to extend off of your strikes, hitting targets you don't even touch. You can attack targets up to one zone away with your sword swings. Roll Fight; if you hit, you deal +2 physical stress (essentially, the air blade functions at Weapon:2. This is true regardless of your swords normal strength). You might be able to use the technique to perform combat maneuvers if you can justify it.

Atomic destabilization

That which makes Murasama so obscenely sharp is the electron field that surrounds the blade. This field destabilizes the atom bonds of whatever it hit and parts the material at the same time. When a target is hit with Murasama and it is protected by physical armour, the rating of said armour is reduced by one. The rating cannot be reduced to below half the original armour value, rounded up. Does not affect natural toughness.

Enhanced Speed-Tier 2

When wearing CNT Armour, you're able to move far faster than the eye can see, or at least so fast that you're only a blur.
  • You always go first in turn order unless there are other entities present who share this ability. If others with this are present, determine turn order among yourselves using Notice. Tier 3 Enhanced Speed trumps this.
  • All your Athletics checks are made at +2, including dodging.
  • Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move two zones without taking a -1 penalty for the supplemental action.
  • Difficulty factors from moving are reduced by 4 when rolling Stealth
Enhanced Strength-Tier 2
Your CNT Armour makes you really damn strong. You're able to lift and break things you shouldn't, and people in your way tend to be very, very sorry.
  • Gain a +6 to your Physique score whenever rolling to overcome an obstacle.
  • Gain a +2 to Physique when rolling it in order to create and advantage on an opponent; this also allows you to inflict a 3-stress hit as a supplemental action.
  • With attacks that depend on muscular force, stress you inflict is increased by +4 on a successful hit.

Blade Mode
You may fill in X number of Electrolyte stress boxes. Each stress box is only worth 1(though you can fill multiple boxes at once, unlike normal stress tracks). They also will not clear at the end of scene like normal stress tracks do. For each box filled this way, you may make an extra attack this round. Each attack after the first decreases your Fight skill equal to the number of attacks you've made this turn and the total attack damage is halved. You cannot use this ability if your Electrolyte stress track is full, but Electrolyte packs or other compatible energy sources in proper amounts clear the whole track.

Armor: 4
Ment: OO
Elect: OOOO
Cons: [2][4][6]

Refresh: 2
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Wade Garrett - Celestia, Nestor, Ethan [DROPPED]

High Concept: Swordsage Scion of Gower
Trouble: Monsters Are Everywhere

Medieval Aristocrat
Time of Chivalry
Curse My Uncle

Great (+4): Athletics, Notice, Shoot
Good (+3): Fight, Physique, Will
Fair (+2): Empathy, Magic, Stealth
Average (+1): Crafts, Ki Martial Arts, Lore


Ranger Magic (Humans): You can cast spells relating back to the natural world in some way, using the Magic skill. Rote spells tied to Lore. Gain a +2 to attack damage made against a Favored Enemy, specified at the time of taking this stunt.

Awakened Martial Artist: You can use the Fight skill to perform superhuman martial arts techniques, with the Ki Martial Arts skill deciding how many 'rote techniques' you know and the ease of learning new techniques. You have a +2 bonus when rolling Fight to create an advantage in respect to a single opponent when fighting unarmed or with weapons of your specific style.

Striking Snake: Using the sinuous, undulating movements of the serpent, a Snake stylist makes him or herself more difficult to target. Gain a +2 when using Athletics to dodge melee attacks, so long as you are fighting unarmed or with a Snake style weapon.

Redirected Force: You're an expert at turning close-combat attacks (swung fists, thrust knives) against themselves. On a successful defense roll using Fight against such an attack, you may sacrifice your next action (giving this an effective limit of one per exchange) to treat the defense as a successful maneuver on your part (requiring no additional rolling) placing a maneuver aspect like 'Thrown To The Ground' or 'Taken Off Balance' on your attacker.

Enduring Walker: You have a +1 bonus to your Physique score for the purposes of defending or overcoming the effects fatigue, dehydration, hunger, or temperature extremes.

Magic Fang (Magic): Adds a +1 to unarmed and natural weapon damage of Nestor, or an individual he can touch.

Snakebite (Ki): Used to create an advantage on a target Nestor can hit in melee, such as Weakened, Partially Paralyzed, or Exhausted.

Speak With Plants: (Magic)
May use Empathy, Provoke, and other social based skills to interact with plants.

HAZMAT Suit; Armor:4 versus fluids; value halved if the wearer takes physical stress other than 'blunt', disappears entirely when a physical consequence from such damage is taken.

Leather Armor: Armor:1 vs physical stress

Bow; Weapon: 2 using the Shoot skill.

Black Jest; Weapon:3 using Fight skill. Bronze ruled, see attached stunts.

Physical ΟΟΟΟ
Armor: 1 vs most physical stress
Mental ΟΟΟΟ
Magic ΟΟΟΟ

Refresh: 9

Black Jest
Aspect: Deceiving Dark Blade

Mirror Heart: When engaging in melee combat against a single foe with this blade, it can be used to take the shape and mannerisms of an individual they love. This applies a -1 to the Fight attacks of that individual targeted at the wielder, as they instinctively pull their blows.

Killer's Blade: Once per scene, when you force an opponent to take a consequence using this sword, you can spend a fate point to increase the consequence's severity (so mild becomes moderate, moderate becomes severe). If your opponent was already going to take a severe consequence, he must either take an extreme consequence, or a severe consequence and a second consequence, or be taken out.


High Concept:
Alicorn Sun Princess

Mirror, Mirror...

Can't We All Just Get Along?
My Killing Days Were Over
My Beloved Students

+5: Magic, Lore (Equestria)
+4: Empathy, Will
+3: Rapport, Crafts
+2: Fight, Athletics
+1: Deceit, Physique

The Athletics skill can be used to fly, with all that entails

Archmagister's Insight
May use your Lore skill instead of Notice when rolling it to detect things that stand out from the regular level of background magic

Solar Exemplar Magic
You know all the spells it would make sense for your character to know. Adds a +2 when attempting to add or remove stress/consequences as long as the spell being used is tied thematically to the Sun.

You Aren't The First To Try That On Me
Gain an +2 on rolls to overcome effects generated by standard Equestrian thaumaturgy.

Magical Dynamo
You have a large amount of magical power to throw around. Gain four additional Magic Stress boxes.

Master Instructor
You're very good at teaching. Really! +2 when creating an advantage for an ally with your Lore Skill, as long as you have time to educate them on the appropriate topic

Master Diplomat
You are quite familiar with the subtle cut and thrust of diplomacy and politics. Receive a +2 on rolls to Rapport any time it is used during a formal negotiation.

Tier One Enhanced Strength
Tier One Enhanced Speed
Tier One Enhanced Durability
Tier One Quick Healer

Da Queen's 'Ard Armor
Armor: 4
Weapon 2 using "Fight"
Aspect: Ya Look Pretty Damn 'Ard

Armor: 1v all Physical
Physical: 00000
Mental: 0000
Magical: 00000000

1 Mild
1 Moderate
1 Severe

High Concept: Privateer Patriarch of the Gower Family

Trouble: We Do This My Way

Riches to Rags Past
The Truth Is A Last Resort
My Idiot Nephew

+4: Deceit, Stealth, Will
+3: Rapport, Lore, Notice
+2: Shoot, Magic, Fight
+1: Crafts, Physique, Athletics

From Another Time: You are from a different era, and unfamiliar with most of the technologies of the modern day. You may roll Drive at +2 when using a mode of transportation that was common in the Dark Ages.

Blackwater Pact: You know all the spells your character would logically know. Receive a +2 when using Magic to summon and control aquatic beasts or dredge up sunken treasures and resources

Sneak Attack: You may use your Stealth in place of Shoot or Fight to determine stress/consequences inflicted when attacking a target that is unaware of your presence.

Vistani Wrestling: You are trained in the grappling style of the Vistani people, which focuses on using trickery and leverage to overcome an enemy instead of brute force. You may roll Deceit instead of Physique in any grappling situation.

Friends In Low Places: Gain a +2 to all Rapport Rolls when interacting with characters whose Aspects incline them towards murder, mayhem, and similar antisocial activities.

Off Hand Weapon Training: Whenever you are wielding a weapon in each of your hands, you may add half the value of the second weapon (rounded up) to determine Stress/Consequences inflicted on a successful hit.

Skilled Sailor: Gain a +2 on all Drive rolls to operate a sailing ship. Stacks with From Another Time.

Aquatic: Gain a +2 on all Athletics rolls made to swimming, your character is immune to drowning.

Takes One To Know One: May use Deceit in place of Empathy to catch someone in a lie.

Keep Quiet and Stay Close: If you are part of a small group that is following your instructions and packed close together, all members of that group may use your Stealth modifier in place of their own. (Within reason, obviously does not apply to 50 foot tall mecha, Space Marine Dreadnaughts, etc.)

Refresh: 5




1 Mild
1 Moderate
1 Severe

Armor: 4 Against Liquids
Value halted when wearer takes physical stress other than "blunt".

Disappears when a Physical Consequence is inflicted.

Blueblood's Falkata
Aspect: Of Obviously Equestrian Origin
Weapon 2: Fight
Adds +1 on rolls to disarm or trip using Fight Skill

Twin Gryphon Short Swords
Weapon: 2: Fight

Combat Knife
Weapon 1: Fight

Lelouch's Pistol
Weapon 2: Shoot
Aspect: Plot Clip
I noticed a hole in the sheet while I was copying this. Enhanced strength and speed stem from the CNT armour. Without it he should only have enhanced speed tier 1. If I'm correct that would result in a lower refresh and maybe give me enough for airdash. I'd check it myself if that's true or not, but I don't know how to calculate it.

Jetstream Sam is already a giant pain in the ass to handle* for who I was thinking of trying to apply nerfs to, so buffing his refresh is not likely.

*Well, he's technically quite easy to handle, you just have to be That GM and use the really not-fun enemy abilities against him. Like tech killers and mind attacks that have no dodgeable component. But if I try to approach him in a way where I play remotely fair, nothing sent against him is going to be workable for any of the other players unless they outnumber it.
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Jetstream Sam is already a giant pain in the ass to handle* for who I was thinking of trying to apply nerfs to, so buffing his refresh is not likely.

I wasn't fishing for buffs. It's just that the way the sheet works now he'd have those tiers even without his suit on, which is not how things work in universe.
Mew - Prometheus-1 (R3/3) [IN PLAY]

Copy-pasting my character sheet here.



HIGH CONCEPT: Reclaimer combat unit
  • Avatar of the Prometheus Clan's collective
  • Romantic Goofball
  • Reclaimer Pioneer
TROUBLE: Atoner for the Prometheus Clan

: Will, Fight
+4: Shoot, Physique
+3: Lore, Athletics
+2: Notice, Empathy
+1: Craft, Rapport, Drive

STUNTS [3 Refresh]
  • Reclaimer's Fortitude: Character does not die so long as both brain and heart are not destroyed (does not override Chunky Salsa Rule). If character is in a state where death should occur and this stunt allow survival, character enter Emotionless state (-2 penalty to all actions and cannot resist Compels)
  • Advanced Optics: Your eyes, like the rest of you, have advanced beyond regular flesh-and-blood biology. Their construction and ability to view different spectrums gives you +2 to Notice when overcoming visual impairments, be it cloaking, environmental effects, or even ocular damage.
  • Thrusters: You've got rockets on your back and feet. These allow you to make acrobatic feats normally considered impossible for those without such assets. You can cross an extra zone while moving (including upwards), and you get +1 to any sort of action that could be reasonably assisted by a burst of lateral speed -though cramped conditions may prove problematic.

  • Strength II
  • Durability II
  • Two Weapon Fighter: You are capable of wielding a weapon in either hand with great Skill. May add half of your off hand weapon's damage bonus on a successful hit, OR use it to make an attack against a different target
  • Counterattack: Whenever you succeed with style on a defend action, you may inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost

[2] Pulse Emitter
  • Chargeable
  • Energy Weapon
  • Armor piercing: A successful hit will always perform inflict at least 1 shift of Stress upon the target regardless of armor, immunities, stunts, or other traits. GM-mandated plot armor can still defeat this aspect.
[4] Vulcan gun
  • Huge ammo capacity
[3] Stinger cannon
  • Extreme Overpenetration
  • Huge ammo capacity
  • Magazine Discharge: +2 to Shoot when attacking a foe in the same zone but require a turn to reload afterward.
[6] Revolver (fusion drones)
  • Limited Ammunition
  • Unbeliveably cumbersome
[?] Revolver (antimatter drones)
  • WMD
  • Unbeliveably cumbersome

Physical [ OOOOOOOO ]
Armor 2

Mental [ OOOO ]
Armor 3

Consequences: [] [] [] []
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You could in fact fuse Bound to Honor and Deus Vult into one aspect and get pretty much the same mileage out of it, this is correct. Empath sounds a little boring of an aspect on its own, if you could spice it up a bit, that would be good. Either that, or find another attribute of Valerie's character you want to emphasize.

I'm thinking either Natural Therapist or I Feel Your Pain.

I think that some earlier version had What Year Is It!? as a trouble, but I decided that Not Actually Speaking would be more relevant. Besides, it also falls under the umbrella of Medieval Gardevoir Knight.
Blackout - Rythian (R5/4) [IN PLAY]

High Concept: Enderborn Archmage
Trouble: Technology And I Don't Mix

Old Wounds Heal Slowly
Prepared For Everything

Superb (+5): Magic, Crafting
Great (+4): Lore, Will
Good (+3): Fight, Physique
Fair (+2): Athletics, Stealth
Average (+1): Investigate, Notice, Shoot

Ender Shunt: Every other turn, move a number of Zones equal to the user's Magic without taking a -1 penalty. If ??? threshold of stress/consequences has been reached, can be used every turn.
Enderman Physiology: Using principles similar to matter-to-energy transmutation, Rythian may consume raw materials to acquire Quick Healer Tier 2, or Tier 1 if there are insufficient resources available.
Finely Tuned Mystic Senses: Gain a +2 to your Magic when using it to detect the presence of magical things that exceed background levels of magic.
llusion: You've got an Illusion skill that allows for creation of magical images, sounds and smells. With it, you can defend via hiding yourself or otherwise misdirecting the attacker, create advantages by confounding or fooling your enemies and overcome obstacles such as by fooling security systems.
Archmage: You have an Archmage skill that allows you to cast narrowly defined spells from a list below.
Detect Magic: Allows for the detect the presence and location of magical energy around him.

Greater Mage Hand: Allows the user to telekinetically move small objects.

Mending: Allows the user to repair small objects

Arcane Mark: Allows the user to leave a magical "ID tag" unique to him.

Prestidigitation: Allows the user to do a variety of small tricks, such as lights or sounds, or coloring, flavoring, cleaning, dirtying, chilling or warming small objects.

Mage Armor & Shield: Allows the user to Defend against attacks by creating a transparent, yellow forcefield.

Feather Fall: Allows the user to avoid damage from falling.

Shocking Grasp: Allows the user to make a touch-range electric attack.

Corrosive Grasp: Allows the user to make a touch-range acid attack.

Identify: Allows the user to make an Overcome roll to identify the functions of a magical object, enchatment or spell.

Create Food and Water: Allows Rythian to create basic foods and clear water.

Dispel Magic: Allows Rythian to make an Overcome action to unravel an ongoing spell or enchantment.

Explosive Runes: Allows the user to create a magical rune that explodes upon Rythian's command.

Fireball: Allows the user to make an Attack by throwing an explosive sphere of fire.

Lightning Bolt: Allows the user to make an Attack by firing a bolt of lightning.

Haste: Allows the user to Create an Advantage by speeding himself or someone else up.

Heal: Allows the user to aid another in recovering from a Consequence
Knack for Demolition: Contrary to popular belief, Rythian doesn't dislike technology despite not even knowing how it works: he does so precisely because he understands how it functions and how dangerous it is. +2 to identifying the functions of any piece of technology and figuring out the best method to destroy or disrupt it.
Water Allergy: Reduces the cost of another stunt. Attached to Enderman Physiology. If a physical consequence is inflicted using water, Enderman Physiology cannot be used to aid in recovering from it. Aversion to water may also take the form of compels against your High Concept.
Useful Little Things - Tier 3. Your pockets are full of ridiculously useful things. Whenever you need something, you have it, provided it's connected to your character concept. When you say you have something, the GM should be likely to agree. These useful things cannot exceed a 4 shift effect.


Armor: 3

Red Matter Saber
Aspects: Trusted Backup
Weapon: 3
Energy Blast:
Allows the use of Energy Blast.

Ring of Arcana
Aspects: Magical Multi-Tool
Fire/Cold Immunity
The Ring possess four different modes, of which only one can be active at a time.
Red Mode: Allows the use of Fireball, Wall of Fire, Incinerate and Flame Cloak.
Yellow Mode: Allows the use of Forcefield, Gust of Wind and Lightning Bolt.
Blue Mode: Allows the use of Snowball and Freeze.
Green Mode: Allows the use of Green Thumb.

Rythian's magical gear's special abilities work off of Lore rather than Magic, require access to a source of EMC to use and the user cannot choose to take stress for going over his Lore, otherwise they function as spells.

Energy Blast: Emits a slash of energy from the weapon.

Fireball: Fires a small bolt of fire that explodes into a large ball of fire when it hits something.

Wall of Fire: Creates a wall of fire nine meters across to serve as protection, concealment or area denial.

Incinerate: Creates a massive horizontal column of fire away from the user: Rythian's most potent AoE attack.

Flame Cloak: Surrounds the user in fire, setting alight to anything near them.

Forcefield: Creates a yellow bubble shield around the user, giving him and any others within Armor 5 against attacks originating from the outside as well as physically repulsing nearby enemies.

Gust of Wind: Creates a potent blast of air under the user's control.

Lightning Bolt: Fires a bolt of lightning at the enemy.

Snowball: Fires a snowball at the target. Rythian's secret weapon.

Freeze: Freezes everything around the user, slowing down enemies and turning water into ice.

Green Thumb: Massively speeds up the growth rate of nearby plants.

Darkmatter Pickaxe
Healing Potions
Damage Potions
Weakening Potions
Poison Potions
2x Golem Cores
Wooden Practice Sword
Basic Survival Gear, such as rope and sleeping bags.
Klein Star Dreis
Transmutation Tablet
Philosopher's Stone
Diamond Tools
Various magical and nonmagical tools
3x Alchemical Bags
Alchemical Explosives
2x EMC Collectors
3x Potion Stands

Phys: OOOO
Ment: OOOO
Magi: OOOO
1 Mild
1 Moderate
1 Severe

Refresh: 4
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Physical [ OOOOOOOO ]
Armor 2

Mental [ OOOO ]
Armor 3

Consequences: [] [] [] []

...Do those colors represent anything? If they have some meaning, please let me know. Your Refresh is 3, by the way.

(Part of me wants to nitpick the 'HP' label as well, since that's not what stress and consequences are, but I'll live with it.)

I'm thinking either Natural Therapist or I Feel Your Pain.

Both of those work. I Feel Your Pain looks a bit better to me, since I can see that being invoked for pretty much all that Natural Therapist is, but I could also compel it a bit easier.

I think that some earlier version had What Year Is It!? as a trouble, but I decided that Not Actually Speaking would be more relevant. Besides, it also falls under the umbrella of Medieval Gardevoir Knight.

You'll find that nearly any of your aspects can be used to give you grief. The Trouble is just the one that will give you grief the most. :V

I'll re-label the stress/consequence section.

As for the colors, it's for esthetics and ease of reference.
What should I call my second aspect? I'm thinking of having it relate to either how I fight to keep my allies and civilians from dying under my watch, or my experience with fighting some freaky shit in my day.
I Fight For Justice
Every Day is Tuesday

These are kind of fun to come up with.
Thanks man! I'll slot these in, they're perfect! All I need is a refined spell list and my Super mode statted out, and I'm gold!
EDIT: And Fight for Justice is actually a Theme song in Kamen Rider, not the series that Discord comes from, but still.
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