High typo-priestess of Chuvk Nortis
Guess I'll get on it. And good luck to Cyreni!Also, you might want to post over your character sheet from the old OOC.
Guess I'll get on it. And good luck to Cyreni!Also, you might want to post over your character sheet from the old OOC.
Name: Agent Tex (No, not that one), or just Tex
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn/Dragon, she actually doesn't know the dragon bit.
Age: 20
Appearance:Appearance underneath the armor- (Using the picture as a base, the hair is so stupid in that creator!)
She has magical power armor a little something like this but silver, nothing extra on the legs, and designed for a mare. She's generally seen wearing all of her armor. It also has a sheathe for her sword, and is also designed to protect a horn. It's more magically enchanted than tech, though.Tex has a short, mid-chest length scarlet and crimson mane, and a tail to match, a black coat, and her eyes are blood red along with her magic, with no apparent pupil despite her ability to see fine. she also shows a pair of fangs somewhat like Chrysalis' when she opens her mouth. Her ears are very slightly more pointed than usual, and she has a broken horn, a cybernetic one replacing that part which is missing. She's an inch or two shorter than most mares.
Of course, wearing her armor like she normally does, you can't see any of this.
Affiliations: D.A.R.T (Discordant Actions Response Team), Equestria. Dislikes Princess Luna.
Strength: +2
Agility: +2
Intellect: +3
Stamina: +2
Perception: +1
Health/Durability: ±0 (10)
Armor: +4
Absurd (+5): Singing, Play Instrument (Piano)
Exceptional (+4): Melee: Armed, Fine TK Control
Mastered (+3): , Enchantment, Magic: Earth/Plants, Ice, Teleporting (short range), Melee: Unarmed
Trained (+2): Magic: Repairing, Repairing, Magic: Illusions, Magic: Electricity, Fire, Magic: Barrier
Skilled (+1): Tactical command skills, First Aid, Magic: Teleporting (long range)
Normal: Magic: Water
Subpar (-1): Diplomacy, Magic: Divination
Untrained (-2): Firearms, Magic: Healing
Impaired (-3): Swimming, Confidence
Incapable (-4): Magic: Transformation, Magic: Air
DEAR GOD. WHY (-5): Cooking Without Burning Food
Ice Needles: A quick attack, creating shards of ice out of moisture in the air and impaling an opponent with them at a high velocity.
Lightning Strike: A bolt of electricity shooting straight from her horn, meant for a single target and not groups, and so it will not chain from target to target, unless they're touching one another.
Fireball: A simple fireball, explodes where it strikes in a 2 meter radius, made more for crowd control than single target, collateral IS likely.
Root: True to its name, this attack causes several nastily thorned roots to wrap around the opponent's legs and torso, pulling them to a lying down position, any resistance is met with a nasty pain. She can also cast this without the thorns for simple restraint. 3 meter radius attack with multiple targets possible. Causes minor damage.
Boulder Throw: These names really are unoriginal, aren't they? Hurls a boulder a meter wide at an opponent, easy to dodge if they're paying attention, but devastating if it hits.
Heal Minor Wounds: Self explanatory, can staunch heavy bleeding but not close up a deep wound, can heal scratches entirely.
Illusion/Shapeshifting, Appearance: Has a spell which allows her to change her coat and mane colors only, make her eyes look normal, and shifts her ears to a more normal shape, her fangs shrinking down to normal teeth. She still looks like herself, just... more normal, and a different color. She actually doesn't like to use it.
Radar: A divination spell to allow her to keep tabs on all magical signatures around her, and differentiate them between Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony. Has a range of 30 meters.
Hop-Skip: A 40 foot max quick use teleport, named after Tex's Teleporting mentor. Used for combat rather than transportation. If the destination ends up being inside of matter, she'll be teleported to the nearest open place.
And a Jump!: Tex's long distance teleport, she's far worse at it than the short ranged one, sometimes ending up being as far away as half a mile from where she wanted to be, depending on the distance travelled. If the destination ends up being inside of matter, she'll be teleported to the nearest open place.
Barrier: Self explanatory, a magical dome big enough to cover 3 other humans or 6 other humans, or some combination of the two.
Mend: Tex is able to repair most damaged objects via magic, assuming it's not her own horn on her forehead. She can however repair the original with her backup, or vice versa.
Immunity: Heat- Tex remains comfortable in temperatures of up to 2300F, the temperature of lava. However, anything on her person isn't so fortunate. And convincing her of this the first time will be rather difficult, she isn't aware she has this ability.
Re-Enchanting- Is practiced in restoring the runes on her armor or sword if they are ever disabled or removed by another Unicorn. She can also repair her artificial horn if the damage isn't too severe.
Overclock- Tex purposefully overloads her horn temporarily with the purpose of casting a particularly potent spell, tripling its effective area and doubling its power, at the cost of her horn being entirely useless for a full minute, and this can only be used three times per hour, and 6 times per day. Any more, and the horn refuses to function for a full hour.
Dart Armor- Enchanted armor that protects the user from impacts, stabbing, projectiles, magic, and even Chaos Magic. Waterproof, and in a pinch, airtight, using Air Magic to pull in pure air when what's outside isn't desirable. Very sturdy, but due to the ease of taking it on and off for emergencies, an observant Unicorn could potentially spot the clasps, and then pull the helmet off of her head.
Dart Blade- A curved sword magically charged with Electricity, made with the purpose of heavily electrocuting the opponent with an attack, stunning them for the coup de grace if not outright killing them with the blade. Designed for fighting monsters, but it should work on other creatures, though Pegasi may be resistant. Wielded via TK, and if lost, has a chip that Tex's armor can track. Linked to Tex's magical signature, if not being held via her TK, or she chooses not to activate it, the Electric effect deactivates, leaving it a simple sword, and safe to handle. Also specifically enchanted so electricity does not arc from it to other objects until direct contact is made. Makes no sound, but charges the air just slightly around it. Looks higher tech than an actual katana, but it's still streamlined, it feels high tech without leaving the traditional style behind.
Fellowship of the Wing Series- Tex's favorite book series, read to her her whole childhood by her now late father, kept as a precious possession. It's well loved and worn.
Replacement Horn- Tex has a backup of her prosthetic horn in case something happens to the current one, a rather unpleasant surgery must be gone through in order to hook it back up with the bits of the artificial horn in her head, though.
Crystal Grenades x10- A crystal made through experimentation with the odd ones in the caves under Canterlot where the DART HQ is, next to the ley line. It grows through absorbing ambient magic in the air, but can be grown faster by a Unicorn's direct influence if they know what they're doing.
Has the property of absorbing the magic of any spell cast on it or it hits, and exploding violently, sending sharp crystal shards everywhere within 10 meters. Is used to counter a Unicorn's magical barriers or TK, as if it hits a barrier, it absorbs the mana, dispersing the barrier, before exploding, this same effect applies to it being caught via TK a well, it will explode on the spot.
Note: Any shards of an exploded grenade become inert, being normal pieces of pinkish crystal, and through her magic, Tex is able to regenerate 10 per day, so long as she has one left as a base.
Bits: 100
Jason Lee Scott
High Concept: Original Red Ranger
Trouble: Those Left Behind
My Friends Are My Strength
Never Start A Fight, But Always Finish One
Mind Before Might
(+5) Rapport, Martial Arts (Fight)
(+4) Athletics, Will
(+3) Physique, Empathy
(+2) Shoot, Ride (Drive)
(+1) Academics (Lore), Notice
Back to Action: The difficulty of Recovery rolls only increases by 1 per level of consequence. Recovery rolls for yourself only carry a +1 difficulty.
Frequently Outnumbered: +2 at resisting enemy advantages based on numerical disparity
Won't Fail Again: Whenever an ally takes a Consequence, you roll Will against the passive Taunt of the enemy that inflicted the Consequence. Failure results in Mental Stress, Success grants a Boost to your damage. Every level of Consequence above Mild adds 2 to the enemy's Taunt and the number of Free Invocations by 1.
Buff Stunts:
Alacrity - Tier 1
-When recovering from mental consequences, you don't need to succeed at an action that justifies recovery. It begins automatically.
-Out of combat, you recover from consequences as if they were one grade lower in severity. Severe recovers in a day to a week with no other justification, Moderate in around 30 minutes to an hour, and Mild disappears when you clear out your stress track.
-You may skip a night of sleep with no ill effects.
-In combat, once per scene, you may clear away a Mild mental consequence as a supplemental action.
Power Morpher: Stores the Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord Power Coins.
It's Morphin' Time: Allows the bearer to morph into a Power Ranger.
Wrist Communicator: What it says on the label.
Physical: OOOO
Mental: OOOO
Consequences: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Red Ranger (1 FP)
May the Power Protect You: Power suits only have a single Physical consequence slot. In the event that it is used, you are forcibly demorphed. This clears out the suit's physical stress and absorbs any additional damage, but also causes the Mild mental consequence of Demorphed, which prevents morphing until it is cleared. Mental stress and consequences are applied directly to the wearer.
The Morphing Grid: Items are stored in the transdimensional Morphing Grid until summoned.
Buff Stunts:
Enhanced Strength Tier 1
Enhanced Speed Tier 1
Enhanced Defense Tier 1
Red Battle Bike
Blade Blaster (2)
Adaptable Weapon: Can be used as a Dagger or as a PistolPower Sword (3)
3 against fluids
2 against melee strikes
1 against all other physical damage
Physical: OOOOOO
Physical: [Demorph]
Dragonzord Power (2 FP, Requires Red Ranger)
Buff Stunts:
Enhanced Defense Tier 2
Dragon Dagger (3)
Armor 4 against fluids
Armor 2 against all other physical attacks
Physical: OOOOOOOO
Physical: [Demorph]
Name: Jason Lee Scott, Red Power Ranger (Saban's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers)
Appearance: Red T-shirt, Leather jacket, jeans, sneakers or boots.
Stats: (Unmorphed/Red Ranger/Dragonzord Power)
Strength: 1/2/2
Agility: 1/3/2
Stamina: 1/2/3
Intellect: 2/2/2
Perception: 2/2/2
Willpower: 4/4/2
Health: 0/1/2
Armor: 0/2/3
Combat Tactics: Jason has the ability to discover his opponent's weaknesses quicker than most.
Fraternity: Jason gains a bonus to will if fighting to save or avenge a friend, but he will knowingly engage enemies that outclass him to do so.
Pistol Shooter: +1 accuracy if ranged target is within 50 feet, but -1 accuracy if target is over 100 feet away.
Artisan: Unarmed Melee
Mastered: SCUBA Instructor, Karate Sensei
Expert: One Weapon Melee, Ranged Combat, Small Vehicle Operator
Trained: Two Weapon Melee, Leadership, Survival
Skilled: Stealth, First Aid, Combat Tactics
Normal: Mechanical Repair
Untrained: Electronic Repair
Incapable: Magic
Wrist Communicator - Originally created by Billy Cranston to allow communication with Zordon's Command Center, he later modified it to work on a variety of frequencies.
Power Morpher - Stores Power Coins and allows the bearer to morph. This gives them a techno-magical suit that enhances their physical abilities.
-Tyrannosaurus Power Coin - Allows Jason to morph into the Red Ranger.
-Dragonzord Power Coin - Although it no longer has the power for a complete morph, it can be used with the Dragon Dagger to place the Dragon Shield and Bracers on whoever holds the coin.
Blade Blaster (3) - Can be switched between a blaster pistol and a short sword
Power Sword (4/5)
Dragon Dagger (4/5)
- The Power Sword and Dragon Dagger synergize and can supercharge, increasing their damage by 1. This energy can be discharged into an arcing ranged energy attack.
Dragon Shield - Provides bonuses to stamina, health, and armor, at a small cost in agility. Because it reminds him of his failure to stop Goldar from stealing the Green Ranger Power, it reduces his willpower as well.
Red Battle Bike - An unarmed motorcycle. Good for getting around.
Name: Steve Rogers, aka Captain America (Unitary Marvel)
Strength: 3
Agility: 3
Stamina: 3
Intellect: 3 for combat-related, -1 for modern technology, 1 for other
Perception: 3
Willpower: 6
Health: 1
Armor: 2
The Super Soldier Serum greatly increases metabolism, giving resistance to cold and toxins, accelerates healing, boosts memory, and allows quick analysis of an enemy's fighting style. Dietary needs are also increased commensurately.
Resistance: Cold
Resistance: Toxins
Quick Healing
Quick Learner
Inspiration- Encourages allies to fight harder and longer, causes fear in enemy mooks that recognize him. Can attempt to shake mind control from an ally.
Shield Guard- With his speed and agility, Steve can attempt to intercept ranged attacks against allies with his shield.
Shield Bash- When engaged in melee combat, Steve can strike with the face of his shield, causing blunt force trauma and disorientation.
Shield Throw- Captain America's signature move. Can ricochet off multiple opponents and terrain before retuning to Steve. Exceptionally quick enemies may deflect the shield to stop it.
Shield Cut- driving the full force of his strength through the edge of his shield, Steve can cut through nearly anything.
Looking the other way- Steve's morals and idealism make it difficult for him to engage in or allow morally ambiguous actions.
Artisan: Shield Throw
Mastered: Shield Guard, Shield Bash
Expert: Melee Combat, Inspiration, Shield Cut
Trained: Ranged Combat, Stealth, Tactical Sense, Parkour
Skilled: First Aid, Survival, Strategic Planning, Pencil Art
Normal: Mechanics
Subpar: Looking the other way
Untrained: Social Interaction
Impaired: Electronics
Incapable: Magic
Vibranium/Adamantium alloy shield
-Quality: 5
-Immune to sonic weapons
Colt 1911
-Quality: 3
-Quality: 2
Survival Tool
Combat suit- Cap's iconic suit. Kevlar weave with ceramic plates
Stealth suit- A suit with the same build, but subdued colors. Less noticeable; less inspiring.
Locket- Simple; contains a picture of Peggy Carter. Touching it is a good way to lose appendages.
Miriam Green
High Concept:Former Law Enforcement
Trouble: Distrust of Subordinates
Other Aspects:
Steel Company Second in Command,
Eager Student of Magic
Wants to do the Right Thing.
Great (+4): Empathy, Will, Provoke
Good (+3): Shoot, Drive, Magic
Fair (+2): Athletics, Fight, Notice
Average (+1): Lore, Burglary, Physique
Magically Inclined: Has access to Learning and using magic spells.
Antihellicase: Increases the amount of damage that weapons do. Can be cast on weapons used by allies. Not to be used on living beings.
Static: Stuns a target for one turnShock: Basic electric attack.
Chain Lightning: Hits up to five nearby targets.
Fireball: Basic fire attack.
C-Beam: A beam of non-elemental energy.
Energy Whip: Learned from Shimmer.
Barrier: A barrier of magic that can block attacks. Learned from Shimmer.Telekinesis: The force is with me. Learned from Shimmer.
Soundproof Barrier: Learned from Tex.
Transfiguration: Learned from Rythian.
Magically Inclined: You have access to the Magic skill, and may use it to cast spells keeping in with your background. You have a +2 bonus to performing overcome rolls using Lore when attempting to understand a new spell or magic type.
Police! On Your Knees!: Sometimes, you need to get someone to come quietly. And sometimes, the way to do that is to yell at the top of your lungs. Garnered from your experience as a police officer, you are at +2 to stress inflicted(as if your threats had Weapon:2) when using Provoke on a criminal, or someone outnumbered by your group.
Tough Girl: You've had more bullets put in you than you can remember but at least that experience has helped you develop pain management techniques. Or it may be deadened nerves. You gain an additional mild consequence slot. This slot can only be used for physical harm.
Adrenaline Rush: A short burst of adrenaline slows time to a crawl, allowing more accurate shooting and faster movement. Once per scene, you may add a +1 to Athletics for purposes of dodging, and a +1 to attack with Shoot.
Quick Regen: Mana reserves regenerate unnaturally quickly. However, reserves are are smaller than usual. Your Mana stress bar can't exceed ΟΟ, but for every stress box in mana that you would have lost, you may clear away a mild mana consequence once per scene as a supplemental action.
Suppression: +2 to create advantage rolls with Shoot when you create an aspect relating to suppressive fire.
Assault Rifle: 30 Rounds, accurate, and good stopping power. 5 Mags Left. (Shoot: 3)
TMP Submachine Gun: 32 rounds, relatively accurate. 3 mags left. (Shoot: 3)
Python Revolver: 6 shot .44 caliber. 30 spare bullets. (Shoot: 2)
Hunting Rifle: 5 rounds per mag. .32 caliber. 5 mags left. (Shoot: 3)Shortsword: Not used that much but still a reliable weapon. (Fight: 2)CS Grenade: Releases a cloud of pepperspray.. 4 left
Stinger: A grenade that explodes in a shower of rubber balls 5 left.
Flashbang: Unleashes a bright light when detonated. 5 left.
Frag Grenade: . 2 left
Incendiary Grenade: A grenade that sets an area on fire. 2 left.
Olfactory Grenade: A polite way of saying "Stink Bomb" Used for area denial during riots. 5 left.
Philosopher's Stone: A Transmutation artifact. Can freeze and melt water and lava, transmute gold into iron, and more.
HAZMAT Suit; Armor 4 versus fluids and gases; value halved if the wearer takes physical stress other than 'blunt', disappears entirely when a physical consequence from such damage is taken.
NanoArmor Vest: Armor 3 versus ballistic and blades.
Stress and Consequences
Mental: ΟΟΟΟ
Physical: ΟΟΟ
Mana: ΟΟ
+1 mild physical consequence
Ah...'cause that was almost, if not truly, word for word a Godstiel quote.
Heh heh. This isn't my show anymore.Pokémon Moves: (Placeholder until Cyreni has something to say.)
Thanks so much to @Xellos for help with this.
Maddy (Fennekin)
High Concept: Flaming Fox Girl
Trouble: I Just Want To Go Back
Aspiring HeroSkills:
No Goodbyes
Changed Twice
Superb (+5): MovesStunts:
Great (+4): Lore, Notice
Good (+3): Physique, Will
Fair (+2): Athletics, Deceive, Empathy
Average (+1): Fight, Investigate, Rapport, Resources, Stealth
Pokémon Moves: (Placeholder until Cyreni has something to say.)Equipment
Blaze: When you have taken at least one physical consequence, add a +2 to damage when attacking with Fire Moves.
Extra Burn: One per scene, when you force an opponent to take a consequence with a Fire attack, you can spend a fate point to increase the consequence's severity (so mild becomes moderate, moderate becomes severe). If your opponent was already going to take a severe consequence, he must either take a severe consequence and a second consequence or be taken out.
Enhanced Speed-Tier 1*
Leather Armor; Armor:1Stress
Physical ΟΟΟΟRefresh: ?
Armor:1 vs physical stress
Mental ΟΟΟΟ
Maddy's stats if nothing else.
Ah...'cause that was almost, if not truly, word for word a Godstiel quote.
Dude. I hadn't watched MLP since I started this RP. And to this day, I still haven't.Hmmmm..I'm not sure if I should join since I haven't watched MLPFIM since season 3.
Hmmmm..I'm not sure if I should join since I haven't watched MLPFIM since season 3.
Just PM me whenever you want to work on it. I probably won't be keeping up with this thread.Hm.
I'll have to work with you on this one later. It's still very incomplete. Not a big deal at the moment, since it'll be a long while before new characters enter the game board(other than AMCS upcoming swap), but it'll need to be done.
I'm sure he was quoting Godstiel at the time.
Ask yourself how many memes you know games you've never played, or shows you've never watched. I'm sure you can't even count them.
To be honest, I'm curious on why you didn't just steal what Xellos and I came up with.Just PM me whenever you want to work on it. I probably won't be keeping up with this thread.
A Natural Pokémon (Pikachu, Electric): You can use Pokémon moves involving that species of Pokémon, with a +2 to attack damage when using Moves of the electric type. The Moves Skill can also be used over Lore for Rotes involving Pokémon moves.
Just PM me whenever you want to work on it. I probably won't be keeping up with this thread.
Player selection is based on GM Choice, not position in the waitlist. The wailtist is alphabetical. GM Choice will generally be based on the player's activity and personality, and whether or not their character fills a needed position in the roles of PC's.
Which is pretty understandable. I simply don't have the time to keep up 100% with this while I'm waitlisted, and if that postpones me I can deal with it. All I'd request is to check with Umbra, who knows how I play.Being serious, that kind of reads as a sign I probably shouldn't bother.
Just putting this out there, Maddy's role at the moment is 'pyromancer', which the current team is the exact opposite of lacking in.
If there's no activity from you here, I can't get a good read on how you'll act when in play (except in cases like Hornet, who I've played with before). That's a miss on all the most important qualities.
It makes you very unlikely to be selected in comparison to, say, MrEgret.
Which is pretty understandable. I simply don't have the time to keep up 100% with this while I'm waitlisted, and if that postpones me I can deal with it. All I'd request is to check with Umbra, who knows how I play.
Dude. I hadn't watched MLP since I started this RP. And to this day, I still haven't.
It'll be a while before new players can join up, but go ahead and make a character sheet. I'm sure you'll enjoy the game.
It shouldn't be a problem.
Just go ultimate scrub and read tv tropes recap pages and then pretend you watched the show or something if you feel lost.
I'm not. If I was, I'd be in the thread more. Thanks for understanding.Please do. I'll just tag it as [INCOMPLETE] instead of [WAITING] in the Threadmarks.
If Umbra vouches that at least leads to something other than total failure, but it's still not good. A 33% isn't passing.
Still, no hard feelings if you genuinely don't have the time. Just don't be holding your breath for an open spot.
Got it, here it is:Please do. I'll just tag it as [INCOMPLETE] instead of [WAITING] in the Threadmarks.
If Umbra vouches that at least leads to something other than total failure, but it's still not good. A 33% isn't passing.
Still, no hard feelings if you genuinely don't have the time. Just don't be holding your breath for an open spot.