Strangers in a Strange Land [Mass Effect]

Reposting with specializations and item stuff added in. What's the item cost modifier again, since i don't think that was factored in.

Name: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Velayne von Astarkia

Humanities Guardian: Velayn is totally committed to her role as an Inquisitor. Despite the great difficulty it has placed on her, preventing her from forming personal attachments or lead anything resembling a normal life, she is utterly to Humanity. She will gladly lay down her life in service to Humanity, and will defend it at any cost, using any resource at her disposal.

Human Above All Others: The Imperial Cult teaches that it is Humanity's destiny to inherit the stars, to rest control from the foul Xenos without, and the Heretic within. Velayn believes this will all her heart, and needless to say this makes working with Xeno's...even when united in a common goal...difficult to say the least.

- The Imperial Cult (3): Velayne is a fervent believer in the Cult of the Emperor, while not quite to the burning faith present in some of her peers, she has seen far to many people to the tempting lies of the ruinous powers for that level of blind faith, she still believes in the Emperor's Divinity wholeheartedly and follow's the Cult's teachings with every breath.
- The Primacy of the Imperium (1): As much as she believes in the Emperor, Velayne is not quite so wholehearted in her support for the worldly Imperium. While she will gladly lay down her life for the Imperium she is not blind to its flaws. It is not a perfect system by any means, but the Imperium does what it can to fight the ever-growing darkness and despite its imperfection, it is Humanities best defense against the Heretic, the Xeno and the Traitor
- Inquisition Mandate (1): While Velayne takes her duties as an Inquisitor very seriously, she is not blind to the black marks on the Organization's history, nor does she believe that Inquisitors are infallible. she has fought to many of her own Order turned traitor, corrupted by their desire to fight Chaos...with Chaos.

Skills: 24/24 Points (+60)
- Infantry Combat (16) <Close-Quarters Combat> <Marksmanship>
- Tactics (8) <Special Operation Teams>
- Strategic Command (8) <Counter-Insurgency>

- Interrogation (8) <Information Extraction>
- Manipulation (16) <Dirty Politics> <Espionage>
- Charismatic Leadership (8) <Inspiring Speeches>

- Equipment Maintenance (4)

- The Imperial Cult (16) <Proselytization> <Ecclesiastic Doctrine>

Starting Assets
200/200 Points (-60)
- Bolt Pistol + Ammo (5)
- Inferno Pisol + Ammo (40)
- Power Sword (Just Item) (30)
- Artificer Armor Sororitas-Style (Just Item) (20)
- Rosarius (Just Item) (40)
- Imperial Prayer Items (Purity Seals, Prayer Book, Holy Oils etc.) (0)

It's not a pocket dimension, it's a portal. So stuff like the gun, bike, whatever has to be stored somewhere. It's not usually shown in the show, but I'd assume the stuff smaller than the bike was kept in the building he lived in, while the bike was kept out back or something.
He cannot actually travel through it, he has to know where the item was located, and he has to be able to bring it through (so he couldn't, for instance, drag something made of gold or whatever through with just the 1 arm he can bring in).

Oh. Huh. I was under the impression it was some sort of a Hammerspace type of thing. I'd say 40 points.
I'd argue the shield's effectiveness would vary depending on the round and what element the shield used.
Flame Style shield would probably be the worst for ME weapons, though Hurricane style would probably be pretty close. Nontransformed barrier would likely deflect instead of stop, sort of an "oh no!" thing. Land style is a solid wall of rock, so it'd be fine (befitting the most defensive form), and Water style is a wall of water, so that might work.
Fairly useful. Still, I'm sticking by the current cost - it'll be effective against small arms, but I don't think it'll help much against heavy weapons.

5-10 seconds. Basically enough for one or two passes/attacks, get out of a bind, or get in good grappling position.
25 points.

I'd have to check the show, but I'd say it seems like another "use for 5-20 seconds" thing. A temp buff rather than rest-of-the-fight buff.
20 points.

The Magic Rings (aka the various spells) can be used in either Rider form or untransformed state. The Style rings, as well as things like the elemental spells I mentioned (but didn't immediately list) and Special Rings can only be done in Rider for, or in the case of the latter, only in Dragon Rider form.
Hmm. In that case, I'll go for the higher end - 60 points.

More like better understanding his magic and powers and such. The idea being further study would allow him to better utilize his various powers and whatnot. I mostly threw it on on a whim.
Well... I think it would be fairly pricey, on the order of 60-80 points.

Anymore feedback or is this good?
Yeah, it is.

Okay, current player list!
1. ZiPeppe
2. Daraken
3. KnightDisciple
4. Jemnite
5. Usandru
6. [Open]

Sixth slot open due to cronyism within the ranks of Mini-Shadow Cabal.
I'd like to request a price-check on the following:

Personal AI companion and aide. More-or-less JARVIS from the Iron Man films, only in one's head.

Healing Vat
General-purpose medical device. It's good enough that it can take a (very recently) severed head and regrow an entire body for it.

Desktop Cornucopia Machine
General-purpose nano-assembler. "They can produce any small object, from tools to well-folded suits of clothing to handguns or a bowl of cereal." It can run on garbage. Blueprints sold separately.

General Hive
Capable of producing any type of nano-bot, though the nano-bot blueprints/programming must be acquired separately.

Laser Pulser
Assuming that ME and EP weapon powers are comparable, this should effectively be a rifle with the firepower of a Predator pistol that ignores kinetic barriers (and has a secondary, non-lethal blast mode).

Basically a wireless (and longer ranged) taser gun.

Finally, so that I have something as reference, how expensive would Shepard's augmentations from ME2/3 be as an Asset?

Not that I'm trying to tell you what to do with your character, but wouldn't it be much easier to make him be from 40K instead of Fantasy? You probably wouldn't even have to change him mechanically at all, but a tweak to his backstory could allow him to be familiar with guns, starships and sci-fi warfare, which would mean that he wouldn't be at such a disadvantage. You could even have him be from a Feudal World very similar to Warhammer Fantasy, but have been picked-up by a starship (for reasons) and gone slaughtering around the 40K galaxy. Just a suggestion.

Also, although I'll admit that I'm not as familiar with Fantasy as I am 40K, I think you may be over-estimating how powerful your character is, once they're in a sci-fi setting like Mass Effect.

EDIT: Fixed the Laser Pulser's description - it ignores kinetic barriers, not armour (you have failed me again, brain!)
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I know Iji, but only to the point of playing it once, and I don't usually obsess about the tech in things I read or play, so feats would be good. No rush though. Get yourself to a more decent machine first. :)
Alright, well, there are three main technologies Iji would have access to; the nanofield, the nanogun, and the various weapons, so starting from the top:

A variety of nanomachines both in the subject's body and around it in a field (hence the name) which serves as both a physical augmentation and a shield. In terms of abilities, Iji has very little gameplay & story segregation, so I'll start by listing the nanofield stats and how they affect the game:
  • Endurance: Health stat; Iji has a number of hitpoints equal to this stat times two (all stats max at 10, so you can have a max of 20 HP), and each hitpoint is further divided into armor points. Small arms damage AP, and when it is depleted you lose one HP, while heavy weapons like rockets damage HP directly. At max endurance, damage from HP-damaging weapons is halved, meaning Iji takes 20 consecutive rocket hits to take down.
  • Attack: Ranged attack stat; each point increases the amount of damage Iji's weapons do. At max Attack, all weapons deal double damage and, as a bonus, reload twice as fast.
  • Strength: Melee stat: does not determine damage (all melee attacks do 1 HP regardless of Strength) but instead determine what you can successfully kick and how far you can kick it, although some enemies cannot be knocked off their feet period. At max strength, Iji can kick a half-ton Komato Berserker across the room, fire the MPFB Devastator without getting knocked on her ass, and has double the mercy invincibility time (although mercy invincibility is one of the few cases of gameplay & story segregation, so feel free to ignore it).
  • Assimilate: Ammo stat; determines how much ammo you can carry, as well as how much ammo, health, and XP you get from pickups. At max Assimilate, Iji can carry 100 units of ammo for every weapon (although for weapons like the machinegun or Velocithor, one unit represents more than one round), gains double the value from all pickups, and switches between weapons faster.
  • Cracking: Hacking stat; one of the nice benefits of the nanofield is that you're basically a walking omnitool, capable of hacking just about anything, and this stat determines what you can successfully hack, as well as allowing to combine the effects of weapons stored in the nanogun (combining the shotgun and the rocket launcher yields shotgun rockets, for example). At max cracking, Iji can crack most (but not all) enemies, terminals, doors, etc, can create all of the hybrid weapons, and increases the amount of time she has to crack any given target.
  • Tasen & Komato: Weapon stats; they determine what weapons your nanogun can duplicate, they are also one of the other very few cases where there is no in-setting explanation for a game mechanic, but in the ME setting, I'd go with this being Iji's ability to defeat the FRM of various weapns and copy them.
Iji's nanofield also has a few other abilities:
  • Air Braking: When launched into the air, Iji can reduce the distance she travels.
  • Teching: When she takes HP damage, the player can press the Use key quickly to avoid being stunned.
  • Nanofield Reboot: Iji can crack her own nanofield to reset it and redistribute her stat points, although this reduces her to 1 HP
  • Retribution: Limit Break; when knocked down with less then 5 HP, Iji can choose to use this ability, leaping into the air and emitting a massive series of explosions which can deal a total maximum of 418 HP damage.
Iji's nanofield also has an incredible growth rate, going from being the weakest character at the start of the game to having the most powerful personal-scale nanofield in existence over the course of 4-5 hours of gameplay, with an unknown amount of time in between each level. It's unclear if her nanofield will continue to grow post-game, though.

There's some fluff stating that only nanoweapons can damage nanofields, but that's generally agreed to be hyperbole.
The nanogun is small nanofabrication unit set in the frame of a gun, allowing the user to switch between any weapon recorded by the nanogun while also generating ammo in the barrel. There are two main types of nanogun:
  • Charging Nanoguns: the most common types. For small arms, they can keep up with the rate of fire, but for heavy weapons, they have a visible charging time which makes their attacks easier to dodge
  • Preloaders: Much rarer, and the type of nanogun Iji uses. Personal-scale preloaders were still in the prototype stage during the game, so Iji is really lucky to have a working one. Instead of having a charging time, the generate ammo for whatever weapon is selected before the trigger is pulled, thus giving no clue as to what weapon she is going to fire or when.
Iji has a total of 19 weapons; 8 base weapons, 8 hybrid weapons, and three bonus weapons. Since the bonus weapons can only be gotten under special circumstances, I won't list them here.
  • Shotgun: self explanatory. Has unlimited ammo.
  • Machinegun: Also self explanatory.
  • Rocket Launcher: The final self explanatory weapon.
  • MPFB Devastator: Fires three glowing, superdense crystals which undergo spontaneous fission on impact. Oddly low damage and blast radius for the description, it's true power comes from firing three shots at once.
  • Resonance Detonator: think the Nova biotic power, but it has a shorter range and doesn't recharge shields. Counts as a melee attack. Has unlimited ammo.
  • Pulse Cannon: Plasma flamethrower.
  • Shocksplinter: Fires a plasma sphere which breaks into submunitions on detonation to deal additional damage.
  • Cyclic Fusion Ignition System: Looks like a lightning gun, actually the sandblaster from hell. It uses a small fusion reaction to create a magnetic "tunnel" which accelerates thousands of tiny rounds so fast that they disintegrate after just a few meters, creating electrical effects as a side-effect. Penetrates enemies.
  • Buster Gun: Shotgun + MG; auto-shotgun that uses MG ammo
  • Resonance Reflector: Resonance Detonator + Shotgun; it reflects slower projectiles such as rockets or Shocksplinter rounds. Unlimited ammo.
  • Splintergun: MG + Shocksplinter; fires the Shocksplinter submunitions like an MG. Has a wide spread which is useful for hitting enemies above and below you, since you can't aim up or down in-game. Uses MG ammo.
  • Hyper Pulse: Resonance Detonator + Pulse Cannon; turns the Pulse Cannon into a ranged melee attack with a wider spread. Uses Pulse ammo
  • Spread Rockets: Shotgun + Rocket Launcher; fires three rockets in a spread. Uses Rocket ammo.
  • Plasma Cannon: Pulse Cannon + Shocksplinter; fires a red hitscan beam. Penetrates enemies. Uses Shocksplinter ammo.
  • Nuke: MPFB + Rocket Launcher; something of a misnomer, it fires a large explosion centered on Iji (who is herself immune). Knocks Iji a short distance as well, so it's most often used to clear gaps that can't be jumped due to a low ceiling. Uses MPFB ammo
  • Velocithor V2-10: MPFB + CFIS; the CFIS's big brother, fires tens of thousands of rounds per second at twice the CFIS's muzzle velocity, and looks like a wave-motion gun. Penetrates enemies and walls.
This guide is also a fairly good resource for learning about the game in general, including more obscure details.
I'll give your sheets a closer look, tomorrow. It's past midnight, here. Sorry.

However, at a glance, yours looks fine, Jemnite.

It would be helpful when converting all those filthy heretics to the proper Imperial ways, however!

Note: all costs are kinda tentative and might change. They're likely to stay within the same ballpark, however. Additionally, I did not apply the Item cost modifier to anything.

Not to be a bother, as I know I didn't get in, but any update on that potential review? I'd like to at least have a shot at that open slot, if at all, or to get in if others don't show up. Thanks for reviewing all the same, though! :)
So here's a sheet for Iji and her brother, Dan. It's mostly complete, pending Asset costs.

Name: Iji Kataiser

Virtue: Unstoppable
Above all else, Iji is incapable of giving up. When fighting first against the Tasen and then the Komato, she faced overwhelming numbers, impossible odds, literally invincible opponents, and the most powerful weapons ever created by the Komato, and not once did she back down or give up. To Iji, long odds or the power of the enemy do not matter; she will always seek out a way to persevere and accomplish her goals, and she refuses to allow anything stop her. It is this determination above her nanofield or any weapons she wielded, that made her truly dangerous, and earned her the the title of the "Human Anomaly"

Vice: Shoot First and Ask Questions Later!
Originally an ordinary girl, when she found herself as the only human with a nanofield, and thus the only human capable of fighting the invading Tasen (and, later, the Komato), Iji was forced to adapt to her new circumstances, and become not just a soldier, but a one woman army. Of course, going from ordinary to killing more than 400 people in less than a day tends to have negative effects on one's psyche, no matter how resilient. As a result, Iji is prone to violent action, even when diplomacy or caution might otherwise be advised, and revels in the destruction of her enemies. (At least the Krogan will like her)

My Brother, Dan (2)
Iji's only surviving family member, and the only thing she has left in the world; she'll do anything she can to protect him.

Earth, and Humanity (2)
Faced with the devastation of Earth and the near extinction of humanity, Iji chose to do everything in her power to protect what was left.

Survive (1)
Thrown into an impossible situation with no chance of victory or survival, Iji refused to give up and die.

Infantry Combat (Dodging)- Professional (8)
Vehicle Driving - Trainee (2)
Tactics - Trained (4)

Intimidation - Trainee (2)

Cracking (Weapon Combining) - Professional (8)

Nanofield (physical augmentation + shielding sufficient to tank repeated rocket hits, effectively a walking omnitool) - (70 - 100?)
Nanogun (Replicate any weapon + ammo whose blueprints are stored in it, can switch between stored weapons) - (70?)
Additional weapons as points allow.

Name: Dan Kataiser

(The guy, obviously)

Virtue: Any Way I Can
Dan is not special; he does not have a nanofield, he does not know how to fight, nor is a genius scientist. What he does have however, are exceptional hacking skills, a great deal more tact than his sister, and a desire to help her in any way he can. Altogether, they make a surprisingly powerful combination when used in support, rather than direct combat.

Vice: A Closed Heart
In the wake of the devastation of Earth, Dan dealt with the trauma by walling off his emotions, and closing off his heart. As such, even though it is mostly an act, he has a tendency towards overly logical, often harsh actions in the pursuit of his goals.


My Sister, Iji (2)
He may not be able to protect her her, but Dan is committed to helping his sister in any way he can. Usually this means acting as her Mission Control.

Earth, and Humanity (2)
Like his sister, Dan is totally committed to protecting the remains of humanity.

Show no Weakness (1)
While part of the reason that he walled off his emotions was so that he wouldn't appear weak to his sister, he has acknowledged that this was not a healthy attitude, although he recognizes that the principle still holds value when dealing with others.

Tactics - Trained (4)

Mission Control - Trained (4)
Negotiation - Trainee (4)

Hacking (Network Intrusion) - Professional (8)
Nanoforging - Trainee (2)

Nanotechnology - Trainee (2)
Ork Mek Boy
Tazla Da Loota

self enlightenment. I knowz what i iz. I knowz what I ain't. And I knowz how to become morr than whut I be.

Pride. Oi. You don't think my magnet gun won't work well just you gubbenz watch this.

3 meks code. Desire and impulse to loot bigger and more impressive machines an use them in yhe waaaagh.

1 gork n mork. Belief in the two great ork gods of brutal cunning and cunning brutality

1 self discipline. Focus, control, whatever the hummies want to call it I've trained .e wrench hand to bonk me when I get side tracked.

Fallen pillar. Belief in the supremecy of the waaaaaaagh.


ORk physioligy
Not to be a bother, as I know I didn't get in, but any update on that potential review? I'd like to at least have a shot at that open slot, if at all, or to get in if others don't show up. Thanks for reviewing all the same, though! :)
The sixth slot is currently reserved for @alguLoD. He's currently writing the character sheet and will likely post it soonish. If anything changes, I'll post in the thread.

At the moment, I'm not pricing assets for reasons of it being way more time consuming than it probably looks. I'll do it when a slot frees up, or when I have some free time[1]​.

[1]And don't spend it all on playing Dark Souls. :V

Ork Mek Boy
Tazla Da Loota

self enlightenment. I knowz what i iz. I knowz what I ain't. And I knowz how to become morr than whut I be.

Pride. Oi. You don't think my magnet gun won't work well just you gubbenz watch this.

3 meks code. Desire and impulse to loot bigger and more impressive machines an use them in yhe waaaagh.

1 gork n mork. Belief in the two great ork gods of brutal cunning and cunning brutality

1 self discipline. Focus, control, whatever the hummies want to call it I've trained .e wrench hand to bonk me when I get side tracked.

Fallen pillar. Belief in the supremecy of the waaaaaaagh.


ORk physioligy
...right. 1) You have four Pillars. You can only have three. 2) I can barely parse this. I have little intention of GMing for someone I can't understand.
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Heyo, folks. I should've probably posted in this thread earlier if only just to say hi, but I guess I didn't see too much of a point to it since I semi-regularly chat with MightyDwarf here.

[1]And don't spend it all on playing Dark Souls. :V

Speaking of Dark Souls, guess what my character's gonna be, guys?


Interesting times ahead.
The sixth slot is currently reserved for @alguLoD. He's currently writing the character sheet and will likely post it soonish. If anything changes, I'll post in the thread.

At the moment, I'm not pricing assets for reasons of it being way more time consuming than it probably looks. I'll do it when a slot frees up, or when I have some free time[1].

[1]And don't spend it all on playing Dark Souls. :V

...right. 1) You have four Pillars. You can only have three. 2) I can barely parse this. I have little intention of GMing for someone I can't understand.

Huh, I figured ever spacebattler knew how to speak Ork. Then don't I guess.
The sixth slot is currently reserved for @alguLoD. . .

I'm still going to finish my character as best as I can, though, because I've spent too much time and effort to abandon them completely.

I guess I'll be taking up a position on The Waiting List of Shame. . .

At the moment, I'm not pricing assets for reasons of it being way more time consuming than it probably looks. I'll do it when a slot frees up, or when I have some free time.

Understandable. I'll do the best I can without.
Name: Alexis Nevarre
Virtue: Magnanimous
Alexis fled the Inner System when she could no longer stomach a life of climbing The Ladder - perpetually grabbing at the heels of those above whilst stomping on the faces of those below - and made a new life for herself in the Outer System, where she put her hard-earned skills to use as manager of a mutualist Extropian corp. While she has no qualms with doing things for her own sake, she finds the most rewarding ventures to be those where others benefit just as much as she does, if not more so.

Vice: From a Life of Luxury
A major perk of being one of the privileged elite in the hypercapitalist Planetary Consortium is having many nice things, and as such Alexis is accustomed to an expensive lifestyle. Although she considers her preference for the best goods and services money can buy to be a personal flaw, she has thus-far been too prideful to have it corrected through psychosurgery, determined to overcome it by herself.

Technoprogressivism (2)
Alexis is a firm believer in the good that can be achieved through the proper application of science and technology, and is an ardent transhumanist.

Sapient Rights (2)
Having spent most of her life witnessing all manner of cruelty and injustice throughout the solar system - from the coerced slavery of Fall refugees to destroy-on-sight policies for AGIs - Alexis has come to detest the institutional denial of basic rights.

Firewall (1)
A clandestine organisation founded for the express purpose of defending transhumanity from existential threats - both from within and without. Despite the stresses involved in working for them, Alexis considers their cause to be worth fighting for.
Skills: 72/24 (-48 from Assets)
Infantry Combat: Trainee (-2)
Tactics: Trainee (-2)
Strategy: Trainee (-2)
Stealth: Trainee (-2)
Persuasion: Expert (Specialisations: Business Deals, Diplomatic Negotiations) (-16)
Deception: Professional (Specialisation: Official Testimony) (-8)
Perception: Professional (Specialisation: Kinesics) (-8)
Management: Expert (Specialisations: Corporations, Clandestine Organisations) (-16)
Economics: Professional (Specialisation: Capitalism) (-8)
Law: Professional (Specialisation: Contract Law) (-8)
Assets: 48/200 -> 200/200

Exalt Morph
Exalt - "Exalt morphs are genetically enhanced humans, designed to emphasize specific traits. Their genetic code has been tweaked to make them healthier, smarter, and more attractive. Their metabolism is modified to predispose them towards staying fit and athletic for the duration of an extended lifespan."
Approximately peak-human cognition, intuition, charisma and willpower. Other attributes are roughly 50% above baseline average.

Basic Biomods
- "A morph with basic biomods heals twice as fast as an early 21st century human, gradually regrows lost body parts, is immune to all normal diseases (from cancer to the flu), and is largely immune to aging. In addition, the morph requires no more than 3–4 hours of sleep per night, is immune to ill effects from long-term exposure to low or zero gravity, and does not naturally suffer from biological problems like depression, shock reactions after being injured, or allergies."

Basic Mesh Inserts - a computer in the head, with wireless connectivity
Base Value: 100
Item: 0.5x
Total Cost: 50

Eidetic Memory - perfect memory

Bioweave Armour (Light) - virtually undetectable (without a detailed medical examination) biological armour with comparable durability to a light flak vest

Clean Metabolism - negligible in-game effect (basically super-hygiene)

Endocrine Control - "This allows the character to completely control their appetite and emotions and to regulate pain. . . This augmentation also allows the character to lie with perfect conviction and to completely fool all methods of lie detection that do not rely on the target's neural output"

Medichines - medical nanobots that render the user effectively immune to diseases and toxins, as well as greatly accelerating healing (by a factor of 6-12, if we go by game mechanics)

Mental Speed - accelerates the character's mental processing speed to the point that they can, for example, read 10 times faster or see the individual frames in an analogue film (must be 'manually' activated as it is not a passive ability, and does not enhance physical movement speed)

Skinlink - "Skinlink nanobots live on the morph's external skin or shell, automatically swarming over and creating a physical connection with any electronics the user touches. They also take advantage of the electrical field in a biomorph's skin for communication. They allow the user to communicate and mesh with any devices merely by touching them. This is considered a wired link, and so is not subject to wireless interception or interference."
Base Value: 100
Item: 0.5x
Total Cost: 50

Smart Clothing
Base Cost: 4
"Smart clothing can change its color, texture, and even its cut, taking only a minute or two to transform from a solid color jumpsuit to a plaid party dress or a replica of a pinstriped, late 20th century business suit. . . Smart clothing also keeps the character warm or cool, allowing the character to exist comfortably in environments from –40 to 70 C."
Blueprint + Item: 1x + 0.5x
Total Cost: 6

Smart Clothing Fashion Designs
High-fashion designs made to take advantage of Smart Clothing's unique properties
Base Cost: 4
Blueprints: 1x
Total Cost: 4

Smart Vac Clothing

"Like regular smart clothing, this outfit can also transform into a light vacsuit. It also functions as armor." (together with Bioweave, should be about as good as the physical armour of a low-end ME Light Hardsuit)
Base Cost: 8
Blueprint: 1x
Total Cost: 8


"This tasty yogurt treat blocks stress hormones, stabilizes mood, and relieves anxiety"
Base Cost: 1
Blueprint: 1x
Total Cost: 1

Bananas Furiosas
Bright orange-red bananas that protect against radiation poisoning (yes, I'm serious)
Base Cost: 2
Blueprint: 1x
Total Cost 2

Digital Copies of Entertainment Media

Best-selling/popular fiction novels/films/music/video games/etc. from across the Eclipse Phase Sol system (all remaining points)
Base Cost: 2
Item - 0.5x
Total Cost: 1

Additional Character: Muse ("Anna") (30)
Name: Anna

Appearance: Anna generally prefers to stay as a disembodied voice. Though she will occasionally assume a visual presence, the appearance she chooses is usually determined by the situation and/or her whims at the time.

Virtue: Guardian Angel
As a Muse, Anna is absolutely dedicated to ensuring Alexis' physical and mental well-being. Despite having a mind of her own, Anna still chooses to function as Alexis' Muse of her own free will. They grew-up together, fought together and even died together. They are family.

Vice: The Mission Comes Second
Muses prioritise the safety of their charge above all else, which can potentially cause a conflict of interest if their charge deems placing themselves in danger to be necessary in order to achieve their objectives. Without the possibility of being revived from a back-up, Anna is likely to become over-protective of Alexis, to the detriment of their goals.

Anna and Alexis think alike in many ways and share largely the same values.


Sapient Rights (2)

Firewall (1)

Skills: 24/24
Information Technology: Expert (Improved Specialisation: Infosec, Online Research) (-16)
Logistics: Professional (Specialisation: Smuggling) (-8)

Artificial General Intelligence
Anna is an AGI and has all of the benefits that this entails
Base Cost: 40
Item: 0.5x
Total Cost: 20

EDIT: Updated 9 August 2015
Last edited:
Final Draft.

Name: Haruto Soma, Kamen Rider Wizard
Appearance: [Portrait/Untransformed], [Wizard Flame Style]
Virtue: "Hope Is Stronger Than Despair"
"I've faced dark times in my life. Losing my parents, going through the Sabbath, seeing the ones I couldn't save. But through it all, I knew that Hope was there. I clung to Hope, and I've become stronger for it. I will never let myself give in to Despair. Not once."
Vice: "Darkness In My Soul"
"I survived the Sabbath, but not unchanged. The source of my power is Dragon, and he is always restless, waiting for a chance to try and push me down a dark path. Even if I don't give in to Despair and become a Phantom, if I don't watch myself I might give in to my anger or other darker emotions, and Dragon might start to influence my actions more directly."
"I will be your Last Hope." (3)
"I have all this power, and I've used it to save many people from giving in to Despair and becoming Phantoms. Even if that's not a threat, I will always be the person who can bring hope to those who have none."
"Power brings responsibility." (1)
"I have this power, I need to use it responsibly. I could do great harm in the world if I wanted, but instead I want to use it to better the people around me. Even if not all of them appreciate what I do."
"I will protect my friends." (1)
"My friends are part of what's given me hope over the years. I've come to a strange place, but I swear I will find my way back to my old friends. And along the way, I will make new friends, and I will use my power to help them, too."
Skills: 24/24 Points
Infantry Combat: Professional (-8)
Vehicular Driving: Trained (-4)
Persuasion: Trained (-4)
Public Speaking: Professional, Inspirational Speeches (-8)
Assets: 200/200 Points
-WizarDriver (50): Allows transformation, helps cast spells. (Cost includes Driver On ring and Flame Style Ring.)
-WizarSwordGun (25): High-caliber pistol that can transform into a sword. Can be used in non-transformed state; power increased when transformed. Can be used to perform a "finisher" for the Style he is transformed into at the time, utilizing elemental damage.
-Machine Winger (5): Stylish high-speed bike with off-road capability.
-Wizard Magic Rings (60): Various rings that can be used to cast a single spell.
--Driver On: Activates the WizarDriver to perform spells, transform, etc. (Price included in WizarDriver cost.)
--Connect: Used to retrieve items, via portal, from other places. Most commonly used for the WizarSwordGun, Machine Winger, and (later on) Drago Timer. (40)
--Defend: Conjures a barrier, with a form/composition dependent on his current transformation state. (20)
--Kick Strike: Allows Haruto to deliver Rider Kick, modified by his current Style. Power will vary according to Style (Regular, Dragon, All Dragon, Infinity), but always a potent delivery of power. Can be buffed by activating Drill Ring directly beforehand. (10)
--Big: Used to enlarge hands (or, theoretically, feet), or the WizarSwordGun, for extra attack power.
--Copy: Creates mirror duplicate that copies the primary's movements and attacks, with some limited independence. Can also copy his weapon to allow dual wielding. (30)
--Bind: Conjure magical chains to restrain an opponent, with a form/composition dependent on his current transformation state. (20)
--Extend: Elongate a limb to aid in attacks. (20)
--Light: Conjures a blinding flash of light to illuminate dark areas. (10)
--Liquid: Only compatible with Water Style or Water Dragon. Temporarily transmutates Wizard's body into a liquid-like state to make melee attacks useless or to grapple with a foe. (25)
--Drill: Primarily used with Land Style or Land Dragon. Allows Wizard to spin at high speeds to burrow through the ground. (30)
--Dress Up: Changes the wearer's clothes into an outfit appropriate for the setting (i.e., a formal suit for a fancy party, a student's uniform to enter a school). (10)
--Excite: Temporarily enhances Wizard's muscles to spectacular results. If in Rider form, Wizard becomes a hulking giant that can easily destroy minor enemies. (20)
--Fall: Creates a hole for Wizard or anyone/anything else to fall into. If he so wishes it to, Wizard can make the hole appear temporarily to avoid being directly followed. (20)

-Special Rings: These are rings that are used to conjure up the special elemental attacks, or the Specials for each Dragon Style that include an add-on.
--Flamestrike: Only compatible with Flame Style or Flame Dragon. Initiates an attack called Dragon Burn, where Wizard conjures a pillar of fire from the sky onto an enemy. (10)
--Blizzard: Only compatible with Water Style or Water Dragon. Initiates an attack called Dragon Freeze, where Wizard fires a blast of icy winds to freeze enemies in place, though the attack is smaller if used in Water Style. (10)
--Thunder: Only compatible with Hurricane Style or Hurricane Dragon. Initiates an attack called Dragon Lightning , where Wizard fires WizarDragon in the form of sentient lightning to attack enemies, though the attack is smaller if used in Hurricane Style. (10)
--Gravity: Only compatible with Land Style or Land Dragon. Initiates an attack called Dragon Levitate, where Wizard fires a blast of compressed gravity at the enemy to levitate them into the air and then drop them to the ground with a sharp increase in gravity, leaving a sizable crater as a result, though the attack is smaller if used in Land Style. (10)
--Special: Only compatible with one of Dragon Styles. Equips Wizard with a different part of WizarDragon's body to aid him in battle. (15)
---Flame Dragon: Summons the Drago Skull on Wizard's chest, which allows him to execute the Dragon Breath. When used in conjunction with the Flamestrike Ring, Wizard can execute a stronger version of Dragon Breath called Dragon Blaze.
---Water Dragon: Summons the Drago Tail on Wizard's lower back, allowing him to split large bodies of water in half, as well as execute the Dragon Tail attack. When used in conjunction with the Blizzard Ring, Wizard can execute a stronger version of Dragon Tail called Dragon Smash.
---Hurricane Dragon: Summons the Drago Wings on Wizard's back, allowing him to fly, as well as execute the Dragon Wing attack. When used in conjunction with the Thunder Ring, Wizard can execute a stronger version of Dragon Wing called Dragon Sonic.
---Land Dragon: Summons the Drago Hell Claws on Wizard's arms, allowing him to cleave through anything, as well as execute the Dragon Claw attack. If the Gravity Ring was used beforehand, Wizard can execute a stronger version of Dragon Claw called Dragon Ripper.

-Wizard Style Rings (0): Control which form Kamen Rider Wizard manifests when transformed.
--Flame: Flame style, fire element attacks with WizarSwordGun. Offensive-focused form, though mostly balanced, favoring strength and agility. Allows access to Flamestrike Magic Ring. (Included in cost of WizarDriver. Flamestrike to be purchased separately.)
--Hurricane : Hurricane style, wind/lightning element attacks with WizarSwordGun. Mobility-focused form, with high speed and excellent jumping, but the lowest strength and endurance of the 4 forms. Can briefly hover in place. Allows access to Thunder Magic Ring. (10)
--Water: Water style, water element attacks with WizarSwordGun. Agility focused form, with a secondary emphasis on strength. Allows free movement underwater. Allows access to Blizzard Magic Ring. (10)
--Land: Land style, earth element attacks with WizarSwordGun. Defensive-focused form, with emphasis on strength and endurance, but by far the lowest speed and jumping ability. Allows access to Gravity Magic Ring. (10)
--Flame Dragon: More powerful version of Flame Style, boosts all stats (keeping ratios the same). Increases power of elemental-imbued attacks with WizarSwordGun. Increases power of Flamestrike spell ring. Allows access to Drago Skull Attachment and Dragon Breath/Dragon Blaze Special. (30)
--Hurricane Dragon: More powerful version of Hurricane Style, boosts all stats (keeping ratios the same). Increases power of elemental-imbued attacks with WizarSwordGun. Increases power of Thunder spell ring. Allows access to Drago Hell Claws Attachment and Dragon Claw/Dragon Sonic Special. (30)
--Water Dragon: More powerful version of Water Style, boosts all stats (keeping ratios the same). Increases power of elemental-imbued attacks with WizarSwordGun. Increases power of Blizzard spell ring. Allows access to Drago Tail Attachment and Dragon Tail/Dragon Smash Special. (30)
--Land Dragon: More powerful version of Land Style, boosts all stats (keeping ratios the same). Increases power of elemental-imbued attacks with WizarSwordGun. Increases power of Gravity spell ring. Allows access to Drago Wings Attachment and Dragon Wing/Dragon Ripper Special. (30)
--Infinity: Allows Wizard to access Infinity Style; Infinity Style is powerful across the board, though it favors speed and agility a bit, and is notably very resistant to damage (occasionally even able to reflect some spells or energy attacks off of its shining surface). Also enables him to move at blinding speeds when scanned on the WizarDriver a second time after the transformation. Transforms the WizarSwordGun into the AxCalibur. Allows access to Dragon Shining (via tapping the Infinity Ring bearing hand onto the AxCalibur's Hand Author; this is a powerful melee attack with the AxCalibur that allows him to increase the weapon's size for a single devastating strike. Infinity Style is the penultimate form of Kamen Rider Wizard. (60)

-Drago Timer: an arm-mounted device that is for Kamen Rider Wizard, created from all of Dragon's elemental magical energy that was split out from Haruto's body during a ritual to help Wizard become stronger. When Wizard rotates the clock, while also flipping the thumb as the timer clocks down, he can create 3 more duplicates of his Dragon Styles. The duplicates can vanish one of two ways: if Haruto wills them away, or if the clones receive a grievous amount of injuries. All 4 Wizards can do a joint attack with their Special Rings via Dragon Four-Mation.
Wizard can also scan the Drago Timer's Prism Drago Light ring attachment on the WizarDriver to transform himself into All Dragon. All Dragon is the combination of all 4 Attachments (Skull, Wings, Tail, Hell Claws) on a single form, combining the strengths of all the Dragon forms. It is not as fast or agile as Infinity form, and lacks the reflective protection that form possesses, though it is perhaps a touch tougher overall. This form's finishing attack is the Strike Dragon, where Wizard summons a massive magic seal, then hits the target with elemental constructs of Dragon's mana, then slams a powerful kick into the weakened target. Haruto must be cautious in his use of this form (both frequency and length), for fear of his Phantom taking over or emerging from within his soul. (60)
-Infinity Bracer: A special bracer worn on Haruto's arm opposite the Drago Timer which holds the Infinity Ring on that hand (instead of his normal Driver On Ring, in a manner similar to how the Drago Timer holds the Prism Drago Light Ring), this device allows him to activate first Infinity Style, and then All Dragon Style, to activate his true ultimate form, Infinity Dragon. It combines the speed, agility, and reflective defenses of Infinity with the strength, power, raw defense, and versatile attachments of All Dragon. Wizard does not have to fear Dragon emerging from his soul in this form, but it is nonetheless very taxing and can only be accessed for a short amount of time. Also, the AxCalibur (the form the WizarSwordGun takes in Infinity Form) is absorbed into this form.
This form's finishing attack is the Infinity End , where Wizard manifests the Infinity Skull (shaped like a dragon's skull; it is the Drago Skull attachment manifesting here rather than on his chest) on his right foot to strengthen the power of his kick before impact with the enemy. (100)

-Ring Creation Theory (60): Haruto understands the theory behind what can create various Wizard Rings (Magic and Style), and knows which stones/gems can be made into new rings (at least generally).
-Ring Creation Blueprints (60): Haruto has developed plans and blueprints to create more Wizard Rings as well as his special Rider Equipment (Drago Timer and Infinity Bracer) that are extension of Rings/his power.
Magical Practice Theory (60): Haruto thoroughly and completely understands the base, underlying principles of the magic he has access to. This knowledge allows him to utilize his existing spells to the fullest extent, getting maximum effect for minimum mana. In practice, this gives him greater endurance, as well as making it easier to come up with new and esoteric ways to utilize his existing powers.
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-Ring Creation Theory and Blueprints (60): Haruto understands the theory behind what can create various Wizard Rings (Magic and Style), and also knows how to construct most or all of them. He knows which stones/gems can be made into new rings.
It's 120 for both Theory and Blueprints.

Kick Strike
->10 points.
->10 Points
->10 Points
->I need some explanation - what's WizarDragon?
->What do these special attacks do?
Flame Dragon, Water Dragon, Hurricane Dragon, Land Dragon
->30 points each. You mentioned them being 'fairly close to OP', so I'm assuming they offer a fairly big boost from the basic styles.
Infinity Style
->60-70 Points, based on 'crazier than kicking a dude into the Sun'. Even assuming that was an outlier, it sounds like it's still very powerful.
Drago Timer
-> 40-60 points? Not sure until I can price the special rings.
Infinity Bracer
->This one sounds like it might just hit a hundred, even with the time limit.
It's 120 for both Theory and Blueprints.
Oh. Uh. Sorry. Misunderstood. Yikes. Um....if I have Theory is it possible to work toward having Blueprints, and then eventually building them? Basically, I want to be able to have him build more of the cheaper rings fairly soon. Is Blueprints or Theory better for that? If I have Blueprints can I work backwards to Theory?

Kick Strike
->10 points.
->10 Points
->10 Points
->I need some explanation - what's WizarDragon?
This one just shoots a dragon made of lightning at the enemy. Instead of "bolt of lightning" it's "bolt of lightning shaped like the mechanical dragon in his soul". Just a flavor thing.
->What do these special attacks do?
The Flame one shoots a big fireball. The Land one is a big claw slash. The Water one is a tail slap. I think the Hurricane one was a wing slap/slam.
Flame Dragon, Water Dragon, Hurricane Dragon, Land Dragon
->30 points each. You mentioned them being 'fairly close to OP', so I'm assuming they offer a fairly big boost from the basic styles.
I would say they're probably about 2-3x the power of the base forms. When he first debuted the first Dragon form he just walked all over that enemy...but of course by the season's end he was whipping out Dragon Styles to crush the basic mooks. Sliding power scale and all.
Infinity Style
->60-70 Points, based on 'crazier than kicking a dude into the Sun'. Even assuming that was an outlier, it sounds like it's still very powerful.
I'd personally say 60, because while Infinity is quite powerful, it lacks the extra utility of having wings and whatnot. It's concentrated power, but it's not able to fly or swim. Just shrug off damage, move fast, hit hard.
Drago Timer
-> 40-60 points? Not sure until I can price the special rings.
Actually, I'm going to say 60, just because it basically lets him be in 4 places at once.
Infinity Bracer
->This one sounds like it might just hit a hundred, even with the time limit.
Fair enough. It's very much the last thing (equipment or power wise) he'll ever purchase, so.
Oh. Uh. Sorry. Misunderstood. Yikes. Um....if I have Theory is it possible to work toward having Blueprints, and then eventually building them? Basically, I want to be able to have him build more of the cheaper rings fairly soon. Is Blueprints or Theory better for that? If I have Blueprints can I work backwards to Theory?

The difference between Theory and Blueprints is that you can start building new things with Blueprints nearly immediately, but you can only build the things you have Blueprints for. Theory cannot build anything immediately, it requires a research project to unlock specific instances, but in principle it allows for everything to be unlocked with enough time and resources.

It is generally harder to work from Items or Blueprints to Theory than vice versa, but not, in principle, impossible.
Oh. Uh. Sorry. Misunderstood. Yikes. Um....if I have Theory is it possible to work toward having Blueprints, and then eventually building them? Basically, I want to be able to have him build more of the cheaper rings fairly soon. Is Blueprints or Theory better for that? If I have Blueprints can I work backwards to Theory?

This one just shoots a dragon made of lightning at the enemy. Instead of "bolt of lightning" it's "bolt of lightning shaped like the mechanical dragon in his soul". Just a flavor thing.
The Flame one shoots a big fireball. The Land one is a big claw slash. The Water one is a tail slap. I think the Hurricane one was a wing slap/slam.
I would say they're probably about 2-3x the power of the base forms. When he first debuted the first Dragon form he just walked all over that enemy...but of course by the season's end he was whipping out Dragon Styles to crush the basic mooks. Sliding power scale and all.
I'd personally say 60, because while Infinity is quite powerful, it lacks the extra utility of having wings and whatnot. It's concentrated power, but it's not able to fly or swim. Just shrug off damage, move fast, hit hard.
Actually, I'm going to say 60, just because it basically lets him be in 4 places at once.
Fair enough. It's very much the last thing (equipment or power wise) he'll ever purchase, so.

Right'o, I think I'll go with 15 for the special rings, 60 for Infinity Style, 60 for Drago Timer and a 100 for Infinity Bracer.
Just to say that I've updated my character sheet. It's now about as complete as it's going to get, without me knowing the point values of the Assets.

Also, you should be aware that if my character doesn't make it into the game, then the Mass Effect universe will never know the wonders of Comfurt yoghurt. So, you know, if you think you can live with yourselves after depriving them of that. . .
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Right. Sorry for the delay everyone, but here's my charsheet, finally.


Name: Griffith of Vinheim

A tall, slender man with platinum blonde, nearly white hair. He has the sharp facial features common to those hailing from Vinheim. He is currently dressed in a dark-colored set of finely-tailored robes.

Virtue: Prepared to Die
Representing a certain tenacity, not even death will stop the Dark Lord. Utterly unfazeable and impossibly stubborn, he will freely take actions that result in his own death if he believes that it will benefit him. Having died a thousand times and experienced every kind of pain a human can feel, no threat has the slightest impact, and he will never back down from a challenge, no matter how impossible it might seem. Griffith has an easy time resisting detrimental mental and/or social effects.

Vice: Pride
The darker side of the coin. The Dark Lord chose to potentially damn the world for the sake of his own pride - he struck down the King of the Gods and claimed his place as the Dark Lord of a shattered realm. He is arrogant and, once set on a path, will not sway from it, no matter how much he loses along the way.

Deathseeker: 2
For as long as he can remember, even before he came to the Asylum, Griffith has been surrounded by death, to the point where he has become accustomed to it and prefers its familiar company. He will actively seek out situations where he will kill and/or be killed.

Survivor: 2
Strangely, while suicidal, Griffith has a very strong survival instinct. Even though many would say he has nothing to lose, the Dark Lord will still fight until the end to protect and preserve what little he has, including his own miserable existence.

Scholar: 1
Griffith was born in Vinheim and studied as a Sorcerer before he became cursed with the Darksign. He still holds a strong desire to understand the totality of the cosmos - as much as the Darksign is a curse, the Dark Lord cannot truly resent his immortality, for he can research to his heart's content for as long as he retains his humanity, which may be a very long time indeed.

Humanity: 10 (Special Trait)
Sprites derived from the Dark Soul. Their properties are many and varied, and much of these are unknown. They are capable of feeding on soulpower to multiply. They are at the same time a concrete substance, yet their quantity can be lowered and raised by events that affect the psyche of their owner. Generally, events that strongly affect the psyche negatively or positively will lower and raise the power of the being's Humanity. Furthermore, Humanity can be combined with Souls and the bones of one of the Undead to create Bonfires.

*Note, I'm not entirely pleased with these, but I've delayed the game's start enough as it is. On agreement with the GM these may be subject to change within the near future.

Infantry Combat - 4 (Trained)
Technical (Forging) - 4 (Trained)
Knowledge (Soul Arts) - 8 (Professional)
Sorcery - 8 (Professional)

Darksign (Item, 50 points)
The eclipse-like sign that marks the Undead. It is the physical manifestation of their Curse, but it also grants them many powers. Perhaps most importantly, it grants them the power to drain souls of their power, which they can use for a wide variety of purposes, which includes empowering their own mind and body.

It is the Darksign that renders the Undead immortal - upon death, it will activate and draw them back to the closest bonfire, though they lose any liquid soul and humanity assets they may have possessed, which are if at all possible transferred to the one who slew the Undead, or else the closest appropriate recipient. The Darksign can be willingly triggered this way, but this is rarely a good idea as the penalties of doing so still occur.

The Curse is capable of spreading, but only to those who are in possession of Humanity, a fraction of the Dark Soul.

Dark Lord (Item, 25 points)
Griffith is the Chosen Undead who put an end to the Age of Fire and became the Lord of the Dark. Through the power of souls, both his mind and body have been rendered inhumanly swift and potent. Physically, he is essentially in peak human condition, being fast, strong and tough, which may bring attention if demonstrated since he doesn't look anywhere near as strong as he actually is. His mind, however, is on par with those of the eldest of Asari matriarchs or perhaps even a Yahg, and is obviously inhuman.

Estus Flask (Item, 20 points)
Perhaps the most valuable object one of the Undead can possess. Once owned by Oscar, knight of Astora, it contains Estus, a fluid distilled from the flames of a Bonfire, and it has been empowered with the souls of several Fire Keepers. Upon being imbibed, it will heal the wounds of the Undead drinking it, much as resting by a Bonfire will. Two gulps of this liquid will fully heal the Dark Lord in his current state.

Obsidian Greatsword (Item, 15 points)
A mighty blade hewn from the tail of the Dragon of Calamity. It is surprisingly light for its size, and it can be used to unleash dark fires of a magical origin. Its physical damage is high but not otherwise particularly notable when compared to the melee weaponry of this new universe, however, part of its damage is magical in nature and will ignore local armor to devastating effect. It can only be used in close quarters - even its magical attacks are relatively limited in range and generally manifest in a circular pattern.

Manus Catalyst (Item, 15 points)
A Sorcerer's Catalyst forged from the Soul of Manus, the Dark Father, who may have been the progenitor of all humanity. Uniquely for Catalysts, its power is partly boosted by both the mental and physical strength of the Sorcerer. It is about as good a catalyst as one can find, and can double as a weapon, resembling an oversized axe or maybe a hammer, and its perfomance in this role is reasonably impressive. While powerful, it is inefficient, and takes twice as much power to cast a spell while being less than half again as powerful as typical catalysts.

Sorcery (Vinheim School) (Theory, 40 points)
An art and science originally pioneered by Seath, the Scaleless Dragon, and further expounded upon by the Sages of Vinheim. It allows for the manipulation of magical energies, which can be harnessed for a number of purposes. Vinheim is a magocracy and the center of all magical learning - as such, it is the most comprehensive and least fragmented style, and understanding its base Theory may allow for research into other forms of Sorcery. It allows the Dark Lord to throw magical spears of energy that ignore conventional armor, or empower his weapons with the same. He can enchant shields (or other objects of uniform composition) to essentially nullify incoming attacks. He can also perform simple illusions that generate noise or dampen his own footfalls.

Note that with in combination of the Soul Arts skill, this Asset can be used to create new spells or other magical effects. In conjunction with certain Technical skills, it may also be used to create simple magical items.

Sorcery (Oolacile School) (Item, 10 points)
A forgotten form of Sorcery known in Oolacile, the Chosen Undead learned to perform some of its spells from Oolacile's temporarily temporally displaced Princess, Dusk. They allow the Dark Lord to generate and manipulate light and to perform illusions to blend into his surroundings, render his body partly transparent, and perform simple field repairs to inanimate objects.

Note that with knowledge of the Soul Arts, it may be possible to uncover the theory underlying these spells.

Pyromancer's Flame (Item, 10 points)
A Pyromancer's Flame originally kindled by Laurentius, a Pyromancer of the Great Swamp. It allows for the casting of Pyromancies, which are typically of a more primal nature than the sorceries pioneered by Seathe and the Sages of Vinheim. It allows the Dark Lord to perform certain basic Pyromancies, in the form of fireballs, similar to short-range grenades, gouts of flame, and the like.

Note that with knowledge of the Soul Arts, it may be possible to uncover the theory behind Pyromancy. The theory itself is fairly simple, as Pyromancy is a primal, simple art.

Bonfire Tools (Item, 15 points)
Including a Weapon and Armor smithbox as well as a Repairbox, these allow for the maintenance and empowering of various objects as well as the repair thereof. Reinforcing items requires soulpower as well as access to appropriate materials superior to what the base item is made out of. Repairing items requires soulpower only. Both operations take a relatively small amount of time.

Trinkets (Item, costless)
Griffith bears a pair of pendants around his neck. One is a simple circle of iron, slightly wider around the rim. The other is intricate and made of stone, decorated with the vine of Oolacile. Strangely, he also carries a peculiar doll of simple design, as well as a pair of simple, primitive binoculars… furthermore, he carries a number of keys around. These are completely useless in his current situation, but he doesn't want to throw them away. Just in case, you know?

Black Sorcerer's Robes (Item, costless)
A simple set of robes sewn in Vinheim. They are lightweight, comfortable and reasonably sturdy, but offer no significant protection though they also offer freedom of movement. In this new universe, they are significant only in that they may attract unwanted attention due to their alien design.

Ring of Calamity (Item, costless)
A cursed ring which does nothing save harm the wearer, it has no real utility since its power is evident to anyone who wears it. It was made from the remains of the Kalameet, a Dragon embodying the concept of Calamity, and its only value is sentimental, unless the owner is masochistic or suicidal.
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Right'o, I think I'll go with 15 for the special rings, 60 for Infinity Style, 60 for Drago Timer and a 100 for Infinity Bracer.
Right, priced everything. Just to be clear, there's only 1 Special ring, it just has a different effect (aka attachment/part that it summons) depending on the Style.

Also separated out Theory and Blueprints for Ring Creation, and added in Magic Theory with a price of 60. Let me know if the wording on those 3 items works for you.
Right, priced everything. Just to be clear, there's only 1 Special ring, it just has a different effect (aka attachment/part that it summons) depending on the Style.

Also separated out Theory and Blueprints for Ring Creation, and added in Magic Theory with a price of 60. Let me know if the wording on those 3 items works for you.
Note that you need to buy the corresponding skills, as well. Otherwise, you'll just have a bunch of blueprints and theoretical data on an OSD that you'll have to study before you can do anything with.