Can we use DP on a multi-roll option? How would that work?

I was reluctant to use DP here as our supplies are limited and we already used one on this action, but I suppose martial training and unique crystals are worth 2DP, if it turns out we can use DP here I'll change to that.
I think we're rolling a d20+27 for our attacks and d20+13 for defence. With 2 attacks per round and 7+1d2 damage when we hit.

With saber styles turning that into d20+29 and d20+14.

That's without random modifiers.

Could be wrong though.
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Regarding my write-in:

This isn't written in explicitly, but the intention is still to clean out the hive so not to miss out on potential crystal finds. The write-in is an intermediate step so not to get in over our head at once, and to allow us to come up with a better plan *before* we run into a major group of enemies (like a mini-boss or a large group).

Plus, I'm not sure how 1 DP works with multi-roll combat...

And if Dooku has to come in an save us, I'm pretty sure we won't be getting as much XP compared to dealing with the whole hive ourselves (albeit in a slower fashion).
[x] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
-[X] Use 1 DP

I think this is a good time to see combat system and see how we compare.
All those voting to use 1 DP, you do realize that it is a multiroll option, and DP only applies to one roll, right? It probably won't make a difference beyond the first attack.
@Spartan Altego what would applying a DP to combat actually do anyway? Since that seems to be a point of contention right now.
...did I dream that I responded to this? Huh.

Right, so the sub-vote for applying DP to combat doesn't actually do anything but dictate how many DP you're willing to allot to this event. If the vote goes through, there will be a series of rolls to decide your performance prior to the actual update - at that point you guys can decide if you want to add a Destiny Point to a roll or use it for a re-roll on any given action, or choose not to spend it at all. That make sense?
Okay, so as a pre-pubescent kid who only spent 2 hours on it we partially purged the system, as opposed to these technicians - experienced adults, I presume - who have had potentially months, or even years, and have been able to do diddly-squat. And they're disappointed?! Assholes! :mad:
Frankly, they could probably have done it themselves if they weren't constantly hungover from bar-hopping. Stupid drunk jerks.
[x] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
-[X] Use 1 DP
Edit-Great skill increase too much to pass up.
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[X] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
-[X] Use 1 DP

While my inner miser is crying, and telling me not to spend the DP. I have informed him that possibly guaranteeing a big skill boost is well worth it.
[X] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
-[X] Use 1 DP

While my inner miser is crying, and telling me not to spend the DP. I have informed him that possibly guaranteeing a big skill boost is well worth it.
Right, so the sub-vote for applying DP to combat doesn't actually do anything but dictate how many DP you're willing to allot to this event. If the vote goes through, there will be a series of rolls to decide your performance prior to the actual update - at that point you guys can decide if you want to add a Destiny Point to a roll or use it for a re-roll on any given action, or choose not to spend it at all. That make sense?
Vote Tally : Starkiller (Star Wars AU) | Page 21 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.17

[x] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
-[X] Use 1 DP

No. of Votes: 8

[x] Write-in?
-[x] Reach out with your senses and attempt to detect the presence of the laigreks using the Force. If it is safe to do so, find a quiet location nearby and sit down to meditate in order to increase your focus. Try to determine their speed and strength, weaknesses, and their ability to communicate with one another. Is there a way to prevent one from spreading an alarm?
--[x] If reasonably confident that doing so won't draw the attention of the whole hive at once, stalk an isolated laigrek and test your skills. Rinse and repeat.
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Back off - now that you knew a good cave location, you could come back at any time. Preferably when you were better prepared. This place was filled with laigreks, which meant nobody would be trying to mine it any time soon while you were away.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 16
@Corvus Black
@D King Hecht

Out of curiosity and a desire to improve future write-ins, do you mind explaining what made the default, aggressive option more attractive than the somewhat more cautious / methodical write-in?

Instead of fully committing guns-blazing so to speak without any idea of the general difficulty level (and therefore risking massive failures / death / possibly expending DPs), the intention was to craft bonuses to 1-on-1 or small group engagements, with the option for additional planning before tackling larger groups (but to still eventually clear the entire cave. Therefore still a lot of fighting, chances to increase skills, loot, etc.).

Was the intention of the write-in unclear (either the plan portion, or the potential for retaining bonuses)? Thank you all for clarifying.
Out of curiosity and a desire to improve future write-ins, do you mind explaining what made the default, aggressive option more attractive than the somewhat more cautious / methodical write-in?

Instead of fully committing guns-blazing so to speak without any idea of the general difficulty level (and therefore risking massive failures / death / possibly expending DPs), the intention was to craft bonuses to 1-on-1 or small group engagements, with the option for additional planning before tackling larger groups (but to still eventually clear the entire cave. Therefore still a lot of fighting, chances to increase skills, loot, etc.).

Was the intention of the write-in unclear (either the plan portion, or the potential for retaining bonuses)? Thank you all for clarifying.

To be honest your write-in just seems to be, to me, beyond the current ability of Jax. That and the chance for "great skill increase", which your option is unlikely to have, as it would be more akin to stealth and assassination rather than pure martial ability and skill.
Out of curiosity and a desire to improve future write-ins, do you mind explaining what made the default, aggressive option more attractive than the somewhat more cautious / methodical write-in?

Instead of fully committing guns-blazing so to speak without any idea of the general difficulty level (and therefore risking massive failures / death / possibly expending DPs), the intention was to craft bonuses to 1-on-1 or small group engagements, with the option for additional planning before tackling larger groups (but to still eventually clear the entire cave. Therefore still a lot of fighting, chances to increase skills, loot, etc.).

Was the intention of the write-in unclear (either the plan portion, or the potential for retaining bonuses)? Thank you all for clarifying.

Great skill increase is all i needed to vote that really.
Pre-Combat Vote
[] Take the direct approach and go in offensively - you needed the practice anyways, and clearing the hive meant you had free reign of the caves. (Martial, multi-roll option. Chance for great skill increase.)
- - - [] Use 1 DP.

Alright, so to paraphrase the rules listed in the mechanics post, the first step of combat is determining who goes first. This is decided by making D20+Combat Score rolls for each action a participant has and arranging them from highest to lowest. So in a fight between three foes with two actions apiece, there will be a total of six actions in the Turn - typically the fighter with the highest Combat Score will always go first unless there is a close enough level in skill for a roll to make a difference.

Apologies in advance for any rough formatting/lack of polish. This system is a work-in-progress when it comes to combat, and only through testing can I get it to a respectable shape. Refer to Jax's sheet or ping me for any necessary information. Obviously I would prefer that a plan was made and voted for rather than everyone individually voting. My god, the horror....

Encounter I
Jax begins his rampage by running headlong into a pair of Laigrek adolescents.
Jax Morrow (36)
Jax Morrow (31)
Laigreks (23)

[] Action I
[] Action II
- - - [] Spend DP?

Encounter II
Jax encounters more Laigreks - this time a threesome, and they look none to happy to see him.
Laigreks (37)
Jax Morrow (31)
Jax Morrow (27)
Laigreks (26)

[] Action I
[] Action II
- - - [] Spend DP?

Encounter III
A pack of hissing Laigreks, four in total.
Jax Morrow (42)
Laigreks (34)
Laigreks (30)
Jax Morrow (27)

[] Action I
[] Action II
- - - [] Spend DP?

Encounter IV
A horde of Laigreks led by the matriarch. Oh boy.
Laigreks (44)
Laigreks (42)
Laigreks (39)
Jax Morrow (36)
Jax Morrow (31)

[] Action I
[] Action II
- - - [] Spend DP?

To be honest your write-in just seems to be, to me, beyond the current ability of Jax. That and the chance for "great skill increase", which your option is unlikely to have, as it would be more akin to stealth and assassination rather than pure martial ability and skill.
It would have provided experience/skill increase for stealth and stealth attacks, rather than pure martial increase.
I think we're rolling a d20+27 for our attacks and d20+13 for defence. With 2 attacks per round and 7+1d2 damage when we hit. Could be wrong though.
You're correct on everything except the damage: training sabers deal D2+3 damage per attack, with your Combat Score adding a single point of damage. So your melee strikes will deal D2+4, not D2+7.
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@Spartan Altego
I'm a little bit confused about the number of actions each critter has. Is it 1 action per critter, and the Encounter list isn't necessarily complete? Thanks.
Ok, let's do this.

We're a squishy Padawan taking on a bunch of little toothy-clawy types, so we should probably keep them from swarming up on us. No blaster means we use the only ranged weapon available to us: The force. Blast them with the force, move in and cut them down while they're stunned?

Encounter 1:
[x] Force Push
[x] Melee attack with a lightsaber.

Encounter 2:
[x] Force Push
[x] Melee attack with a lightsaber.

Encounter 3:
[x] Force Push
[x] Melee attack with a lightsaber.

Encounter 4:
[x] Force Push
[x] Melee attack with a lightsaber.
--[x] Spend a DP (Just in case we need a little extra oomph?)

[edited per Spartan's instructions]
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@Spartan Altego
I'm a little bit confused about the number of actions each critter has. Is it 1 action per critter, and the Encounter list isn't necessarily complete? Thanks.
The critters are counted as a single entity for the purposes of actions/damage, but each group is larger than the last so their collective Combat Score increases - which in turn leads to them gaining Actions.
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Ok, so Force push does the following:
A burst of telekinetic force that can stagger an enemy or throw them across the room. Simple, yet effective. (Damage = 1d3 + Piety/10)

what damage do our lightsabre combat do?
  • Shii-Cho, The Determination Form (Trained): The earliest form of lightsaber combat, far more raw and unpredictable than its successors, which lends a significant edge to those who deign to master it. Most effective against multiple opponents or multi-limbed foes, inefficient when facing a single enemy. (No penalties against other forms. +2 to Martial when outnumbered.)
@Spartan Altego
Is our stat sheet up to date?
With our Piety score of 13 and Martial score of 14, shouldn't Combat Score = 27, and defense = 13?
Melee Attack = 1d20+27+Bonus

Secondly, are combat Actions supposed to target specific enemies (i.e., Force Push "Enemy A", then Lightsaber Attack "Enemy B") or is this level of detail abstracted out? And if combat lasts for more than 1 Round, do we have another set of votes later (and re-roll Turn Orders) or should we try to plan ahead now?

Thirdly, would the combined Combat Score of a large mob of critters be reduced as we kill off members? (This would perhaps be a lot more work for you to determine in the background... but would reduce the number of enemy actions somewhat "realistically".)

Preliminary Analysis:

Force Push = 2-4 damage on success
deals 1d3+1 damage on successful 1d20+13 vs. opponent's 1d20+Piety
Training Saber = 5-6 damage on success
deals 1d2+3+1 damage on successful d20+27+2 (Shii-Cho style bonus) vs. opponent's 1d20+Combat Score

Since Force Push appears to be a straight-forward damage dealer at this point in time (there's no "stun" mechanic associated with it), Training Saber attacks result in better damage UNLESS we can't land hits AND the critters have VERY LOW Piety (giving us chance to auto-hit).

If the critters have more than 1 HP, then Force Push has a MUCH LOWER chance to 1-hit KO (due to the possible Damage Reduction mechanic).

Encounter I - 2 critters, combined min. Combat Score of 10 (due to 1 action), min. Defense bonus of 5
Jax Morrow (36)
Jax Morrow (31)
Laigreks (23)

Encounter II - 3 critters, combined min. Combat Score of 20 (due to 2 actions), min. Defense bonus of 10
Laigreks (37)
Jax Morrow (31)
Jax Morrow (27)
Laigreks (26)

Encounter III - 4 critters, combined min. Combat Score of 20 (due to 2 actions), min. Defense bonus of 10
Jax Morrow (42)
Laigreks (34)
Laigreks (30)
Jax Morrow (27)

Encounter IV - matriarch + multiple critters, combined min. Combat Score of 30 (due to 3 actions), min. Defense bonus of 15
Laigreks (44)
Laigreks (42)
Laigreks (39)
Jax Morrow (36)
Jax Morrow (31)

Therefore, I propose
[x] Plan Get Our Hands Dirty

Encounter 1:
-[x] Force Push
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.

to try to see whether the critters are massively weak to Force powers

Encounter 2:
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.

Encounter 3:
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.

Encounter 4:
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.
-[x] Melee attack with training saber.
--[x] Spend a DP

In Encounter 4 the opposing min. combined Combat Score guaranteed to be larger than our own: 30 vs. 27 (or 29 if we factor in the lightsaber style bonus). Depending on luck we may or may not need it. Also, it depends on whether we find out whether Force Push will be extremely effective or not.
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The vote only means that we can use a DP in this battle. Should the rolls go well we can choose not to use it.

We get +2 Martial for our saber style.
The thing is, we could have used DP anyways. We just vote to use it at this point. There really wasn't any point to tacking in [] 1 DP, at all.