One thing I've noticed which I'm unsure that those voting for the crystal cave option have taken into account. It is not actually an action to find a crystal cave, but an information gathering step on where to find one, which might be information we can find at the jedi enclave anyway.
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So. I've been doing some wiki walking, and there's an old cloning lab in the sub levels of the enclave.
[x] Plan Corvus

I'm interested to see how the build goes. The saber training makes sense to me, as does repair. Showing our master that we are willing to adopt his cause as our own, more than just simple obedience? I'm in.
[x] Plan Corvus

I'd like to help with Dooku, especially since he's so well written. I agree with all the other choices he made too.

Also, just caught up with this quest and it has my interest. I can't wait to see where it goes.
[X] Plan Corvus

No one seems to like my plan as much as this one and I support most of it so I'm going to change over. Plus I quite like Corvus' reasoning.
012: Echoes
"Master," you call as Dooku turns to depart. "I would like to accompany you to the enclave, if you'll allow me."

He stares inscrutably at you for a time, then turns to continue walking. You take that as assent and fall into step with him. Together you walk out of Vandor and into the Dantooinian plains that seemed to stretch on forever into the horizon. Your robes flutter in the light breeze, and in the distance you see clusters of Iriaz grazing and calling to one another in short melodic trills. They seem unfazed by your approach and simply stare calmly as you pass them by before returning to their activities. "They sense that we are not a threat," your master explains. "The animals that live on Dantooine are naturally attuned to the Force, and can perceive ill intent. It is part of the reason the Jedi chose to settle here."

You travel in silence for a time, contemplating the myriad ways that the Force touched even the smallest or seemingly insignificant lives. And also the increasing soreness of your feet - goodness, you never realized the different between walking the smooth Temple floors versus walking on uneven earth. To distract yourself, you opt to try broaching what had been vexing you for some time now. "Master, I have to ask...why are we here?"

"Why am I interested in having the enclave rebuilt, you mean," It's more a statement than a question.

You nod. "Yes, Master."

"In your time as a Jedi Knight you will many times find yourself in a position to witness or be party to destruction. For all our Order's adherence to pacifism we are remarkably adept at finding ourselves in the midst of the worst conflicts to be found - and end it by blade as much as by words. You will learn many means of destruction during your instruction; your lightsaber forms, mastery of the Force within you, and even more mundane skills. Better to begin that road by learning a more important virtue: the values of rebuilding a thing of importance."

It was an interesting explanation, and it clarified your purpose here; learn how to create before learning how to destroy. Dantooine was a perfect object lesson on the cycle of birth, dead, and rebirth. Governments rose and fell, the Order grew and waned, and Dantooine moved onward with an almost cosmic indifference. sensed that while your master certainly considered your education a large part of why he chose this place, he held motives of his own that remained unclear to you. Mustering your courage, you say as much...and Dooku smirks a tad. "All in good time, my bold apprentice. I would not wish to falsely raise your hopes until I can be certain of what lies within the enclave."

That raised more questions than it answered...but now you were very, very curious. What did your master think was left behind that the millennia hadn't spirited away?

"We're here." He announces, gesturing forward. Squinting your eyes you can just make out the edges of the Enclave estate. It's less than an echo of the images from your history books: the courtyard has been entirely retaken by nature, wild grasses spread unevenly over cracked pavement. The exterior seemed to be intact from the remnants of the old repair efforts, but it was clear that nobody had taken care of it in a very long time. He gestures to the west entrance, looking at you expectantly.

"You...want me to go in first?" you ask hesitantly.

He nods. "It is a great history that we will restore, together. It is only fitting that you be the first to stand inside - the first Jedi in thousands of years, I suspect."

"T-thank you, Master," you bow your head gratefully.

"Think nothing of it," he waves his hand dismissively. "I shall be behind you shortly - for now, go forth and enjoy your moment without intrusion. I shall be most interested in what you have to say."

You enter the Enclave, and....
[] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[] It was...just another ruined place. You sensed nothing special or abnormal here, just echoes of echoes still sending their messages with nobody to hear them.

Do You Tell Dooku?
[] Yes.
[] No.

A/N: Apologies for the wait, and the potentially low-quality of this update. I did my best to just get it out and hope that it would get the ball rolling mentally for me again, give some energy. We'll see.
[x] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.

[x] Yes.

This sounds like a very interesting option, though the link to the exile is also intriguing. Also, I want to tell Dooku because establishing some form of trust in him might actually help make him better than what he was in canon. Light-side Dooku sounds like an awesome goal.
[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes.

To feel the weight and history of place especially one such a place as this sounds interesting. He is our Master and we are his apprentice we should probably tell him about weird out of body feelings such as this.
[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes.

The history of this place will be very interesting to learn about (I haven't actually play KotOR although I have played TOR), and we do have a connection to Revan rather than the Exile so the other option is slightly less fitting even if it would be interesting too.
We've got no reason not to tell Dooku about whatever we sense, he's our master and I'm sure we trust him to have more knowledge about anything to do with the enclave than we do.
[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.

Hmm. Reminds me of the Valley of the Jedi somewhat. The other options are, in order, the Jedi Exile and the Coruscant Temple. Amirite? Anyway, the Valley of the Jedi path (if I'm correct) intrigues me more, with the possibility of encountering some Force ghosts too good to pass up.

[X] Yes.

I don't see any reason not to tell Dooku.
[x] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you
[x] yes

The first option reminds me of Darth Nihilus, and that was one bad dude. There would be something to be found but the danger would be great. This option also just feels like star wars, force ghosts and echoes of past lives.
[X] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.

[x] No.

I have the feeling this is going to lead to a special artefact. A Sith Holocron, for example, would be an amazing find. As for why I am voting no, it is because there is no way Dooku doesn't feel it, so why point out the obvious?
[X] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[X] Yes.

I suspect that this means something is blocking the force, which could be an interesting discovery. Telling the master to show what our force detection is like, also to see what he thinks.
[X] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[X] No.

sounds like Nihilus and if so might be one of his holocrons.
[X] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[X] No.

Nihilus ho! Seriously though, I prefer finding something that can block the Force (being potentially useful to us later on) over the other options. Dooku probably already knows.
[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes.

Having it be Just A Ruin is boring, and I think this is more interesting than Nothing.
Hmmm. Looking at our options and our beginning gifts.

[] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[] It was...just another ruined place. You sensed nothing special or abnormal here, just echoes of echoes still sending their messages with nobody to hear them.

1. Shroud of the Force? Nihilus is a wound in the force, this is clearly stated as not being there. Sounds more like Force Cloak.
2. Eyes of the Force? We see stuff we shouldn't be seeing, so something with force senses.
3. Shield of the Force? Could be the shield reflecting our probe.

I Could be totally off. But I don't think it's a Nihilus goody, that shit would have been sensed by the exile when she went on a looting spree in the enclave.

[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes

This sounds safer, in case I'm wrong.
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[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes.

Seems interesting, hopefully becoming more acquainted with the history of the past will deepen our connection with Revan, but even if it doesn't there is much to learn in a place like this.
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[X] You can hear words and steps long gone by, carried on the dusty air. Something about this could touch its history, see the phantom shapes of men and women moving past you.
[X] Yes.

The phantom option presents a possible introduction to force ghosts that I find really appealing, and at present I have no reason not to trust Dooku. If he's still a reasonably decent Jedi at this point in time then I want all the interaction I can get.
[X] There is nothing here. More than nothing...there was Nothing; a pit of it nestled somewhere below, reverberating outwards and bouncing off thin barriers of light that stretched just barely around the enclave. This place was an absence in the Force, not so much a wound as simply not there.
[X] Yes.