[X] Plan Thanatos
-[] Focus on expanding your knowledge of the Lightsaber Forms. Though it is Makashi that your master is most knowledgeable in, he can guide you through the basics of most every form save Juyo.
- - - - [] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)
- - - - [] Niman I (0/24). An all-around style that incorporates Force techniques between bladework and lays the foundation for dual-wielding.
-[] Your master possesses a breadth of knowledge in Force techniques and will be furnishing much of it during your time together. You may have some interests in learning particular techniques....
- - - - [X] Force Stun (0/24).
-[] Train a Skill.
- - - - [] Repair I (0/20): Fixing a weapon, a droid, or a temperamental hyperdrive. Can also be used to cobble an improvised device from spare parts, upgrade your gear, and disarm explosives. Essential for Jedi who operate far from Republic support.
-You Will.... (Choose One):
[] Seek knowledge on where you might find a crystal cave. [DC 30 vs. Diplomacy, bonus from Curiosity]

I spent 2 DP on this. Learn Makashi because that's what Dooku is best at, the +10 modifier ensures that we will learn it quickly. I also picked Niman because dual-wielding will push us further on the Path of the Prodigal. It's also easy to train. Niman's use of force techniques in battle is why I chose Force Stun, which will let us use Niman it a fuller extent. I chose Repair because as a Sentinel, we won't always be able to call for backup, so being as self sufficient as possible is paramount. Crystal Caves because I want dat yellow crystal. 1d20+9+2 (If I understand the mechanic correctly) shouldn't be too bad. We passed a similar DC without the Curiosity modifier.
@Spartan Altego How much DP do we have? I can't find it listed on the character page.
[X] Plan Thanatos757

Pretty much what I want. I definitely want to search for that crystal, though.
[X] Focus on expanding your knowledge of the Lightsaber Forms. Though it is Makashi that your master is most knowledgeable in, he can guide you through the basics of most every form save Juyo.
- - - - [X] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)
We have an expert on the style to help us, it would help us get to having proficiency in multiple styles faster.

[X] Your master possesses a breadth of knowledge in Force techniques and will be furnishing much of it during your time together. You may have some interests in learning particular techniques....
- - - - [X] Force Healing (0/80).
Not only useful, but probably a prerequisite for working out how to make subtle physical improvements to ourself or others.

[X] Train a Skill.
- - - - [X] Medicine II (0/40): Knowledge of biology across the species of the Republic and how to treat injuries - or manufacture poisons. Many practitioners of medicine are some of the deadliest combatants in the Jedi Order, using their knowledge to their advantage. Useful skill for any character.
Pretty much explained in the description. Though I do think taking up ranged weapon training down the line would be a good idea.

[X] Complete a Task:
- - - - [X] Help purge a virus in the security systems of the government office - a leftover from some corrupt officials who have since been removed. (Computers)
It would help us out with getting the support of the local government for the enclave restoration effort, and would give us a possible chance of getting permanent access to secure files. Not to mention if there's maps of the general area on the system we'd be able to also check where potential sites to find a crystal are while we're at it..
[X] Plan Kris
-[] Focus on expanding your knowledge of the Lightsaber Forms. Though it is Makashi that your master is most knowledgeable in, he can guide you through the basics of most every form save Juyo.
----[] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)
----[] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)

I want to master a style of combat sooner rather than later so the experience boost is super useful, and we can pick up a style that makes up for our weaknesses (or allows dual wielding) when we've got down time at the temple/on a mission with other jedi and have a Master around who can teach us with a bonus.

-[] Your master possesses a breadth of knowledge in Force techniques and will be furnishing much of it during your time together. You may have some interests in learning particular techniques....
----[] Force Healing (0/80).
-[] Train a Skill.
----[] Medicine II (0/40): Knowledge of biology across the species of the Republic and how to treat injuries - or manufacture poisons. Many practitioners of medicine are some of the deadliest combatants in the Jedi Order, using their knowledge to their advantage. Useful skill for any character.

These two synergise well and will be very useful for either helping people or helping ourselves when we're out on solo missions as a sentinel. Plus they'll be useful for helping out the people of Dantooine and hopefully increase the speed we get their help with the enclave.

-[] Accompany your Master on his trip to the Enclave.

The enclave is bound to have interesting things in it, plus we get to spend more time with our master hopefully picking up extra training on how to investigate places, and there might even be information on where to find a Crystal cave left somewhere in the enclave. We're going to be spending time helping people out on the planet anyway after this three months and Dooku isn't going to let us remain without a crystal even if we don't investiage rumours on our own.

This plan uses 2 DP.
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I just want to point out to all of the people interested in learning Makashi that it's actually objectively the worst Lightsaber style there is. Like, seriously, it's at its weakest when dealing with blasters; the most common weapons in the galaxy. There's a reason it fell out of practice, and Dooku's knowledge of it isn't a great reason to train it.

For the record, Anakin studied a different Lightsaber style than Obi-Wan did, and still became one of the greatest swordsmen in the Order (eventually killing Dooku, for the record, who was himself one of the best Duelists alive). Therefore, a Jedi obviously doesn't need to practice the same style of combat as their Master in order to make tremendous strides in their combat ability.
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I just want to point out to all of the people interested in learning Makashi that it's actually objectively the worst Lightsaber style there is.

If you look at the in-quest information on the light saber styles Makashi is not objectively the worst based on the information the QM has given us. Plus the point of learning Makashi is not that we can't learn or master something else but that the bonuses given to us when learning it will allow us to master it quickly and also master another style to make up for its weaknesses. Makashi is brilliant for fighting other jedi and force users and if we pair it with something that has opposing strengths and weaknesses then we will be in a great position for future combat.
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If you look at the in-quest information on the light saber styles Makashi is not objectively the worst based on the information the QM has given us.

That's because:
a) There's no information on it beyond it being Dooku's style of choice. There's no description at all.
b) It's already been a plot point in this quest that we're working from a limited perspective.

Plus the point of learning Makashi is not that we can't learn or master something else but that the bonuses given to us when learning it will allow us to master it quickly and also master another style to make up for its weaknesses.

We're hardly going to be collecting Lightsaber styles like bottle caps given all of the various skills that we need to develop to be something beyond a one-talent murderhobo. It's also simply not realistic in a fluff sense for a character to be a master of a broad range of styles styles, and I'd expect any good QM to take that into account.

Makashi is brilliant for fighting other jedi and force users and if we pair it with something that has opposing strengths and weaknesses then we will be in a great position for future combat.

It's supposed effectiveness against other Jedi/Force-users is hardly worth years spent studying it. A single style that's good in a broad range of situations (or at least one without a crippling weakness) is more worthwhile devoting oneself to than trying to master every conceivable form of combat that we might run into, which just isn't practical or cost-effective.

After all, y'know what other styles are shown to be perfectly serviceable in duels against other Lightsaber-armed opponents? Ataru, Soresu, Shien and Vaapad. The last isn't an option for us, but the other three are all used to defeat Sith Lords or almost equally fearsome opponents in the films.
[X] Plan Corvus
-[] Focus on expanding your knowledge of the Lightsaber Forms. Though it is Makashi that your master is most knowledgeable in, he can guide you through the basics of most every form save Juyo.
- - - - [] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)
- - - - [] Niman I (0/24). An all-around style that incorporates Force techniques between bladework and lays the foundation for dual-wielding.
-[] Your master possesses a breadth of knowledge in Force techniques and will be furnishing much of it during your time together. You may have some interests in learning particular techniques....
- - - - [X] Force Stun (0/24).
-[] Train a Skill.
- - - - [] Repair I (0/20): Fixing a weapon, a droid, or a temperamental hyperdrive. Can also be used to cobble an improvised device from spare parts, upgrade your gear, and disarm explosives. Essential for Jedi who operate far from Republic support.
-You Will.... (Choose One):
[] Accompany your Master on his trip to the Enclave.

Plan uses 2 DP.

Reasoning: Makashi is Dooku's preferred form and one I would imagine he wants us to learn. Having him personally teach us this style will also mean that we learn it quicker than others due to his complete mastery over it and his fondness for one-on-one lightsaber dueling, which as the only two Jedi on this planet is the way that our training will be – one-on-one. Niman I chose as it is the form that combines all of the others, meaning that as well as our focus on Makashi we will also learn at least the basics of the other five as well, giving us a great foundation for lightsaber mastery down the road and, potentially, a lead-in to Juyo.

Force Stun I chose as it is similar to the spell that Exar Kun used on the Senate prior to his duel with Vodo-Siosk Baas in TOTJ. It just seems a really useful skill to have, to be able to freeze/stun our enemies, especially so as we want to be a Jedi Sentinel. An investigator. When we catch up to our target we can more easily capture them with this skill in our arsenal.

Repair is just a damn useful skill to have and doesn't really need explaining and I want to visit the Jedi Enclave as one, I think it would really please Dooku if we showed interest in it and also because it is the ancient home of the Jedi, the place where those before us – where Revan – honed their craft. It holds great historical value and honestly seems a better option than trying to help the locals or go exploring. We are a newly chosen padawan, still a youngling really, on a planet we have never been to before. What do people honestly think we can accomplish by ourself?

@Spartan Altego Awesome update, buddy. Just wanna say that this latest story post showed a marked improvement. Don't know if you just have an innate grasp on Dooku's character or something, but it was really, really good.
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That's because:
a) There's no information on it beyond it being Dooku's style of choice. There's no description at all.
b) It's already been a plot point in this quest that we're working from a limited perspective.

Yes, but we have been told what the strengths and weaknesses of each style are and as the jedi have been practicing them for thousands of years I assume that this would be general knowledge and not something we would be given incomplete information on.

We're hardly going to be collecting Lightsaber styles like bottle caps given all of the various skills that we need to develop to be something beyond a one-talent murderhobo. It's also simply not realistic in a fluff sense for a character to be a master of a broad range of styles styles, and I'd expect any good QM to take that into account.

While I understand your point, and agree that we will want to be a well rounded character, there is numerous evidence of jedi being masters or thereabouts of multiple styles, and no one had said anything about a broad range of them. I'd also like to clarify that when I say for us to master multiple styles I don't mean the in-quest definition of mastery where we've absolutely learned everything about it, I mean a level of mastery where we're good and solid at it, probably around Advanced+ in-quest. After that we can work out whether we want to put in the time to get to Master in multiple styles, Master in just one, or completely concentrate on force skills and not progress much further.
Just from the evidence of this quest's character sheets there's:
  • Revan with two different styles mastered (plus unarmed combat) plus two others that he's also extremely good at.
  • Vader with two different style mastered plus one that he's quite good at. There's also the fact that he was able to hold off Dooku for a short time using Jar'Kai when he was only a padawan and it was obviously a style he hadn't focused much time on mastering.
Then there's characters like Obi-Wan who changed styles from Ataru to Soresu after becoming a Knight but is still considered the definitive master of Soresu which he must have either been passably good at before or mastered in the space of 11-13(?) years.
Obviously these jedi are the very pinnacle of the order, often with special destinies, but then we are meant to be too right?
I'm also fairly sure that most jedi who focus on their saber skills to at least a certain degree would be passable in multiple styles simply because of the years of knowledge about where each style is strong/weak.

It's supposed effectiveness against other Jedi/Force-users is hardly worth years spent studying it. A single style that's good in a broad range of situations (or at least one without a crippling weakness) is more worthwhile devoting oneself to than trying to master every conceivable form of combat that we might run into, which just isn't practical or cost-effective.

After all, y'know what other styles are shown to be perfectly serviceable in duels against other Lightsaber-armed opponents? Ataru, Soresu, Shien and Vaapad. The last isn't an option for us, but the other three are all used to defeat Sith Lords or almost equally fearsome opponents in the films.

I actually mostly agree with you on this, although I do not believe Makashi is as disadvantageous as you do, especially for a character like ours who shouldn't wind up on battlefields anyway. If we only want to study one style then Makashi is not the one to choose. Obviously I would rather study more which is why I'm voting for that, as outlined in my reasons for my vote, but if others only want to learn one then Soresu, Shien or even Djem So are better choices.
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Yes, but we have been told what the strengths and weaknesses of each style are and as the jedi have been practicing them for thousands of years I assume that this would be general knowledge and not something we would be given incomplete information on.

I have no idea what you're saying, but it seems like you're presuming that Makashi either has no strengths or weaknesses, or that the 'general knowledge' that a Jedi trainee in our position has can be summed up as 'Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)', because that's the level of information given next to the other summaries, which all mention a strength.
Edit: Unless you're referring to the game Mechanics section? I don't know.

And it's misleading to say that the Jedi have been practicing each of the styles for thousands of years. It's technically true, because it's been around that long, but Makashi is supposed to be old-fashioned and largely faded out of general use, directly because it's so impractical and rarely needed in the modern era. It's kind of like bayonet-training in a modern military; there might be a few isolated cases over a period of years where the techniques are put into practice, sure, but it's not something to spend too much time on.

After that we can work out whether we want to put in the time to get to Master in multiple styles, Master in just one, or completely concentrate on force skills and not progress much further.
Just from the evidence of this quest's character sheets there's:
  • Revan with two different styles mastered (plus unarmed combat) plus two others that he's also extremely good at.
  • Vader with two different style mastered plus one that he's quite good at. There's also the fact that he was able to hold off Dooku for a short time using Jar'Kai when he was only a padawan and it was obviously a style he hadn't focused much time on mastering.

As for Revan, this is questionable at best. His backstory prior to the first game is largely a blank canvas. And at any rate, he's the most unashamedly blatant Gary Sue in the Star Wars franchise (if we're being at all honest about it) after EU Luke Skywalker.

And Vader was the very definition of a murderhobo. Even before his fall he was an extremely martially-focused character who probably spent more time training in swordplay than most Jedi, and he only would have dedicated more time in it after becoming Vader.

Both of these characters appear to be more martially-inclined/talented than we currently are.

Then there's characters like Obi-Wan who changed styles from Ataru to Soresu after becoming a Knight but is still considered the definitive master of Soresu which he must have either been passably good at before or mastered in the space of 11-13(?) years.

11-13 years is... kind of a long time. There's a pretty good chance this Quest will end (one way or the other) before we get there, unless there's like a 10 year timeskip in the next few updates. I wouldn't count on it happening to us.

I actually mostly agree with you on this, although I do not believe Makashi is as disadvantageous as you do, especially for a character like ours who shouldn't wind up on battlefields anyway. If we only want to study one style then Makashi is not the one to choose. Obviously I would rather study more which is why I'm voting for that, as outlined in my reasons for my vote, but if others only want to learn only one then Soresu, Shien or even Djem So are better choices.

Then why not start learning any of those first, and deal with any dabbling/further-training in Makashi after we already have a solid foundation to draw on?

Because for the next few years, people shooting at us will constitute the majority of the people we fight. Our first priority should be whichever martial art/style we consider (whichever that is) to be most practical. I still think Makashi isn't worth the time spent on it, but it's not as much of a horrible idea if it's studied further down the line once we're more experienced and better able to protect ourselves.
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I'm going to keep my response short as I was basically just trying to explain why I thought my plan was good and @Spartan Altego doesn't want people cluttering up the thread with one on one conversations.

@LastChronicler Yes I was referring to the mechanics section, when I said in-quest information on lightsaber styles I was referring to the quest in general and not in-character.
That's probably true (about both Vader and Revan) but I was just demonstrating that it was not impossible or even unfeasible to be good at multiple lightsaber styles.
I had assumed there was going to be a timeskip as we've been told that we're going to be spending the next few years of our training on Dantooine and I doubted that there was that much stuff to do here that we wouldn't just be skipping through at the least 3-6 months at a time.
The main reason for not starting with another style is we have a master of Makashi with us who is also the only other jedi on the planet. We'll be able to learn it faster, better, and it might also please our master.

That's basically my reasoning in detail over the last few posts so I'm sure other people know enough about whether they like my plan or not by now. I don't mind if we go in a different direction to my plan, in fact I quite like @Corvus Black 's plan too, his reasoning is quite solid.
[X] Plan Thanatos

I'm behind the Makashi+Niman plans, although I could take or leave Force Stun right now. Repair is something I want, and the Crystal Caves are the clincher. If Dooku doesn't expect Jax to come with him he presumably doesn't have much use for him. We may as well show some initiative getting the lightsaber project underway. Dooku might appreciate the proactive use of time to get one of our core tasks done.
[X] Plan Corvus
-[] Focus on expanding your knowledge of the Lightsaber Forms. Though it is Makashi that your master is most knowledgeable in, he can guide you through the basics of most every form save Juyo.
- - - - [] Makashi I (0/48). Dooku's favored style, he can assist you personally in mastering it. (+10 experience gained per month of study.)
- - - - [] Niman I (0/24). An all-around style that incorporates Force techniques between bladework and lays the foundation for dual-wielding.
-[] Your master possesses a breadth of knowledge in Force techniques and will be furnishing much of it during your time together. You may have some interests in learning particular techniques....
- - - - [X] Force Stun (0/24).
-[] Train a Skill.
- - - - [] Repair I (0/20): Fixing a weapon, a droid, or a temperamental hyperdrive. Can also be used to cobble an improvised device from spare parts, upgrade your gear, and disarm explosives. Essential for Jedi who operate far from Republic support.
-You Will.... (Choose One):
[] Accompany your Master on his trip to the Enclave.

Plan uses 2 DP.

Reasoning: It's a good plan, and frankly I like me some good Dooku writing :cool: In summary, Corvus 2k15
That's because:
a) There's no information on it beyond it being Dooku's style of choice. There's no description at all.
b) It's already been a plot point in this quest that we're working from a limited perspective.
True, but it is reasonable to assume that you know the basics strengths and weaknesses of the core Jedi forms, especially if you're considering studying them. They're all listed in the Jedi Path, which is the standard manual for trainees. I have a list of all the lightsaber forms and their descriptions, as well as bonuses/weaknesses, in the mechanics sheet and meant for players to refer to it. But...you do appear to be right, I didn't give it any description. My bad, I was clearly more tired than I thought when reviewing the post.
@Spartan Altego Awesome update, buddy. Just wanna say that this latest story post showed a marked improvement. Don't know if you just have an innate grasp on Dooku's character or something, but it was really, really good.
Oh, well thank you. :)
11-13 years is... kind of a long time. There's a pretty good chance this Quest will end (one way or the other) before we get there, unless there's like a 10 year timeskip in the next few updates. I wouldn't count on it happening to us.
I have a three-act structure plotted out for the quest, with the first act spanning eight years. After that the timeline gets a bit more variable depending on how you guys play, but I roughly estimate 14-18 years of in-game time ahead of you.
[X] Plan Corvus

I agree with this that we should Dooku's preferred style of fighting as well as Niman as that is one of the more flexible fighting styles. Force stun is useful as it allows us to disable foes non-lethally. Repair as said is an incredibly useful skill that I see us using quite a bit. I would also like to learn more from Dooku and see how he operates.

@Spartan Altego
I really enjoyed your interpretation of Dooku.
[X] Plan Corvus

Let's look around for a bit first, we can either help out or look for the caves next month, maybe we even find some info on the caves in the ruins. Also Ninam, because Saberstaff.
[x] plan corvus

I'm wondering what we'll find in the ruins, and I like the Makashi style
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[X] Plan Corvus

Niman gives us a straight up bonus to martial, and Makashi gives us a bonus to lightsaber combat and resistance to force techniques. Both are really nice. Force Stun is good, and so is repair.

Ugh. That DC for finding the crystals. DC 30 on a d20+11? We'd need to roll 19 or better. That's like a 10% chance to pass.
[X] Plan Corvus

seems like it will give us a solid base to build on, hopefully we can eventually get a lightsaber crystal but for now we're just getting started.
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