Stark Transcendent (Iron Man/Marvel Quest)

[X] Makeshift Badass [Evacuate] : Pepper has a bottle of hairspray, and you're pretty sure you have a lighter in your pocket somewhere. Peter has a camera with a quality strap on it, and your opponent has a throat. Make it happen. Get a shot at a tech bonus for weapons.

[X] Lethal : He's an assassin who just killed a bunch of people and is threatening your life. Of course you're going in this without reservations! If you can get a good shot in, taking his life is totally not a problem.

Sorta want to do the blind heroism thing, if only for Tony to team up with Doc Strange and the X-Men, but that'll have to wait.
Zen said:
Really? If we hadn't gone, Pym still wouldn't have been killed?
Well, I could off-screen a character death like that, but it would seem to me rather pointlessly cruel. More than likely he would be found dead in another fashion later on. Whoopsie!
I want to combine the option to Talk it Out With the Madman, Operation Overload and Makeshift Badass into one.

Basic idea I have in mind is stall him for a bit with words and attach your phone to a fire extinguisher as a makeshift bomb to get bigger boom.

Possibly use the Arc Reactor in our pocket as a giant tasser too.

Is any of these a good idea?
Vlad III said:
Basic idea I have in mind is stall him for a bit with words and attach your phone to a fire extinguisher as a makeshift bomb to get bigger boom.
I think if we're talking to him, he might notice us fiddling around with tech...
serapheus said:
Unless you've got more in non-update posts.

And, no, I'm not wading through the thread to find all of those.
Some of the obvious ones I made:
Roarian said:
Unless you claim the blue area of the moon under the excuse of comics being weird. I can totally work with it, though. Might run into some cosmic characters up there, who knows...
Roarian said:
This is spacebattles, having Taylor wander in seems like it's par for the course at this point. Seriously though, no crossovering. Also, why are you looking for spoilers?
Roarian said:
Well, maybe let's start with something that's not fucking hard to manipulate. Besides, get a Vibranium alloy like Cap's shield, it's even better.
Roarian said:
Man, after browsing other quests, my updates suddenly seem startlingly long. -snort- By the way, if you have any ideas about how you're gonna fight anyone at this point, get cracking. Lacking any of the canon advantages, I wish you good luck at not getting everyone killed. XD I hope nobody minds my verboseness? I already mostly do two choices, I guess...
Roarian said:
And I maintain that I had totally legitimate plot reasons that would likely have resulted in any solution picked having some nasty side-effects. So - it's mostly me being a dick. You might want to see a doctor about the involuntary mass-murder thing though...
Zen said:
I think if we're talking to him, he might notice us fiddling around with tech...

I just thought of something great.

Trick him in picking up the phone.

"Deadpool, your ma wants to talk to you." you wave your phone to him "What? Little old me, give it here." Deadpool grabs the phone and puts it to his ear. "Hello..." *BOOOOOM*
Vlad III said:
I want to combine the option to Talk it Out With the Madman, Operation Overload and Makeshift Badass into one.

Basic idea I have in mind is stall him for a bit with words and attach your phone to a fire extinguisher as a makeshift bomb to get bigger boom.

Possibly use the Arc Reactor in our pocket as a giant tasser too.

Is any of these a good idea?
So you want to talk, thereby drawing attention to yourself while you search around for a fire-extinguisher that you intend to use as a weapon. You really think Deadpool is going to watch you construct a bomb and do nothing about it? The only chance of constructing a bomb working is that he's not paying attention to Stark, and you'd be drawing his attention.

[X] Talk it Out With the Madman

[X] Lethal
[X] write in:I am totally banking on deadpool breaking the 4th wall here, hello by the way! The phone is for you!

[X] Operation Overload [Write-In: Call JARVIS] : You still have your phone in your pocket, and Jarvis is listening in. He might not have access to anything on-site, but he's still got access to your phone - overloading that puppy would probably ruin someone's whole day. or their face for that matter. Not that Deadpool needs much help with that. Same as

[X] Lethal : He's an assassin who just killed a bunch of people and is threatening your life. Of course you're going in this without reservations! If you can get a good shot in, taking his life is totally not a problem.

Too meta?
SuperSonicSound said:
[X] write in:I am totally banking on deadpool breaking the 4th wall here, hello by the way! The phone is for you!

[X] Operation Overload [Write-In: Call JARVIS] : You still have your phone in your pocket, and Jarvis is listening in. He might not have access to anything on-site, but he's still got access to your phone - overloading that puppy would probably ruin someone's whole day. or their face for that matter. Not that Deadpool needs much help with that. Same as

[X] Lethal : He's an assassin who just killed a bunch of people and is threatening your life. Of course you're going in this without reservations! If you can get a good shot in, taking his life is totally not a problem.

Too meta?
I am mostly doing a bit of classic merc 'Pool here, but the fourth wall breaking is inevitable, as are the lame references and stuff. If it weren't too OOC, i might've put in 'you kick like a mule' 'and you look like one' in there after the Pepper thing. ;) If you can get 'Pool to answer to Jarvis - yeah, that's pretty much awesome. Nothing like a little electrocution to the brain or something to get someone down.
Rororian, is Operation Overload plan to get Deadpool to take a phonecall?

I don't know any other way it would ruin his face.
[ COLOR="transparent" ]WORDS[ /COLOR ]

Without the spaces

[X] Operation Overload [Write-In: Call JARVIS] : You still have your phone in your pocket, and Jarvis is listening in. He might not have access to anything on-site, but he's still got access to your phone - overloading that puppy would probably ruin someone's whole day. or their face for that matter. Not that Deadpool needs much help with that. Same as

[X] Lethal : He's an assassin who just killed a bunch of people and is threatening your life. Of course you're going in this without reservations! If you can get a good shot in, taking his life is totally not a problem.
minusmagnus said:
For everyone voting for Lethal, keep in mind it won't even slow him down, and, in fact, will just leave us open for retaliation. When it come to this guy you start by asking yourself "would this work on Wolverine?" and work from there.

Either we stall or do something else to distract him.
Eh, I voted lethal because a) it means we're more likely to do something it'll take longer for him to heal, and we won't be holding back, and b) because Tony doesn't know he's basically immortal.

I know, I went for a non-meta vote. I'm a bad person. :(
Chaos Blade said:
Anyway it probably has been mentioned but Deadpool is here to emasculate Pymm... and Pymm though he saw Janet, even though she told him she wasn't going to the meet. now, it is pure speculation, and might be a red herring, but well... How is Pymm's marital reliability? because yeah it is likely his former boss, but...
Might be Janet, might be a exgirlfriend, might even be his former boss.
Chunq said:
Deadpool likes money.

Tony Stark has money.
Unfortunately, this would likely end in Deadpool being 'unreliable' and never getting another job, thus meaning he won't take the offer. Plus Tony would be in the headlines as the guy who threw money at an assassin.

We should bribe him with chimichangas instead.
Wait.. can't Deadpool see past the 4th wall, so he can see all our ideas?
[x] Talk it Out With the Madman : This Deadpool fellow clearly loves the sound of his own voice, and he's already yammered on longer than you thought. Perhaps if you get him into conversation, even something utterly inane, it might buy you enough time for some solution to become apparent. Who knows, maybe Peter can pull another rabbit out of his hat.

[x] Nonlethal : The objective is to get away, not killing. If you have a nonlethal means of keeping Deadpool down or out, at least you won't be responsible for even more deaths. Besides, police is probably close enough that they could take him in afterwards