Stark Quest 2.0: The Search for Shinies

Yeah, we'd just have to wait until it came time to cheat again. Sticking with what I've got, for now.

Cheat? I was thinking until OP returned. the way I see it, there are 3 options in that case.
1. Ithroen lived, in which case we can have him possess Jorah and help against Drogo.
2. Ithroen died and won't help us with OP and Harlon dies. Drogo becomes irrelevant.
3. Ithroen died, but Harlon survives OP sickness without him. We can then use our XP bought top-strength to come and kill him with far greater ease. Better than to risk him killing Jon or Robb now.
[X] Extreme Growth Spurt within one of the Three Magic disciplines the next time you train it. (+3 in the chosen spell; +1 in a discipline)
-[X] Naming
-[X] Fire
[X] Extreme Growth Spurt within one of the Three Magic disciplines the next time you train it. (+3 in the chosen spell; +1 in a discipline)
-[X] Write-in. Mind magic (+1), Regeneration (+3)

Reasoning: More time for needlessly complicated plans! It also helps with naming and other magics that have drawbacks allowing more tries in between rest periods.
[X] Extreme Growth Spurt within one of the Three Magic disciplines the next time you train it. (+3 in the chosen spell; +1 in a discipline)
-[X] Naming: Ithroen

Reasoning: This increases our control over Ithoren, which we need if he is going to be the one teaching us. Plus, i'm hoping this makes him easier to find because his possession ability is about the only way I think we can get Jorah and Drogo without a lot of bloodshed on both sides.
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Cheat? I was thinking until OP returned. the way I see it, there are 3 options in that case.
1. Ithroen lived, in which case we can have him possess Jorah and help against Drogo.
2. Ithroen died and won't help us with OP and Harlon dies. Drogo becomes irrelevant.
3. Ithroen died, but Harlon survives OP sickness without him. We can then use our XP bought top-strength to come and kill him with far greater ease. Better than to risk him killing Jon or Robb now.

By "die" I'm more thinking that he's without Leyton or Malora to be a host. I guess he could be in an animal looking around for us though. Someone would have to kill him with a Shardblade for him to truly be banished.

@Mazrick - Are you planning on updating tonight?
[X] Extreme Growth Spurt within one of the Three Magic disciplines the next time you train it. (+3 in the chosen spell; +1 in a discipline)
-[X] Naming
-[X] Fire

Hmm. We COULD buy 1 possession, then get +3 bonus for 30 minutes in humans.

Though ultimately, it would be best to buy the +1 skill regardless, given that the XP costs are lots cheaper in lower levels.
Hmm. We COULD buy 1 possession, then get +3 bonus for 30 minutes in humans.

Though ultimately, it would be best to buy the +1 skill regardless, given that the XP costs are lots cheaper in lower levels.
There is also Accelerate - a complexity of 8, meaning we would be well served by bumping it. Buying up 1, then +3 brings us to 6..."over the hump", with a passive boost of 2x. That awesome rush we got when actively using it, all the time. That's pretty extreme.

Buying up to destruction 4, then bumping to 7 would let us kill with a glance - very cool. Rather suboptimal though.
We could reach Destruction 7 buy buying 1 level, then using the +3
Level 7: Cause the individual target to die

Superiour to Name of Fire in every way that I can think of.
No chance to miss.
Subtle. Drogo would have no idea why his men croaked.
Closer to maxing, and GM hinted that at level 9, we start being able to pierce through shardplate protection.

Another option would be possession +1 and +3. That would get us to level 6.
Level 6: Enter the mind of an undefended sapient creature for 30 minutes

Note! No physical contact required. We could take control of the bloodriders, have them deliver their artifacts to us, make them drink a lethal poison, and get out of the body before they died.
We could reach Destruction 7 buy buying 1 level, then using the +3
Level 7: Cause the individual target to die

Superiour to Name of Fire in every way that I can think of.
No chance to miss.
Subtle. Drogo would have no idea why his men croaked.
Closer to maxing, and GM hinted that at level 9, we start being able to pierce through shardplate protection.

W/ Possession you can get past it at level 8.

What I'm really wondering about is the mental backlash for Shardplate - it's more of a block than anything that can return the attack at you. Hypothetically we could just keep trying to do it to Drogo until it worked. You have a 1 in 4 shot, after all.
Buying Regen before bonus would get this:
Level 7- Regen 70% damage daily; 20% chance to heal insanity

Usefull, but not massively more compared to level 6.

Acceleration to 6 would also be quite handy. 2x passive, 3x active. Also, closer to level 9 acceleration (11 INT baby!).

The downside is that going active on high level sequences adds risk of mental damage.
Mental Penalties: Overuse of Sequences, particularly at higher levels and complexities, can cause mental instability. This is signified by the roll of 1d1000(No Ta'veren bonus) for casting a Active Sequences over Level 5 or 8 complexity, 5 or below will count as a negative modifier to your mental stability. For levels 9 and 10 or complexity 9 and 10, this roll becomes an insanity roll. Passive is a nat 1.
@Mazrick - For Shardplate mental defense, does it risk backlash?
Yes, but unlike assaulting living defenses or defenses especially designed to stop mental attacks, the backlash is much less than the casting. So say you cast a level 5 Destruction and it rebounded at you from Shardplate, you'd only recieve damage from a level 2 Destruction spell.
If destruction is at 3.3, does that mean it would take only 63 XP to buy up to 4 instead of 90?
No the decimal wouldn't count in the calculations.
Superiour to Name of Fire in every way that I can think of.
Naming gets WAY more powerful at higher levels.
W/ Possession you can get past it at level 8.

What I'm really wondering about is the mental backlash for Shardplate - it's more of a block than anything that can return the attack at you. Hypothetically we could just keep trying to do it to Drogo until it worked. You have a 1 in 4 shot, after all.

I believe it was stated that there was a mental backlash that caused damage.

Thats one reason we could buy regeneration though.

Buy regeneration. Get regeneration boost. Buy +1 destruction. Bombard Drogo with Destruction repeatedly. Fix the resulting brain damage with high level regeneration.
What I'm really wondering about is the mental backlash for Shardplate - it's more of a block than anything that can return the attack at you.
The return sevenfold doesn't apply with Shardplate?

Edit - Aaaand, answered by Ninja GM.

Acceleration to 6 would also be quite handy. 2x passive, 3x active. Also, closer to level 9 acceleration (11 INT baby!).

The downside is that going active on high level sequences adds risk of mental damage.
That's just it - getting that high let's us get what we currently get on the active sequence passively, meaning no risk of mental damage. That's pretty huge.
Yes, but unlike assaulting living defenses or defenses especially designed to stop mental attacks, the backlash is much less than the casting. So say you cast a level 5 Destruction and it rebounded at you from Shardplate, you'd only recieve damage from a level 2 Destruction spell.


Will our anti-mind ter'angreal counter the level 2 destruction backlash? :p

Naming gets WAY more powerful at higher levels.

Unfortunately, we would need those higher levels NOW! :)
I wonder how metaphysical Naming can get. Like if we max out fire can we do something like snuff someone's 'spark of life' or dare I say it: fan their Flames of Youth?
I wonder how metaphysical Naming can get. Like if we max out fire can we do something like snuff someone's 'spark of life' or dare I say it: fan their Flames of Youth?
Maxing out fire would probably provide us with complete control over fire in it's natural form. So probably something that would let us do massive damage to and possibly rout armies with enough effort and some really good rolls. Of course, the trouble is getting to Naming 10 for anything.