[X] Plan Enjou: Dubstep Remix
[X] Focus on Drogo. Find out what a Champion of the Gods is.
-[X] The Khal is the biggest threat to us right now, and we need to figure out what he is doing. You now know that magic and demons are real - what can be said of the gods? This notion of a divine Champion isn't something to be ignored or underestimated.
-[X] Have the men continue looking for Lord Hightower. Also be on the lookout for rumors about the Dothraki - the city must be abuzz with talk about their actions given the fire they were involved with at the docks.
-[X] Focus on improving your magic, specifically Possession. Use Focus + Acceleration and any other tricks you know to improve learning.
--[X] As soon as viable, use the birds procured by your men to scout out Drogo's manse via Possession. Figure out how defended it is, and try to confirm the presence of Jorah, Ithroen, or Malora.
[X] Interrogate Viserys
-[X] His sister is still unconscious, and the far more dangerous of the pair. Use this down time to see if the Pretender has any information. While you have seen little suggesting any particular cunning on his part, do not underestimate him. Jon is to be ready to subdue him if necessary.
-[X] It is unlikely he would tell us anything willingly, but Harlon is much smarter than he is. It shouldn't be possible to use his temper and arrogance against him, leading him into giving up information. Now that he is out of the Shardplate, use of Mind Magic may help this - for example, Aura's could make him more pliable.
-[X] Focus primarily on any information he has on Drogo, Illyrio's allies, or anything else Harlon thinks could be useful for surviving this ordeal.
-[X] Afterwards, confirm his plans for Dany and Westeros. Try to tease out more information about Dany - it may come in handy for her interrogation.
[X] Keep Dany unconscious for now, ensuring her continued health with your medical skills. She is too dangerous to deserve anything less than our full attention, and information from Viserys or help from Erlina may prove useful in her own interrogation.
-[X] If her health is in danger or more Essence of Night can't be bough, reassess.
[X] Handle Erina with caution. She might still regard Tavar as a goddess, in spite of being told otherwise. While she may simply be trying to get on your good side to protect herself, she is nonetheless clearly using her charms to manipulate you. Keep her in her cell most of the time, but make sure she gets some chances to get out each day so she's not feeling trapped. Keep your mental defenses up when around her, as well as the cuendillar chain, and allow nobody to be in the same room with her without you or either Jon or Robb in Shardplate present.
-[X] Her door should be guarded always by two men who know F&V. Preferably ones who are already happily married.
-[X] Teach her about your own religion. Tell her of the Old Gods, the gods of earth, stone, and tree, and their laws, especially the one against slavery.
-[X] Tell her a bit about your prior experiences with demons. How you fought Narsuul and he possessed Red Ronyll, and without giving details about the Hightowers or that you have him bound how you fought off Ithroen's attempt to possess you, about reading the book that gave you details on the Forsaken and their names. "Tavar, the Dreamless" may sound innocuous enough on it's own, but when it's listed as the second among the likes of "Alûthair, The Speaker of Obscenities", "Labarta, The Diseased", or "Dath'riel, The Sin" it doesn't sound so good.
-[X] See if she knows cyvasse. If she doesn't, teach her and play a few games with her. Try to establish a rapport to get her to trust you. And do try not to utterly crush the poor girl if she's a novice at it. Maybe even let her win a game, if barely.
-[X] Multi-task. We may have other pressing concerns, and this is rather low priority as long as her needs are seen to. If nothing else, practice magic while we talk to her.
[!] Justice #2
[X] Veracity