Stark Quest 2.0: The Search for Shinies

Always felt that the rounding to integer was a bit bizarre, since it means that say Wis of 9 and Wis of 9.9 are identical for all intents and purposes. Especially since adding decimals won't change anything considering everyone uses excel or google or whatever to calculate the things automatically anyway.

So. Regeneration would give us less sleep and faster healing of instability (and unlikely chance to heal insanity).

XP+Destruction would allow us to kill people at will, including apparently the bloodriders.

XP+Possession would allow us to bodyjack people at will, but not the bloodriders.

The possession could be usefull elsewhere though. @Mazrick, at level 6, could we enter someones mind but not do anything except look through that persons eyes? Would we be detected?

We could try to scout Drogos manse for Ithroen easily that way. Just enter the mind of someone going in and listen and watch carefully. Note, Westeros probably has far less possession defenses since fewer people believe in magic, so this has the potential to be very usefull in the long run too. Especially if we get it to 7. We will be able to mindread most people that way without having to also share all that knowledge with Ithroen.
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Always felt that the rounding to integer was a bit bizarre, since it means that say Wis of 9 and Wis of 9.9 are identical for all intents and purposes. Especially since adding decimals won't change anything considering everyone uses excel or google or whatever to calculate the things automatically anyway.
Its done to emphasize how awesome reaching a new level is.
. @Mazrick, at level 6, could we enter someones mind but not do anything except look through that persons eyes? Would we be detected?
They'd likely know something was up.

Level 8 would allow that ability.
Its done to emphasize how awesome reaching a new level is.

Hmm, well on the magic side of things a point here or there actually makes very little difference to the end result from base stats with understanding having the single largest influence.

Also I've edited the sheet again to set individual levels of understanding of mind magic, so that not every one plays off the stat used in the hypothetical character line.
Level 8 is really where all the awesome possession stuff comes in. :)

Though buying 50XP now, then boosting with 3 would allow that to come faster. It would still take a long time though.
I'll close this vote in 90 minutes, and then get started on the update. Expect it to be posted this evening.
@Mazrick, how does the accelerate affect those learning times? So if we use Active Accelerate constantly, and we have say 2 to 3 year learning time, would it become 1 to 1.5 year learning time?

Do any of the other augments speed up how fast we learn?
So lets say both Focus and Accelerate are at 2X. Does that mean 4X learning speed?

How does renegeneration and Endurance affect the speeds? Can you give an equation or a few examples?
Wouldn't Multitasking be helpful as well?
If you're just trying to learn one Sequence, it may help with running multiple Active Sequences at once, but it also adds "load" onto the MP and risk.
So lets say both Focus and Accelerate are at 2X. Does that mean 4X learning speed?
No it'd be 3X boost.
How does renegeneration and Endurance affect the speeds?
It allows you to train with less risk and for longer periods of time.
We're of course assuming that Jorah won't help Drogo, because we'll be holding Dany hostage (and she won't make mind attacks of her own, despite the fact that this would definitely make her hostile), supporting us instead of trying to save Dany. People do stupid things when they're desperate, and he has no reason to trust whatever we say, as we can't promise him anything.

Just to be clear, any meetings Jorah would have that would have Dany in view would be limited. If we had her cooperation to give him orders, it would only be one. She'd be nowhere near wherever we set things up for battle. If we didn't and needed to say she's hostage, we'd send him a lock of her hair as proof we have her. As long as he doesn't know where our base is, he'd have difficulty doing anything without risking her life. We can also make oaths to the Old Gods to adhere to our end of the bargain - it would help with trust, hopefully.

Oh, and Malora might be involved somewhere in there as well, since we apparently haven't contacted and recovered Ithroen in the ~8 hours that have passed.

I don't think that much time has actually passed yet. Also, it was noted Ithroen would need a full day to recover.
How do you calculate that?

What if you had 4X and 4X?

2X and 6X?

I think Mazrick is using the wizards of the coast convention when it comes to multiples, in this case it would 6X for the first and 7x for the second example. Basically you remove 1 from each set of multiples and then add them together to work out the differential from base speed.
Just to be clear, any meetings Jorah would have that would have Dany in view would be limited. If we had her cooperation to give him orders, it would only be one. She'd be nowhere near wherever we set things up for battle. If we didn't and needed to say she's hostage, we'd send him a lock of her hair as proof we have her. As long as he doesn't know where our base is, he'd have difficulty doing anything without risking her life. We can also make oaths to the Old Gods to adhere to our end of the bargain - it would help with trust, hopefully.
Hmm. So you mean to send him proof and a threat in a letter? That he should hide our negotiations and attack Drogo when we invade the manse, or the men we leave with Dany will kill her? That's pretty ruthless.
And they can make plans of their own. For example, our letter arrives, Jorah warns Drogo, and while we prepare to attack he uses Malora's expertise to find the mansion. There's a chance she dies, but it's better than relying on the word of scum that hides behind a woman. Like I said, desperate people can do stupid things.
That's ignoring how Dany is a potential ta'veren, so I'm leery of putting her in such a situation.

I don't think that much time has actually passed yet. Also, it was noted Ithroen would need a full day to recover.
Quite a bit of time has already passed, enough for him to set the bay on fire.
By the time we start our attack, he should be mostly recovered.
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I think Mazrick is using the wizards of the coast convention when it comes to multiples, in this case it would 6X for the first and 7x for the second example. Basically you remove 1 from each set of multiples and then add them together to work out the differential from base speed.

So -1x from each?

2x and 2x would be 1x and 1x? How does that go to 3?

I don't get it :(
Hmm. So you mean to send him proof and a threat in a letter? That he should hide our negotiations and attack Drogo when we invade the manse, or the men we leave with Dany will kill her? That's pretty ruthless.

We're cheating, so yes, ruthless. EDIT - though we don't necessarily have to follow through, the important thing is that he believes it.

And they can make plans of their own. For example, our letter arrives, Jorah warns Drogo, and while we prepare to attack he uses Malora's expertise to find the mansion. There's a chance she dies, but it's better than relying on the word of scum that hides behind a woman. Like I said, desperate people can do stupid things.
That's ignoring how Dany is a potential ta'veren, so I'm leery of putting her in such a situation.

If they have Malora cooperating I'd be unlikely to try anything against him like this. We'd be scouting first to find things like that out.

I would put a safeguard on things to make sure we're keeping an eye on Jorah. Ideally we just have Ithroen hitch a ride in his skull, but not take control, to ensure we know if he would betray us or not. If he does, Ithroen just takes control and brings him to us and we plan out what to do from there. Get our Possession up to Level 3 if Ithroen isn't back, and have a bird deliver the note - the note will tell him to follow the bird, alone, to another location we specify. It'll reveal we're a warg, but that might just scare him into submitting more. That's where we'd give him our demands. He'd have no clue where our base is, and we could keep watch on him via Possession of another bird to see if he tries to screw us over. We could also make our orders to him involve him going and giving his First Men some orders, and then coming back immediately so we can keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't screw us between then and the scheduled attack.

Quite a bit of time has already passed, enough for him to set the bay on fire.
By the time we start our attack, he should be mostly recovered.

Possibly, though we're not doing any attack for a couple days at least, anyways. We need time for preparation.
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If they have Malora cooperating I'd be unlikely to try anything against him like this. We'd be scouting first to find things like that out.

I would put a safeguard on things to make sure we're keeping an eye on Jorah. Ideally we just have Ithroen hitch a ride in his skull, but not take control, to ensure we know if he would betray us or not. If he does, Ithroen just takes control and brings him to us and we plan out what to do from there. Get our Possession up to Level 3 if Ithroen isn't back, and have a bird deliver the note - the note will tell him to follow the bird, alone, to another location we specify. It'll reveal we're a warg, but that might just scare him into submitting more. That's where we'd give him our demands. He'd have no clue where our base is, and we could keep watch on him via Possession of another bird to see if he tries to screw us over. We could also make our orders to him involve him going and giving his First Men some orders, and then coming back immediately so we can keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't screw us between then and the scheduled attack.
Then where does Destruction come in? If we have Ithroen, it's unnecessary, and without him, we can't be sure of our chances. Hell, Drogo will probably take at least one of our high-end combatants with him, seeing how he's a Champion of the Horse God in Shardplate.
And we'd be relying on us being able to defeat all the bloodriders and mooks without getting ourselves killed.

4X + (4-1)X = 4X + 3X = 7 X

that was supposed to be 6X though?
What. Where did the 4X come from?
Active Acceleration and Focus are 2X respectively, but put together they're 2X+(2-1)X=3X
2x + (6-1) = 2+5 = 7.

But how does 4x and 4x result in 6x?

4x + (4-1) = 4 + 3 = 7? Should it not be like that? Why 6?

Hmm you raise a valid point I screwed up there some where.


On the plus I've amended my spreadsheet and filled it with If statement functions to parse the resultant mind magic formula and compare it to the Time/XP chart.
Well, I think Ithroen could probably get past their defenses... but us, with only Possession 6? No. Not happening.

Then we don't use it on the Bloodriders, we use it on the other Dothraki.

We don't need it as a weapon, we need it for intelligence gathering.

I'll stick with Destruction. If nothing else it gives us a potent weapon.

We're better off with a shardblade.
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