So, some thoughts on a Miri refit. This is a new official Miranda that uses the S Miranda module instead of C.

TBG Ship Designer

Based on that, I have a refit to Centaur-A stats (C3 S2 H2 L3 P3 D3) for 6.6SR 1T (rounds to 10SR).

TBG Ship Designer

Finally, a refit option that adds +1SD (total S/D4) using T4 Replication (estimate) and will likely cost 15sr to refit.

TBG Ship Designer
The main things we wanted out of the miranda is event response and making those is a D check, so i prefer the 15sr/D4 version.
I would go with T3 injectors we have those and if we do another refit we might need the minor power gain from that upgrade.
Swapping the SIF from T0 H to T3 M and the hull to T3 L gives enough room for H replicators.
That +T2 nacelles gives it D5 but there might be a cheaper way to gain from that change.
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So, some thoughts on a Miri refit. This is a new official Miranda that uses the S Miranda module instead of C.

TBG Ship Designer
Yay! I can see the totals!
Based on that, I have a refit to Centaur-A stats (C3 S2 H2 L3 P3 D3) for 6.6SR 1T (rounds to 10SR).

TBG Ship Designer
Nooo I cant again.

Whats going on here? All the second link shows me are few useless bits of information.

I'd pay 5sr more for +1 SD.
I wouldnt. Do keep in mind that stats get added to a 2d6 (do I have it right?) roll, so a one point of difference isnt worth increasing the refit costs by half.

5sr might seem like spare change, but we would need to refit 30+ Miranda As, so its a difference of 150sr or more.
It works! Muhahaha It works!!



Thanks SWB, sunrise.

If we want more designers the list and instructions should be threadmarked I think.
I probably create a wiki page this week about the shipbuilder with the links to the shipdesigner, partlist and a recent partlist json and a short description and possibly a page for the design links of all ships.
If I understand matters correctly phaser arrays have a S >= C requirement. If this is so is there any point fitting them to the proposed Renaisance-A upgrade? Would it be better to forego that and get by with a lower S score?

If the phaser array is not usefull for the Rennie refit then do we need to wait for it before comencing a refit program?
If I understand matters correctly phaser arrays have a S >= C requirement. If this is so is there any point fitting them to the proposed Renaisance-A upgrade? Would it be better to forego that and get by with a lower S score?

If the phaser array is not usefull for the Rennie refit then do we need to wait for it before comencing a refit program?
PAs are very useful, period, and we want Rennies to be generalists anyway. The Rennie A design will just have to be reworked to account for the changes.

Edit: Considering below I am probably mistaken somewhere? Oh well, live and fail and learn.
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If I understand matters correctly phaser arrays have a S >= C requirement. If this is so is there any point fitting them to the proposed Renaisance-A upgrade? Would it be better to forego that and get by with a lower S score?

If the phaser array is not usefull for the Rennie refit then do we need to wait for it before comencing a refit program?

I believe SWB found a way to achieve a good Renaissance refit without phaser arrays, mainly by loading up on torpedoes instead. But now he's talking about waiting for isolinear for the Renaissance refit, which could be maybe 2329 or so.
Does anyone have the link for the current rennie design?
It would be very useful to have all the currently worked on designs at hand I think. Such as the HC project, Mir B, Rennie A, Ambassador A and Excelsior B (am I missing something?).

I dont know where half of those are, and they might be old versions anyway.

Kind of a barrier to newcomers, unless they want to read though 50+ pages of posts.
For the wiki shipbuilding page i am thinking about the following pages:
1 general shipbuilding page explanation, links to the ship designer, part list and recent part json.
On that page a table with all starfleet ships containing their name, a link to the design and a link to a page with all proposed designs for refits.
Finally the main page has a link to the proposed new designs page and that page has links to each design(The Light explorer, JAFFA, the heavy cruiser and others if someone wants to add those).
Will the canon list get updated soon?
If that is not expected a page containing all parts and the years they become ready for designs might be useful(and might be used to make the new canon partlist).
Is there anything i am missing for a shipbuilding section of the wiki?
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On that page a table with all starfleet ships containing their name, a link to the design
Perhaps combine this with the List of Ships Classes? No reason have a separate page for the ships and their SDB builds.

and a link to a page with all proposed designs for refits.
That might get... messy. Maybe put a limit on the number of variants there to 3? Or 5. We just need the leading ones, not everything. Not sure how to decide what is a leading design beyond an unofficial silent agreement though...

If that is not expected a page containing all parts and the years they become ready for designs might be useful(and might be used to make the new canon partlist).
It might be possible to combine this with the greater Research page? When it decided to start existing.
I have twenty-six design proposals in my personal files. I know others do even more variant work. I don't think there is a good way to collate that work, even through a wiki.

As for up to date parts, just yesterday I dug through the research pages and created a list of future parts by date, then created a speculated parts list based on that with part years filled in. I intend to publish these every year after research results.
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Well, between Miranda-Bs and Constellation-As, our backup garrison response levels will be pretty well handled then with at least S3P3D4
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So, something fun...

Miranda refit. Requires T4 Replication. C3 S4 H2 L4 P3 D4, 15SR refit... Also known as a Constie with +1L (or C, that's doable too).

TBG Ship Designer
Could you provide a download link for your partslist, i can not load that design with the parts list i have.
But yes that is something i can see us building, and building in great numbers if we lack crew/SR/BR for new construction in all berths.
Could you provide a download link for your partslist, i can not load that design with the parts list i have.

But yes that is something i can see us building, and building in great numbers if we lack crew/SR/BR for new construction in all berths.
That...seems unlikely to me. How much cheaper is it then the Comet? Does it use tech that would make a Comet refit viable?

Building more Mir Bs is a long term loss, we cant refit them again. We would get far longer service from Comets.
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