I remember the plan for the HC as C7S7H4P7D6
There are at least 2 variants of the HC known to me, and this is the 1500kt one. I though that 1800kt is pretty much set for the HC? Wouldnt be very Heavy otherwise...

So that would be a 7+6+1(cruiser doctrine response bonus)= 14 vs 8+11+2(explorer doctrine response bonus) = 21
My point still stands. When +14 is not enough, Ambassadors 8+9+2=19 (prerefit) is.

Building an entirely new ships to deal with the few situations that would require such high response rolls, when an Ambassador can do it almost as well, and even better after refit, is not worth the expense.

I expect Ambassador to be all used for 5YM or taskforces
No? Why would we do that? Ambassadors arent meant to lead TFs, but carry out FYMs and do what Excelsiors (and HCs) cant.

What an Ambassador can do for a TF an Excelsior and a Rennie could do as well, possibly better, while those two can't do the highest difficulty missions anywhere as well as the Ambassador.

PREREQS - 2330s LW Secondary Phasers,
I think these are what we voted to research? Lemme check...

-[] Weapons Fabrication Division : 2330s LW Secondary Phasers

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T2 cruiser engineering subframes will finish next year, so we can not do a 2325 cruiser with T3 engineering frames.
We only started T2 science frames for cruisers this year so no T3 science frames

This is the closest i can get to a 2325 3y H4 rest 7 cruiser, it is one P short:
C[7.24] S[7.07] H[4.23] L[7.04] P[6.11] D[7.05] | [158.76]br [116.37]sr | O[3.69] E[4.90] T[3.22] | [3 ]years
There are at least 2 variants of the HC known to me, and this is the 1500kt one. I though that 1800kt is pretty much set for the HC? Wouldnt be very Heavy otherwise...
The 1800t frame takes 0,5 year longer to build and because its an older frame it only gains 200t internal space and some of that space has to be used for the increased power cost of the frame.
The 1800t frame takes 0,5 year longer to build and because its an older frame it only gains 200t internal space and some of that space has to be used for the increased power cost of the frame.
I am pretty sure that I remember SWB talking about cruiser efficiency peaking at 1800kt, but you might be right.
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I am pretty sure that I remember SWB talking about cruiser efficiency peaking at 1800kt, but you might be right.
A 1800t cruiser would look like:
C[8.08] S[8.03] H[4.25] L[8.09] P[8.28] D[8.24] | [189.04]br [132.44]sr | O[4.74] E[6.14] T[4.24] | [3 6/12]years
Power[219.72/247.20] Internal[1788.40/1800.00] Tactical[355.50/450.00] Operations[426.75/450.00] Hull[167.00/270.00] Engineering[300.75/450.00] Warp Core[238.40/270.00]

Edit: the T1 1800t frame uses a lot of crew for +1CSLPD its crew is +1O +2E +1T
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@OneirosTheWriter given that it is going to be relevant for the next ship design, will you please let us know what the Rapid Construction techs do? IE, is it basically "acts like HIP when condition is met or otherwise -1Q to production time"? And do those techs stack with a HIP?
Can we do a 2327 cruiser, instead?
Sure we can but that is a decision that needs to be made this year as we can get more tech ready for a 2327 cruiser build.
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 6 Cruiser/Capital Design]: 2310s Cruiser - Engineering [ETC 2322]
this one of the reasons we have to choose a year soon as i expect that after the HC the next ship designed will be an explorer
And we want this team ready to research the prototype as the other cruiser teams have 2 and 3 skill
  • Generic Team 5 : 2320s Explorer - Combat [unchanged] *Derp* [ETC 2328]
Is an option for UP if we go for a 2325 design as UP will complete this in 2325
If we go for a later cruiser UP should research a cruiser subframe tech.
  • Generic Team 4 : 1mt Escort Design [unchanged] *Derp* [ETC 2322]
A generic team can be placed anywhere but work benefit a lot from bonuses so i would put them on T4 engineering subframes for explorers so they get the research bonus from way of the anchor.
If we put UP on the 2320s Explorer - Combat i would put the Generic Team 5 on the T4 ops frame

  • Daystrom Institute [Skill 6 Computing/Shields]: 2320s Ship Computer Cores [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
Can research the low SR variants of T3&T4 shields (that tech has 2 40 point parts) if we go for a 2327 cruiser.
But the stats of the low SR shields are unknown.

  • Yoyodyne [Skill 6 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2320s Core Efficiency [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
Will finish its project but i think this is the team that will complete replicators in time for the HC project.

Was looking at the list of teams and this is where i would put the non shipbuilding related teams:

  • Herelund Tomographics Division [Skill 3 Sensors] : 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors [unchanged] [ETC 2322] *Derp* (Eaton stays this year)
2320s Sensor Installations is on of the few sensor projects that can be started.

  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 4 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2320s Encryption [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
2 other Communication tech teams finish their projects and we could make this team to Xenopsychology to start working towards Unified Psychological Model(T3 diplomatic packages, members at 400)
Options here are 2330s Active Diplomacy, 2320s Xenopsychology and 2320s Xenoarchitecture.

  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Xenopsychology [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
Keeps working on Xenopsychology

Other non ship tech teams finishing research are:

  • Aerocommandos Research Corps [Skill 3 Personal] : 2320s Equipment [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 5 Computing/Communciation]: 2320s Colony Datanets [unchanged] *Derp* [ETC 2322]
  • Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) [Skill 2 Communication/Foreign Analysis] : 2320s Signal Intercepts [unchanged] [ETC 2322]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Defensive] : Dispersed Industry [ETC 2322]
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 4 NOW 5 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Arsenal of Liberty *Derp* [ETC 2322] (with Uhura for this year)
@OneirosTheWriter given that it is going to be relevant for the next ship design, will you please let us know what the Rapid Construction techs do? IE, is it basically "acts like HIP when condition is met or otherwise -1Q to production time"? And do those techs stack with a HIP?
That is the intent - yes, it would stack with HIP, though there is an overall floor that it can't go past. I'm thinking -1 Qtr flat, plus another quarter reduced if it matches the "special" condition. Possibly -2Qtr for large cruisers, or for Explorers.
New ship designs are expensive.
Building an entirely new ships to deal with the few situations that would require such high response rolls, when an Ambassador can do it almost as well, and even better after refit, is not worth the expense.

I'm still iffy on the heavy cruiser + light explorer concept, but I have to point out designing new ships is not that expensive. The most painful part is the latency between the start of the whole project to production-scale fruition rather than pp/rp/tech-team costs.

No? Why would we do that? Ambassadors arent meant to lead TFs, but carry out FYMs and do what Excelsiors (and HCs) cant.

What an Ambassador can do for a TF an Excelsior and a Rennie could do as well, possibly better, while those two can't do the highest difficulty missions anywhere as well as the Ambassador.

Actually, Ambassadors leading TFs is warranted in the most onerous opposed TF cases, where sometimes the DCs involved can get really high. I mean, we're already dedicating Enterprise to a task force, and there are other TFs like the expected Gorn one where I can see Ambassadors partaking in, yet the Explorer Corps aren't willing to sacrifice another explorer from its exploration duties.

The alternative to an event-focused light explorer is a bunch of specialist frigates/cruisers (like the presence variant concepts) led by a more mediocre TF leader. Honestly not sure which is better, but I do suspect there is some downside to have TF lead ships that are only so-so, or even worse then other ships in the fleet (like how the anti-Syndicate TF was initially led by a Constellation, despite the Centaur-A being bigger and having superior stats).
Actually, Ambassadors leading TFs is warranted in the most onerous opposed TF cases, where sometimes the DCs involved can get really high.
Agreed, I was reacting to a statement that all Ambassadors will be busy leading TFs. I should have probably made that clearer.

TFs like the expected Gorn one where I can see Ambassadors partaking in
So do I. In fact, I strongly suspect that an EC ships would do more good there, due to the distance (operating independently far from home is one of their specialities), then in the HoH diplowar now that we have a handle on it.

Or let them explore. EC ships bring in loads of goodies.

Honestly not sure which is better, but I do suspect there is some downside to have TF lead ships that are only so-so,
It would make sense for the quality of TF leader to give some small bonus to the TF, but do keep in mind that what truly matters are the command and communication suites, not the quality of the ship or crew.

despite the Centaur-A being bigger and having superior stats
Frigates dont have those suites, so they suck utterly at the job. Stats are irrelevant.
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A heavy heavy cruiser, made to be crew cheap-er. 4yr build, but with confirmation that Rapid Construction and HIP stack total build time would be 2.25yr. 3.5yr is not a significant improvement in comparison (2yr). 120sr 4/5/4 once Shields and automated Hull subframe kick in.

TBG Ship Designer
A heavy heavy cruiser, made to be crew cheap-er. 4yr build, but with confirmation that Rapid Construction and HIP stack total build time would be 2.25yr. 3.5yr is not a significant improvement in comparison (2yr). 120sr 4/5/4 once Shields and automated Hull subframe kick in.

TBG Ship Designer
Significantly better and cheaper then the Excelsior A, smaller, faster to build, and vanguard capable too!

I cant wait. This will be so damn useful.

Also a very impressive flagship for members who cant afford an Ambassador!