Turn 2: 10-20 Minute Results:
-[X]The Ceasefire: Maul wants a representative to negotiate with him and the other leaders on the Planet. Weather for peace, or just a way to decapitate the leadership, you don't know. But you must try. Cost (Only you or Ahsoka can partake in this action) Rolls Needed:??? Reward: Ceasefire, negotiations can begin… ??? Rolls:
1D100 => 92+20=112
You took the fastest speeder you had to the Capital city, ignoring the cries for help from many of the citizens that were begging you stop the Death Watch forces that were occupying their homes.
As much as it pained you to watch the suffering, you continued forward, towards the ceasefire meeting area.
It was Satine's old palace, ravaged by both the destructive power of explosives, and hostile fighters tearing it apart for anything that could be used for barricades and cover, or valuables that could be sold to war profiteers for weapons and supplies.
The palace was just a bare, plasteel building now, without any ornate decorations, save for the table and chairs bolted into the floor.
And the Leaders of Mandalore were all accounted for.
Bo Katan, of the Mandalorian Loyalists and the true government, was staring quite sad at the wrecked throne room, and the damage that the battle brought upon her sisters home.
Maul was there as well, and… was doing something rather unexpected for a sith. He was meditating.
Now you have seen everything.
But there was another person, a man dressed in full Mandalorian battle armor, and someone who looked like he did not belong at this table.
And he was someone whom you did not recognize. But he looked tired.
"Who is this? A slaver?" You asked as you kept your hand on your lightsaber.
Bo Katan spoke next. "No… But all Mandalorians consider this man the only person to arbitrate a peace conference."
"Why?" You asked. "And who is he?"
"That man" Maul started as he turned around. "Is Vahn, one of Jaster Mereel's clansman, a man who should by all rights be dead. I thought the Jedi killed you at Galidraan, with the rest of your clan."
The armored Mandalorian nodded. "I was dead to my people for awhile… You can say I lost my way." He paused and sat down in the chair at the head of the table. "I'm sure Jango never told anyone else how I survived, and I don't care. I'm here, and that's all that matters."
"Let's get down to business." You stated.
"Yes, lets." Bo Katan stated.
Everyone sat, and you waited for Maul to start.
"I called everyone here, for a simple reason… The Republic is going to destroy The Mandalorians." He stated.
You gritted your teeth. "We have no such plans." You shot back.
"And why not Jedi," Maul said condsendgly. "The Republic is now just an arm of the Jedi anyway, and they all bow to the same masters."
"What are you talking about?" You asked.
"The Sith have ruled the republic for decades, weakening the very foundations of the republic itself, until it can collapse under its own failing weight." Maul started. "And the Jedi, allowed it to happen."
You narrowed your eyes. "The Jedi would never allow such… brazen seizures of power like that."
"But it did Jedi… It did because the Jedi allowed it. This entire war could have been avoided, by the Jedi who believed in the order mission… but it wasn't, because the council does not believe in its mission. Their plan worked… And it now leads us to here. At this very room." Maul than stood up.
"Careful Maul." Vahn tapped his blaster. "Even at this range, and with the Force on your side, I can get a good shot in."
Maul than smiled. "The Republic… Or should I say the Jedi… have always the Mandalorians. In fact, the very reason they are here, fighting this battle, is not because they want to help you… no, they want to enslave your people."
"And what proof do you have, that you are not trying to enslave us sith?" Bo Katan questioned.
"It's quite simple… I am not the one bringing an entire fleet to one planet, with messages to conquer it." Maul replied.
"And you couping the rightful government and killing Satine was right?" You asked.
"It was expedient… and it was quicker than what the republic or the Jedi would have done to her." Maul replied.
"Than why did you call this ceasefire when you believe the republic is going to destroy this planet and its people?" You asked.
Maul paused before he grabbed the table. "I saw them destroy this planet… millions of men marching across the surface, entering homes, killing men, women and children. Taking those they haven't killed prisoners, and forcing them to be slaves… To build a new army that can stamp down on the galaxy… forever."
"They want to destroy the people of Mandalore after they promised to throw you off?" Bo Katan asked.
"Yes." Maul replied callously. You narrowed your eyes but said nothing. "You see… we cannot allow such a thing to happen. That is why I called this meeting. I am asking them all, to put aside their differences… and flee to the outer reaches of the Galaxy, while they have the chance."
"That's insane." Vahn replied.
"Would you rather have your people destroyed… as you are the only ones who can truly defend yourselves against the onslaught of what is to come?
There was silence for a moment.
"And why have you allowed me to come, if the Republic is going to destroy the Mandalorian people?" You asked.
"Because you… you and the Padawan are not part of their plan, and I sense something about the men within the army that fig that is different from the other clones. They are closer to the Mandalorians than they are to their clone counterparts." Maul replied.
There was silence again… this time it held, for a single moment, before you asked. "And when do you believe this… terrible event will occur?"
"In a very short time." Maul replied. "We need to leave before than… or risk the entire Mandalorian people on this planet being destroyed."
"How can we trust you not to lie to us?" Bo Katan asked.
Maul looked angry at the Mandalorian. "Because… this was the final plan they had… destroy any who would resist the rise of the Empire… or the Take over of the Jedi. The Jedi and the Sith benefit from destruction."
Bo Katan sighed… And reluctantly agreed.
You did as well.
Reward: Cease-Fire on Mandalore Achieved. New Action Available. Action Changed.
-[X]Tell Tarkin About a Communications Silence: You are in need of an extra pair of hands and rank, and hopefully someone who is on your side. And if The Chancellor is behind all this… You want to be sure whatever order you have to fear does not reach the clones. Rolls Needed: 5> Reward: Tarkin commits to Radio Silence, and whatever order the Chancellor sends will have a -50 to that roll. The Clones are 5% more likely to mutiny for you if an order is given. Rolls:
1D100 => 99
You received a message from Boil as you left the Ceasefire conference.
"Sir, Admiral Tarkin has agreed to a full communications blackout from the Rest of the Galaxy per your orders sir." He stated.
Reward: Whatever order the Chancellor sends will have a -50 to that roll. The Clones are 5% more likely to mutiny for you if an order is given.
-[X]Offer RaR to the Men: Your men are tired, and they are in need of Rest. Tell them that they can go down to the lowest possible readiness. Rolls Needed: 1> Reward: The Men are relaxed. +2% to clone mutiny chance. Rolls:
1D100 => 75
The Clones heard news of the Ceasefire and were now beginning to get to camp and relax per your orders.
Reward: +2% to Clone mutiny chance.
-[X]Tell the Clones about the Chip: The Clones have no idea that they have chips inside their heads that will force them to obey orders without question. That… is not right. Rolls Needed:??? Reward: Unknown. Rolls:
1D100 => 90+10=100
Ahoska broadcasted her speech on an open Channel, to all the Republic forces in the sector.
"Troopers of the 501st and the 5th fleet… There is something we need to tell you." She stated.
"A few minutes ago, I and General Ordo learned something terrible, that threaten you and all of us." She paused. "We learned there are inhibitor chips within your brains, chips that when activated, will turn you into mindless slaves of whoever gives you orders." She stated.
"We may lead you into battle, but you are not slaves to the Republic. You are soldiers, and with that chip, you would be treated as slaves. I am telling you this so that you may make your own choices on this matter… a choice that you all can make, for the sake of your brothers, and the sake of yourself."
There was silence, as the broadcast turned off.
But when you returned, you saw your answer.
The Medical droids were beginning to operate on the Clones, and there was chatter that the med bays of all the ships were being taken over by clone soldiers so that surgery could begin.
Reward: Trooper Mutiny Roll set to 70%.
AN: Enjoy.