Turn 2: 10-20 Minutes:
"Sir… The Commlink is broadcasting on an open channel." A trooper said as you walked towards the screen that held the Broadcast.
"Let it play." You replied quietly.
"Republic forces." The Red and black tattooed face of Maul appeared on the screen, eyes yellow and red, showing his hatred and connection to the Darkside, and the warrior roots of the Zarbak. "And the Forces of the Mandalorian Loyalists… I am proposing a cease-fire and negotiations, with myself and the leadership of the Planet, so that a settlement can be achieved… and that no harm continues to befall the planet." There was a long pause. "You have… Twenty minutes to decide to accept, and send a representative… or refuse, and allow the bloodshed to continue."
The screen flickered. "And to the jedi I sense on the planet… the kinsman of my home…" Your body involuntarily shivered at the mention of you… home planet. "Do not forget the force will guide you." He then began to cackle, and the screen shut down.
"Well that was creepy," Ahsoka stated sarcastically as she dusted herself off. "Have fun?"
"The Separatist forces were deactivated three minutes ago… I trust you were not busy?" You replied quietly with a smile.
"They were easy," Ahsoka replied. "Though I'm a little worried right now. Why would the droids be deactivated? You think it's a trap?"
"I don't know Ahsoka. The only thing I know for certain is that Mandalore still needs to be secured… and we need to find out why we seem to be getting visions from the future." You replied.
Precognition rolls: 80/100/110. Reward: You see events come to pass, giving you the knowledge to change your future.
Precognition Roll:
1D100 => 21
For a moment, you thought you saw something, a blinding crimson light, and blue light flashing against each other.
But nothing more.
"Well with no more fighting, what are we going to do?" She asked.
"I'll think of something." You replied.
"Sir?" You turned to see a clone trooper, who gave a salute. "Hello, Ahsoka."
"Boil?" Ahsoka seemed surprised. "I thought you were part of the 212th?"
"Got folded in after Onderon." He replied. "Captain Rex sent me to assist you in any way he felt needed, along with my squad."
You nodded. "Good."
Turn 2 Begins:
You have 4 Actions, due to having Boil, his squad and Ahsoka to help you.
For all the Actions for this turn: You have a +20 to all rolls.
Ahsoka has a +10
Boil has no bonuses, along with his squad members.
The chance for the Clones to Mutiny onto your side Even with their Chips in their head: 25%
Critical Actions: If you are to survive, you must complete these actions. Failure is not an option. If you fail any of these options, you will not be able to survive.
None Available.
Diplomacy: Maul has orchestrated a ceasefire… You can say this, it certainly stopped fighting. Activity on the Planet is almost completely silent. Everyone is holding their breath.
[]The Ceasefire: Maul wants a representative to negotiate with him and the other leaders on the Planet. Weather for peace, or just a way to decapitate the leadership, you don't know. But you must try. Cost (Only you or Ahsoka can partake in this action) Rolls Needed:??? Reward: Ceasefire, negotiations can begin… ???
[]Contact the Temple: You need to Warn the Temple that something Terrible is about to happen. Rolls Needed: ??? Reward: Unknown? The Force is clouded, and rewards are unknown.
[]Contact the Mandalorians: Bo Katan has been an uneasy ally in this battle, despite being your friend...but you need her help if you are going to survive this. Rolls Needed: 60> Reward: You contact the Mandalorians, and try to coordinate with them.
[]Contact Senator Amidala: You need to know how in the Force She can prevent orders from turning your men into mindless puppets. Rolls Needed: ??? Reward: Senator Amidala is contacted, and she can potentially stop the Order from getting out.
Martial: Well the battle is over now… Maybe now you can get something done.
[]Gather Equipment: You need to grab some equipment if you and Ahsoka need to escape. And you can never go wrong with a good blaster at your side. Rolls Needed: Various. Reward: Various.
[]Tell Tarkin About a Communications Silence: You are in need of an extra pair of hands and rank, and hopefully someone who is on your side. And if The Chancellor is behind all this… You want to be sure whatever order you have to fear does not reach the clones. Rolls Needed: 5> Reward: Tarkin commits to Radio Silence, and whatever order the Chancellor sends will have a -50 to that roll. The Clones are 5% more likely to mutiny for you if an order is given.
Stewardship: Time to tell the Men:
[]Offer RaR to the Men: Your men are tired, and they are in need of Rest. Tell them that they can go down to the lowest possible readiness. Rolls Needed: 1> Reward: The Men are relaxed. +2% to clone mutiny chance.
[]Tell the Clones about the Chip: The Clones have no idea that they have chips inside their heads that will force them to obey orders without question. That… is not right. Rolls Needed:??? Reward: Unknown.
[]Gather Money: You are in need of some Credits. Hopefully, your account hasn't been shut. Rolls needed: 20> Reward: 50,000 Credits.
Intrigue: Finally, now you can find out some… of the dark secrets.
[]The Clouded Force: You need to push through that cloud… and find out what is hidden behind it. Cost: Only you can do this action. Rolls needed: 85> Reward: The Curtain is pulled over throughout the Galaxy.
[]Plot Your Own "Death": You have no idea what is to occur… but if the clone army is involved in your death… you will make sure they will… "See it". Cost: Only You or Ahsoka can do this. rolls need: ??? Reward: When the time comes, you can fake your death.
[]Tell Ahsoka to Run: You need that girl to get away from here, and fast. She won't survive the onslaught about to come. Rolls needed: 70> Reward: Ahsoka leaves, and you are on your own.
[]Escape: You cannot stay here Rolls Needed: 70> Reward: Prologue ends.
Learning: By the Force… you need a miracle.
[]Meditate: You need to focus on what the hell is going on, this planet has always been home to force anomalies, but never like this. Something is going on here, something that will change the galaxy. Cost: (Can only done by you) Roll needed: 10> Reward: You gain a +10 to the Precognition Roll.
AN: Enjoy.
There is a Moratorium for 2 hours for discussion and planning.