STAR WARS: The Galactic Civil War

Voting is open
Prime plan is like 2 votes away from winning. Personally I'm not fond of Droid rights and the such being brought up in Starwars because the setting itself doesn't acknowledge it much at all. That said I like the quest so I can tolerate doing the story beats for it I suppose.

Not particularly fond of meme votes with crossover expies either.
And why is everyone complaining about the Prime plan when Tarkin is currently winning?

Honestly if people don't like the Prime Plan they could vote for C3P0 instead.

Because a number of folk against the Prime vote, see Prime being a couple of votes behind Tarkin and it continuing to get additional votes can end up believing that voting for Tarkin is the only means of preventing Prime from winning the vote.

The lack of a visible end point for voting probably exacerbates those feelings with the mention of when the voting is going to end buried within pages of discussion, the existence of which further discourages the idea that less voted for options will win and resulting in some voting for their least worst option rather than hedging their bets on their ideal choice which in most other quests wouldn't have a chance of winning as most votes end in hours to days rather than weeks.
People are annoyed by a thinly-veiled crossover plan winning. Meanwhile I'm annoyed by people voting for a plan involving a 7-meter tall droid starfighter that probably couldn't fit into her new office!

Seriously, though the C3P0 plan is right there. If the people voting for Prime and the people voting for the Vulture droid team up our favorite protocol droid could win!
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People are annoyed by a thinly-veiled crossover plan winning. Meanwhile I'm annoyed by people voting for a plan involving a 7-meter tall droid starlight that might not even exist yet! What is the current year?

Seriously, though the C3P0 plan is right there. If the people voting for Prime and the people voting for the Vulture droid team up our favorite protocol droid could win!
…The vultures have been around since phantom menace.
People are annoyed by a thinly-veiled crossover plan winning. Meanwhile I'm annoyed by people voting for a plan involving a 7-meter tall droid starlight that might not even exist yet! What is the current year?

Seriously, though the C3P0 plan is right there. If the people voting for Prime and the people voting for the Vulture droid team up our favorite protocol droid could win!

Frankly 3CP0 is even more ridiculous than these two.

Jar Jar was amusing to win the first time and yeah it was cool and all, but doing a second time certanly lose the appeal.
I don't know why everyone is having a problem with Prime at the end of day Magoose is probably going to make it the best story with it
Because while I'm fine with expies I dislike outright crossovers for quests like this. It also breaks the lore re. droids and I don't like the idea of a droid chancellor. As it is, if a droid wins I'm dropping the quest. No muss, no fuss, I just don't like it going in that direction for what comes off to me as a meme vote.
To be honest, I don't want to play as Tarkin. He is a pretty bland MC: A hard man, making hard decisions while hard. His main motivation seems to be a generic "I'm loyal to the Republic", if he weren't such an outspoken supporter of the Republic he would have nothing at stake in this war. There's not much to explore about Tarkin.

Prime, on the other hand, might lose his sentient rights if the Republic loses the war. The main thing against Prime is that I don't like expies, but this is my personal opnion. Furthermore, I can never unsee the "Romeo and Juliet Law" scene so I'm pretty biased against it.

I much prefer original characters, that's why I made my own plan and that's why I suggest that, anyone that doesn't like the current options, should write their own plan.​
I personally think that Tarkin should remain focused as the military leader rather than Supreme Chancellor. That position is going to exist, and Tarkin would be better there.
To be honest, I don't want to play as Tarkin. He is a pretty bland MC: A hard man, making hard decisions while hard. His main motivation seems to be a generic "I'm loyal to the Republic", if he weren't such an outspoken supporter of the Republic he would have nothing at stake in this war. There's not much to explore about Tarkin.
I actually see a lot of potential there. This is a man who in the original timeline went on to commit some of the worst atrocities in history. Even though he hasn't done it, the raw material is there. Watching such a man, through the machinations of SV voters, soften and become a better and wiser man is quite fulfilling for me as a viewer.
I appreciate the enthusiasm but HK is an omnicidal droid, him being chancellor is incredibly OOC. This plan can either be taken seriously, which means that the Republic will invent the Geneva Checklist, or as a joke which isn't very compelling when you take into account that war and comedy are like oil and water.​
To be fair HK did serve a lot of masters, found the 50s distasteful for being artless murderhobos, and the HK line can develop…quirks. Including literal pacifism with a certain module.
I just hope you all will enjoy the work I'm about to put into this.

Because oh boy... the order of battle for the GAR alone is at least ten pages.

And that is before the NAvy has been added.
I can honestly imagine that the elections this time are much serious and the top two contenders are Tarkin and Orion Pax in the elections.

It would be very much interesting as to see how Magoose would craft this in the story of the quest. Even if one of them came up on top of the elections in the end, I can imagine the issues that this election would reveal to the wide galaxy, as there are only two main issues this election would raise awareness of that I can think of for now.

1: The role of droids in galactic society as sentient beings with free will.

2: the civil war that has started between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
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Edit: Should I ask the original creator if I could use his character? I should probably do that right?
Ask at your own risk. Though, say it brings the Sublight quest readers in we needn't even dip into Clone reserves. They will be in fine form adding to the controlled burn of star systems!

I just hope you all will enjoy the work I'm about to put into this.

Because oh boy... the order of battle for the GAR alone is at least ten pages.

And that is before the NAvy has been added.

current tally
Adhoc vote count started by Alexander Sturnn on Mar 8, 2025 at 9:02 PM, finished with 481 posts and 154 votes.
Voting is open