Star Wars: Rebellion

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Star Wars: Rebellion
Twenty five thousand years of history, of culture, of thought. Millions of...


SV's Estalia Guy
Ruritania Illinois
Star Wars: Rebellion
Twenty five thousand years of history, of culture, of thought. Millions of lives. Trillions of credits, wasted on vanity projects. This is what Palpatine has taken from the galaxy, in only a few years of rule. You cannot, you will not, accept such a thing, not while your heart still beats, while your lungs yet draw breath.
Which is why you are going to do something incredibly dangerous: Rebel. Violently. Of course, before you can get to any of that, you're going to have to describe yourself:

Noble's Rebel: You were little more than a boy with dreams when Palpatine executed Order 66, raised on a planet already known for its rebellion. He cracked down hard on you and yours, imposing harsh punishments for even the simplest rule violation. You have no freedom, no right to speak your mind, to simply not toe the party line, and such leaves a weight in your chest greater than can be measured. Under such conditions, is it any surprise that revolution is already fermented within you? Of course, you'll have to be subtle, or risk drawing the Inquisitors down on you and your family. Painfully. And speaking of your family, you have to hide from them as well. Loyal to the New Order as they are, they'd throw you to the Kath Hounds that make up the inquisition without a second thought.

However, even without their personal support, your family name means something to your kind of people. And you are not the only one on planet who would see the current regime toppled- as was aforementioned, most of the galaxy links your home's name to revolution and rebellion for a good reason. In the end, it boils down to something very simple: You will see freedom brought to the galaxy, or you will die trying.
Starting Date: 16 BBY

Your family is nobility. Where others scarper for resources, you can simply requisition them, or cook the books to find a few for your odder purchases.
Like Minded: There are people already on planet who simply need a push to join your cause.

If your family should find out about your activities, they will be less than thrilled.
Eyes Everywhere: The Emperor has poisoned your world with his agents. You must be careful, or you will be discovered.

Defector From Decadence: You served during the Clone Wars. You saw first hand how chaotic, how bloody and mad war was. You swore then and there, you would end such insanity and depravity. You would bring order to the madness, no matter the cost. You kept your oath, following orders, and performing your duties for half of a decade, earning promotion after promotion and rising like a star.

Until things changed. You couldn't pin the exact moment the murder, the intimidation, the atrocity got too great- until that which you had fought for became that which you fought against. But eventually, it did, and when it did, you couldn't be a part of it any longer. So you left, floating about the galaxy, looking for work, forming connections. And now, now you are ready to fight, and to absolve yourself of this guilt.
Starting Date:13 BBY

I Know A Guy:
Doesn't matter if it's a spacer or moisture farmer- if you need a guy to deal with something, you know the people to call.
Once A Soldier: You were an Imperial soldier, once upon a time. You know how they fight, how they think and react and are trained.

Empty Pockets:
You don't get into the rebel business because it pays well. Or at all.
Suspicious: You were once a soldier of the Empire, and as such you are regarded with a certain contempt by no few people, least of all your fellow rebels.

Escaped Slave:
Everyone knows that the Empire hates aliens. Everyone knows that the life of a slave is not an easy or a happy life. However, you know these things by personal experience. Born a slave into the service of a Hutt, then sold to a Moff. You bled, and worked, and starved, but by the Force and your own luck you survived, and thrived.

Eventually, you were liberated with the aid of another. You slipped in with the crew of a starship, making a living. You learned the things that had been denied you, the joys you had lost, or never been allowed to have. And as you learnt, your rage grew. Your whole being became focused on revenge for what was done to you, and by all that is good in this galaxy, you will have it.
Starting Date: 10 BBY

After being born a slave, there's not a lot the galaxy can throw at you to disturb you. You'll just keep on moving forward.
Unknown: The Empire simply could not care less about one escaped slave. Their mistake.

I Will Not Forgive:
Imperials, even former ones, cannot escape your wrath.
Alien: You are an alien, meaning you will be discriminated against.
I must not have enough work on my plate, even with school and Conquest. How else could I find the time to make this: A game directly inspired by the CKII craze going down, transplanted to Star Wars. Check out Tiki Tau's Glory And Grudges, or Warhammer Dynasty by Gaius Marius to get a good idea of how this will work.
Character Sheet

Tellus Othello


Born: BBC 43

Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, your heroism on Corellia has earned you some respect.
Pilgrim(Scholar)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. You walked the path, and found meaning in them. (+2 Piety, +2 Learning)
Brave: You simply refuse to fear--after all you've seen, it would be nothing more than undignified. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Master Watchman: You are a master of synthesizing Jedi skills together with more mundane skills, and have sworn to protect the Galaxy from the Dark Side no matter what. (+8 Martial, +7 Intrigue, +7 Piety, +6 All other Stats)

Prestige: 850

The Mad Abolitionist
Lawman Of Taris
Scourge Of The Hunters
The Just Knight
Jedi Master


Diplomacy: 9+6=15- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+8+3+=34- You are a whirling dervish of death on the field of battle
Stewardship: 21+6+2=29- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+7=20- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 23+7+3+2=35- You trust the Light, no matter what happens.
Learning: 18+2+6+2=28- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano


Jedi Master
Soldier Of 3 Armies

Prestige: 600

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Master Ace- A Master Ace of the Jedi Order, one of the finest pilots of the era and the Order, much her like fallen Master. (+8 Martial, +8 Piety, +6 Diplomacy, +5 All other Stats)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)
Pilgrim (Duelist)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. She walked the path and found strength in her blade once more. (+2 Piety, +2 Martial)
Devout- Through trials unknown she has emerged as a Paragon of the Light Side (+3 Piety)

Diplomacy: 14+1+6=21
Martial: 17+8+3+1+2+2=33
Stewardship: 12+5+1=18
Intrigue: 6+5=11
Piety: 20+8+1+2+3=34
Learning: 15+1+5=21

Graun The Swift And Sure Footed
Born: 30 BBC


The leader of your Evocii and foe of the Hutts.

Sharp Shooter- He spends every day on the range, working on his aim, and it shows. (+2 Martial)

Ace Pilot- He was born to Fly.(+2 Martial)

Strategist: A more than capable thinker to go with his fighting. (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)

Racial Hate(Hutts): The slugs hurt him, hurt him deep- and he won't be happy until they're hurt back.

Diplomacy: 8- He can lead Evocii- but that's not honestly all that hard.
Martial: 19+2+2+2=25- Say what you will- when the Hutts want a super soldier, they get a supersoldier.
Stewardship: 10+1=11- Only really spends money to maintain his gear and keep well stocked, still good at math, at least.
Intrigue: 10- He can be stealthy- part of being the Sure Footed.
Piety: 14- The evocii have a strong regard for The Jedi, and he is little different.
Learning: 2- The Hutts wanted a super soldier, not a scholar. This man has been deprived of knowledge his whole life.

Mira Panteer

Born: BBY:40

Age: 40

Beautiful. (+2 Diplomacy)
Tall: Nearly two meters tall, she dominates the room- a reminder of her Thul heritage. (+2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Socializer: She knows how to wheel and deal with people. (+3 Diplomacy)
Kind: Also very kind. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)

20+2+1+3+2=28- Very persuasive.
Martial: 13+2=15- Panteer or no, she can fight- though she prefers not to.
Stewardship: 16-Can run her fleet successfully with ease.
Intrigue: 9-2=7-Relies on others to cover her weakness with stealth.
Piety: 15- Loves Jedi- especially one in particular
Learning: 15- Smart.

Rouges Of The Rebellion

Pana Lewysk


Hunter (+2 Martial)
Duelist (+2 Martial)
Strategist (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Blacksmith (+1 Learning, +1 Martial)
Poet (+2 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 19+2=21
Martial: 20+2+1+2+2=27
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Piety: 19
Learning: 15+1=16

Contract Cost: 200 Credits

The Minoru and Captain John Star

The good captain has offered the services of his ship and crew to you and yours. Specializing in Black-Ops, they're not meant for a straight fight- but to stealthily kill the enemy. Very, very good at that.

Up front bonus: 2,000 Credits

Contract Cost: 1,000 credits

Master Schemer
(+3 Intrigue)
Paranoid (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Deceitful (-2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Cynical (-2 Piety, +2 Intrigue)
Just (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning)

Martial: 9
Stewardship: 2+2=4
Intrigue: 18+2+2+3+3=28
Piety: 16-2=14
Learning: 15+1=16

Status of the Rebellion:
Credits made per 1 year: 153,400
"Donations": 55,000*2
Loans And Banking: 950*2
Base: 14,950*2 Credits
Trade: 5,800*2 Credits
Base Upkeep:-5,000 credits
Loan Interest: 3105 Credits for 8 more turns
Military Upkeep: -18,400 At Full Strength*Maintained by Ministry Of Supply*
Treasury: 312,195 Credits
1000 Rebel Troopers: Men and women of the galaxy who are tired of living under the yoke of Imperial oppression. (Excellent Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 1 credit per soldier)
100 Mandalorian Shock Trooper (Average Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Good Gear. (800 credits)
1000 Wookiee Warriors (Unbreaking Morale, Low Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 3 Credit Upkeep)
400 Evocii Scouts (High Morale, Decent mobility, Excellent training, Average Gear. 4 Credit upkeep)
100 Assault Troopers (High Morale, Good Mobility, Superior Training, High Quality Gear, 3 Credits for Upkeep)
2 Units of Strikebreaker Anti Riot Vehicles (Excellent Morale, Decent Mobility, Decent Training, Average Gear) (1000 Credits)
1 Unit of T1-B Hover Tanks (1,500 Credits)
1 Unit of T2-B Repulsor Tanks ( 2,000 Credits)
1 Unit of T3-B Heavy Attack Tanks ( 2,500 Credits)
1 Unit of T4-B Heavy Tanks (3,000 Credits)
Home Base: Yavin

Initiates Of The New Order
Jorek LaForge

Born: 35 BBY
Neither evil not vindictive- but the man is quite willing to do some truly frightening things in pursuit of his goals. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Martial)
Senior Padawan: A Senior Padawan of the Jedi Order. (+4 All Stats)
Mystic: Aware of certain Evocii Rituals. (+1 Intrigue, +1 Piety)

Diplomacy: 9+4=13-
Okay when dealing with people.
Martial: 11+4+1=16- Decent in a straight fight.
Stewardship: 8+4=12- Not exactly a governor.
Intrigue: 17+2+4+1=24- A very good spy.
Piety: 14+4+1+1=20- He has faith in the Light Side.
Learning: 6+4=10- A former slave, he was not well educated.

Entani Typhe

Born: 28 BBY

Zeltron are born pretty, and she's no exception. (+1 Diplomacy)
Duelist: She excels in blade training, and is very good in Melee Combat. (+2 Martial.
Awakened Force Sensitive: Sensitive in the Force and now aware (+3 All Stats)
Brave: She's Brave. (+3 Martial)

Diplomacy: 6+1+3=10- Even more socially awkward than you.
Martial: 16+3+2+3=24- Very dangerous.
Stewardship: 8+3=11- Not much for math.
Intrigue: 16+3=19- Stealthy, when she wishes to be.
Piety: 5+3=8- Oh ye of little faith.
Learning: 16+3=19- Smart.

Turn 1
Turn 1 Results
Turn 2
Turn 2 Results
Turn 3
Turn 3 Results
Turn 4
Turn 4 Results
Event: Battle for the Temple
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
Turn 5
Turn 5 Results
Event: Diplomatic (Or, How Not To Be)
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part V
- Part VI
- Part VII
- Part VIII
- Part IX
Turn 6
Turn 6 Results
Event: Dad
Father And Son Bonding
Drunken Misadventures
Turn 7
Turn 7 Results
Turn 8
Turn 8 Results
Turn 9
Turn 9 Results
Turn 10
Turn 10 Results
Event: Mandalorian Meeting
Turn 11
Turn 11 Results
Turn 12
Turn 12 Results
Turn 13
Turn 13 Results
Event: Jedi Conclave
Jedi Conclave 2
Turn 14
Turn 14 Results
Turn 15
Turn 15 Results
Turn 16
Turn 16 Results
Event: Alliance Lights The Stars
Event: Trial
Trial 2
Turn 17
Turn 17 Results
Turn 18
Turn 18 Results
Event: Spar Beatdown
The Fight
Turn 19
Turn 19 Results
Event: Advisory Council Meeting
Event: Battle Of Corellia
Battle Of Corellia 1
Battle Of Corellia 2
Battle Of Corellia 3
Battle Of Corellia 4
Battle Of Corellia 5
Battle Of Corellia 6
Battle Of Corellia 7
Turn 20
Turn 20 Results
Event: Revelation of the Jedi
Mission: Improbable
Turn 21
Turn 21 Results
The Fall
Turn 22
Turn 22 Results
Event: Battle Of Yavin
Battle Of Yavin
We Hold

Burning Rage
The Offer
Fixing Mistakes
Heart Of The Blade
A Day In The Life (Morning)
A Day In The Life (Noon)
Like Father, Like Son
A Day In The Life (Night)
Swear On Me Mum, Everybody
For Mandalore
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[X] Noble's Rebel

So we need to keep screams from our Family, the Empire, and our own allies to insure neither of the other two factions learn anything from them. Sounds like fun, and intrigue heavy! Also we'll need to work toward swaying our younger siblings to our cause.
[X] Defector From Decadence

This start's disadvantages can be fixed the easiest via accruing assets and reputation as we go through the Quest. And it's got good advantages.

Noble may have more assets, but Noble is also more constrained in action. Escaped Slave is also a very attractive one, but the big negative of I Will Not Forgive is a bad thing, especially at start.

I'd like to build a faction in the galaxy that wont go pants on head retarded on the Yuuzhon Vong
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[X] Escaped Slave:
-[X] Gen'Dai


P.S: Plus immortality!
P.P.S: Best part, we're peaceful and am fighting to right wrongs, but people will think we're bloodthirsty thanks to Durge
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I'm not sure what the attraction of the Noble's Rebel is. Have to hide from family, can't trust basically everyone on the planet, the Empire knows your name quite well, spies everywhere, and the Empire can drop the hammer if they even think you've gotten out of line and the family *will* help feed you to the dogs. Sure, you've got access to family resources, but you are extremely constrained in using it. And without a solid military to keep the Empire out the sector fleet would crush your support base, meanwhile, the other two options allow you to be mobile.
Well, the priority for our guy is to form a small but trusted and able group of like minded people, for getting extra 'muscle' we should raid Imperial transports that have enslaved wookies on board, rescue the wookies and get their life debt automatically, viola, a bunch of top grade shock troops that we can equip and lead.