(Star Wars) Opinions on the Force

US of A
A thread about the Force, and also hopefully with its own mystical force to draw all derailing discussions of such matters from unrelated threads.

I'll start:

See, I never understood this and why people find it appealing. Darker emotions are part of everyday life, everybody has them and to actively prevent yourself from trying to feel them is really fucked up. I'm not sure what the long term results are from practically turning yourself into a sort of precision sociopath would be, but I can't imagine it would be great.

The Idea that the force is more reflective of life with a balance being achieved by not being such an unbalanced person is much more in line with how most people live their lives and infinitely more appealing to most people. Or at the very least, that's my take on it.

It's okay to be angry or sad... just don't be a dick about it. And if some assholes are crusading across the galaxy and genociding people... you don't have to turn the other cheek. It's okay to go cut them the fuck up with plasma swords.

The concept of the Force that resonates with me is that if you draw on your passionate emotions to fuel your actions, you start to become at the mercy of your emotions. It's okay to be angry and frustrated, but when you learn that if you throw a tantrum or attack other people things will go your way, then when other problems come up you're more likely to have another tantrum or hurt more people since it's a proven working method of resolving the problem. That's a way to form bad habbits and become an unpleasant person who hurts others around them and thinks only of themselves when something doesn't go their way.

I'm not sure where the love-passion fits in, but I think of it as something like when young love is passionate and a couple gets married, they can't let these decisions be ruled completely by love/passion because such emotions go through ups and downs. If you're motivating yourself using the strength of your emotions instead of feeling/acknowledging your emotions but conciously making decisions and thinking about what you should do, then when the emotions hit a recession, you might not be able to hold out and make it work till the upswing. Good days/months and bad days/months happen, and you have to be able to not just act on what you're feeling in the moment, but recognise the context of your situation.

That interpretation of the darkside/lightside may not be entirely textually accurate (it may even be very inaccurate), but you asked why people find "The darkside is an addictive, destructive/evil force" appealing, and that's why I do: to me, it's not representing emotions, it's representing a sometimes toxic way of dealing with them. And I like that it makes a statement about that, because I think it's interesting to think about.
Personally, I think that the Light side actually does include anger, love and all those other emotions, but it's more about thinking of long term consequences and applying the minimum force necessary to make a change. It's about analyzing, thinking before acting, then applying that action, emotion doesn't enter into the process of action (but is fine for being a reason why you are acting). The Force exists in everything, it surrounds everything, links everything, and the Light Side is all about using those links in the Force to change things to the desired outcome. A Jedi is supposed to think about and analyze a situation then find the correct path, like using a single pebble to redirect an avalanche. But the thing is, this can seem unfulfilling, like a Jedi just came, tossed a pebble and said 'job done' because the average person can't see how that single pebble directed the avalanche around a village five miles down the hillside.

The Dark Side is when you let your emotions dictate your actions, you want to make the change here and now, doing what feels right at this moment. It's shoving a boulder in that same avalanche without regard of what the future consequences will be. It feels good, the Sith made a difference with their power, in that moment they accomplished their objective and that is a heady feeling. But the Sith doesn't notice how moving that single boulder doesn't save the village, just that he saved himself in that moment (and incidentally did something the Jedi seemed like he couldn't). And taking that back to the Force, the Dark Side is about using the Force to do something in the here and now, demanding that it be done, regardless of how much power it takes, but they don't realize that in doing so they're straining against the Force itself, that network which links everything as if it were a rubber band, and now instead of helping out in the long term, their actions are derailing things around themselves, ultimately stifling and making stagnant the Force, and life itself.

Thus, it is not about emotions which make certain uses of the Force Light or Dark, but rather how you're applying your power. It's about whether the Jedi or Sith is working with the bonds between things that is the Force, or are you straining against it, courting backlash. It's why the Light side is ultimately stronger than the Dark side, and why balance in the Force does not mean that the Light and Dark sides are equal. In the long run, the Jedi who throws a pebble and redirects a whole avalanche is stronger than a Sith who moves a single boulder regardless of how large that boulder is, because it's the Jedi's change which will persist. But using the Force to make changes here and now feels good, you get results, but ultimately it's a dead end.

Of course, one of the most common arguments against this view is that it's basically precepted on the idea that the Force has a will of it's own, a preconceived Destiny or Fate. But I don't think that's it at all, I think that life, and thus the Force, is dynamic, ever changing and growing. All a Jedi is doing is directing that natural change down one path or another, while a Sith is binding that energy to themselves, taking from all around (even if unconsciously) and fails to make a lasting change (or even leaves destruction in their wake)*. And thus the Light side is as strong as all the life in the galaxy, but the Dark is only as strong as a single person.

*Which incidentally is why the Dark powers are so much flashier, how much power is the Emperor taking from the Force to power his lightning [as reflected by how using it disfigured himself], compared to someone like Mace Windu using the Force to see a Shatterpoint which can be altered by simple words to change the fate of the galaxy.

This is reflected by how Yoda tells Luke in the Empire Strikes Back that life creates the Force, makes it grow and how it's energy surrounds us. Then in the Return of the Jedi, Yoda tells Luke that he will know the good from the bad when he's calm, at peace, passive. Then Luke fails the cave because he's the first one to act, he automatically uses his lightsaber when he sees Darth Vader, he didn't think or reach out with the Force, he acted, and failed. But that also why he succeeds later on the Death Star, he sets aside the need to do something, and instead acts calm, with thoughts rather than actions and that turns his father, which sets off the chain of events which kills the Emperor and brings the possibility of peace back, all because he stepped back and turned off his weapon.

Ultimately, the terminology is wrong, it's not two sides of the Force but the method of application. A Sith uses as much power as he has right then to make an immediate change, while a Jedi uses the least power in the most efficient way to make long-term change. One feels good, and makes you appear strong, but the other makes an actual difference and can change the fate of a galaxy.

Thus the difference between Light and Dark has nothing to do with emotions themselves, but letting them rush you to action. A Jedi can despise slavery and hate slavers, but the correct course of action is to think about how to create the best outcome when they encounter a slaver ship, then, only after consideration, putting that plan into action, as opposed to immediately blowing the slaver ship out of the sky. A Jedi would use that opportunity to track the slavers, maybe find out where they're holding their slaves covertly, then arrange for the slaves to be freed while maybe attempting to address whatever situation drove the slave trade as a whole in the first place maybe even managing to covert some of the former slavers into honest citizens, while a Sith would either blow the Slaver out of the sky (and kill any innocents on board) or capture and torture the slaver to find out his backers and bases before methodically destroying each and every base and every slaver, but once they're gone the slave trade will resume because they never did anything to address the underlying cause, merely drove them out for a decade or so. The Sith course of action feels good, you've personally destroyed all the slavers and freed the slaves for now, but the Jedi action is the better path because they will try and address the whole situation with the potential to free the slaves for all time.
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I still prefer the interpretation that the "dark side" is just the natural, instinctual method of using the force, while the "light side" is a cognitive technique that was invented to prevent force users from being corrupted by their own power.
Kreia was right all along

the Force itself is a puppeteer of the galaxy's sapients at best, a corrupting and devastating force upon the galaxy at worst

it needs to be destroyed
I feel like an interpretation of the force that completely validates the worldview of a powerful dogmatic institution and their war against their ideological enemies is the least interesting interpretation of the force.

I like the idea that the nature of the force isn't knowable and is massively open to interpretation by different sects of force users.
I am honestly in favor of Treya's take on the force, she has a point in that it has a will and it keeps staging conflict after conflict after conflict for reasons known only to it.
It's basically what Yoda and Obi-Wan said in the OT

It can guide your actions but it obeys your commands as well, the Dark Side is anger, fear, hate, etc and is the seductive easier path, binds the universe together, etc
I've always been partial to the idea that their is no "Light" or "Dark" side to the Force, and those are just labels being slapped on people's behaviors. Think of the Force as an amplifier, or a power source or something; it can power life saving equipment or it can power a nuclear weapon (or whatever).

It's not a question of tapping into alignment spell tables (Lightsiders can do this, but Dakraiders can do that) but whether or not the user is in harmony with the world around them. The "Dark Side" is just you trying to impose your will upon the world, while the "Light Side" is about letting go of your ego and attachment to the universe and being spiritually centered.

I believe this YT video presents an excellent depiction, analysis, and perspective on the Force as a concept and as whole. Will post more when I am not restricted to my phone.
The force isnt powerful because it can blow up a planet. The death star can do that. The force is powerful because it can take a farm boy from the middle of nowhere and place him in just the right place at just the right time to destroy a deathstar, to end a planet.

But yeah in general I like my force magic to be subtle, crass displays of power are a tool of the foolish or the desperate. ( notice how the winner in both trilogies was the one who didn't fight)
To continue the above, I really like how Solo ended because of this. Like yes, Han Solo is a hero, an exceptional person, and because of that he was able to save the day and arm the rebels. But he still didn't get a happy ending. Qi'ra still chose the black sun.

And part of that is because of the way the empire runs the galaxy, how the institutions in place just make everything generally bad.

But I also believe that it's because the dark side rules the galaxy. The jedi have been defeated. The Sith stand triumphant. And so they have a stranglehold on the force, and everything is just a little bit darker than it otherwise would be. It's easier for people to feel despair and fear and hate, it's harder for them to feel love and happiness. It's just a little bit easier for people to choose evil. It's nothing obvious. But it's there. So when Qi'ra had to choose good or evil, when she stood on the knife edge, the force gave her that little bit of a nudge. But if she'd been faced with that choice a few years later? After Sidious's demise? She would have taken the other choice.

As an aside, my head cannon is that Sidious' rise came with a noticable statistical increase in suicide and depression
The concept of the Force that resonates with me is that if you draw on your passionate emotions to fuel your actions, you start to become at the mercy of your emotions. It's okay to be angry and frustrated, but when you learn that if you throw a tantrum or attack other people things will go your way, then when other problems come up you're more likely to have another tantrum or hurt more people since it's a proven working method of resolving the problem. That's a way to form bad habbits and become an unpleasant person who hurts others around them and thinks only of themselves when something doesn't go their way.
To back up your point with some concrete sources I've found:

It turns out that, even in real life, "anger addiction" is an actual thing (see, e.g., "Anger's Allure: Are You Addicted to Anger?"). Thus, if intense anger is a part of using the Dark Side, it could be that the underlying anger itself is addictive even on top of the "power corrupts" aspect of the Dark Side.

Additionally, the Dark Side provides a great deal of obvious power. Per SciShow Psych's episode on the psychological effects of power, placing someone in a position in a position of perceived power can result in greedier behavior, increased risk-taking, and a reduced capacity for empathy. The episode mentions techniques to reduce those effects, but they tend to be things like empathy meditation, which doesn't seem like the sort of thing someone chasing a rage high would be inclined to pursue.

Also, a side note based on something else in the "CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List" thread:
I always love me some "Darth Vader in the PT" fics. The man is a terrifying, nigh-unstoppable force, but there's only so much the OT can do with that considering the lack of Jedi opponents. Though there is that one scene in Rogue One...
Thinking about this a little bit more, a part of me thinks that it might have been a more interesting direction to have Vader as a relative pushover as far as Force-users go, but still a terrifying and nigh-unstoppable force by virtue of being one of the last Force-users. I think that this would fit better with A New Hope's subtext of Vader and Kenobi as relics of a by-gone age of far greater wonders.

I recognize that the Prequels' "Chosen One" narrative kind of forecloses on this, but still think it's an interesting direction that they could have taken things.
I am honestly in favor of Treya's take on the force, she has a point in that it has a will and it keeps staging conflict after conflict after conflict for reasons known only to it.

I like the SWTOR version via the Imperial Agent storyline.

The Force does not actively cause and create conflict throughout the galaxy for some unknown reason.

It simply gives power to people, without regards for the consequences, and leaves them to their own decisions, whether because it doesn't care or because it can't affect them after giving them that power.

And people being people, they promptly use that power to plunge the galaxy into repeated major wars for their own beliefs and causes.

So less maltheistic than Kreia, but also not really thinking of the Force as a, well, force for good.
My headcanon is that the Dark Side is easier to use because it's the aspect of the Force that is most in tune with living things. It's living things that have emotions after all. So it's the part of the Force easiest for the Force sensitive to tap into; but it's also the aspect of the Force that most easily affects living things in turn, which is a major reason why using it has destructive mental and physical effects. Sith & Dark Jedi channel large amounts of Dark Side energies through themselves, and it distorts & grinds away at them because just as they can touch it easily, it can touch them easily.

Just look at the nasty things Dark Side energy has visibly done physically to its various users, and just imagine what condition their brains must be in.

The Light Side has less affinity with living things and is therefore harder to grasp & use, but for that very reason flows through a Light Side user with far lesser unwanted effects. Since touching at all it takes discipline and effort imperfect control will lead to nothing happening, rather than damage.

On top of this, strong emotion leads to bad judgement, and keeping yourself constantly in an overwrought state so you can use your Dark Side powers properly is not going to turn out well even if it didn't have any mentally corruptive effects.
Nobody in universe actually knows how the force works or what it is. Even the Jedi don't have a good understanding of it and are merely less bad at using it then their competitors.
Kreia's philosophy is bankrupt nihilism and should thus be discarded.
I wouldn't discard her ideas so easily: Kreia makes a lot of good points about the nature of the Force and how it works, regardless of her ultimate interpretation, and as such I think we ought to at least consider what she has to bring to the table.
I wouldn't discard her ideas so easily: Kreia makes a lot of good points about the nature of the Force and how it works, regardless of her ultimate interpretation, and as such I think we ought to at least consider what she has to bring to the table.

Except she has nothing to back them save her perceptions. And those have significant flaws.

You will never hear another Sith speak of the will of the Force. They do not offer the benediction that it will be with you. "May the Force serve you well," is their invocation. They believe in it as a tool, mastered by their will. The will to power. This fits their needs, yes, but even the Sith must take crude reality into account.

The Sith do not, by all accounts, experience the Force as a thing with it's own will. They could not reject the idea so thoroughly and so uniformly if they did, or mock it as they often do. Kreia's key observations and justifications come only from the Jedi.

The Force urges the light to battle the dark, perhaps, but there is little if any evidence it exerts influence on the dark, and much reason to believe such influence would be ignored or actively resisted. Being Sith is about the freedom from answering to anyone or suffering any consequence.

The conflicts Kreia sees it orchestrating seem to have more to do with the capacity to choose the dark in the first place than any clear sign the Force wills them to happen.
My headcanon is that the Dark Side is easier to use because it's the aspect of the Force that is most in tune with living things. It's living things that have emotions after all. So it's the part of the Force easiest for the Force sensitive to tap into; but it's also the aspect of the Force that most easily affects living things in turn, which is a major reason why using it has destructive mental and physical effects. Sith & Dark Jedi channel large amounts of Dark Side energies through themselves, and it distorts & grinds away at them because just as they can touch it easily, it can touch them easily.
I'm not sure what you mean by the Dark Side being the aspect most in tune with living things. Do mean that it's the aspect that's most driven by emotion and instinct?

If so, I think that accords with Leila Hann's interpretation earlier in the thread:

I still prefer the interpretation that the "dark side" is just the natural, instinctual method of using the force, while the "light side" is a cognitive technique that was invented to prevent force users from being corrupted by their own power.

When I was drafting my earlier post, I had originally planned on citing that quote and adding "I agree because . . . " but realized that I couldn't think of anything to put after the "because." I then tried responding "I disagree because . . . " and realized that I still didn't know how to finish the sentence.

The wrinkle that I have with that idea is that the Force having an independent "will" would probably make the Dark Side much harder to use. Getting into the mindset to use the Dark Side may be easier than getting into the mindset for using the Light Side. However, actually using the Dark Side may involve imposing one's will on the Force. Conversely, once one actually reaches the mindset to use the Light Side, the Force itself may do the rest of the leg-work from there.

Under this interpretation, using the Light Side is just a matter of attuning oneself to listen to the Force and to allow the Force to act with oneself as the conduit; conversely, using the Dark Side is a matter of overpowering the will of the lifeforce of the entire galaxy.
Saying the galaxy is in constant conflict between Force users is wrong. It is true that most Star Wars media focuses on periods of conflict because those are the periods which are exciting and make good stories. But you have to remember that the Old Republic was 25,000 years old by the time the Sith finally managed to actually destroy it.

That's more than five times longer than the entirety of the time since humans invented writing to today (admittedly the Republic went through a lot of changes in that time, but there was no period where there wasn't a government which called itself the Galactic Republic which dominated the Core worlds).

Yes, there were periods when various Force users caused conflict, and those conflicts could last centuries or even over a thousand years, but for at least eighty percent of the Republic's history, there were no major Force-user conflicts. Oh, sure there were probably minor heresies and small scale (limited to maybe a dozen planets or so at a time) conflicts, but the Force-users were not the ones in the driver's seat.

Let's see, here's the timeline of major Force related conflicts (as sourced from Wookipedia)[Note: I'm exculding the Ratakan Infinte Empire because that was more or less an actual empire who's rulers were Force users, and not a conflict between Force users)
~25,700 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin/A New Hope) Years pre Republic the Force Wars split the Je'daii Order (the original Jedi from Tython, brought there by mysterious ships 10,000 years before, and then formed a philosophy where balance between Light and Dark sides in an individual was enforced on pain of exile) following a Ratakan invasion. By the time the dust settled, Tython was barely habitable, but the Je'daii Order had rejected the idea that balance between the Light and Dark sides was a good thing and reformed into the Jedi Order exclusively using the Light side, while the Bogan (Dark Side) fled the Jedi then hunted down the Bogan users. This conflict lasted about 10 years, even though it took about seven centuries for the fallout to settle.

~25,000 BBY A series of wars between various planets in the Core leads to the formation of the Old Republic with the help of the Jedi Order (based on their new homeworld of Ossus), who assume an unofficial role as peacekeepers.

~24,500 BBY First Great Schism, conflict between the centralized Jedi council on Ossus and a splinter groups who simultaneously wanted less oversight, and more active intervention in the galaxy (potentially by military force, and subverted by the Dark side), this was a short conflict, no longer than a few years.

~24,000-7,000 BBY No major Force User conflicts. Although there's nearly a dozen Republic civil wars (mostly between Coruscant and Alaskan over which should be more powerful), wars with the Hutts, several wars of expanion, ect. There's even a thousand year period* where the galaxy is in a state of constant total war which had nothing to do with Force users (although a lot to do with xenocide and xenophobia).

*~12,000-11,000 BBY The Republic is taken over by a human-centric religious cult which launches over twenty-three different crusaders to conquer non-human worlds. This ends when the Jedi (who had withdrawn from the Republic following the cult's ascension) with the help of the Bureau of Ships and Services assume direct control of the Old Republic after nearly 1,000 years of human-centric theocratic rule which had resulted in a state of constant war.

~7,000-6,900 BBY Second Great Schism leads to the Hundred Years of Darkness, when a bunch of Jedi alchemists to the Dark Side and start a war with the Jedi. Fighting lasts a century, and created a number of horrors, such as Ranchors and Rackghols thought Dark side alchemy. The alchemists lose and the Jedi, in the hopes that they will reform, exile them. The exiles land on the Korriban, the Sith homeworld, which they then took over, and thus adopted the name Sith for themselves and Ajunta Pall becomes the first Dark Lord of the Sith. (It should be noted, that this conflict, while bad and created monstrosities, was mostly limited to Jedi controlled worlds and the rest of the galaxy was mostly unaffected)

~5,000 BBY In an attempt to prevent a Sith civil war (and incidentally unify the Sith behind himself) Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow starts the Great Hyperspace War against the newly contacted Galactic Republic (which it must be noted was many, many times the size of the Sith Empire, and had a lot better maps and navigation technology). This was undeniably a bad idea. War engulfs the galaxy as the highly militarized Sith Empire takes the relatively decentralized and somewhat peaceful Republic by complete surprise. Billions die, the Sith get all the way to Coruscant before the Republic mobilizes and the Jedi neutralize Naga Sadow's Battle Meditation, but the Republic is still many, many times the size of the Sith Empire and once fully mobilized steamrolls the Sith in less than a year. The Chancellor of the Republic (a non-Force user) then orders a total purge of Sith space, nearly wiping out the Sith species and rendering Korriban lifeless. The splintered remains of the Sith go into hiding. (This is also the point where the Star Cabal was formed)

~4,600 BBY A brief conflict in the reconsituted Sith Empire (still in hiding) happens when Sith Lord Kel'eth Ur falls to the Light side.

~4,250 BBY The Third Great Schism happens when a number of Jedi who were studying the Sith teachings fall to the Dark side. Major fighting occurs on Coruscant, before the Dark Jedi retreat to the Vultar System, which they accidentally destroy.

3998-3995 BBY Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma fall to the Dark side and use the teachings of the Sith (and the tutalage of several Sith Force Ghosts) to form the Brotherhood of the Sith (who are totally separate from the reconstituted Sith Empire, which is still in hiding), this leads to galaxy wide battles as the Sith Brotherhood attempt to conquer the Republic in the Great Sith War. The Jedi homeworld of Ossus is devestated and the Jedi relocate their headquarters to Coruscant.

~3978-3960 BBY The Sith Empire manipulates the Mandalorians into war with the Republic to test their defenses. The Republic does badly until Revan leads a contingent of Jedi against the Jedi Council's orders against the Mandalorians. This was a bad idea. The Sith wanted to test the Jedi more than the Republic, and by entering the war Revan gave them exactly what they wanted. The pressures of war, combined with the knowledge that the someone was manipulating the Mandalorians leads Revan to lead his group of Jedi into the unkown, where they are captured and turned by the Sith.

~3959-3950 BBY The turned Revan starts the Jedi Civil War, which spawns a whole series of internecisne conflicts where Revan's Sith and the Jedi clash with the Republic caught in the middle. This brings an end to the Old Sith Wars, which had started with the fall of Exar Kun nearly 50 years before.

3681-3653 BBY After nearly 2,300 years in hiding the Sith Empire attacks the Republic starting the Great Galactic War. This war lasts nearly 30 years of total war, and ends with an unexpected peace treaty which sets up the Republic and Sith Empire as rough equals in a proxy war.

3653-3642 BBY The Treaty of Coruscant sets the stage for the Galactic Cold War which lasts about a decade before the Sith Empire and Republic go to war again.

3642-3636 BBY The Galactic War rages, the Sith Empire makes impressive inroads towards the Core, before infighting and hardened Republic resistance breaks the Sith offensive. The Sith then go from defeat to defeat as their Emperor goes totally silent and is nearly on the verge of defeat before a third side lead by the Sith Emperor intervenes in the conflict and conquers both sides. (Yes, both the Republic/Jedi and the Sith are conquered, by the Sith's own emperor; and you thought Palpatine's plans could be convoluted)

3632-3630 BBY The Jedi and Sith work together to overthrow the Eternal Empire.

3630-36?? BBY The Third Galactic War between the Republic/Jedi and the Sith Empire. Eventually the Republic wins and the Sith Empire and Sith Order are destroyed.

~2000 BBY The Fourth Great Schism occurs, a Jedi Master falls to the Dark side, unifies the tribal remnants of the Sith Empire and starts the New Sith Wars. This was a Bad Idea.

~2000 BBY-1000 BBY The Republic Dark Ages, the Sith fracture and come back again and again over a 1,000 year period where conflicts splinter the galaxy as groups which had been kept in check by the Jedi take advantage of their distraction to settle old grudes. Massive amounts of technology are lost and trillions die in seemingly never ending wars.

1000 BBY The conflicts finally end when Darth Bane arranges the death of every other Sith along with the Jedi Lords (as the Jedi had increasingly become powers unto themselves in those dark times). The temple Jedi of the Coruscant temple (who had mostly remained on Coruscant during the conflicts, and thus were not present at the Battle of Rushan) assume total control over the Jedi Order and the Republic starts a series of reforms which lead it to the state it was in at the start of The Phantom Menace/the Invasion of Naboo.

1000-19 BBY The Sith remain in the background plotting, but mostly quiet (and some were even content to stay to themselves) until they manage to subvert the Republic from the inside and use it to destroy the Jedi Order.

So, from this timeline we can determine several things. First, while conflicts between Force users can be devastating, they tend to be more short spurts of battle lasting only a few years, with only three (admittedly large) exceptions. Second, the millennia long conflict between the Sith Empire and the Jedi was pretty much started by the stupidity of three people, Naga Sadow (for leading the Sith into a war with a vastly superior enemy) and Supreme Chancellor Pultimo for ordering xenocide against the Sith (thus leading into the cycles of revenge) and ultimately the Jedi who chose to exile the alchemists from the Second Schism rather than purge them out like the First. Third, while there tend to be a plethora of smaller orders, the Light side tends to be dominant on a galactic scale, with about 18,000 years of Jedi dominance and the large-scale conflicts were almost always between non-Force using groups, before the Sith were even a twinkle in the mind's eye (and of the 7,000 years after the Sith formed about 4,000+ were conflict free with the Jedi being dominant and the Jedi ultimately winning when they did come into conflict [even if it could take them awhile]).

Thus of the Republic's 25,000 years at most 1,500 were spent with a major Force user conflict going on, and not all of those actually effected more than a few dozen systems at a time. Reducing that back to our own time scale (from first writing to today) that's about 300 years worth of wars between Force users, which puts it about equal to the Crusades from our history.

TLDR: The Light side wins every time, and pure Dark side tends to be the aberration rather than the norm. Conflicts between Force users only become devastating when the Dark side is left to fester, those who fall to the Dark side without building on someone else's work tend to be relatively ineffectual in the long term. The Dark side is more like an infection that only gets dangerous if left untreated or treated wrong.
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I'm not sure what you mean by the Dark Side being the aspect most in tune with living things. Do mean that it's the aspect that's most driven by emotion and instinct?


The wrinkle that I have with that idea is that the Force having an independent "will" would probably make the Dark Side much harder to use. Getting into the mindset to use the Dark Side may be easier than getting into the mindset for using the Light Side. However, actually using the Dark Side may involve imposing one's will on the Force. Conversely, once one actually reaches the mindset to use the Light Side, the Force itself may do the rest of the leg-work from there.
The other possibility is that it's easier to use the Dark Side, but at the same time it uses you. You don't impose your will on the Dark Side, you just think you do while it makes you into an extension of itself. "Forever will it dominate your destiny".

And yes; I think it's more in tune with living things because emotions are a quality that living things have, and objects don't. The Force permeates everything; but most things don't have emotions, living things do.
The other possibility is that it's easier to use the Dark Side, but at the same time it uses you. You don't impose your will on the Dark Side, you just think you do while it makes you into an extension of itself. "Forever will it dominate your destiny".

And yes; I think it's more in tune with living things because emotions are a quality that living things have, and objects don't. The Force permeates everything; but most things don't have emotions, living things do.

At the same time, like, empathic abilities and the understanding and gentling of animals are well within the Jedi wheelhouse, meanwhile Sith valorize acting like a sociopath that wouldn't know empathy if it slapped you in the face. The Sith are in tune with their emotions, yes, but living things? No, they seek dominion over the animals and dominion over sentients. They value living things less than the Jedi do, at least. Of course, you could say that the Jedi aren't synonymous with what they usually call The Force (and others call the Light Side, but it's actually a philosophically important distinction, because Light-Dark implies an equality to the two, whereas the Force and its Dark Side implies that the latter is a tumor upon the body of the former, which is how the Jedi often think about it.) But canon feats/etc seem to question the idea that the way the Jedi use the Force is somehow not in tune with life.
I feel people misundersrand the jedi when they describe them as unfeeling robots. Jedi are allowed to feel happy, to be dad, hell even to love. They are however told to avoid anger, hatred, possessiveness and jealousy. The evil emotions.

They are taught to let go because death isnt and ending and everything is the will of the force