(Star Wars) Opinions on the Force

I liked the framing in the last jedi- the force IS the balance between living things: this implies that to see and know are light, but to touch and change are dark. This splits it from emotions, and reframes a lot of the flashier Jedi techniques as dark, but I think it matches best with the sense that the mentor figures were trying to convey.
You are spitting back the lies of the Jedi as our Lord Vader would say.
1) There are sides. star Wars is not a logical, but a very manichean Universe. there are two sides, the light side and the dark side. It's canon.
2) The light side, Ashla, does not consist in thinking long-term. The light side's all about being calm. Neither restraining your emotions nor becoming a psycho. Just keeping calm. Again, look at the canon. The only times a Jedi loses his calm attitude, it's young Obi-Wan, who, as a Padawan, was not trained enough to keep calm, and Anakin, which is why he became Vader.
3) The dark side, Bogan, is a complete opposite because its be calm or be not, there is no middle ground. When you're angry, you can go all-out, bursting like hell.
4)No side is better than the other. The dark side is easy to use, hard to master. The light side is hard to use, but when you're finally able to do it, you will master it. it's just a matter of time. It's a question of procrastinating or not.
5)Psychos are naturally on the light side, because they're perpetually calm.
6)The Force has no inner philosophy. What you call the c=Force's will is descriped by Plagueis, in Legends, as the will of the most, existing in the pneuma. "The Force doesn't want to kill him" is originally "he doesn't want to be killed and it influences us through the pneuma".
I'll go to Darth Vader for advice on how to murder little children and justify myself as being good. Any other advice, including on the nature of the Force, I'll ask a Jedi. :V
I'll go to Darth Vader for advice on how to murder little children and justify myself as being good. Any other advice, including on the nature of the Force, I'll ask a Jedi. :V
Don't forget torture, and snapping the necks of (effectively) helpless subordinates just for annoying you.
Oh, and fighting for the continuation of a genocidal, facist, speciest, sexist regime.
A foul genius is still a genius !
And these younglings had a life of endoctrination in front of them, with no way out. I would have kidnapped them. Out of pity.
A foul genius is still a genius !
And these younglings had a life of endoctrination in front of them, with no way out. I would have kidnapped them. Out of pity.

You mean, other than leaving the Jedi Order, which anyone is allowed to do at any time for any reason? I mean, obviously leaving in the middle of a battle, or abandoning other Jedi to die to run away would kinda get looked at.

But when Dooku said, "I quit" the Jedi Order let it happen. They even have processes for people to bail out/fail out as an Initiate and a Padawan.

I'm not even going to get into how morally disgusting it is to portray the murder of children as somehow freeing them, that kinda stands to reason.
And these younglings had a life of endoctrination in front of them, with no way out.

I've made this point before, but it seems I must make it again. For all the Jedi Order of the prequel era makes a fetish of their rules, what mechanisms do they have to enforce them?


They don't have mandatory counseling. They don't have anyone whose job is to check up on things and see how you're doing. They don't have people they send out to bring you back if you go rogue. They definitely don't have anyone whose job is to ensure that you're stopped one way or another if you go Dark.

The Jedi Order literally doesn't have an internal justice system. At all. If you decide to quit, even if they didn't like it, what are they going to do about it?
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You mean, other than leaving the Jedi Order, which anyone is allowed to do at any time for any reason?
I'm not even going to get into how morally disgusting it is to portray the murder of children as somehow freeing them, that kinda stands to reason.
Remind me why Dooku said "I quit"? he broke through the lies of the Jedi.
But yes. it was a mistake to try to justify how Vader lost his calm in the Jedi temple.
Remind me why Dooku said "I quit"? he broke through the lies of the Jedi.
But yes. it was a mistake to try to justify how Vader lost his calm in the Jedi temple.

He broke through the lies of the Jedi... by working together with a Sith to start a galactic civil war (the Clone Wars) that killed untold millions and billions of sentients.

The "lies of the Jedi" like, "Hey, mass-murder and the enslavement of innocents in a racist regime is bad, m'kay."
Seriously, what is it with people fetishizing the fascist rage monsters of the Sith? Dooku was a sociopath concerned with personal power, ditto Sideous, Vader was a self-justifying murderer, Kylo Ren is a spoiled brat in a deathspiral...

Seriously, what is it about Star Wars that isn't clear? Jedi Good, Sith Bad.
Before I came, this discussion was VERY Jedi-/good guys-/Ashla-oriented. I only want you to consider that there is another point of view, twisted by anger, passion (happy Valentine's. passion... Valentine's... you have it ?) and raw madness. I do not like the Sith because of their methods. i like them because of their goals. where the Jedi are holding hands and singing around a campfire, the Sith are extreme individualists. They are the truth. every big project you have is an utopy, because of people like the Sith, only acting in there own interests, and never supporting anyone else then themselves. they represent you, and you didn't even think about it ?
I'll go to Darth Vader for advice on how to murder little children and justify myself as being good. Any other advice, including on the nature of the Force, I'll ask a Jedi. :V

Also advice on leading armies of cloned war slaves in gigantic meat-grinder battles.

Seriously, you don't just turn a bunch of thirteen-year-olds into the Army and Navy officer corps like dressing them up for a school field trip. That shit takes effort and planning, and it's damn well exclusive a set of skills, and a set of military doctrine.
Before I came, this discussion was VERY Jedi-/good guys-/Ashla-oriented. I only want you to consider that there is another point of view, twisted by anger, passion (happy Valentine's. passion... Valentine's... you have it ?) and raw madness. I do not like the Sith because of their methods. i like them because of their goals. where the Jedi are holding hands and singing around a campfire, the Sith are extreme individualists. They are the truth. every big project you have is an utopy, because of people like the Sith, only acting in there own interests, and never supporting anyone else then themselves. they represent you, and you didn't even think about it ?

I mean, Radical Sith Individualists don't actually represent me?