Star Wars: Galaxy in Flames - Arda Ship Design Bureau

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 26, 2023 at 9:00 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Minimizing Fires
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics 1
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 1
    -[X] Sublight drives 1
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons
    [X] Solid split
    -[X] Administration
    -[X] Architecture 1
    -[X] Electronics
    -[X] Hyperspace drives 1
    -[X] Power systems 1
    -[X] Shields 1
    -[X] Structure 2
    -[X] Sublight drives
    -[X] Support Systems 1
    -[X] Weapons 1
First Project - Scope and Size
First Project - Scope and Size
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:08 - Eighth month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

The Ekkaian (The Navy of Arda from the Old Ardan word Ekkaia: Encircling Sea or Outer Sea; Space) is still badly disorganised. Resources to get your department have been allocated but you have received no official guidance on what your priorities are no matter how many times you have asked. Lacking any other option, you have elected to hold a meeting to discuss what you will begin focusing on. You expect that your superiors will accept a fait accompli, given your rigorously documented lack of instructions.

The first idea floated was to update one of your existing designs. While none of the ships you have on file are extremely old, they all make use of components that were imported and no longer available. Reworking one of those designs to be buildable in the current environment would be the fastest and simplest course.

The second idea was to just get to get right to things and start from scratch. The state of the art had advanced since any of your older ships were designed and the needs of the Ekkaian had changed. A fresh start would be more difficult and take longer but the potential rewards all the greater.

The third idea is to import a design from one of the other Reach Pact worlds and give it some basic refinements to be more easily built locally. This is rejected due to the inability to get an answer out of your higher ups. There is no way you could get away with approaching a foreign power, even an allied one, for their military secrets without the active assistance of the Council of Ainur.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 3, 3, 7 = 1 Success]

While a clean slate would be nice, you are awfully short on staff.

The other debate is on what size of ship to work on.

A corvette would be the fastest and easiest both to design and to build. It seems highly likely that the docks to build smaller ships will be completed before the larger capital docks required for frigates and cruisers. On the other hand three of your allies are building ships of that size already and there are persistent rumours that Cimtar will be willing to licence the new design they are working on. If the result is up to the standards set by the refit plans they generated for the Ekkaian's one surviving frigate then it promises to be a worthwhile craft. Maybe not exactly what the Ekkaian wants, but since they haven't told you what they want yet either there is no guarantee that you will be able to do better in that respect.

A frigate would be a longer term option, but the additional time before the yards were ready to build such a ship would give you more time to get your team up to par and ensure that your design was as good as it could be. Every world in the Reach Pact is unable to build frigates at this time and two of the GRTO worlds can. Having something to match their larger ships will be important going forward.

Which of course led to the idea of a cruiser. The now lost Neutron Star-class ships were the pride of the Ekkaian, and the largest ships ever built in Ardan yards. Arda was the only system in the Gordian Reach that could build those 600m long monsters. Unfortunately the damage done by the Stenax means that capability is firmly in the past tense. There is no telling how long it will take to restore the yards enough that a cruiser could be considered for construction. Even with all the difficulties of working on such a large ship it is likely that you would complete your task before the yards were restored to their former glory. That said there is nothing saying that you can't work on the cruiser until you receive some more specific direction about what you are supposed to be working on. It would certainly save time when the project came around again.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 6, 1, 6 = 0 Success. Botch. 6Ps prevent problems.]

You are briefly tempted to push for the Star Destroyer anyway but come to your senses quickly.

No matter how rewarding it would be to accomplish, attempting to design a ship that rivalled a Star Destroyer in size was simply out of the question. Arda had never built a ship of that scale and the complexities would overwhelm your small team. It would be a pure vanity project and making the attempt would be a disservice to all the souls lost to the Stenax.

The debate circles around and around, but in the end it is your decision. What will be the first task of the restored Adra Ship Design Bureau?

[][SCOPE] Upgrade
[][SCOPE] New Design

[][SIZE] Corvette
[][SIZE] Frigate
[][SIZE] Cruiser

The exact nature of the ship to be upgraded will be determined next vote. No need for a plan vote, just vote for each category.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 27, 2023 at 11:20 AM, finished with 29 posts and 14 votes.
First Project - Base Design
First Project - Base Design
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:08 - Eighth month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

Now that the decision has been made to upgrade an existing ship to make it buildable with presently available resources it is time to decide what ship to work on. Presently you have four ships to choose between. Three have been used by the Ekkaian in the past. Well understood designs that are certainly showing their age. Then there is the surprising discovery that the Council of Ainur has already purchased a design from a nearby world. It is only the size of a small corvette but it would be possible to expand it out to meet your design goals.

Jaa assures you that regardless of what ship you use as a base it will be possible to adjust the size if necessary. It will require careful work to make sure that no weaknesses are introduced but the task is well within his capabilities.

Option A: Light Frigate - Patrol Ship/Hybrid Carrier
This ship was heavily influenced by the Marauder-class corvette. It shares a similar mission profile on an entirely locally designed hull. Compared to the Marauder this ship is about 20m longer. The extra size allows for stronger shields and slightly better command and control systems. These ships were often sent out on independent patrols, where their squadron (2 flights) of fighters proved to be very useful.

The armament of this design is purely turbolaser based, identical to the Marauders that inspired it. Eight light turbolasers in double mounts on the fore, with a dorsal and ventral double mount for all around coverage. Their primary protection against hostile fighters comes from the squadron of fighters.

The half dozen that were in service gave a good account of themselves before being destroyed by the Stenax.

[Jaa: These ships are an affront to all sense of style. My predecessors simply modified the Marauder enough to prevent legal action and called it good enough. In so doing they destroyed what faint elegance could be found on the original and replaced it with slab sides and potential weakpoints. Infuriating!]

[Sola: The reactor they put into these ships was actually rather impressive for the time. It's over 20 years old now but still an acceptable design. We will probably be able to keep it unless we vastly increase the power draw.]

Option B: Light Frigate - Corvette Leader/Patrol Ship
This ship was the mainstay of the Ekkaian. Another small frigate, this ship was designed to give pirates a hard time and not require extensive amounts of maintenance. By modern standards they were a little under armed and their shields left something to be desired but they were well liked by their crews. Their command and control systems were good and they were often used to lead small squadrons of corvettes.

They carried six light turbolasers split between three turrets. One fore, and one each port and starboard. All three could focus fire on targets dead ahead, with the side turrets being able to engage most ships to the aft. They mounted a number of anti-fighter lasers to deal with smaller attackers. Nothing compared to a Lancer, but more than any corvette in service that your people are aware of.

One limiting factor is that it does not have the hangar space for any fighters. It would probably be possible to add them but that would require a significant amount of design work.

[Jaa: Now these ships have some semblance of grace. The architects had some small amount of vision, combining an understated elegant simplicity while maintaining a respectable amount of functionalism. I could do better, of course, but it will be far easier for me to start with this instead of that abomination of Option A.]

[Sola: Not much to say here. It's an old design but it still holds up. I'm worried about the shield generators' lack of strength but that's nothing that a better reactor can't solve.]

Option C: Light Frigate - Extended GR-75c
When you first received the technical details on the modifications of the GR-75 that Cimtar turned into an escort carrier as the GR-75c the reactions from Jaa Beruss and Sola Bibblie were quite negative. Then they got to the appendix that had the blueprints of what the Gallofree engineers had originally supplied and their tune changed. Whoever was leading the Cimtarn ship bureau had worked miracles working to fix the immense number of problems. This changed to admiration once they started noting the time stamps on the various revisions and realized that it was done over the course of a month. They still wouldn't want to be onboard one of those in a real battle, but they can respect the little tuber for what it is. A cheap and easy way to get a lot of fighters from point A to point B.

The ship would have been shelved for consideration in the future when Sola had an idea. The basic design is fairly modular. In theory you could expand the design to be more in line with a small frigate. This would give you a great deal of potential space to deal with the shortcomings of the design. Initial sketches indicate that even with a substantially reinforced hull you would be able to fit six squadrons (12 flights) onto the ship along with enough repair and maintenance facilities to make it a proper carrier. All while keeping it relatively inexpensive.

You are legally allowed to use these plans as a starting point, as long as you honor the reciprocal agreement with Cimtar. Because Cimtar has already solved the problems of imported components, that is one less headache. On the other hand expanding a ship is not as simple as adding more frames. So you are trading one set of problems for another.

[Jaa: An affront to good taste, yet I must pass my respects to this Dr. Prissidut. She was given an unenviable task and succeeded beyond all reasonable expectations. I consider it a worthy challenge to take up the gauntlet and see if I can exceed her admirable performance.]

[Sola: It's ugly and only one step up from being a death trap, but the potential I see is exciting. Getting the fighter complement of an Imperial-class on a small frigate? You can't tell me that isn't an intriguing possibility.]

Option D: Frigate - Light Carrier
The last option is to take Arda's old light carrier as a starting point for upgrades. The ship is larger than the others under consideration, more or less average sized for a frigate. The ship served as the main carrier for the Ekkaian for nineteen years, until the three ship class was wiped out by the Stenax surprise attack.

Foreign observers frequently refer to the ship as a budget Quasar Fire. They are slightly smaller and less robust and carry three quarters of the Quasar Fire's complement of fighters. The armament is roughly comparable, just enough to discourage a lone corvette from getting too bold.

The extended GR-75c would carry an estimated two wings to Option D's one. However the larger size gives you more room to upgrade the ship. This could be stronger shields, better weapons,

[Jaa: A serviceable design. I have little to say about it, beyond that it neither excites or enrages me.]

[Sola: These ships have a reputation for power problems. Maintenance on the reactors was a constant source of complaint. Attempts to modify the reactors never really solved the underlying problems. I suspect we would need to start from scratch if we want to avoid future headaches.]

You have still been stymied in your efforts to get a clear answer on what the Ekkaian is looking for. From some questions asked on public forums and of low ranking officers you suspect that any of the four designs will be acceptable.

No moratorium on votes. Light frigates are not commonly used. They are small enough that some of the limitations of corvettes are present without the size of a standard frigate to overcome them. They do not suffer to nearly the degree that light corvettes do and are still considered potentially useful ships. Basically every canon frigate I've done for the game has been a standard frigate, as I did not have a statline for the light frigate in the ruleset I use for the main game. It was easy enough to create the statline and to slot it in between when I had the need here. So Arquitens, Carracks, EF76 Nebulon-Bs, and Lancers are all in the middle category.

Jaa's team can take a light frigate and expand it to the size of a standard frigate. That will take time and effort but isn't an absurd task. Similarly you could expand Option D up to the size of a large frigate, bringing it inline with the Quasar Fire.

Upsizing a ship by more than one category is not normally possible. The GR-75c is an exception, due to the nature of the design.

None of these options are traps. They will all have challenges for you to face.

[] Option A: Light Frigate - Patrol Ship/Hybrid Carrier
[] Option B: Light Frigate - Corvette Leader/Patrol Ship
[] Option C: Light Frigate - Extended GR-75c
[] Option D: Frigate - Light Carrier
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 28, 2023 at 7:28 PM, finished with 24 posts and 17 votes.
First Project - Initial Task List
First Project - Initial Task List
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:09 - Ninth month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

With the Option B selected it was time for your team to start digging into all the existing documentation you had access to on the Eambar-class frigates. Everything needed to be looked at. Problems that needed fixing, opportunities for improvement, and unavailable systems that would need complete replacement. You and your project leads were run ragged providing what guidance you could to your staff.

[A/N: The following tests are for finding problems, solutions, and opportunities with the material you have to work with.]


[Jaa 3d10 + Department 2d10 = 5d10, Double 9s. 1,1,1,2,8 = 1 Success]

While Jaa is relieved that he doesn't need to stare at the abominable plans of the Marauder knock off, his evaluation of the Eambar's long term prospects is only middling. The basic hull form is well established and known to your yard dogs, one of the primary reasons why it was selected for an upgrade. There are no significant weaknesses that need to be addressed, but no clear paths to bringing greater functionality to the ship, beyond simply making it larger. The idea of adding a small hangar is looking much less practical than previously hoped.

Furthermore Jaa states that making the ship suitably inspiring for the reborn Ekkaian will be quite time consuming. He may be forced to settle for only minor tweaks.


[Sola 1d10 + Department 2d10 = 3d10. 5, 5, 4 = 0 Successes]

The relatively low mass of these components means that both communications suites and
sensor suites were imported from five different sources in the Core and Inner Rim. Currently Sola's best suggestions are to take some civilian grade units that could have a basic ruggedization pass and be used as is or to put out tenders and see what can be imported. Trying to develop your own in-house systems will be tricky until you get more staff.

Hyperspace drives

[Department 2d10. 9, 1 = 1 Success]

The hyperdrives on the Eambars are still being built locally and perform acceptably. The team will have to do some checks to make sure that any modifications don't impact it but it's unlikely there will be any headaches here. If you elect to extend the hull the hyperdrive will require modifications to compensate.

Power systems

[Sola 3d10 + Department 2d10 = 5d10. 4, 3, 10, 10, 3 = 4 Successes]

Sola looks concerned when she delivers her report on the power systems of the Eambars. The old Mark 17 reactors entered service before the Clone Wars. They were reliable and easy to maintain but they were showing their age even before the fall of the Empire. With the higher energy demands of new systems it will almost certainly be necessary to look at a new option.

The good news is that her team has managed to find two local prospects already in development. Both look suitable but each does come with some trade-offs.


[Sola 1d10 + Department 2d10 = 3d10. 9, 4, 9 = 2 Successes]

It seems that the old shield generators were imported from Corellia. Like with so many things it was just substantially cheaper to bring them in. That's coming back to bite us now as Corellia might as well be in another galaxy for how accessible it is. There are some shield generators now being produced in the Reach, but something purpose built is likely going to be better for us. The team has already started examining options and have provided you with a list.


[Jaa 3d10 + Department 2d10 = 5d10. 9, 8, 5, 9, 3 = 3 Successes]

Jaa is grudgingly approving of the Eambar's bones and skin. The alloy used in the main structural members was updated for the last flight built, while the size and placement of those bones was not altered. This will provide a comfortable margin to alter things without compromising integrity.

Sublight drives

[Department 2d10. 8, 6 = 1 Success]

The sublight drives are going to be a significant headache. The engines originally mounted on the Eambars were based on a licensed design that nobody was ever truly happy with. They lacked thrust which required a more substantial engine cluster than had been originally planned. This caused maintenance headaches. Furthermore the factory that built them was destroyed by the Stenex. The only good news is that this does leave open the prospect of an entirely new set of drives not holding to the compromises of the previous ones instead of getting the old drives back into production. New drives would be more expensive and time-consuming but probably pay off in the long run.

Support Systems

[Lora 1d10 + Department 2d10 = 3d10. 10, 5, 3 = 2 Successes]

You are no engineer but you can't spend as much time doing your job without picking up on a few things about support systems. Overall you are fairly happy with what you see. Some key components of the life support systems were imported from halfway across the Galaxy, but you are aware of some local suppliers that should be able to fill that gap.


[Sola 1d10 + Department 1d10 = 2d10. 10, 5 = 2 Successes]

Sola reports that the Weapons teams have produced wonders given their small numbers. They have prepared an in-depth report on every weapon that is available for production, purchase or licence in the Reach.

The anti-fighter armaments are fairly simple. The factories for the Eambar's heavy laser cannon have recently returned to full operation. A close range quad-laser design is also available.

Turbolasers had been imported but thanks to Cimtar's massive industrialization efforts over the past decade or so they have plenty to sell. They advertise a full selection of light, medium, and heavy models and have generous licensing agreements if they are going to be made for Reach Pact forces. You're not certain if the government has signed any of these deals yet but you do know that you have been given the full technical specifications so you can plan around using them.

If we want to mount concussion missiles or proton torpedoes on the ship that's going to be harder. The few that were used by the Ekkaian were imported designs and there is no local source for munitions. The general consensus is that they are going to be more trouble then they are worth for a frigate.

Overall the ship was a little under armed by the standards of frigates 20 years ago. There are now some corvettes that are able to outshoot them in either an anti-fighter or anti-ship role. As far as you are aware there are no corvettes that can do so in both at once.

There will be 1 turn a month, with 4 rounds per turn each a week long. Skill checks will be made once per round. You currently have no hard time limits. A new corvette from scratch could be expected to take about 9 months. A new frigate over a year. Using an existing design will speed things up, although it will depend on how much you change. I'll remind people this is an experiment and I'm probably going to get results that don't make much sense. That's expected and will give me more information to revise things going forward.

Once you have set your Task List there will be actions to address each of those tasks on a turn by turn basis. Tasks that prove untenable can be changed. So if you discover that the reactor you are working on is not going to meet your needs it is possible to change to another reactor. Changes will increase the Target Number of the Architecture roll.

The exact specifications will be revealed as the process advances.

Most rolls will be extended tests, requiring a number of Successes to complete (Target Number). Additional Successes will improve the results. More complicated tasks will increase the difficulty of the test. This is the minimum number of Successes you need in order to make any progress. Difficulty 2 means rolling 2 successes will give you 1 progress towards the Target Number.

Please see the Mechanics threadmark for more details.


All changes to systems of the ship will add to the Target Number required on the Architecture tests. The most elaborate changes will increase the difficulty of the test.

Choose one [Architecture] and one [Jaa] option.

-[][Architecture] Keep it simple. Only allow for necessary changes to the hull layout. This will not allow major changes like adding a hangar. (Base Target Number 0)
-[][Architecture] Refine the design to take advantage of modern materials. (Base Target Number 10)
-[][Architecture] Expand the hull to the size of a common frigate (Base Target Number 20, +1 Difficulty)

-[][Jaa] Keep Jaa reigned in. He will complain but he is professional enough to keep it reasonable. (Penalty to Jaa Morale negated by current circumstances)
-[][Jaa] Allow Jaa some freedom to be creative. (+8 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies)
-[][Jaa] Allow Jaa to indulge himself. (+1 Difficulty, +15 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies. Bonus to Jaa Morale.)

Choose one each of [Sensors] and [Comms]

-[][Sensors] Select a civilian sensor suite and ruggedize it to military standards.
-[][Sensors] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.
-[][Sensors] Keep the sensors in house.

-[][Comms] Select a civilian communication suite and ruggedize it to military standards.
-[][Comms] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.
-[][Comms] Keep the communication systems in house.

Hyperspace drives
Choose one [Hyperdrive] option.

-[][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.
-[][Hyperdrive] There is always room for improvement. (Mandatory if Expand the hull is selected)

Power systems
Choose one [Power] option.

-[][Power] Keep the old Mark 17. It's good enough, provided that you don't add much to the power requirements. It will struggle in a larger ship.
-[][Power] The Mark 22 is the latest revision of the Mark 17. It is still in prototyping but promises to be a straight upgrade over the mark 17. Sola favours this option.
-[][Power] The new offering from Eregion Power is notably larger than the Mark 17, but it delivers significantly more power. This might be necessary if a large number of power hungry systems are added.

Choose one [Shields] option.

-[][Shields] Reverse engineer the old shields.
-[][Shields] Put out a RFQ to Reach Pact worlds for something you can import or licence.
-[][Shields] Start work on a new set of generators in house.

Choose one [Structure] option.

-[][Structure] The structure needs no significant changes. Restrict things to the minimum needed.
-[][Structure] What you have is good, but if more radical alterations are desired then good might not be enough. (Required to add a fighter hanger to the ship)

Sublight drives

-[][Sublight] Request for the old drives to be put back into production.
-[][Sublight] Request for tenders for a new design either locally or from the Pact.
-[][Sublight] Start work on an in house solution.

Support Systems
Choose the only [Support] option for tracking purposes.

-[][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.

Choose one [Weapons] option.

-[][Weapons] Keep it simple. Attempt a like for like replacement for the existing weapons.
-[][Weapons] Upgrade the firepower.

Voting will be by plan. Example below. I'll not open voting for at least 18 hours, probably the following day. I expect I'll have a bunch of questions to answer as I did this post while somewhat under the weather.

[] Plan: Top Option each time.
-[][Architecture] Keep it simple. Only allow for necessary changes to the hull layout. This will not allow major changes like adding a hangar. (Base Target Number 0)
-[][Jaa] Keep Jaa reigned in. He will complain but he is professional enough to keep it reasonable. (Penalty to Jaa Morale negated by current circumstances)
-[][Sensors] Select a civilian sensor suite and ruggedize it to military standards
-[][Comms] Select a civilian communication suite and ruggedize it to military standards.
-[][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.
-[][Power] Keep the old Mark 17. It's good enough, provided that you don't add much to the power requirements. It will struggle in a larger ship.
-[][Shields] Reverse engineer the old shields.
-[][Structure] The structure needs no significant changes. Restrict things to the minimum needed.
-[][Sublight] Request for the old drives to be put back into production.
-[][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.
-[][Weapons] Keep it simple. Attempt a like for like replacement for the existing weapons.
First Project - Turn 1
First Project - Turn 1
Arda II, Arda System, Gordian Reach, Outer Rim
41:09 - Ninth month of the Year 41 after the Great ReSynchronization

[A/N: In theory there should have been another vote before these results, with you deciding what exactly you are tasking the teams with and where you are assigning your Characters. For this turn I selected this due to a relative lack of options and a desire to have a meaningful post before the next vote.]

With a set of general tasks for each department selected you turn your people loose. You'll be busy trying to find more people while the departments attempt to redesign a frigate with less than half the staff that you'd expect for such a task. If the Reach wasn't on the verge of even more open fighting you'd probably not be considering asking your people to do this. Of course if the Reach wasn't on the verge you'd never have this job in the first place.

Week 1

Administration - Skeleton crew - 1d

[Lora 2d10 + Headhunting 1d10 + Department 1d10 = 5d10, Double 9s. 2, 1, 3, 3, 7 = 1 Success]

You spend your time going through applications and holding interviews. You had done a good job of hiring every acceptable person while you were setting up the Bureau, so pickings were slim.

Architecture - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Architecture] Refine the design to take advantage of modern materials. (Base Target Number 10)
-[X][Jaa] Allow Jaa some freedom to be creative. (+8 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies)

[Jaa 3d10 + Elegant Beauty 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10, Double 9s. 3, 9, 6, 8, 5, 2, 4 = 3 Successes]

Jaa's team begins laying the groundwork for the pending changes to the hull. Many things are still to be determined, but some things were already pretty much fixed.

Electronics - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sensors] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.

[Department 2d10. 3, 6 = 0 Successes]

The first week of examining potential sensor systems gave little concrete results.

Hyperspace Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.

[Department 2d10. 9, 2 = 1 Success]

The hyperdrive team spends their time running simulations to see if the various potential changes to the hull will impact the drive.

Power Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Power] The Mark 22 is the latest revision of the Mark 17. It is still in prototyping but promises to be a straight upgrade over the mark 17. Sola favours this option.

[Sola 3d10 + Compactness 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10. 7, 3, 9, 4, 8, 7, 10 = 6 Successes]

Sola's end of week report glows with praise for the Mark 22. She's confident that it will solve all the problems of the Mark 17 and fit into a smaller space.

Shields - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Shields] Put out a RFQ to Reach Pact worlds for something you can import or licence.

[Department 2d10. 6, 3 = 0 Successes]

Evaluating the quotes received is going to take some time given how short staffed the team is. At least it can be reported that there have been no major setbacks.

Structure - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Structure] What you have is good, but if more radical alterations are desired then good might not be enough. (Required to add a fighter hanger to the ship)

[Department 2d10. 3, 10 = 2 Successes]

Working in accordance with some general directives from Jaa, the Structure team makes good progress in determining what new materials should be used for the hull.

Sublight Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sublight] Request for tenders for a new design either locally or from the Pact.

[Department 2d10. 3, 3 = 0 Successes]

Just as with a number of other departments the process of getting quotes is a slow one.

Support Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.

[Department 2d10. 9, 7 = 2 Successes]

The life support question is a relatively simple one. The first week has them running tests on a few promising sample units.

Weapons - Skeleton crew - 1d
-[X][Weapons] Upgrade the firepower.

[Department 1d10. 1 = Botch!]

The armament of a ship is of key importance. Thus you are quite distressed when you get a report that the entire department has been hospitalised due to a chemical leak in their offices. All are expected to make a full recovery, but they will not be returning to work for at least another week.

Week 2

Administration - Skeleton crew - 1d


[Lora 2d10 + Headhunting 1d10 + Department 1d10 = 5d10, Double 9s. 3, 9, 10, 5, 8 = 5 Successes]

You decide to run a series of advertisements on the CBC that leads to better results than simply searching Arda. A number of professionals decide to take advantage of the chance to get in on the ground floor of the new ASDB.

Architecture - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Architecture] Refine the design to take advantage of modern materials. (Base Target Number 10)
-[X][Jaa] Allow Jaa some freedom to be creative. (+8 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies)

[Jaa 3d10 + Elegant Beauty 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10, Double 9s. 6, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 = Botch prevented by 6Ps]

You are forced to pull Jaa up short as he becomes enraptured with some highly esoteric possibilities offered by the new materials. The sketches certainly looked beautiful but they were utterly impractical.

Electronics - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sensors] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.

[Department 2d10. 9, 5 = 2 Successes]

The second week goes substantially better than the first week. Progress is being made.

Hyperspace Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.

[Department 2d10. 10, 2 = 2 Successes]

The hyperdrive team continues to run simulations in light of all the data that their colleagues in the other departments could give them.

Power Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Power] The Mark 22 is the latest revision of the Mark 17. It is still in prototyping but promises to be a straight upgrade over the mark 17. Sola favours this option.

[Sola 3d10 + Compactness 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10. 5, 7, 2, 7, 7, 3, 10 = 5 Successes]

Sola describes the Mark 22 as a dream to work with. According to all the testing they have been able to do so far it's powerful, compact, and reliable.

Shields - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Shields] Put out a RFQ to Reach Pact worlds for something you can import or licence.

[Department 2d10. 5, 10 = 2 Successes]

With more quotes flowing in, the Shield department has started eliminating unsuitable designs.

Structure - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Structure] What you have is good, but if more radical alterations are desired then good might not be enough. (Required to add a fighter hanger to the ship)

[Department 2d10. 4, 7 = 1 Success]

More incremental progress is made with the structure team.

Sublight Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sublight] Request for tenders for a new design either locally or from the Pact.

[Department 2d10. 1 , 4 = Botch]

The sublight drives are proving to be quite a problem. None of the prospective options are going to be compatible with the drive housings. The entire section is going to have to be reworked from scratch. (+5 Architecture TN)

Support Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.

[Department 2d10. 8, 10 = 3 Successes]

One of the local companies is swiftly pulling ahead of the competition. Their product seems exceptionally promising.

Weapons - Skeleton crew - 1d
-[X][Weapons] Upgrade the firepower.

After being released from hospital the department staff spent this week at home recovering from the chemical leak.

Week 3

Administration - Skeleton crew - 1d


[Lora 2d10 + Headhunting 1d10 + Department 1d10 = 5d10, Double 9s. 3, 1, 8, 10, 5 = 3 Successes]

The foreign applicants have started moving through the hiring process. You have spotted a couple people that look promising for a more senior position.

Architecture - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Architecture] Refine the design to take advantage of modern materials. (Base Target Number 10)
-[X][Jaa] Allow Jaa some freedom to be creative. (+8 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies)

[Jaa 3d10 + Elegant Beauty 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10, Double 9s. 10, 5, 7, 9, 3, 5, 5 = 5 Successes]

Jaa seems to have learned his lesson and quickly resolves the problems introduced by the drive team's discovery.

Electronics - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sensors] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.

[Department 2d10. 1, 9 = 1 Success]

Slow and steady is all you can expect given the circumstances, and it is all you do get.

Hyperspace Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.

[Department 2d10. 8, 9 = 2 Successes]

The hyperdrive team continues to run like a well oiled machine.

Power Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Power] The Mark 22 is the latest revision of the Mark 17. It is still in prototyping but promises to be a straight upgrade over the mark 17. Sola favours this option.

[Sola 3d10 + Compactness 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10. 1, 8, 3, 2, 6, 4, 4 = 1 Success]

Progress has slowed on the Mark 22 as the team finds itself running up against the fact that what the other departments have managed to accomplish limits progress with the reactor.

Shields - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Shields] Put out a RFQ to Reach Pact worlds for something you can import or licence.

[Department 2d10. 5, 3 = 0 Successes]

Delays abound as some of the shield units that were supposed to be tested don't arrive until the end of the week.

Structure - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Structure] What you have is good, but if more radical alterations are desired then good might not be enough. (Required to add a fighter hanger to the ship)

[Department 2d10. 5, 4 = 0 Successes]

The structure department continues to work. Some of the things they tested have failed to live up to expectations.

Sublight Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sublight] Request for tenders for a new design either locally or from the Pact.

[Department 2d10. 5, 2 = 0 Successes]

Drives powerful enough to move a 215m frigate at speed are not simple in any respect. You receive another request for more staff to help expedite the process that you place with all the others that have been hitting your inbox.

Support Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.

[Department 2d10. 10, 1 = 2 Successes]

The life support team has almost settled on a design. It just needs a bit of final testing to make certain there are no unexpected problems.

Weapons - Skeleton crew - 1d
-[X][Weapons] Upgrade the firepower.

[Department 1d10. 5 = 0 Successes]

While the team has returned to work they have been hesitant to make use of their old offices. Eventually they are satisfied with the very detailed inspection they do in full hazmat gear, but by that time there is no time for them to do their assigned job.

Week 4

Administration - Skeleton crew - 1d


[Lora 2d10 + Headhunting 1d10 + Department 1d10 = 5d10, Double 9s. 3, 5, 9, 8, 4 = 3 Successes]

As the month draws to a close you finally are able to bring some new people on board. Nowhere near enough, but at least you'll be able to get a few departments closer to being fully staffed. You are particularly pleased with one hire in particular. You plan to put them in charge of a department just as soon as the paperwork is finished.

Architecture - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Architecture] Refine the design to take advantage of modern materials. (Base Target Number 10)
-[X][Jaa] Allow Jaa some freedom to be creative. (+8 Target Number, Specialization 'Elegant Beauty' applies)

[Jaa 3d10 + Elegant Beauty 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10, Double 9s. 1, 6, 5, 10, 8, 9, 5 = 5 Successes]

The changes to the hull are not going to stop any time soon, but it seems that Jaa is starting to get a good handle on how the new materials are going to impact the design.

Electronics - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sensors] Put out open tenders to corporations operating on Reach Pact member worlds.

[Department 2d10. 7, 6 = 1 Success]

With the month drawing to an end you have now received a short list of prospects for the sensor systems. It's a bit of a mixed bag but your people are confident that everything on the list will at least meet the overall minimum standards for a warship's sensor suite.

Hyperspace Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Hyperdrive] It's not broken, don't fix it.

[Department 2d10. 1, 10 = 2 Successes]

The hyperdrive team has been working exceptionally hard. You don't understand what the reports mean, but spending time questioning the interim team lead you get the sense that they have produced good work. In fact you are starting to consider promoting them.

Power Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Power] The Mark 22 is the latest revision of the Mark 17. It is still in prototyping but promises to be a straight upgrade over the mark 17. Sola favours this option.

[Sola 3d10 + Compactness 2d10 + Department 2d10 = 7d10. 6, 7, 1, 8, 9, 3, 2 = 3 Successes]

Sola looks supremely happy with herself as she walks you through the results of the last month of work by her team. You have to stop her so she can break things down for you frequently but by the end of her presentation you are starting to grasp what the Mark 22 is making her so happy. It's competitive with the output on a Nebulon-B while taking up noticeable less room. It's quite possible that the Mark 22 will be able to be standardised as the reactor of any future Frigates as well.

Shields - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Shields] Put out a RFQ to Reach Pact worlds for something you can import or licence.

[Department 2d10. 2, 9 = 1 Success]

The results from the shields team are not impressive but at least they have been able to give Jaa and Sola solid numbers for the maximum and minimum expected space and power required by the units still under consideration.

Structure - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Structure] What you have is good, but if more radical alterations are desired then good might not be enough. (Required to add a fighter hanger to the ship)

[Department 2d10. 5, 6 = 0 Successes]

It seems finding combinations of materials that are able to exceed the performance of the Eambar's existing hull is harder than expected. The team doesn't feel like they have been defeated but warn that without more people it's going to be a long process.

Sublight Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Sublight] Request for tenders for a new design either locally or from the Pact.

[Department 2d10. 1, 8 = 1 Success]

The only sliver of good news that comes from the sublight drive department is that they have some potential drives to start looking at. This is tempered by the fact that none of them are currently in production and the decisions are going to have to be made off of the engineering documents and simulations.

Support Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
-[X][Support] Examine local suppliers for life support systems.

[Department 2d10. 6, 9 = 1 Success]

The life support question is one that you feel confident has been answered. The new system is going to require very minimal modifications to the existing structure of the hull while providing 5% higher rates of containment scrubbing. The excellent work done here has convinced you to promote the interim Support Systems team lead to the role permanently.

Weapons - Skeleton crew - 1d
-[X][Weapons] Upgrade the firepower.

[Department 1d10. 2 = 0 Successes]

The entire weapons team spent the entire week in Cimtar attending demonstrations of their Turbolaser lines. They come back with a wealth of data that simply confirms the fact that yes, you will be importing or licensing the only viable option for turbolasers in the Reach.


End of Month Retrospective

The end of month report is a mixed bag. Some of your departments exceeded your wildest expectations while others failed to accomplish anything of note, although at times through no fault of their own. With the new staff you've managed to bring on board things should go better next month.

One piece of good news is that you have received official approval to continue with your current project. So at least you can feel comfortable knowing that the last month wasn't wasted.

This turn has been a real challenge. I've been constantly changing how the back end system works for ship design and it is just not ready for the players to sink their teeth into. So things are going to be a bit abstract until I can nail things down. I keep getting one thing working and then discovering it breaks something else.

This is why I'm going to only slowly introduce systems and elements of concern. I have also elected that for this project Budget is not going to be directly tracked.

The TN listed for options below is that for the department in question. Options that increase the Architecture difficulty will be called out as doing so. Pretty much everything requires more TN for the Architecture tests. Every check on a task adds 0.5 to the TN for Architecture with 0.5 rounding up at the end of the project. The longer they need to work on something the more work Jaa needs to do. Once something is finalised then you can stop worrying about it changing and Jaa can finalise that portion of the ship design.

You have a cap of 5 major NPCs. I was going to have them trickle in, but for the sake of pacing I'm going to let you fill the remaining 3 slots this turn if you so choose. No traps, just select who you think will be the most useful.

Things described as "+Item" make them better, while "-Item" are worse. So "++Speed" is very fast. "+Cost" means it is less expensive. Yes, it is a bit counter intuitive but the other option is for there to be doubt about if a + or - is good for any particular option. It's very simple. + is good. - is bad.

"-Imported" items are from outside the system but fairly nearby with little chance of a hostile power disrupting things. So things from Feldwes for example. "--Imported" items are from places like Torque or Cimtar that have the core of GRTO between you and them.

Please note where you want your characters to be working. See the example post for details. I will assign any new NPCs to the most appropriate task to their skill set.

Administration - Skeleton crew - 1d
Recruitment = 12 Successes

In addition to filling some of the massive shortfall in personal numbers for the teams, you have found two good prospects for bringing onto your leadership team alongside Sola and Jaa. You still have a lot of positions to fill, so you will keep the HR department working on filling those holes.

Select the single [Administration] option and up to two [JOB] options then assign 6 dice to the departments. You can have a maximum of 3 dice per department. This will make the department fully staffed. Once the entire bureau is fully staffed then specialities will be available. See the example plan at the bottom of this post.

-[][Administration] Continue to recruit staff

-[][JOB] Administrator
They have skill with keeping people on track, managing budgets, and talking to your political masters. They are somewhat lacking experience in but have a proven track record at their previous positions.

-[][JOB] Sensor Scientist
They are not engineer, but rather a research scientist. They focus on the more theoretical side of ship design, specifically advanced sensor systems. The papers they have written have been transformed into a number of excellent systems by some prominent firms.

-[][JOB] Drive Systems Engineer
Speed is life. Life is Speed. For their entire career they have been driven by a singular obsession. Making drives that can make ships as fast as physics allows. They have been censured a time or two for over delivering on that aspect to the detriment of things like cost or service life.

-[][JOB] Deflector Shield Engineer
This engineer has a very simple outlook. Shields are the main way of preserving starships from a myriad of dangers. They need to be strong, they need to be reliable. Concerns of power efficiency and 'elegance' are of no concern compared to the utter importance of the shields working right the first time, every time.

-[][JOB] Life Support Expert
Having proven themselves with the Life Support project, this junior engineer is due for a promotion. The only question is if they will be promoted to team lead or if you are going to bring them onto your leadership committee.

-[][JOB] Munitions Expert
Hailing from Cimtar, this engineer is an expert in the field of missiles and torpedoes. They helped build up a successful new company and are now looking for fresh challenges.

Architecture - Short Staffed - 2d
Hull Redesign Current TN 23 = 13 Successes

Jaa has made good progress on revising the Eambar hull. It's still a work in progress so he will continue to work on it.

-[][Architecture] Continue the hull redesign.

Electronics - Short Staffed - 2d
Sensor Prospects = 4 Successes
The Electronics team has fallen in love with the performance of the Omniscan XI but they admit that the YTR system would be vastly easier to implement.

-[][Electronics] Hailing from Feldwes, the YTR-Electronic Warfare System is a simple and inexpensive option. Its performance is purely middling but it would be hard to interdict your trade with Feldwes. (TN 7. +Cost, -Imported.) [A/N - Remember +Cost is good for you.]
-[][Electronics] The Longeye 1005 is, as the name implies, optimised for long range accuracy. The system does respond slightly slowly making it less effective once targets are at point blank range. The previous versions were used on the ships built by Torque and are well respected. (TN 10. +Long Range Accuracy, -Close Range Accuracy, --Imported.)
-[][Electronics] Presbalin is offering its Omniscan XI TA/T/S for your consideration. Normally mounted on dedicated reconnaissance frigates, the Omniscan is known for both its fidelity and finicky maintenance requirements. (TN 20. ++Detection, +Close Range Accuracy, -Cost, -Maintenance, --Imported.)
-[][Electronics] None of these look promising. Continue examining the prospects.
-[][Electronics] Give some more time for quotes to come in. Start looking at communication systems instead.

Hyperspace Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
Proactive Study = 7 Successes

The work that has come out of this department is above and beyond what is expected of them. Integrating the existing hyperdrive with the new systems is going to be quite simple thanks to the groundwork they have laid. The only question is if you are going to promote the team leader or not.

-[][Hyperdrive] Accept the Hyperspace team's proposal. (TN 5.)
-[][Hyperdrive] Accept the proposal and promote the interim team lead to the position permanently. (TN 5. Add a new NPC to your team.)

Power Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
Mark 22 Evaluation = 15 Successes

The Mark 22 is everything you could ask for in a reactor. Sola's efforts have certainly paid off. The only question is if you accept this solid piece of engineering or if you want her to really push the envelope. If worst comes to worst it will always be possible to fall back on the current iteration of the Mark 22.

-[][Power] Accept the Mark 22 for service. (TN 5)
-[][Power] The Mark 22 is good, but perhaps it could be made better? (TN 30. Results unclear.)

Shields - Short Staffed - 2d
Shield Prospects = 3 Successes

Feldwes and Torque both have shield generators that will soon be hitting the market. Feldwes is far more ambitious while Torque is attempting to update an old reliable option to modern standards.

-[][Shields] Feldwes offers the TriGuard 17 system. While it is still under development the TriGuard promises to provide a 'significant' increase in protection over more traditional shield systems. (TN 30. ++Strength? +Redundancy? +Efficiency?, --Experimental, -Cost, -Imported, -???.)
-[][Shields] Torque also has no shield systems in production, but they should have a refined version of their old Lightwall systems for sale within the next 3 months. The old Lightwalls dated back to just after the Clone Wars but performed well considering their age. The new Lightwall 2 is intended to be a simple upgrade to bring it up to modern standards. (TN 12. +Reliability, --Imported.)
-[][Shields] Keep looking for other options.

Structure - Short Staffed - 2d
Material Study = 3 Successes

The new materials that the Structure team has been evaluating do not yet have the transformative effects that were hoped for. If you elect to go ahead the simplest thing to do is use the new materials wherever it is easiest to do so. They team does think they've made enough progress to take a shot at a hangar but even if they manage to succeed there will need to be some sacrifices made elsewhere. A continued search may reveal new options and make the existing options more practical.

[Lora Uncommon Sense check 3d10. 1, 1, 7 = 1 Success.]

The idea of adding a major hangar to the ship seems to be utterly impractical. If you had wanted a carrier it would have been better to start with one. Room for a single flight is much more practical, but would probably benefit from more time doing studies.

-[][Structure] Continue searching for new prospects
-[][Structure] Settle for some incremental improvements (TN 5. Random minor improvements.)
-[][Structure] Attempt to add a minimal hangar bay to the design (TN 20. Add room for 1 flight of fighters (6 fighters).)
-[][Structure] Attempt to add a major hangar bay to the design (TN 56. Add room for 1-2 full squadrons of fighters (12-24 fighters).)

Sublight Drives - Short Staffed - 2d
Sublight Drive Prospects = 1 Success

None of the possible drive systems are completely satisfactory. The Longhaul III is a civilian design that will leave the upgraded ships sluggish at best. The KLM-13s are promising but the importance of manoeuvrability for a line frigate is far less than for smaller vessels. The Starwalker I is a vastly oversized engine that would also be a single point of failure. There is a reason that almost all ships mount a number of sub-light drives.

-[][Sublight] Continue searching for another option.
-[][Sublight] The Arda Driveworks 'Longhaul III' is a simple and reliable system used for freighters. They would require some work to be suitable for military use and would never win any awards for performance. (TN 10. +Reliability, +Fuel Efficiency, --Speed, -Durability.)
-[][Sublight] Kilodrives out of Torque have offered their KLM-13 drives. The system is noted as being exceptionally manoeuvrable, at least in simulations, at the cost of some mechanical complexity. Kilodrives is currently planning to put them into production within the next six months. (TN 15. +Maneuverability, --Imported, -Reliability.)
-[][Sublight] The Arda Driveworks 'Starwalker I' was proposed to replace the engines on the Neutron Star-class ships. While mounting a full cluster would be impossible, a single unit should be able to move a ship of this mass extremely quickly in a straight line. (TN 30. ++Speed, -Redundancy, -Fuel Efficiency, -Maneuverability.)

Support Systems - Short Staffed - 2d
Life Support Prospects = 8

You have been very impressed by the Support Systems team's work. The BOE-1 hits or exceeds every target set for it. It might be possible to improve it further but the question is if that is worth the extra time and effort.

-[][Support] Accept the BOE-1 Life support system. (TN 5.)
-[][Support] Ask the team to further optimise the system. (TN 20. Results unclear.)

Weapons - Skeleton crew - 1d
Weapons Prospects - 0 Successes

The weapons team has suffered numerous setbacks. Their current recommendation is that unless you are able to get them more help the only realistic possibility is to fall back on the simple replacement of the old weapons with ones currently available. If you insist it would just barely be possible to attempt to make some minor changes. Perhaps upgrade the light turbolasers to mediums and add a couple quad lasers for close-in anti-fighter work.

The final option is to push on and see if they can manage to find a workable proper upgrade. The weapons team reiterates that they'll need more staff for this to do any good.

-[][Weapons] Settle for keeping the firepower the same. (TN 5. 3x twin light turbolaser turrets. 8x laser cannons.)
-[][Weapons] Do a simple upgrade. (TN 12. 3x twin medium turbolaser turrets. 8x laser cannons, 2x Quad laser cannons)
-[][Weapons] Continue to work on the problem. Surely you can do better than this!

[] Example plan here - Leave departments that don't get staff off the plan.
-[][Administration] Continue to recruit staff
-[][JOB] Administrator
-[][JOB] Drive Systems Engineer
-[] Administration 1
-[] Architecture 1
-[] Electronics 1
-[] Hyperspace drives 1
-[] Power systems 1
-[] Shields 1
-[] Structure
-[] Sublight drives
-[] Support Systems
-[] Weapons
-[][Architecture] Continue the hull redesign.
-[][Electronics] Hailing from Feldwes, the YTR-Electronic Warfare System is a simple and inexpensive option. Its performance is purely middling but it would be hard to interdict your trade with Feldwes. (TN 7. +Cost, -Imported.) [A/N - Remember +Cost is good for you.]
-[][Hyperdrive] Accept the Hyperspace team's proposal. (TN 5.)
-[][Power] Accept the Mark 22 for service. (TN 5)
-[][Shields] Feldwes offers the TriGuard 17 system. While it is still under development the TriGuard promises to provide a 'significant' increase in protection over more traditional shield systems. (TN 30. ++Strength? +Redundancy? +Efficiency?, --Experimental, -Cost, -Imported, -???.)
-[][Structure] Continue searching for new prospects
-[][Sublight] Continue searching for another option.
-[][Support] Accept the BOE-1 Life support system. (TN 5.)
-[][Weapons] Settle for keeping the firepower the same. (TN 5. 3x twin light turbolaser turrets. 8x laser cannons.)

Vote by plan. I will open voting tomorrow or the next day.
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Plan Sniper
Okay, not seeing a ton of discussion so I'll throw out a plan as well. Since our average successes for short staff without NPC help is 1 success a week I think we should avoid any TNs over like 15 unless we can flex a NPC into them. If we take 2 NPCs this turn we can see what other weaker tech/science skills they have and then try and fill it with our final NPC. If we ask for two and promote the hyperspace guy then we'll be stuck. Scientist for the sourcing and opportunities for future development, weapons since they've got experience with building up production so even though they're not turbolasers focused I'm willing to take the risk (and we need something unique and help badly in that category). I prioritized being able to see, track, and hit the enemy hard over some of the other good options. If our design can outshoot the enemy (range, accuracy, and damage) and screw with their targeting I'm hoping evasion and shields being standard will work.

Adding the dice and new NPC to electronics I think we'll get a better result we can move forward with. I'm hoping once the NPC is onboard we'll see like 8 successes per turn. The shield options were also underwhelming so I'm hoping with 4 dice we might get to something like 6 successes and then we can pick a decent option. Structure Jaa is less effective at than architecture (no double 9s and only 3 instead of 5) so I went with the medium goal, we'll see what happens but that feels like a 3 turn project. Sublight I'm hoping we can get an option like the middle one but from an arda company. The first engine could work but if the ship is slow it really loses a lot of use IMO. That's really the one area where things could be meh. Weapons search with the new NPC and staff to see what new options we might get.

The plan only locks 3/9 categories and if we choose different NPCs we could choose to accept more options. Every option that we aren't accepting either has more dice this turn or a new NPC or both so hopefully our choices improve. Once we start locking stuff in and the 0.5s get added to architecture then we can swap Jaa back to finish that up.

Sidenote: Support knocked it out of the park given no NPC.

[] Plan Sniper
-[][Administration] Continue to recruit staff
-[][JOB] Sensor Scientist
-[][JOB] Munitions Expert
-[] Electronics 1
-[] Shields 1
-[] Structure 1
-[] Sublight drives 1
-[] Weapons 2
-[][Architecture] Continue the hull redesign.
-[][Electronics] Give some more time for quotes to come in. Start looking at communication systems instead.
-[][Hyperdrive] Accept the Hyperspace team's proposal. (TN 5.)
-[][Power] Accept the Mark 22 for service. (TN 5)
-[][Shields] Keep looking for other options.
-[][Structure] Attempt to add a minimal hangar bay to the design (TN 20. Add room for 1 flight of fighters (6 fighters).)
-[][Sublight] Continue searching for another option.
-[][Support] Accept the BOE-1 Life support system. (TN 5.)
-[][Weapons] Continue to work on the problem. Surely you can do better than this!

Edit: Accpeted Power core since it seems to be exactly what we need. Let's us move Sola to other departments.
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