Star Wars: Galaxy in Flames - Arda Ship Design Bureau

[X][IDENTITY] Janitor Maul
-[X][NAME] Lora Isarch
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Zabrak

-[X][NAME] Jaa Beruss
-[X][GENDER] Male
-[X][SPECIES] Human

[X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Backyard Enthusiast
-[X][NAME] Sola Bibblie
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Togruta

Got the names from a star wars name generator, liked the idea of a darth maul lookin lady janitor stepping up to the plate. Their personalities TBD obvi but my head canon is Jaa Beruss was recruited because of his amazing scores on a starship design game, while Sola Bibblie keeps building reactors in her backyard.

Another idea I had before rereading that these two are supposed to be survivors of current bureau, is all three are old, and when Janitor Maul rose to the Head position she called up her crusty retired friends, getting the gang back together (maybe they worked together on ship design in the clone wars? While Lora was their janitor lol).
[X][IDENTITY] Better then Dancing
-[X][NAME] Hela Delest
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek

[X][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Scale Model Enthusiast
-[X][NAME] Cen Cardin
-[X][GENDER] Male
-[X][SPECIES] Human

-[X][NAME] Leena Dara
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Human

I also Random name generated the names as i wanted something that would fit in the setting, and im not really sure what George Lucas chose to make the names in the first place.
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The first two are fine. Hutts are a no.

Excellent. I've updated the original post, went Hapan because both them and the gesserit have that matriarchal thing going. (Going fully Sandworm would have been a tough sell)

[][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Solid Foundation
-[][NAME] Olivaw Seldon
-[][GENDER] Male
-[][SPECIES] Human

[][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Controlled Adjustments
-[][NAME] Bene Corrino
-[][GENDER] Female
-[][SPECIES] Hapan

[][IDENTITY] Interesting Life Choices
-[][NAME] Hotrufan Nessus
-[][GENDER] Male
-[][SPECIES] Cathar
I just tested things and the tally tool is tracking things correctly. Of course there are 3 plans each with 1 vote in each category, so I hope that some more people choose to cast some votes.

Because someone DM'd me to ask - Arda is the name of the world that Middle Earth is on.
[X][IDENTITY] Timely Janitor
-[X][NAME] Lu-Tze
-[X][GENDER] Male
-[X][SPECIES] Human

-[X][NAME] Jarael Carrick
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Arkanian Offshoot

-[X][NAME] Nolaa Sarena
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek
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-[X][NAME] Eleena Veradun
-[X][GENDER] Female
-[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek
Uhh... I said no the last time you tried to use this exact combination in the Ace Combat quest. I forgot to stress that I don't want exact copies of canon names. Reusing a first or last name is ok.
4 votes, each for a different set of plans. Anyone willing to break the tie so that I can post the next part? Spending skill dice and choosing your Advantages and Disadvantages.
Its incredibly disappointing that no one made a single Tolkien reference.

[X][IDENTITY] Janitor Maul
[X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Backyard Enthusiast
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Jalinth on Nov 24, 2023 at 2:20 PM, finished with 17 posts and 5 votes.
  • 5

    [X][IDENTITY] Janitor Maul
    -[X][NAME] Lora Isarch
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Zabrak
    [X][IDENTITY] Prescient Janitor Man
    -[X][NAME] Timothy Atreides (Its a DUNE reference...kinda sorta)
    -[X][GENDER] Male
    -[X][SPECIES] Human
    [X][IDENTITY] Better then Dancing
    -[X][NAME] Hela Delest
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek
    [X][IDENTITY] Timely Janitor
    -[X][NAME] Lu-Tze
    -[X][GENDER] Male
    -[X][SPECIES] Human
  • 5

    [X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Vao's on Ships, what could go wrong?
    -[X][NAME] Diana Vao
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek
    [X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Backyard Enthusiast
    -[X][NAME] Sola Bibblie
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Togruta
    [X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Bigger is Better
    -[X][NAME] Leena Dara
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Human
    [X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Diversity Alliance
    -[X][NAME] Nolaa Sarena
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Twi'lek
    [X][JUNIOR REACTOR ENGINEER] Backyard Enthusiast
  • 5

    [X][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Ms. Dedicated Togruta
    -[X][NAME] Ryuma Starfall
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Togruta
    [X][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Kerbal Champion
    -[X][NAME] Jaa Beruss
    -[X][GENDER] Male
    -[X][SPECIES] Human
    [X][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Scale Model Enthusiast
    -[X][NAME] Cen Cardin
    -[X][GENDER] Male
    -[X][SPECIES] Human
    -[X][NAME] Jarael Carrick
    -[X][GENDER] Female
    -[X][SPECIES] Arkanian Offshoot
    [X][STARSHIP ARCHITECT] Kerbal Champion
Character Gen Part 3
Now it is time to build Lora Isarch.

Skills: You have 8 dice to spend between the three categories, subject to the restrictions of your Drawbacks. Each category will have a small number of additional dice locked to that category. Dice after the first three have to be assigned to a Speciality. Some examples will be provided. Currently you can have a maximum of 2 Dice in each Speciality, but can have more than one Speciality per skill.

Administration Skills - 3 Dice
These are the skills for the less exciting facets of running an organisation.

Bureaucracy - The skill for doing paperwork. A wide range of uses, from requesting authorization for something to covering your ass in the event of a screw up. [CYOA, Lobbying, Navy, Political]
Finance - The skill for managing money. Useful for making your budgets go farther. In some cases can substitute for Bureaucracy for getting higher budget allocations. [ex. Forensics, Fraud, Cost-Cutting]
Sapient Resources - The skill for managing people. Hiring them and making efficient use of them while keeping morale up. [ex. Headhunting, Teambuilding]
Security - The skill for implementing policies and procedures that will help prevent sensitive data from being compromised without hindering the efforts of the organisation. [Compliance, Honey-traps]

Technical Skills - 2 Dice, no more than a single die in any skill due to your Mandatory drawback.
These skills are split into two subcategories. Engineering and Science.

Engineering skills are for the applied side of starship design. How best to make use of the technologies you have. They are as follows.

Architecture - The skill for taking the disparate engineering elements and making a cohesive whole. [Corvettes, Cruisers, Robustness, Flexibility, Minimalism]
Electronics - The skill for systems that allow a ship to 'see' and 'hear', as well as prevent others in the area from doing the same. [Sensors, Communications, ECM, ECCM]
Hyperspace drives - The skill for the systems that allow a ship to move between the stars. [Frigates, Efficiency, Speed]
Power systems - The skill for systems that give the ship the energy it requires to run all its other systems. [Output, Robustness, Compactness]
Shields - The skill for systems that prevent damage to the hull. [Corvettes, Directional, Regeneration]
Structures - The skill for the bones and skin of a ship. [Armour, Minimalism, Hangers]
Sublight drives - The skill to allow a ship to move within a star system. [Corvettes, Speed, Efficiency, Maneuverability]
Support Systems - The skill for all the other systems of a ship. Ranging from plumbing, electrical wiring, living quarters, and beyond. [Comfort, Robustness, Cost Effectiveness]
Weapons - The skill for systems that seek to damage other ships [Turbolasers, Missiles, Point Defence, Oddities]

Science skills are for the more theoretical side of starship design. How to invent new technologies to use. There are less skills here but they are more sensitive to lacking a relevant specialty.

Physics - The skill for technological advancement for topics centred around energy. [Lasers, Gravity]
Chemistry - The skill for technological advancement for topics centred around material sciences. [Blaster Gasses, Metallurgy, Nebula]
Biology - The skill for technological advancement for topics centred around living things. Life Support systems are the most common, but not the only ones. [Hydroponics, Medicine, Psychology]

Janitor Skills - Two skills get 2 free dice, the remaining skill gets 3. Janitor skills break the normal rules and can be taken up to 5 dice without needing a speciality.
These are unique skills unlocked thanks to your background.

Uncommon Sense - The skill for foreseeing problems that might catch others unaware.
Technical Translation - The skill is used to support Extended tests that involve multiple departments.
Peacemaker - The skill for settling disputes in a manner that leaves all sides, if not happy, then at least content.

Advantages: Choose 2. Advantages can not be taken more than one. Some are options available because of your background.

-[][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
You are a Janitor Master. A bright Lord of the Clean. You no longer directly get your hands dirty, but your legacy lives on. The support staff at the ASDB is highly skilled and even more highly motivated.

Choose 1 skill that you have at least 2 dice in. That skill now gets Double 9s on all tests when rolling that skill.

(Double 9s means that any 9s you roll while using a skill counts as two successes, in addition to how 10s normally do the same thing)

-[][ADVANTAGE] Friends in High Places
You have a number of friendly contacts with some surprisingly well placed people who owe you some favours. This will open doors for new options.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Friends in Distant Places
You have a number of friendly contacts with some surprisingly foreign people who owe you some favours. This will open doors for new options.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Friends in Low Places
You have a number of friendly contacts with some surprisingly… colourful people who owe you some favours. This will open doors for new options.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
You have a Caf fueled endurance that dwarfs lesser beings. You have an additional [-0] box on your overwork tracker.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
Long experience has taught you that most accidents are anything but. Care taken ahead of time can prevent many of them. Once per turn you can transform a check you rolled a botch on into a simple failure.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Legacy of Service
In your youth you spent a few years in either the Ekkaian or the Imperial Navy. While you never reached a command position, the lessons learned and the friends made have remained with you.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Claim your Due
You never fail to claim the credit you've earned. When you gain standing you earn an additional point.

-[][ADVANTAGE] Slicker than a Hutt
When it comes time to place the blame you always seem to slip out of the worst of it. Halve any standings losses (rounded down) to a minimum of 1.

Drawbacks: One drawback is listed as Mandatory. Take a second drawback for an additional Advantage.

-Mandatory - No Formal Education - You start with a maximum one die per technical skill.

-[][DRAWBACK] I've got a Bad Feeling about this
You have a bad feeling about this.

-[][DRAWBACK] "Friends" in Low Places.
A legacy of a misspent youth, you have a number of "friends" that you owe some slightly awkward favours to.

-[][DRAWBACK] Scarred by War
The horrors of the Stenax's genocidal occupation have left marks on your mind and body. Overwork above the [-1] level double in penalties

-[][DRAWBACK] A Well Earned Grudge
There is someone who is quite passionate about their belief that you should not hold the position you now hold. They will work tirelessly to 'take back' the title that they feel is rightfully theirs. They are loyal to Arda and will not take actions that will directly compromise its defence.

[]Plan Example remove skills left at 0
-[][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[][ADVANTAGE] Soul Girded by Caf
-[][ADVANTAGE] Legacy of Service
-[][DRAWBACK] I've got a Bad Feeling about this
-[]Bureaucracy 3
–[]Spec: Navy 1
-[]Finance 1
-[]Sapient Resources 1
-[]Security 1
-[]Hyperspace drives
-[]Power systems
-[]Sublight drives
-[]Support Systems 1
-[]Biology 1
-[]Uncommon Sense 5
-[]Technical Translation 3
-[]Peacemaker 3

There will be a 12 hour moratorium to allow people time to ask questions and make plans.
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I have updated my watch settings so I have a better chance to vote. I also 100% thought the 5Ps was to indicate how important the advantage was, like a meta reminder :D

@Jalinth how's the specialty thing work? Like if we spend more than 3 dice in a category we have to choose a specialization or if we spend more than 3 dice in a skill (only possible for janitor skills?) we have to designate it as specialty.
I'm giving this part a bit more time for the vote due to it being more complicated. A lot more than a single option to think about.

Skills that are not Janitor skills go to 3. After that you can buy a spec to take it to 4 or 5 dice total.

So from the example -
-[]Bureaucracy 3
–[]Spec: Navy 1

This means you have spent 3 dice in general bureaucracy. Then you spent 1 more die in it, allocating it to Navy. Most rolls will be with 3 dice, but if it's something to do with the navy you get 4.

Janitor Skills don't need a specialization. They can just go to 5.
so in admin we could have something like this

-[]Sapient Resources 3
--[]Spec: Headhunting 1
--[]Spec: Teambuilding 1


-[]Sapient Resources 3
--[]Spec: Headhunting 2

And both would total upto 5 points spent

But we couldn't do this since it adds up past 5.
-[]Sapient Resources 3
--[]Spec: Headhunting 2
--[]Spec: Teambuilding 1
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Ah, I see where I wasn't clear. The last example is ok, as none of them go over 5 for a given task. If you really wanted to you could put all your dice into buying specs for a single skill. It would be foolish, but possible. In general I strongly suggest only going for a single spec per skill. You are going to be stretched thin as it is. If I decide to keep this game running long enough there will be the possibility of upgrading your skills.

This is why I'm giving time before the vote opens.
The other question I have is about how this works

Choose 1 skill that you have at least 2 dice in. That skill now gets Double 9s on all tests.

If we have Finance 3 and talented Finance then we do an action. I think this means we'd roll 3 dice (assuming no other skills came into play). What happens then?

Edit: If it was Finance 3 + another skill we had a point in how would it behave?
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The other question I have is about how this works

Choose 1 skill that you have at least 2 dice in. That skill now gets Double 9s on all tests.

If we have Finance 3 and talented Finance then we do an action. I think this means we'd roll 3 dice (assuming no other skills came into play). What happens then?

Edit: If it was Finance 3 + another skill we had a point in how would it behave?
I didn't finish the entire line. Fixed.

Choose 1 skill that you have at least 2 dice in. That skill now gets Double 9s on all tests when rolling that skill.

So anytime you make a check with Finance or one of it's specs you would treat a 9 as two successes, just like 10s are normally treated.
I didn't finish the entire line. Fixed.

Choose 1 skill that you have at least 2 dice in. That skill now gets Double 9s on all tests when rolling that skill.

So anytime you make a check with Finance or one of it's specs you would treat a 9 as two successes, just like 10s are normally treated.

ooh, I read it like we'd automatically get two 9 results. Like 2 free successes on any rolls we did with that skill (if we rolled worse the 9s would take priority). The expanded 10s counting as a double success also applying to 9s makes a lot more sense.
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@Jalinth How's this look for legality?

[]Plan Good Help isn't hard to find
-[][ADVANTAGE] The Cleaning Force is Strong with this One (Janitor)
-[][ADVANTAGE] Proper Planning Prevents Particularly Poor Performance (6Ps)
-[][ADVANTAGE] Talented: Sapient Resources
-[][DRAWBACK] Scarred by War
-[]Bureaucracy 2
-[]Finance 3
-[]Sapient Resources 3
--[]Spec: Headhunting 1
-[]Security 1
-[]Support Systems 1
-[]Biology 1
-[]Uncommon Sense 3
-[]Technical Translation 3
-[]Peacemaker 2

8 free points all dumped into Admin (7) and Janitor (1)

Edit: Sweet it's legal.
Here's my thinking: Tech I went Bio and support systems because Janitor. Bureaucracy above minimum competence so we don't get blacklisted, finance so we have a better shot at making reasonably priced stuff, not having our money stolen, and supporting more specialists or projects. I debated bumping finance down by a point or two but knowing it ourselves seems safer (plus a janitor knowing how to make money go further makes sense - Silver plated doorknobs instead of gold plated toilets).

6Ps pairs well with our Uncommon Sense to hopefully mean we never botch anything. The plan uses those and Talented HR to let us headhunt for skilled people to recruit, avoid future team drama, and then be better at keeping them happy. I put an extra point into Technical Translation to give us better results on larger projects. Cleaning force because of the janitor background and great support staff should make it easier for technical folks to focus on what matters.

Without any major screwups, no embezzling, good support, and happy employees we should be able to keep our job long enough to refill the technical folks. Then our janitor skills can start doing the heavy lifting.
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