The second Death Star was destroyed with the Emperor aboard almost three years ago, and the Galaxy is aflame. Long simmering tensions have exploded into a storm of violence. All semblance of Imperial Authority has vanished as power hungry warlords make their own bids for power. Where there was once a thriving Galactic community now there are only squabbling micro-states, rarely larger than a half dozen systems in size.
Even the Rebel Alliance is not immune to this fracturing, as much of their leadership that survived the destruction of Yavin IV died during the assault on the second Death Star.
You are the newly promoted head of on Outer Rim world's Starship Design Bureau. Can you lead your team in bringing into existence a ship that can defend your home from the fires of war?
Even the Rebel Alliance is not immune to this fracturing, as much of their leadership that survived the destruction of Yavin IV died during the assault on the second Death Star.
You are the newly promoted head of on Outer Rim world's Starship Design Bureau. Can you lead your team in bringing into existence a ship that can defend your home from the fires of war?