Squirrel Sect 1.0.1 [Stone Age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

Squirrel Sect 1.0.1 [Stone Age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]
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Come and join the Squirrel Cultivation Sect.
Updates when I got the time.
Temp Update
QM Note: So, I asked Zedalb if he was planning to keep the Squirrel Quest going and he told me that I was free to take it over. So, new management, new thread. We are going to lose some views, some users. But we are not going to lose the quest. Currently, I'm waiting for some additional infos, but after that, we can start. I'll probably remove this temp thread when the next update will drop, if I can.

But at least I'm getting the thread starting.
The Second Hour of Blood

Scout the Owl: 112 vs ???

Squirrel Victory

The squirrels advance, dispersing to avoid attracting the gaze of the owls flying around the trees. The take the highest tree, trying to discern the shapes under the moonlight, studying the movements and trying to figure out their plan. Surprisingly, only a single owl seems to fly in their general direction, as a lookout for this exact behavior. The squirrels, by running up and down, hidden by the leaves of the Great Oaks, avoid the sharp talons of the owl. One of the squirrels, filled with the adrenaline from barely avoiding the charge of the owl, squeaked in victory and defiance.

And yet, for the squirrel with the Dao of awareness, his superior sense told him one thing: the owl was not alone.

At the last second, tugging the squeaking squirrel with all his superior strength, almost breaking its arm, the cultivator managed to save its companion from the unseen menace.

Another owl, feathers painted by some kind of dark ink, was roaming among the trees. Not a sound comes from him and his silhouette is almost one with the darkness around them. The scout decided to refer to him as the Darkwings. His speed, his patience and his cunning were all clear sign of a superior cultivator.

And yet, only two owls were not enough to keep the scout busy: when two were running away, three more were relying information on the position of the owls to the other and keeping the communications between the sectors up to date.

(No losses, you'll get the plan of the owl and their number for the next combat turn).

Make and deliver weapons (64 Poison Arrows, 56 Flaming Arrows, 64 Flaming Spears).

It was clear to everyone that they needed more advanced weapons: the owls were difficult to kill, the spear shorts and every single arrows needed to count. Flame and poison, both burning the flesh in different way, but deadly all the same, were produced and delivered to the frontline.

One of the squirrels, one of the first discovering the use of poison, was deeply entranced in the process: smashing poisonous herbs and mushrooms togethers, apply the paste on the tips of the arrows and repeat. Arrow after arrow, the squirrel become more and more quickly, until something in its soul gave out against. Only one second of pause to realize that now he ascended to the realms of cultivators, before heading head first into its work again.

Alas, while some could think that the crafters were safe, they were vulnerable during the deliveries. Several squirrels, hands full of arrows and spear, found themselves using them against the closing owls. For some of them, that was not enough to save their hide.

Almost unnoticed, one of the squirrels took some of the poison pouches and run toward the frontlines. It thought of a more direct way to administer the poison straight to the owls.

(Arrows and spears strongly increase the combat power of both defending fronts. Losses: two squirrels, DInfinity is injured).

Defend the treasure: 131 vs ???

Owl Victory

Where the flames come? From the blazes of the torches, near the other two treasures.

Where the cultivators were able to obtain Qi so quickly? The sparky fulgurite, near the other two treasures.

Where they were able to heal the injuries? The green light of the Grow Stone, near the other two treasures.

The owls were not stupid. Putting everything close together represented a succulent target for their talons, but before that, they would need to pass through the defenders' bodies.

They were hellbent in doing just that.

The fight was long: seven owls, leaded by the Scarred One, pressed with all their might on the sect defenses. Every spear was used, every arrow was shot, every bite was given. But slow and steadily, the owl broke apart the defense.

Swiftly, in the newly open breach, an owl moved straight to the torches, putting some of the off. Several others were still ablaze, but the attack reduced the number of lights available to produce spears and arrow.

While the overwhelmed squirrels were trying to push them back, the Scarred One flew toward the Fulgurite. Immediately, they tried to push him back, to no avail. Steely talons grasped the fulgurite, absorbing the Qi from the stone and trying to fly away with it. Stopped at the last second by a volley of arrows, but that marked the beginning of the downfall.

The three treasures, gathered together, were now separated from each other. Mount a defense to defend all of three? Impossible. The defenders would need to prioritize what to defend. If they were successful, maybe they could be able to restore the defense circle.

(From the next turn, the number of squirrels that can make Flaming Arrows and Flaming Spear is capped to 10 total between the two actions. Fulgurite is at 9/10. Each treasure needs to be defended individually (but also attacked individually) and defenders get increased chances to die. Currently, 6 losses).

Counter raid: 1128 vs ???

Squirrel Victory

On the other front, where Red Talons itself lead the attack, the number of defender was drastically lower: less spear to stop the charge of the owl. Pressed by the furious attack, the three spearsquirrels did the best they could. Two of them were cultivators, but for each of them, two owls were presented.

The situation was at its direst point.

And yet, when heavens send their tribulations, it's where mortals shines and defy their fate. The mortal squirrel, with its flaming spear, felt something inside him gives in. An explosive surge of power engulfed his whole body, something that made even the Red owl turn its head in his direction, surprised by the sudden awakening. The owl in front of the new cultivator was suddenly not enough to deal with the squirrel, each of its movement predicted and countered. In one, fateful moment, the squirrel managed to push the entire spear inside the neck of the owl. The owl, suddenly drowning in air, plummeted from the trees, reaching its merciless end in the blood-stained grass under the Twelve Oaks.

For a short moment, the battle stalled: the squirrels surprised, the owl suddenly realizing the ability of their enemies.

(Massive victory for the squirrels: all deaths are negated, one owl is immediately killed. Owls are in disarray).

The poisonous bait: 7

A cough of blood and a sudden loss of equilibrium from one of the other owls broke the stasis of the battle. That owl was quite happy when he devoured that fat squirrels, running towards them. The cramps and the taste of its own blood were clear signs that maybe there was a reason for an easy prey.

(One of the owl is almost dead due to poisoning, but still around. One casualty, clearly that cannot be vetoed due to the action itself).

Owl killing squad: 225 vs ???

That's when the Red Talons decided that it was time to strike hard and make them pay for fighting back. The massive owl stormed toward the hero of the defense, clearly intending to end his life.

That's when the most advanced cultivator of the Squirrel Sect, Kirbo the Devourer, intercept him. The talons met the hungry maw of the squirrel, Qi enhanced to deal. And while the fight proven them to be equally matched, that only rubbed salt in the owl's injured ego: not only they were fighting back, but they were able to go toe to toe with him?

Kirbo, with his advanced sense, clearly understood that Red Talons was a cultivator, but something was weird: his sense were almost obfuscated when looking at him. It was hard to estimate his cultivation and, probably, if he wasn't looking straight at him, to perceive his Qi. But he also noticed something imperceptibly shifting inside him. What that shifting means couldn't matter less to Kirbo. What it mattered is that the owl would end in his stomach.

While the two approached again to fight, the other squirrels of the team engaged their enemies, overwhelming their numbers. Each owl was matched by several squirrels and while one of the other owl was clearly another cultivator, the other weren't. Suddenly, one of owl, his wings filled with holes from spears and several arrow shafts covering his body, started falling toward the body of his companion.

Seeing the situation, the injured owl, trying his best to defend against the squirrels, flew back from the trees, distancing itself from the combat. Giving one last glance to Red Talons, it just … flew away. Leaving the other owls fighting.

The other cultivator owl began to screech something to the coward, but a bolt of lighting hit one of his wings. Trying to regain the balance and the control of his twitching wing, the owl angrily started to look around for the source of the attack.

Of course, the owl defended with talons and bites: four squirrels ended up injured, with one of the cultivators among them.

If they weren't healed in time, they would surely not pass the hour.

(One owl killed, one owl escaped. Red Talons is acting weirdly. Three losses, Drachir is injured).

Tend to the wounded: 89

The almost dead and the injured were moved to the back, safely protected by the counter raid team. The medical knowledge of the sect was … lacking.

Blood should stay inside, and they should stay awake and hot.

Injuries were covered and some of them could theoretically still fight, but the owl would clearly go for the injured ones to kill them off.

Unfortunately, some of them were too far gone to be saved in time.

Of the eleven casualties, four of them ended up covered with leaves, the question of burial for later. Three of them remained injured, still able to fight. The remaining would have scars, but they could still fight.

(No important squirrels lost, so I won't say who is among the dead. Injured, other than the cultivators previously stated, are LordEric, auron45 and ruleofnothing. You have -1 to all rolls until you heal. Injured cultivators also have -1 to all their rolls. Guard Lord ability to negate Death has been used, lowering the dead count from 5 to 4.)

The Spear of Death and Hunger: 11

Something awakens in the piece of wood and teeth. The squirrel was clearly able to feel something happening, something responding. The spear seemed almost alive. But something inside him told that the vessel wasn't strong enough and the more time they waited, the more the effect will vanished. Maybe were the Gods saying that, maybe something else, but by observing the fight, the squirrel thought that there was only one squirrel capable to make the most out of this chance.

He ran and reached Kirbo. There was no time to explain during the fight, with the owl regrouping for the next strike, but Kirbo's Dao resonated with the Spear of Death and Hunger. He could feel himself empowered by the weapon. They both would feast that night.

(For one combat turn, the Cultivator's level of Kirbo is considered as one level higher. After that, the Spear would break and turn into dust.)

The Baleful Light: 8

The Pale Squirrel focused on Death, trying to channel him against the squirrel. He was expecting a blast, some sort of light coming and delivering Death to the owls.

Death come, but not in a way he expected.

The squirrel could feel his icy touch on his fur, the cold breath near his ears.

Death was with him and watching the fight. Maybe it was time for another gesture of Faith.

(Death is watching the battlefield.)

Improve guard lord success: 6

The Lord of the Guard was coordinating the defense. He did his best and thanks to his ability, one of the squirrel, who could have been dead if not for his work, survived the hour. But he would need to work harder to protect them all.

(Since all the victims are unnamed, I automatically used your perk to reduce them. I'm sure you will be soon able to choose).

The Second hour

To the scouts, the next plans of the owls were clear:

Red Talons, the other cultivator owl and four owls were again going to raid them hard. Their focus was on taking down as many cultivators possible, while not going for the normal squirrels.

Darkwings and the other owl attacking the scouts were joined by one of the owl that was going for the treasures.

The Scarred Owl was going for the Fulgurite, two owls were going to put out the fire or steal it and one of the owl was trying to steal the Grow Stone.

(Current squirrels still alive: 65->60 (4 losses, 1 due to write-in)

(Current owls still alive: 13. Currently in Disarray, Red Talons acting strangely)

(Injured Squirrels (-1 to all their actions)
@RulerOfNothing )


[] Scout the owls
(Opposed against the owl trying to eat the scouts. On winning: determine the owls plan and avoid eventual surprises.)

Defend the treasures

(DC to end up injured or dead is increased on this front. Opposed against the owl trying to steal the treasures for each treasure. On losing, chance to get the treasure lost).

[] Defend the Fulgurite with a bow
[] Defend the Fulgurite with a spear

[] Defend the Fire with a bow
[] Defend the Fire with a spear

[] Defend the Grow Stone with a bow
[] Defend the Grow Stone with a spear

Defend against the raid

(Opposed to the owl attacking the cultivators. On losing, damage dealt to the cultivators).
[] Defend against the raid with a spear
[] Defend against the raid with a bow

Kill the owl
(Opposed against the strongest front of owls. On winning, deal damage proportional to the difference between the rolls).
[] Join the owl attacking team

Craft and deliver weapons

(Bonus to spear or bow actions proportional to the number of crafting squirrels. Max 10 actions involving flaming spears or flaming arrows).

[] Craft Flaming Arrows
[] Craft Flaming Spears
[] Craft Poison Arrows
[] Craft Poison Spears

Tend to the wounded

(Turn a part of casualties into injured and avoid part of the injured proportionally to the number of "healers").

[] Tend to the wounded

Write ins

(Absolutely at my mercy, for the good or for the worst).

[] Write in

Good luck. I'm rooting for you guys.
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The Final Hour of Blood

Scout the Owl: 67 vs ???

Victory for the Owls

At the beginning, the arrival of the third owl wasn't enough to disrupt the rhythm of the scouts: observe, move, avoid the owls.

But then, Darkwings started to coordinate with the two lesser owls: their previosuly random attacks now focused on where the scouts were most needed, near the frontlines observing the treasure raiders. While the Aware Squirrel was able to save one of the most unfortunate scouts, even a cultivator couldn't be everywhere.

The screams of the captured were cut short as Darkwings gulped them down. The scouts felt a cold fear settling into their hearts. With their rhythm broken, the Squirrel sect lost his information advantage.

(Owl disrupt your communication and for the next turn, you don't know how many owls are targeting what. Two casualties, with one prevented by Space Jawa. The casualty is a confirmed kill).

Make and deliver weapons (13 Poison Arrows, 17 Flaming Arrows, 4 Flaming Spears, 23 Poison Spears).

The improvised workshops manned by so many squirrels during the first hour, now lay almost empty as more squirrels were needed on the frontlines to protect the sect and its treasures, leaving only a few squirrels to apply the poison and the flammable poultice to spears and arrows.

As the first hour, the owls continued to press the squirrels, trying to disrupt their delivery. Three squirrels more were critically wounded by talons and becks, moved at the last to the improvised hospitals, hoping that they could be treated in time.

(Arrows and spears increase the combat power of both defending fronts. Three casualties).

Defend the Fire: 65 vs ???

Defend the Growth Stone: 95 vs ???

Defend the Fulgurite: 52 vs ???

Squirrel Victory on all fronts.

At the fateful hour, the Squirrel Sect reacted against the treasure hunters with all their might. Exploiting the involuntary advantage of a three-front war, the squirrels managed to cover all the gaps. The owls, now split, encountered walls of spears and barrages of arrows.

The fire, expanded by a squirrel who was lighting more spares torches, was defended successfully with one lucky arrow piercing into an owl, injuring it. But in response the owls were able to injure five more squirrels, knocking them out of the battle.

The pale squirrel, who had felt Death watching over him during the first hour, suddenly noticed that Its presence has disappeared from his side.

The fulgurite, besieged by the Scarred Owl, was protected by numerous squirrels firing volleys of arrows against the invader, led by the cultivator who had taken one eye from the owl and was determined in taking the other one.

Unfortunately for the defenders, the owl was a cultivator and he had stolen the Qi from the fulgurite. The scar tissue around his eye suddenly expanded, covering the frontal portion of his body and the entirety of his head in a carapace of thick, leathery skin. The arrow bounced against the new layer of scarred skin. And yet, even with this new advantage, was still unable to advance any further: its technique clearly more useful for survivability instead of offense. One brave squirrel even tried to attack him from behind with his bow, but even missing one eye, the superior perception of a cultivator was still enough for the Scarred one to find and slam this brave squirrel with his wing into the trees.

Compared to the first two fronts, the battle for the growth stone was an entirely different matter for the owls. Because while in the other two fronts, the owls were able to scrounge together some form of effective offense, the single owl attacking the growth stone, probably fueled by its arrogance, forgo a strategy and charged directly for the squirrels. But unfortunately for him, he fumbled while diving for the stone, entirely missing its target and slamming into one unlucky squirrel and opening itself to easy retaliation from the rest of the squirrels. Attacked by multiple cultivators, injuries rapidly covered his wings. Being unable to fly away, he could only lay there and fall to the collective offense of the two cultivators: with the bolt of lightning striking his head and the spearman running him through with all his might. Coughing up blood, the arrogant owl died alone in front of the stone capable of healing wounds, surrounded by the cheers of victorious squirrels.

(Fire front: Deal one damage against the owl, four casualties. Death moved away to a more interesting front).

(Fulgurite front: Deal two damages against Scarred, who negate them due to Qi Technique. One casualty)

(Grow stone front: You managed to kill the owl attacking you. One casualty.)

(All the treasures are protected, removed the malus due to the defeat of last turn).

Counter raid: 939 vs ???

Owl Killing Squad: 828 vs ???

The owl will remember this day as the Day of Sorrow.

After the failure of the first offensive, Red Talons had to rally the disgruntled owls. And to help him, Songfly started singing an encouraging song that soothed the turmoil withing their hearts. Unfortunately, there was nothing Songfly could do to prevent the thing hidden inside the heart of Red Talons from messing with his internal energy. The thing caused his movements to become sluggish and his mind to become unfocused. But even then, he led the owls from the front as they began their raid. But the cultivators, their targets, were ready to meet them.

First was Kirbo, who wielded the spear of Death and Hunger. He launched focused strike that hit Red Talons' wing, unleashing the vicious and opposed godly energies into his body, filling it with pain, suffering and coldness that ate him from the inside out. Expired its time, the spear turned into suffocating ice particles. There was no blood from the injury, instead being covered by maggots and fragments of dark ice.

From here, Stanley and the Avenger jumped into the fray.

And in that single moment, something in the Heavens broke.

The rules that regulated Reality were put under strains, plied and made malleable as melted wax.

The two cultivators moved, attacking the owls, jumping from trees to reach those above and helped by the defenders and the other owl strike teams members, during the course of the hour they were able to injure all of the attacking owls.

As if possessed, Stanley and the Avenger fought with all their strength. Whether through biting, spears or arrows, it didn't matter, for in their only one thought was present:

Massacre all owls.

Red Talons tried to resist, but he failed.

Songfly tried to resist using his voice, but he failed.

The other four owls, sensing their end, tried to escape, but they failed.

In the end, the two cultivators were bathed in the blood of the owls, their usual brown fur now dyed a crimson red.

With six dead owls present and no squirrel injured, the two bloody pillars of violence stood above these corpses.

In that moment, Stanley felt something icy on his shoulders. Black ice suddenly started to sprout on his fur, on the top of his head and on his claws. The whispering of bleak quiets ringed in his ears.

Death was promising the secrets behind the last moment of each living creature, as a reward. If only Stanly was willing to listen.

Near him, the blood of the owls started to boil without heat. Their innards slithered as serpents, grasping and entangling the red-pelted Squirrel, trying to violently subdue him. While resisting with all his might he noticed that the vines were trying to communicate with him. A cacophony of brutal words with promises of violence. If he could overcome the bloody "vines" of the Green.

The surrounding squirrels were watching, fearful of the display. Meanwhile, near Kirbo, some maggots started to appear on the body of Red Talons, destroying all the traces of black ice on the corpse. Hunger itself had claimed this body as Kirbo could feel the divine energy in the dead owl.

(Six dead owls. No injured. Choice for the two lucky inspired squirrels at the end of this post).

Protect the fire: 9

while his sect companions were fighting, one squirrel was busy lighting torches.

More torches, more fires. More leaves to make more torches. More torches to put far from the frontlines.

His efforts proved helpful: for while the fire was protected, if it was still needed, the crafters wouldn't be limited by torches to produce more fire arrows and spears.

(Remove the limit on fire crafting actions during this combat).

Create the Green Watering Bow: 10

If it was still needed, the bow would have been useful. Like the spear before it, it would turn into dust after one hour, the materials unable to keep the divine energies for long. However wasn't the only vessel trying to keep divine energies inside.

The crafters surrounding the afflicted squirrel, one with fur caked in blood, ran away from him, for his condition was becoming terrifying: icy black crystals covered his eyes, blinding him. Vines on the trees were thrashing near him as if living beings. His blood vessels were trying to move with the same rhythm, kept in place only by his bones, cold as ice. He felt his stomach attempting to devour itself, while hungry maggots tried to destroy the crystals and eat the vines. The outside of its body just a pale imitation of the battlefield raging inside his body, the divine energies of three gods fighting for control.

The squirrel tried his best to maintain his sanity and fight against the external influence. And at the end of the hour, he collapsed with no ice on his eyes, no living vines trying to strangling him and no maggots to be seen anywhere.

(You managed to craft the bow, but the battle is ended. You have a choice at the end of the post).

Tend to the wounded: 32

The tent was almost empty, only a few squirrels still tending to the wounded. One cultivator tried to use his fire qi to cauterize his own injury, but almost ended up with burning down the whole tent. Fortunately, it was only a short distraction.

One squirrel was saved from death and from long term injuries, but 6 more were covered in leaves.

(One squirrel saved, two automatically vetoed by the Lord of the Guards actions. Six dead, for a total of 7 for this turn).

Improve guard lord success: 9

The efforts of the Lord of the Guards were unnoticed, due to the murder blend that was the raid defense. But his ability to coordinate the movements of the injured and with his quick actions and decisions, he's sure that two more squirrels could be saved.

(You can save two unnamed squirrels, already counted in the Tended Wounded).

The remaining owls quickly decided that the battle was clearly lost. With two cultivators and the majority of the owls now dead. They quickly retreated, avoiding arrows.

The battle had been won. After two long hours and a few unfortunate deaths, the squirrels were able to drive off the owls.

While the Squirrels celebrated their victory, high up in the Heavens three figures were arguing.

One with an appearance similar to a squirrel, another resembling an owl, and the third a faceless mass of clouds and lighting, with a broken crown on its "head". The owl-like figure was making a long argument to the cloud figure, while the squirrel-like one was trying to refute.

But in the end, the crowned figure "nodded" in direction of the owl.

Suddenly, lightening struck all around the forest, but no fire was started. The cultivators, somehow innately, understood that something had been changed and in their hearts could feel that such a crushing victory against their enemies would be no longer be possible. Something changed in the reality after the battle. The Rules of the World changed to correct their weakness.

Now that the battle was done, it was time to decide what to do with the spoils.

The bones, meats and feathers of the normal owls would fill their larders and the warehouses of the sects. Nothing special about them.

(+60 foods, +6 bones, +6 feathers).

The two dead cultivators were a different story. There was energy stored within their blood and bones. The sect didn't know how to handle these materials, but they knew that there wasn't enough for the entire sect.

So, the sect needed to decide who would get what.

[ ] Write distributions of the spoils. The spoils are the following:

  • Bones of a rank 2 cultivator (can be made into artifacts, require tech to be useable).
  • Feathers of a rank 2 cultivator (can be made into artifacts, require tech to be useable).
  • Meat of a rank 2 cultivator (can be consumed by a non-cultivator to turn in a rank 1 cultivator, by a rank 1 cultivator to roll a free cultivator roll with +5 or by a rank 2 cultivator to roll a free cultivator roll. May have undesired effects).
  • Bones of a rank 1 cultivator (as above)
  • Feathers of a rank 1 cultivator (as above).
  • Meat of a rank 1 cultivator (can be consumed by a non-cultivator to roll a free cultivator roll with a +5 bonus or by a rank 1 cultivator to roll a free cultivator roll. May have undesired effects)
Player specific choices:


[] Accept the offer of Death. Gain Dao: Death and technique: Death Touch.

[] Refuse the offer of Death. No change.


[] Overcome the bloody innards and extract a meaning from the violent words. Gain Dao: Massacre and technique: Berserker Status.

[] Overcome the bloody innards, but ignore the words. No change.


[] Something inside you is irremediably shattered. But now there's more space for divine energies. (You cannot become a Cultivator, but gain the trait: Empty Vessel: +2 to all actions channeling the gods or studying the gods. More extreme effects when channeling the gods. Can be healed or upgraded with further researches).

[] Something inside you is broken, but it will heal. (You are injured. No further changes).

Due to the new way to calculate combat, the old Inspiration bonus of x10 is being reworked into a x4. Formula was tested and you would have still won the rounds you won. Just with way fewer crushing victories.

Cultivator bonus has been changed and it's additive and not multiplicative with the inspiration bonus. This means that a lv1 cultivator with inspiration multiplies the result of its roll by x5 (4+1) and not for x8. (4x2).

Owl HP have been decrease by ? to ?. You don't need to know how much.

Combat will work like for the future combats.

Now, moving to techs. I'll add more basic techs such as masteries, so we will have the masteries that unlocks more techs, improve gathering and crafting and other techs, that unlock more focused bonus for a smaller costs.

Since I'll add more masteries, they will improve by performing actions related to them: gathering wood adds to Wood Mastery, crafting spears adds to Weapon Mastery and so on. This should help you. Non-mastery techs still need to be researched.

Time scale will change: instead of turn/day, we are going turn/months. Progression sounded too fast and, in this way, I can add seasons without the necessity of a time skip. So, each three turns, we are going to change the season.

If necessary, I'll switch scale for combats and other situations.

That should be everything. Expect the next update to come wayyyyy later: I want to update my Dungeon Core quest and update the database for the Red Dew Riot quest.
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First month of autumn, of the first year.
The Night of Blood and Victory passed. The Squirrels awakened, feeling ... time different. Almost sluggish. What once was a day, now looked like a full week. An exepected consequence of the will of the Heavens? Maybe the forest wanted time to metabolize all the death of the last night? Who knows.

One in six squirrels was now dead. They won, but the price was significant.

Now more cultivators were present, but there was something between the old cultivators and the new ones: Redpelt and Stanley were still hearing the whispering of the Gods, but was that a true understanding of the Dao? Or it was something force on them? Questions for more knowleageable people.

And cultivators were trying to stay away from the blood masked squirrel: its emptiness a cold chasm of unsettingling void in the soul.

Probably the sect only required time to metabolize the news. And prepare for the future.

Qi Acorns0.8 (x2 Season)41.5
Wooden Armor0.71
Poison Pounches16
Bones (Rank 2 Cultivator)1
Bones (Rank 1 Cultivator)1
Feathers (Rank 2 Cultivator)1
Feathers (Rank 1 Cultivator)1

Season Modifier: Autumn: x2 Acorns Gathering.

Voting and Rolling
  • As a riot quest each quest-er is one newly awakened squirrel. So your vote is what you are choosing to do.
  • Each vote comes with a roll of a ten sided dice. (You need to edit your post to roll dice)
  • Any result of a 10 allows you to roll another dice (Repeating ad infinitum)
  • If someone roll's 3 consecutive 10's (Brute force with rerolls allowed) they earn an "Inspiration" that can be used in secret ways to benefit the players.
  • With rerolls you always take the highest result
Omakes and rerolls! Please read
  • Omakes are HIGHLY encouraged. Any omake 4 or more sentences comes with a reroll.
  • Limited to Earning one reroll a turn from an omake.
  • Rerolls must be used on the turn they are earned.
  • Rerolls are transferable to other players.
  • A second reroll is earned for doing any type of art or book keeping for the GM.
Resource Rules, Food and population
  • Some things are easier or harder to gather. This is represented by the "Modifier" on the resource table. Which can be changed by the season, research, tools or workshops. Modifier is multiplied by the total dice result for how much of a resource is gathered.
  • Each Squirrel in the Sect eats 1 food per turn.
  • If all Squirrels in the tribe die the quest is over.
  • If the Squirrel count gets significantly below the voter count, votes will be ignored at random until it matches the squirrel count.
  • Instead of doing individual items. Now items are made to complete a project which equips and improves the entire sect.
  • Projects do not require votes instead the item requirements must be met. Then the items will be removed and the bonus will be applied
Cultivation Rules
  • Everyone starts out at cultivation level 0
  • When Cultivating every action spent cultivating in a row provides an additional plus 1. (1 on the second turn, 2 on the third etc etc)
  • Cultivation Chambers can only be used by 1 person at a time (Per chamber)
  • Cultivation Chambers DOUBLES the cumulative cultivation bonus.(2 on the second turn, 4 on the third etc etc)
  • Cumulative Cultivation Bonus resets when you level up.
  • Cultivation requires hitting a certain number to level up, not a sum total.
  • Cultivators apply their level to ALL rolls.
  • Cultivators multiply their combat power by their cultivation level +1
  • Cultivators may gather and store qi up to their level. Qi can be spent on rerolls for themselves. HOWEVER ANY ROLL THAT USES QI IS INELIGIBLE FOR INSPIRATION/
  • Cultivators may store Qi up to their cultivation level.


[]Gather Stone
[]Gather Wood
[]Gather Leaves
[]Gather Food
[] Gather Amber
[]Gather QI Acorns
[]Gather Poison Arrows
[]Gather Bugs

Scouting and Diplomacy: Dangerous (Can kill you)
[] Search for New Natural Resources
[] Search for Predators (Very Dangerous)
[] Search for Qi Resources (Only cultivators)
[] Talk with the Spiders
[] Look for the Owl base


Cultivation Research

[] Qi Lore 2 [60/400]
[] Breathing Techniques [0/50] (Only Cultivators)
[]Qi Pathways Understanding [0/25] (Only Cultivators)
[] Formation Theory [0/50] Requires Writing
[] Study the Growth Stone [0/50]

Nature Research
[] Agriculture Mastery 2 [29/200]
[] Medicine Mastery 1 [0/50]
[] Poison Mastery 1 [0/50]
[] Cooking Mastery 1 [0/25]
[] Deep Burrow [46/50]

Artisans Research
[] Wood Mastery 2 [1/200]
[] Stone Mastery 1 [38/100]
[] Fibers Mastery 2 [134/200]
[] Stone Structures [21/50]
[] Bone Mastery [0/50]

Military Research
[] Armor Mastery 1 [17/50]
[] Archery Mastery 2 [0/150]
[] Trap Mastery 2 [20/45]
[] Scorpio [0/50]
[] Padding [0/25]
[] Owl-fighting techniques [15/50]

Cultural Researches
[] Ghosts and Faith [81/X?] (Progress can only be made on turns in which squirrels die.
[] Writing [40/75]
[] Music [0/50]

[] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)
[] Wood Armor Costs 10 Wood: Improve Combat ability. (Every 6 progress makes one armor)
[] Cloth Costs 4 leaves: (every 3 progress makes 1 cloth)
[] Knapped Stone: Costs 5 Stone every 2 progress makes a Knapped Stone
[] Stone Tipped Spear: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tipped spear.
[] Stone Tool: Costs 1 Knapped Stone, 1 cloth and 1 wood. Every 4 progress makes one stone tool.
[] Uniform: Costs 1 Cloth every 1 progress makes one.
[] Long Bow: Cost 1 Rope and 4 Wood, every 3 progress makes one.
[] Poison Pouch: Cost 1 Poison and 1 Cloth: Every 1 progress makes one.
[] Bag: Cost 1 Cloth. Every 3 progress makes one.

[] Mushroom farm Burrow: [39/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 food)
[] Bug Burrow: [13/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 bugs)
[] Mushroom poison Burrow: [1/50] (Cost 10 wood, and 10 Poison mushrooms)
[] Platform: [0/25] (Costs 50 wood) Required for certain other buildings
[] Cultivation Chamber: [9/100] (Costs 5 Cloth, 20 KI acorn and 20 wood)
[] Ancestor Alter: [0/???] (Costs 50 stone)
[] Wooden Huts [0/20] (Costs 20 wood)
[] Spike Traps [0/10] (Cost 5 wood and 5 leaves)

[] Awaken Other Squirrels (Costs 1 Qi Acorn every 5 progress awakens 1 additional squirrel)
[] Cultivate: (Cost 1 Qi Acorn and requires an omake. Omake still grants reroll.)
[] Take Qi from the Fulgurite (Currently: 10 Qi in reserve) (Free action)

[] Choose a Dao: (Requires at least level 1 cultivation) Must write in the Dao.
[] Gather Qi

[] Use the Growth Stone to heal injuries (max 3 turn)

Not a vote:
Gatherers Knife: Make 25 Stone Blades (25/25) Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 10%
Crafters Tools: Make 25 Stone Tools: (0/25) Reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1
Militia Spears: Make 50 Wood Spears (29/50) Provides ALL squirrels with a low base combat value.
Militia Armor: Make 50 Wood Armor (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels especially their defense.
Elite Weapons: Make 20 Stone Tipped Spears (0/20) Provides increased combat value to expeditions and cultivators
Elite Weapons: Make 30 Long Bows (0/30) Provides increased combat values to expedition, cultivators and bowsquirrels during combat.
Bags!: Make 50 Bags (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 0.2
Uniforms: Make 50 Uniforms (0/50): Increases the modifier of Gathering votes by 0.1, reduce the progress cost on all crafting votes by 1 Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels very minorly.
Militia Bows: Make 50 Bows: (0/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels.
Poison Arrows: Make 50 Poison Pouches: (32/50) Increases the Combat Values of all Squirrels. (Requires Militia bows)
Shelter: Costs 5 Platforms and 25 Wooden Spears (1/5) (3/25) Provides a massive increase in combat strength while defending your home.
Small Village: Build 20 Wooden Huts (0/20). You won't be in the open anymore.
Pitfalls of death: Build 10 Spike Traps (0/10). Provide small defenses against non-flying invaders.

(1) Mushroom Farm: Costs 1 food per turn rolls 1d10+1 for food gained. (This turn roll: 4-2=2)
(1) Mushroom poison Burrow Gain 1d10 Poison every turn. (This turn roll: 9)

@Lalm You have a free cultivation roll with +5. You can also take a normal action.
For the rank 2, I hope you come out with a name this turn, so that I can give the free roll.

We are back
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