[X]No. Stay with the host-cluster; even if interactions with them have been rather strained so far, you can do better. You don't need permission; you're Queen Administrator.
She fails, of course; your passive defenses absorb and return the attack, temporarily deactivating her forcefield and sending her crashing into the opposite wall.
it was only a broken bone or nine, and she'd started it.

:D I'm so glad I mentioned the possibility of having Accelerator's Reflection as a passive defense. Hopefully Glory Girl has learned a very important lesson on self control, her shard certainly did.

<Instant is referring to the cycle where Maker challenged the superiority of my friend-making skills over his own. He did not make that mistake a second time.>


Instant is incredibly scared of you and I'm not sure why.

Well I guess that explains why Clockblocker is almost always terrified of QA's hosts in fanfiction, and canon. Instant is one of the few shards smart enough to realize how scary she really is.

<Large numbers of terror-inducing actions interspersed with random, possibly unintentional, periods of helping? Yes. It's practically her signature.>

It's lines like this that make Splintered such an amazing quest.
[X] You're the Queen Administrator so it shall only be natural that efficiency's host shall come to you you are after all thinking with portals
Edit: Changed Vote to this:
[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!
--[X] Give him an elephant both as a signing bonus, and as chastisement for his irrationality. This will tell him he is both a valued member of the team, and that he can expect you to be a tough but fair boss.
-[X] Explain that you will meet Efficiency after you've given the younger shards and hosts some advice as helping them was one of the reasons you came here. Hopefully they will be more appreciative than Radiance's host.
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Question. What is going on with Gallant?
Our anti-Thinker power is translating his emotion aura vision of us into a psychedelic effect, looks like.
Instant's host doesn't notice, choosing to slowly walk toward you. Upon reaching a suitable distance, he sticks out one hand, smiling. "Hi, I'm Dennis. Clockblocker in costume."

<Nonononono. Abort! ABORT! Oh :Father: why?>

You stare at his hand. "Dennis, your fairy is panicking. If you act on whatever impulse is causing this, I will not be pleased."
Wait. Wait wait wait. Christ al-fucking-mighty. He wasn't actually going to try and freeze us, was he?
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[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!

Let's throw them off by being a bit reasonable/ that way we can surprise with our antics again!

edit this will be hilarious
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[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!

Well I see no reason not to, besides she did ask rather politely it would be rude to deny her this.

Edit: to good to pass up.
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[X]No. Stay with the host-cluster; even if interactions with them have been rather strained so far, you can do better. You don't need permission; you're Queen Administrator.
-[X] Ask Command Arsenal to bring Efficiency here to meet you so you can interact with all the shard hosts at once. Efficiency will appreciate it.

You are Queen Administrator.
You make THEM come to YOU. Not the other way around.
None of them are even Monarchs.
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Our anti-Thinker power is translating his emotion aura vision of us into a psychedelic effect, looks like.
Oh! That makes a lot of sense, yeah.

[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.

You are Queen Administrator.
You make THEM come to YOU. Not the other way around.
Why be contrary here? They asked politely, it still serves our goal, and doesn't cost us anything. We want to reinforce proper behavior from the other hosts, not ignore it.
[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.

Is it me, or is that issue Instant referring to sound like Starcraft?
"An interesting substance. I will have to remember that chemical composition." you muse aloud, turning to face the assembled hosts.

This will now be our default solution to problems. Create a portal directly under the problem and materialize 15ft of Containment Foam around them.

Warp's host hesitates, so you take the opportunity to do it for her. The look on her face afterward is one that you have not observed on a human before.

I wonder what Vista saw/felt when we twisted space back to normal. Heh, maybe she'll want to ask for advice in manipulating the space-time continuum.

<Nonononono. Abort! ABORT! Oh :Father: why?>

You stare at his hand. "Dennis, your fairy is panicking. If you act on whatever impulse is causing this, I will not be pleased."

Dennis quickly retracts the offending limb. "Ooookay then, never mind! So, uh... nice to meet you?"

Incidentally we just demonstrated the ability to collect information about what a parahuman going to do through their "fairy". I wonder if they'll think it was just us manifesting a thinker power via delusion or if there might really be something to this whole "fairy" thing.

[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.

I'm sure Taylor would like a good relationship with the heroes. The Wards could even be new friends! So it's probably better to just go along with what they want for now.

It's not like we are in any rush or anything since we have their whole lives to get to know them, what with Taylor being effectively immortal thanks to QA. So it seems perfectly in character to expect that we'd get to spend the whole cycle with Taylor.
We need to terrify clockblocker some more. Both choices are too simple. Can we actually create an elephant? Or just explain how we killed the Simurgh?
I wonder how Vista must be panicking. We just no sold her powers, and since our alterations are permanent she probably can't use them anymore in that room.

Also Clockblocker will be getting an earful out of this, I mean trying to freeze the Endbringer Killer. All well and good if it works, but if she ever gets out she will be pissed and it would be a good day if Brockton Bay is left standing.
We need to terrify clockblocker some more. Both choices are too simple. Can we actually create an elephant? Or just explain how we killed the Simurgh?
► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Speaking as someone Titania hasn't taken the powers of yet: I, for one, welcome our adorable fairy overlord.
Just accept his offer of eternal servitude.
[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.

Taylor the host seems to have valued being polite! It's only natural that we should go along with this sort of thing. At least until we get bored. And besides, a guided tour befits a visiting Monarch!
[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!
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... @Alivaril - With regards to our Manton Limit can we effect a person's clothes? Because for laughs I kinda want to freeze Clockblocker's clothes in time for like thirty seconds, just long enough to show that we have "copied" his power.
QM's note: As usual, feedback appreciated. I don't like this one compared to the ones previous, but is that me being overly critical or is it actually worse? And yes, I did retcon Modular's name. I'm not even sure Modularity was a word.
Giving feedback is super hard, because it's already damn near perfect. So mostly keep doing what you're doing. Anything else would either be gushing or nitpicking.

Actually, there is one thing: The degree to which QA is oblivious to human interaction seems to vary depending depending on how funny it would be. Like, MM asks "Do you mind coming with me?". From the characterization of QA I'd expect her to miss that this is actually a request to come along. There's more example for how she sometimes gets the subtext and sometimes doesn't, with no IC reason.

Just accept his offer of eternal servitude.
[X] Accept his offer of eternal servitude.
[X]No. Stay with the host-cluster; even if interactions with them have been rather strained so far, you can do better. You don't need permission; you're Queen Administrator.
-[X]You know what, the cognitive dissonance is getting to you. Just create an elephant in the room. It still doesn't make sense, but now it makes less not-sense.

(edit: superseded by future vote)
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[X] Accept his offer of eternal servitude.


[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!

Because QA doesn't understand the difference between servants, like Skitter's bugs or those zerglings from a previous cycle, and actual friends.
[X]No. Stay with the host-cluster; even if interactions with them have been rather strained so far, you can do better. You don't need permission; you're Queen Administrator.
-[X] Ask Arsenal to bring Efficiency here to meet you so you can interact with all the shard hosts at once. Efficiency will appreciate it.