Good luck keeping us away from Danny if we ever decide to actually check up on him. Actually, I'm pretty sure Coil's mercenaries would kindly let us into the base and promptly escape the city. Tinkertech weaponry or not, you don't fuck with Scion 2.0 who casually kills precognitive Endbringers and has her Endbringer-vaporizing SupahKannon deployed in the same city you live in.
I am, however, rather interested in what would happen if Noelle were to ever meet QAylor and clone her.
I mean, the clones get powers because they are connected to the same Shard.
We ARE the Shard.
So if our host were to be cloned... Would we be able to simply Nope the clone's powers and make them powerless?
Or would we control two bodies, perhaps?
Granted, I don't think he hired the Travellers yet, but I still don't like the thought of an insane, evil clone running around with Reality Warping.