I read... something a long time ago and I think it was Hitchiker's guide to galaxy about a restaurant where cows would talk to you before you eat them.

It was The Restaurant at the End of the Universe in the book of the same title. The cow walks up to the guests, sits down, has a pleasant talk, recommends what parts of him taste the best and then goes to the kitchen and kills itself. Good stuff.
Good luck keeping us away from Danny if we ever decide to actually check up on him. Actually, I'm pretty sure Coil's mercenaries would kindly let us into the base and promptly escape the city. Tinkertech weaponry or not, you don't fuck with Scion 2.0 who casually kills precognitive Endbringers and has her Endbringer-vaporizing SupahKannon deployed in the same city you live in.
I am, however, rather interested in what would happen if Noelle were to ever meet QAylor and clone her.
I mean, the clones get powers because they are connected to the same Shard.
We ARE the Shard.
So if our host were to be cloned... Would we be able to simply Nope the clone's powers and make them powerless?
Or would we control two bodies, perhaps?
Granted, I don't think he hired the Travellers yet, but I still don't like the thought of an insane, evil clone running around with Reality Warping.
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...Also, Coil trying to out us would be rather hilarious.

It would also result in the entire world - Cauldron included - deciding that everyone connected with the incident should vanish in mysterious circumstances.

Not only because of the fact that she killed an Endbringer, but also because there exists the risk of her becoming an Endbringer if she is ever pushed too far (or so Ziz said).
Cauldron, on the other hand, would disappear Coil in hopes of preventing his rampant stupidity from setting off 'the Third Entity', or something.

So... Yeah. That WOULD be hilarious.
It'd be like a cartoon in which everyone drops whatever they have been doing just to beat the shit out of an asshole.
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Danny would get insane security. I'm talking the president would have less people protecting him.

On that delightful note: The PRT may or may not be panicking about their hypothetical inability to find Danny to put said security up in the first place. I admit nothing.

In the hypothetical circumstance that Coil used mercenaries to perform a kidnapping quite a while ago, they may or may not be rethinking their life choices.
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Methinks we should start going around the town asking random people if they know where someone named 'Danny Hebert' might be, since the last time we saw him we had to knock him out and that was just rude, so we should apologize.

Ah, I can already hear the sound of Coil's teeth chattering.
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On that delightful note: The PRT may or may not be panicking about their hypothetical inability to find Danny to put said security up in the first place. I admit nothing.

In the hypothetical circumstance that Coil used mercenaries to perform the kidnapping quite a while ago, they may or may not be rethinking their life choices.


Oh this will be glorious.

The best thing those mercs could do is to take Danny back to his house, give all the money in their wallets and accounts to him, and say they are very, very sorry.

Also, their boss' head of a platter.

Call it tribute, to beg forgiveness.
The best thing those mercs could do is to take Danny back to his house, give all the money in their wallets and accounts to him, and say they are very, very sorry.

Also, their boss' head of a platter.

Call it tribute, to beg forgiveness.
If Coil doesn't do this immediately, sans beheading himself, then his intelligence is beyond all hope of redemption. It really is his only chance.
That would be stupid, and Coil is anything but stupid.
It's been my pseudo-headcanon for a while now that Coil is actually very, very stupid. I mean, for fuck's sake, the man kept Echidna in his basement. For weeks. With no actual way of helping her. In a vault he knew couldn't hold her. Before he had Dinah's assurances that she wouldn't snap at any given moment.

And on that subject: making a mortal enemy out of the world's most powerful known oracle this side of Ziz? Making it so that she desires literally nothing more in life than to see you dead and all your ambitions shattered? And then making her integral to your decision-making process?

Yeah. No way that's going to come back to bite you in the ass. No sir.
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On that delightful note: The PRT may or may not be panicking about their hypothetical inability to find Danny to put said security up in the first place. I admit nothing.

In the hypothetical circumstance that Coil used mercenaries to perform a kidnapping quite a while ago, they may or may not be rethinking their life choices.
I'm think coil is going to wind up hotties in front of Ygdrassel with a note of apology from the mercs.
Edit: I meant to say hogtied but hotties works too well.
Oh my... Is it too soon to ask for another interlude? How long until a Coil interlude?

Unless we run into Battery/Triumph while we're out on the town, Coil might be the first Cauldron cape we meet. That'll be fun.
Has the PRT figured out that Shadow Stalker has been torturing her for nearly two years with the school and possibly one or more PRT agents covering for SS and that Taylor triggered because SS and co. recently attempted to murder her? Perhaps that can come up when she goes to visit Efficiency. QA can express her displeasure at what had been done to Host and stress to the PRT just how important it is that they make things up to Host.

Also, Endbringer Slayer aside, how much do the shop owners of Brockton Bay love Titania since she seems to have a habit of paying for everything in bricks of gold worth in excess of whatever item it is she is buying?
Oh my... Is it too soon to ask for another interlude? How long until a Coil interlude?

Unless we run into Battery/Triumph while we're out on the town, Coil might be the first Cauldron cape we meet. That'll be fun.

Ohhhhh that's going to be bad. And by bad I mean awesome and I can't wait to see it.

Also funny: Coil or Tattletale tries to get Regent to hijack Titania, citing it as their own hope as survival.

He promptly blows them off, saying "Your only hope of survival."

....Actually, if Regent did march Tattletale out and into Titania, that could be fairly amusing.
Has the PRT figured out that Shadow Stalker has been torturing her for nearly two years with the school and possibly one or more PRT agents covering for SS and that Taylor triggered because SS and co. recently attempted to murder her? Perhaps that can come up when she goes to visit Efficiency. QA can express her displeasure at what had been done to Host and stress to the PRT just how important it is that they make things up to Host.
QA can't really read Taylor's memories. It's doubtful that she knows who Sophia is.
She's got the broad strokes and repetitive stuff, now that she's exchanged information with Queen Shaper. So she might actually know the Trio reasonably well, enough to know they were hurting Host.

She is aware of the trio, but also knows that Sophia is Phantasm's host. As such, Sophia is not a threat due to a minor case of severe brain damage and does not require intervention. QA is fuzzy on whether or not Emma should be counted as a hostile or a Master'd ally, as the latter seems the most likely explanation for her sudden alignment shift.

So which Interlude would people like next? Coil or Cauldron? I'm working on the next story post ATM, but if people would rather see things from their perspective before you start scaring the crap out of Queen Shaper's host, now may be a good time. If not, I'll keep working on the story post.
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She already got her just desserts anyway. She's brain dead here

There's still all those other people who enabled her to torture Host for so long as well as her hanger-oners who helped. Also, it's not clear that Emma and Madison are among the brain dead.

The PRT would want to look into Taylor's background and given how powerful she is, either cover things up so their own role never gets discovered or figure that given how powerful she is, think that it's unlikely they can ever really cover it up and it will one day come out at the worse possible time or set her off in the worse possible way. In which case, they'd want to pre-emptedly try to set things right.

Then again, they are being lead by a bigot in the local PRT, a social idiot in the local Protectorate, and a secret parahuman Chief Director who may also be hardwired to make decisions that would increase conflict.
Ohhhhh that's going to be bad. And by bad I mean awesome and I can't wait to see it.

Also funny: Coil or Tattletale tries to get Regent to hijack Titania, citing it as their own hope as survival.

He promptly blows them off, saying "Your only hope of survival."

....Actually, if Regent did march Tattletale out and into Titania, that could be fairly amusing.

Didn't QA alter Taylor's body to the point that she can lift cars, live for decades without food, fly with fairy wings, and all the other altered laws that the body acts in?

So not even regent's control should work as while he can acess nervous systems, I hesitate to call what Titania has a nervous system.
She is aware of the trio, but also knows that Sophia is Phantasm's host. As such, Sophia is not a threat due to a minor case of severe brain damage and does not require intervention. QA is fuzzy on whether or not Emma should be counted as a hostile or a Master'd ally, as the latter seems the most likely explanation for her sudden alignment shift.

...Damn but that would make a lot of sense. Kinda looking forward to this.

So which Interlude would people like next? Coil or Cauldron? I'm working on the next story post ATM, but if people would rather see things from their perspective before you start scaring the crap out of Queen Shaper's host, now may be a good time. If not, I'll keep working on the story post.

I want both so bad.

Maybe both? Cauldron briefing people on the situation, identity of Titania, and the bombshell that her father is missing. And in the hands of Coil, since Danny can be predicted just fine, and Cauldron realizing they're gonna have to ride out this disaster out as they can't, for once, just send Contessa.

Then switch to Coil freaking the ever-loving fuck out. Especially if Cauldron isn't contacting him or returning his calls. That'd be almost slightly reassuring, but no contact or favor screams, "We think you are screwed, that you going to die, and we don't want any of that shit on us."

Thus begins Coil's descent to rock bottom.