[X] The ability to take activated shards from their hosts. You'll encounter some resistance from the local hosts, but you don't think any of them will be able to stop you.
[X] Start harvesting shards immediately, starting with...
-[X] Harvest. She did offer her aid, after all.
-[X] Criminals. Start with the birdcage. Then find out who controls the terror drones and take their shard. Removing powers from all criminals and terror drones will lead to a lack of ways for heros to fulfill their need for conflict. When combined with the PRT no longer needing to go easy on capes because of the threat represented by Terror Drones we can expect many capes (OOC: Think Shadow Stalker types, GG types, etc.) to be deemed criminals for such thing as excessive force, and thus become acceptable targets for harvesting.
-[X] :Mother's shards. Where are the malformed versions of :Mother's shards coming from? Track them down and harvest them.