[X] Before doing anything irreversible, check on :Mother:. If she's not busy, she can make this a lot simpler, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions.
-[X]If :Mother: is busy or not responding, go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.

QA is the queen of HALPING, but she's also no dummy; checking with :Mother: is important to making sure she doesn't do something that would get her zapped for insubordination, though I doubt she'd think of it quite that way.

It's like... I know this vote will result in !!FUN!!, but I can't really see her NOT doing something like this.

If she finds out about :Mother:'s current status, I imagine that it would derail the remainder of this vote, of course.
Zion honestly isn't stupid.

He's just severely severely depressed and thus apathetic to everything.

and then he was just dicking around in his rampage because it was literally the first time he actually felt anything resembling happiness until Eden died.

And even then when he needed to get serious he would like how when Eidolon and GU got too annoying for him, he just popped out his PTV power and took out Eidolon like it was a walk in the park.

Oh and he gave up his most of his Thinker Shards and is dealing with emotions for the first time ever and has absolutely no idea how to deal with them and the first emotion he ever felt was crippling depression which fucks up people who have grown up with feeling emotions.

He still got manipulated by Jack, talked to death later and most importantly failed to do anything about the Cycle at any point. Hell he did not even bother to verify that Eden was dead before beginning his epic mopping.
Except a Monarch as old and experienced as QA would need a planet-sized Idiot Ball to screw up like this.

While this is supposed to be a crack quest and idiot balls can be funny, it's not quite as funny when the result of it is giving an amoral conspiracy that wants us and our entire 'family' either dead or completely enslaved, probably the only weapon that can actually allow them to do so.

Queen Administrator is going to be helping in the construction of any tools made and ensuring that hosts cannot duplicate it themselves. But mainly to make the laws of physics cry in a corner, thus expanding what is possible. I loathe idiot balls.

Not really as I remembered that like the endslaying laser, you probably wouldn't be able to so much as point the thing without QA's assistance. Girl is not stupid enough to freely give away things that could hurt her.
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[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest too. You may hate her, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
-[X]If the way to fix or kill Alternative requires the Invention and/or use of technology, make sure to seal it in Yggdrasil once you're done. It wouldn't do to leave things capable of harming Shards randomly all over the place. Besides, if any situation like this happened again, you wouldn't have to Invent it again, since you'll have it safely stashed in your awesome fairy tree.
[X]Try to go find :Mother:. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong here, and she needs to know about it. In addition, she could fix Alternative, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions.

It's the logic shard reaction here.

One could say it's rather dificult to think if most of your brain is removed.

I would like to point out that it could be possible to think using only the cerebral trunk.
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Oh god, she only has part of a shard, doesn't she? What would she and Oliver be like?

Wait, it isn't Noelle? This is Alternative right? Doesn't Noelle make "Alternative" Clones of the original? Plus, this seemed like something Coil would do and with all the soldiers standing around him, I thought QA and Danny were in Coil's base(or one of them). If there was a name for her shard in canon, I've long since forgotten it. And also, isn't Glaistig Uaine in the Birdcage currently? So it can't be her.
[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest and Countdown, too. You may hate Harvest, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
[X]Try to go find :Mother:. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong here, and she needs to know about it. In addition, she could fix Alternative, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions.

Let's pull the pin on this grenade and see what happens.
He still got manipulated by Jack, talked to death and most importantly failed to do anything about the Cycle. Hell he did not even bother to verify that Eden was dead before beginning his epic mopeing.

Well yes, Scion literally got no real pleasure from saving others. He was bored enough to try out what Jack was saying and learned that "hey I like killing people"

Interlude 26 said:
The entity had done good deeds for years, at Kevin Norton's suggestion, waiting and hoping for the reward, the realization. When none had occurred, it had simply kept doing what it had been doing. Seeking out alternatives wasn't even in the realm of imagination, because imagination was something it lacked.

It had power, though, and if either the counterpart or the cycle had been intact, they could have filled in for that imagination.

Still, it could experiment.

and he did know Eden was dead. That's literally why he's been known as being sad since he first appeared over thirty years ago.

interlude 26 said:
Extending its perception over the world and other realities, the entity can sense everything at once. It can sense conflict. Wars.

It remains aware of its limited lifespan. Three thousand and six hundred revolutions. To search like this costs a tenth of one revolution's time. There is more than enough remaining before the cycle concludes.

Or there should be.

The entity abandons the search. Enough information has been obtained for it to know.

The counterpart is dead.

For a very long time, the entity is still. It does not move, and instinctively holds back every ability, as if conserving energy in the face of a vast threat.

But this is not a threat that it can weather, like a storm of acid rain: The cycle has been disrupted.

Worse, it is terminated. The entities have altered themselves so that each half of a pairing serves part of a role. It is only with the counterpart that it can gestate, that it can modify the individual shards, cast the next generation out and start the cycle anew.

In seeking to understand the host creatures, the entity had coded shards to emulate them. It is those same shards that experience the entity's first ever emotion.

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Wait, it isn't Noelle? This is Alternative right? Doesn't Noelle make "Alternative" Clones of the original? Plus, this seemed like something Coil would do and with all the soldiers standing around him, I thought QA and Danny were in Coil's base(or one of them). If there was a name for her shard in canon, I've long since forgotten it. And also, isn't Glaistig Uaine in the Birdcage currently? So it can't be her.

Alternative=Coil. My apologies if I didn't make that clear.

In canon, Noelle's shard was never expressly named, but her cauldron phial was called "The Division Formula"

And also, isn't Glaistig Uaine in the Birdcage currently? So it can't be her.

This is a concern for the spacial-bending, dimension-hopping-capable, endslaying, alien force of chaos HALPING... why?
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[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest too. You may hate her, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.

You know if we go check and find out Eden is dead, I could see QA immediatley going to Scion and demanding an explanation. And then when we find out, ask if he could release some restrictions for QA to be able to restore them. After all Scion is capable of that, it would be trivial for him, and the cause is right.
[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest too. You may hate her, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
-[X]If the way to fix or kill Alternative requires the Invention and/or use of technology, make sure to seal it in Yggdrasil once you're done. It wouldn't do to leave things capable of harming Shards randomly all over the place. Besides, if any situation like this happened again, you wouldn't have to Invent it again, since you'll have it safely stashed in your awesome fairy tree.
[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.

Actually, let's not go to GU just yet. Between Sting, Panacea, and Eidolon of Tinkers (because honestly, that's who Leet is), we should have this nicely.
You know if we go check and find out Eden is dead, I could see QA immediatley going to Scion and demanding an explanation. And then when we find out, ask if he could release some restrictions for QA to be able to restore them. After all Scion is capable of that, it would be trivial for him, and the cause is right.
What makes you think Scion is capable of affecting shards after the fact? If that were the case, he would have just turned Sting off instead of continuing to use his expensive PTV to dodge.

In fact, we know he can't do shit without Eden. A partner is required to recall the shards. Without recalling the shards, there is nothing that can be done. The cycle is broken. They cannot reproduce.

On the other hand, QA can dimension hop, and there are truly dead shards around. She might be able to kitbash a way around her own restrictions by using the dead shards as building blocks and with the help of Queen Shaper, create something more.
[X]Try to go find :Mother:. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong here, and she needs to know about it. In addition, she could fix Alternative, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions.
-[X] Make sure she is not busy or in hiding before you contact her, you wouldn't want to reveal :Mother: if she's hidden herself among the human population.

[X]If :Mother: is unavalible, or in hiding go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest too. You may hate Harvest, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
--[X]Fetch Harvest first.
Alternative=Coil. My apologies if I didn't make that clear.

In canon, Noelle's shard was never expressly named, but her cauldron phial was called "The Division Formula"

Ok, so I was right in that Danny's in a Coil base, but wrong in who Alternative's host is. All right, thanks for clearing it up.
[X]Try to go find :Mother:. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong here, and she needs to know about it. In addition, she could fix Alternative, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions
[X] For now, render Alternative's host unconscious and return to Yggdrasil.
-[X] Try to check in on/find :Mother:.
--[X] If you can't find :Mother: in a reasonable amount of time, bring the hosts of the other monarchs to a fortified room in Yggdrasil.
--[X] Negotiate for the hosts' cooperation if necessary.

Why can't we go to :dad: and request full use of our abilities to deal with this emergency?
Because dad is stupid.

Not stupid so much as an alien god version of Gendo Ikari without the whole 'kill everyone to be with my wife again' plan.

[X]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X]Fetch Harvest and Countdown, too. You may hate Harvest, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
Guys, IC, there's zero reason to call Efficiency or Replication. Queen Objective is a Monarch Innovator, greatly superior to both Efficiency and Replication, possibly put together.
Well for one thing they're not a haughty self-sabotaging bitch.

Also we'd be halping two useful shards one of whom is engaging in a really awesome never been done before experiment and thus deserves our support so there can be more Learning.
[X] Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.

I really see no point to including Harvest, QA should be able to do anything Harvest can with her current powerset, and Harvest isn't that technically adept or insightful. We'll have reason to see GU later for some other reason I'm sure.
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Well for one thing they're not a haughty self-sabotaging bitch.

Also we'd be halping two useful shards one of whom is engaging in a really awesome never been done before experiment and thus deserves our support so there can be more Learning.

I think fixing a shard would make QO less antagonistic, since this is actually a very serious problem, and the conflict between shards are supposed to only be made to gather data.