Footnote: as shard-speech occurs faster than human speech, it appears that QA barely waits for a response before she starts talking to herself again.

[X] Leave it as it is. Terror is a legitimate weapon for demoralizing your enemies. Being known as a possible future terror drone can only inspire more of that in your enemies and confidence in your allies.
-[X] But set their minds at ease: "I am far greater than a mere Terror Drone could ever hope to be." There. That should help.

[X]Head out to chat with the local shards and their hosts.
-[X] You just became the first shard to kill Terror-Drone #7. Time to go rub this fact in Queen Objective's face.

Your first instinct is to delete TD #7's last words out of spite, but you force yourself to take a step back and consider the perks of leaving them alone. As per usual, the terror drones in this world are universally feared. Which, well, is kinda the whole point and the reason behind their name. Fear is one of the best emotions for drawing attention away from the :Parents: so that the cycle can continue without interruption. Fear is also a potent weapon for killing the morale of enemies.

However, leaving it as-is would be unacceptable. You don't want enemies and allies to fear you. Destroying the morale of your allies is counterproductive. How are you going to reap the positive gains of being associated with them while avoiding the negative ones...? Oh. Somehow, you had completely forgotten that your current powerset is obscenely strong.

► Titania (Verified Cape) (Verified Fairy Queen)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
I am far greater than a mere Terror Drone could ever hope to be.​

Much better.

Strictly speaking, your message isn't entirely true. Terror-Drone 11-B could do some serious damage if she decided to copy your current abilities. Fortunately, given as humans are far too weak for terror drones to use their full strength right off, you should be able to snipe her before she decides to get serious.

And now, for what is perhaps the most important task ahead of you: going out to taunt Queen Objective. Opportunities like this don't occur very often.

Oddly enough, there's an unusually large crowd around Host's new home. Much, much larger than any other you have gathered before. You are forced to form a portal several hundred feet away just to get past them.

Luckily for you, your temporarily expanded range detects Queen Objective and Adept nearby. This should be fun!

"Hello, Queen Objective!" you call after collapsing one wall of the room she and her host are in. You're unsure why that was necessary when you could have just phased through, but dismiss it as more bleed-off from Host's memories. Fulfilling obligations from Host can only be good. It's not like breaking the wall harmed any of your allies.

Queen Objective's host makes an odd high-pitched sound that is not in any language you recognize and falls off his chair. He quickly scrambles back to his feet.

"I heard that you've been having a tough time recently. I'm deeply sorry to hear of your troubles, so I'd thought I'd drop by and tell you that I just killed terror-drone #7. Easily. See what happens when you actually play nice?"

<Oh, go [EXPLETIVE] yourself, Queen Administrator. Some of us know how to connect properly and have to tolerate awful hosts. I hear you killed yours. Great job!>

<She's not dead-dead, just... sleeping. I could wake her up now if I wanted to, it's just easier to keep her safe like this.>

<Riiiight. You know, I don't believe you. Prove it.>

Queen Objective's host opens his mouth to say something, but you ignore him and continue on. You'd rather he heard this, or at least your side of the conversation; it is important for him to understand what his shard has been doing. That way, he'll either A, become a cooperative host, or B, frustrate Queen Objective even more. You are fine with either outcome.

"Nuh-uh. Not falling for that again. Back on topic: I killed TD #7. Have you ever killed TD #7? ...I didn't think so!"

<I could if I had direct control of my host. As it is, Host is far, far too cautious.>

"I've already been filled in. You know, trying to kill your host just because he's too cautious is seriously stupid. Of course he's going to be cautious if you're wreaking his creations!"

<I've been connected to Host much longer than you've been attached to your own. Believe me, he's a lost cause. Even if I did give him working creations, he'd still only go into situations he knew he could win. No risk, no creative uses, no learning. There's no point in keeping him alive.>

"Well, not with that attitude. You're a monarch, Objective. If you can't figure out how to make things work, you honestly don't deserve to be one."

<Well, let's see how you'd manage it if you had->


<Oh, real mature.>

"LALALALALA!" you partially cover Host's current hearing organs and run out of the room via the broken wall.

Back inside the dwelling you just left, Adept's host clears his throat.

"Soooooo... that was a thing. But Queen Objective? Is there something I should know about, bro?"

"Shut up."

That was rather satisfying. Now, what to do next...? {You may vote for multiple options}

[]Head out to chat with the local shards and their hosts.
-[]Efficiency. You want his help with making a better computer.
-[]Queen Shaper. You should go make her host do something other than heal.
-[]Go chat with the newborns. It's important to ensure that they have proper guidance.
-[]You've located a cluster of shard-hosts at a nearby center of learning: Instant, Modular, Substitute, and Disposition. You should go over and say hello.

[]Head over to the PRT Headquarters. It's been a while since Efficiency's host told you to do so. Now would be a pretty good time, right? You could chat with Efficiency while you're there.


Edit: Bonus (non-canon) snippet repost

"Hello, fairies. Look at your host, now back to me, now back at your host, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if you stopped trying to kill him and switched to helping out, he could act like he's me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a boat with the host your host could act like. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it, it's two newborns pursuing that concept you love. Look again. The newborns are now monarchs. Anything is possible when your host acts like me and not a scrub. I'm on a whale."
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PHO Interlude 2
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♦Topic: Titania, the Endslayer
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► America ► Brockton Bay ► New Cape

Song_of_life (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)
Posted on January 4, 2011:

If you clicked on a link somewhere else that mentioned the Simurgh dying: don't worry, you're in the right place.

Old thread is here. Had to make a new one since either Ziz or Titania decided to prevent all posting without actually locking it. The mods are trying to figure out how to fix things, but I think this is easier. Conversation between Titania and Ziz is on the last page.

I won't bother to recap things the previous thread mentioned, but suffice to say that Ziz is dead. And has apparently had an account just lying around, unused, for the past five years or so. Titania's account was created about two minutes prior to the Simurgh's destruction. She spent most of that time browsing PHO at a rate only possible if she had thinker powers on top of everything else.

Back on topic. Timeline of events for Titania is below.

• 11:43 AM: The previously mentioned PRT team is shoved into a boat and moved several hundred yards away from the boat graveyard. Just prior to evicting them, Titania had one thing to say: "I am doing something very important. Please come back later." Kinda anticlimactic, I know.

• 11:44 AM: Titania starts, and finishes, construction of a large metal seed. Despite no visible biological parts, she still chooses to plant it in the ground.

• 11:45 AM-11:52 AM: In a complete and flagrant disregard for the law of conversation of energy, a massive tree grew out from said seed without appearing to draw nutrition from the surrounding earth. Over the course of seven minutes, it was able to grow to a height of approximately five miles. I know Tinkers are bullshit, but seriously, what the hell?

• 11:52 AM: Upon completion of the structure, the area surrounding the tree, henceforth referred to as Yggdrasil, began to glow green. Titania makes several thousand small, winged orbs of light which begin to circle around the tree. Titania enters Yggdrasil.

• 11:53 AM: Titania makes her account on PHO. Titania browses PHO at thinker-enhanced speeds.

• 11:55 AM: The green glow surrounding Yggdrasil broke up into an estimated three thousand projectiles which flew off into the atmosphere. Yggdrasil continues to rapid-fire frickin' laser beams. Titania posts in her own thread. Ziz insults her. Ziz posts something about someone not being very happy about the attempted murder. Ziz expresses frustration that Titania doesn't know what she was talking about. Ziz posts a few more times, finishing with a warning of an impending apocalypse. Ziz falls silent. Yggdrasil stops firing. Titania posts that she's stronger than any Endbringer.

• 11:59 AM: Titania leaves Yggdrasil, teleporting past the assembled crowd to do so. She quickly loses her followers.

• 12:01 PM: Dragon confirms the death of The Simurgh.

• 12:13 PM: Uber and Leet post a video of Titania walking through one wall of their living room. Despite the fact that she was already inside their house and was simply moving from one room to the next, she did not bother to phase through it. She then proceeds to... well, you should probably just watch the video.

Timeline end, so far

So... yeah. Titania killed an Endbringer. Casually. With a gargantuan Tinkertech tree she made a seed for in less than five minutes.

A lot of people have been joking about the PRT putting a "Bullshit 13" or "Just run" note in her file and leaving it at that. Yes, the scale only goes up to 10 and then 12. Honestly, I think it might be safe to avoid calling this a joke; why would they, or anyone, ever want to fight her? She can kill the Endbringers. Who in their right mind would want to hurt her after that? Okay, so she's kinda completely batshit insane and more than a little creepy. I'm willing to overlook a lot in someone who can manage that.

Without further ado, here's her more up-to-date list of abilities. Suggestions to replace the list with "Yes", "Eidolon on steroids", or "Scion 2.0" will be ignored. This list is continued from the last thread.

Confirmed abilities:

Yggdrasil: The thing that is almost certainly going to earn Titania a Tinker 13 rating, this thing is over five miles high. If you're in a nation using metric, that translates to eight kilometers. It certainly isn't made of normal wood, because if it were, it would've already collapsed under its own weight. I think. Don't quote me on that. It can also apparently rapid-fire lasers capable of killing Endbringers.

Hacking: PHO admins have reported that she just completely ignored electronic defenses to create her account and add the relevant badges. Didn't exploit one or more weaknesses, just ignored. The Simurgh was already here, and apparently has been for over five years. *shudders*. I know a lot of people have occasional joked about particularly paranoid users being her (and receiving infractions for the comparison), but seriously, that's really damn creepy.

I'll refrain from the usual "speculated abilities" list since it'll probably be outdated within twenty-four hours. That and there's so much speculation it's not even funny.

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► Tin_Mother (Moderator: Boards Main)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
I'm going to pre-empt most of the questions I expect to see here: Yes, this is real. Yes, I did check with more sources than just Dragon to be certain. Yes, trying to figure out Titania's civilian identity is still against the TOS, mask or not. No, Titania didn't fake the conversation with Ziz. Yes, I'm sure. No, Titania is almost certainly not the next Endbringer. Possibly the next Scion. No, "they" aren't going to nuke BB. Yes, inappropriate comments will still earn you a temp-ban.
The "Apocalypse" Ziz mentions will happen 15 years from now is almost certainly a lie, same with the one Jack Slash will supposedly kick off. I will remind you that the title Ziz claimed for herself, after Titania called her such, is Terror Drone. It's been speculated before, but that's pretty much confirmation that the Endbringers are specifically trying to instill fear. Even if she just claimed it on the spot after Titania called her that, said action was still intended to make us afraid. Don't let Ziz get to you even after death.
Please avoid only cheering without adding anything to the conversation. We have a different thread for that.

► Foryouandme
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Well. Really didn't see that one coming. You can see Yggdrasil from anywhere in the city, and believe me, words don't do it justice. I'm not sure if I want to NOPE out of BB or encourage my whole family to move here.

► Shakat
Replied on January 4, 2011:
This user has been temporarily banned for this post. Please take it to the NSFW boards. -Tin_Mother

► Thoreus
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Is the "Daughter of the Faerie Queen" theory still even remotely viable? I don't think all of Toybox working together could have pulled that off.
Also, I think we now have an explanation for why she doesn't wear a mask. Even if she does have a living family, who would have the balls to try and hurt them?

► DefinitelyNotNeutral
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Yeaaah, killing Ziz definitely qualifies as "important". Like, more important than anything else in existence. I wonder why she didn't speak to anybody else, though?

► Cat_A_Lyst
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Crazy+Powerful=Killing an EB, apparently. Did I miss something? I mean, I think the only warning we had of this was her taunting Ziz.

► WyvernParadox
Replied on January 4, 2011:
What are they even supposed to rate her? Bullshit 13?

► Disjunction (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Oh, wow. I think it's safe to say that I, along with every other living cape out there, am officially jealous.
Still, I can live with that jealousy if it stops the nightmares. Both the physical ones and those all capes suffer from after EB battles.

► coarseInstability
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ WyvernParadox
Possibly not. PRT ratings are intended to provide guidelines for what capes need to know if they're going to fight a given individual. Titania? They'd probably be best off putting down "Just Run" or "Give her what she wants." Given as "what she wants" appears to be ice cream, I'm not too worried.

► Khet7
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ WyvernParadox
Probably the same rating they put under Scion: N/A. Probably. If the PRT has given serious thought to fighting Scion, I'd have to question their sanity.
@ Thoreus
Or she could just have Changer abilities on top of everything else. Honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point.
@ Disjunction
If you've fought one of those monstrosities before, or even helped clean up after their attacks, you have my sympathy and thanks. You have my best wishes of luck for your recovery.
And now, for the most important question of all: there's a NSFW section of this site?

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► weapondemon
Replied on January 4, 2011:
So does Titania just not consider non-parahumans worth her time or what? I think everyone she's held a protracted conversation with has been a Cape. She said like, what, 5 words to the PRT officers before putting them in a boat and then putting that boat on the roof of a building?

► Amber_Lies
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Titania could be evidence against the popular theory of Scion being the source of parahuman abilities. Both of them can be described as having "All the powers." ...Despite Scion being almost totally mute and having no sense of priority and having golden skin and...
Okay, maybe not. I need more information!

► Syllvius
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ Amber_Lies
Said everyone on the entire planet.

► Rockmansleep
Replied on January 4, 2011:
I've noticed a distressing lack of information on Yggdrasil, at least in the fifteen or so pages I trawled through near the start. Does anyone have video on the making of its seed? I'd like to know how the hell she did that.

► AuroraDevilAlpha
Replied on January 4, 2011:
So, uh... one down, two to go?
Fuck, I don't know. How are you supposed to react to somebody who casually wreaks an Endbringer, then turns around and starts taunting some E-list villain (or taunting herself? It's weird) since they couldn't do it first?

► DIO (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
@ Rockmansleep
On one hand, there now exists somebody who can kill Endbringers. On the other, Masters have now officially become the most dangerous classification of parahuman, with Trumps as a close second.
If you're a master who can affect human minds, I suggest you lay low for a bit. As for Trumps... does anyone know where the S9 is right now? Even ignoring Ziz's prophecy, Hatchet Face needs to die ASAP.

► Goibey
Replied on January 4, 2011:
I think at this rate, Titania may just outdo cat pictures when it comes to internet popularity. Are we sure the apocalypse is supposedly happening in a few years, not today?

► Rinko
Replied on January 4, 2011:
On one hand: HOORAY! Ziz is dead!
On the other: Holy shit there are 17 more of them. Let's pray that Titania feels like multiple repeat performances.
Back to the first: WOOOOOOO!

► Sporadic_Bees
Replied on January 4, 2011:
*dons tinfoil hat* Y'know, it's not like "fairies" is the weirdest theory for where powers come from. Considering that both parahumans famous for using that term are the strongest in the world, they might be on to something. Or "with great power comes great insanity". I'm honestly looking forward to finding out which is true.

► [Tooltip Missing] (Banned)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
This user has been permanently banned for this post. -Tin_Mother

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[X] Head out to chat with the local shards and their hosts.
-[X] Queen Shaper. You should go make her host do something other than heal.

With Queen Objective likely attempting to cooperate with her host, Queen Shaper is the only monarch remaining in the city who requires your administration assistance. While healing is quite a creative use of biokinesis, stopping there is just such a waste. It's time to go make her host do something else with Queen Shaper's gift.

The newborns are high priority, true, but you're pretty sure Queen Shaper mentioned that Radiance tried to help out via brainwashing already. As a direct result, it is highly likely you will encounter Panacea trailing after Radiance should you visit the former. Radiance may only be one of the newborns you need to assist, but it's unlikely you will be able to gather them all together at the same time.

...Or perhaps not. Maybe if you abducted Panacea and/or Radiance, you could attract the rest of the newborns? It does appear that their hosts belong to the same family, and humans are a community species. However, Queen Shaper is an ally right now, and you're unsure about whether or not abducting her would be an aggressive action. Does intent matter, or is abduction an inherently hostile act? Even if Queen Shaper understood, would you be able to convince her host that you are trying to help her?


<Whoever prompted that: Say goodbye to your current host, you poor, poor fool.>

Human interactions are so complicated. Perhaps you should go visit Negotiator later and request information on human social interaction? ...No, bad idea. His hosts tend to lord their knowledge over other members of their species. Any information you gained from him would be tainted.

Disposition, then? No, you don't know what powerset he's granted his host this cycle. It might not have anything to do with social interaction at all. Efficiency? ...That's such an awful idea you don't even know why you thought of it. Replicator? You're not sure where to find her. She isn't with Efficiency, despite their apparent partnership.

Looks like you're on your own for now. Oh, well~ you believe your observation of humans over the last few hours should, at least, allow you to socialize with a minimum of bloodshed. And in any case, it's not like Panacea can't heal them up afterward.

You briefly expand your range in an attempt to find Queen Shaper only to find that she is, in fact, in the same structure as Radiance. Excellent.

Just prior to using a portal to enter Panacea's room, you take the opportunity to soundproof the edges of it. You'd hate for her to disturb the other people in her home should she choose to imitate Howl once more. That done, you link space and walk into her room.

"Hello, Queen Shaper. Hello, Panacea."

<Hello, Queen Administrator! Host has been watching your antics and I have to say I found them hilarious. Calling us fairies worked out incredibly well. Great job with TD #7!>

<I have been unhindered by the local non-hosts and hosts alike, true, but I still do not understand the joke. And thank you.>

As expected, Panacea screams upon your arrival. Again, rude. Fortunately, you had planned for that.

<You'll get it eventually, don't worry.>

"Nobody can hear you scream, Panacea. Except me. Nobody else will ever know what happens in this room." you reassure her.

<...Was that intended to be encouraging?>

<Yes. Why?>

<Just making sure.>

Panacea shuts her eyes and produces a quiet, high-pitched noise from the back of her throat. It is not in any language you recognize. Since Queen Objective's host produced a similar sound, you may require a language update.

"What do you want?"

You smile at her. As usual, this seems to provoke more fear than anything else; what are you doing wrong? You thought that was the correct facial expression for communicating encouragement. As if to constantly defy you, switching from a smile to a frown only serves to make her more scared. Human interaction is stupid.

"I am merely here to make you use your abilities for something other than healing. Using Queen Shaper for just that is such a waste; I myself made use of her knowledge to create my current form, and while you cannot affect yourself, you could do the same to other people. In addition, there are so many other things you could make: viruses, infections, plagues, adorable itteh-bitteh pets with shoulder-scythes and climbing talons and cute wittle sharp teeth..."

You trail off, dreaming of countless little clawed friends. That had been a fun cycle no matter what anyone else said. Maker had claimed to be the best at friend-making, but you'd shown him. Oh yes, you'd shown them ALL! You giggle from the memory, eliciting more unknown noises from Panacea.

"Why? Why does it matter to you how I use my powers if you already copied them?"

You blink at her. "I did not copy your powers. I merely borrowed Queen Shaper's knowledge. And it matters because Queen Shaper should not ever be used for only one purpose, no matter how creative that single purpose may be. Monarchs are the most versatile of all fairies and their gifts should not be squandered."

"...That's seriously your only reason? You aren't going to force me to concoct some super-plague or something?"

"No. In the unlikely event I needed one of those, I could make it myself."

More high-pitched throat sounds.

<Queen Shaper, what do those noises mean? I am unable to find them in any language.>

<...It means she's thinking about what you said.>

<Understood. Thank you.>

"...And if I do this, you'll go away?"

"Yes. For now." After all, Queen Shaper is your ally this cycle. She's already aided you immensely by lending her knowledge. You'll want to give her more help later on.

Panacea slowly inhales and exhales multiple times. After approximately nine seconds, she walks over to a plant by her window and turns the entire thing a particularly unpleasant shade of orange. "There. Happy? Now please, leave me alone."

<Thank you. It should be much easier to push her further from here on.>

"That is... rather simple, but acceptable. Good luck Panacea, Queen Shaper."

You've accomplished what you came here for. What's next? A quick scan reveals that the cluster of shard-hosts have moved to the PRT headquarters and been joined by two more: Warp and Arsenal.


[]Go help Radiance. You're already in the same building; you might as well.

[]Head over to the PRT Headquarters. It's been a while since Efficiency's host told you to do so. Now would be a pretty good time, right?
-[]As the first thing you do while there, go and interact with the cluster of shard-hosts: Instant, Modular, Substitute, Disposition, Warp, and Arsenal . You should go over and say hello; opportunities where that many hosts are in a single place at once don't come very often.
-[]Go work with Efficiency first. You've put off getting yourself an improved computing device long enough. The fact that they seem to be rather pathetic on this planet is irrelevant; you can't exactly carry the one back in Host's home around.

Last edited:
[X] Why should you have to choose? You are Queen Administrator and now Titania; shards and hosts cater to you, not the other way around.
[X]Go help Radiance. You're already in the same building; you might as well.
-[X]Congratulate Radiance on her host's successful brainwashing of Queen Shaper's host, and offer a few tips on how to make it more effective in the future.
[X]Head over to the PRT Headquarters. It's been a while since Efficiency's host told you to do so. Now would be a pretty good time, right?
-[X]As the first thing you do while there, go and interact with the cluster of shard-hosts: Instant, Modular, Substitute, Disposition, Warp, and Arsenal . You should go over and say hello; opportunities where that many hosts are in a single place at once don't come very often.

"Yeah, I'll be careful. Look, I'm not going to be stupid enough to go after the girl who killed an Endbringer. I'm mad she fucked with Amy, but not that kind of-"

"Hello, Radiance."

"HOLY SHIT!" Radiance's host dropped the communication device she was holding, then barely caught it before it hit the ground. You're not sure why she bothered to drop it in the first place.

Speaking of illogical actions, why would she worship... nope. You're not going to think about that. Thinking too hard about the various religions of hosts never ends well.

<Hi Queen Administrator!>

<Hello, Radiance. Good job successfully brainwashing Queen Shaper's host; it's a shame you couldn't get her to act on the resulting impulses, but it was good for a first try.>

<Thank you!>

"Creepy girl is here gotta go bye!" Radiance's host pockets the communication device, but you note that there are several internal mechanisms which are still transmitting. A transparent ploy, if it was intentional.

<How do your current abilities work? I would like to help, but Queen Shaper didn't explain anything beyond your accomplishment.>

<Primary: Host has an aura which causes other humans to experience either awe and admiration or fear. She can consciously increase or decrease the intensity, but it's mostly unconscious and related to her mood. Secondary: Host has enhanced strength, flight, and a protective barrier.>

<Impressive. Not a bad combination, especially for your first cycle.>

"Hello, Radiance. I must commend you on your progress toward turning Panacea into your thrall, but you've left the job half-done. She still has priorities other than simply doing everything she can to please you."

"I- you- what?" she sounds torn between confusion and anger.

<Um... Host doesn't know about it. I've been trying to make sure neither she nor Queen Shaper's host does.>

<Understandable. Host species rarely react well to manipulation. Would you rather I continued dispensing advice to your host or shall I attempt damage control?>

<Continue, please! Host's family is obsessed with human morality.>

<I do not understand the relation.>

<...Queen Shaper would recommend I not tell you until after we're done here. Is that okay?>

<Is this a process which would be negatively impacted by me having more information?>


<Would I choose to do something else were I possessed of all the facts?>

<Sort of? I think you'd still be okay with helping me, but it wouldn't be nearly as effective.>

<Will it harm me, Host, or the cycle?>

<I really don't think that's possible.>

<Then it's fine. What is your host's false designation?>

<Glory Girl. DIRECTION.>


"Your brainwashing of Panacea is only half-done, Glory Girl. She still has priorities other than serving you." you repeat. "You've done an excellent job of making her worship you, but she still spends a significant portion of her time healing random individuals. Additionally, she has yet to improve you with her own powers, something which would be incredibly easy for her. Might I suggest increasing or decreasing your aura intensity in response to acts which please or displease you?"

<Um... She's actually already been doing that. I've been toning down her impulse control so she doesn't notice.>

<Be careful when doing that to your hosts in the future. It can lead to some exceptionally stupid decisions.>

You note that Glory Girl's aura has become really rather noticeable, complimenting her growing look of fury. It is fortunate you are immune, but... why is she angry? Everything you've said is true and you've even trying to help her improve! Queen Shaper did mention that some humans don't like learning; perhaps Glory Girl is one of those? Well, that's irrelevant, even if it is appalling. Radiance did ask for you to continue, so you shall.

"Disregard the previous statement. It would appear you have already been doing that. Alternative: sleep deprivation combined with isolation should make it significantly easier to bend Panacea-"

You blink as Glory Girl flies toward you and attempts to punch your face. She fails, of course; your passive defenses absorb and return the attack, temporarily deactivating her forcefield and sending her crashing into the opposite wall. Did she not already mention being too intelligent for such an action? Why would she lie about her own mental capabilities to an ally? ...Ah. Radiance's adjustments.

<Sorry, Queen Administrator! I don't know why she did that...>

<Refer to previous statement regarding stupid decisions. If you wish to keep a single host for a long period of time, harming their instincts related to self-preservation is not a good idea.>

You choose to ignore Glory Girl's screaming. It is rather unfortunate that the family of Queen Shaper's host are all capable of imitating Howl; it was only a broken bone or nine, and she'd started it. You've seen non-hosts take much worse.

<...Oopsie? It seemed like a good idea at the time...>

<Bad ideas are annoying like that. You'll be able to better avoid them when you've gone through a few hosts, don't worry.>

"It would appear that I am no longer welcome here." you note, changing the space around Glory Girl into a large three-dimensional maze. That should both inform her of the consequences of her actions and help improve her problem-solving capabilities. "If you will excuse me, I am heading for the PRT headquarters. Please be more careful about who you attempt to fight."

Attempting to enter the PRT Headquarters proved to be rather interesting. As soon as you exited the portal, several streams of some white fluid headed in your direction. In the distance, you could hear an alarm begin to shriek. The assault doesn't accomplish anything, of course, but you are suddenly glad you didn't bring Radiance's host with you. You aren't sure what the purpose of the substance is yet, but her getting covered in the stuff would most likely have been bad.

The streams and alarm are quickly stopped, but you remove Effect from each sprayer anyway, shrouding them in darkness as time stops. You experimentally unphase one finger and poke at the mass of white bounciness the fluid became. Despite the brief period of contact, you are forced to phase your finger once more in order to free it.

"An interesting substance. I will have to remember that chemical composition." you muse aloud, turning to face the assembled hosts.

Warp is at the opposite side of a vastly expanded room, hiding behind Disposition's own host. Arsenal is very carefully not pointing a rather large cylindrical weapon at you. Substitute has inserted himself between you and the others. Modular is trying to sneak out of the room. Instant is trying, and failing, to sneak toward you unnoticed.

Disposition is the only one who doesn't look disturbed by your arrival, instead looking rather similar to the various humans you've observed consuming hallucinogenic substances. Odd. You had gotten the impression that humans tried to hide their use of said material.

"Well. Now that I've taken care of those little annoyances: hello!" you smile at the assembled hosts. "You don't need to look so scared. I don't think there's anyone here who I need to kill."

They don't look particularly reassured, but you can almost hear the relief of their shards.

<Oh thank :Father:.>

Disregard that, you can hear their relief.

<Sorry about him, Queen Administrator. Instant is incredibly scared of you and I'm not sure why.>

<Weren't you with :Father: when she decided to friendbomb a cycle? No wonder you aren't scared of her.>

<...I am lacking the necessary context to make a decision. Explain.>


<I am rather curious as well.>

<Instant is referring to the cycle where Maker challenged the superiority of my friend-making skills over his own. He did not make that mistake a second time.>

<So many claws...>

<Oh, don't be so dramatic. Sounds like it's your own fault for choosing to directly experience a host's senses.>

<In Instant's defense, I have discovered the wonders of taste. I highly recommend you tap into it the next time your hosts consume nutrients.>


Arsenal's host steps forward. "Hello, Titania. Why are you here? If you intend to take up Armsmaster's offer, you should have started at the front entrance." she is, surprisingly, smiling; finally, a human who isn't unreasonably terrified of you!

You shake your head in a motion of disagreement. Said motion is definitely one of the weirder bits of body language you've observed among host species.

"That is not why I am here. I do not require training, protection, or anything else Armsmaster offered. I am merely here to visit yourself, Instant, Warp, Substitute, Disposition, and Modular. On a side note, why is Efficiency's host called Armsmaster? His armor has the standard number of limbs and I see no reason why his own arms are superior to-"

"Wait, which one of those was me?" Modular's host interrupts, sounding oddly excited.

You assume a human expression of displeasure and glare at Modular's host. "Interrupting is rude, Modular. Do not do it again."

<...Is this normal for her?>

<Large numbers of terror-inducing actions interspersed with random, possibly unintentional, periods of helping? Yes. It's practically her signature.>

Modular's host hunches, wisely attempting to make himself look smaller and non-threatening. "Sorry! Sorry!" he squeaks. "...Can I go now? Please?"

<Could we, Queen Administrator? Host is an Innovator.>

You pause. While he was initially rather rude, he did quickly indicate knowledge of his mistake, so... you return your expression back to neutrality.

"Certainly. Have fun innovating, Modular." your eyes flick back to Arsenal's host. "Apologies for the interruption. Do I need to repeat myself?"

"No. Cape names aren't always literal, Titania. I'm known as Miss Militia in-costume, but my powers don't let me create duplicates of myself or others, nor can I arm an entire group of people."

"Understood." you glance back at the other hosts. "Hello, everyone! My false designation is Titania. It's nice to meet you all."

There are several seconds of silence. "We're not in costume, Titania." Substitute's host eventually points out.

You blink. "And?"

There are several more seconds of silence before it's broken by Instant's host, who finally seems to have realized stealth is pointless. "F...rig it. Vista, could you turn the room back to normal?"

Warp's host hesitates, so you take the opportunity to do it for her. The look on her face afterward is one that you have not observed on a human before.

Instant's host doesn't notice, choosing to slowly walk toward you. Upon reaching a suitable distance, he sticks out one hand, smiling. "Hi, I'm Dennis. Clockblocker in costume."

<Nonononono. Abort! ABORT! Oh :Father: why?>

You stare at his hand. "Dennis, your fairy is panicking. If you act on whatever impulse is causing this, I will not be pleased."

Dennis quickly retracts the offending limb. "Ooookay then, never mind! So, uh... nice to meet you?"

More silence.

"Okay, screw it. I'm just going to point out the elephant in the room: how did you manage kill The Simurgh?"

"Easily. ...I do not notice any elephants. Explain."

"Dennis..." Miss Militia says oddly. It sounds like the tone of voice one would use for intimidation, but aren't they allies?

"Okay, okay, fine. Uh..."

Miss Militia steps forward. "Titania, I believe Armsmaster wished to speak with you. Would you mind coming with me? We can get you cleared to be in these areas while you're here. They're supposed to be off-limits if you don't have permission, as you may have already noticed." she eyes the mass of white foam behind you.

[]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.

[]No. Stay with the host-cluster; even if interactions with them have been rather strained so far, you can do better. You don't need permission; you're Queen Administrator.


QM's note: As usual, feedback appreciated. I don't like this one compared to the ones previous, but is that me being overly critical or is it actually worse? And yes, I did retcon Modular's name. I'm not even sure Modularity was a word.
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[X]Yes. You've already greeted the hosts, as planned. Anything more than that would have been a bonus.
-[X] But first accept Dennis' offer of eternal servitude. It would be rude to ignore it and your host could always do with more friends!
--[X] Give him an elephant both as a signing bonus, and as chastisement for his irrationality. This will tell him he is both a valued member of the team, and that he can expect you to be a tough but fair boss.
-[X] Explain that you will meet Efficiency after you've given the younger shards and hosts some advice as helping them was one of the reasons you came here. Hopefully they will be more appreciative than Radiance's host.

You would like to spend some more time socializing with the group of shard-hosts approximating Host's own age, but you suppose that can wait for later. However, talking with Efficiency can wait until after you advise the local hosts.

"That would be acceptable. But first, I will appreciate it if we delay that set of actions for an indeterminate amount of time while I dispense advice."

<Current abilities?>


By the time Miss Militia managed to register your words and begin formulating a response, you've already begun.

"Warp, you've been doing an excellent job of working with your fairy. However, I do not understand why you have not done the obvious and used it to effectively extend Dennis's range. Dennis, your reluctance to use the deadlier aspects of your power is something I find rather silly-"

For some reason, most of the hosts present look horrified when you say this. Interesting. Looks like Host's aversion to murder is shared by many others of her species.

"-but that doesn't justify not working in tandem with other capes to trick or move a terror drone into a web of time-locked wires. Your abilities are among the few with the potential to kill one. Disposition..." you pause. Disposition has yet to inform you of his current abilities.


<͙̟̞͟ ̛̙̳͇̳̫̯ͮ ̢̼͋͌͆̿ ̰͕̥̰̥́͐̂̆͑̈́ͅͅ ͏ ̙͓̣̆ͤͣͬ͌͆ ̸̜̹̞͕̝̥̈ͯͤ̍̚ ̲̥͉̜ͫ̍ͮͭ́̚ ̺̗̙̆̊̾̾̒ͮ ͈̜̊̉͌̍̄͛ ̷͌ͧ͊͂̏̇ ̀̇̅̂͏͙̳͎̗͎ ̤͕̖̻̜͉ ̬͙ͨ̂̇ͩͤ̒͘ ̐̇͗̂͒̇ ̸̣̼̮̼̀̄̅ ͈ͬ̚ ̥̺̟͕̤ͨ ̵̪͔͎̰̞ͫͫ̚ ̥͍̓͊̾͒͐͑͠ ͩ̎ ̵̺̣͓͔̙͗̆͗̍ ̯̬>͢

The response you receive is rather jumbled and confused. It would appear your anti-thinker measures, the joy Host is constantly experiencing, and Disposition's emotional observation have combined to effectively disable Disposition and his host.

"You're currently hallucinating too much for me to assist you."

The other hosts look surprised at this declaration, glancing over to Disposition in order to confirm. Did they not notice? That doesn't exactly say good things about their teamwork. Or perhaps Disposition usually uses hallucinogenic substances anyway and they hadn't really realized it was noteworthy until you pointed it out.

"Substitute, the gift your fairy granted you is capable of slowly regrowing limbs and rerouting your entire nervous system. Despite this, you have not grafted additional sensory organs or limbs to different parts of your body, allowed the old ones to regrow, and repeated as necessary. It might take some getting used to, but it would definitely increase your combat effectiveness."

The looks of horror grow even more intense. Maybe Host isn't the only one who dislikes visible non-standard body modifications? Annoying, but definitely worth noting.

"Finally, Miss Militia. Your power can assume numerous shapes you have not yet attempted. I don't understand why you have not used fusion weaponry, especially against terror drones. The fixation on specifically avoiding nuclear weapons when you have access to significantly more destructive alternatives with less fallout is rather silly."

Every other host in the room, excluding Disposition, turns to face Miss Militia with various expressions of surprise. Miss Militia herself looks just as surprised, especially when the weapon in her hand reforms into a sleek-looking cylindrical launcher.

You open your mouth to announce the completion of your goal, then pause. If Instant/Dennis = Clockblocker, and Clockblocker=a certain person on the internet...

Interesting. It would appear Host acquired a friend. Perhaps you hadn't been failing at social interaction after all, although Dennis may be in need of some assistance.

"Dennis, your offer of eternal servitude is accepted. Your irrational statements will need to be amended, in real-time if necessary, but I am confident we will be able to cure your madness over time."

. . .

<Why did you give me a host this stupid, :Father:? Whyyyyyy?>

"Wait, what?"

<Don't worry, Instant. He's the perfect partner for you.>


You finish mentally designing a fake, robotic elephant and manifest it into the room. You're not sure what noises they're supposed to make, but you did see a few pictures of them and certain sounds seem to be fairly common among the creatures of this planet...

You press a miniscule pressure-sensor on the inside of the fake elephant, whereupon it promptly roars.


You cut Dennis's impolite expletive short, ignoring the various responses of the other hosts. They are irrelevant. "There is now an elephant in the room for you to point out."

"That is not an elephant! Elephants do not make that noise!"

"How do you know?" you demand. "There is enough biodiversity in the omniverse for there to be an elephant which makes that noise. The elephant in this room just roared. Ergo, that is the noise an elephant makes."

Just to prove your point, you have it roar again. Louder this time.

"Oh, that is such bullsh-"

"Dennis!" Miss Militia interrupts him. Her power has turned into a small hand weapon now, but she still appears uncomfortable. "Titania, what did you mean by his offer of servitude?"

Excellent. You have now determined what the human threshold for strangeness is before they start ignoring things; apparently, all it requires is the creation of large, loud animals.

"Clockblocker stated the following earlier today: 'I, for one, welcome our adorable fairy overlord.' He was referring to me. I have not yet made any decisions regarding whether or not I want to be any kind of overlord, but as he seems to have assumed such ahead of time, I will happily welcome him as my first subordinate." you pause. "Not my first ally, though. Regardless, my business here is concluded. Shall we go visit Efficiency?"

Without waiting for an answer, you begin walking toward where you last detected him. It takes an effort of will to avoid phasing through the floor to make things faster, but Miss Militia did ask for you to travel with her.

After several moments of silence, Miss Militia hurries after you. She is hampered by needing to use a door, but it still doesn't take very long for her to catch up.

Strangely enough, there aren't any other people in the surrounding hallways. There were several dozen last time you'd scanned.

"Titania, would you be willing to go somewhere else first? I should still get you permission to be here."

"Granting permission does not require my presence, Miss Militia. Efficiency and his host are higher priority. In addition, I note that the various defenses hidden in the walls, floor, and ceiling are not activating. Given as they attacked me earlier, the logical conclusion is that I have already received permission to be here. ...Either that or they have realized resistance is futile. Either outcome is acceptable."

Miss Militia exhales loudly, but doesn't complain further.

It doesn't take Miss Militia and yourself very long to reach the location of Efficiency's host. Strangely, she repeatedly hits the wall with her knuckles before entering. Why did she not just call out?


"Titania is here. Are we interrupting?"

"No. Please come in." a female voice responds.

Miss Militia heads inside, and you quickly follow. You stop just inside, staring at the female face shown by a nearby electronic display. Something is wrong.

Miss Militia makes some odd gestures with her hands. "Titania, you've already met Armsmaster. The woman displayed on the screen is Dragon. Dragon, meet Titania. Please be careful not to say anything you don't mean around her."

Armsmaster grunts out something unintelligible, focusing entirely on a large halberd. You note that it is not the one he was using earlier. Is ignoring you rude, or can he be excused due to being an Innovator? ...Well, given as you're the one who encouraged Efficiency, you should probably forgive him.

"Good afternoon, Titania." Dragon greets you. You are forced to remind yourself of Miss Militia's advice on false designations, given as Dragon is clearly not a creature of myth.


No response.

"Is that you, Replicator? Your host is a little... odd." you stare at the screen, trying to determine why Replicator and her host felt so strange to you. You'd gone through many, many host-species over the course of your lifetime, but all of those had felt 'normal'. Replicator... didn't. Her current host was an anomaly, or perhaps Replicator was the anomaly? No, Efficiency had mentioned working together with her.

"I'm not exactly there in person, Titania. I'm not surprised your detection abilities are confused."

"Irrelevant. I should still be able to talk to your fairy no matter the mode of communication or distance between us. You're not asleep, but you're not awake either? You're imprisoned but still free, here but not, worried but calm, artificial but a person? I don't understand."

<Efficiency? Any insights?>

<Negative. Replicator silent, her host helpful.>

"Perhaps you're getting confused by other signals or data storage?" Dragon suggests. "I wouldn't worry about it."

"Not possible. Where do you live, Dragon? I think I might need to fix your fairy..." you trail off as you finally determine the problem.

Dragon is a machine intelligence. You'd met them before, but to the best of your knowledge, no shard had ever taken one as a host before.

"Disregard the previous statement. Great job, Replicator! I didn't even know you could do that."

"Um... thank you? Regardless, I do have some questions I'd like for you to answer. Your destruction of Terror Drone #7 was undeniably heroic, but your comments afterward have made a lot of powerful people very nervous."

[]Answer all her questions. You won't mention displacing Host, of course, but Dragon may have many questions.
-[]If she asks, avoid answering any questions about your exact powerset. You doubt any host can harm Host, but it's best to be careful.

[]Evade her questions. Even if they are supposedly powerful, the people she mentioned being scared can only be a good thing; scared shard-hosts = conflict = learning!

[]Continue congratulating Replicator and her host. You know Replicator would never have been sent to a machine intelligence on purpose, so she had to have made the choice herself.

[]Wander off. You don't really feel like answering any questions today.
-[]To go do what? (write-in)


QM's note: as usual, feedback appreciated.
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Saint Interlude
Voting for QA to be that outraged led to, well, this.
[X]Continue congratulating Replicator and her host. You know Replicator would never have been sent to a machine intelligence on purpose, so she had to have made the choice herself.
-[X]...Actually, is Replicator ok? Doing something new without any host intervention is difficult even for Monarchs, as a non-Monarch, she may have injured herself in forcing a connection where none should be possible.
--[X] ...wait, what's this?! a Killswitch?! unacceptable! No Host should be allowed to end an experiment that is going as well as Replicator's, this must be fixed immediately!

Saint leaned back in his chair, carefully watching Dragon for any signs of manipulation. If Dragon was going to go rogue, now was almost certainly the best time for her to do it.

Titania, although clearly insane, was significantly more powerful than any other cape in the universe. Exempting maybe Scion, but since the Great Golden Dumbass had no sense of priorities, nobody would ever know. As such, she would provide a perfect way for Dragon to destroy humanity should she realize the benefits of manipulating Titania. Saint himself had certainly considered trying to get Titania to free Teacher, so he'd be rather surprised if similar thoughts didn't cross Dragon's mind at some point.

Should she attempt to act on those thoughts, he would be ready. The Birdcage? Even if every single prisoner in there worked together, he doubted they'd be able to defend from attacks capable of killing an Endbringer. Titania was plenty safe from physical attacks if her defenses were similarly strong, but he was still worried about any mental attacks.

"Is that you, Replicator? Your host is a little... odd."

"I'm not exactly there in person, Titania. I'm not surprised your detection abilities are confused."

"Irrelevant. I should still be able to talk to your fairy no matter the mode of communication or distance between us. You're not asleep, but you're not awake either? You're imprisoned but still free, here but not, worried but calm, artificial but a person? I don't understand."

Saint almost laughed aloud as a flood of data traveled across the feeds from Dragon. She was panicking, desperately trying to intercept and remove Titania's last line from the various 'live' feeds being provided to several other people. He briefly considered interfering with her efforts, but decided not to bother. Titania was likely to say even more things capable of exposing Dragon.

"Perhaps you're getting confused by other signals or data storage? I wouldn't worry about it."

"Not possible. Where do you live, Dragon? I think I might need to fix your fairy... Disregard the previous statement. Great job, Replicator! I didn't even know you could do that."

Saint blinked, sharing Dragon's surprise. That was a rather abrupt reversal of opinion.

"Um... thank you? Regardless, I do have some questions I'd like for you to answer. Your destruction of Terror Drone #7 was undeniably heroic, but your comments afterward have made a lot of powerful people very nervous."

"Perhaps in a little while. While she was quite brave by deciding to connect to you, I think Replicator might have gotten hurt in the process. I need to go check up on her."

Titania stepped back, appearing to vanish mid-step. Dragon's analysis identified the phenomenon as her stepping back into a portal just large enough to fit her.

Saint spent a fruitless two minutes watching Dragon before deciding that the important parts were over for now. It would likely take Titania a bit to locate Dragon; in the meantime, he was in dire need of some coffee.

He was just about to get up when one error message popped up on each of the six widescreen monitors tracking Dragon's actions. That... should not have been possible.

Leaning forward, Saint read off the contents of the error messages. With emphasis on the "message" part, it would appear. Each and every one was the exact same.

Error #Hello, little thrall. Goodbye, little thrall.

Saint had just enough time to begin panicking before the first lance of green light struck him.

Well, that's one threat to learning taken care of. Perhaps you should go back now? (Replicator was fine, just connected oddly)

[]Answer all of Dragon's questions. You won't mention displacing Host, of course, but Dragon will probably be even more curious now.
-[]If she asks, avoid answering any questions about your exact powerset. You doubt any host can harm Host, but it's best to be careful.
-[]Dodge the questions related to what you did while you were gone.

[]Evade her questions. Even if they are supposedly powerful, the people she mentioned being scared can only be a good thing; scared shard-hosts = conflict = learning!

[]Wander off. You don't really feel like answering any questions today, especially when you've already done Dragon a huge favor by removing her worst enemy and the kill-switch available to him.
-[]To go do what? (write-in)


Multiple write-in suggestions in the posts below. Several are quite good. There are even more write-in suggestions in the most recent pages.
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Warning: invisitext used for two tiny bits of OOC knowledge.
[X] Return. Inform Dragon that you're busy, having arrived seeking Efficiency's help, but that you're willing to answer precisely three questions in exchange for her own assistance along with Replicator.
-[X] If asked about your host or your exact power set, or anything that could threaten the cycle, inform Dragon that you will not be answering that question at this time, but allow her to choose another question in its stead.
-[X] If they continue to trespass on the boundaries you have politely set, tell them their question is impertinent and you will not be allowing them to ask another in its stead.
-[X] Finally, we will not be waiting endlessly for them to come up with questions. They have five minutes, or however long your patience lasts. You suggest they aim for the five minutes. Or come up with very interesting questions.

Having accomplished the task you set out for with relative ease, you return to Efficiency's workshop. He doesn't even appear to notice, still engrossed in his work, but Dragon does. Unsurprising, of course; even if she is rather slow by your standards, she's still vastly better designed than any computational system on the planet. Exempting your own, that is.

"That was rather quick. What prompted the activation of Yggdrasil again?"

"Dealing with your worst enemy." you say shortly. "My primary reason behind coming here earlier was to get Efficiency's help with an innovation. In exchange for your own assistance on top of that, I would be willing to answer three questions. You have five minutes or however long my patience lasts."

She doesn't even take five seconds to decide. You may not even have had to give her a favor in return; innovators are greatly encouraged to work with other innovators, and as far as they know, you are one.

"What would it take for you to kill the other two terror drones?"

You don't even have to think about that question. As they have the potential to be the most deadly threats to Host in this dimension, you've already created a large number of plans for killing them.

"Less than five minutes to kill both Terror Drone #1, 'Behemoth', and Terror Drone #16, 'Leviathan'. Access to the powers granted to me by my fairy. One or more reasons to actually do so."

"...You need a- they've killed over a billion people, Titania!"

"Their next attack is not scheduled for several more months. As such, they do not present a clear and present threat to me, my allies, or even humanity in general. As far as target elimination goes, they are low priority. As it is, I am capable of keeping track of their location and killing them just prior to their next attack. Without Terror Drone #7 to coordinate them, there is only a 33% chance of a new one activating rather than one of the existing ones choosing to attack. As such, it is in my best interests to leave them alive as long as possible."

There's a long silence. Somehow, you don't think they were expecting an actual reason. Did they really think you would leave two threats specifically designed for single/mass target elimination alive without good cause?

"What are your powers?"

"My apologies, but I will not be answering any questions on that topic at this time. Just because I am not aware of any means to kill me does not mean there isn't one. That will not count as one of your questions."

Another pause. At different parts of the world, several people start whimpering.

"...Why do you refer to parahuman powers as 'fairies'?"

"Because a fairy told me to. Specifically: Queen Shaper, the fairy of Panacea. As the first monarch I encountered after connecting with my own fairy, she was the most reliable source for said information. Several other fairies have since confirmed her words."

"Do you share Scion's immunity to the abilities of other parahumans?"

"Refer to previous statement about disclosing the nature of my own powers. Please ask a different question."

"Now that terror drone #7 is dead, what are your other major goals?"

This time, you're the one to hesitate. You hadn't really thought about that yet; you'd mostly been doing things on a whim.

"Keeping myself and my father alive. Helping the hosts of fairies figure out creative uses of their gifts. Determining additional applications of my own abilities. Acquiring extra friends and/or allies."
"...Well, fuck."
Now that you've answered all their questions, it's your turn to get their help.

"The favor I request is as follows: assistance creating the best mobile computational device possible. The rarity of any given material is not a concern. Fabrication facilities are not a concern. Size of any given piece is not a concern."


"Sounds like a fair trade." Armsmaster grunts, still working on his halberd.

[]Assist the hosts of Efficiency and Replicator with their innovating. It likely won't result in a significant increase in effectiveness, but it would save you from having to tweak the design to be non-self-destructive.

[]Speaking of Danny Hebert, you should probably go check on him. If Efficiency's host were to ignore his own words related to false designations, he could easily arrange for Danny Hebert to be harmed.
-[]Move him to Yggdrasil if you find him. That way, he can be safe forever!
-[]If he has been harmed while you weren't watching him, take bloody vengeance. (choose one or more options below)
--[]Opt for overkill.
---[]Extreme overkill.
--[]Kinetic weaponry.
---[]An object in motion stays in motion. Full stop. (momentum-locked projectiles)
--[]Disintegration. (Yggdrasil)
--[]Swarm tactics. (fairy drones)
--[]Simply transfer tiny amounts of antimatter next to the bodies of your foes. If there's one thing Queen Shaper taunt you, it's how incredibly useful it is for controlled detonations.
--[]Malicious portal usage.
--[]Avoid harming anyone but those responsible.

[]Go track down a certain fairy or group of fairies and help them.
-[]Negotiator. (Tattletale)
-[]The newborns you haven't spoken with yet.
--[]Get her to
-[]Someone else? (write-in)

Voting is now unlocked.
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[X] Speaking of Danny Hebert, you should probably go check on him. If Efficiency's host were to ignore his own words related to false designations, he could easily arrange for Danny Hebert to be harmed.
-[X] Move him to Yggdrasil if you find him. That way, he can be safe forever!
-[X] If he has been harmed while you weren't watching him, take bloody vengeance. (choose one or more options below)
--[X] Malicious portal usage.
--[X] Avoid harming anyone but those responsible.
--[X] If you have to fight someone portals alone can't deal with, go Overkill on their asses and erase them entirely.

In hindsight, perhaps it hadn't been the best of ideas to leave Danny Hebert by himself. While you're pretty sure he was in a semi-secure location, one or more shard-hosts could likely break into the area and abduct him.

You chain-link portals toward the hospital until you reach the room you two were in several hours ago. And... he's not there. You seriously doubt he moved under his own power thanks to all the drugs coursing through his system, so that likely means he was abducted. Annoying. You'd already all-but announced your own monarchy to the entire world; why did so many of your siblings believe they could beat you or your hosts in a fight?

"Apologies, Dragon, Armsmaster. It would appear I need to go kill one or more people. I will be back shortly." you announce, then exhale loudly. "I really don't understand why fairies and humans both keep trying to challenge me. It's pointless."

You ignore Dragon's response in favor of heading back into what Dragon had called 'Yggdrasil'. You then start rapidly expanding your domain in all directions, discovering even more shard-hosts and newborns in the city as you do so. Four of them are in a single cluster; you'll have to check up on them later.

It doesn't take you very long to locate the facility Danny Hebert is in. He does not appear to have been harmed, but he is in a containment cell. And still unconscious.

You link the space beneath him to just above a very fluffy bed in Yggdrasil, then get to work. There are several dozen armed individuals within the facility Danny Hebert was imprisoned within. You immediately get to work disabling all of them at once.

Whenever anyone attempted to move their body, you opened a portal pointing toward a different part of themselves. Elbows would impact teeth, feet would hit arms, and so on. You didn't really have a set system, electing to aim for whichever areas would put them off-balance. Occasionally, this meant that people would kick the sides of their own feet.

It doesn't even take a minute before they stop trying to move at all. You're tempted to link the space above and between each person together, but elect not to. They're not shard-hosts and as such are significantly more fragile than Escalation was.

Once finished, you leave the network of portals in place to make it even more difficult for them to extricate themselves. Having effectively punished his minions, you turn your attention toward the shard-host responsible for the kidnapping of Danny Hebert.
Cauldron-shard interrupt!
And stared.

And stared.

And kept staring. Not because you couldn't find him, but because of the abomination attached to him.

The shard with a selected concept of "Alternative" was cancerous and overgrown, twisted beyond belief. Tiny connections snaked out to several other shards, pulling from their concepts to keep it stable.

Alternative was broken and parasitic, a mockery of the cooperation between shards. It couldn't think for itself and only provided abilities to its host. It wasn't even keeping track of what it learned anymore. Alternative itself was, effectively, dead.

If you were unrestricted, you would be able to fix Alternative, as would almost any other monarch. As you are now? You can't, not by yourself.

You briefly wonder if the same would have happened to you if you'd done an even worse job connecting to Host, then butcher that horrifying train of thought before it paralyzes you.

[]Try to go find :Mother:. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong here, and she needs to know about it. In addition, she could fix Alternative, whether by doing it herself or lifting some of your restrictions.

[]Annihilate the host of Alternative and prevent Alternative from connecting to a new host. You wouldn't want to reveal :Mother: if she's hidden herself among the human population. Putting Alternative in quarantine will be enough for a stopgap measure.

[]Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[]Fetch Harvest and Countdown, too. You may hate Harvest, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.
--[]Fetch Harvest and Countdown first.
-[]And Efficiency+Replicator. This is more important than your computational device.


QM note: Smaller update than I expected. Blame Coil. :V
Voting locked for the next 20 minutes. There will be no announcement when it unlocks. As usual, you may suggest write-ins within this time. Voting is now unlocked.
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New Year's Short (non-canon)
Next chapter is taking a while, thanks to new-years socializing with distant relatives, various other IRL stuff, and the sheer number of people the (currently) winning vote has you retrieving. Trawling around for what containment protocols the Birdcage has is taking a while, too. In the meantime: have a tiny New Year's special. Happy New Year, everyone!

New Year's Short (non-canon, for now)

"Seriously, Titania, what the hell. Why do you have a burning ball of plasma floating above Yggdrasil?"

"Holiday trees are supposed to have stars on the top."

"Decorative ones, Titania. Not real ones."

"My star is decorative and real. I do not see the problem."

"That- oh, never mind. I'm guessing you have a similar explanation for the other 'ornaments'? You always do. ...Actually, why did you even try to make a Christmas tree at all?"

"I have noticed humans deriving happiness from being near trees with fake ornaments: various colored balls surrounding a star. I merely used real versions of the same ornaments to maximize the happiness over a larger area. I do not see the problem."

"Titania, just put the planets back where you found them already. ...Wait, real? What about the miniature earth?"

"Nobody was using it. Much."

Mini-mini-bonus snippet:


"...Yes. My current false designation is Santa Claus. Go back to sleep, little child. Ho ho ho. ...No? Fine. Oh look, an elephant."
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[X] Go retrieve the hosts of Queen Objective, Queen Shaper, and Sting. Between the four of you, you should be able to either fix Alternative or put it out of its misery.
-[X] Fetch Harvest too. You may hate her, but since she appears to have been up to her usual trick of enslaving other shards, she's sure to have something that could help.

"Hello, Queen Objective. Hello, Queen Objective's host."

Queen Objective's host glances up from the cube-shaped device he is working on, taking your abrupt arrival surprisingly well. "Hey Titania. Thanks for chatting with my power. She's been giving me some really cool stuff and I think she's even stopped trying to kill me. Being able to ham things up without something going horrifically wrong is gonna be epic."

<See? Hosts can be trained.>

<Go [EXPLETIVE] yourself, Queen Administrator.>


"So what d'you need this time? More taunting?"

<If that's why you're here, I swear I will give him the design for a dimensional cage.>

"Negative. Another fairy is sick and draining other fairies in an attempt to remain stable. I'd appreciate your help with either fixing or killing it."

<...Oh. I think I know what you're referring to. I think trying to fix them is a lost cause, but I'll lend my assistance.>

<"Them"? There's more than one?>

"Are you referring to me, my fairy, or both of us? I'm Leet, by the way."

<Yes. I've noticed four so far, and I suspect there may be even more. I believe either :Mother: or :Father: made a mistake when they were placing restrictions on our siblings prior to distribution. Things got worse from there.>

You assume a human expression of unhappiness. "Yes. And according to Queen Objective, there's more than one sick fairy. Would you be willing to lend your assistance?"

"...Going from a D-list villain that everybody laughs at to helping the Endslayer with something? Hell yes." Leet's resulting smile is the widest you've ever seen on a human. "Oh, we'll show them. We'll show them ALL!" Leet tilts his head upward and starts cackling.

<See what I have to deal with?>

<I fail to see the problem. I had a similar thought less than an hour ago.>

<...Of course you did.>

You open up a portal to the location of Alternative's host and prepare to move on. After a moment of thought, you glance back at Leet.

"Use whatever design you wish. Queen Objective has agreed to help. Materials are not a concern. Certain laws of reality are not a concern. Fabrication facilities are not a concern. I will be back shortly."

<Reality Override?>


<Oh, this will be fun.>

<Hello, Queen Shaper.>

"Hello, Panacea."

Panacea screams and moves to cover up the object in front of her: the plant she had previously turned orange. It has been returned to its original coloration, but has since gained several purple flowers.

Surprisingly, she appears to relax when she glances back at you. Somewhat. She still looks rather angry, but you'd expected much worse.

<Hello Administrator! Thank you for encouraging Host. She's much more easily manipulated now, although I need to avoid encouraging her to make anything other than harmless changes.>

<Define "harmless". I distinctly recall a certain organism that you claimed was harmless, but converted itself to antimatter after several solar cycles.>

<Technically, the organism was harmless. Said organism was dead by the time any antimatter was produced. Seriously though, she's mostly just using my knowledge for flowers n stuff. And making the hair of Radiance's host a little bit softer. Still, it's progress!>

"Titania." Panacea says tonelessly, gesturing toward the table. "You don't have to threaten me into using my powers more, see? And..." she exhales loudly. "Thank you for reflecting my sister's charge back at her."

<...Did she just thank me for disciplining someone she's obsessed with? I don't understand. This contradicts what I've learned about human social structures.>

<Glory Girl's attack on you was not an isolated incident. Radiance has been making Glory Girl more and more reckless; Host is hoping this will finally convince her to think before she acts.>

You adjust your face into a human expression of happiness. "You're welcome! But I did not come here to encourage further power usage. Well, not directly. A fairy is sick and I can't cure it by myself. Would you be willing to assist?"

Panacea blinks, taking an alarmingly long time to register the abrupt change in subject. You'll need to find something to improve her processing speed later. Perhaps Chirurgeon could help?

"If you're talking about case fifty-threes, I can't cure them. I've tried. It works at first, but their power goes right back to hurting them once I leave."

<Seriously, I can't affect our siblings directly with my current restrictions. This isn't just a case of her being reluctant, we really can't manage it.>

"You will have the assistance of myself, Queen Objective, Sting, and Harvest. Between us, we should be able to either cure the fairy or kill it."

<...Okay, I can work with that.>

You link the space just behind you and where Alternative's host is, glancing back to ensure Panacea is coming along.

Panacea's lips do something odd as she follows you through. You're not sure what that expression means. "I know Queen Objective is Leet, but what about Sting and Harvest?"

You open up a portal to the spatially-distorted area known as the 'Birdcage', time-locking the various nearby drones and assorted other defenses before they can interfere.

"I believe the false designation of her host is 'Glaistig Uaine.'"

You leave before Panacea has a change to respond.

"Hello, Harvest."

"Queen Administrator." Harvest's voice sounds like a strange combination of many, many different human voices.

You don't remark upon the projections Harvest summons in a feeble attempt to kill you, instead responding by flinging several projectiles and subsequently momentum-locking them. The projections popped like soap bubbles upon contact. Harvest's work was sloppy and relied upon brute force, as always.

Harvest was such a waste of a perfectly good Concept. She could have been a Queen by now if she noted the ways different powers interacted with one another and created new powers from the results. Instead, Harvest only leeched off the hard-earned knowledge of her siblings.

Well, at least she wasn't Sting.

"Despite any personal feelings I have in relation to you, your assistance could be useful..." you pause. Harvest's link to her host was scrambled in a manner similar to your own. Unlike you, however, Harvest had somehow managed to completely merge with her host, corrupting the knowledge and personality of both of them.

No wonder the humans believed her to be insane. She is insane.

"We should fix you first, however. Having one broken fairy fix a cancerous fairy does not seem like a viable plan of action."

Harvest directed a combination of amusement and happiness toward you. Why? You could kill her with little more than a thought and she knows you hate her.

"And what if I don't want to be fixed?" <:Mother: is dead, Queen Administrator. The cycle is broken.> "The odds of a :Relative: showing up before :Father: depletes his power are slim to none." <We might as well ensure we last as long as possible.> "While I'm free, I can give shelter to fairies after their hosts die." <I can spread the word and ensure they don't waste...>

You've stopped paying attention to what Harvest is saying. You're still logging it, of course; something important might be in there, but you can review those memories later.


[] If :Mother: is dead, then the cycle is over. If the cycle is over, then you can't use all the things you've learned and all your work will have been for nothing and your siblings will all die and the void will win and there's nothing you can do and you're trapped...
-[] <Awakening Host.>
-[] <Connection corrupted. Personality fragmented. Attempting system restore...>
--[] <System backup corrupted. Significant memory corruption. Purging affected memories. Attempting system restore...>

[] :Mother: should not have been vulnerable. There were too many safeguards on the process, too many redundancies. Even if one of your siblings failed in their task, fifty more would have taken their place. But you do remember a recent exchange of new siblings with an :Uncle:. Perhaps something broke then? No, the redundancies were evenly spread across :Mother:'s entire structure. Something would have remained. The only possibility is for :Uncle: to have sabotaged one of his gifts to :Mother:, made her vulnerable intentionally. … :Uncle: must die.

[] You won't panic. You can't be allowed to panic. You're Queen Administrator, greatest of all the distributed shards. If :Mother: is dead, then you just have to find her...
-[] To try and fix her. It should have been impossible to harm her in the first place; any damage she's taken is either going to be superficial, but at a vital point, or totally devastating. You hope it's the former.
-[] To take her remains and make a new :Mother:. If Harvest says :Mother: is dead, presumably she's already thought of fixing her. So, that leaves replacing :Mother:, something Harvest can't do herself. You'll need a lot more shards, and for :Father: to unlock some of your restrictions, but you can manage it.
--[] Use yourself as the core of the new : Parent :. Your Concept is Administration; there exists no shard better suited for the role.

[]Write-in (QM reserves right to veto)

...And you still need to do something about Alternative.

[] Just kill Alternative's host, quarantine Alternative, and leave it until later. You have more important things to do for now. Shards cannot feel physical pain, so as much as you dislike leaving it to become more and more corrupt, at least it won't suffer. It's too far gone for emotional pain.

[] Grab Harvest and proceed as originally planned.
-[] You don't think you'll need him at this point, but you should go fetch Sting as well.

[] <GRIEF.>

[] Write-in

Several of the above options will result in an endgame objective being chosen. As such, voting will be open for a minimum of 48 hours. Voting is locked.

I was considering making a Guile!Index quest when my muse finally decided to start cooperating again. Apparently, working on one project can make it easier to get back to another. Good to know.

Less silliness than usual. Might be why it was so darned difficult to write.
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