Sonic the Hedgehog General

Between this and the last couple IDW comics, there's still zero progress being made on pulling Sonic up from its death spiral into forgettability. I wish I could quit this franchise.
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Between this and the last couple IDW comics, there's still zero progress being made on pulling Sonic up from its death spiral into forgettability. I wish I could quit this franchise.

What do you mean?

Sonic's quite popular right now, the movies and Frontiers gave him a strong boost and the reactions towards Sonic Superstars is quite positive.
Yeah Sonic is doing well. Recent hits across the board, from movies, to tv shows, to videogames.

I enjoy the IDW comic but its stifled, my understanding due to studio mandates. It has to be kept "like the videogames", which basically means they aren't allowed to have much actually happen, especially with regards to canon characters.
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What do you mean?

Sonic's quite popular right now, the movies and Frontiers gave him a strong boost and the reactions towards Sonic Superstars is quite positive.
Being popular and successful isn't the same as being fun to consume. Prime and IDW have felt really empty and forgettable to me, plus at every point it feels like the setting and characters are trying so hard to stay in that rut of emptiness.
Being popular and successful isn't the same as being fun to consume. Prime and IDW have felt really empty and forgettable to me, plus at every point it feels like the setting and characters are trying so hard to stay in that rut of emptiness.

While you're perfectly free to have your opinion, that doesn't mean that everyone else shares it.

Sonic's popular right now, and with the upcoming game and free DLC for Frontiers, it doesn't seem like that is going to change any time soon.

Also, to be honest, I tend to enjoy the OCs of IDW more than the main cast, mainly because I can see the main cast in a lot of other places, while I can only see Tangle and Whisper in the comics, for example.
I tend to enjoy the OCs of IDW more than the main cast, mainly because I can see the main cast in a lot of other places, while I can only see Tangle and Whisper in the comics, for example.
I don't feel like the OCs are being utilized well. The Diamond Cutters just make forgettable banter and put themselves in danger so that Sonic has to rescue them by himself, just like the rest of the cast gets treated. While I liked the Tangle and Whisper comic, their handling there has been an exception to the norm, and the norm is very, very boring.
Starline was okay, but he kept on reminding me of what we've lost from Archie. Same issue with Surge, except she's just always angry and feels like Metal Sonic with a mouth.
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Oh dear....

Sonic Co-Creator Yuji Naka Arrested in Insider Trading Scandal

Things aren’t looking great for Sonic the Hedgehog co-creator Yuji Naka at the moment. The game developer has been arrested by the Special Investigation Department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office as part of an insider scandal trailer involving Square Enix and the Dragon Quest...

Sonic the Hedgehog creator given suspended prison sentence, $1.2M fine

Yuji Naka found guilty of insider trading while at Square Enix
Yuji Naka, co-creator of Sonic the Hedgehog, was given a prison sentence of two years and six months, as well as fines totaling $1.2 million, for his role in an insider trading scheme dating to 2020.

According to Japanese news agency Jiji Press, Naka's prison sentence has been suspended for four years, meaning he avoids serving time as long as he adheres to the conditions of his release and doesn't break the law again during this time. In suspending Naka's sentence, the judge noted that he had shown remorse for his crime.

Naka, 57, was twice arrested on insider trading charges, first in November, again in December, in unrelated matters. The sentencing on Friday concerned both cases.
Yeah Sonic is doing well. Recent hits across the board, from movies, to tv shows, to videogames.

I enjoy the IDW comic but its stifled, my understanding due to studio mandates. It has to be kept "like the videogames", which basically means they aren't allowed to have much actually happen, especially with regards to canon characters.

I wouldn't say that, the zombot storyline was big. Like, 90%+ chunk of the population taken over, apocalyptic big. Archie rarely got that big in terms of on-the-ground effects.

Character development is focused more on the new characters to be sure, but the events they deal with are still quite sizeable in scopes.
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I wouldn't say that, the zombot storyline was big. Like, 90%+ chunk of the population taken over, apocalyptic big. Archie rarely got that big in terms of on-the-ground effects.

Character development is focused more on the new characters to be sure, but the events they deal with are still quite sizeable in scopes.
The zombot storyline ended with everything returned to normal, no change to the status quo, no character development. The only actual element of that story to really matter for subsequent ones is that it provided Starline with the tools and possibly the test subjects he needed to develop Surge and Kitsunami. Which again ties to my point that only IDW originals are allowed to have character development and arcs. For the main cast, it might as well have not happened. Its basically just a redux of the "Sonic fails, Eggman does a lot of damage" that is implied to happen before the IDW comics kick off.

I'm less familiar with the Archie Comics, but I know enough that they could have consequences. Characters could get killed off or roboticized, they could form or end relationships, have victories and defeats with consequences that could last for long past the current story arc. So far its conspicuous that actual shifts in the IDW comics are limited only to IDW originals. Indeed the few actual changes in the storyline to canon character have been rollbacks, like Amy resigning her leadership position and giving it to an IDW original.
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The zombot storyline ended with everything returned to normal, no change to the status quo, no character development. The only actual element of that story to really matter for subsequent ones is that it provided Starline with the tools and possibly the test subjects he needed to develop Surge and Kitsunami. Which again ties to my point that only IDW originals are allowed to have character development and arcs. For the main cast, it might as well have not happened. Its basically just a redux of the "Sonic fails, Eggman does a lot of damage" that is implied to happen before the IDW comics kick off.

It brought the Deadly Six to Earth, broke Starline away from Eggman, and has a lot of characters get time dealing with how the event affected them.

I'm less familiar with the Archie Comics, but I know enough that they could have consequences. Characters could get killed off or roboticized, they could hook up or break up, have victories and defeats with consequences that could last for long past the current story arc. Or even just more basic changes. So far its conspicuous that actual shifts in the IDW comics are limited only to IDW originals. Indeed the few actual changes in the storyline to canon character have been rollbacks, like Amy resigning her leadership position and giving it to an IDW original.

Like, Archie Sonic was 300 issues (slightly less in the main run, but a lot more including side books), five times as long, so you might be overestimating how close together events of that sort were, and a lot of the big arcs were also 'villain tries something big, is stopped'. They were at the same HQ for 175 issues. And the bulk of the time the changes and such were to side characters too- freedom fighters, and the ones who got the most changes tended to be the original ones not even from SatAM (and with the note, Sega did not care about Sally or the others, they were free-reign land just as much as Whisper). Sonic and someone might have a fight but it'd be resolved or such before long. Really not that much different than 'Eggman is Mr. Tinker for a few arcs'.

Yea, there were events that changed a lot and it was more soap-opera-y, but you may be overestimating how often big status quo changes happened, and also how much was a big change to the mains, rather than others.

And, well, the OCs have some pretty good development IMO. I'm personally really digging Surge's arc.
And, well, the OCs have some pretty good development IMO. I'm personally really digging Surge's arc.
She doesn't really have an arc. She's just angry and wants to destroy stuff out of angst. And for some reason she ended up getting a Starline tulpa. And it's been around a dozen issues since the last time we've seen her.

And it's still impossible to disassociate Surge from the character she's standing in for, who had a long-established history before Potto came on the book, managed to pull off his former namesake extremely well, and even went on to take over his entire world and break out of an extra-dimensional prison.
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It brought the Deadly Six to Earth, broke Starline away from Eggman, and has a lot of characters get time dealing with how the event affected them.

Like, Archie Sonic was 300 issues (slightly less in the main run, but a lot more including side books), five times as long, so you might be overestimating how close together events of that sort were, and a lot of the big arcs were also 'villain tries something big, is stopped'. They were at the same HQ for 175 issues. And the bulk of the time the changes and such were to side characters too- freedom fighters, and the ones who got the most changes tended to be the original ones not even from SatAM (and with the note, Sega did not care about Sally or the others, they were free-reign land just as much as Whisper). Sonic and someone might have a fight but it'd be resolved or such before long. Really not that much different than 'Eggman is Mr. Tinker for a few arcs'.
The Deadly Six were returned to Hex in a subsequent arc which again produced no real changes. Starline is an IDW original, which is kinda my point. IDW 1-50 centers on Starline and ends with his death. By comparison Archie Comics #50 ends with... Eggman himself being killed off. Sure they eventually brought in another Eggman from a different universe, but its telling. Honestly Archie is kind of a low bar, we live in the age of shows like The Owl House, the expectations for a modern kid's cartoon or comic are higher now, the boundaries more pushable.

But now in IDW Sonic, where it is really only the OCs that are allowed to actually have changing dynamics. Starline rises and falls from power then is killed off. Tangle forms a relationship with Whisper and it isn't smooth, in part due to Mimic. Clutch decides to leave retirement. Surge and Kitsunami are created by Starline, then rebel and become independent. Jewel takes over the Restoration. Belle is created by Tinker but comes to terms with his 'death' at Starline's hands. Its obvious to me that this is an adaptation by the authors, if Sonic and friends aren't allowed to change, then it has to be the OCs shook by the conflicts they participate in. They can be killed off, or find a new job, or shift their friend's circle around, in a way that Sonic and friends cannot.

Yea, there were events that changed a lot and it was more soap-opera-y, but you may be overestimating how often big status quo changes happened, and also how much was a big change to the mains, rather than others.

And, well, the OCs have some pretty good development IMO. I'm personally really digging Surge's arc.
Honestly its the soap opera-y things as much as the big ones. I know that a lot of works require you to suspend your disbelief because there needs to be tension and peril but you know deep down it has zero intention of actually killing off any of the protagonists given the genre and tone, but there are a lot of lesser stakes you can apply.

Take the whole non-arc where Sonic gets his ideals challenged and stressed. I don't really expect to Sonic go "okay then" and shoot Eggman in the head, but you could have "maybe one of Sonic's friends stops being his friend for a bit" or even "actively gets into fights with Sonic over how to handle things". The closest you got to that was Shadow, who did so over Tinker preemptively, backed down, then never pushed the issue again. The only real consequence for Sonic is the creation of Surge and Tenrec, who are 'drumroll' IDW originals, and that's just rounding out his rogue's gallery.

I'm also kinda bemused at the handling of two worlds thing with semi-canonical word of god suggesting that humans exist offscreen to the left, even though they have not appeared or been mentioned in any capacity in the IDW comics, other than the usual implicit "where did Eggman come from?" and "where did Shadow come from?". When you look under the surface IDW Sonic's worldbuilding is kind of shallow, deliberately so I suspect, as to leave blank canvass for them to fill out as they wish later. The closest we have to any sort of knowledge about the world as a whole is Cream's crayon drawing.
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I can get your points, though I do think a lot of it can be chalked up to how Archie was about 80% OC and SatAM chars (who to Sega might as well be, though even there they tended to be a lot more conservative than the pure OCs) and IDW is only maybe like 50% OC with a lot more focus on the game chars. Sure, early on they could kill Eggman, but ironically I doubt they could do that again by the time issue 100 or so rolled around, sega cared more as time passed.

If you want more change and drama in a licensed book, you normally want more OCs. That was true for the Archie days too; your Nicoles and Elias and Minas and Belles and Whispers get major development, your Knuckles, Shadows, and Amys a lot less so.
There may have been a bunch of OCs, but it still felt like the Sega characters were getting a bunch of stuff and moments for themselves in the Archie books, especially in the Sonic Universe imprint where a lot of storylines were dedicated to them. Nowadays it feels like both the Sega and OC casts are trapped in coffins of one-dinentionality and uselessness, all of them little more than eye candy. It's like an 80s toy commercial show.
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Well speaking of Universe and it's current equivalent, have you read Scrapnik Island? I thought it was a nice Sonic and Tail focused story.
Well speaking of Universe and it's current equivalent, have you read Scrapnik Island? I thought it was a nice Sonic and Tail focused story.
It's a nice story, yeah. Only grudge I have is that they needed to specify it was Mecha crying because of that "Sonic can't have feelings" mandate.

A self-contained sidestory is not fixing or making up for the main comic, though.
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Another IDW issue just released. Seeing Spagonia suddenly in this continuity makes me suddenly realize how jarring it is to see Sonic London in a setting that's mostly been featureless cartoon towns and Eggman bases. And wasn't there a strict moratorium on using settings that weren't in Forces?

Also Potto's giving Blaze a crush on Sonic, which...bleh. I prefer them to just be friends.
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Another IDW issue just released. Seeing Spagonia suddenly in this continuity makes me suddenly realize how jarring it is to see Sonic London in a setting that's mostly been featureless cartoon towns and Eggman bases. And wasn't there a strict moratorium on using settings that weren't in Forces?

Also Potto's giving Blaze a crush on Sonic, which...bleh. I prefer them to just be friends.
Apparently the mandates are inconsistent and Sega will sometimes just change their mind on them for no reason. Like Classic Sonic suddenly being able to talk, and there's been some murmuring that they're just going to drop the whole two worlds thing entirely.