Sonic the Hedgehog General

I've always wanted to check out any of the comics/mangas to see if the franchise is really as cringeworthy as the internet claims.

I don't know the manga, from what I see it looks weird, but more in a kiddy way than a cringey way.

There's two (main) comics. The British 'Sonic the Comic' by Fleetway, which I've heard is pretty good but never actually read (and it's from some time ago), and the Archie Sonic comics, which include a lot of great stuff (some rough patches, but lots of good stuff) and is a very long running series that does a lot with characterization and worldbuilding, and has side-comics like Sonic Universe, which normally focuses on characters other than Sonic himself and really fleshes things out. There was one continuity reboot in that one, but with enough carry through to still feel like the same beast. The writer Dakka and I gush over, Ian Flynn, started at issue #160.

Secondary comics not in continuity with the above include Sonic X (which I *think* was supposed to be good but, again, never read), and Sonic Boom (short-lived, same writer as the main Archie Sonic writer, has a lot of the same humor as the show).

When people say the franchise is cringeworthy, they're probably referring to some aspects of the online fandom. Which, yea, there is *totally* plenty of cringeworthy stuff out there and you should not look for it.
I don't know the manga, from what I see it looks weird, but more in a kiddy way than a cringey way.

There's two (main) comics. The British 'Sonic the Comic' by Fleetway, which I've heard is pretty good but never actually read (and it's from some time ago), and the Archie Sonic comics, which include a lot of great stuff (some rough patches, but lots of good stuff) and is a very long running series that does a lot with characterization and worldbuilding, and has side-comics like Sonic Universe, which normally focuses on characters other than Sonic himself and really fleshes things out. There was one continuity reboot in that one, but with enough carry through to still feel like the same beast. The writer Dakka and I gush over, Ian Flynn, started at issue #160.

Secondary comics not in continuity with the above include Sonic X (which I *think* was supposed to be good but, again, never read), and Sonic Boom (short-lived, same writer as the main Archie Sonic writer, has a lot of the same humor as the show).

When people say the franchise is cringeworthy, they're probably referring to some aspects of the online fandom. Which, yea, there is *totally* plenty of cringeworthy stuff out there and you should not look for it.

Ah, yes. The same thing applies for the Undertale, I had the luck to discover the game before the lower side of the fandom.
I'm also a big fan of the Archie comics. I'm sad that the Mecha Sally arc got cut short, because it was amazing and I started reading the comic in the middle of it, but I think the comic has recovered. Having Sonic Universe available to flesh out the stories of non-sonic characters is a big help.
I'm also a big fan of the Archie comics. I'm sad that the Mecha Sally arc got cut short, because it was amazing and I started reading the comic in the middle of it, but I think the comic has recovered. Having Sonic Universe available to flesh out the stories of non-sonic characters is a big help.

I find a lot of the time the best stuff is in SU!

I think all the new Egg Bosses of the current stuff are a nice addition. Still wanna see more long term plot stuff ^^ Now the Dark Gaia stuff is all over with we should be kicking off something new relatively soon.
I've always wanted to check out any of the comics/mangas to see if the franchise is really as cringeworthy as the internet claims.
It's no more cringe-worthy than really any other comic book is. They have their ups and downs, they're awesome moments and garbage ones, etc. There are some weird-ass moments, yes, but that's true for any kind of comic. On the whole I would say the Archie Comics are a very good read.
So I am reading the post reboot Sonic commic. I am loving it and want to read the whole thing. Should I bother with the Pender run or just stick to Ian Flynn's run?
So I am reading the post reboot Sonic commic. I am loving it and want to read the whole thing. Should I bother with the Pender run or just stick to Ian Flynn's run?

Stick with Flynn. Pender's had some issues with contradicting/not paying attention to other writers even when he was still working for them. There's some good parts in there, but Flynn is simply a better writer, and there's a lot of Penders stuff a good amount of it not as good so I don't think it's worth the investment. Also it doesn't hurt that the art got an upgrade at around the time of the changeover too.

That said, I can recommend an individual issue or two...
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I don't really care that much about art quality. I'm really more concerned about not having context for the Flynn run.
I don't really care that much about art quality. I'm really more concerned about not having context for the Flynn run.

Well, let's put it this way: There will be some stuff you don't know the whole story on, but Flynn does a good job of giving the low-down on old stuff in an accessible way (the most complex bit is probably when he just enters, when he has to wrap up a number of plotlines fast, but that really doesn't take long), and we *are* talking well over a hundred issues (I think something around... maybe 180 if we include the Knuckles comics?). If it was a few stories that'd be one thing, but it'd be a gigantic project and I can't really advise anyone doing it for context.

If it actively interests you, sure, but it's enough that I actively disrecommend picking it up for context (and I, myself, have only read some chunks of it), being more than the whole pre-reset Flynn run.

Hm... btw, ever watch the old Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon with Sally and such? That'll fill you in on the big strokes right there.
Part of it is how I was riveted by the first part of the "Story So Far" blurb for Sonic in the Worlds Collide graphic novel. "The war has been long and costly". I want to see the full scope and scale of the war and it's cost.
Part of it is how I was riveted by the first part of the "Story So Far" blurb for Sonic in the Worlds Collide graphic novel. "The war has been long and costly". I want to see the full scope and scale of the war and it's cost.

Ah, it should be noted a lot of the war is before the comics period- Eggman/Robotnik had done much of his conquering before the cartoon started, the Freedom Fighters are the younger generation who were sent to safety when the takeover happened. And the comic actually starts very jokey/light and fluffy, "Oh that Robotnik! *laughs*" much lighter than the cartoon and only gradually transitioning, and then it treats Robotnik/Eggman as more supervillain than warlord at first itself only gradually transitioning, plus a ton of time is spent on other villains and Eggman is missing for very large swaths (he dies for awhile). This is a long continuity and if you go looking back to what came before for context the rabbit hole never ends!

The Flynn run IMO has the best Eggman-war stuff anyway, you will very much get your war impact there.
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I have acquired Sonic Saga Series #1. I have no idea what is going on. The references to the Pender run are coming thick and fast.
To make things more complicated- even the origin of the war had to have retcons and such to incorporate new canon additions like the existence of GUN and human powers (early on, the humans were 'Outlanders,' a mostly hostile species which doesn't fit with Station Square/Shadow's backstory/etc., so that had to be added in).

The early war stuff is in flashbacks from various issues... I could point you to some specific issues that cover the early-war flashbacks.

Or particularly good issues, like 151's backup story, which (quick story of Nicole: In the cartoon, Sally had a tricorder with an AI. In #146, she got temporarily put in Sally's body. In 151, there's a really touching story with her. Everything else, is in Flynn's run).

I have acquired Sonic Saga Series #1. I have no idea what is going on. The references to the Pender run are coming thick and fast.

Yes, that's one where they're wrapping stuff up from the prior run, there were some plotthreads no-one had any idea where they were going. The farther you go, the more things will make sense, and while you'll still get 'Ah ha, we're meeting those people from waaaay back that time,' occasionally, it won't be confusing.

When I started, I jumped in mid-prior-run and it was no less confusing at times. There were two-three major writers, not just Penders, and they had various plots that sometimes competed or where confusingly presented, especially towards the end. Flynn was brought in in part to do cleanup, it was something of a mess even for those who came in... like, there was a storyline where Sonic went into space for a year, and then came back and Tons Of Stuff Had ChangedTM, some of which got explained and some didn't.

There is references but it does get (a lot) easier, you're past the roughest bit already.
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What are your favorite batshit insane moments from the Archie Comics? You know, the stuff that gets made fun of on Tumblr and reddit when they try and discredit the entire series.
Sonic Saga Series 1 is not a good introduction to the world. I kinda sorta understood what was happening with the various badguys, Mogul and Naugus were obviously both bad guy magicians who were opposed to both Sonic and Robotnik, but I have a distinct feeling that I am not understanding what is going on with Fiona or that pink Echidna who is constantly catfighting with Rogue.
Sonic Saga Series 1 is not a good introduction to the world. I kinda sorta understood what was happening with the various badguys, Mogul and Naugus were obviously both bad guy magicians who were opposed to both Sonic and Robotnik, but I have a distinct feeling that I am not understanding what is going on with Fiona or that pink Echidna who is constantly catfighting with Rogue.

Fiona is a war orphan turned treasure hunter who joined freedom fighter (and Tails had a crush on, while she was more into Sonic) but was really self-interested, found the do-gooding side less interesting than the adrenaline rush side, and as you saw, fell in with an evil version of Sonic from a parallel world. Pink Echidna is Julie-Su, Knuckle's girlfriend. Rouge flirts with Knuckles (and Rouge is more Chaotic Neutral to Julie's Lawful Good, so to speak. Plus Rouge is interested in the Master Emerald which is important to all Echidna), so...

Naugus was in the old Sonic The Hedgehog (often called Sonic SatAM) show in a couple episodes (wherein he was in the same Void that Sally's dad the King was banished, so they know each other and were stuck together for awhile), and was intended to take over as main villain (at least for awhile) if there was another season. In the comic, he was even royal wizard for a time before ending up there... though hiring a court wizard who looks like that is asking for trouble!

Mammoth Mogul is basically halfway between Vandal Savage and Lex Luthor, plus magic. Immortal, old as heck, business type in how he presents himself. He's one of the major villains of the pre-Flynn stuff (and was invented by the other major old writers, namely Mike Gallagher and Kent Taylor).
Oh man, Mammoth Mogul. Remember when he became a God, was basically Unstoppable, then all the different Tails in the Multiverse showed up and fused together to form a massively buff Tails to fight him?

That's one of those moments people make fun of the Archie Comics for
No I mean, Tails is heavily involved with the magic side of things?

Not really. There was a plot about him being the 'Chosen One' but the others writers didn't really know what to do with it so... yea.

See, this is basically my reasoning for the advice. Sure, you meet people who have history you have to somewhat guess at, but there is a lot of convoluted stuff (or not convoluted, but doesn't really play into later events) you are skipping entirely or mostly, and either figuring stuff out by the plot update characters give or a quick summery here or on a wiki.

Like, there's so much stuff in the complex Echidna plots. One can go in with: "There's a group of evil (but not as evil as Eggman or such) tech loving Echinda called the Dark Legion. They want to both protect and rule the Echidna. That's the story."

With maybe an addum on the key members (Lien-Da, Julie's evil sister. Their nephew, Remington, her rival for leadership. Dimitri, an ancient Echidna head-in-a-jar who tried to become the demigod Enerjak to... well, it didn't work and he's a head in a jar. Doctor Finitevus, a former member who's now a mad scientist).

Or one can get really complex because one writer really really was into Echidnas and there's so much flashbacks into an ancient Echidna nation which isn't even around, and a literal half-dozen other Dark Legion leaders past and modern, and more on the other non-Legion Echidnas, and a bunch of Knuckle's ancestors. There's a lot.
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No I mean, Tails is heavily involved with the magic side of things?
Like @Q99 said, there was a Chosen One plot, but after that whole fiasco it wasn't mentioned outside a few references to Moebius, an evil alternate-universe Mobius that had an alternate evil Tails that chose to focus on his magicChaos powers.

And that was probably just as confusing, wasn't it?