Sonic Fic Ideas, Discussion, and Rec Thread

Very minor spoilers for the next thrilling installment: Said fanfic contained flagrant Nicholas Kerensky apologia.
Eggman's Age
Well, according to the following Tweet when translated from Japanese, Doctor Eggman has been confirmed to be under the age of fifty, which fits with Archie Sonic's timeline, Sonic Prime's Mr. Dr. Eggman, and maybe some other depictions, but I can't help but feel somewhat disappointed.


I mean, depending on exactly when G.U.N. decided to execute Professor Gerald Robotnik, there could be a chance that the grandson may have personally known his grandfather, if only for a brief amount of time, but I really want that because it gives him a personal reason to want to conquer the world and eventually have a breakdown at the end of Sonic Adventure 2. And it gives Eggman an excuse to paraphrase the following quote from the 100th IDW issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, while fighting Tails aboard the Space Colony ARK:

Agent Bishop: "What do you disgusting things know about family? Family is a father who loves and accepts his son no matter what others say. Not a lowly rat who abandons his children... leaving them to their pitiful deaths."

In this case, Tails, who has been having a rough time following the death of Johnny Lightfoot, the distancing of the Freedom Fighters, and the destruction of Station Square, and initially believes Sonic was blown up by Eggman, finally snaps saying, "I'm done with you hurting my family," which uncharacteristically sucks the amusement from Eggman as he attacks back with his own anger.

In my mind, he'd say something like, "What does an orphaned mutant know about family? In my viewpoint, a family is a grandfather who loves and accepts his grandson no matter what! Not a cowardly pair of foxes who will never return for their offspring!"
Sega decided to not care about Sonic characters official ages due to all the romance subplots making things icky otherwise.

A specific version of a character may have certain age but that only applies to that specific version of a character.

But at least makes sense for Sonic Frontiers I guess?

Egg Memo Voice log 17, Sonic Frontiers: "I never really knew my cousin, Maria. Everyone spoke of her like she was very special. All that love for someone who was gone when I was! Right! There! But I have to wonder. Back then, was she anything like Sage is now?"
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Sega decided to not care about Sonic characters official ages due to all the romance subplots making things icky otherwise.
I didn't even know they had official ages, canon has so much conflicting information on the topic.

Egg Memo Voice log 17, Sonic Frontiers: "I never really knew my cousin, Maria. Everyone spoke of her like she was very special. All that love for someone who was gone when I was! Right! There! But I have to wonder. Back then, was she anything like Sage is now?"
Personally? I would take that with a grain of salt. People like Ivo Robotnik tend to have a rather self-serving version of events even in their own memories.
Personally? I would take that with a grain of salt. People like Ivo Robotnik tend to have a rather self-serving version of events even in their own memories.

It technically fits the timeline barely, make it so Maria died a few years before Doctor Eggman was born so he is younger that 50 and a three to four year old would be quite annoyed of his parents and family ignoring him while talking all the time about a relative that died years before he was born.

But it also means that for things to make sense it has to be less that a decade from Sonic Adventure 2 to Sonic Frontiers.

Sonic Heroes can have happened in just a few days. The Shadow game lets say took place during a month.

Sonic 06 gets ignored because it erased itself out of existence.

Sonic Colours let's say at leasr six months because it involves space travel and even if Tails stole a Doctor Eggman spaceship, time is needed to actually build the park.

Sonic Generations just a few days cause time travel in fact the whole game takes place during a single day, Sonic's birthday but for Sonic and company it was probably longer than that.

Sonic Forces is over half a year.

Sonic Frontiers is several days, months if we take Doctor Eggman prep time into account.

And there is all the other games that are canon too.

So yes less that a decade between Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Frontiers works.

So Doctor Eggman in his his forties during Sonic Adventure 2 and 48 or 49 during Frontiers.
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I don't think anyone has this idea, so here we go.

An AU where Maria's sickness has progressed too far to the point where Gerald has to give cybernetic implants to her. She is also given an arm cannon for self-defense. Maria still bonded with Shadow and received her antibodies from him. And when the invasion happened... She just uses the arm cannon and barely manages to escape with Shadow using an escape pod.

A few decades later, Maria and Shadow are sight-viewing on Green Hill Zone when her cousin (Ivo Robotnik/Julian Kintobor) invades the islands, cue her and Shadow battling their way through the zones while helping a certain blue hedgehog...

TLDR; Maria the Magical Girl Cyborg & Shadow The Hedgehog AU! Absolutely hilarious, if someone were to ever make this, and just plain awesome!
Eggman learning from Mega Man scientists idea
Well, one good thing that could come from Eggman being younger than fifty is that, in a fusion with Mega Man, he'd have a chance of being a lab assistant to either Doctors Light or Wily before he becomes his own villain. Kind of like how Princess of Power revealed Skeletor was a onetime member of the Horde before becoming the menace to Eternia in his own right.

Here's my thoughts on how his "apprenticeship" to either roboticist would go:

Light Labs: Approaching Light after becoming a doctor himself, Ivo Robotnik learns a great deal further about robotics from Light's example and he's touched by how the man genuinely appreciates him as a lab partner and friend, but they eventually reach a crossroads over Light (unintentionally) receiving more credit over the grandson of the late and disgraced Gerald Robotnik as well as how the Three Laws of Robotics should be dealt with (Robotnik sees the Laws as antiquated limits on technological progress while Light wants to take the slower, steadier way for robotic development). Robotnik might quit before Rock and Roll are created and assigned their initial jobs, or he could betray them all to Wily upon the events of the first Mega Man game.

Employed by Dr. Wily: Dejected over being unemployed due to his family history, Robotnik finds a common link between himself and the similarly unrecognized Wily and they work together to make a robot army to impose on the world itself. However, Robotnik becomes exasperated by Wily's lack of vision for both robotic development and ruling the world, his fake surrender tactic, and how he wants Light alive to gloat in his face when just permanently getting rid of him would solve a lot of problems, and realizes that he could be a conqueror himself by the middle of Mega Man 3. Attempting to seize control of Gamma at the end only to be bested, Robotnik cuts his losses with Wily and lays the groundwork for his own empire.

Also, I can well see either Mario's Bowser or Wily trying to steal the Death Egg from Eggman in a similar fashion to this Princess of Power episode.


The Wily version would probably go like this in my mind:

Eggman: Wily, you sixth-rate hack! Why can't you build your own space station and leave mine alone?!

Wily: I'm not made of unlimited resources, Ivo, remember? And besides, you'd still wrestle away my own plans with your stupidly named Death Egg. Therefore, I'm snatching away two bird eggs at the same time!

(A moment of awkward silence passes for a brief bit)

Bass: Did that even make any sense?

Eggman: That was, by far, the worst egg-themed proverb I've ever heard. And I don't hear, or even say, those a lot, mind you.

Wily: Give me a break, will you?!

No ideas for the Bowser exchange presently.
This idea won't leave my mind, so I share it here. I'll make a new thread either if that is wanted or I would like to expand on said idea.

Maria Quest

Play as Maria Robotnik, after being diagnosed with N.I.D.S. Her grandfather, Gerald Robotnik has her transferred to the Ark where she can be treated. Help her navigate her temporary new life in the place, influence her grandfather to make different decisions, make new friends along the way, and just don't die. Seriously, don't die.

In the style of quests such as Can You Feel The Sunshine? by RomanceNinja. The quest would use GURPS for its mechanics. It would be ambitious, but I would try to make sure people who are not familiar with the Sonic games would still be able to influence the quest by making sure to be clear about some details.

Would anybody like this quest to be made?
Bowser vs. Eggman dialogue and Fawful's presence
Something inspired by the aforementioned She-Ra episode.

Eggman: Bowser?! You terrapin terror! Since when did you team up with Sonic and his friends?

Bowser: The Resistance means nothing to me, doc. I'm just here to help myself to this space station!

Eggman: Only if you'll pry it from my cold dead hands, dragon-face!

Bowser (chuckles to himself) : Say no more, fat man! (Breathes a fire ball at Eggman)

Orbot: If I knew that there would be a battle of evils happening, Cubot, I'd have stayed back at home!

Cubot: I vote twice for that!

In other news, a while back, I had a thought that a Mega Man/Sonic/Mario crisis crossover would happen as early as the 2003 games (Heroes and Superstar Saga) simply because an unclear wish on the Beanstar leads to a collision between their individual Earths.

This obviously would get Mega Man and Mario characters involved in the Black Arms invasion, just as Sonic and friends would see the Time Machine presentation from Partners in Time, but seeing the following music video made me realize that Fawful could be involved in several non-Mario games himself such as taking Wily's role in Mega Man 9 (I think that was released before Bowser's Inside Story came out) and/or Eggman's in Sonic Unleashed.

All in all, many Mega Man and Sonic characters would have some choice words in regards to the Mario equivalent of Marvel's Doctor Doom, whether it's due to his ego, his absurd lingo, his begrudgingly respectable intelligence, his outlandish evil, or something else entirely.

Even more so, if he actually sings the following song. (It's pretty good to be honest. I've listened to it several times today alone.)

I am now imagining Eggman interacting with Laryna6's Wily (they are manga inspired).

He's a robot supremicist trying for glorious revolution, but the robots don't *like* killing people and don't want to kill people (which is part of why Wily is a robot supremist) which is why the robot wars are basically glorified sit-ins.

Edit: and believes humanity will kill off the robot masters once they have enough of their solutions that they don't need them anymore. And going by X-verse he's not wrong. Which is why he made Zero to be omnicidal.

So Eggman not getting it is funny to me.
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I am now imagining Eggman interacting with Laryna6's Wily (they are manga inspired).

That does sound serious. Interesting, but serious.

Anyway, as much as the upcoming spring break one-shot looks nice, I'd be happier if IDW finally depicted the following in comic form. It looks it would be a good story for Lanolin and SonAmy alike.

Sonic the Comic Online however has a few issues written by people who actually worked in Sonic The Comic so it is as official as a fan webcomic can get.

It has some interesting ideas here and there, but there some other stuff I don't care much for, like how only Tails believed in Sonic's innocence after he became a wanted fugitive.

Anyway, seeing how the Sonic Prime animated series led to Tails Nine becoming the alternate antagonist of Season Three, I can imagine some interesting scenarios if Captain Dread or Thorn Rose were in that position instead, and it would happen because Sonic landed in either the No Place or Boscage Maze instead of New Yoke City.

For Dread, I can see Sonic being led along by the misguided pirate who wants the Prism Shards for himself and the Angel's Voyage is able to travel through Shatterspaces thanks to Sails' limited scientific knowledge with adjusting the Devil's Lighthouse on the ship.

For Thorn, I think it would work similarly to Sonic's mixed progress with the other variants in the first two seasons, especially when he unintentionally vanishes to other worlds.

Also, I have thought on occasion of depicting the Archie Zone Cop Corps being recasted as a planet-wide police force that would only monitor the multiverse if they had the technology would be best in my opinion, especially since Blaze might as well be the only Guardian of the Multiverse Sonic needs.

Might not be the exact same Corps from Archie, but it gives them a purpose with their own enemies to fight, whether it's in an entirely separate world from Sonic's, or a canon divergence in a "Power Rangers: Time Force-like" approach.

You see, when a feeling of discontent (a Metal Sonic in Sonic X story, which I shared on here not too long ago) came out in 2022, I thought that a similar situation involving Zonic (the Zone Cop version of Sonic), who has his own stylish uniform, would travel to Chris's world in the event some dastardly criminals hijacked Zone Jail, which is a pretty fancy prison like the Time Force one, and transported it out of Zonic's dimension to make trouble on Earth.

All the same, I can imagine Zonic as a cooperative law-abiding figure who is willing to work in the system, but prefers not to be at the top unless he has to in a less gritty manner to Judge Dredd. And if Zonic lacks the usual Sonic powers, I can imagine him using his tech like the Forces Avatar did with their Wispons and grappler.

Would that be a workable idea for a story?

Lastly, remembering how Knuckles in Sonic the Comic originated from the far past, I couldn't help but think he'd be ideal for a similar synopsis as The New Adventures of He-Man as depicted here.


As of now, I have no idea who would be his "Skeletor," though, but I think he'd have plenty of other enemies already from Doctor Eggman to any other antagonistic characters from outside of the Sonic games to contend with.
I've tried posting it here, but for some reason I keep getting blocked by the new tag system.

Is it somehow different from the one SpaceBattle for some reason? I used the exact same tags, but it keeps denying my attempts to post.
I've tried posting it here, but for some reason I keep getting blocked by the new tag system.

Is it somehow different from the one SpaceBattle for some reason? I used the exact same tags, but it keeps denying my attempts to post.

That might depend on which tags you're using and in which sections.