Sonic Fic Ideas, Discussion, and Rec Thread

Mohawk!Amy in a Dream-Caster dress (fan art)
Some other Amy Roses would have been nice to see, but this fan art is pretty good.



Additionally, on the topic of Scourge the Hedgehog and his Suppression Squad, I have given thought to a depiction of them (including Buns Rabbot, but maybe with the opposite arm roboticized instead of having the Omega Care Unit) swapping with the Sonic's world cast of X, with Doctor Eggman either remaining the same or swapped with a fusion of Mr. Tinker and the Kintobor Computer, but I keep dialing back for whatever reason.

I mean, it would be more workable and long-term than anything centered on Zonic the Zone Cop (even if I'd be up to give that guy a girlfriend), but I guess the existence of Surge (especially her name) constantly makes me second guess it.

I do believe another idea would be to let Scourge stay as "the anti-Sonic" in name and appearance with his squad mates in a similar position, but what do you all think? Would that be suitable enough, or feel like a "Scourge by another name" story?
but I guess the existence of Surge (especially her name) constantly makes me second guess it.
I do believe another idea would be to let Scourge stay as "the anti-Sonic" in name and appearance with his squad mates in a similar position, but what do you all think? Would that be suitable enough, or feel like a "Scourge by another name" story?
I mean, the entire reason that Scourge is named Scourge is because he chose that name, because he was sick and tired of being just another Sonic( including forcing everyone in the SS to diverge more and more from their counterparts), If Surge already existed then he would just pick a name that isn't as close since he wants to be unique.
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I mean, the entire reason that Scourge is named Scourge is because he chose that name, because he was sick and tired of being just another Sonic( including forcing everyone in the SS to diverge more and more from their counterparts), If Surge already existed then he would just pick a name that isn't as close since he wants to be unique.

Those are both true. And, in the case of this story, he's the only "Sonic" by default.

Thanks for responding.
No Zoned (Archie Sonic One-shot)
Eh, I try to not think on Forces, as a game is okay but it tries way too many things at once and it shows.

Well, I suppose I can understand that perspective. Still, the final battle music is good and I can definitely see Mina Mongoose singing The Light of Hope. I cannot deny to either on my part.

Anyway, for the sake of argument, I present No Zoned: A Zonic-centric one-shot fanfiction of my own making.

Summary: "One-shot. In an effort to discretely investigate how dirty Warden Zobotnik really is, Officer Zonic enlists the help of Zouge the Bat before the latter begins her work at Zone Jail. Thankfully, the stylish therapist accepts Zonic's offer in exchange for some therapy."
G.I. Joe-themed intro for a Sonic the Hedgehog AU
On a different subject, this video just gave me an idea for a kind of military!Sonic alternate universe with numerous characters involved.


Narrator: "G.U. Sonic is the code name for the United Federation's highly trained special mission force. It's purpose: to defend Human/Mobian freedom from Chaos, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world."

The names should be obvious to anyone who knows about GUN and Sonic Prime's Chaos Council of Doctor Eggman variants. Honestly, the Chaos Organization has been on my mind for a long while.
XCom/Halo!Sonic idea
A military/espionage/war story, splicing in a dash of Tom Clancy and Harry Turtledove, with the slightest hint of Call of Duty, XCOM, and Halo.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Taking elements from multiple interpretations, from the games to Archie to Fleetway to Sonic X to Paramount and basically everything in-between, this story would work with the "Twin Worlds" scenario and focus on what happens when Robotnik opens a portal from Mobius to our modern, realistic Earth. As the Eggman Empire secures alliances with Russia and China, the UN and their elite black-ops division, G.U.N., find unlikely allies with the strange aliens that call themselves Freedom Fighters. Featuring constantly changing borders, logistics woes, political intrigue, and detailed after-action reports, this would be the ultimate example of taking a silly concept and playing completely straight.

EDIT: Posted this before seeing AwarenessBringer's example which is eerily similar lol
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EDIT: Posted this before seeing AwarenessBringer's example which is eerily similar lol

So it would seem.

I like Halo and am interested in certain Calls of Duty well-enough, so I see what you mean. Although, a little too much real world might make things awkward eventually.

The animated video aside, I'd gladly base my own idea off of the Real American Hero comics begun by Marvel, revived by IDW, and are still continued by Skybound Entertainment. It has more serious consequences and concerns compared to the oldest G.I. Joe animated series among other things.

Not that I'd skip on aliens and such with this being Sonic, after all.
I like Halo and am interested in certain Calls of Duty well-enough, so I see what you mean. Although, a little too much real world might make things awkward eventually.
I should clarify by saying I wouldn't right it to be just gloom and doom. By nature, there would be room for levity and comedy, if only by the sheer absurdity of the premise.

Also, it wouldn't be 100% our world exactly (more like 95%). The presence of Station Square and G.U.N. will attest to that.
Sonic x Ebony (Fleetway Fan art)
A two part thing I commissioned some years back. Felt appropriately grand for this thread. It pretty much takes place after the events of Sonic the Comic's final issue (that wasn't a reprint). And I used the spoiler function in case some people haven't wrapped up reading it.

Other than that, learning that the SATAM King of Mobotropolis was apparently a fox got me thinking that maybe the show's Sally and Tails are biologically related, but with a similar relationship to Bilbo and Frodo from Middle-Earth (in that there cousins of a sort, but the youngest was practically raised by the oldest). Might be a stretch, but I thought it sounded interesting.
Shadow's Doom Power trailer and more


The Doom Morph reminded me of Harry Potter or something like that, and I think it sounds like Goku's English Dubbed voice actor is coming back to voice Black Doom like he did in the old game, so all in all, I'm glad to have preordered the game on Steam.

Still, for the Doom Morph, I can almost see something like this happen:

Rouge: I admit to having mixed feelings about this form, Shadow.

Sonic: Yeah. You aren't going to lay eggs with it, right?

Shadow: Shut up, you blue jerk!

Other than that, having watched the Despicable Me/Minions movies not so long ago, I can see some potential between having Eggman, or any of his Sonic Prime variants, like Doctor Don't (who I can definitely see as a teenaged Gru) for one example, in the same style as Gru with the individualized Badniks as the "Minions," just as I can see a slight resemblance between the following Vicious Six with Archie Sonic's Suppression Squad.


Princess Alicia Acorn = Belle Bottom (as the good-looking villainess, the jokes at any other Belles' expense aside),

Boomer the Walrus = Strong Hold (by default of being strong-looking),

Buns Rabbot = Nun-Chuck (mostly because of the accents),

Miles Prower (not Tails) = Svengeance (if only because the other roles are already taken),

Patch D'Coolette = Jean-Clawed (the latter wears stereotypical French clothing to match with the former's accent),

And Scourge the Hedgehog = Wild Knuckles (as the head of the team).

I also can well see Snively, or even Doctor Starline, playing the animated Commander to Neo Metal Sonic's "Serpentor" in this video here. I figured Eggman would be missing in action at this time.


After a long while of seeing this guy's artwork pop up on DeviantArt here and there, I'm pretty glad to see him make something I can appreciate. Not that I don't think his art style is bad, but it's been a long time until I saw him make something that doesn't have the heroes diss the "insecure villains." I get it if it's for comedy, but do any of you really think Sally Acorn has the stomach to commit and live with murder?


Lastly, I think those of you who like Relic the Pika and are tolerant to the sequel trilogy will find this interesting.

Brothers in Arms (Archie Sonic story)
Honestly? Doom Morph just makes me think that Sega saw how popular Splatoon was.

I don't really see the resemblance, but I'll take your word for it.

Anyway, Brothers in Arms looks interesting, even if I'm not really interested in general stories. But it's the thought that counts, right?

Summary: "Eclipse the Darkling has had a rough life, and it's about to get harder — due to his own choice. When constantly running from G.U.N. becomes too much for the young alien, he contacts Commander Abraham Tower with a proposition that could very well lead to the salvation of his race. Eclipse is prepared to deal with humans, Mobians, and the limits of their lifestyles. There's only one problem that's too much for him to handle: his half-brother. How can the darkling function in an already challenging situation with his blood relative only making things harder? Eclipse just wants Shadow to leave him alone, but fate doesn't seem to feel the same way.

When a villainous organization threatens the world and Shadow's life, the darkling realizes that he has to focus on the larger threat. The two must work together to protect their friends — but Eclipse is still on the fence about family. An emotional roller coaster, Brothers in Arms takes a closer look into a shattered relationship that can't be fixed with a simple 'sorry,' exploring the blurred lines of good and evil and the true meaning of family."
It's mostly the "turn into tentacled form to slide along surfaces and climb walls at high speeds" part.

Curious. Come to think of it, though, if Doom Morph was mechanical in nature, I'd say it would remind me of the third Matrix movie.

Anyway, my recent looks into G.I. Joe got me thinking about the ninja clans of Archie Sonic being reimagined similarly to the Arashikage Clan from the former franchise. Espio would probably be a talking Snake-Eyes, and Conquering Storm is the evil version of Storm Shadow.


Additionally, re-reading the chapter of Boom Goes the Marathon that details the Unnamed Episode of Sonic Boom's Second Season, I can actually applaud whoever on TV Tropes pointed this out for the aforementioned story's writer to point out.

  1. The stakes are actually higher than they appear - keeping in mind this is a universe for younger viewers. Eggman is trying to build a theme park, but they live on a paradise island so what he intends to do is build a holiday resort for rich people. While of course this doesn't have the emphasis of taking over the world, it would result in the building of hotels and golf courses, the spoiling of the land, everybody losing their houses and having to work for Eggman for whatever wages he would pay (aka slave labour!), and living in whatever staff accommodation is provided. In holiday resorts all the amenities are for paying customers so they'd lose their beaches and parks, all the prices would go up and the shops would be replaced with souvenir shops and cafes full of tourists. Eggman's basically licking the landscape so that nobody else can use it. If only they'd put more emphasis on that...
    1. This is also why the villagers sometimes turn on Sonic - some people might be of the opinion that they would like some of that delicious tourist trade, while not fully contemplating the long-term consequences. They're not so much turning against him as they are giving up, or trying to make him give up. It's also why Eggman has to constantly apply for things like licences to do evil things like build on other people's land - they provide his evil lawyers and do his evil paperwork.

It this was indeed pointed out more often, or even in a probable third season, that would be a real atmosphere/game changer.