Sonic Fic Ideas, Discussion, and Rec Thread

Metal Sonic parody
Metal Sonic is a Kitty?

I glare at a machine that could kill me, but he won't because he literally can't due to his programing. Metal Sonic Mark II is based on the original but while he has knowledge of Sonic he doesn't have Sonic's personality like the Mark I .

I sigh and sit on my floating chair and instead of drinking actual alcohol is just a can of orange soda.

I know I know, I should eat better, do more exercise but I tend to get fat, that's why I ended with slim legs and a big gut because I took to running and while my legs look fantastic the rest of me doesn't. Well maybe the moustache looks okay? I try to take care of it as best as I can.

I am in my forties and when you are in the taking over the world business, or just you know dealing with a killer robot, getting drunk is likely to get you killed.

And after the last failure ... I really want to get drunk.

A death trap, an entire metal and machine island, powered by artificial chaos Emeralds dedicated to kill Sonic... and I failed!

Granted maybe making it pinball themed was a bit dumb but still... it should have worked!

I am a University graduate, I got several Doctorates and Master degrees! I score as high as possible in every IQ test that exists! I shouldn't keep being defeated by a blue rodent who can run really fast!

Sometimes I hate this... if I hadn't got that job at G.U.N, all because I needed to pay my darn student loan, then they wouldn't have betrayed me and maybe... I could have coasted by life on my brilliance alone.

At least I got my student debt paid before the betrayal, that's something.

"You need maintenance, I am your Master and creator, stop making this difficult!" I yell at Metal Sonic that climbed to the top shelf like a freaking cat. Why I had to make the things be made out a reinforced steel allow? They wouldn't be holding his weight otherwise.

"DENIED!" My weapon to kill Sonic is acting like a petulant child, or like a cat, just great.

I take out my mobile phone and speed dial a familiar number.

"Hi, Domination Pizza? Is Mister R, do you still have that two for one combo on fridays? You do? Great, send two egg specials to-"

Stupid blue hedgehog, at this rate I will always be fat, all because of you!
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Need confirmation
I was checking Boom Goes the Marathon's latest chapter, and the notes section had something curious:

I heard that there may be a third season of Sonic Boom coming which could provide us a finale with more closure.

Considering that the last episode was in 2017, they said there were no plans to continue it in 2020, and I'm not seeing any non-fanon website where that information probably came from, I have my doubts, but I thought it would be a good idea to bring it up just in case.
There is no reason to continue Boom save perhaps for a TV movie but the "official channel" in YouTube is missing most of season two and stopped updating over six months ago. Seeing the video views there is not like the show is hugely popular.

And Sonic Prime recently ended and was in general well received, so a Sonic Prime TV movie makes way more sense.

There is no official sources for a Sonic Boom continuation. The show has 104 short episodes that make it 52 regular sized episodes when put together and it is mostly a gag series. I don't see Sega wanting to continue it after so long.

No need to be so blunt in your dismissal and such, but whatever.

Moving on, @Tangent, I hope you're having better luck in figuring the tags out. Maybe you can ask the admins just in case? Hopefully, they aren't jerks about it like some others on Spacebattles have been.

Also, I think this looks pretty good for the upcoming Generations thing.

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My thoughts on Grimer Wormtongue betraying Doctor Eggman
I myself believe that if he was used in a Sonic fusion story, he would be as loyal as he was in Sonic the Comic despite Eggman's bad temper, as he believes he's far more capable of world domination, vision and all. Grimer, though, to quote a Legend of the Galactic Heroes character who felt sudden ambition himself for a time, had this to say in regards to his own substantial abilities compared to his employer's and why he wouldn't betray him.

"That is because I cannot exceed him."

But when the latter attempts to use the fully powered Eclipse Cannon on Earth with Grimer still on it during the adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2, the man finally sees that his master is not worth fighting for.

Grimer stills bitterly works in the Eggman Empire due to having no where else to go, but remembering how Snively and the Freedom Fighter goaded him in the past to turn against Eggman, Grimer decides to indirectly usurp control away from Eggman by using Metamorphia, and maybe even causing Neo Metal Sonic to be a thing as well.

Unfortunately for Grimer, he would ultimately be defeated by Eggman's charisma and willingness to literally fight dirty. Despite having enough of a spine to be defiant to his former leader in his last moments, Grimer is immediately slain by the Eggman, who notes the former's guts if nothing else.
Interesting, yeah Tikal replacing Knuckles would change a whole lot.

On one hand I want to write a Scourge SI on the other early Archie is nuts...
Well, it was the 1990s. What did you expect?

I read the early 90s Flash and it was less dumb than Archie Sonic, yes even with the diamond eating guy with a pocket dimension in the stomach being a Flash enemy.

I think the thing that broke my sense of disbelief in early Archie Sonic (and would still have if I had been like ten when I read the comic) was Sonic going Super Sonic really easy and then you know using it for a world tour instead of fighting bad guys?

I feel like either no one wanted to write Sonic comics in the USA back then and or the editors has no clue what they were doing.

Because sure some issues were comedy gold, I still laugh at the King Kong parody but then it had stuff that... ugh....

Well, to be fair, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, which was around that same time, was rather cartoonish, too. Although, comparing the Archie Sonic comic to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (which was also Archie), I suppose I see your point.

Anyway, listening to this spectacular, if rather addictive, song,

made me think that in an alternate universe where Sonic the Hedgehog and Doctor Eggman are both competing for world domination, the former would do it "all for freedom" and the latter would be "all for pleasure."

Gives me an interesting idea for a story, even a short no less.
Eh Tails would be the evil Genius, Sonic the henchman. Sonic is way too lazy to bother with world domination.
Eh Tails would be the evil Genius, Sonic the henchman. Sonic is way too lazy to bother with world domination.
Sonic wants to be in charge so nobody else can ever order him around.
He delegates everything, but still.
If Eggman was willing to go along with it then he could de facto rule the world, but isn't willing to let anyone else be above him even if it's only on paper.
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Mini-Boss Cassia (just something fun)
On a Post-Super Genesis Wave Archie Sonic topic, I can totally see some Egg Soldiers calling Cassia the Pronghorn this in light of her being second to her sister, Egg Boss Clove, even though they're not trying to be jerks about it.


What rouses her ire even more about it is that, being a hardcore gamer, she knows that a "mini-boss" is a kind of boss fight that isn't as paramount as most other boss fights in a video game.

Of course, the concept does present an interesting idea of Cassia going on a character-centric adventure to prove herself a "boss" in her own right, whether she's still second to Clove or Doctor Eggman, or better yet, becomes the "final boss" of her own empire.

Egg Soldiers: "Big Boss! Big Boss! Big Boss!"

Cassia: "Oh, ho, ho! I like that! I'm a big shot at last, sis! In your overprotective face! Yes!"

Clove: "I'm starting to wonder if I sheltered her too much."

Thunderbolt: "You think, kid?"

Got no stories to recommend at the moment, but I'm not against anyone else making their own recommendations for the sake of it.
For My Eventual Sonic Narrative Series
Aside from the Prime, IDW, and game characters, these are the following that I think would fit in Sonic Narrative:

    • Aleena (merged with Bernadette to be the mother of Sonic, wife of Jules, and sister-in-law of Sir Charles, but would be demoted to a noblewoman at most than a global queen).
    • The Thorndykes and any other X Humans with full names (such as Sam Speed and Jerome Wise).
    • Grimer Wormtongue.
    • Metamorphia.
    • Commander Brutus.
    • Sleet (with Dingo's shapeshifting powers as his own).
    • Scratch.
    • Doctor Julian "Snively" Robotnik.
    • Hope (excluding the Kintobor name in favor of Robotnik).
    • Sticks the Badger (with her Boom ancestry for the sake of it and more).
    • Perci and "Staci" (with the right storytelling, I can give the former a duplication super power to explain the latter).
    • Ebony and Pyjamas (The Groovy Train might need to be moved from Metropolis to either Station Square or Central City, though).
    • Breezie (as a mix between her Adventures and Archie depictions to be an initial robot enemy than businesswoman friend of Sonic's).
    • Black Death, Eclipse, and the Dark Arms.
    • Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun.
    • Tekno, Porker Lewis, Johnny Lightfoot, and Shortfuse the Cybernik.
    • Dulcy (with a shapeshifting power to make her as large as the Dragon from Fleetway to as moderate-sized and fashionably clothed as her Post-Reboot version in Archie).
    • Various parental figures that would be alluded to, yet ultimately deceased (from Colin and Georgette to Alicia Acorn and Mama Robotnik).
    • The Egg Bosses (but Battle Kukku XV would be replaced with Diesel).
    • Sonia and Manic (their roles would change from Sonic's blood siblings to his inner voices in a similar manner to Alien X's from Ben 10).
    • Bartleby (a bit more stuck up without Sonia to temper his mannerisms, but I think he can still reform for good).
    • Geoffrey and Hershey.
    • Forelock.
    • The Goblin Empire.
    • Trogg (with a twist).
    • Errol and Morain Blackthorn.
    • Tails's Archie parents and uncle.
    • The Bem.
    • The Drakons (no need for them to be mixed with Chaos and such, but I can imagine a connection between them and the Ancients).
    • Matilda the Armadillo.
    • Blockhead Bill and Society Max.
    • Beauregard Rabbot, Armand D'Coolette, Doctor Elidy, and Maximillian Nigel Acorn.
    • Bunnie Rabbot, Antoine D'Coolette, Rotor the Walrus, Nicole, and Sally Acorn.
    • Fiona Fox.
    • Mina Mongoose (don't know about her band, but yeah).
    • Mammoth Mogul and the Fearsome Foursome.
    • Collie Chang (not as recurring as Scarlet Garcia, but the Mobians deserve their own reporters, too).
    • Scarlet Garcia.
    • Athair, Doctor Zachary, and a majority of the Archie echidnas (I can imagine a way to insert them all after the events of Frontiers, but it would require balancing out some of the less recurring and developed of the bunch, so don't expect a big Brotherhood of Guardians).
    • Relic the Pika and Fixit the Robot (truth be told, I think I like the idea of pairing Knuckles with Relic better than either Rouge, Julie-Su, or Sally).
    • Lupe and most of her Wolf Pack (she'd be a teenager at the start, though, so don't expect her being a biological or adopted mother).
    • A majority of the Archie Freedom Fighters, reboot and otherwise alike, but with physical differences for the platypuses and Fluke the Blue Whale.
    • The Meropis characters.
    • Most of the Planet Meridian and Shanzar characters from Fleetway.
    • Cosmo and the Metarex.
    • Max Gamble.
    • Colonel Percy Granite.
    • Hugo Brass (either as Abraham Tower's predecessor, or the guy handling G.U.N. things while he's out on missions himself).
    • T.W. Barker.
    • Mayor Fink.
    • The Gogobas (as the tribe Thunderbolt was born into before she sold them out to the Eggman Empire out of spite).
    • Og.
    • Mighton and Bolts (I can imagine a connection between their city and the Bem for good measure).
    • The Bride of Constant Vigil (she is Espio's teacher, clan leader, and mother, after all).
    • Soar the Eagle.
    • Comedy Chimp.
    • Dave the Intern (hopefully, he'd work at Gourmet Burger, even if he'd start out as his lazy self).
    • Charlie and Belinda.
    • Nominatus, Retro, and Beta.
    • Ryan Baggit.
    • Queen Hathor.
    • Helmut and Kage von Stryker.
    • The Iron Queen and Jun Kun.
    • The Pirates of the Setting Dawn.
    • Captain Plunder and his crew.
    • Zorabel and the Spice Maidens.
    • Father Christmas and Vile Peter (a good Christmas "episode" never hurts).
    • Nutzan Bolt.
    • Ronnie Dribble (for a sporty theme).
    • The Omni-Viewer and Main Viewer (I can see them being like the DC Monitors).
    • Walter Naugus (I think I'd reclassify his species from "Mobian Trolls" to "Ixians" of the former continent of Ixis for the sake of argument).
    • Wes Weasely.
    • Kodos the Lion.
    • Justin Beaver (if only because I want to write Antoine's reaction of being "betrayed," Producers-style).
    • Fabian Vane, Wilbur Z. Sprockethole the Third, and Norris Wimple (I guess even good heroes need to be annoyed some times).
    • Grand Chief Whip and secret society (which I would call the "Dictatorial Rights Appreciation Tribe" due to "Eggman" being more prominent than "Robotnik").
    • Vermin the Cybernik (Rivals, am I right or what?).
    • Arnhem Abacus (Pay no attention to the nerd with the remote!).
    • Megatox.
    • Choy and Hobson.
    • Archimedes (if I need to explain why he wasn't around Knuckles earlier, I can probably go with suspended animation or whatever).
    • Catty Carlisle (she's pretty minor compared to Mina Mongoose, who is a musically-inclined fangirl of Sonic's herself, but I have an idea).
    • Tommy Thunder (he'd work well with Sprockethole with the dumb movie titles and lack of realism).
    • Mindy LaTour (as a friend of Amy Rose's rather than Sonia's).

And, aside from those characters exclusive to the live action universe, OVA, French comic, Chronicles, manga, Lyric games, these are the following that I don't think would fit in Sonic Narrative:

    • The Merhogs (it would be a different story if Merna was adapted, yet tweaked, for Archie Sonic like Breezie was).
    • Doctor Eggman's various artificial offspring that aren't Belle the Tinkerer and Sage.
    • Dingo, Coconuts, and Grounder (it just feels off with the way they're named in the grand scheme of things).
    • Airi.
    • Lazarr.
    • Roxy.
    • Miss Possum.
    • Bert Whoo (Harvey might as well be the only one we need to say "hoot").
    • The majority of alternate universal counterparts in the franchise from the Moebians to the Zone Cops.
    • The Kintobor Computer (sorry, but Nicole is a thing).
    • The Dream Meister (Ariem? Illumina? Who needs this lady?)
    • Ash Mongoose (he wasn't a bad guy, but he wasn't exactly necessary either in Archie).
    • Elias Acorn and his family (as much as I like them, I think Sally has his personal struggles in spades by herself).
    • Mombot and Morpho (my version of the Eggman is not that affection-starved).
    • The Enchanter Kings in the Fleetway Comics (I think it would make better sense if Merlin Prower fills their roles, including Shirob's, on his own).
    • The Second Devourer.
    • Tommy Turtle (among other things, I think Johnny's death has better weight).
    • The Ancient Walkers (not as relevant compared to the Gaias).
    • Aurora (I like her, but I think Tikal is better at being the "first ascended echidna" than her).
    • The Xorda.
    • Friendbot (decent character, but no need for a "good Badnik" to be a one-time deal).
    • The Cubot Prototypes.
    • D-Fekt.
    • Skeeter the Walrus (he and his mom just weren't that relevant before the reboot compared to Tundra afterwards).
    • Wynmacher (again, not as relevant).
    • Tufftee Acorn (he only made one appearance).
    • Lobo (I can't imagine what he'd look like in the Post-Reboot design, so yeah).
    • The Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters (except Fluke).
    • Saffron Bee (sorry, girlfriend, but even if Charmy is still descended from royalty, he'd still be too young for engagement).
    • Zooey (nice kid, but not as prominent a character than Cosmo).
    • Mark the Tapir (With Ryan Baggit, who needs this psycho?).
    • Uma Arachnis (a mute character can only go so far).
    • The Lightning Bolt Society (excluding Dave of course).
    • A good amount of parody characters like Fleetway's Zed Monkeys to name one example.
    • Doctor Warpnik and Katella (I can imagine some ways for them to be relevant, but I don't have the heart to act on them).

And these are the following that I'm somewhat undecided on:

    • Any Human character without a canonical full name like those in the Sonic X anime and comics (my apologies to Ella and Tanaka).
    • Nate Morgan (Good guy with a lot of connections, but too many scientists and all that)
    • Gold the Tenrec and Professor Von Schlemmer (they're not bad, but I don't how they would fit in all things considering).
    • Cyrus (I mean, Rotor, Tails, Porker, and Tekno are already scientists).