Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

Don't think it would do enough damage as a Vanilla Monster Truck. How would you spice it up?

I was thinking of it as more distracting and knocking around the Demon Mayor then doing real damage. Just buying time for Buffy, Doyle and others to get the job done. I'm more interested in seeing the aesthetics.

The explosives that killed the Mayor were vanilla too, right? Just in large enough quantities to get the job done?
I was thinking of it as more distracting and knocking around the Demon Mayor then doing real damage. Just buying time for Buffy, Doyle and others to get the job done. I'm more interested in seeing the aesthetics.

The explosives that killed the Mayor were vanilla too, right? Just in large enough quantities to get the job done?
Aye, but as with poisoning, it's all about the quantity, which a monster truck can't touch. I recommend a Terex 6300 if you want to fuck up the Old One with a real Monster Truck.
Chapter 59: Political Rivals
Chapter 59: Political Rivals

"Come on Willy. We both know I could just hit the answers out of you." Trying to control my temper at the greasy man's sudden bout of stubbornness, I slide him over a slip of paper with tonight's bet instead.

Speaking loud enough that the nearest patrons will be spreading the gossip, Fred's voice takes on a dangerous tone that makes me shiver. "Take advantage of the fact that people know how much money we're making you and save yourself a black eye."

Having discovered a slight problem with my plan to shove a soul in Darla, I'm in a rush to find the four hundred year old vampire before the translation is finished. We need her somewhere secure when we perform the Ritual of Restoration or Darla will just be killed by the Master before I get my directions.

Since I've already sent Liam of on his mission to Africa, I don't actually have any idea how to find the lair under the city. Kind of a problem if I want this all over before Buffy moves to town.

"It's not her I'm worried about..." Pale with fear, Willy doesn't even bother making a crude joke. Of course that's probably because my spikes are out. "Her 'family' are kind of a big deal. I kind of like living."

That's actually fair. It's going to get out very quickly what the plan is and Willy will be a prime target for Aurellian revenge.

"What if I give you a really big game to 'bet' on?" Swallowing my doubt, I know this is the easiest way to get answers.

Scribbling down to exact scores for every single game the Red Wings will have in the Stanley Cup this year, I watch the greedy man nearly faint with glee when he snatches it from my hands. "Yeah. That should pretty much cover it."

"Where does Darla hunt?" Liam made it very clear vampires establish a territory and rarely feed outside of it.

"She's old enough to get a slice of the juicy teens." Voice low, Willy's eyes reveal his already forming plans of flight. "Darla's allowed to feed at the Bronze on Saturdays. Rest of the week she's got to make do with the tourists dumb enough to stay out after dark."

Disgusted at her sudden thought, Fred blurts it out. "It sounds like the opposite of wine."

"Blood just gets worse with age." Leaning over to reveal he's heard the entire conversation, a heavily tattooed vampire grins wide enough to reveal his fangs. "I don't even bother tasting someone with grey hair now. It's almost as bad as all this swill the Americans call beer."

His own Spanish accent really makes him stand out as someone more important than just a minion. But since his face doesn't even strike a chord of memory in me, I'm left to wonder about his possible threat level.

Harmony said in the show that it took effort to stay in game face and yet this guy has been in it since we walked in. He's got to be over five hundred if even Darla prefers to look human.

"They do the whisky alright..." Trying not to offend the unknown vampire, I offer my own recommendations. "And this close to the border tequila is strong enough to strip paint."

"Wine's pretty good." Fred offers her own opinion, holding up the glass of white with a brave face. "At least if you ignore the cheap stuff Willy dares put on the menu."

My eyes dart to the owner and his string of chuckles. "I'm not even going to pretend to be offended. Anything under four bucks is not fit for human consumption."

The conversation is tensely taken over by the unnamed vampire as he stares me down with piercing yellow eyes. "You really intend on going after Darla of Aurelius?"

"She's had four hundred years to make something of herself and she's still just a lackey. Why would I be scared of her?" Refusing to allow a shred of my intense fear into my voice, my gaze doesn't waver.

My bluster seems to be bought by the smirking corpse, who really seems intrigued now. "The Master's wrath doesn't bother you?"

"He's next." Any vampire loyal to the bald freak beneath me would react with instant violence at such a remark. When this one doesn't, I at least know he's got a different boss.

"So it is true..." Tattoo-face seems to have reached a conclusion all on his own. "The Mayor does have a seer taking care of the trash now. I'll make sure to let everyone know this one's off limits."

The way his eyes trail over Fred disgust me. Yet somehow neither of us visibly react and maintain the illusion.

"At least until it's just the real powers left in Sunnydale." The once friendly tone is replaced by a deadly warning. "Since Wilkins is making moves again, so will we."

With those words hanging in the air like a tangible threat, the vampire struts from the bar before I can even start forming a response. Who the hell does he work for and what kind of moves does he mean?

"Cabeza likes you..." Sliding over refills before I even need to ask, Willy watches the door swing closed behind the vampire. "That's not really a good thing."

"You feel like sharing why?" I'm in the dark until I get home and do some research or the Powers decide to give me a vision.

"The Mayor has political rivals and they seem to be aware of you. Shitty luck my friend." Guilt fills his voice as the New Yorker avoids making eye contact.

"Shitty luck or just you accepting bribes?" Noticing his distinct lack of bruises, I know he hasn't been roughed up in a few weeks.

Getting defensive at my own tone, Willy throws up his hands in an attempt to ward me off. "Hey now, I made them hit me the first few times. But they keep coming back and you know how much I lick money."

"Well I guess you have enough money that you don't need all of these." Growling as I reach for the bartender, he instinctively moves to protect his face.

Having no desire to even touch the slimy man right now, I grab the list I made and tear it clean in half. "That should cover my information and now I don't want to hurt you." As much.

Before I can change my mind and use my fists, Fred drags me out of the bar. "Come on, we still need to pick up the kids."

My specific demon genes mean I need to use alcohol as a digestive aid. So the two drink limit means I still blow a zero on a Breathalyzer and am perfectly fine to drive the teens home.

"I'm just glad it's a weekend. I don't want to deal with my new boss with a hangover, she's already a bitch from hell most days." Fred brings up the research post she accepted two weeks ago with a grimace directed at her demanding professor in charge of the project.

"Do anything interesting?" I know better than to ask about any specifics and keep my questions vague.

Grinning up at my lack of pressure for details, Fred just gives me a single word response filled with excitement. "Yep."

"Well tell Graham if he doesn't try to intimidate me again..." Sticking out my tongue as we reach the van, I make it clear I'm just teasing and invite her cousin to the Christmas gathering I have planned a few days before her flight home. "I guess you can invite him to the barbecue."
Chapter 60: Big Decision
Chapter 60: Big Decision

Not willing to let anyone play bait with such a known danger as Darla, tonight I wait alone above the alley. At only two stories, I know it's a short enough drop to spare my knees any serious pain and am ready to pounce.

I'm not going to tell Fred about this part of the plan though. She'd just call it needless dramatics and I can't really come up with a counter argument besides it made me feel like Batman.

Forced to witness two separate feedings during my lurking on the roof above, I actually manage to aim my drop properly enough to do more than scare off the second vampire.

They may be supernaturally durable. But a vampire is just a blood demon possessing a corpse and they require simple things like functioning nerves to move.

Landing right on top of the vampire with a look inspired by the Lost Boys, the sound of his bones breaking is incredibly satisfying. Landing's a whole lot softer when I have someone to land on.

Thankfully the wails of agony are cut off as suddenly as the crippled vampire's existence. Th sharpened pool cue pierces his heart before the victim has recovered her coherency and gives me time to revert to a human appearance.

"Mister Doyle?" I recognize the shaking redhead's voice as a one of my quieter students. "What are you doing here?" One I never would have thought had the nerve to ditch her friends to go neck in an alley.

"Picking up my sister. But I figured you didn't want to get picked up by someone wanted by the police and told him to get lost." The lie is out before I even need to think about it and it makes it easy to get the girl's friends to take her home. "I think he was that guy who stole Lance's jacket. Because his face was all green and spiky."

With that bit of gossip ready to spread, the preppy girl and her friends get picked up long before I'm needed back in the alley. I also make sure to send a quick page to Jenny the moment after I see y target with her prey.

When I reclaim my perch on the roof, it's easy to let such a small change go to my head. It really doesn't mean anything.

That's what I have to keep reminding myself as the night wears on with only those two kills. They just moved to safer places.

The vampires are just smart enough to know they're not untouchable anymore. All but the dumbest are only here to lure victims back to the nest for the feeding and I know very well that Darla is no moron. Her four centuries prove she has a few brain cells.

It's almost closing time when I'm finally proven correct and Darla emerges from the club. Her prey is clearly drunk and under her charm enough to follow the apparent naughty school girl anywhere.

Expertly avoiding the alley itself, she leads the stumbling teen out onto the poorly lit street out front instead. "It's so kind of you to walk me home. My dad works the night shift so most nights are pretty lonely."

That reminder of the blonde having no chaperone at home gets the boy to through his arm around her shoulder in an attempt to look casual. Pretty sure he just needed the support to actually stay upright.

"Well I don't mind keeping you company..." The slurred words still contain a very clear message of intent as I make a careful jump to the next roof.

Rolling as I land to minimize any noise, I hopefully manage to make it seem like the pigeons I scared got disturbed by a cat instead. But to my frustration, it didn't work on my target at all.

Now wary of whatever is watching her, Darla is quick to agree with her victim's offer in a way that only makes his feet move faster. "Thank you so much. It's just, we haven't gotten all of our furniture yet and don't actually have a couch you can sleep on..."

Hint caught after only a few seconds of Darla's leering, the teen I think graduated last year is lead towards his doom. This is of course the time I choose to strike and throw myself off the roof.

The vampire hears my footsteps in time to know I'm coming. But the speed I hit her with was too surprising for Darla to avoid.

My flying tackle sends all three of us to the sidewalk hard and the drunk teen just moans on his side. At least it's hard to use dead weight as a hostage.

Darla recovers a hell of a lot faster than the other two fledglings I tried this on tonight and slashes at my face with her claws already out. "Here I was thinking the Slayer had finally come to Sunnydale. But it's just some amateur demon hunter?"

Relaxing her demonic face once she evaluates my threat, Darla takes charge of our dance with a flurry of blows. Barely able to keep up with her strikes even with my training, it's proven clear I need more than a few months to become an actual warrior.

It's only when the vicious woman goes for the throat that I decide it's time to reveal my own surprise with a sudden headbutt. The shower of blood is because of my choice to go Brachen just before the impact, the barbs tearing trenches that weep crimson all across the once perfect appearance.

Shocked at feeling pain, Darla reaches a hand up to touched her scarlet covered cheek. Rage quickly becomes her only emotion as the vampire promises my end will be agonizing.

"It's a good thing you aren't all human. I can take my time making you suffer!" Rushing at me even before he words are finished, it's only desperate instinct that makes me react.

Forced back against each of her attacks, I'm worried to realize she's actually stronger than me. Not by a whole lot though. Maybe just enough to put her in the next weight class.

It's more the fact that she bothered learning how to fight that really makes me worried for my life. I really hope I gave Jenny enough time.

"I've seen how I die..." Grimacing as I manage to block a strike with my now trembling forearm, it takes all of my willpower to utter a noise beyond screaming in pain. "It's three years after you get turned to dust."

Shock flashes across the vampire's face as she recognizes the words of a seer, letting them sink in with horror. One benefit of being around Drusilla for so long, the whole Whirlwind is very easy to be convinced of fate.

"Mine actually means something!" Probably better if I don't tell her I'm planning on changing both of those until after I survive the night.

My first punch to connect shatters her nose in another spray of scarlet and leaves her too stunned to block my second. But those are the only two clean hits I get on Darla and she quickly recovers from her shock.

Back on the offensive and angrier than an entire stampede, Darla returns my blows threefold. With my head spinning from several powerful punches, it takes me more than a few seconds to realize the storm has stopped.

Wiping blood out of my eyes without knowing which one of us it belongs to, I finally see Darla with an expression of grief. The few minutes needed for the memories to return to her passed while I caught my breath and I know we need to move fast.

Ignoring the vast pain coursing through my entire body, I take a careful step towards the distraught girl. "I can't even imagine how horrible this must be for you and I really am sorry it was necessary. But I promise you don't have to live with the memories unless you choose to."

Explaining my plan, I lay out all of the options I could come up with. "You can have your memories erased so it it's like you have amnesia. It would really be more like we reincarnated you."

Despite her overwhelming grief, Darla is able to laugh at my incredibly stupid suggestion. "... I'm just supposed to trust a man to meddle around in my head? That's exactly how I wound up like this, trusting men."

"Well we have some trained professionals ready to provide therapy and will help you find a new life after it's finished." They just aren't exactly trained in the therapy part yet.

She's just as dismissive of my plan to put her in hibernation until I can turn her back into a human. But once that idea is in the open, Darla has no interest at all in the option to put her soul in a robot.

"Give you some directions, get some therapy, and what?" Darla really has trust issues and is looking for the double cross in my words. "You want me to atone for four hundred years of the demon's sins?"

"Of course not. That's a stupid idea and if that's what I wanted, why would I offer to erase the memory of them?" My blunt response is barely enough for her to nod in wary agreement.

The Kalderash people want vengeance and they think they're getting it. But who says the spell turned out the way they think it will?" I sigh in relief when I see her finally understand the meaning of my words. "If they think the spell went wrong, that's on them for not translating it before I suggested it. They had a century to get it right."

"What do you expect out of me? You seem to know an awful lot." Disgust flashes across her face for a brief moment as she assumes me to be like the average man she knows.

"Liam has a century of sins to atone for." He fed from dozens of lowlifes and criminals during that time and let many good people die with his inaction. "But it's not because of the one he spent without a soul. It's because of what he did with it."

"You paid for your sins when Nest turned you." She recoils at the name but eventually nods in understanding. "The demon paid for hers by losing control. And right now, you're a newborn with the whole world ahead of you." And I'll do my very best to give you the one you choose.

"But if you just can't handle remembering everything..." Holding up my pool cue, I make the offer clear. "I can let you rest after you give me directions."

Notes: For anyone concerned at how fast the spell took to be translated, the show does it in 3 episodes, which is about 3-4 weeks time. Jenny has had about 2 months to do it here.
Just the bloody mad duo to go. But will Dru even want to come to Sunnydale if she sees both her Mummy and Daddy have souls now?
Its been pretty great keeping up with this.

The fight with Darla was fun, as is the way a re-souled Darla is approached. I'm excited to see where things go, keep up the awesome work.
Its been pretty great keeping up with this.

The fight with Darla was fun, as is the way a re-souled Darla is approached. I'm excited to see where things go, keep up the awesome work.
Thank you. I really wanted to come up with reasons for why the Scoobies didn't just ensoul every vampire. So I really hope these 2 chapters are a dive bit of worldbuilding behind the spell's limits.
Chapter 61: Unintended Consequences
Chapter 61: Unintended Consequences

By the time Fred collects me and the vampire and we pile in, Darla's become wracked with anguished sobs. I hadn't really understood what the exact details of the Ritual of Restoration entailed and am horrified by my results.

"Liam didn't say anything about this..." No wonder he couldn't just get over his trauma in under a year the same way Spike with a soul could.

"You did make it seem like you already knew all the important stuff," reminds Fred as she races South on the freeway. "Why would he?"

Grimacing as I realize it made me come across kind of like an ass, a tired sigh escapes me. "The curse really is a perfect torture."

"It doesn't just tear a soul out of the afterlife." Voice tight with her own guilt in the ritual, Fred keeps her attention on the road to distract herself. "It makes the innocent soul remember the face of every single victim the demon killed."

"No more making fun of Liam when he gets broody." I see a vision once and it's already as much as I can take.

My champion however has seen those same crimes for a hundred years and hasn't staked himself yet. Liam really does have what it takes to make things better.

Bitterness flashes through me as I remember I'm only filling in until he returns with a secure soul. I guess that's the difference between the hero and the support staff.

The wails of distress pick up again as yet another terrible memory overwhelms Darla. But when I try to reach down to comfort her, she recoils away knowing full well I'm the one responsible for this.

"Why me?" Snapping at my hand with fangs out, Darla is determined to get answers. "Why didn't you do this to the Master and end the whole line?"

"Because even if he didn't kill himself immediately, either Luke or you would have just taken over within a few weeks." If four hundred years is this hard to cope with, I really can't even begin to imagine what a thousand's like.

"Wouldn't have worked anyway. Jenny was pretty clear that the caster needs to wish great vengeance on the target or nothing would happen." A tense Fred has actual facts instead of just my hypothesis.

Which pretty much excludes any random vampire from getting a soul until they make it so personal I wouldn't want to spare them. "Your demon wouldn't leave the Romany alone and one of them finally found her. Of course it would have been harder if you moved around a bit more."

"Wouldn't have been found if a seer wasn't looking for me," hisses Darla with a hundred unnamed emotions churning just beneath the surface of her false calm. "You're the one you chose to punish an innocent soul because you needed a map!"

The accusation stings with truth and fills me with dread as I fail to find any kind of argument. "... You're right."

"You knew what Liam was going through and you decided that-" She cuts herself of mid sentence as my response sinks in. "... You're not arguing?"

"I completely screwed you over and nothing I say is going to make you feel better about the why." Facing her cross expression with all the courage I can muster, somehow I manage to stop myself from flinching in guilt. "But I'm not going to lie to you and say I regret it. It's a sin I'll just need to atone for myself once the Master is ash."

Snorting at my declaration, Darla seems amused for the first time since the curse took hold. "Lots have tried. None have even come close."

"That's just a bald faced lie." Not letting the grave threat intimidate me into inaction, I focus on the one part I know wasn't exactly true. "Wilkins would probably like to argue that point."

He was just a regular guy when he achieved that victory and I have a few advantages of my own to work with. Mainly knowing you only write down a prophecy so someone can change it.

"Mary said you can stay with her as long as you want if you chose rehabilitation." Dennis is going to need help readjusting to modern life anyway so I hope this works out.

In an attempt to ease Darla into the strangeness of the Hyperion, Fred reveals what the nurse has been doing. "She's working with the werewolves and a revived mummy right now. But once they get a doctor signed on, Mary will have time to focus on you three out of timers."

"With a Slayer on hand to make sure I know my place..." The scowl is back in full force as Darla crosses her arms. "Sounds like a great place to get therapy."

"Do you have a better option?" Shooting back my own stern expression, I make it clear someone cares. "Because as long as it's more thought out than just letting you walk off into the night, I'm willing to give it a listen." Even if it's just out of guilt ridden shame.

She doesn't come up with one the rest of the drive and it ends up being a tensely silent hour. When Darla does finally break the silence, it's with a warning that chills my blood.

"The Master isn't going to let this go." Her words are grim with the promise of suffering being sent my way. "Luke is a lot better fighter than I am and the Three have been itching to get off leash for years."

"And if I really get scared, I'll start throwing lightning at your family." Vague flex out of the way, I refuse to elaborate anymore. Really shouldn't have said even that much when she's staying at the same hotel as Gwendolyn Post.

Saving my bacon with an even more interesting distraction, Fred mention's the Princess. "Or just bring a second Slayer. That would probably do the trick."

The second hour is a lot better and Darla seems to be out of the overwhelming trauma stage of the curse. "I'd rather try to cope with my nightmares than be erased."

"Well just know that if you change your mind, Mary has the ingredients for all three spells." She also has a stake if that's what you choose. "You can pull a sleeping beauty until Liam Shanshus and I'll make sure you get included." I really need to get cracking on the book I got from the Oracles.

It's supposed to have information on Mohra demons and yet I can't read a single word. Written in German that nobody on my team knows how to translate, I'm stuck waiting for Giles to move closer before I can actually get started on pulling off my own prophecy.

"I really want to hate you for what you did to me..." Darla's expression is wavering as she tries to decide. "But you're really going out of your way to give me choices and that's just not something I'm used to."

"It's a big decision and you really don't need to rush into it. It's better if you take the time to think it over first because we can't undo the choice very easily."

Note: So some people mentioned the SI hadn't really done anything he needed to atone for. This was always going to be his actual act that made him guilty of sin and not just the inaction from the beginning.
Chapter 62: Reboot
Chapter 62: Reboot

It's several sense seconds in the apartment once Mary and Tara finish the binding spell. No one wants to break the silence and reveal we failed, leaving the task to fall to an impatient Darla.

"Are you still a ghost Dennis?" Arms crossed in some of Tara's borrowed clothing, the blonde vampire is oddly concerned about the phantom.

Nothing moves of it's own accord, allowing hope to rise in all of us as our eyes move from the whiteboard to the robot.

Only one eyelid flickers open at first, with the blue orb dilating rapidly before settling on a smirking Tara. With some signal the two must have decided on long ago, Tara puff's up her chest.

"It's alive!" The attempt at an Igor impersonation is admittedly terrible. But seeing Tara collapse in glee filled giggles makes me just enjoy the moment for what it is.

Smirking back at the younger Maclay, I have to give her credit for a good joke. "We really should have done this during a thunderstorm. I'm glad one of us was thinking about the stuff that really matters."

"He-" Stiff from lack of practice, Dennis tries to speak his first words as Ted. "-llo." Once the mouth is in motion, the rest of the sentence starts flowing better. "Thank you... so much. I though I was going to... be in that wall forever."

"Not sure if you beat Amy out for the worst mom." Extending a hand to Dennis, I have to use quite a bit of strength to pull him up. "But everyone here aside from Fred has at least one crappy parent."

The comment confuses Tara enough that she has to speak up. "But you never even met my grand parents."

"Who do you think gave your father the idea for the curse?" Mary's confession comes with more dark details. "It's a family tradition to pass the lie on to the new son-in-law."

Giving me a sidelong frown, Angel reminds me I really need to watch what I say around my students. "No wonder my friends cling to every word. Jesse seems to be the only one with two parents who care."

That would probably explain why he didn't like me talking down to him at the zoo. It's not like fans knew anything beyond the fact that Jesse was a pervert and with all the minor changes that have been piling up... Which means I can't really keep relying on my meta knowledge for personal details.

Big stuff should still be relatively unchanged since the villains have plans older than Giles. But I can't treat anyone like a character. They're all people and I'm just one in a crowd. What I think is best, may not be what anyone wants.

"So we just trapped a ghost with technology..." Smirking at Angel, Fred calls back to our introduction. "We really are the Ghostbusters now."

Unable to accept the praise, Angel instead frowns with anguish. "But I didn't do anything to help."

"What did I ask you to do when I gave you a room?" Recognizing the tone from my own use of it in my teens, I refuse to ignore a cry for help.

She only hesitates for a second before listing the three simple tasks I gave her. "Clean my room, wash the dishes, and do my homework."

"Well the dishes have been done every every night and I don't smell anything weird in your room." I've yet to actually go inside and plan to keep it that way. "And since Russel hasn't said anything, I know you're turning assignments in." Every kid needs some privacy, especially one with a past like Angel's.

"Best roommate I've ever had." Fred is quick to throw in her own agreement as soon as she catches on. "You actually want to watch Red Dwarf with me." Her eyes slide over to me, shifting into a scowl. "Unlike someone."

"I liked the episode where they meet the alternate universe versions of themselves." Guilty at being called out in front of everyone, I can feel my ears heating up as I scramble for words. "The one where time goes backwards was pretty neat too."

"You gave it a try, that's all I can ask." The expression softens so I know she was only teasing. "Besides, you don't make me watch Xena. So we're even."

Dennis seems to get the hang of his body pretty quickly, with only a few odd facial expressions as he settles into the robot. "All you want me to do is keep Darla safe?"

"Curses can still be broken." Grim faced as I answer, it's impossible to avoid thinking about the ways it could happen even temporarily. "Darla deserves a real second chance and I'd really appreciate it if you could keep her safe for a few years." At least until I can deal with Nest and the rest of the Whirlwind.

"Anything for my 'son'." Winking to make sure I know he's in the loop, Dennis seems perfectly willing to run with our public cover.

With a snort at how convoluted my false family tree is becoming, Fred's joke isn't really so much of one. "Do you have a chart so I know what I can tell my coworkers about?"

"Charles has one," Tara answers before realizing it was rhetorical and goes pink as soon as it sinks in.

"Gunn has files on me?" Shocked at what seems like a lack of trust, I can't help but feel hurt.

"He has them on everything and everyone." Focusing on my quest to force away the embarrassment, Tara shares what she learned from Alonna. "He doesn't like feeling stupid so he writes down everything. Says every Watcher needs a journal."

"Can I talk to you two?" Pointing to me and my newest responsibility, the mother heads into her room for the private words.

Knowing this could only be about a couple of things, I try to play dumb. "What's up Mary?"

"I owe you a lot for getting us away from my husband..." Hands trembling at her side, Mary squares her shoulders for what needs to be said. "But you never said the curse could be broken or that people might be coming after her."

Doubt, frustration, and betrayal, mix into a stormy expression as Mary's eyes dart back and forth between us. "I'm sure you're a lovely girl Darla." Her eyes and tone both soften just a bit when they're directed at the vampire. "But I have a daughter to keep safe and you bring an awful lot of danger into our home."

"But she needs hel-" My words of defence get cut of when Darla presses my jaw shut with one hand.

"Mary's right. It's not safe for them if I stay here." Not offended by the mother's honesty, Darla rather seems impressed by the foresight I apparently lack.

It's Darla's unlife. I really don't get a vote, I can only offer my opinion and respect whatever she chooses to do.

Unless of course she plans on hurting people. If that's what happens, I have pretty huge mistake to clean up before Liam returns.

"Thank you for understanding." Relief fills her voice as Mary finally releases a tension she had been building in secret since I arrived. "It's really not personal."

"Wish I had a parent who cared as much as you. Might not have ended up with such terrible choices." Bitter at her existence, Darla points all of the fury at me instead of the mother she actually seems to like. "I don't trust you not to mess with my mind once I'm out of sight."

"I wouldn't do tha-" Again I get silenced when she presses my mouth firmly shut.

"Yes you would." Darla shakes her head and laughs ruefully. "As long as you had a good enough reason that is. Which is something I can respect." Nodding her head in what appears to be approval, the vampire's gaze pierces me right to my core.

"I'm sticking close until you make good on the promise to turn me human." Does this mean I need to tell people my 'dad' came home with a new girlfriend?
Interlude 12: Hostile Four
Interlude 12: Hostile Four

Once the news was delivered, the Master punched right through the unlucky messenger's chest. Pale claws emerged from the fledgling's back before a scream can even escape the minion's lips and drag the black heart towards one of the candles lighting the cavern.

When the minion finally managed to realize his fate, the scream was drowned out by the whoosh of flames. None of the onlookers dared even flinch and draw the Master's wrath, they just let him vent over the lose of one of his favourites.

"I have a task for you Luke." Trembling with fury, the Master's voice promised pain for the one responsible for the loss of Darla.

"Ask anything and it will be done." Quick to deflect any blame from himself, the hulking vampire had a hard time keeping the satisfied smirk from his face. "I will avenge our families loss with blood and anguish."

The promise made a pleased grin fill the eldest vampire's grim visage. "Just make sure not to kill the one responsible. Hurt him as I have been and make the suffering the stuff of legends."

"Apologies Sire. But is it wise to allow the seer to live?" Luke kept his tone deferential as he bowed low.

The thousand year old vampire wasn't upset by the question and simply pat his final favourite on the head like a good boy. "Why would I kill someone who could be so useful to us?"

Courage filled the eldest of the Three and he risked his sire's ire with a suggestion. "Wilkins' pet seer has proven reliable. He's been making money every week gambling at the mixed bar."

"See Luke, we just need to train the brachen like the dog he is." Unconcerned by his own execution of four vampires, the Master only has evil eyes for the one who stole from him. "He must have those he cares about. Find them and make my displeasure known."

With his word given, Luke marched back to the surface with deadly purpose. Each step echoed off the tunnels carved through the rock as the brute began his hunt.

His efforts led him through the underbelly of Sunnydale until finally bringing him to one of Balthazar's minions. The confrontation with Cabezo is brief and filled with promises of each one's master being victorious one day soon.

It did give Luke enough information to find out about the college girlfriend. But this proved to be his undoing.

When the favoured of Nest chose to follow her scent onto the college campus one night, five men in black suits ambushed him. A pair of them drew holy water filled squirt guns, covering the three who went into melee with stun batons.

"You picked the wrong girl to follow!" One of the agents was more than a little agitated at the thought of a vampire stalking his cousin and took point on the attack.

Graham Miller and Riley Finn worked together with Forest Gates, none of them breaking formation as the vampire hissed in agony. Plumes of steam erupted anywhere the holy water hit, leaving the flesh red and blistered.

Before Luke can decide to come back with minions later, a weighted net pins his struggling form to the grass. It wasn't enough to keep him down for good only long enough for three crackling batons to pummel him into unconsciousness.

Riley waited for Graham to check the downed vampire's pupils to be unresponsive before grabbing the radio on his hip. "Hostile Four has been captured and wow..." The Iowa native watches his two friends struggle to lift the dead weight between them. "He's a big boy."

"Good work Agent Finn. Bring him back to base so we can try the new shock collar." The voice of Maggie Walsh came out of the military grade radio without a hint of static.

Scanning into the elevator hidden in Professor Walsh's classroom just behind the left most blackboard, Riley let go of his eyelid the instant the green light finished scanning his face.

The five field agents carried the vampire through the base, with Forest's groan of relief when the hostile sub-terrestrial is finally dropped face down onto an examination table in the lab. Walsh and her assistants are quick to restraint the thing that looks human.

The chains used are made of high quality steel and have already tested against Luke's predecessor. But Riley could easily remember how scrawny she was and his eyes snap towards the sheer mass of the current subject.

"You should get that collar on him before he wakes up. He was fully aware not even a dragon could face down Walsh. "I really don't think those will hold this guy for long."

The thought of the vampire waking up when someone was alone in the room with him. That was one which made the field leader care enough to speak up despite Walsh's distaste for the behavior.

"Once the collar's on, the chains are coming off anyway." The government funded scientist reminded her soldier of the upcoming tests. "Our goal is to condition the creature into something useful and we can't do that if he's restrained for the entire stay."

"Is Fred going to be helping with those?" Graham frowned at the idea of his sweat little cousin taking part in the mad science. "Because I thought she was just going to help you with the computer stuff."

"She's the most capable assistant to ever work under me." Frowned Walsh with her voice going ice cold. "You better get used to Fred getting her hands dirty or you'll find out which one of you I can easily replace."

With a cough quickly covered up by a dark hand, Forrest couldn't help but mock his friend. "That means you."
Worried about the mad science. On one hand, Fred has experience with recognizing being used. On the other, this is science from someone she likely respects and her fave relative is involved
Man is the Master going to be pissed when Luke never comes back.

Though can he sense where he was taken? Because if so that could end really badly for the government black site, since well I doubt they could handle a sudden invasion from a horde of vampires right now.
Chapter 63: Arm Wrestling With Fate
Chapter 63: Arm Wrestling With Fate

Once the explanation is out in the open, I wait nervously for anyone at all to react. Gunn's entire crew seems shocked into disbelief at the idea of what I had done to Darla and even the Watcher's seem equally speechless.

"This is completely unprecedented..." Ripping off his glasses to polish them furiously, Giles is the first one to find his words. "It changes everything about how vampires are fought."

"No, it really doesn't." It's not like we can give every vampire a soul. "The caster needs to want vengeance against the specific demon."

That bit of detail is a splash of cold reality that Giles is forced to accept. "It's probably for the best. I don't know if I could trust the Council to resist the urge." It's left unsaid that I was just as unable to resist the temptation of the easy way.

This is just another reason people shouldn't be looking up to me. I'm not the champion Buffy or Liam turn out to be.

It took a while to realize my place in the world and Lorne's words ended up being vital. I'm not the hero of this story, just a guide meant to make the journey easier for the real ones.

Now when Buffy finally moves to Sunnydale, she isn't going to be nearly as alone as she would have been. And whenever Liam returns, he isn't going to think the only reason to exist is a sixteen year old girl.

"You want to leave a vampire here at the hotel..." Gunn is incredulous at my suggestion and starts pacing to work off his frustration. "With me?"

"Vampires are sociopaths with a thirst for human blood. It's impractical to try to condition the entire species." That isn't going to stop the government from trying in a few years though.

Making a mental note to keep an eye out for any commandos moving into Sunnydale, I try to stay focused on Gunn's bitter response.

"I just need you to keep her safe for another month or so. This is really important Charles." Pleading with the bald teen, I have no plan of action if he still says no.

"What's happening in a month?" Wrinkling his brow in concern, Gunn presses for details.

Buffy chimes in with a curious 'yeah', making my pit of dread grow even larger. Take a deep breath and don't say anything rash.

"Going around a prophecy." My tired eyes bore into her bright blue ones in an attempt to stop the exact words from being spoken aloud. "Thought I had a few more months but I've already seen a sold sign on your new house.

"Well wouldn't it be better to wait for me to show up?" As if it's an obvious thought, Buffy starts to look around for support.
"Absolutely not!" Sterner than the blonde has ever heard, my voice comes out almost as a yell.

It makes her pull back in shock and purse her lips in concern. "Did I do something wrong?"

Closing my eyes to think it over, I realize lying to her now will only destroy any trust I've built. "Do you want the honest truth on what the prophecy is or do you want blissful ignorance?"

"The truth." She doesn't need even a split second to consider the choice.

"I'll remember that." One more deep breath to buy myself a few more seconds. "If a Slayer fights the Master, she dies and he goes free."

I have a hard enough time figuring out which street a vision is on. The one who made this prophecy was vague enough for it to just be at the turn of the millennium.

Buffy's jaw goes slack with the blunt delivery, leaving me little time to reassure her before the depression sets in. "You're fifteen, don't even think about worrying about this."

But-" She tries to argue only to get hushed right back into silence by me.

"No buts. I don't have one to brag about and you're just making me feel bad." My joke cuts through the grim mood just long enough for me to explain. "Now as I was saying before someone so rudely interrupted me without so much as a raised hand..." Buffy blushes cherry red at the teasing. "People are self centred and you're only focusing on the part about the Slayer dying."

She ducks her head and winces at being caught out. "...Yeah."

"The prophecy was supposed to warn you away from fighting Nest." Smug at having an answer she hasn't considered, I can only press on before she manages to find an argument I haven't considered. "Not give you time to write a really bomb obituary."

"But I'm a way better fighter than you and Fred says you still aren't being very careful." Her frown is back as Buffy tries to find a nice way to say that I can't do it.

"Hey Dennis. Are you a Slayer?" Glancing at the ghost in a robot shell, I appreciate the thumbs up he fires over without need of explanation.

"Nope." He grins wide at being included in our grand adventure.

Tapping the counter in front of me, I vacate my stool with an excited grin. "Would you be so kind as to arm wrestle Miss Summers for me?"

Winces fill the faces' of the crew and I even catch Gunn rubbing his shoulder in sympathy. But this just gets Buffy excited for another chance to show off and she practically skips over.

"I'll try not to break anything." Offers the pint sized Slayer as she slams her elbow down on the wooden counter.

"But Allen said I'd finally be able to go all out against someone," Dennis whines, creating a very strange sight with his face being identical to John Ritter's.

"Tell you what." Giving him a playful smirk, Buffy still isn't taking this seriously. "You give it everything you have and after ten seconds, I'll return the favour."

"Ten seconds?" Dennis mutters to himself before grasping the girl's hand in his own. "Okay."

Once I call out the start of the challenge Buffy is seen visibly straining against the robot's strength. But Dennis barely even seems to notice the exertion, his lips slowly counting out the ten seconds.

This only aggravates her further soon getting the Slayer flushed red with effort as she forces Dennis' hand back just a few inches. "You're a lot stronger than I was expecting."

"So are you." Dennis counts to ten and announces it out loud.

Buffy grins in triumph as she can finally unleash everything left in the tank. But to her shock, the once slowly descending arm is now still against her grip.

"Are you going all out yet?" Blank faced as he asks, Dennis visibly tenses.

"Yes..." She grits her teeth and growls in frustration at her lack of progress. "You?"

"Now I am." Nodding once, Dennis slams the back of her hand against the counter with a single motion.

The silence afterwards is deafening as Buffy tastes defeat for the first time. Well, one that wasn't just technical.

"Don't worry Buffy. I'll keep him safe until you move." His tine carries a hint of something that makes Buffy's cheeks turn pink and the wink turns it into blazing red. Does she really think I'm that bad at fighting?
Beat to making a robotic sex toy, if that blush was from talking with Dennis after he manhandled her in the arm wrestling.


I'm way off course aren't I..
You know, Giles might have worries about how the council would have reacted to magic that gives souls to vampires.

But honestly I'm more surprised he isn't worried about the fact that robot bodies can be made to give ghosts physical form and have specs that are already slightly better then a slayer.

As getting both a way to strike a back from beyond the grave, get a second chance at life and getting a power boost at the same time is something I figured would be of bigger impact.

Since who needs slayers when you can have robo legions of watcher vets with personalized murder bot bodies?
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Woah. I like it. More watchers with field experience out in powerful bodies. Still, a Slayer isn't just strength, she's intuition, demon sensing, and insta-warrior as well.
Sure, but there is only one of her at any given time and even with all their buffs they do tend to only last 1-2 years tops before getting killed on average.

So even if you need like 3-6 robo watchers to fill in the same slot for one slayer, it really isn't going to matter when you can create hundreds of the things. As a group as big and powerful as the Watchers should have both the means and numbers to field that kind of thing.

Then take in mind that this is only the results of a mark 1 robo body piloted by a young boy and well, who knows how much stronger this set up could be with later models using more advanced science and materials and magic enchantments?

Plus, with making and training your robo warriors, you don't have the same kind of loyalty issues that tend to crop up with slayers when the council gets up to stuff.

So from a Watcher Council point of view, if the Robo + Ghost/soul thing can be recreated and repeated in mass, it just becomes a better option over a Slayer for most of their tasks.

I mean, what is a vampire going to do to Robo Watchers with flamethrower buzzsaws arms?
Beat to making a robotic sex toy, if that blush was from talking with Dennis after he manhandled her in the arm wrestling.


I'm way off course aren't I..
Ah, someone on SB thought the same. Buffy revealed her crush to at Tara's house, which Dennis haunted until today. So Buffy knows he knows and it was pure teasing. Dennis is about 25-35 when he died based on his and his mothers appearances/the heart attack. Dennis is on the market for someone 25+.

You know, Giles might have worries about how the council would have reacted to magic that gives souls to vampires.

But honestly I'm more surprised he isn't worried about the fact that robot bodies can be made to give ghosts physical form and have specs that are already slightly better then a slayer.

As getting both a way to strike a back from beyond the grave, get a second chance at life and getting a power boost at the same time is something I figured would be of bigger impact.

Since who needs slayers when you can have robo legions of watcher vets with personalized murder bot bodies?
I tried to be careful to not actually reveal to the Watchers what Dennis was(does not trust Post with the knowledge). They likely assume he's another demon right now.

But once he does find out (next chapter with a Giles/Doyle convo.), I have plans for Giles to be very interested in a couple aspects of the Ghost in a Shells. But I had not considered Watchers choosing to get put in a robot body. I'm going to need to think on that before I start writing this one.

So from a Watcher Council point of view, if the Robo + Ghost/soul thing can be recreated and repeated in mass, it just becomes a better option over a Slayer for most of their tasks.
You know what... Your idea is better than mine. I'm using big parts of this.