Chapter 60: Big Decision
Not willing to let anyone play bait with such a known danger as Darla, tonight I wait alone above the alley. At only two stories, I know it's a short enough drop to spare my knees any serious pain and am ready to pounce.
I'm not going to tell Fred about this part of the plan though. She'd just call it needless dramatics and I can't really come up with a counter argument besides it made me feel like Batman.
Forced to witness two separate feedings during my lurking on the roof above, I actually manage to aim my drop properly enough to do more than scare off the second vampire.
They may be supernaturally durable. But a vampire is just a blood demon possessing a corpse and they require simple things like functioning nerves to move.
Landing right on top of the vampire with a look inspired by the Lost Boys, the sound of his bones breaking is incredibly satisfying.
Landing's a whole lot softer when I have someone to land on.
Thankfully the wails of agony are cut off as suddenly as the crippled vampire's existence. Th sharpened pool cue pierces his heart before the victim has recovered her coherency and gives me time to revert to a human appearance.
"Mister Doyle?" I recognize the shaking redhead's voice as a one of my quieter students. "What are you doing here?"
One I never would have thought had the nerve to ditch her friends to go neck in an alley.
"Picking up my sister. But I figured you didn't want to get picked up by someone wanted by the police and told him to get lost." The lie is out before I even need to think about it and it makes it easy to get the girl's friends to take her home. "I think he was that guy who stole Lance's jacket. Because his face was all green and spiky."
With that bit of gossip ready to spread, the preppy girl and her friends get picked up long before I'm needed back in the alley. I also make sure to send a quick page to Jenny the moment after I see y target with her prey.
When I reclaim my perch on the roof, it's easy to let such a small change go to my head.
It really doesn't mean anything.
That's what I have to keep reminding myself as the night wears on with only those two kills.
They just moved to safer places.
The vampires are just smart enough to know they're not untouchable anymore. All but the dumbest are only here to lure victims back to the nest for the feeding and I know very well that Darla is no moron. Her four centuries prove she has a few brain cells.
It's almost closing time when I'm finally proven correct and Darla emerges from the club. Her prey is clearly drunk and under her charm enough to follow the apparent naughty school girl anywhere.
Expertly avoiding the alley itself, she leads the stumbling teen out onto the poorly lit street out front instead. "It's so kind of you to walk me home. My dad works the night shift so most nights are pretty lonely."
That reminder of the blonde having no chaperone at home gets the boy to through his arm around her shoulder in an attempt to look casual.
Pretty sure he just needed the support to actually stay upright.
Well I don't mind keeping you company..." The slurred words still contain a very clear message of intent as I make a careful jump to the next roof.
Rolling as I land to minimize any noise, I hopefully manage to make it seem like the pigeons I scared got disturbed by a cat instead. But to my frustration, it didn't work on my target at all.
Now wary of whatever is watching her, Darla is quick to agree with her victim's offer in a way that only makes his feet move faster. "Thank you so much. It's just, we haven't gotten all of our furniture yet and don't actually have a couch you can sleep on..."
Hint caught after only a few seconds of Darla's leering, the teen I think graduated last year is lead towards his doom. This is of course the time I choose to strike and throw myself off the roof.
The vampire hears my footsteps in time to know I'm coming. But the speed I hit her with was too surprising for Darla to avoid.
My flying tackle sends all three of us to the sidewalk hard and the drunk teen just moans on his side.
At least it's hard to use dead weight as a hostage.
Darla recovers a hell of a lot faster than the other two fledglings I tried this on tonight and slashes at my face with her claws already out. "Here I was thinking the Slayer had finally come to Sunnydale. But it's just some amateur demon hunter?"
Relaxing her demonic face once she evaluates my threat, Darla takes charge of our dance with a flurry of blows. Barely able to keep up with her strikes even with my training, it's proven clear I need more than a few months to become an actual warrior.
It's only when the vicious woman goes for the throat that I decide it's time to reveal my own surprise with a sudden headbutt. The shower of blood is because of my choice to go Brachen just before the impact, the barbs tearing trenches that weep crimson all across the once perfect appearance.
Shocked at feeling pain, Darla reaches a hand up to touched her scarlet covered cheek. Rage quickly becomes her only emotion as the vampire promises my end will be agonizing.
"It's a good thing you aren't all human. I can take my time making you suffer!" Rushing at me even before he words are finished, it's only desperate instinct that makes me react.
Forced back against each of her attacks, I'm worried to realize she's actually stronger than me.
Not by a whole lot though. Maybe just enough to put her in the next weight class.
It's more the fact that she bothered learning how to fight that really makes me worried for my life. I really hope I gave Jenny enough time.
I've seen how I die..." Grimacing as I manage to block a strike with my now trembling forearm, it takes all of my willpower to utter a noise beyond screaming in pain. "It's three years after you get turned to dust."
Shock flashes across the vampire's face as she recognizes the words of a seer, letting them sink in with horror.
One benefit of being around Drusilla for so long, the whole Whirlwind is very easy to be convinced of fate.
"Mine actually means something!"
Probably better if I don't tell her I'm planning on changing both of those until after I survive the night.
My first punch to connect shatters her nose in another spray of scarlet and leaves her too stunned to block my second. But those are the only two clean hits I get on Darla and she quickly recovers from her shock.
Back on the offensive and angrier than an entire stampede, Darla returns my blows threefold. With my head spinning from several powerful punches, it takes me more than a few seconds to realize the storm has stopped.
Wiping blood out of my eyes without knowing which one of us it belongs to, I finally see Darla with an expression of grief. The few minutes needed for the memories to return to her passed while I caught my breath and I know we need to move fast.
Ignoring the vast pain coursing through my entire body, I take a careful step towards the distraught girl. "I can't even imagine how horrible this must be for you and I really am sorry it was necessary. But I promise you don't have to live with the memories unless you choose to."
Explaining my plan, I lay out all of the options I could come up with. "You can have your memories erased so it it's like you have amnesia. It would really be more like we reincarnated you."
Despite her overwhelming grief, Darla is able to laugh at my incredibly stupid suggestion. "... I'm just supposed to trust a man to meddle around in my head? That's exactly how I wound up like this, trusting men."
"Well we have some trained professionals ready to provide therapy and will help you find a new life after it's finished."
They just aren't exactly trained in the therapy part yet.
She's just as dismissive of my plan to put her in hibernation until I can turn her back into a human. But once that idea is in the open, Darla has no interest at all in the option to put her soul in a robot.
"Give you some directions, get some therapy, and what?" Darla really has trust issues and is looking for the double cross in my words. "You want me to atone for four hundred years of the demon's sins?"
"Of course not. That's a stupid idea and if that's what I wanted, why would I offer to erase the memory of them?" My blunt response is barely enough for her to nod in wary agreement.
The Kalderash people want vengeance and they think they're getting it. But who says the spell turned out the way they think it will?" I sigh in relief when I see her finally understand the meaning of my words. "If they think the spell went wrong, that's on them for not translating it before I suggested it. They had a century to get it right."
"What do you expect out of me? You seem to know an awful lot." Disgust flashes across her face for a brief moment as she assumes me to be like the average man she knows.
"Liam has a century of sins to atone for."
He fed from dozens of lowlifes and criminals during that time and let many good people die with his inaction. "But it's not because of the one he spent without a soul. It's because of what he did with it."
"You paid for your sins when Nest turned you." She recoils at the name but eventually nods in understanding. "The demon paid for hers by losing control. And right now, you're a newborn with the whole world ahead of you." And I'll do my very best to give you the one you choose.
"But if you just can't handle remembering everything..." Holding up my pool cue, I make the offer clear. "I can let you rest after you give me directions."
Notes: For anyone concerned at how fast the spell took to be translated, the show does it in 3 episodes, which is about 3-4 weeks time. Jenny has had about 2 months to do it here.