Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

I was playing off the joke that no one can tell a connection between Ben and Glory.
Ah, sorry. I missed that because in the show Giles/Willow/Anya/Xander know they're connected in some way once spike says something. The question that keeps repeating in everyone's head is "How are they connected."

Doyle would be able to remember if he saw it personally, but not if someone just tells him.
Chapter 47: Alliterative Assignment Assessment
Chapter 47: Alliterative Assignment Assessment

After Russel notices how stiff I'm moving on our patrol through the halls, he actually has a bit of a scowl when he asks about my weekend. "So you I hear you've been spending an awful lot of time with Jennifer."

The perpetual grating tone I've learned to live with from my balding friend, turns up the scorn by a few degrees. But I really can't think of what I've done wrong and admit it.

"What are you talking about?" She came over once and spent the weekend doing magic with the girls.

Scoffing at my claim, Russel's face takes on a pinched look. "The librarian claims the two of you saved her."

"She's new in town. Fred and I decided to show her around." Not aware the words make his frown deepen, I allow my nose to work it's magic on the students who are trying to avoid my notice.

"Fred?" I can't tell if his voice is filled with envy or just regular irritation at all the students crowding us.

"My girlfriend, I swear I've told you about her." My quick answer gets an audible sigh of relief from the shorter man.

Nodding stiffly, Russel concedes the fact. "Just not by name. Was starting to think you had a whole group of friends I didn't know about."

"One second." Catching a whiff of something that doesn't need to be within a hundred feet of Snyder, I turn to point a stern finger at one of the smokers. "Not on campus Kyle! I've already given you one warning, now you're going help me scrub the showers after school."

"But that's not fair!" The bully slams a hand against the closest locker.

"I can always bring you down to the office and make a little phone call right now..." I let the threat hang in the hallway, his fellow smokers starting to panic behind him. "You decide who punishes you."

The overpowering scent of weed hangs around him like a cloud, his blue shades doing very little to conceal the red eyes. But as much as he tries to act tough, the teen wavers after only a few seconds of eye contact.

"Fine. You win..." Grumbling at his choice, the scruffy teen can only curse my nose.

"Better be in my class five minutes after the bell. You aren't going home until we get every single stall sparkling." Refusing to bend after having a nearly identical conversation last week, I stare down the teen until he shuffles off with his friends.

"What did he do?" Glaring at the teens' backs, Russel's voice loses some of it's earlier edge. "I didn't see anything."

Knowing the vice principal will take it way too far, I play dumb with a shrug. "He knows what he did. Otherwise he would have actually put up a fight."

"Why didn't you bring him into the office?" The first bell rings and yet Russel isn't going anywhere until I share the gossip. "I could have had the punk squealing by the end of first period."

"Because he's smart enough to hide the evidence." He didn't smell strong enough to actually have anything on him. "Just too stupid to keep his antics at home."

He chases after a straggler and lets me enter my classroom, the students nearly all seated already. It's easy to see the shift in the groups seems to becoming a more permanent thing and I feel a tad guilty about it. Those three had been best friends forever, didn't really think I could mess that up with just a few conversations.

Sitting with the jocks and cheerleaders near the window, Xander's popularity seems to be sticking. Butt even if Jesse is no longer giving him the stink eye and has followed his lead, Willow looks completely heartbroken in the back row.

Amy and Warren have replaced the two slackers at the desks flanking the redhead and the lovebirds are right in front of them. The rift between the friends is something I really have no idea how to mend, not when Jesse refuses to even talk to me outside of class. He needed to hear it.

The message seems to have stuck at least and I haven't seen the lanky teen bothering Cordelia once since the zoo. But if his new friend Percy is any clue of his intentions, I'm going just to end up pissing him off again in a few weeks. No point patching things up yet.

Jesse's going to hate me if I get rid of the new coach right after he joins the swim team.
And since I'm not just going to let the guy experiment on students, I know it's an eventuality I can't avoid.

"Who likes poetry?" Starting my lesson with a question I know will mislead most of the students, I smirk when the majority fall into my trap.

Only a few hands go up with confidence and I give Willow a grateful nod when hers is the first to rise. A couple more hands only go halfway up and with a whole lot of hesitation, with nervous glances darting around the class for any sign of judgment.

"Why don't you like it Larry?" Calling out one of the many teens without a hand in the air, I let the footballer speak his mind.

"Because it's lame girl stuff." The way he instantly looks around for his friends support is incredibly telling and I have no idea how he's managed to get away with his persona for so long. "Why would I care?"

"Was Kurt Kobain lame for writing it? What about Tupac or Freddie Mercury?" The jock has no verbal response and can only shake his head weakly. "If you like music, you like poems."

"I want you all to bring in the lyrics to your favourite song next class. You're each going to dissect to words of one and tell me what you think they mean." I even manage to head off any smart asses by setting a few limitations. "No curses and any sex talk better be metaphorical enough I can play dumb if Flutie asks."

Once I give the homework, we spend the rest of the class going over the various figures of speech. With the everyone getting drawn into it once I pull out the bag of candy.

"Longest example of alliteration gets a chocolate bar and everyone who gets at least seven words can grab a Halloween candy." Plopping the clear bag plastic bag I got super cheap the morning after the holiday down on my desk, I give everyone three minutes to write something down.

Calling time, I have them all pass the papers to the right to avoid any last minute additions. Quickly going around the room, I have the students read out the rushed attempts.

When I get to Cordelia and ask her to read out Xander's, the Queen of Sunnydale High blinks at the amount of words. "I don't think you want me reading this out loud."

"It can't be that bad." Walking over to her desk with an outstretched hand, I notice Xander sinking down into his seat. Maybe it can.

"Let me see it." Pink in the face, Cordelia happily hands over the sheet of loose leaf.

Instantly I'm impressed at how words he got in a single sentence that all start with the letter S. But as I start reading the words out loud, the crudeness makes me want to run the science lab and use the eye station.

"Stupid Snyder sucks slimy slugs, sensually seducing seventy six shitty sacs-" that's as far as I get before I decide to just give Xander the win.
Chapter 48: Amy's Mom
Chapter 48: Amy's Mom

"Just remember this when a plan needs me to go on a pretend date with George Clooney." Glaring at the magic jacket on our kitchen table, Fred exhales with more than little frustration.

"He's hot and charming as hell," Retorting without consideration for my audience, I have to roll my eyes when a few of the teens gasp. "You better let me come if that happens."

She snorts in relief before taking a deep breath. "It's not fair, you aren't jealous."

"I trust you. Doesn't mean I'm not taunting every hot guy we see in my head." That seems to do the trick and Fred's expression becomes a more relaxed grin.

"Did he just say..." Shocked at my words, Amy's eyes are darting back and forth between Warren and Willow.

Nodding slowly, Willow whispers her agreement. "I think he's a little bit gay."

"And I think you two have been staring at the screen for almost an hour. You any closer to getting a working program?"

The Jewish genius goes pale and shakes her head with a frown. "I don't think we're going to. I don't think the original Ted ever came up with one."

"The android has been walking around for a few decades. I think it's safe to say he had software written." But probably burned it once he finished.

"That's not what she means." Jenny interrupts with a frown and even Amy is nodding along beside her. "Ted wasn't just scientific. Somehow the scientist uploaded all of his memories into the metal shell."

"Like what my mom is trying to do." It looks like Amy is doing everything she can right now to hold in a scream of fury.

Going green in the gills, Fred realizes what that could imply. "Does that mean I killed Ted?"

"I think so..." Jenny pulls away Ted's scalp to reveal a cracked sapphire. "It looks like this is how he stored his essence. Going to be pretty expensive to get a replacement and experiment."

"That sounds like something straight out of a horror movie." Pulling in on herself, Willow is very unsettled by the turn in conversation.

An idea blossoms in my brain and I can't ignore it despite my best efforts. "How do you feel about animal testing?"

"Allen!" A month into her newfound vegetarianism, Fred is shocked at my blase attitude.

"Yeah, that probably sounded pretty horrible." Cringing at the looks my students are giving me, I hurry to clarify my point. "I was talking about magic animals. This would give us an off switch if they can't be reasoned with."

Not sure how intelligent a Primal actually is. But I feel bad they're just locked up in a zoo and intend to try getting them away from Weirick.

"What, something like a Chupacabra?" Trying not to laugh, Warren lets his greenness show.

"Maybe farther South. But they aren't very common on this side of the Rockies." Not realizing it was rhetorical, I repeat the same thing I found in one of the magic books in my meagre collection.

The conversation cuts of suddenly when the porch light flickers on. It doesn't become an awkward silence though as a key opens the door with no problem.

"Thanks for walking me home. I really didn't want to go to that party." Slightly disheveled from an evening at the Bronze, Angel lets the absent Xander inside.

"Jesse was mad I didn't bring him last week. This time he can have the stories for tomorrow, maybe he'll finally get that bug out of his butt." In another one of Liam's dress shirts and slacks, Xander at least looks apologetic when he sees everyone else already here. "Oh. Hey guys."

"It's not like this was anything important." I can hear the barely concealed hurt in Amy's voice as she tries to play it off. "We're just trying to make sure I get to keep my body!"

Guilt explodes on his face as Xander does nothing to deny it. "I know and I'm really sorry. I've been letting all the attention go to my head, totally wasn't cool of me."

"So why are you here now?" Willow isn't letting him off with just a quick apology, her arms crossed with a fierceness foreign to the redhead. "Got tired of Harmony's tongue?"

"Devon wasn't really taking no for an answer. So I told him I'd walk our teacher's sister home so he could go party with Harmony." Nervously he runs a hand through his gelled back hair.

Earning at least a small favour from Fred, Amy decides to give him a chance. "Well since you turned down one sure thing tonight, want to seduce my mom?"

"Uh..." Blinking at the sudden change in topic, Xander's entire face crinkles in concern. "This is a trap, right?"

"Just grab the jacket and walk me home. She'll be so shocked I actually brought a boy home, she probably isn't going to remember you." Amy's firm words are followed without question and before he knows it, Xander is heading right back out the door.

"Just get her to the museum. I'll be waiting inside with Jenny and Amy." With everyone else far enough away to avoid making any big moral choices tonight.

"The seal will really block Cathryn's magic?" Always the curious one, Willow of course has some last minute questions.

Using the cover story we came up with in Los Angeles, Jenny takes the burden of lying off my shoulders. "Long enough so we can send her to the Hyperion for treatment."

"I guess I'll be living with my dad for a while." Amy really doesn't look upset by that realization in the slightest and soon a smile is splitting her face. "No more insane diets."

"You really aren't going to get mad at me if she gets a little grabby?" Trying to cover his bases, Xander makes Amy say yes three times before he lets them leave.

"You know all know what to do?" Handing out the walkie talkies, I give them all wary looks. Don't need any of you running inside tonight.

"Keep the kids out of sight and let you know if a Latino guy tries to get inside." Fred grins at my mothering antics and reassures me they aren't going to try fighting the Mummy's protector. "We aren't going to try stopping him, don't worry so much Al."

Letting a wheeze of dark laughter escape me, I share how much pressure I truly feel right now. "Can't help it. Anything goes wrong and it's kind of all my fault."

"Not all..." Trying to help, Jonathon blurts out the first part before he realizes how his words sound. "I just mean, Cathryn is the one doing this. So you can only take half the blame at most."
Robin Riker was 45 in that episode, and still gorgeous. Gods, finally something that makes me feel young. Here's hoping she remembers his Chivalry when she gets out of the clinic, if Xander is still single then. Unless Amy gets jealous during this operation and does something about it of course.
Chapter 49: Phase Three
Chapter 49: Phase Three

Once Fred and her group are in position around the museum, I strong arm one of the side doors open. Using the janitors cleaning supplies as a marker, I lead Jenny quietly towards the exhibit.

Finding the best spot to wait is behind the princess, we have to freeze both times a security guard checks on the room. But before my knees really start to get stiff from the awkward position I chose, familiar voices can be heard whispering.

"Looks like the plan worked." Hisses Jenny, pointing at the middle aged woman clinging to the sophomore.

Amy was supposed to tell her mom Xander was going to take her to the museum and Cathryn drove them like we figured she would. In distance from the parking lot to the museum, the mother had interposed herself on Xander's arm.

Watching Cathryn simper after the teenager is only amusing for a few minutes. Quickly growing uncomfortable at how forward the mother is being, I try to stay quite.

Waiting for our moment of confrontation, I make sure Jenny has the primal spell book ready with a quick glance. Confirming we're ready, I give Amy the signal.

A sharp whistle confuses the mother for a second. But Amy and Xander are both quick to act.

He uses his bulk to hold Cathryn in place, letting her daughter unleash a tongue lashing far beyond her literary capability. Someone helped her prepare that speech.

"First my clothes and now my boyfriend..." Amy blocks off the hallway with sternly crossed arms, while Xander has a strange expression at the title. "What's next Mom? You going to try taking my life?"

"It's not like you're using it." The security lights in the Inca room cast an eerie yellow glow over the enthralled witch as she presses herself against the rapidly paling teen. "Xander will appreciate what a real woman can do with it."

Amy's conviction filled words come only a moment after her mother tauntingly licks her friend's cheek. "I needed to hear you say it first."

"Now!" Jenny urges me into action and I throw myself over the sarcophagus just as Cathryn's eyes start to glow.

Charging at the terrible mother, Xander shoves her right into my arms before the spell can finish. She tries to keep her focus on Amy. But I know what she intends and force her face down towards the desiccated princess.

Struggling in my grip, Cathryn is soon faced with overwhelming demonic strength. Once transformed and at full power, I'm able to use one hand and lock her gaze in place.

"No!" Pure unadulterated terror pours out of Cathryn.
"You wanted to be young again Mom..." Amy growls from behind me as the magic locks onto the sacrificial soul. "Now you can be sixteen forever."

Too late to stop the transferal spell, Cathryn's last words are a terrified shriek. Her essence swaps with the princess, being put to sleep instantly due to the still unbroken seal.

But just to be sure this is permanent, Jenny rushes forward with the pigs blood and starts brushing on the sealing symbols. Amy's rage has vanished along with her mother's soul and Xander uncomfortably pats her back.

Turning towards me with a growing frown, Xander makes it clear he knows what just happened. "I thought the plan was to use the seal. But you put Cathryn in the corpse, didn't you?" His tone isn't judgmental though.

"I protect my students." The vehemence I say it with is something I wasn't prepared for. "From shitty parents and monsters, to things as simple as minimum wage jobs." But I'm not going to deny it now that I've thought it.

Disbelief gives way to respect as Xander slowly nods his understanding. When Amy starts to sniffle, he gives the distraught girl his full attention.

The confused and most likely panicking Princess has suddenly found herself in a modern museum, far away from her ritual sacrifice in both years and miles. As soon as she starts to speak, I realize a problem with my plan.

"Does anybody speak Incan?" Because I can't make heads or tails of her rapid pace use of a dead language.

Making it clear we have no weapons, I try to mime an explanation. But I'm pretty sure I just made her think I want her to eat the mummy based on the disgusted look she gives me in response.

She at least is responding positively to Xander and I get him to hand me the jacket. "Good job you two, Fred will take you home after you finish up here. I need to get the Princess out of here before the girls start falling for me."

Not waiting for them to answer, I offer my arm to a now far more willing woman. Since Cathryn drove Xander and Amy here, I can just take her car to Los Angeles tonight. And drink a couple gallons of coffee before work, otherwise I'll have to stop getting mad at kids falling asleep in my class.

To my great frustration, I find things outside have not gone nearly as well. Jonathon is clinging to the guardian's leg and is being pulled across the pavement as the Latin man pursues Warren with a curved knife.

Scanning the area for the others only makes me furious. A groaning Fred is looked after by Willow and once I make sure it's not from a stab wound, I charge at the man who did it.

I know you aren't supposed to give away the element of surprise. But when he gets close enough to slash at the terrified Warren, I'm left with no choice but to bellow.

Shocked at my arrival, the Incan protector turns to face an actual warrior. He was not prepared for an actual monster though and nearly drops his weapon at the sight of me.

The feeble attempt to cut me is stopped easily and I waste little time crushing the man's wrist in my grip. The roar of agony is darkly satisfying and I follow it up with a knee to the gut.

With his wind knocked into the parking lot, the warrior collapses at my feet gasping for air. The only other sound I can hear over my own heavy breathing, is the sobs of relief from both teen boys.

"Thank you!" Warren throws himself at me and only beats Jonathon to it because the other teen was on his belly. "I thought I was going to die."

"What happened?" Trying to control my rage so I don't hurt the fallen man anymore, I point to Fred with a growl.

"He came up behind Marcie and knocked her out. But Fred just shot him with her stun gun. Pants a shaken Jonathon. "He didn't really seem to notice and punched her out."

Nodding fervently, Warren voices his own contribution. "Willow went to check on Fred and I thought it would be great idea to throw stuff at a guy with a knife."

Finally realizing how much junk is on the ground, I can only let out an impressed whistle. I'm not only amazed they didn't run away. But I'm eternally grateful they protected Fred and can't think of anymore reason to hold Warren at arms length.

"Tell Fred I said you could have a copy of the schematics." Considering how things could go wrong, I do have a firm warning to give though. "You need to figure out how to program the software yourself, no giving the sex-bot sentience, and do not make it look like anyone we know."

Going even paler than the fear made him, Warren looks anywhere but my eyes. "... I'm not making a sex-bot."

"You're fifteen, of course you are." Not actually caring, I let him know that fact. "Everyone masturbates, I'm not judging you for making the best toy on the market. Just remember me when you're a millionaire."
You saved Ampata! You're magnificent!

Also, gods damn right he's making a sexbot. Mine would look after the garden.
You saved Ampata! You're magnificent!

Also, gods damn right he's making a sexbot. Mine would look after the garden.
I always thought she had parallels with Buffy and really wanted to explore them.
Edit: As you can now read bellow, I always thought the mummy strength was because she was a slayer. It was only like 3 episodes after Buffy had her prophecy and died, so I thought it was the same kind of deal. Princess died fighting evil and wasn't so much ritual sacrifice.

I'd have my lady bot in a French maid costume inside and the guy bot as a poolcleaner/yardworker.
Last edited:
Chapter 50: Princess And The Peon
Chapter 50: Princess And The Peon

Racing South along the freeway, none of my questions get more than a defiant growl out of the guardian currently restrained in the backseat. Not willing to risk taking off the jacket quite yet, I also have to endure indecipherable flirting.

"Alright, clearly you have big brass balls. So how about I tell you what we did and you can decide if we're still enemies." And to my astonishment, the grim man actually gives me a new response.

It's not vocal. But his slow nod gives me a bit of hope.

With each sentence describing our plan, his defensive posture shifts into one of respect. When I get to the part about the evil mother's fate, he even snorts with amusement at the fitting punishment.

"As long as the seal wasn't broken, our homeland will remain safe from evil." Finally speaking, the middle aged man of Incan descent has decided we are not in fact foes. "You may call me Apo and I am Princess Qullana's guardian."

Hearing her name, the Princess starts listening to to the conversation more closely. Even though she can't make out any words, she's able to catch on to the lowered hostility.

"Didn't really seem fair that such a young girl was sacrificed by her people." Letting a bit of my own judgment show, my lips curl into a sneer. "This let me kill like four birds with one stone."

"She was not sacrificed..." Now with a frown of his own, Apo corrects my claim quickly before it can take root. "Qullana was chosen by the gods to protect us from the evil tainting the lands. When she was fatally injured, she used the last of her power to seal the darkness inside her own body."

Pride, love, and reverence, are directed at the infatuated Princess. Apo has nothing but praise for the woman I thought he hated and it makes me see some uncomfortable parallels with another sixteen year old girl. Was she a Slayer?

That's a chilling thought and makes me wonder about the evil once tainting the Inca empire. Did they seal a Hellmouth down in South America?

"Can you translate?" The tone of the whispers in my ear is getting more seductive and I'm starting to get worried Qullana can physically overpower me if she gets aggressive. "Would really like to take this jacket off before something awkward happens."

"My role was to blend in and follow the Princess around the world. I studied every culture but my own and only know a few words of the old tongue." Regret tinges his voice as Apo uses a few of those words to promise his protection to the woman the world thinks is Cathryn Madison.

"If one of the Watchers can't, I'll chew on a shoe." Those stuffy Brits are always good for useless information like this. "We've set up a rehabilitation clinic and you two can stay as long as you need. They can get Qullana caught up with what's happened and teach her English."

I would. But I've already got enough people depending on me and I really don't have the time she's going to need.

"And after?" Curious about my plans, Apo seems to be leaving the decision up to me.

"All depends on if the Qullana wants this to be a resurrection or a reincarnation." If she wants her memory wiped, the rehab is going to be focused on making her think she's Cathryn with amnesia.

But if she wants to remember who she is, she just needs to learn enough to convince the neighbours. Amy will be living with her dad no matter what happens, I guess Apo can just take her old room.

"These Watchers..." Thinking on the what I've shared, Apo's eyes take on a look of understanding. "They protect the Slayer as my family has the Princess?"

"Yeah. Evil's all over the world and we do our best to smack it down." If I do nothing in the face of my visions, can I really even still call myself a good man?

"You are one of them?" Apo's slicked back ebony hair really makes the scar on his cheek stand out.

Before he gets the wrong idea, I firmly deny the question with a shake of my head. "No, they actually get paid to look after the Slayer. I'm more of an independent contractor with a chosen one of my own to guide."

Not really sure exactly when I took the role on. But at this point it's impossible to deny my involvement in destiny.

I also seem to have picked up more than a few impressionable teens who I know could all use a stable adult. It took Giles far too long to realize he had more than just Buffy's eyes watching him and I'm not going to waste a few years ignoring everyone else.

"I would have thought you a warrior for good in your own right." Groaning for emphasis, Apo finds my claim hard to believe. "Who is this hero you guide and why are did they not help tonight?"

"I'm kind of filling in until he gets back...." Wait a second. Does that mean I'm not just a guide anymore?

Frowning at my own doubt filled tone, Apo has more questions that are increasingly difficult to answer. "When is that?"

"Um..." Shit. "I'm not actually sure, maybe a year or two. I sent him on a test to prove himself a true hero."

"I think this is just as much a test for you." Apo smirks at my sputtering. "By the time he returns to you it will be as partners facing evil together."

Sighing as I realize he's probably right, I can't even put up a token argument. Would really be hypocritical of me to try after I gave how many people the call to adventure?

"Well how come I haven't gotten a guide?" It's not fair if I'm pulling double duty and don't even get vacation time.

Snorting at my growing hysteria, Apo brings me back down to Earth with only a few words. "You said you had visions from the gods. Would that not count as guidance?"

Fine, be all logical. "And the only way I'm getting rid of them is by screwing someone I love over."

"Which is not something a hero would do." Nods the now smiling guardian as he seems to have his suspicions confirmed.

"But I don't want a destiny." I'm pretty sure it's a pitiful whine that escapes my lips. "They all suck."

"You should know better than anyone. The gods only share our fate so it can be changed." Apo's words are full of support and I relish this moment where I can be vulnerable.
Interlude 9: Future Hopes
Interlude 9: Future Hopes

"Buffy? Alonna?" After a morning breath filled yawn escaped from Tara Maclay, she answered the door just after three in the morning.

Alonna at least looked calm, if a little bit confused by something. But the Slayer was a bundle of barely contained nerves

Left both nervous and a little excited to find her favorite person pacing in the hallway, Tara . "What's wrong?"

"Doyle dropped someone of at the hotel tonight..." Entering when the witch steps to the side like she's been trained, a very shocked expression taking over her face at the idea of resurrection. "He thinks she's a Slayer from about six hundred years ago. Some kind of Incan Princess."

With the shocking news dropped on her, Tara had a hard time deciding which question to ask first. Not alone in her shock, even Phantom Dennis seemed intrigued. The temperature of the roomed rose a few degrees and the lights flashed a little brighter.

Frantic black words appeared on the white board as Dennis desperately pleaded for answers. He brought her back to life, how? Can he do it for me?

Once the phantom's questions are read by the girls, uncomfortable glances are exchanged between them. Tara isn't sure what actually happened and so it falls on the Slayer to disappoint.

"He didn't stick around long enough to say what happened. Just dropped her and some guardian off, was gone before I even finished patrol." Annoyed at the near miss, Buffy can only try to keep herself busy until the Watchers get some answers. "Since my parents haven't stopped fighting for three days, I was kind of hoping I could crash here."

"Charles wants me to talk to your mom," Adds an irritated Alonna when Tara's curious gaze landed on her. "Guess he's been talking to Doyle about getting a recommendation. Because I kind of need a ride to Hemery in the morning too now."

"You're not worried about being behind on anything?" Always trying to do her best, Tara can't help but show her concern over so many years on the street.

A firm head shake is followed by one of Alonna's trademark smirks. "Don't tell my brother we aren't just making out the whole time, it's way too much fun screwing with him. But Wesley has been helping me get caught up and he thinks I'm only a little bit behind Buffy's class right now."

"Isn't that kind of backwards?" Buffy couldn't help but snort at the image, cheeks already pink as memories flash through her mind. "I tell Mom that I'm just going to study all the time and I'm barely getting a C average."

"At first I just thought he was a wimp..." With a tired shrug, Alonna allowed herself to get a little defensive after so many days of her brother's scrutiny. "I went with him to meet a couple of the demon clans. Wesley didn't even flinch when he had to shake the slimy things hand."

"... Are you talking about the same Wussley I know?" Shocked at such a claim, Buffy is having a hard time believing the words.

With a deep blush of her own taking over her face, Alonna could do little but squirm uncomfortably. "He's not that bad anymore. He gets in the ring with you more than any of the other Watchers."

"Giles actually comes out on Patrol," Buffy reminded her with a sudden defensive tone to her voice. "Post at least makes herself useful. But Sirk creeps me out half the time and I kind of think Lydia is obsessed with that William guy."

"I think Charles is jealous that Giles will be leaving with you." Once she admits her brother's newfound closeness with the Watcher, a grin appears on Alonna's face.

"Well he's part of the reason Mom is looking for a nice quiet town." With crossed arms, Buffy reminded the younger sister about the crews reputation. "She wants me away from the gang life."

Having already looked at the statistics on Sunnydale, Tara couldn't remain silent on the matter. "It's not really a quiet town though. It has a higher death rate than some active war zones."

"But it's affordable enough for Mom to get herself a house and a gallery." Buffy's anticipation rose by the day and she had done nothing to dissuade her mother yet. "And I'll at least have help fighting vampires. Better than just starting over fresh somewhere I don't know anyone."

"Allen comes down to visit..." Sudden anxiety filled the witch with a still unrecognized crush on the hero. "Will you come with him?"

"Not really sure how I'd explain that one to my Mom." Shrugged the former cheerleader as she tried to think of a way to play it off as a normal reason. "Maybe we could get him to drop me off at my dad's for the weekend?"

Forced to accept the maybe, Tara hung her head in disappointment. "I'm really going to miss you."

"You're already going to Sunnydale for Christmas." Buffy tried to hold in her own worry about the coming move. "Just make sure to act like you enjoy the trip and I'm sure you'll make a bunch more. We're still going to see each other."

"He's dating that genius girl now," Alonna pointed out with a raised eyebrow directed at the pink Slayer. "You still going to play the long game?"

"I've already had three boyfriends since January, who knows how long this will last." Trying to avoid facing reality, Buffy's thoughts are never the less filled with dreams of a future with the Irish teacher. "Besides, I can't really date a teacher. That would make mom even madder than being in a gang."

Feeling sympathy for the unrequited love, Tara tried to keep her face neutral. "What are you going to do?"

"Wait until I graduate and hope they figure out they're just better off as friends." Shrugged the petite warrior as she finally admits reality may be a bit of an issue in her romance.

"You're just rebounding because Pike was such a dink." Alonna couldn't agree less with conversation being stuck on misery. "You're moving to a new city so take advantage of the fresh dating pool."
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Chapter 51: Angel
Chapter 51: Angel

Allen drags his feet the entire walk from his van to the classroom, groaning audibly when we have to climb the stairs to the second floor. He made us stop at Blockbuster on the way and has the surprise movie ready to go.

"Bring back a television from the AV room please." Once he takes attendance and makes the entire class take a moment of silence for one girl absent all of last week, Allen sends Daniel to hand it in. Unless you'd all prefer the book instead. I really don't recommend that option, Forrest Gump is a notoriously horrible read."

Shooting my hand up, I make sure to wait before he calls on me. "Why are you letting us watch something?"

"If I mute it and put the subtitles on, it still counts as silent reading." Rubbing his bloodshot eyes, Allen is really giving off a hungover vibe.

Feeling guilty about getting half a night's sleep, I don't push the exhausted man any more and let him dim the lights before any rumours start. If I cause him and Fred too much trouble, they'll make me go back home.

"Anyone who talks loud enough to bother me, is writing lines at lunch." Slumping at his desk, Allen motions for Daniel to hit play as soon as he gets it set up.

As soon as the silent movie begins, Daniel takes his seat behind me. Before the opening scene is over, I can hear the shorter blue haired boy whispering about Allen's strangeness with his friend Devon.

"Didn't he give us a five minute speech the first day about how he's not one of those lazy teachers who just pops in a movie?" The bass player is more concerned than judgmental so I don't say anything in defence of my 'brother'.

But the lead singer is not nearly so kind and gets a warning glare when he snorts a little too loudly. "Looks like the guy got dumped and spent the whole night at the bar."

That part does get my hackles up and I whirl around in my seat to hiss at the moron who doesn't look any better right now. Is his shirt inside out?

"Like you're one to talk. Do you actually own a washing machine?" That mustard stain has to be at least a week old.

"He'd have to go home long enough to use it first," Whispers the shorter Daniel with a smirk aimed at his friend.

Shrugging off the scorn, Devon "School has a shower I can use, no reason to leave the party early."

"Who are you still partying with after I leave?" Not bothered at all and only mildly curious, Daniel's gaze turns back to his friend.

"Uh..." Caught off guard, Devon tries to come up with something cool. "College chicks."

Glancing at the more relaxed of the two, I catch Daniel shaking his head bemused. The singer gets ruffled by his friends knowing look and grumbles in annoyance.

When he does finally get over the teasing, Devon tries to recover a few cool points. "Saw you at the Bronze last night. Want to come with me tonight?"

"Definitely not." The rejection comes easy and gets another chuckle out of the bass player. "I've got at least that much self respect." But not a whole lot more.

After my firm refusal, the band mates leave me to enjoy the rest of the movie in the silence Allen intended. But once they leave me be, I can feel someone else staring at me.

The feeling of dread is back and churning my stomach with worry. He can't be here!

Frantic for answers, my eyes dart across the classroom until I seem the awkward teen with the blue cape watching me. Caleb can't still be in Sunnydale, Allen would have found him by now.

Forcing my breathing to slow down to a normal pace, I nearly miss the bell because of my deep concentration. The only reason I'm not forced to run to the computer lab is the cape wearing Martin's cough.

"Angel?" We're the last two in the room and I follow him to our next class. "I've noticed you're dressing differently. Kind of like the Lonely Ones."

"The who?" I catch him wave at a couple of people with similar fashion sense as we pass by.

Lowering his voice, Martin makes sure no one else can hear him. "You know, vampires."

"If you want to be lonely with the rest of us, you can bring your friend Harris with you. It looks like he's shopping at the same store as you." He hands me a black business card embossed with scarlet cursive. Only an address and the name 'Sunset Club' give me any clue as to what the invitation is about. "Just call me Diego if you see me. It's my name of the night and you'll need to come up with one."

Passing the library with a slightly faster pace, I try to ignore the whispers that always fill the hallway. Caleb's not here, it's just the Hellmouth. When we finally reach the lab, I start breathing easy at last.

"I'll have to ask my brother." Touched by the offer, I'm still completely horrified by the idea of turning myself into bait. "He's a little over protective." And he should probably know about a vampire club.

"I bet." Martin sits down at the computer beside the one I claim and lowers his voice to just above a whisper. "I saw you on the news."

Eyes going wide with panic, I can feel my heart trying to leap out of my throat. "You saw me where?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." Winking at me, Diego really tries to sell the place. "Most people at the club have things we want to escape from. Rule number one is don't ask about real lives."

That actually sounds nice. "I could pick whatever name I want? Create a whole identity?"

"It's nice to be able to just dress up and forget how much life sucks for a few hours. Most of us know it's not actually real, we like it better than whatever is waiting for us at home."

The way Martin makes sure to ask me to invite Xander three more times, makes me realize he's not interested in me as anything but a friend. His eyes haven't dropped once.

Notes: This episode of 4 chapters will each be a different perspective. Willow/Xander/Fred are still to come.
So, Caleb is being the cult leader of the Lonely Ones, and he's trying to kill Xander early? Or does Martin have a thing for him?

It'd be an interesting lambshading of the 'Xander is a fate breaker' trope, to have him have a fate this time, that Caleb wants to break.
So, Caleb is being the cult leader of the Lonely Ones, and he's trying to kill Xander early? Or does Martin have a thing for him?

It'd be an interesting lambshading of the 'Xander is a fate breaker' trope, to have him have a fate this time, that Caleb wants to break.
Caleb fear is more just Angel's trauma. She's hearing the Hellmouth/First whispering when she goes to close to the library/places in town the barrier is weakest. She thinks anyone staring at her for too long is sketchy and I tried to show by the end of the interlude Martin wasn't a bad guy. She's just jumpy. MArtin has an appreciation for the actual vampire's clothes that Xander is wearing now and thinks he's cute.

Caleb is going to want to break evryone close to Doyle and Angel. Before it was just business, now it's personel.
Chapter 52: Willow
Chapter 52: Willow

Waiting for everyone else at the table in the quad we managed to snag, I share my idea for Ted with an intrigued couple. "If Mister Doyle is trying to put a soul in a vampire, doesn't that mean ghosts are real too?"

"I don't see why not..." Unable to think of a counter, Jonathan exchanges his pudding for Marcie's milk without needing to be asked.

Catching sight of an awkward Warren, Marcie tries to wave him over. But no matter how fast she swings her hand or calls out to the robot enthusiast, he doesn't seem to notice our table.

It's not until I whistle like he's a dog, that Warren's eyes finally lock onto us. When does join us, it's with a curious look at all three cartons of milk in front of one person.

"The commercials say it's going to make me big and strong." Getting defensive, Jonathon protectively pulls his extras closer. "Next year you'll be the short one."

Ignoring the figurative chest pounding the two boys are getting up to, Marcie brings the conversation back to my idea. "I think that's a really good idea Willow. It might even let the ghost get over it's unfinished business and pass on eventually."

"Wouldn't we just have to find a new one?" Frowning at such a temporary solution, Warren doesn't seem convinced yet. "Seems like constant busy work to me and nothing more than a waste of time."

When Marcie gives him a look of support, Jonathon finds the courage to defend his point. "Well they have that rehab hotel. What if you started a business putting ghosts in robots that look like them?"

"I kind of already have a million dollar idea. Why would I even bother?" Too focuses on his nether regions, Warren doesn't see the same opportunity."

"How much money would people pay for actual closure?" Catching on to the shorter boy's idea, I break it down in a way Warren will understand the value. "Charge them by the week and once the ghost passes on, just do some plastic surgery and get it ready for a new one."

"... That's actually a good idea." Stunned at the normally quiet boy's suggestion, Warren actually apologizes for his rudeness.

"Oh!" Snapping my fingers as the ideas start to cascade, I can't stop myself from blurting another one. "Or it could be used to solve crimes. Put the murder victim in a robot and we can just ask them what happened!"

Marcie has to put a damper on my excitement with cold truth. "But that would only work if the victim is a ghost. Doyle said he's putting a soul in this one vampire because it could save a whole lot of lives."

"Yeah, I'm not really okay with ripping a soul out of the afterlife unless it's an emergency." Her boyfriend nods firmly in support. "Or I guess if we have a chance to ask them first."

"If I die, stick me in a robot. No question about it." Warren makes up his mind seemingly before Jon even finishes his sentence.

"Let me rest in peace please." Pale at the idea of either fate, Marcie makes an understanding Jonathon agree.

He takes a while to consider it and doesn't actually come up with an answer right now. But I find myself leaning more towards the vampire option and that strangely intrigues me. Deep down I want to be exciting and not the same boring Willow I've always been.

If Xander and Jesse can ditch me to do what they want, I don't have to set my nights aside to help them study anymore. I can try and find a life that isn't so lame.

To my great annoyance, this is the exact moment one of the jerks enters the courtyard with his new friends. Jesse seems to have been fully accepted by the swim team and I'm already counting the days until he forgets my name.

Except when the swimmers make a comment about the nerds, Jesse's conflicted face turns into a determined one. "They're friends with the English teacher's sister. Probably a good idea if you find someone new."

Percy West has always been one of the most eager to rub his success in our faces. But when Jesse doesn't back down from his choice to intervene, the swim captain actually chuckles.

"First day on the team and you're already proving your worth. That Doyle dick seems to have it out for anyone even slightly cool." The rest of the team laugh at Percy's words and follow him to a table reserved for the jocks.

"I'll catch up, just going to make sure they don't hold a grudge and tattle." Winking at me discreetly, Jesse is seemingly given permission to sit at our table.

"Sure we're cool enough?" Not thanking him yet, I barely keep the growl out of my voice.

Red with shame, Jesse hangs his head. "Sorry I've been such a jerk the last few weeks. But I had a lot of thinking to do and for once I wanted to do it myself."

"You've never thought about anything for that long. Except maybe Cordelia." But now that I think about it, he hasn't bothered her once since the zoo break in.

"As hard as it was to hear all that stuff. Doyle was right..." Jesse doesn't tell me about what and Warren seems just as confused. But Marcie and Jon exchange knowing looks that remind me they had been in the car that night. "I was being a creep."

"So why haven't you been coming over anymore?" I've missed you and Xander. Even if I do have a bunch of other friends now, it's just not the same.

"Doyle thinks I'm a pervert. I thought he'd be happy I was staying away from his house." Guilt and shame are intermingled on Jesse's face.

Well I'm not. "He's a teacher, he should be happy you took his lesson to heart."

Arms firmly crossed, I'm already making plans to go confront the English teacher after school. Who is Mister Doyle to just show up and make snap judgments about all of us?

"But I just bailed on you all. He must think even worse of me now." Still not convinced, Jesse's arguments are at least getting weaker.

"Would have been nice having you help us fight the guardian..." Grumbles a still sore Warren as he rubs his bruised shoulder.

With his apology delivered and mostly accepted by all of us, he decides to tell the swim team he's keeping Doyle of the jocks backs. "Should get them to cut you some slack."

"Should have just made friends with Snyder on our first day. Would have been spared all the grief." Marcie tries to keep a straight face, only for all of us to devolve into laughter before five seconds have passed.
Chapter 53: Xander
Chapter 53: Xander

"Stop." Holding out a firm hand when we approach the cheerleaders' table, it looks like Cordelia is going to make me endure yet another fashion check before she allows me the privileged of joining them.

To my surprise though, Aphrodisia motions to the seat beside her. "You're fine Lex. It's Lance who needs to do something with that mullet."

"I have no idea why we ever thought it was charming. But our group insanity is over." Cordelia noticeably doesn't let Lance take his usual spot on the jock side of the table. "I can't believe I'm going to say this..."

Her eyes roam over me quickly, the clothes Doyle gave me are thankfully still enough to satisfy the judgmental Queen C. "Get Lex to take you shopping. And you better get something decent done to that nest you call hair."

It's taken awhile to get used to the new nickname and yet I'm starting to like it. It was just supposed to be another way for Cordelia to prove she's in charge. But people are starting to treat me different.

Instead of just being a cretin that gets mocked, I'm getting invited to parties. It's weird that the less I seem to say, the more the preps accept me. But that might just be because Cordelia's the only one who seems to understand all my references.

Her scorn of Lance over, Cordelia finally allows him to take a spot at the very end of the bench. She dominates the conversation almost the entire hour, barely letting anyone else get a full paragraph in.

When she does finally run out of things to say, Cordelia allows Larry to share his gossip. Really wish she had ten more minutes of nonsense.

"Lex, did I really see you out with an older woman last night?" Impressed at the claim, the rest of the table leans in eagerly.

Not realizing the mistake about to be made, I blurt out a yes. "It was just Amy's mom. We went to the museum."

"Dude!" Lance cheers, quickly giving a high five to a few of the closest jocks. "Is that why you're friends with all those geeks, you're just banging their moms?"

I try to deny to praise, I really do. But no matter what I say, no one but Cordelia seems to actually believe me.

We haven't been friends since kindergarten. But she knows I don't actually have the guts to make a move like that on a girl my own age, let alone one of my friends' mom.

The laughter turns mocking making me look over to see an awkward Amy glancing around for any of our shared friends. Not finding them, she still looks completely distraught from last night and I make up my mind. What's the point in being popular if I have to make all new friends?

"Can you guys do me a favour and not tell anyone." No matter how much it would help my reputation, I just can't do that to the witch I've known most of my life. "It's not what you think. Her mom was just asking me to look after Amy while she's getting treatment in LA, since I've known her forever."

"Oh..." Even Larry looks a bit guilty at his crude words so I don't make a big deal out of it.

Promising to save me a seat in math, the group lets me leave with no more teasing. The distraught witch has already left the East courtyard by the time I get permission and I have to dash after her.

Chasing after Amy before she gets too far away, I eventually catch up to her just outside the gym and the sound of basketball practice inside. "Amy, wait up!"

The lime green grunge shirt is covered in a bunch of different fonts. Each day of the week is repeated in at least four different styles and colours, with my eyes naturally being drawn to the Wednesday on her chest. Guess it's hump day for a reason.

"Greenday." Clearing her throat to get my eyes pulled back to her own, Amy doesn't actually seem mad about the momentary distraction. "It's a band."

The snarky tone makes me chuckle as the tension fades. "Just wanted to make sure you're doing alright. You need any help moving stuff to your dad's place?"

"Miss Calendar said I could keep all the magic stuff at her place." She decides to take me up on the offer with a sigh of relief. "But some of it's really heavy and I don't think the two of us can move it all. I'd really owe you if you saved me from asking Mister Doyle for help."

"Well you can pay me back by telling Willow not to worry. I'm not ditching my friends." I know she hates Cordelia. But I honestly can't remember what caused the rift.

The four of us had lots of fun for a couple years, then one day Cordelia and Willow are rolling around in the sandbox like wild animals. Willow even had to get a haircut to cover up the place Cordy tore out a chunk.

Whatever it was over, Cordelia's split lip was even redder than the genius' locks for a whole week. I think that's why Jesse's still so hung up on the rich girl.

It was supposed to be a double wedding with us living next door to each other until retirement. Of course at that age, we thought you retired when you got old like our parents. Something impossible for a child to really imagine, like forty five.

"I'm glad I didn't freak you out last night. It was totally the jacket that made me say that stuff." I can tell how hard it was for Amy to say that without stuttering and so I let it go with an easy grin.

"Don't worry about it. It was nothing compared to the things I was having whispered in my ear." If that's how Jesse and I make girls feel, I'm really glad Doyle talked to us.

Walking her to the computer lab, I'm about to leave the witches to the magical theory. But the jingling of change in my pocket makes me hesitate. I'm not crazy, the money really is vanishing.

"Can you check that piggy bank Jesse got me for some kind of curse?" The strange request has Jenny blinking at the randomness. "I think it's turning my money invisible because I can still hear it when I shake the damn thing. But nothing I put in will come out the bottom."

"I didn't let him get you the matched pair that would have let him steal your change." Amy is quick to clear her own involvement. "It was just supposed to change your life for the better, the more you used it."

Now intrigued by the mystery, Jenny demands I bring it to her house with Amy's stuff. "Better to be safe than sorry. I'm a little amazed at the variety of magics in Sunnydale and have no idea what you could have."
I wonder if it's just a trick piggy bank, with two sealed halves. The top half that you put money into, is sealed off from the bottom half with the hole to take it out of. Like, the seal is halfway down, horizontal across the pig.

And I really hope he takes back his name of Xander. Can't imagine Cordelia respects him for hitting her walk all over him like that, when his ability to stand up to her is one of the things she liked.

Unless I'm getting that from fanfic.
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Maybe it is making his life better - by freeing him from the spiritual burden of wealth.
I wonder if it's just a trick piggy bank, with two sealed halves. The top half that you put money into, is sealed off from the bottom half with the hole to take it out of. Like, the seal is halfway down, horizontal across the pig.
A few of the "good" luck charms Jesse got, may not be so good. Or maybe it is, mystery is just beginning.

And I really hope he takes back his name of Xander. Can't imagine Cordelia respects him for hitting her walk all over him like that, when his ability to stand up to her is one of the things she liked.

Unless I'm getting that from fanfic.
It's an attempt to put him in his new place as a "cool" kid. But his inner monologue was about him not ditching his friends, so his friend given name will be something he puts his foot down on. The choice of LEx, is because that makes it the choice between an evil name or his own good one.

It's canon.
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