Skooma Cat (TES V: Skyrim)

He enjoys it enough that 1) he had a dedicated swimsuit, and 2) Yagraz thought to grab it before she Megaton Punch'd Akatosh. Tojay tails are useful for balancing for high jumps but unfortunately they mostly just increase drag in the water. Most of his swimming comes from his legs, which are already really strong. Water breathing is a one and done enchantment, it remains good for as long the item remains undamaged. Yes, people have combined it with cement shoes since the enchantment only requires a petty soul gem.

And wearing the style of swimsuit Mohamara has becomes uncomfortable after being worn for too long.
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Chapter 18
I realized in the writing of this that going into full detail of a properly enraged Meridia wasn't going to be appropriate for this fic's rating. So I had to tone it down severely.

Also, Meridia is 100% the type of person who would boss herself around.

Chapter 18: Marital Problems

>Service Request Ping.
>>To: WarOfMaceandDance.serv.
>>From: SkyrimRegionalBeacon.obj.
>>>Champion-candidate located. Champion-candidate status: severe damage, severe deviance from records. Damage exceeds the ability to repair. All hostiles within one mile have been eliminated, Champion-candidate is secure. Please advise.

>Service Request Reply.
>>To: SkyrimRegionalBeacon.obj.
>>From: MeridNunda.etada.
>>>Sublimate primary functions in compliance with Audience protocol pending remote reactivation. Prepare for ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL.

The beacon had scant seconds to process the severity of the situation before its central intelligence was disabled to make more room for a fraction of Meridia's awareness.

HER arrival on Mundus would have been a doom on par with what Dagon had planned. It was why SHE did not envy Sheogorath's unique ability to flit between realms where so many Princes did. So these beacons were created to act as specially modified sigil stones, permitting her and her minions to use the power inside to form temporary bodies. But in this case, there was no need.

The beacon was but a stepping stone to her final goal. Once the fragment of HER passed through the beacon, it wove its way into the mortal that clung to it. That had been an unintentional but welcome side effect of the changes SHE made to HER followers, unconsciously clinging to the nearest object or person. In this situation, it permitted Meridia to easily possess the mortal's form and assess the damage.

As she woke the mortal's body up, her mere presence snapped bones back into place, fused the damaged spine together, and filled the depleted blood vessels with her radiant energy. Through the beacon, she could communicate with HER and procure more data on what needed repairing.

She let go of the beacon and floated by divine will to examine Skyrim and her Vessel. With the beacon's supply of energy so low, the connection was weak at best. Even if she depleted the mortal's own energy, it wouldn't enrich the beacon enough to improve the connection--so she didn't bother. Records slowly flowed into her mind from HER, and the fragment of Meridia began to grow angry.

The Vessel was not a perfect match, if she stayed too long it would explode. And SHE did not want that to happen. But the regional beacon was activated again, so she could access certain functions to ensure the Vessel was repaired while she did HER will.

She pulled the beacon with the Vessel down to the ice below. Its pitiful raiment provided adequate protection from frostbite at least. Then, using the beacon and the Vessel's own energy, she called down a servant. It appeared curled up in a ball of Daedric fire and stood as the summoning concluded.

The Meridian Daedric Knight was colored white and gold, like the Room from which it came. Appearing to be a humanoid figure with the stature of a Giant but with a body made of metal, with a masculine face that strongly resembled an Akaviri helmet. Two sheathed swords, each the size of a greatsword for a mortal, clung to a bulbous protrusion from its back.

"This Vessel is damaged," her voice overlayed with the Vessel's as she spoke through it. "You are to effect repairs, then escort the Vessel and the beacon to Mount Kilkreath. Anything that threatens the Vessel is to be destroyed. While you effect repairs, you are to designate a chain of automatic summonings for your lieutenants should you fall in battle. Am I understood?"

"YES, MY LORD." The Knight's response was loud, synthetic, and echoed back at them from nearby icebergs while the Daedra itself aggressively rammed its knee into the ice while kneeling.

"Good. You are to tell the Vessel only what it needs to know per the Prophet Two-Eight-Eight protocol. If it becomes necessary to commune with me, I will be on the yellow line." All at once the unnatural grace and authority that had radiated from the Vessel faded, and it fell backward without divine will holding it up.

The Knight stood once the Vessel was released. With thunderous footsteps that cracked the ice, it strode forward and picked up the Khajiit Vessel. "YOU ARE MUCH CUTER THAN PREVIOUS VESSELS."

Once the Vessel and beacon were snatched up, the Daedric Knight lept from the ice and began to head south.


Kodlak had grown used to waiting since the rot kept him from joining his shield-siblings in battle. It was not what he had wanted for his last year of life, but in the waiting, he found empathy for those whom he had not previously considered as suffering. Those who remained behind while their family went to battle or to war, these he understood far better. And it gave him insight into what Telma, the ancient Jorrvaskr housekeeper who had basically raised the twins, must feel when the Companions went off to battle.

There was nothing Kodlak hated more than the frustration, the feeling of uselessness, and general melancholy.

He also discovered what elderly people would not for many thousands of years: Attempting to interact with a magitech that was too new for them to understand produced the same spectrum of emotion.

Mohamara's slate had started up with some peculiar music, and when the Harbinger fished it out of the Khajiit's backpack saw that apparently, Yagraz was attempting to contact them through the magic item. However, he couldn't figure out how to make it happen. He tilted and shook the device but to no avail.

Fortunately, his bestial nature let him know of the Khajiit's return when the wind shifted. Unfortunately, it was accompanied by a faint smell of blood. Kodlak anticipated finding the cat fending off a slaughterfish, or perhaps returning with food. Instead, when he left the impromptu campsite to follow the smell of cat and blood he found something… else.

A massive metal man kneeling with the Khajiit in the crook of its arm, the latter of which was being shot from several small orbs of golden-white light that rotated around him quickly. The cat was holding a faceted orb that shone from within with golden light.

"Shor's bones…." Kodlak exclaimed as he hid behind some rocks. However, the effort was wasted as the metal man's helmeted head whipped around to glare at the Harbinger's exact position. "Why do I keep thinking they can't hear me when I do that?"


To Kodlak's ears, the metal man's voice burned like the words themselves were fire. Later on, he would describe it as the same feeling that came from being near Yagraz while she Shouted fire onto her foes.

The Harbinger stood out from behind the rocks and took as non-threatening a stance as possible when he was in heavy armor and carried a warhammer as a walking stick. "I am that one's traveling Companion, so I will not be gone until you explain what you are doing."


It enveloped Mohamara in a bubble of white-gold energy and stood. The two greatswords on its back swung of their own accord and fell into the metal man's hands. Kodlak had never seen their make before--the weapons possessed an otherworldly beauty and were so hot that the air around them wavered like in the desert.

Kodlak sighed and switched into his battle stance. "I am getting too old for this." His grumbling done, the Harbinger of the Companions charged into battle.

...Or he would have if his back had not produced a definitive crack and forced the Companion to stop his charge, place one hand on his back, and hobble around bent in half from the pain.

The metal man watched this and shifted its stance while the Nord hobbled in agonizing pain. Awkwardly it scratched at its helmet and shifted on its feet. "ARE YOU OKAY?"

"I think I threw my back out. Just… just give me a bit and we can do battle."


"No… no, I think I know what I did wrong," Kodlak muttered a quick prayer to Shor for strength and tried to stand up to his full height. It went about as well as could be expected.


"That would be much appreciated, thank you."


The Blue Palace had been a place of relative peace in the days prior. A new court wizard had been appointed, the Jarl had recently accepted an injured Great War veteran into her council, and there were decidedly fewer catastrophic events plaguing the city.

Until one day, when a blinding light rained down on the Palace. It was accompanied by a keening scream that drove everyone in the building to cover their ears in an attempt to escape. Windows and bottles shattered from the force of it. A localized earthquake rattled the entire end of the Solitude archway. The final straw that drove everyone from the Jarl herself to the housekeepers screaming in pain was that their eyes burst from within by gouts of fire.


Within the Blue Palace, within the mind of a madman, the Mad God watched in relative disinterest as his dear friend Pelly was running around, experiencing much the same as what those on the outside did. The Mad God's chamberlain cleared his throat and leaned in to whisper into Sheogorath's ear, quite calm despite blood pouring from his ears and mouth, with his eyeballs on fire.

"Lady Meridia to see you, Lord Sheogorath."

"Oh, perhaps she's come to join me on my vacation! How wonderfully intrusive of her!" The demented Daedra clapped his hands jovially, his disinterest long forgotten. "Send her in immediately."

Haskill ceased to exist, and then suddenly existed again, soaring through the air as if launched from a catapult and on fire. There stood a Colovian Imperial woman, her features seemingly carved from stone. She was bald, but light bent around her head and above her eyes to mimic hair. She wore a dress of billowing silk that changed colors whenever Sheogorath looked away, and from her back light bent around two transparent feathered wings.

"Meri-pants! How good to see y--" The Mad God's greeting was stopped short when the woman, Meridia, closed the distance between the two of them in less than a second and punched him square in the nose with such force that the Mad God broke the throne he had sat on.

"Oh, Sheogorath." Meridia's voiced was cheerful, bright, and just a little unhinged as she cracked the knuckles on her punching fist. "How good that you are unable to speak."

The Mad God gurgled wetly as his skull reformed from the pancake that Meridia had made of it.

"If you could speak, you might say something that would motivate me to truly lose my temper. Why in such a case I might just tear your Spheres out and shove them back into you through random orifices. Wouldn't that be a sight!" Meridia clapped her hands, and the background screaming from Pelly stopped as he was made whole and unaware that anything had been wrong. It would be a minute or two before those on the outside were granted such mercy.

"Oh, if it weren't for the amount of work assuming your Realm would entail, I probably could have done it back there." Meridia considered this while she cleared the table of food, laid down a tablecloth, and returned the feast. "But then Molag and Dagon would have likely made moves on me to assert their alleged superiority and that's too much of a hassle. Ugh, and the post-mortem divorce proceedings."

"And here I thought," the Mad God cackled as he sat back up, "you would be upset with me over how negligently I've treated our son and his welfare."

"Oh, I am." Meridia turned her back to the Mad God and began to create a throne of her own opposite his. "But priorities have to be set, my Lord husband! We must place things in order of importance, and be objective rulers of our respective domains. But since you brought it up…"

Without warning, Meridia turned and punched Sheogorath again. This time the force of her blow split the earth behind Sheogorath's throne. When she went around the table to sit in hers, Sheogorath was sitting pretty in his fully reformed seat and waved merrily.

"Tell me, are you intending to break every agreement we make regarding our children?"

Sheogorath waved her off and filled a cup from a pitcher of spiders for his drink. "Oh Meri-pants, don't be all dramatic. Or do! I'm not your boss, I can't make those decisions for you." After his tall glass of spiders was drunk, he offered the pitcher to Meridia.

She took it and poured herself a glass of the impossible.

"I just couldn't stand lookin' down at our boy bein' so miserable when I could do something about it!"

"Yet you asked me to do exactly that after I had to clean up your mess. Which required I break my own rules to grant him an Audience to keep him from shutting down." Meridia drank her glass of the impossible through a straw and glowered at Sheogorath.

"I… yeah, that was my mistake. Don't know how many times you want me to apologize for that, though. Is it one of those imaginary numbers? I just adore those." Sheogorath clapped his hands, and a wheel of cheese appeared before him.

Meridia watched as Sheogorath began to violently cut the cheese many times in succession, and took a piece when it was offered to her. "We both agreed--no contact until he found a Sphere of his own, or died a mortal. I didn't like his misery any more than you did, and yet here we are."

"But I didn't seriously think he'd go this long without one!" The Mad God looked up from his gorging on cheese. "Boy's been in Skyrim for months now and he still hasn't found one yet! I'm at my wit's end here. Rather enjoyable, actually."

"Hmm. Perhaps he's content to live and die as a mortal? Like his sister was?" While the Mad God feasted like a pig, Meridia ate her meal daintily. "How is she, by the way?"

"Oh I have her painting frost onto plants and windows--she loves it!"

"Yes, she was always so fond of impermanence in art." The Lady of Infinite Energies regarded the Mad God with a neutral expression. "You know that I want you to put him back."

"And you know I'm not going to be doing that no matter how hard you punch me." Sheogorath snapped his fingers with excitement. "Or maybe you just haven't punched me in the right way! Quick, try again!"

"Then we are at an impasse." Meridia pointedly refused to punch the Mad God again, which made Sheogorath pout and made her smile.

"Not quite! I know something that might just win you over to my side of this!" Sheo snapped his fingers and two portraits appeared before Meridia. "Take a look, what do you think?"

She regarded the mortals depicted in the portraits. To a Daedra, so much more information was present than just their appearance--personality, names, history, and biological information were all present. "They're mortals. What am I supposed to draw from this?"

Sheogorath bounced in his seat and slowly began to shift into his Khajiit aspect: Sheggorath. "I overheard our boy talking about being lonely, and how those matchmakers in your temple couldn't find him someone."

"Because I told them that none of the candidates they put forth were worthy of our son."

"See this is why I usually handle the kids, Meri-pants." Sheggorath 'poo-pooed' Meridia's disdainful expression. "So much more entertaining to have mortals try to rise to the occasion."

"Then you shouldn't have tried to eat him."

"In my defense… his arms were delicious."

Meridia promptly crossed the gap again and punched Sheggorath right in his stupid furry face.

"Oof, having so much more bone in my face makes this one feel such odd things when punched." Once his skull was back in full misalignment, the Skooma Cat spoke again. "This one went through a great many candidates and found these two. But our boy says he wants this one to consult you before deciding."

"As he should." Meridia paused as she examined the two options presented to her. Sheggorath's madness made for… creative options. "I'm honestly surprised you limited yourself to people currently in Skyrim."

Sheggorath processed what Meridia said, and promptly slapped his forehead at the missed opportunity.

"Neither of them are… deserving of what you propose." Meridia sighed and held up one of the portraits back to the Skooma Cat. "But this one is closer to being worthy."

Sheggorath took the portrait and squealed with delight. "Now we can begin fighting over the dowry and wedding, oh this is going to be so much fun!"

"Well we're obviously going to have the wedding at my sister's temple, she would be so insulted if we took it elsewhere."

"That's exactly why we should do it somewhere else! Your sister is too passive, she hasn't had reason to get angry in thousands of years."

"I'm not getting into a fight with Mara just because you want to be contrary--" Meridia's follow up line was cut off by a fistful of melted cheese splattering her in the face. "I'm going to be nice and give you to the count of one to start running."


Imagine Mohamara's surprise at waking up. Alive. Or at having his missing digits back when he was still not over the fact that he was alive. He was wrapped up in his quilt with the beacon clutched to his chest like the Khajiit used to hold teddy bears as a child.

He was also riding in the arm of a Daedric Knight, while Kodlak sat in the other. Quickly Mohamara ran through the checklist of ways to see if he was in a dream, or perhaps in some weird layer of Oblivion and had to accept that he was awake.

"So, how did the people know you were not part of Dagon's forces?" Kodlak spoke to the Knight, either not aware of Mohamara being awake or too interested in the story to care.


Mohamara had to cover his ears from the sheer volume of the Knight's voice. It rattled his bones from the hearing of it, and he quickly wove an illusion around his ears to force the voice to appear quieter to him.

"I miss that summoner. He did not survive the battle, and went on to find a place in the Violet Room--Where Lie the Martyrs. It is rather like your Sovrngard, from what I've heard."

"Then he is among the best company he could ask for." Kodlak looked over at Mohamara and smiled. "As are we, the whelp wakes from well-deserved sleep."

"I would thank you not to use derogatory terms when referring to the Vessel, please."

Kodlak waved off the Knight and chuckled faintly at the misunderstanding. "Oh, no. Whelps are what we call new initiates in the Companions."

"I am quite aware. It became such because Harbinger Gurlin convinced the then Circle that it would be a funny joke. The name comes from a place of mockery, even if it does not serve one now. So kindly refrain."

Kodlak reeled back in surprise. "We... have next to nothing about Harbinger Gurlin, since the man was illiterate and kept no journals. That's… good to know, I suppose."

Shaken from his stupor, Mohamara arranged his hands in a T after getting them free of the quilt. "Hold up. Timeout. What the shit is happening? Why am I alive?"

"That is a heavy question you ask, lad. Why are any of us alive, when so many good people have died for sometimes no reason at all?"

"No! Well, yes, that. But more, I was in the process of being eaten alive by whales--so why am I alive?"

The Daedric Knight lifted the arm supporting Kodlak to poke at Mohamara's chest, where the beacon lay. "The beacon neutralizes all hostiles within one mile of your location as part of the reactivation protocol. As you are a Vessel, our Lady took possession of you and kept you alive enough for me to effect repairs."

"Wait… Vessel? Me?" Mohamara began to process the information. Meridia, his god, had taken him as a Vessel. Joy the likes of which he hadn't felt in years began to bubble up before it was crushed by horror. "Oh no, my body was in such terrible shape. I was missing fingers and part of my tail--I'm pretty sure my back was broken from the ice. I had to be the worst Vessel she's ever had." He pulled at his ears in frustration as he went over more inadequacies for being a Vessel.

"I cannot speak about that. But my orders are to escort you and the beacon to Mount Kilkreath. More than that, I am not allowed to speak about."

"Lad, if Meridia did not find you worthy as a… Vessel, would she have bothered saving you? Or having you healed?" Kodlak reached over and patted Mohamara between the ears. "Do not be so eager to tear down your own value, or you will find others eager to do it for you."

Mohamara groaned to himself as he imagined the visceral disdain Meridia had to have of him after spending any length of time in his body. Previous Vessels were always the holiest of her priests or mighty Champions. Add the fact that he was a spawn of Sheogorath and he was convinced her time within him had to be awful.

"Can I go… like, a month without something monumental and terrible happening? Just one month? Please?" Mohamara buried himself in the quilt, hiding away from the world at large.

"I want to say that you're overreacting, but according to you--you just escaped being eaten alive by whales. This level of madness around you is concerning--what guardian sign are you under, boy?"

"I was born under the Serpent."

And though he could not see it, Kodlak's face lit up with realization. "Ah. That explains everything."

"I like snakes. They enjoy cuddling."

Is it still considered a Demiprince when two Daedric Princes are involved? Food for thought.

But if you're looking for what a more perfect union of Meridia and Sheogorath looks like, just take a look at the Queen of Chaos.
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Fucking hell, Merida! I'd ask what Sheo did to deserve that kind of asskicking, but we're had 17 chapters to self-demonstrate. Still, wow, Talos heard that one.
I think that might just be a problem with doing this in googledocs, because it's happened before. Thank you for pointing it out, though.
Well shit. I hope Meridia healed them all on her way out and went north east to piss on castle Volkihar.

Speaking of. Will this be a fanfix where the answer to vampire has an elder scroll and you are a vampire hunter be stab first Scry the ashes later?
. . . Okay, I am so confused from this latest twist.

A nice feeling of confusion though. Really wasn't expecting this one twist.

Was the mess about when Mohamara heard her answer to his question? That one part in his past was always a bit of an interesting piece to me, since while Aedra and Daedra sometimes speak to their followers, I really wasn't expecting the random Tojay could get an audience.
Ouch. I guess ever Daedra are in for a hard time when they discover their son has a depression.

The quality is pretty good, and amazingly enough, there's just a tiny bit of problems around the poor tojay that they force him into uncomfortable situations, making things interesting... but just the right amount to not look like silly "it only gets worse" thing.
And darn, now I would love to see his face when he meets his mom. I guess after initial moment of "The heck", he'll just do something silly to cope with it, though...
The benefits to Meridia's worship, protection both active and passive and certainty, require an active bond of love between Meridia and her faithful. In young people, it is possible for one act of cruelty to fundamentally mess up that young person's ability to feel love at all. The opposite of love is indifference, which makes maintaining a love-based bond with Meridia difficult as she appears both loving and indifferent. This problem could also manifest in Azura and Nocturnal's faiths, but we have insuficient details.

Sheogorath doesn't care if his children love him because he loves them, any bond on their end is an acceptable bond. But Meridia needs her children to love her as she loves them, which is why she often doesn't take part in raising them. Normally.

My ultimate goal here is that this in no way answered your question, but gave you yet more questions to ask.
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Sheogorath doesn't care if his children love him because he loves them, any bond on their end is an acceptable bond. But Meridia needs her children to love her as she loves them, which is why she often doesn't take part in raising them. Normally.

Wait, are you implying that... our protagonist is Meridia's kid? I'm shocked! Completely and utterly shocked, I say.
But Meridia needs her children to love her as she loves them, which is why she often doesn't take part in raising them. Normally.
So, she's doing the "Nothing gained, nothing wasted" approach of keeping things and relationships away unless they really need her attention? Though I am probably ignoring the love part of this, hm.
First Appendix/Summery
This is the first summery of important things to remember that have happened or been implied in the fic. Future ones will come about as the need arises.

  • Mohamara was born in the Twentieth Era and lived through the transition to the Twenty-First.
  • Meridians and Malacath's Children (the organized church of Malacath, not his actual children) have an alliance of mutual protection from anti-Daedric influences.
  • By the time of the Twenty-First Era, open Daedra worship is legal.
  • The first Markarthi airships begin production late in the Fourth Era.
  • All magitech has some as of yet unknown combination of Ayelid, Dwemer, and traditional magic theories to function.
  • By the Twenty-First Era the Companions continue to exist, and Jorrvaskr has become the site of a Whiterun community college.
  • Azura's statue in Winterhold continues to exist into the Twenty-First Era.
  • Fort Dawnguard continues to exist into the Twenty-First Era.
  • There is a gap of roughly sixteen thousand years between the Fourth and Twenty-First Eras, not accounting for Dragon Breaks.
  • Mohamara has blood type blue, which is strongly desired by vampires.
  • Tojay and tojay-raht Khajiit are responsible for the manufacture of moon sugar. How they interact with Clan Mothers who control the harvests is not yet known.
  • The Thalmor must give permission for all tojay and tojay-raht to leave Elsweyr.
  • The people of Markarth assume Mohamara to be a priest of Mara.
  • Mara and Meridia are confirmed to be sisters.
  • Sheogorath and Meridia are confirmed to be Mohamara's parents.
  • Mohamara is not an only child.
  • Mohamara's first foster family had his fingers and toes restructured to remove his claws.
  • Yagraz is a Tongue.
  • Yagraz can Break the Dragon by punching Akatosh in his stupid face but only to go back in time.
  • Yagraz's clan name is gro-Dushnikh.
  • Yagraz owns Breezehome, and has adopted children to live there. Brenuin is her live-in babysiter.
  • Mohamara's first career choice was to be a teacher, but had that option shut down in secondary school (high school).
  • Tojay and tojay-raht are capable of jumping six to eight feet straight up from a standing position.
  • Mohamara strongly desires the ability to wear trousers on the regular, the universe does not want this. They fight over it frequently.
  • Sheogorath is an awful parent.
  • Mohamara's sect of Meridianism believes Meridia and Magnus to be the same entity.
  • Sleeping tree sap is a fantastic painkiller. In small doses.
  • Mysticism is bullshit.
  • Mohamara is really fuckin' good at enchanting, and does not require an enchanting table.
  • Great House Telvanni becomes the Telvanni corporation by the time of the Twenty-First Era.
  • Potema inspired the adjective 'potemal' which means relentlessly cruel and evil.
  • Sybille Stentor was not good at adapting to changing variables.
  • Meridians practice arranged marriage, Mohamara opted out of this due to low chances of success.
  • Sheogorath gave zero fucks and started looking for a match anyway.
  • Meridia's worship somehow turns people gay, if they weren't already.
  • Meridians refer to themselves and eachother as 'Friends of Maria', a portmanteu of Meridia and Mara, to organize and avoid persecution.
  • A slang term for gay people in the Twenty-First Era is 'Rainbow Man/Woman' due to Meridia's influence.
  • Slates are tablets, micro-slates are smartphones, grimoires are notebooks, and codexes are tower computers.
  • Apps are servitors.
  • Books don't matter.
  • King Olaf was an objectively horrible person.
  • By the time of the Twenty-First Era the Tamrielic Empire has grown to encompass the Pyandonean Subcontinent.
  • There is a yet unknown level of gravitas around Jarls writing directly to each other instead of using scribes or stewards.
  • Mohamara was born under the sign of the Serpent.
  • Meridia's Colored Rooms each have official names and functions, some functioning as afterlifes for her mortals.
  • Sheogorath has the ability to bypass Martin Septim's barrier and travel to any point in time he wants. Other Princes envy him for this.
  • There are seventeen Realms of Oblivion by the time of the Twenty-First Era.
  • Jyggalag returns into active worship, somehow using cannibalism to do so.
  • Killer whales are the bad boys.
  • The Red Shoes enchantment grants speed, jump height, and agility when people nearby are in need of help. It requires grand souls to apply it to an item.
  • Sheogorath did an unknown favor for Kynareth, who made him a singing voice that he gave to Mohamara.
  • Humans have an increased tendency to find tojay Khajiit cute.
  • By the time of the Twenty-First Era, Talos is still worshipped, but not as a Divine.
  • The Summerset Isles retain the name Alinor until the Twenty-First Era.
This list will be expanded upon and updated periodically after long stretches of posts. Keep an eye out!
Huh. What a surprisingly thorough list. I don't think I've ever seen an author give something like this to the reader, thread fan-fic or no.

Did you keep that list before now as an easy reference for yourself, or did you create it specifically for the rest of us to keep track?
I created it because feedback for the thread on SpaceBattles informed me that my incomplete information and implied facts would mean that readers might forget tidbits of information. So, it's something I threw together to help fix that.
... I do have some issues with 'the 21st era is only 16 centuries away from the 4th era', because that raises some major questions about just what the fuck has been going on. Eras up to this point have only been changed over when serious, mind-boggling giga-shit has gone down (such as the empire being formed at all, or OBLIVION CRISIS, MOTHERFUCKERS). Now I can see things switching over to the 5th era in response to the dragon crisis wreaking world-wide havoc, but otherwise the eras can last for centuries.

The first era starts with the founding of the first empire, the third starts with Tiber Septim going full Talos, though I'm not entirely certain what caused the turnover from first to second (the only timeline event I can find with short searching is maybe the crazy of the Dark Brotherhood forming). Either way, it was nearly a millennium for the first and second eras each, and the big reason the third ended was because the empire got smashed down again by the crisis. Hell, that seems to be the major cause of eras, the shifting of dynasties. Which means that it doesn't make much sense for it to be the 21st era only 1600 years later, because that's not how eras have worked up to this point in multiple ways.
... I do have some issues with 'the 21st era is only 16 centuries away from the 4th era', because that raises some major questions about just what the fuck has been going on. Eras up to this point have only been changed over when serious, mind-boggling giga-shit has gone down (such as the empire being formed at all, or OBLIVION CRISIS, MOTHERFUCKERS). Now I can see things switching over to the 5th era in response to the dragon crisis wreaking world-wide havoc, but otherwise the eras can last for centuries.

The first era starts with the founding of the first empire, the third starts with Tiber Septim going full Talos, though I'm not entirely certain what caused the turnover from first to second (the only timeline event I can find with short searching is maybe the crazy of the Dark Brotherhood forming). Either way, it was nearly a millennium for the first and second eras each, and the big reason the third ended was because the empire got smashed down again by the crisis. Hell, that seems to be the major cause of eras, the shifting of dynasties. Which means that it doesn't make much sense for it to be the 21st era only 1600 years later, because that's not how eras have worked up to this point in multiple ways.
He said 16,000, not 1600. Average of a thousand years per Era, not 100.

Presumably some lasted only a century or two and some lasted for millennia.
By the time of the Twenty-First Era, Talos is still worshipped, but not as a Divine.
Given that Talos is effectively an iteration of Lorkhan, he would actually be closer in nature to a daedra seeing as Lorkhan is the avatar of Sithis.

This itself brings up an interesting train of thought, given that gods in TES can multiple correct identities. If Talos is the same person as Shor and Lorkhan, and Jone & Jude are the physical body of Lorkhan, then doesn't that make Humans and Khajiit distantly related?

Edit: and believe me, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
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Chapter 19
You know exactly what's going to happen when you read the chapter title, don't play games with me.

Chapter 19: Destroyer Devour Master

"You seem particularly disgusted that Stentor was able to touch you, why is that?"

Mohamara peeked his head out from the quilt he had buried himself in to examine the environment. The Knight appeared to be taking them through the mountains that separated Winterhold, Eastmarch, and the Pale. Everything was covered in snow to the point where the tojay couldn't discern when they were in the air or not until the Knight landed on rocks.

He had been telling Kodlak the story of how Yagraz and he had defeated Potema to pass the time.

"Well we didn't know what bloodline she descended from," Mohamara explained while digging back into the warm blankets. "Some vampires, like the Volkihar, don't need to bite you to feed on you--they can do so through touch."

"Ah, so it could have opened you up to being fed upon, perhaps even infected?" Kodlak's fur-covered armor and enchanted cloak meant he could stand to be out in the frigid mountain air where Mohamara couldn't.

"Well, yes, that. But also because I'm blood type blue if she had fed on me things would have gotten bad." Every so often Mohamara would stick the beacon out into the air to catch some sunlight and charge it up.

"What is a blood type? And why is blue blood significant?"

"Well my blood isn't actually blue, so you know." The tojay reflected on seeing his leg bleeding badly from the Forsworn bear trap not too long ago. "Blood type blue means I can only accept transfusions from other blood type blue people, but I can donate blood to anyone else and it'll be fine. There's other stuff, like an increased pool of magicka, a higher chance of severe mental problems, and other not really important things."

"That still doesn't explain why vampires would desire it, lad."

Mohamara scratched his ankle though Kodlak couldn't see, sitting in a quilt in just a swimsuit and jacket made for an itchy ride. "Well, blue type blood tastes really good to vampires. Plus it gives them all sorts of temporary powers--strength, speed, and strengthened magic. If I had fewer scruples, I could have made a mint selling vials of my blood to the black market."

"If that is the case, why have I not heard of certain blood doing this to vampires before?" Kodlak squinted at the quilt-cocoon bound Khajiit and found he couldn't detect lies without actually seeing the person.

"Well, because this is the Fourth Era is why. Blood type blue only occurs in people who witnessed the event that ended the Twentieth Era and marked the start of the Twenty-First. Had front row tickets, it was pretty sweet." Mohamara stuck his head out of the quilt again to tap the Knight on the arm. "Don't suppose you could hand me my backpack so I could change?"

"I would need to set one of you down to reach it, which is unsafe in the current environment." The Knight's answer was warm enough that the snow began to melt around them, which in turn forced the Knight to leap to the next mountain peak early.

"You and Yagraz have not commented on the division of Eras before. From history, the ones thus far have been major political or cosmic upheavals--so what happened in the Twentieth Era?" Kodlak reclined on the Knight's arm, resting his lower back that had begun to hurt from sitting too much.

"The death of Hermaeus Mora."

In no less than three Daedric realms, minor Daedra assigned to listen in on mortal words for their masters all simultaneously spat out of their creatia coffee in surprise.

If Kodlak had been drinking, he would have done the same. As it was, he stared at the quilt-covered Khajiit and forced himself to awkwardly laugh. "That's… quite a joke. Daedra can't die."

"Of course they can if you know how." Mohamara's mind went back to the memory of the event. The cheering crowds as they watched the murder take place on a giant scrying orb. He remembered reserving a seat for Yagraz, only to later find out she couldn't attend as she had been grounded. "To kill a Daedra, you must cut them off from their ability to reform in the waters of Oblivion. And to do that, you need to drag them--kicking and screaming optional--to Aetherius."

Mohamara breathed deep of the cold mountain air as he remembered the fight. "Mora and another Daedric Prince--Jyggalag, Prince of Order--clashed over the Sphere of fate at first. Mora was confident, Jyggalag had no realm of Oblivion, no armies, no power base at all to seem to be a threat. He was so confident, that he arranged a great spectacle to show his seemingly surefire victory over Jyggalag."

"But it didn't happen that way, did it?"

"Jyggalag is one of the mightiest Daedric fighters in the Aurbis. Only Fa-Nuit-Hen is more skilled."

Kodlak crossed his arms and closed his eyes to imagine. "Let me guess… Mora assumed he could use his raw power and some piece of lore to defeat this Jyggalag, and had the tables turned on him."

Mohamara stuck his arm out of the quilt and gave a thumbs up. "Jyggalag tore open a portal between Oblivion and Aetherius, tackled them both through, and then ate Mora alive while close to a million people watched. Jyggalag claimed Hermaeus Mora's realm of Apocrypha, all the dead Prince's Spheres--not just fate--and showed everyone who was watching how to kill a Daedric Prince."

"I… can't imagine that is information that the other Princes want getting out."

"Well tough shit for them, with Martin Septim's barrier in place none of them can send much of anything beyond their shrines without a mortal to help them."

Little did Mohamara know that all around Skyrim Daedric worshippers were being communed with and given a simple goal: Find and kill a tojay Khajiit.

"... This might be a bit off topic, but how does the Fourth Era end?"

"Hmm? Oh, some big fuck off volcano in Atmora erupts, melting the ice and creating an utterly massive flood." Mohamara attempted to polish the beacon with his jacket but found that it only smudged the surface even more. "At least you Nords can resettle Atmora when it happens, hmm? Right?"

Kodlak looked away, out to the mountains of the Pale, and considered the Khajiit's words. "I'm not sure how to feel about that. Skyrim is my people's home now. We drove an entire race to extinction to make it so. There was honor, and much glory in those wars, but also terrible, honorless killing. Do we deserve to have the land of our ancestors back?"

"Wait, you did what now?" Mohamara stuck his head out of the quilt to squint at the Harbinger. "Cause if I know my ancient history right, we beastfolk were here before either elves or men, and you guys kinda killed the shit out of us for land too."

The Nord sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I… I realize that. But my people, the Nords, drove the Snow Elves to extinction to claim this country as ours." At that moment, he looked so utterly old that it struck Mohamara. "Ysgramor was a great hero and a legendary leader of the Companions. But… were I standing beside him back then, I am not certain I would join in the wholesale slaughter of women and children. It is far more death than honor would demand."

"... Are you saying you regret joining the Companions?"

Kodlak stifled a laugh and shook his head. "No. I could never regret what has been the best part of my life. But I do regret that there are fewer voices in Tamriel, fewer perspectives because Ysgramor was so blinded with hate."

"Well… if it's any consolation, the Falmer eventually get over their whole 'lurk in caves and ritualistically kill people' thing." The tojay shrugged and went back into his cocoon of quilt layers.

"Strangely enough, it is. Augh, now I find myself wishing to be young again. Perhaps I could live long enough to see these changes you speak of." Kodlak waved the notion off. "But no. It is not for me to know what becomes of the future. I see my death coming, and refuse to succumb to the honorless quest for immortal life."

"At least you will have an eternity in the Hunting Grounds to look forward to, Companion."

"Oh? Are you a Hircine worshipper? I mean, I kinda suspected given all the wolf iconography and how Aela was highkey thinking of skinning me, but…." Mohamara stuck his head out again and found Kodlak scowling off into the mountains. "You okay?"

"I do not worship Hircine," Kodlak ground out like his voice was a mill crushing wheat. "I have no grudge against the Huntsmaster, but his realm is not where my soul belongs."

"... Oh, you're a lycan then? Given this is Skyrim in the Fourth Era I'm going to say… Werebear?"

Kodlak looked at him, disbelieving and scoffed. "Don't be simple. I have the beast blood in me, but it is wolf's blood."

"Oh. Then, um. Why don't you just get yourself cured?"

"Were it so easy....." Kodlak developed a curious look. "Yagraz is immune to the beast blood, but I assumed it was due to her strong connection to Malacath. Are you saying there's a cure in your time for my ailment?"

The cat nodded. "We both got immunized to lycanthropy when we were kids. A healer weakened some of the disease so much that our bodies could kill it, and thus learn how to kill it when its at full strength. Since I'm blood type blue, I'm a universal donor. You can just get a transfusion from me, and my antibodies should fix you right up."

Kodlak's breathing grew unsteady as he processed what Mohamara had said. "Truly? This is not some cruel Khajiit joke to repay me for my improper comments about your race?"

"Our records do not show an immunization." The Knight paused and narrow beams of light came down from its eyes to look over Mohamara. "However I am picking up lycanthropy antibodies. This will require another manual edit to infection risks."

"Well duh, my insurance wasn't going to cover an immunization." Mohamara stuck his tongue out but rapidly pulled it back in after the cold started to freeze his saliva. "Eugh. So I went to Solstheim with Yagraz and had it done." This sparked a memory in Mohamara, and he quickly took advantage of the Knight being still to fully leave his cocoon and climb up. The cold was stronger than his heat-providing jacket, so he quickly scaled the Daedra, grabbed his backpack and returned to the warm cocoon. "Which reminds me, I need to call her."

"She, uh, attempted to contact you while you were away." Kodlak scratched one side of his face awkwardly, but with an edge of cheer. The prospect of a cure after so long had him perhaps a bit too happy.

"Oh, that's understandable. You just need to tell it to answer." Mohamara cleared his throat and addressed the slate once he retrieved it from the backpack. "Burmice, call Yagraz."

The slate lit up with the call interface and all that was left to do was wait.


"Everybody! Everybody wants to be a cat! Hallelujah!"

The sudden eruption of a choir of Khajiit voices singing out to blaring jazz music that would not be invented for thousands of years gave Yagraz the edge she needed to break the blade lock she was engaged in with a summoned Dremora and decapitate the Daedra. The Thalmor who had summoned it shrieked in fear and tried to run.

But so very few people could outrun Dragonfire, the poor High Elf never had a chance. Yagraz did a little dance to the music, singing along to 'Everybody wants to be a cat!' while Aela and Farkas looked on in bewilderment. Yagraz didn't spare the time to explain, instead pulling her micro-slate from her pocket and answering with her thumb. "Short-stuff! Good to hear from you."

"Hey, giant woman," Mohamara's voice came from the slate as she set it to resonation setting. "How's the rescue going?"

"Pretty decent, considering its a bunch of namby-pamby Elves who run away every time there's a decent fight." Yagraz kept on down through the halls of Northwatch and kicked the Thalmor officer that had been burned to char by her Thu'um.

"You'd think they'd learn it just makes their death hurt that much more."

Yagraz gestured to her shield-siblings who hesitantly followed behind her. "See?! I told you it wasn't unreasonable." She focused back on the hall ahead of her and kept talking as she walked. "I got Aela and Farkas with me, is Kodlak there?"

"I can hear you, shield-sister," Kodlak's distant voice spoke through the micro-slate. "Good hunting to you."

"And to you, old man. Glad to hear you didn't keel over on the road." An Elven soldier in golden armor saw Yagraz round the corner, and turned to run but found his life ended by a skyforge steel ax in his back. "How's the Daedra work going?"

"Well, I got the beacon back." Mohamara's tone was of the 'more to it but being an avoidant little ninny about it' sort. "Thanks for spilling the secret to folks I don't know by the way."

"Short-stuff, it ain't a secret. Pretty much all the Circle, 'cept me, are werewolves. You think werewolves are going to turn in Daedra worshippers?"

"And at what point did you tell me they were werewolves?"

Yagraz stopped in her ax retrieval to consider this. "Okay, I might have forgotten to mention that earlier." The Orc woman sighed and let Aela and Farkas take on the Elves that showed up to the sounds of a sentry's brutal murder while she leaned against a fireplace. "I keep forgetting that there's stuff I need to tell you--I'm just… I'm so used to us knowing everything about each other."

"Hey, you still haven't told me who you went to prom with all those years ago. My money's still on your grandpa."

"And as long as you keep saying that I ain't ever gonna tell you, fuzzbutt."

"Well, in the spirit of telling you things…. I might have come really close to being eaten alive by whales getting the beacon back."

Yagraz's surprise was so great that she didn't acknowledge the cathay Khajiit sneaking up on her with two blades of crystallized malachite. "Whales? What were you doing, swimming out in Eastmarch?" When there was no immediate answer Yagraz grew audibly annoyed. "I swear on Malacath's jutting jawline that if you have frostbite when I next see you I'll--"

"No no. I enchanted my swimsuit and jacket to make it safe to go diving. The beacon was in a shipwreck, I had to get it somehow."

"Well the sensible thing to do would have been hire a boat, ya dingus." Still, Yagraz did not acknowledge the cathay, which emboldened the assassin to approach her quicker.

"With what money? I don't exactly get a stipend as a Jarl's Fool, you know. And… it sorta gets betterworse?"

"What in the actual fuck do you mean betterworse? And what the fuck do you mean what money, did you seriously take the job for free? Oh, I'm going to slap the tits right off of you when I next see you next. Hold on." Without missing a beat, Yagraz whipped her shield arm out to strike the Khajiit assassin in the face, and then deliver a brutal execution to the back of their head once they were down. "Okay, I'm back."

"Well, I sorta… was made a Vessel for my Daedra."

Yagraz blinked once, twice, and then a third time before she responded. "What? You? Scrawny, thirty-pound, can't hold a blade from the right end you?"

"Why thank you, best buddy. Yes, it is an honor to be the Vessel for my Daedra. I'm so happy you think I was worthy of this tremendous honor."

Yagraz winced at the complex tone of fake outrage masking genuine hurt. 'Of course short-stuff wouldn't think he deserved it, why'd you go and say it like that?' "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. It's just… aren't all Meridia's Vessels priests or warriors? You're… you!"

"Presuming to know the mind of a Daedra is dangerous, lass," Kodlak informed her from wherever he was in relation to Mohamara.

"Augh, whatever. Look, where are you guys now? Maybe we can catch a boat and meet up with you when we're done rescuing dumbass Thorald."

"I think we're crossing into Hjaalmarch now, that's Solitude on the horizon."

Yagraz blinked and pinched her nose. The only way they could be clearing that much space was if Mohamara had found a way to jailbreak his Red Shoes.

"Yeah, my Daedra sent me a ride to help me get the beacon back. Don't speak, you'll damage my slate." Mohamara's neutral tone became waspish instruction to whomever he was speaking with.

Or that. That worked too. "Okay… look, I need to get back to killing Elves. How about we all meet up at Solitude, hmm?"

"Sure, that sounds like a plan. Seeya in, what, a few hours? Maybe a day?"

"Probably hours. With my Shoes, I can tow those fools back no problem."

"It's a date! Seeya, giant woman."

"Bye, short-stuff." With the conversation ended, Yagraz hung up and went rushing after Aela and Farkas before they killed all the Elves without her.


It hadn't taken much to convince the Knight that stopping by Solitude before Mount Kilkreath was a good idea, for the simple fact that the trek to the shoe of the Sea of Ghosts had consumed all of Kodlak and Mohamara's food.

The Knight couldn't endure under the melting stare of the tojay's 'cute eyes' while the cat's stomach grumbled for food. But because there was no way to disguise the Knight's allegiance, it was forced to remain outside the city walls while Kodlak and Mohamara went in. Of course, the Khajiit had to agree to a tracking spell from the Knight in order to accomplish this.

Said tracking spell took the form of a belled collar around his neck that had him glare at every man woman and child that dared to so much as giggle.

At least the two of them were warmly, and professionally, received at the Blue Palace. Elisif seemed ecstatic to get her reply from Balgruuf, and quickly left the court to read it alone which left Falk in charge of the remaining issues for the day.

"While you were gone, the Jarl reviewed the history of Khajiit in Skyrim," Falk told Mohamara once Elisif was out of the room. "She's… she was moved by how patriotic you are given the history of vicious cruelty that this country, this Hold, has visited upon your people."

Mohamara stored that information away, Elisif had Nord guilt toward Khajiit, which could be exploited to help out the caravans.

"In light of this, she has opened the city to the Khajiit caravans. You and yours may come and go as you wish, do business, even buy property if you so wish it."

"Oh," Mohamara clapped his hands and feigned delight. "I've recently come into some money. Can I buy some property myself?"

"Of course." Falk nodded emphatically and rested his hands on his hips to appear strong. "There's a house available not too far away, but it's pricey."

"I'm not really interested in a property in town if that's alright." The cat grinned as only cats could up at the Nord who began to grow uneasy. "I'm wondering if there's a… I think the word is 'steading' I can buy?"

"Well, Haafingar doesn't have the most available land--all the mountains you see. But, did you have a plot of land in mind?"

Kodlak arched a brow and briefly wondered what game Mohamara was playing at.

"Yes, indeed. I was wondering… could I buy the entire Volskygge Valley and Mount Kilkreath?" The tojay's smile was the picture of innocence, which only served to set the Nords off sooner. "You see, I rather fell in love with the place while killing the people summoning Potema."

Falk hastily 'shhed' the cat and looked around to see if any of the servants had heard. "Alright, alright fine!"

"Yay!" Once more Mohamara clapped his hands. "Now we haggle for the price, yeah? Well, Volskygge Valley is of course home to a sizable Draugr crypt, and also contains this place I've heard rumors about. Wolfskull Cave? A really big necromantic hotspot that I bet you don't even have people watching?"

Falk regretted so many things in his life that had led up to him being sassed by a Khajiit half his size. "Alright. I get it. Just… hand over whatever you think the land is worth, and I'll go work up the deed."

"Yay! A pleasure to do business with you!" Mohamara had no trouble parting with Cicero's reward gold to pay for his considerable purchase. He continued to cat-grin as Falk stormed off and came back with a sealed leather tube in one hand less than ten minutes later.

With the deed to his plot of land, Mohamara practically skipped down the stairs to leave the Blue Palace while Kodlak followed behind. No one but Yagraz and him would know that he had effectively bought land worth nothing that would eventually become the site of the wealthiest suburban district in all of Skyrim.

"What the shit's got you so happy, short-stuff?"

Mohamara came back to reality in time to see Yagraz, Farkas, and Aela meeting them at the gate separating the Avenues and Wells districts. The cat made a note to ask Yagraz how she had been able to force the Red Shoes enchantment to work on demand--perhaps he could make use of it.

"I'm now a landowner," he told the Orc woman and bapped her in her armored abs with the tube containing his deed. "I own the entire Volskygge Valley and Mount Kilkreath. "

"Holy shit, really? I think... That makes you the owner of one-third of Haafingar."

The younger Nord Companions looked to Kodlak for confirmation, and he nodded. Farkas whistled low while Aela crossed her arms.

"It's good country. Dangerous, but good," she told the Khajiit while her hand drifted perhaps too close to her dagger. "Don't go ruining it by trying to make it civilized, alright?"

"Um…" Whatever Mohamara was going to say to her in reply was cut off by a distant roar. Yagraz and the cat both stiffened instinctually while the Nords and people around the city seemed confused.

"What was that?"

"To arms!" Yagraz wasted no time, drawing her skyforge steel ax and running about. "The city's about to be under attack! On the honor of the Companions, I swear that I'm not lying! To arms!" To every guard whom she could see, Yagraz ran. She shouted as loud as her voice could carry. If there had been any doubt, a second, louder roar sounding through the air dispelled it.

Mothers went running through the streets, calling for children. Guards ran about trying to herd the civilians into the stone buildings. The alarm horns were sounded. Aela drew her Draugr bow, while the male Companions raised their weapons. Mohamara's tracking bell began to frantically ring of its own accord.

A shadow passed over them, and a primordial dread filled every mortal that looked up at the source.

A winged beast, all of black, with wicked curved spines along its back. Two legs, a tail, wings, and a snake-like head. It landed on the Solitude gate with such force that the stone cracked, that the gate itself was forced into the ground and would no longer open.

"What in Oblivion is that?!" The distant voice of General Tullius all but shouted from the ramparts of Castle Dour.


"...Bah Qo!"
The dragon's Thu'um Shouted a storm into existence. The sky was filled with swirling clouds, like a hurricane. From nowhere hurricane force winds picked up, and torrential rain fell down upon them.

To the people of the Fourth Era, it was a cataclysm unfolding before their eyes. But for Mohamara and Yagraz it was far worse. For they knew there was only one black dragon in all the world.

The World Eater.
Yes, I am saying that in the canon of this fic there is exactly one black dragon. All those other black dragons are really just dark purple. Or something.
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