Skooma Cat (TES V: Skyrim)

Damn. I got an update for Skooma Cat on FFnet, and there's no update here.

Went to go check that one out, and damn, Okay, old one. is sorta obtuse with how they let you handle content. While I had the document uploaded to, I'd never posted it. Work has been kicking my ass, not leaving a whole lot of room to write. And to be honest, I did almost two-hundred thousand words in a month and a half--I'd rather take a break from writing than risk burnout again.
Obtuse how? And aye. I wasn't expecting you to keep giving me more content to procrastinate with. I'd really just forgotten that you hadn't posted on FFnet, and was sad that the email notification didn't come with another few thousand words to read.

If you wanted a break, beyond doing your actual work, there's always the Ghaster fic. *Expectant Emoticon*
Obtuse how? And aye. I wasn't expecting you to keep giving me more content to procrastinate with. I'd really just forgotten that you hadn't posted on FFnet, and was sad that the email notification didn't come with another few thousand words to read.

If you wanted a break, beyond doing your actual work, there's always the Ghaster fic. *Expectant Emoticon*

First world problems. Have to navigate to multiple pages to post anything rather than being able to post directly from the text box. Also that the text editor doesn't play nice with my formatting structure sometimes.

The line breaks are really nice, though.
checking in here from the LGBTQ rec thread! this is definitely as gay as advertised, with an interesting plot and some solid lore additions. good shit, OP.
Same here! The person who first rec'd this to me may it sound a lot more like a crackfic than an actually solid comedy that balances the emotional responses it seeks properly, let alone one that does that with a really interesting plot. So, so glad to have finally given it the read it deserves. Even if I'm not so versed in the ES lore I've needed to look up very few things, and usually the things I have looked up have then been explained pretty promptly.

The line breaks are really nice, though.
Better than the Horizontal Line button? That's... actually impressive. Good job, FFN! You did a (1) thing.
Chapter 44
Jo'leen, Jo'leen, Jo'leen, Jo'leen! I'm begging of you: Please don't take my ham.
Chapter 44: Hugs approved.

"I figured you'd be good with kids, considering what I saw of you in Helgen," Marcurio commented while feeding Jone a moon sugar and milk bottle. The little guy's ears twitched as he drank, which Marcurio had to admit was adorable beyond reason. He sat on the lid of Mohamara's sleeping chest while a pair of rocking chairs were constructed to Werac's specifications. Apparently, the rocking motion was vital for keeping a parent from setting fire to the drapes in boredom while their children slept on them.

Mohamara had the option to float in a manner reminiscent of a rocking chair while feeding Jode. "When did this happen? I don't remember you ever being there when I was talking with those kids." The tojay hastily brushed off some excess milk from the kitten's chin and touched his nose to hers before resuming her feeding.

"The same day that waify dark elf snatched ya, short-stuff." Yagraz took some of the nails out from between her teeth to hammer into sections of wood for the rocking chair. She brandished the hammer at the Imperial. "Which I still got a bone to pick with her about, so you know."

The tojay turned slightly pinker in his face and ears. "Oh."

Marcurio didn't imagine it was a good time in his life, given the indignity of the muzzle and kidnapping itself. There had been so much chaos, he had almost forgotten his grudge with Karliah over the event. But when next he had the time, he decided to pay a visit to the Guild and let her know that she had made mistakes.

"Don't like, beat her up or anything would you?" The tojay hastily spoke up. "I can see you guys thinking about revenge--but she didn't mean to hurt anyone except Mercer." He shrugged and looked down at Jode who had been attempting to gum his fingers rather than her bottle. "I mean--she didn't really care who she hurt at first, but after that thing with Vasha and the horse, she started to."

All the non-Mohamara adults who were assembled in the throne room suddenly had eyes only for the colorful tojay. "What Vasha thing?" They asked as one. Even Jode chose to 'mew' at the same time.

"She needed to get a horse, and as Sheogorath has told me, Vasha could have done way worse…." Mohamara's ears and face went far too red at the realization he'd made it so much worse by talking. "I'm only telling one of you, so sort out amongst yourselves who it is."

Marcurio quickly passed Jone and his bottle off to Adannna and approached the tojay while Yagraz did so as well. The two of them squared up on either side of Mohamara and met each other's eyes. "Fiance," the Imperial said as if it won him the right automatically.

"Best friend," Yagraz said in the same tone. And so it went between them, each declaring their right to know with progressively more aggressive and overtly threatening gestures. Until Yagraz found a compromise that Marcurio could accept. She laid one hand out flat and placed into it her other hand as a fist.

Marcurio mirrored the gesture and the game was started. Best two of three was the unspoken agreement. Once, and once again they raised their fists and dropped them into their open palms. On the third, their choice was made. He'd figured her to go for the scissors first--the stereotype would be that an Orc would go for rock, but Yagraz was not stereotypical. Marcurio won the first round.

The second round was a tie, double-rocks. And then Yagraz won the third round by going scissors into Marcurio's paper. It all came down to one final round, barring another draw. Yagraz used her superior height to loom over the Imperial. And Marcurio, in turn, used his unhinged grin to put her ill at ease.

Jode continued to try gumming her father's fingers while this took place--her fangs were still too short to do meaningful damage.

Once, their hands went up and came down again. Yagraz rumbled the air with the strength of her Voice. Marcurio had clouds of ice billow from his nose as he exhaled. Again, their hands went up and came down. Adannna successfully burped Jone.

The final decisions were made, and the contest ended. Yagraz, with her hand flat, could only scowl at Marcurio with his pointer and middle fingers extended. She roared in frustration and went back to working on the rocking chairs. Meanwhile, Marcurio--a graceful winner--quickly bent down to hear the secret 'Vasha thing' Mohamara had to tell.

As the tojay whispered in his ear, Marcurio's facial journey proved almost as good as hearing what Mohamara had to say. Confusion became distaste, then revulsion, then disbelief, then why, then stunned, and finally suppressed homicidal rage.

"I honestly wish I hadn't won," the Imperial said at length once the secret was shared. "I can't murder her over this--Nocturnal contract and all." He stopped to consider, then looked at Mohamara. "But you have life powers now…."

"I'm not making my aunt Nocturnal mad that I messed with one of her debtors for vengeance."



The next few days saw Marcurio busy--by design. He needed to distract himself from the reality of suddenly being a parental figure--something he'd hoped marriage to another man would avoid--all at once. He got the Goldtooth Silk Farm North up and running, with the silk to be sent off to Radiant Raiment for tailoring until a full-time tailor could be hired.

Fortunately, Werac and Adannna both insisted that the children receive milk from a proper Khajiit woman as goat and cow's milk wouldn't give them the right level of nutrition. No one wanted to ask if the future gods of the moons would even need nutrition. Marcurio and Kipgolsik were appropriated for this purpose--acquiring a wet nurse from Ahkari's caravan. Imagine his surprise when he found the cats not camped outside the city, but in Mistveil keep.

The Khajiit were being treated like honored guests, something that clearly irked every non-Khajiit involved--except Laila. Marcurio heard from the guards that Laila had taken to fawning over the Khajiit children and worked tirelessly to act as a nanny. It provided the actual childminders for the caravan some reprieve, at least.

"Is bringing the ja'khajiit to the caravan not an option?" Ahkari asked when Marcurio brought up the need to her. "In Riften castle, Khajiit are safe and warm. Oh, perhaps is the mother too weak for travel? Hmm."

Marcurio waved his hand. "The kittens weren't… they were born magically--to that tojay me, and possibly Ri'saad told you about."

Akhari's ears perked up. "Skooma Cat's ja'khajiit?" When Marcurio affirmed her guess, the caravan leader quickly finished her wine then stood and led the way to the caravan's section of the castle. She barked orders in ta'agra and more than once stopped the older children from some mischief--stealing the clothes from bathing people, eating cake batter before it could be baked, among other childish things.

Near the courtyard wall was a positively massive cathay-raht woman, decked out in layers of brightly colored shawls and gaudy jewelry, She had a dagi infant on her lap, who was getting her hair brushed.

Marcurio stood awkwardly while the two Khajiit women talked. Ahkari would occasionally gesture to Marcurio in a way he knew meant 'he's going to screw it up'. Normally, he would have made it a vendetta to spitefully prove her wrong--but the context of child care had him reluctantly agree with her. Caring for baby sisters had been a passing fancy for him--to be shoved off onto servants when it got difficult.

The cathay-raht woman took out her smoking pipe and blew a small cloud up and away from her conversation partner and infant. "Khajiit will not be cheap," she said at last in common. "But to win favor of Skooma Cat's ja'khajiit for this one and Khajiit's own ja'khajiit, this one will offer discount."

"Skooma Cat's favor is not usually sought after," Marcurio commented in a way to ask questions without actually questioning her. Khajiit liked little displays of cleverness like that.

It seemed to work, as the cathay-raht grinned around her pipe and adjusted her dagi daughter to face Marcurio. "Skooma Cat is cleverest. Thief who never gets caught--not even Rajin can claim that. Khajiit wants great cleverness for ja'khajiit, so she can live long and happy." The woman stood, and for a horrifying moment Marcurio thought she would prove to be taller than Big Cat Kessei, but no. "This one is Jo'leen, will pack and be ready to leave in one hour's time."

The Imperial nodded and offered his hand to shake. He realized as the movement was reciprocated that her hand was easily bigger than his head. Once freed, he left the caravan's section of Mistveil keep. Not before encouraging some teenage Khajiit thieves he encountered on the way, of course. Outwardly calm, he left the castle altogether and made his way to the less respectable parts of town. As he passed, the grip of winter deepened; water froze, the cold became more severe, and snow began to fall despite only a thin layer of clouds overhead.

It followed him into the ratway and proceeded ahead of him. The thin layer of ice that developed on the ground let him slide for periods, like skating. When he threw open the door of the Flagon, a sudden icy wind preceded him--and froze the cistern, the water on the walls, and even the drinks in patron's flagons.

"Karliah," Marcurio called out singsong as he slowly walked forward. There was no sound but the 'clack' of his boots on the icy stone. "Sweetie? I need to have a word with you…."

"Run lass," Brynjolf muttered to someone near him at the bar.

Karliah it was revealed to be as she darted down the passage to the Warrens and the Guild.

"Why are you running? Why are you running? Have you done something wrong, Karliah? Did you fuck up royal?" Marcurio's persona of being saccharine gradually melted away. Brynjolf rose to try and stall, but found himself held fast by a paralysis spell. "Karliah?"

She'd ducked into the Warrens, a minor labyrinth where the madmen and freaks lived. Perhaps she was looking to escape him by having the poor souls throw themselves at him. But with ice on the ground, Marcurio could gain ground faster than she could put it between them.

"You're just going to die tired, Karliah. Karliah!" A metal door suddenly opened in Marcurio's path, cutting his advance on her short enough, quickly enough, to leave his face impressed on the metal.

The door owner looked around for the source of the shouting but could find nothing to his satisfaction and closed the door.

Marcurio promised that after Karliah had paid for what she'd done, the random Warrens resident would die too.

Karliah was fast, and clever in escape--she'd been on the run for decades after all. But her tricks couldn't fool Marcurio who could set entire hallways alight with fire if she went invisible, or bid the rocks reshape if she tried climbing away. That his Nightingale power of ridiculous luck helped him catch her each and every time she tried to get away gradually eroded her will to run.

"Killing me won't get you what you want," Karliah defended herself while Marcurio advanced. She had finally been cornered in the deepest part of the Warrens, Marcurio stood in the only avenue out.

"On the contrary." Marcurio's faux-cheer returned as he reached into his robes. Perhaps for a knife. "I only said that because I needed the others to think I was ready to murder you for what you did to my fiance."

It wasn't a knife, as it turned out, but a scroll. A scroll which he callously tossed to her. The Dunmer's confusion pleased the Imperial, but he kept his face in a stony scowl lest she doubt his seriousness.

"A… bill?" Karliah, after opening the scroll, found its contents perplexing. But she was a thief, and quickly looked over the sums and terms of the document. "Two bills?"

"One for the Dark Brotherhood contract I had to put out on Vasha for his part in your kidnapping. And another for the property of my fiance's that you let him keep as a trinket." He let her parse the document some more in silence before speaking again. "He understood how it was necessary to deal with Mercer in the big picture. And he advocated for leniency. So here it is." Marcurio pretended to examine his nails. "A sum that you can pay in one lump or in installments--I don't care which. Just see that it happens."

"I expected… well, I expected violence to be how you'd deal with this." Karliah actually jumped from the venomous look that Marcurio gave her for her comment. It looked so strikingly like how Maven would look when dealing with stupid questions.

"The two of us aren't ever going to be friends--or at least, it will take time to mend all the bridges you burned to bring down Mercer." Marcurio turned away and started off back toward the flagon. "Besides which, seeing you afraid of what I was going to do--so scared that you just bolted rather than try to reason with me was surprisingly cathartic."


Naturally, Sheogorath came to see the baby Khajiit soon after Marcurio returned to Volskygge. He had accidentally thrown an ice spear at the Mad God when he'd snapped into existence mid-conversation with Mohamara and Jo'lene. The thief-mage had been in the middle of talking about the possibility of bringing Jone and Jode to live with Ahkari's caravan--which the tojay had a surprisingly open mind about.

He'd expected Mohamara to refuse the Mad God an audience with his grandchildren, but the Khajiit just glared at Sheogorath.

"You try to eat them, you make jokes about eating them, or try to convince me to eat them, and I will murder you," the tojay told the Daedra. "Not even kidding--you know I know how to do it."

The Mad God seemed… nostalgic as Mohamara glared at him. "You're so much like your mother was when your first sister was born. And then she threatened to turn all the cheese in the Aurbis into ice cream if I did it anyway." He dabbed his face with Mohamara's tail to dry tears that came out as small pebbles. "Oh, I'm getting misty-eyed from thinking about it." Then the Mad God paused. "Wait, I'm always misty-eyed, my eyes are white!"

His rambling was put to an end as Jone and Jode were gently placed into his arms. The Mad God took a moment to process this before he became a cooing, gushing mess of a Daedra. Mohamara tilted one ear toward the Daedra with the happy kittens but otherwise returned his focus to Marcurio and Jo'leen.

"Being raised among the Khajiit would be great--they'd have a better connection to the culture than I do, which they'll need when they're grown up. Plus, growing up among Nords isn't…," the cat shrugged and looked lost in memories. "It isn't fun. I'd like to spare them that if I can."

"Khajiit speaks as if there is no hope for him also knowing Khajiit," Jo'leen commented and poked the substantially shorter cat with her pipe. "Hmm? Think it too late to learn the ways of your people?"

"Yes." Mohamara's answer was blunt, without hesitation. "I speak and think like a Nord. Skyrim is my home--I've never even been to Elsweyr or had moon sugar before. I don't know how to do what tojay are expected." He shrugged. "I can learn, but it won't have the same importance to me."

Jo'leen flicked her hand, dismissive. "Is because you have not started the path yet. You live among the Khajiit for a year's time, we fix."

Marcurio 'hmmed', and put in his contribution to the campaign. "I have a castle in the Rift. Right next to a mansion. Could probably start a settlement that the caravan could trade with if we got enough people."

Mohamara stopped paying attention for a moment to whirl around and point dramatically at Sheogorath. In the time between the babies getting his attention and Mohamara's reaction, the Mad God had taken on his Khajiit aspect and started licking Jone. That was put a stop to by Sheggorath's head swelling up and exploding into cheese-themed confetti.

The Mad Cat put Jode on his shoulder, reached into his coat and pulled a replacement head out that he then screwed onto his neck. "Khajiit was bathing ja'khajiit…," the Mad Cat defended himself.

"I heard your growing that second set of jaws for pulling prey down your throat," Mohamara growled. "Next time, you lose your grandbaby privileges."

"...Which one is parent to which, again?" Jo'leen's comment fell on deaf ears as soon after Jone began to wail.


That night, the two fiances were alone while Werac and Jo'lene had a loud conversation in a nearby room. It was Jode and Jone's feeding time, though their small size meant they didn't cut into Jo'lene's daughter's feeding too much. Little Baishi, the dagi infant, seemed annoyed that the two kittens were too young to play with her.

"Could you help me with my hair?" Marcurio asked the tojay. And then immediately had to clarify when Mohamara held up a knife. "No, I meant brushing."

Mohamara knew that the Imperial didn't need his help with brushing his own hair, but still, he'd been asked. "I don't know much about brushing long hair like yours," Mohamara said while he hopped down onto the stone bench along the wall of the throne room. "Any pointers?"

"I don't have any tangles, so you don't have to worry about that." Marcurio undid his braid and handed the cat one of the camphor brushes that he'd given the cat weeks prior. "Just separate into four sections and do a little bit at a time."

There was silence between them while the tojay hesitantly started on brushing Marcurio's hair. Meanwhile, the tawdry tales Werac and Jo'leen were telling each other echoed down the stone hall. Mohamara couldn't help but notice the sympathetic bonds in Marcurio that spoke of a whirling storm beneath calm waters.

"Knowing what happened, would you be angrier with me if Yagraz had won instead?" Kindness demanded he take the burden from Marcurio and start the talk himself.

"I am not angry with you," Marcurio responded. "Not about that."

"You're angry that I asked you to show leniency. Because you don't think she deserves it." One section of Marcurio's hair was brushed, so Mohamara moved onto the next. It amazed him that the Imperial was still keeping to the boundaries they had set up despite his feelings at present. "You're right, she doesn't. But kindness isn't about giving people what they deserve."

"So you know, if someone wrongs me that badly, no matter how many times you ask I show them kindness, the answer will be no." He shifted slightly so that Mohamara didn't have to stand to reach his head. "I'm too vengeful."

"Thank you for going along with it, even if it went against your nature to do so." They didn't talk further until Mohamara was finished. "Would you like to do me?"

He realized how it sounded immediately after he'd said it, and began to hastily attempt to retract the offer. Marcurio slowly turned and looked at him with an arched eyebrow. Gently, while Mohamara continued to stammer, he took the brush from the cat's hands and bade him turn around.

"If you hadn't slipped, and mentioned it at all, would you have ever told me?" Marcurio kept his tone neutral, and no sympathetic bonds to outrage or betrayal could be found from Mohamara's perspective.

It was… odd, being brushed by someone else. Quickly, it became obvious that Mohamara's fur was too short for the brush they had used previously, so it had to be switched out. "No," Mohamara admitted. "I would have been too afraid that you'd…." Leave, be disgusted, laugh; all these ideas swirled around in his head. But thankfully, Marcurio couldn't read minds.

"...When we had our first heart to heart, I told you I wasn't afraid of a partner who had issues. That's still true today, and it will continue to be true." The brushing stopped, and Mohamara heard it set aside. "I submit a hug request."

"Hug request approved." In short order, the tojay was enveloped in a hug from behind by the Imperial and held tight. Thankfully, even sitting down Mohamara was too short to have Marcurio rest his chin on the cat's head--he didn't want to catch the Imperial's poor facial hair fashions. "This is nice."

"It is. Think we can catch a nap before the kids are done with their meal?"

"Well, Werac just started the story of that time she forgot she was pregnant, and she doesn't like pausing stories, so we've got about forty-five minutes I think."

"The first one to sleep gets to use the other as a pillow."

"A nap race with a cat? Bold strategy."

In case your wondering, no. What Vasha did isn't going to be detailed further. This is a family friendly fic about gay cats and divine family drama.
Brilliant as always!
...I went through the quest with Karliah for the first time blind a few days ago...didnt expect that...
excellent update. had to backtrack a little because my memory is like so much cheese, but it was a good re-read.
So he hasn't told the caravan the names of his kids yet? Because that's a collective spit take waiting to happen.
So he hasn't told the caravan the names of his kids yet? Because that's a collective spit take waiting to happen.

It's not an uncommon name among Khajiit--the moons are important after all. But there are no Moon Bishops outside Elsweyr to tell them that these two are important, and neither is the Mane able to comment on how the moons have radically changed. That's a problem with pre-industrial society is that the flow of information is incredibly slow. Remember, it took six months for word of imitation moon sugar to get to Elsweyr and for the stuff to be made available for sale.

But no, the names were told to them offscreen.
Summary of Important Things 4: Remember TehCuddley
  • Karliah kidnapped Mohamara, and earned the enmity of both Yagraz and Marcurio.
  • She worked out a deal with Vasha that will not be detailed due to the subject matter.
  • Marcurio is lord of Faldar's Tooth, and has turned it into his primary spider-silk production facility.
  • Through the events of the Thieves Guild questline, Marcurio is the legal owner of Goldenglow Estate.
  • Mercer Frey was defeated, and taken alive to Nocturnal.
  • Mohamara's first batch of worshippers are comprised of disenfranchised mages who previously occupied Fellglow Keep.
  • They are called Pink Coats by outsiders due to their pastel pink robes.
  • They call themselves the Friends of Llorona, a psudeonym to keep Mohamara's enemies from making them a target.
  • Marcurio's skill with combat magic makes him a force not to be fucked with.
  • He has successfully beaten a dragon so badly he roped it into his service.
  • Ice Dragons are the introverts of the dragon species, and live primarily in Atmora.
  • Marcurio has completed the Rise in the East quest, and has Orthus Endario as a Thieves Guild contact.
  • Gulum-Ei has been reminded that the TG is not necessarily made of loveable rogues.
  • Meridian children start the matchmaking process by nine years old, and usually have a match by twelve.
  • Yagraz has a memeticly huge family.
  • Mohamara's severed hand has become a spider-crab-moth servant, named Yehochanan.
  • Skjor has died in battle against the Silver Hand, with Uthgerd the Unbroken joining the Companions officially shortly after.
  • Mirmulnir is dead, slain by Yagraz.
  • Yagraz is now Ysmir, Dragon of the North.
  • Yamarz, who once was a good Orc but brought shame on his clan by refusing his good death and breaking the Code, is dead.
  • Yagraz is the current weilder of Volendrung.
  • 'Mohamara' means 'I love you' informally in Daedric.
  • The discovery of such allows the Sphere of Kindness to start repairs on Mohamara's emotional state.
  • Mohamara's mind is described as an engine room.
  • Mohamara's followers have been trained to a limited degree in his style of enchanting.
  • Daedra tears are valuable alchemical items.
  • Marcurio has become a Nightingale, and negotiated his own terms.
  • Meridia is repeatedly described as the Daedra of Day.
  • Azura is revealed to be the mother of Meridia, Mara, and Nocturnal.
  • The father was the primordial desire to spite Jyggalag.
  • Mohamara definitely has a fear of whales.
  • He has taught Marcurio the secret ways of walking on air.
  • Nocturnal gave Marcurio a gift of perspective to give to Mohamara by inserting it into his right eye.
  • Marcurio has not yet done this.
  • Nocturnal describes Mohamara having made a place for her in his heart, where his sisters have not.
  • Mohamara has a lot of sisters, he's the baby of his family.
  • Marcurio has a lot of sisters, he's the oldest child of his family.
  • Marcurio has seen a Face Sculptor to ensure his physical gender matched his mental gender; he is a transman.
  • The Face Sculptor has agreed to restore Mohamara's claws.
  • Laila Law-Giver loves Khajiit, especially Khajiit kittens.
  • She becomes genuinely terrifying when people make threats to cats near her now.
  • Marcurio is a Thane of the Rift.
  • Marcurio has placed a Dark Brotherhood contract on Vasha, and Ulfric Stormcloak.
  • Half the Stormcloak army, led by Galmar Stone-Fist attacked Helgen to invade Falkreath.
  • Galmar Stone-Fist became a monument to folly by cutting off Mohamara's tail.
  • The tail amputating resulted in the Mysticism equivalent of a nuclear detonation.
  • Galmar Stone-Fist was propelled north, turned into a statue, and served as an omen to Ulfric Stormcloak.
  • Mohamara's amputated tail became a snake servant that acts as his bodyguard, named Qorach.
  • Orthorn is complete, absolute, bullshit.
  • Orthorn is complete, absolute, bullshit.
  • The Lilmothiit species did not go extinct, instead they found sanctuary in certain Oblivion realms.
  • Chillrend's paralytic powers come from having stahlrim mixed into its malachite composition.
  • Orthorn discovered the means to both produce and carve stahlrim.
  • Orthorn is complete, absolute, bullshit.
  • Mohamara has learned how to fight and wield weapons with Mysticism.
  • Khajiit consider pierced ears a mark of adulthood, and Khajiit courtship involves a gread deal of physical contact.
  • Rorikstead has been made aware of Meridia's return to Skyrim, and celebrated it.
  • General Tullius briefly entertained notions of keeping Mohamara as a conscript indefinitely.
  • He was informed, by multiple people, that this was a poor decision.
  • Jarl Siddgeir is revealed to have been the alternate option for Mohamara's match.
  • Mohamara frankly prefers Marcurio.
  • Mohamara has established a basic framework for his worship.
  • Adannna's name actually does have three 'n's.
  • Sabre cats are revealed to be a cursed type of Khajiit; the Rhojiit.
  • Mohamara has resolved to end their curse.
  • General Tullius plans to gather several groups of in-training mages, have them trained at the College of Winterhold, and have them take Winterhold Hold as test run.
  • He vehemently dislikes the Shadow Legion.
  • Marcurio and Mohamara have had multiple heart-to-heart talks to better get to know one another.
  • Meridia has been told, by Mara, in no uncertain terms, that she is an awful parent.
  • Mohamara is implied to have patch-jobs from Vivec and Malacath keeping him alive and functional.
  • It is implied that if Mohamara had Love as a sphere he would immediately seek to kill himself.
  • Marcurio is a romantic like mohamara, just not in the same ways.
  • Titus Mede II has RSVP'd for their wedding.
  • Mohamara has admitted to have repeatedly fallen for the 'get naked in the closet' trick while he was growing up.
  • Mohamara and Meridia have shared spheres with each other, as she could not admit failure without Kindness.
  • Qorach and Yehochanan have shed their biological bodies to become automatons.
  • Due to Mohamara gaining the power of Life, Volskygge Valley is locked in an eternal spring.
  • He has used his powers to bring Jone and Jode to life as infant dieties, and become God of Rebirth in the process.
  • Baby Jone and Jode are too cute for this world.
  • Marcurio has slammed Karliah with a huge bill instead of killing her, at Mohamara's request.
  • Infant Khajiit need moon sugar in their diet or they won't develop properly.
  • The Reach is experiencing a massive plague at the moment.
  • Yagraz needs to get into the Thalmor Embassy to look for proof of their involvement with the return of the dragons.
  • Mohamara has been invited to a Thalmor party.
  • Shenanigans will inevitably ensue.
  • Mohamara thinks it's impossible for him to really get Khajiit culture.
I swear on the smallest, sweetest newborn kitten that these lists will be the death of me.
Ice Dragons are the introverts of the dragon species, and live primarily in Atmora.
Would have though the fishy dragons would have also been introverted?
  • Mohamara definitely has a fear of whales.
and soon it will be the other way around i assume?
  • Marcurio has seen a Face Sculptor to ensure his physical gender matched his mental gender; he is a transman.
wonder how often Face sculptors get these kinds of requests, and if they secretly give discounts?
  • The Face Sculptor has agreed to restore Mohamara's claws.
Just restore, or improve? like, they show Mohamara some options and he picks what he wants?
  • Mohamara has established a basic framework for his worship.
Rule 1. Don't be evil
Rule 2. Undead, the majority of the time at least, are not nice. get rid of them.
on the off chance that an undead is not evil, keep an eye on them just incase.

  • Marcurio has slammed Karliah with a huge bill instead of killing her, at Mohamara's request.[/QUOTE
I assume she is fully aware how lucky she is, and is planning on trying to pay back the bill?
  • Mohamara has been invited to a Thalmor party.
  • Shenanigans will inevitably ensue.
he's going to pull a Highbreed on them, isnt he?

"oh, high elves are the best and all other races should disapear? thats an odd thing to say considering that none of you are high elves (anymore)"
I'm honestly just glad the story's back. I kinda felt bad because it went on hiatus right after I put it up on the Pink Flamingo thread
That was because I suddenly had a full-time job that gobbled up all my free time. Now I'm being bumped down to half-time hours!
Chapter 45
For today's chapter, the role of M'aiq the Liar will be voiced by Ellen Degeneres.


Chapter 45: Sleeping tree sap is good?!

There was a problem in Volskygge, and it was entirely Mohamara's fault. It caused everyone distress, unease, and generally put a halt to everything that needed doing that morning as people tried to deal with Mohamara's quirks. Werac, The Caller, and Jo'leen were gathered around Mohamara's sleeping chest, looking inside.

On a layer of pillows and folded bear furs slept the pink-striped cat, and on his chest were the kittens. It was near time for their morning feeding, but any attempts to extract the kittens from Mohamara's embrace was met with a rumbling growl that shook the mountain. Even Yehochanan and Qorach could not safely approach the babies. However, Orthorn had a clever idea.

He stuck his hand in and purposefully touched a single hair on Jone's head. Immediately, like an angered crocodile, Mohamara opened his mouth and chomped down on the high elf's forearm.

"This… is the worst pain," Orthorn said as he struggled not to weep. The Master's saber teeth had gone directly between the two bones in his forearm. "Why aren't you getting them out yet?!"

Once the kittens were extracted from the sleeping chest, the issue became how they were going to get Orthorn free of Mohamara's vice grip. The Master had become a heavy sleeper since the kittens' arrival, understandable since he usually had to deal with their crying on his own.

Sleeping in a soundproofed chest cut both ways.

A bar was inserted between his teeth to try and pry the tojay's jaw open. Pepper was poured into his nose to try and get him to sneeze. Orthorn suffered the pain of the failures, so no one really cared how many attempts they had to make. The only time he point blank refused an attempt was when Galamir brought out a saw.

Out of options, they resigned themselves to wait for the Master to wake. At least, until Yehochanan had an idea. He scurried off into the mountain and came back with a massive bottle of purple, glittering liquid. Once he popped the cork and waved it under the Master's nose, the tojay's jaw went slack.

When he woke up much later, Mohamara didn't understand how the kittens' morning feeding could have necessitated Orthorn's arm be in a sling with multiple regeneration items for the rest of the day.


Strange purple trees had taken to growing throughout the valley since Mohamara had come back from the Coloured Rooms. The magical faux-spring that the valley benefited from proved good for their growth--as did the many small ponds formed from snowmelt and aquifers below. Water that grew near them became misty and tinged purple like the bark and leaves of the trees. But by far the most peculiar thing was their sap--viscous, scented like oranges and grapes, and glittered in the light.

The alchemists among the Pink Coats were fascinated by the stuff, and through Jo'leen they learned the name for the trees: Sleeping Trees, named for the drowsy effect that their sap would have once consumed.

Mohamara couldn't get enough of the stuff.

He mixed it into his milk at every meal, he'd spread it on slices of bread for a snack, and sometimes he'd mix in just a bit with his bath water to get the glittering effect on his fur. He grew to increasingly rely upon it to get through the weeks as the kittens continued to develop and greater numbers of people came to the valley.

As it turned out, a place as warm as spring even in the bleak of Skyrim's winters was an intensely motivating factor for people to move. Most of the migrants were Reachmen and women, sometimes former Forsworn who came up north to escape a growing plague in the Reach.

But then others would come, for their own curiosity. Pilgrims of Kynareth were convinced it was the work of their goddess--mercy shown in the face of the terrible war and dragon attacks. Mohamara didn't know Kynareth all that well other than she too was likely his aunt. Researchers from the great cities of Skyrim came to find the cause. And some Orcs from a nearby stronghold in the Reach came to trade food for goods.

They always seemed surprised that they were welcome--not tolerated, welcomed.

Then came the Liar.

The kittens, with their eyes and ears open at last, were playing with Baishi as much as they were able under Mohamara's supervision when he smelt something odd. Grapes, oranges, and cherries, it was. When he turned to the source, there was a cathay Khajiit in orange robes on the bridge across Volskygge's stream, walking as if he belonged there.

"Welcome," the shorter, pinker cat said as the cathay sat down with him to watch the kittens. Mohamara drank the last of his sap and milk drink then went back to watching Jode and Baishi attempt to wrestle each other. "I'm Mohamara, I run this place. And you?"

"M'aiq is M'aiq," said M'aiq. "And he has come to you for education."

"Ah, alright. Are you interested more in enchanting, Mysticism, or religious studies? Really, The Caller organizes the class schedules and…" He trailed off when he saw the blank look M'aiq gave him. There was something… off about the cathay.

"Not M'aiq's education, M'aiq knows everything." The orange-robed Khajiit booped the shorter one on the nose. "Khajiit is here to teach Khajiit to be Khajiit, Khajiit understands?"

Mohamara rubbed his nose where the cathay had booped him--the cherry smell was clearly from some sort of fur powder that he'd inhaled--and it itched. "And what exactly is involved in teaching me to be Khajiit?" Just a tiny bit of an edge crept into his voice as he spoke to M'aiq. "Is just being me not good enough?"

M'aiq recoiled as if slapped, and actually rubbed the side of his face. Perhaps Mohamara actually had slapped him with Mysticism? "M'aiq apologizes, did not mean to sound cruel. But you aren't really yourself, Khajiit."

The more he looked at M'aiq, the more Mohamara's unease grew. The cathay's sympathetic bonds were… not. As he focused more on each bond and tried to figure it out, it seemed to slip away from his awareness. It was like he was a beginner, still trying to tell what a sympathetic bond felt like.

Baishi accidentally knocked Jode onto Jone, and the bipedal kitten naturally clamped down on the alfiq's tail. Mohamara moved in to resolve the problem, but M'aiq held a hand on his shoulder.

"Let little one show some cleverness. See how she gets out."

Sure enough, Jode waddled around and licked her brother's nose. The bigger kitten giggled and released her tail without a fuss.

The tojay watched the event, then squinted at M'aiq. "Why should I listen to anything you say?"

The cathay shrugged. "M'aiq knows everything, tells some. Would like to tell some to Khajiit, but won't make him listen." The cathay's tail twitched, and his whiskers drooped slightly. "But the little ones… they will grow up knowing themselves as Khajiit. They are the moons--how could they not? Does Khajiit want them to look at him and see a human with a cat's handsome face?"

"Qorach." What had appeared to be a metal bandolier across Mohamara's chest suddenly moved on its own. "If this guy isn't on the up and up--eat him." The tojay leaned forward to rest his elbows on his crossed legs, prime position to grab the kittens if necessary. "Alright, how did you know they're the moons?"

"Coming to this from a place of suspicion will only hamper progress, but M'aiq will accept nonetheless." M'aiq reached inside his robe and retrieved a leather pouch. "The journey begins here, with this." From within the pouch, he extracted a chunk of moon sugar about the size of Mohamara's thumb. The sugar-rock shine with inner light--no doubt due to the moons being in such close proximity. "Moon sugar, from the moon sugar cane which grows only at night."

With a thought, Mohamara retrieved a pitcher of milk, a goblet, and a vial of sleeping tree sap from the kitchens and had them come to him carried by invisible hands. "I prefer my milk sweetened with this stuff, personally. But I've never had moon sugar--"

M'aiq snatched the vial of sleeping tree sap and looked into the glittering purple liquid. "Not true. This one knows Ma'dran gave Khajiit some moon sugar with his wine in Solitude."

Suddenly Mohamara remembered. Solitude, months ago, when Ma'dran first bought Proudspire manor and threw a party to celebrate. He had drunk some spiced wine and seemed to go on a drunken bender. Qorach hissed from the Master's growing rage. "I'm going to force-feed him a bell pepper for that. See how he likes it."

"M'aiq does not tell you these things for vengeance, but he is not Khajiit's papa, cannot decide such matters." The sugar rock and vial of sap were held up together side by side. "Does Khajiit see the link between these things with his special sight?"

Eager to get the lesson started so it could be done, and he could go back to watching kittens play, Mohamara dove into the sympathetic bonds. The Moon Sugar showed him a colorful tojay he had never seen, slicing sugar cane at night, then boiling the sugar under the full moons and throwing strands of the sugar upon metal poles where it would dry and resemble hair. Other colorful tojay would collect the hair, and pat them into thick balls that resembled yarn from a distance, and when they were cool, strike the balls with a hammer to create the sugar rocks.

From the sap, he saw the sleeping trees, with the sun shining overhead. The light went into the leaves and became sugar which the tree moved into its sap. Whereupon he saw Imperial soldiers collect it from spigots.

"They both make things taste sweet," Mohamara said at last.

"Khajiit is being purposefully shallow," M'aiq replied, surprisingly pleased. "Is good. Khajiit is acting catty. What else?"

"What else is there?" Mohamara's expression was blank while M'aiq seemed hurt.

"Khajiit does not see?"

"Are you going to keep answering my questions with other questions?"

"Until he can see the moon in the sugar, questions will be the best way of teaching Khajiit, no?"

Mohamara pointed at the cathay suddenly. "You came dangerously close to a declarative sentence there." He began to suspect that this 'M'aiq' was an aspect of some Khajiit god. Perhaps the Khajiit version of Akatosh? Mohamara dropped his pointing in the face of no reaction from M'aiq and dove back into the sympathetic bonds.

The images played out again, repeating once they completed. Nothing new appeared to him.

"All I can do is guess that the sap is for the sun what moon sugar is for the moons," the tojay shrugged.

But M'aiq was all smiles. "That is correct! The sap is the twin of moon sugar caramel." He put the sugar rock back in his pouch then passed the vial of sap back to Mohamara. "Is perhaps too late to teach Khajiit to love moon sugar as other Khajiit do, but he loves the moons very much so it is forgivable." The cathay's eyes darted over to Jone for a moment. "He will love big moon slightly less when he finds out little moon needs changing."

"Wha--Jode, stop doing that on your brother!" Mohamara had to hastily clean up Jode's mess and get Jone into a new onesie all while the 'little moon' screamed his head off. His prediction that the boy would be a crybaby had proved to be correct thus far.

When he came back, M'aiq was permitting Baishi and Jode to drink from a goblet of milk at their leisure. Mohamara considered it a bit rude to reward the 'big moon' for using her brother like a litter box, but Jone was too young to understand rudeness. So when he sat down, Mohamara set the 'little moon' up for a rare solo cuddle session with his father.

"Will you let him learn how to be tojay-raht, as he should?" M'aiq tilted his head at the tojay and, apparently, tojay-raht kitten. "From the Moon Bishops and Clan Mothers?"

Mohamara held the infant Khajiit closer to his chest. "If they want to teach him anything, they can come here. When he's old enough." Jone, ignorant of the staring match the adults participated in over him, snuggled up under Mohamara's chin.

M'aiq sighed. "Merria shines so brightly, you do not see that the Moons need special knowledge. Which Khajiit cannot have, for the same reason he holds ja'khajiit so close."

"You say they need special knowledge, but don't ask about her." Mohamara gestured to Jode, who waddled after swift Baishi once their drink was done. "Why?"

"She will make the decision for herself. Is how the big moon always is--willful, not desiring approval from anyone." The orange-robed cathay shrugged. "This one sees that Khajiit fears she will love him less--this is not the truth. But she is confident in Khajiit's love, does not need constant reminders. The big moon will jump high, but always purr for Khajiit." He sighed and looked at Jone, sleeping on Mohamara's chest. "But is not true for the little moon. He is much too much like you, and will need to be taught better than to have a mind of gears and levers."

All amusement and tolerance for the situation in Mohamara had gone. He saw in M'aiq someone who would convince him to abandon his children for the sake of tradition. The way he had been abandoned. By Sheogorath and his whore wife. Against his wishes, his heart began to hammer and boiling rage filled Mohamara's veins.

Meanwhile, in the mind of a madman, Sheogorath's ears were burning. In response to this, he added a bit more water to the soup he was using pieces of his face for seasoning. His mouth floated by and sampled the soup. "Hmm, could use more parmesan. Pelly! Where did you put my parmesan cheese?!"

"What in the flaming fields of the Deadlands is parmesan cheese?!"

"Oh right, it hasn't been invented yet. My bad!"

Back in Volskygge, Qorach rewound himself into a mantle with Jone safely beneath. The kittens seemed not to perceive how close to an explosion Mohamara was, but M'aiq clearly saw. "If he went to learn from the Moon Bishops… would Khajiit love him less?"

"No," Mohamara snarled.

"If he called for you, would you choose not to come?"


"If he came to harm…?"

"Then either I, his sister, or his other father would see the cause suffer and die." That startled Mohamara a bit--how had he known what Jode would do?

M'aiq gestured to the abandoned vial of sleeping tree sap. "Twins mirror each other. As he is like you, she is like other father. And while the love they have is not the same--is still love. Where he goes, she will follow--and the reverse. She will be grown long before him, plenty of time to be a good big sister." He clapped his hands. "But we stray from topic M'aiq want to share. As moon sugar caramel is like the sap--so will the completed sugar be like moon sugar. You are tojay--who alone can make the sugar. The first step to being Khajiit is to partake. All other lessons flow from that."

The rage that had suddenly come to life in Mohamara died out just as quickly. "How do you know these things? You say you know everything--how?"

M'aiq shrugged. "M'aiq knows everything because M'aiq is Khajiit, and Khajiit is Khajiit, and Khajiit knows everything." He stood and patted down his robes from the dust on the floor. "Khajiit will make the sugar and will become Khajiit. Then we meet again--but Khajiit will not recognize M'aiq."

"I kind of have my plate full at the moment," Mohamara grumbled. "Parenting, temples to build, curses to break, stuff like that."

"Then M'aiq will give Khajiit a hint to help." All the mirth in the cathay's voice drained away. "Seek out the Eye of Magnus, it will help Khajiit be who he needs to be. M'aiq is tired now, will be leaving." He turned and started back down the path into Volskygge.

"Wait--what in the Ashpit is the Eye of Magnus?" Already ideas whirled in Mohamara's head--did the 'eye' refer to Meridia's lost power when she abandoned the world late? Would she even approve him looking for such a thing?

"M'aiq gave a hint already. A clever Khajiit will figure it out."


There were a plethora of things that Mohamara gave his attention to rather than solving the mystery of the Eye right away, or discovering how to make sugar from sleeping tree sap. According to Jo'leen and Adannna, Jode would soon be approaching the stage of her development where she would begin to learn a language.

Neither of them seemed satisfied with Mohamara's Tongues-granted grasp of ta'agra, sp the Khajiit language would have to be a second language for the big moon.

Then there was the reconstruction of Meridia's temple at Mount Kilkreath to plan. Stone quarries in Dragon Bridge and Solitude had been contacted about providing materials--as the general blueprint was easy for Mohamara to put to paper. He already knew how the temple would look, after all.

Then there was the Yagraz Problem. Orthorn had zipped off to Apocrypha and come back appearing like he had gone through a six-month war campaign in an afternoon. He summarized his adventure thus: "So it turns out there are things even Hermaeus Mora doesn't know, and pointing this out in his realm is a poor decision."

And Kipgolsik, when asked about the Yagraz Problem, seemed dumbfounded. Even though the Thu'um could change the very nature of things, he couldn't wrap his mind around why Yagraz would want to be not a Dragonborn. Any time the subject came up he wouldn't be able to get around the question of 'why' and he would think himself in circles from the effort.

On top of that was the approaching mage emigration to Winterhold. Really, that should have been Mohamara's priority. But it wasn't. There was something that only came around once a year, and it was an occasion he needed both the local Legion soldiers and his followers to get just right.

On the eighteenth day of Frostfall, at a little past noon, Yagraz gro-Dushnikh got a looking glass request from her best friend. But when she opened it up, she didn't see him at all. Instead, she saw the first throne room in Volskygge. On the one side of the throne were Mohamara's Pink Coats, each with an instrument, and on the other were Legionnaires, Hadvar included, standing at attention. Between the two of them was a small impromptu podium.

Mohamara stood there--he bowed to her, then turned around and held up a thin metal stick.

"Short-stuff what in the actual fuc--"

Before she could finish articulating her question, the tojay tapped rapidly on an unseen metal object, and the music began. It was a catchy tune, with frequent refrains built up around her name. It didn't take her long to figure out where she'd heard it before--Mohamara had the musical portion as his ringtone for her.

Rather than complain that it wasn't the perfect time for a song, Yagraz turned her micro-slate sideways to adjust the picture to widescreen. Mohamara was doing the bulk of the singing, even with his back to her. The Legionnaires provided backup at certain key points. All in all, Yagraz found it a dorky thing to do, a ridiculous abuse of Mohamara's power, and a smashing present.

"Who has… brains?!"

"Like Yagraz!"


"Like Yagraz!"

"Who can inspire endless refrains like Yagraz?!"

A giant Khajiit woman Yagraz didn't know, and Werac walked into the scene, each holding one of Mohamara's kiddies and one end of a banner that read: 'Happy Birthday, Yagraz!' They walked out of the camera without stopping, though Yagraz saw that the cat-like one was getting pretty big.

"She uses weapons in all of her decorating…."

The Imperials drew their swords in a grandiose salute. "Say it again!" Some Pink Coats mirrored the gesture with staves--where had they gotten the stuff to make magic staves? "Who's a ten out of ten?"

"Who's the super success? Don't you know, can't you guess? Ask her friends and her five hangers-on!"
All this spectacle made Yagraz realize that for Mohamara, the time when they would do ridiculous things for each other's birthdays was only a few months ago. But for her, it seemed a lifetime. She didn't dislike the present, but it seemed so cheesy.

"There's just one Orc around who's got all of it down! Yagraz!"

After the finale, the assembled crowd struck a pose, then quickly devolved into individual birthday wishes.

"You colony of frilly cupcakes," Yagraz told the lot of them with cheer. "I'm going to come up north and there better be some cake, or I'll kick every single one of your asses. Thanks a bunch, it made my day."

The crowd said their goodbyes while Mohamara approached where his slate was mounted to end the call. Once it was gone, Yagraz was back to work.

"That was a really nice thing your friends did for you," the dragon gurgled around Volendrung stuck in his mouth. Being so heavily spiked, the weapon was prone to get stuck in enemies and frequently required Yagraz to pry them off or use them as gory weapons in combat. With both wings broken, the dragon couldn't simply fly away from how Yagraz had him stuck. "Nice enough to have you let me go?"

Yagraz laughed, put her micro-slate away and then put both hands on the dwarven hammer. "No." Then she used Volendrung as a lever to physically tear the dragon's head off his neck.

So you know, yes, Meridia did pick up on that little rage explosion. But being angry at something is the first step to being able to move beyond it. She's sort of an expert.
excellent chapter all 'round. mohamara is suspicious of m'aiq, as expected. also, using his authority to make his best friend happy, as expected.
Chapter 46
Seriously, Falkreath is nothing but rocks and trees. I'm pretty sure that maple sugar is one of the few non-depressing things to have in that place.
Chapter 46: Diplomatic Immunity.

The Pink Coats and Imperials had set up a sort of farm for the sleeping tree sap; partly to collect the useful narcotic substance, and partly to keep the new arrivals to the valley from chopping down the sleeping trees. They connected the taps in the trees by tubes and would bring in the sap collected each night.

From there, it was actually Hadvar who took over the process of refining the sap. He, Mohamara, the Caller, and Orthorn spent two days--daylight hours--refining the sleeping tree sap into syrup. Per Hadvar's orders, one of the requirements for the process was for everyone involved to wear an apron, an excessively tall chef's hat, and some sort of disguise.

"You see," Hadvar explained with a false nose swollen up and red from excessive drinking while he wore eyeglass frames with no lenses. "During ancient times, people who made syrup ran the risk of offending the Spriggans. They wore these getups and disguises to confuse the Spriggans and keep them from remembering who was coming to tap their trees."

Orthorn, who had shoved two watermelons down his shirt for his disguise, nodded. "It makes sense. Spriggans don't have good eyesight, and they're not very intelligent."

The Caller, who wore several wigs on top of one another for her disguise, disagreed. "We should explain to the Spriggans what we're doing. Our Lord is Life now, they shouldn't have the grounds to object to what he does."

Mohamara shook his head. His disguise was a very crude attempt to make him look like a dog, with a fake snout extension, and false tail. "Spriggans answer to Kyne. She's Nature, not just Life. So her orders outrank mine on that side."

"Don't you mean Kynareth?" Hadvar's question spoke for Orthorn and the Caller as well. "Kyne and Kynareth are the same person, right?"

"Not… not really," Mohamara observed the Falkreath man adjust the cooking sap slightly, and made mental notes for how to write instructions down later. "Kynareth was created by Alessia, she's derived from Kyne. Kynareth is part of Kyne like a leaf is part of a tree. But the core identity is Kyne, warrior-woman, goddess of the Sky and Nature, widow of Shor. It happens with a bunch of deities, honestly. Like how Jhunal is called Julianos by Imperials."

"How do you know these things?" Orthorn asked, then quickly waved to some passing Nord children who found their clownish getups amusing.

Mohamara adjusted his fake nose slightly. "Well, it's sort of the same thing with my god--Meridia isn't really her name, it's Merid-Nunda. We call her something different because she wants to get past the time when she was tricked by Lorkhan into designing the world." He leaned in and sniffed at the boiling sap, tempted by the cherry smell that started to mix in with the usual grape and oranges. "Magnus, Merria, Maria, Meridia, all just faces for the entity whose real name is Merid-Nunda." He looked over to his followers after Hadvar slapped his hand away from reaching into the boiling proto-syrup. "I think I have a copy of Vivec's book on my slate--I'll let you guys read it. Helps with figuring out who is whom in the divine realms."

"Is that the one where they have a fling with Molag Bal and kills all their children?" Everyone turned to look at Orthorn, confounded. "I think I read bits and pieces of it, but never the whole thing."

"Orthorn you uncultured ass," the Caller cuffed the taller high elf once she recovered. "You don't talk about pornography with children in earshot!"

"Ow! What kind of porn have you been reading that involves killing children?! Ow!"


Sleeping tree syrup, as it turned out, took the effects of sleeping tree sap and kicked the living annihilation shit out of them to make them more powerful. Where before the sap could serve as a potent anesthetic and sleep aid at the cost of some trippy dreams, sleeping tree syrup was a hallucinogenic paralytic. Mohamara had wanted to be the first to try it but was out-voted by his students. Traynda, Brenilin, and Adannna took up the mantle of testers. They each drank a thimble full and froze in place seconds later.

When they were able to move, over six hours later, they found that the three of them had become living props--covered in nonsensical items and used as impromptu shelves. Each described visions that they had seen. Traynda saw the sun turn red and how everyone she had ever seen in her life began to sport fangs but otherwise go about their lives. Brenelin was hunted through Valenwood by giant vegetables that attempted to prosthelytize to her through song. And Adannna dreamt she was on a grand adventure to kill fiery heirs to either prolong the suffering of an entire world or let it finally die.

Of course, Mohamara wanted to try some right away--despite Hadvar expressing an interest in turning the syrup into granulated sugar. "Every man in Falkreath Hold knows how to make maple sugar candy, I'm legitimately curious as to how the syrup will react."

Fortunately for Hadvar, and unfortunately for Mohamara, the decision was made for them. When Mohamara was about to drink some, the thimble was taken out of his hands by Marcurio's sudden arrival--with Yagraz behind him. "Mm-mm, no hour long drug sessions tonight. You have a party to go to, remember?"

Mohamara, in fact, didn't remember. He didn't remember at all and told them so. But when Yagraz showed him a missive she'd sent him telling him about the party, which had his replies, Mohamara realized what had gone wrong. He reached into his ear and pulled Sheogorath out by the Mad God's own ears, and glowered at him.

"Well," Sheogorath defended himself. "I really wanted to see how that stuff would work on ya, boyo!"

"Just for that," Mohamara almost literally growled. "I'm going to have the babies babysat by their other grandpa." He ignored Sheogorath's wailing about losing his opportunity to watch the grandbabies and snatched the party clothes that Marcurio held out to him. The pink cat stomped his way up to the second throne room, annoyed. "I expect sleeping tree sugar when I get back!"

Marcurio considered the words of Mohamara while the cat was changing. "I'm not sure my father will care much for looking after babies. He'll probably be drunk the whole time after I have to explain where they came from."

Yagraz shrugged. Sheogorath assuaged his lost babysitting powers by eating literally every scrap of cheese in Volskygge. When the tojay returned, he was dressed in soft blue, a fashion style meant to draw from Elsweyr with the billowing pants, tight-chested long tunics, and a shawl worn like a cape over one arm.

"I feel beyond stupid," he told Yagraz and Marcurio when he stepped into the main throne room with the kittens bound up in his shawl-cape. "This thing has sandals--sandals in Skyrim! Who designed this?!"

"The people at Radiant Raiment," the Imperial said with ease. As the tojay passed, he leaned down and poked at Jode as Jone was still asleep. The alfiq snapped at his fingers, and the two started a game out of Marcurio poking her and her attempts to bite him. "So, the carriage is meeting us at a farm just outside Solitude to take you up to the Embassy."

"Wait," the tojay in sky-blue turned to squint at Marcurio. "Where will you two be?"

"I'm going to be killing a troll as a backup entrance," Yagraz said with cheer and stamped Volendrung into the ground.

"And I'll be following behind you, invisible." Marcurio pulled the stahlrim whistle that Mohamara had made for him and blew on it. He vanished from sight and Mohamara's, admittedly weak for a Khajiit, scent tracking. "I'll be walking on the air so no one notices me at all."

"So I'm going into a party at the Thalmor Embassy effectively on my own. I make no promises that I won't curse anyone without the two of you reigning in my divine wrath, so you know." He paused to induce Jode to release Macurio's finger with a sudden kiss on her head.

"Cheat!" She said her first and so-far only word. Mohamara knew its meaning from her sympathetic bonds, but otherwise, it sounded strongly like 'keet'. He'd been properly shamed by Yagraz for poisoning his daughter with his adoration of Akaviri animation slang when he had called her up at four am to tell her the good news.

"Yes, I did," Mohamara agreed. "And if you want, grandpa can teach you better ways to cheat. Now, we've got places to be." He easily stepped up onto the thin air as if going up a step, and wrapped the 'cheat'-chirping alfiq tight in his shawl-cape. "Since we all have speed enhancements… the last one to Solitude pays for all the cheese Sheogorath ate." And like that, the three of them bolted off in three colorful streaks.

Hadvar, his fellow Legionnaires, and the Pink Coats were quiet for a long time until someone from the back spoke up. "Why didn't he have us babysit the kittens? I wanted to pet the little one."

"Because we have work to be doing, such as building new houses, finishing that road, and making sugar." Hadvar, absent Mohamara or his Orcish idol, returned to his position's command attitude. "Get moving!"

The race results went as such: Mohamara in first place, Yagraz in second, and Marcurio pulling up the rear. While Mohamara gloated, Marcurio and Yagraz bickered over the validity of throwing Volendrung and being carried by the momentum as a means of travel.

"It's not actually racing, it's clearly a form of jumping."

"It gets me from point A to B, so it counts."

"You built up way more momentum than any of us could compete with."

"Short-stuff didn't have trouble keeping up, and winning."

"Because he stopped you with an invisible wall! Your nose is still bleeding!"

"But he said a funny one-liner first, so it's all good. Seriously, have you never raced before? ...Wait a minute, why are we so close to the Blue Palace?" Yagraz paused in her argument with Marcurio to examine the reconstructed Avenues district. The statues of women holding faceted orbs were just beginning to light up from the setting sun, and smaller such statues on people's houses lit up their front doors.

Marcurio looked flabbergasted by this development too. "Unless my father got himself a house here--not impossible, mind--we should have gone up to Castle Dour."

"I'm still mad at the General for that almost making me a slave thing, plus he drinks too much to babysit!" Mohamara called back to them while he skipped through the Avenues district. He saw some familiar faces and waved to them. But his warmest expressions were reserved for the residents of Proudspire Manor. Ma'dran's caravan had moved on, and Ri'saad's had come north to occupy the home in their place.

The tojay showed off the kittens to every caravaneer who came by to greet them, and got many a laugh from Jode greeting them back with a 'Cheat!' Inside the house, they found Ri'saad, or possibly his biological son. The cathay man looked like Ri'saad, minus twenty years of graying fur and diminished physique; when they had found him, he was doing handstand pushups with his feet straight up in the air. After Mohamara took a moment to verify the cat's identity with sympathetic bonds, he unwrapped the kittens to show them to the caravan leader.

Jode, finally free of her father's cape-shawl, lept onto Ri'saad's arm and climbed up to his shoulder with many a 'Cheat!' Ri'saad gently sniffed at her when she got to his shoulder and licked her nose. Jone woke up for a moment when the cathay took him but went to sleep quickly as Ri'saad pressed the tojay-raht to his other shoulder, and into his mane.

"Khajiit is honored to meet ja'khajiit's ja'khajiit," Ri'saad said, his voice demonstrably deeper. "But why you look so fancy?"

"I'm going to meet with the Thalmor," Mohamara told him, clearly sour. "And decided that the best person to watch these two would be their grandpa."

Were it not for the fact that he was an experienced businessman, a great-grandfather in his own right, and a veteran of many wars, Ri'saad might have begun to cry to hear such an honor bestowed on him. But he was those things, so he smiled in his catlike way and bowed. This allowed Jode to climb onto his head, and bite at his ears. "This one is honored beyond words. What are the names of ja'khajiit?"

"Jode is biting your ear, and Jone is using you as a bed." Mohamara leaned in while Ri'saad was still bowed. "A while back, you might have noticed the moons changed shape and color. They were dead, so I gave them a new life."

Ri'saad's eyes went wide as he processed this but quickly recovered. "This one is honored to look after kittens for a little while."

"Sorry for dropping this on you, but Skooma Cat was involved in it being a surprise. Jode loves to play and wants to start on meat even though she isn't ready for it. And Jone likes to be told stories, but he's a huge crybaby so have some keys to jingle ready. Toodles!"

When the human, Orc, and tojay had left, Ri'saad stood and lay the kittens on his bed to examine them. The kitten named for the big moon was growing into a tuxedo cat, with her fur rapidly darkening except at the paws, nose, belly, and tip of her tail. Her brother seemed to be the opposite, with his nose, paws, ears, and tail darkening while the rest stayed white. Absent anyone else to play with, Jode lept upon her brother to wake him up. "Cheat!"

But all Jone did was cry at being woken up. Ri'saad had to step in and pick the tojay-raht back up to soothe him. He spoke to them in ta'agra, and once Jone ceased his bawling, set the infant down to start on a story. He opted for the epic of Rahjin, the god of thieves.


Delphine eyed the child-sized Khajiit warily as he stepped into the carriage. He was clearly tojay--the dyed fur and short stature made that clear, but the false fangs threw her for a loop. How would the Thalmor react to such a character? While Yagraz and her human cohort stepped in, the Blade thought of how she would make this plan work.

"I support you going at this from multiple angles, Dragonborn," Delphine started. "But the Thalmor have rules about tojay Khajiit. You're sure your friend's position is strong enough where they can't just snatch him?"

"If it becomes necessary," the Khajiit said, without an accent at all, "I know how to wake up Mount Kilkreath in a volcanic eruption that we will survive, but the Thalmor won't."

"Short-stuff's… probably not joking there, Delphine," the Dragonborn told her. The thought of someone having the power to rouse a long-dead volcano chilled Delphine. "Guys, this is Delphine. She's helping me figure out the cause of the dragon attacks. Delphine, read them in."

The Breton woman looked the Imperial man up and down, but found dangerously little she could use to judge his trustworthiness. "We looked at the big picture for when the dragons showed up. Ulfric had just lost two thousand men at Hjaalmarch and woke up a vampire clan. They would have easily been able to overwhelm the surrounding Holds once they grew strong enough, except possibly Solitude. Then a dragon attacks, and suddenly Solitude is weakened.

"The Empire's advantage is thrown away by the necessary reconstruction, and if they hadn't been stopped, the vampire threat would have been an excellent pretext for the Dominion to send in troops to Skyrim and strengthen their position in the northern provinces. The war would have kept going, and the Thalmor would have their own army on our doorstep."

"Someone's jumping to conclusions," the Imperial man said with an arched brow.

"When dealing with the Thalmor, it's safest to jump to whatever conclusion would give the Thalmor the most of what they want right away. They're sneaky, but not patient." Delphine met the man's disbelieving look with an expression of absolute certainty.

"If it's any consolation, the Thalmor won't last much longer," the Khajiit told her offhand. That broke her staring contest with the Imperial right away. "I'm pretty sure the Elven Empire that shows up in the Fifth Era isn't called the Aldmeri Dominion."

"Yeah, it's called Applicedo," the Dragonborn cut in. "Lasts from the fifth year of the Fifth Era to the nine hundredth year of the Eighth Era. A constitutional monarchy, and the first primarily Elven empire to rule the whole continent. The Thalmor don't survive the chaos that comes from the Atmoran eruption."

"She paid more attention in history class," the cat said in an aside to the Imperial.

"I had to suffer through AP History for a year, so the information better be useful."

"You two… know the future?" Delphine's question got less of a reaction than she would have hoped, with both the cat and Orc shrugging her off.

"Ancient history wasn't really my thing, I was more into sociology," said the cat.

"And I know only a few bits about this time period because I did a paper about the surge in naval warfare that comes with the beginning of the Fifth Era." The Dragonborn started to speak in a bizarre accent. "Y'arr, piratin' be the best way to make a livin' in the Fifth Era, though the job be mighty risky, arr."

"Maybe for you, but some of us want to avoid being eaten by whales."

Delphine decided that perhaps the life of a small town bartender was not so awful compared to this madness, and regretted her life decisions.


The party was… decent. Dreadfully slow and dull compared to the clubs that Yagraz would sometimes drag Mohamara to, but enjoyable. He found he wasn't among total strangers when he joined the guests, at least. Every Imperial-aligned Jarl was there, as well as others. Elisif had even shown up wearing the cloak Mohamara had gifted her, which became a topic of discussion among the nobles of Skyrim.

"...and the effect never needs to be recharged. It's made living with that draft in the Blue Palace so much more bearable," Elisif gushed over the cloak while Idgrod the Younger examined it. "My dear friend here made it for me, I'm… sure you remember each other."

Mohamara stepped over to Elisif, with a glass of milk in his hand and looked up to the Morthal Jarl. Halfway through introducing Mohamara, Elisif remembered the problems Idgrod had with him, but there was no turning back.

"Ah yes, you," the dark-haired woman said with a slight air of bitterness. "Your enchantments for my guard's weapons have proven strong. When your banishment is ended, we would have a use for you." It was overall a stiff… but amicable declaration. Mohamara could feel the pain in her that reminded her that her mother was gone.

"That won't be necessary, Jarl Idgrod. I have students who are more than capable of serving your needs. Your steward may set up the arrangements with me, and I will dispatch them to your service right away." He ended the statement with a bow.

Though still bitter, he could sense relief within her sympathetic bonds. "That would be wonderful, thank you."

It would have been easy to stick close to Elisif and sit out the party, but the invisible Marcurio behind him used his sympathetic bonds to signal a need for a distraction. It seemed that the time had arrived for their sneaking to commence.

The most obvious path to go was to get Jarl Igmund or Balgruuf mad, potentially at each other. But that ran the risk of getting innocent people killed by their Holds not working cohesively. Then there was a drunkard called Razelan, but he'd been too amused by Mohamara's requests for milk to drink instead of the expensive wines Elenwen had procured. A third option revealed itself on further observation, however: General Seneca Tullius.

Mohamara skillfully slid through the crowd to reach the General, talking with some Thalmor asshat by the name of 'Ancano' about Winterhold. The General seemed surprised that Mohamara had chosen to stand beside him, and greet him warmly.

"Ah… Ancano, this is my future son-in-law, Mohamara Ahramani. Leading expert on enchanting and Mysticism in the entire Empire," the General introduced Mohamara while his goblet was refilled.

The hoodless Thalmor almost failed to sneer at the child-sized Khajiit. "Ah, so you're the rogue tojay… I've heard about you from my colleagues. It is good that you have not exploited your freedom to flood the local caravans with moon sugar or we'd have to have words, you and I."

Mohamara grinned. "I'm sure they'd be pleasant words if I was doing such a thing. But I'm not! So we'll have to settle for passive aggressive words instead." He jumped and tapped Tullius on the shoulder. "Speaking of which, I have pleasant news for you." With his touch, he pulled on Tullius' sympathetic bonds to make him want to desperately drink some wine.

Sure enough, the General rolled his eyes and lifted his freshly filled goblet up to his mouth, then drank deep.

"You see, a few months ago, Marcurio and I spent a lovely evening together. And, to make a long story short, you're a grandpa!"

Tullius continued drinking for half a second, before what he'd heard clicked and the most violent, uncontrolled coughing fit Mohamara had ever seen began to ensue. Even the cold fish Ancano couldn't help but try to slap Tullius' back. Elisif and Elenwen rushed over to examine the cause of the ruckus. With all eyes on the General, Marcurio slipped away into the embassy and left Mohamara to deal with the mess.

"What… did you and my son… do?!" General Seneca Tullius demanded once he could breathe again.

Mohamara cooly sipped his milk while the General glared, and many a guest looked on. "I don't think that would be a topic to discuss in polite company, sir. Content not suitable for all ages, you know."

Meanwhile, in Cheydinhal, in the Tullius house, a pleasant evening meal was being had by the Tullius women. For once, the sisters were getting along without their matron needing to intervene, which meant she could relax. But then a sudden awareness drove her to shatter the wine bottle she'd held. And while her daughters marveled at how strong she was to accomplish such a task, the Lady Tullius looked around at her daughters. "...My mother senses are tingling. It's almost like… I've become a grandmother."

Everyone at the dinner table turned to look at Kim, one of the middle daughters, and a well-documented Dibella cultist. "Hey!" She said, offended by the implication. "I use protection!"

Hours later, with midnight approaching, Mohamara waited in the carriage for his husband-to-be and best friend to drop out of invisibility so they could leave. When Yagraz and Marcurio finally appeared, they were almost literally soaking in blood.

"As it turns out," Yagraz said with a slight bit of cheer. "I figured out the Shout for controlling animals. And on a completely unrelated note, trolls can climb ladders if you telepathically tell them how."

Mohamara scooted away so that the blood would not seep into his clothes "Did you at least find what you were looking for?"

Marcurio shook his head. "The Thalmor know nothing about the dragons' return other than it was apparently predicted by a Blade that they've been hunting. After I get cleaned up, I'll go to Riften to find out more about him."

"And I'll inform Delphine that this whole operation was a bust, aside from a bunch of dead Thalmor." Yagraz seemed incredibly pleased with herself. "A really good consolation prize, that."

"Well, I'm going to pick up the kids, then go to bed," Mohamara replied. "And when I wake up, there better be some sugar so I can punch that M'aiq guy… girl… thing in the face for saying I'm not Khajiit enough."

They sat in silence while the carriage rolled down Mount Kilkreath, enjoying the midnight stars and the moons above. Until Marcurio spoke up again. "We should probably have killed that troll--it's probably still killing people."

"Pff," Yagraz almost-laughed. "Who gives a shit? They're Thalmor."

If you're curious, Adannna was a Warrior of Sunlight.
Chapter 47
I'm legitimately curious how many of you will be able to immediately know 'where' our catboy is.
Chapter 47: Khajiit.

'Llorona shared great wisdom with the Three Wise Rainbow Women: Adannna, who was shaped like Llorona, Brenelin, who danced with fire, and Traynda, who would let no question go unasked.

To Adannna, the wisdom of context was granted. Light is not always better than darkness, action is not always superior to inaction. One must look at how the small picture and big picture relate to each other--for they are connected intrinsically.

To Brenelin, the wisdom of empathy was given. "How would you like it if someone came into your home and chastised you for the way you eat," she asked. Do not take every opportunity to turn a scene into a sermon, do not levy criticism against that which causes no harm.

To Traynda, the wisdom of fear was granted. Beauty could become ugliness, and what was may not always be. Cherish what is here, for it might be gone tomorrow. The World will steal all it can from you, but keep on living to spite it.'

Galamir looked up from reading the latest contribution to the Book and eyed his fellow Friends who had written it. "... Why didn't you just call yourselves the Three Wise Lesbians," he asked.

"The name was taken by a trio of seers in Black Marsh three hundred years ago," Brenelin answered. "I think they were also a band?"

"This one will not steal a title well deserved," Adannna chimed in, with her arms crossed. "Is hard to find good band names in this day and age."

Galamir shrugged, closed the Book, and returned it to its pedestal. "Alright, so let's get back to Deco practice. I really want to figure out this 'elevator' thing that the Master told us about."


Sleeping tree sugar smelled like M'aiq, Mohamara noted when the egg-shaped candies of pressed sugar were offered to him. Cherries, grapes, and oranges almost in the exact same ratios. The realization pissed him off. It pissed him off so much that he put off trying the candies until sundown the following day out of spite.

But he couldn't put it off forever, and with the last gasp of the sun's light, Mohamara swallowed an egg of sleeping tree sugar whole. Even though he hadn't let it dissolve in his mouth, the taste of grapes, oranges, cherries, and raw sweetness was so strong he almost threw up from the intensity.

But he didn't. He suffered through nausea worse than any he'd experienced in his life, so bad that he couldn't hold his eyes open from the strain not to vomit up his entire stomach. When he opened them again, he was not in Volskygge anymore.

Mohamara found himself in an endless desert of white sand dunes, with no clouds in the sky, and the sun shining above. Though he had never been in this place before, he felt as though he had--familiar sights such as an orange slice taller than the highest mountain, a cluster of grapes equally as massive, and four distant mountains seemingly made of solid metal all gave him palpable deja-vu.

He took a step, stumbled as the sand beneath him shifted, and rolled down a dune. Once he was at the base, covered in sand, he discovered that it wasn't actually sand. In the effort of spitting out that which had gotten in his mouth, he discovered it to be granulated sugar. "A desert of sugar… I want to call it a dessert desert, but feel like I've already used that line." Mohamara found himself distracted by an enormous crash in the distance. With scrabbling hands, he climbed back to the top of the dune and saw a sugar-dust cloud rising from the vicinity of the giant fruit.

When it cleared, there were two cherries, bound to each other by the stem, resting in the sugar and towering over it. Mohamara looked through the sympathetic bonds to find out what this place was trying to tell him. They simplified his view, to basic colors. The orange and grapes became their base colors and grouped together form a disk made of one half of each: Sheogorath.

Cherry red became a starburst pattern, one he knew by memory: Meridia. But neither force could influence the world except by their presence. The associations with them were stymied, blocked, blunted, banished--they could not enter here.

Safe, the bonds said. From them, from pain, from loneliness. A blank canvas.

"But that's a lie," he told the bonds. The sun grew dim, and the everpresent warmth that had existed before was replaced with cold. "I'm alone here." The sympathetic bonds moved on their own and pulled Mohamara's mind into the sand. Like sonar, a wave of awareness dug through the sand and revealed many humanoid figures beneath the sand. Khajiit, sleeping with ease, their breath unimpeded by the sugar that buried them. "Why do they sleep?"

He touched one with his bonds, and his mind was filled with fire and pain-- an alfiq, trapped, no way out. Why couldn't anyone hear that he was stuck inside? The roof collapsed, and the pain and burning were over. Another, an ohmes, he touched. And from her, he felt pain splitting her apart. Surrounded by loved ones, a midwife who had helped her sister and mother. She was so tired and it hurt so much, that she felt she couldn't go on. Cold crept into her limbs, and she faded away--too weak to fight anymore.

"They're all dead." More and more deaths he saw as the bonds linked him to the sleeping Khajiit. It took him only a moment to remember his obligations and assumed a praying stance. "You are Dead, and the Dead should be Mourned. I Mourn you like you are Mine, for someone must." Over and over again he said the Mourner's Chant for the sleeping Khajiit buried in the sugar sands. After so many hundreds of times, he realized he'd changed the words from seeing through the eyes of so many. "You are Dead, and the Dead should be Mourned. Khajiit Mourns, for you are His, and He must."

When did he start crying? He couldn't recall. Mohamara's crying had to have gone on a long time, for when he glanced to where they had fallen, a lake had formed in the dunes. The cold that had come with the sun's light fading reversed, and light returned. Around the edges of the lake, the sand was dissolved and the Khajiit buried within were laid bare to the sun and tears. They seemed to stir as if waking up while Mohamara watched. But he couldn't tell for sure, as the vision rapidly came to its end.

He woke up, and found himself in his sleeping chest, with the kittens on his physical chest. The lid was open, and Jo'leen, Orthorn, and Hadvar were carefully trying to lift Jode up out of Mohamara's embrace--presumably for her feeding. They froze when they saw that the tojay was awake, and watching them.

"Khajiit isn't going to stop you from doing your job," he grumbled and moved his arm so that they could extract Jode. Once done, he sat up and handed Jone over to Jo'leen, then hopped out of the chest. "This one feels sick, will take breakfast alone so as not to throw up on anyone."

He didn't quite grasp what he was saying, or the odd looks on the faces of the tall-legs as he got ready for his morning bath.

"At least I didn't have to let him bite me this time," Orthorn said, relieved, and took off all nine rings of regeneration he'd put on in anticipation.


"Khajiit is not suddenly a freakshow for the Orc to gawk at," Mohamara grumbled to Yagraz during a looking glass session later on that day. He sprinkled the pork that was his evening meal with sleeping tree sugar and set the slate up to stand on its own.

"Malacath's gigantic glutes, you even have a Khajiit accent now," Yagraz told him while she too enjoyed a meal. Lucia waved to Mohamara while she served soup to go with her barbecue chicken. "What happened to your eye?"

Mohamara tapped the large, colorful cloth wrapped around his head and covering his right eye. "Khajiit got violent while high on sugar. Damaged his eye, needed to be removed. Became this thing once out." He held up a golden chain, where a red orb hung. There was gold wrapped around the former eye, resembling feathers sweeping off to one side. "Khajiit guesses he has his artifact now?"

"Oooh, what's it do?"

"Ashpit if Mohamara knows, he doesn't even know why he suddenly cannot use proper grammar."

"Well, slick is going to be mighty pissed off that you lost another piece of yourself. I think he has this thing with amputations and such." Yagraz paused to take a spoonful of soup. "Mm, Lucy this is divine."

"Thanks, Mama," the Imperial girl said with a shy grin.

"Momamama!" Jode made her presence known by leaping up onto Mohamara's table. She rubbed her head into his hand, which of course prompted Mohamara to shower her with kisses and pettings before she tried for his pork.

"Oh my gosh, is that my cousin?" Lucia's face suddenly occupied the whole of Yagraz's side of the call. "She's so cute!"

"Say hello to cousin Lucy, and you can have some pork," Mohamara told his naughty daughter as he guided her away from his meal.

"Woosee!" The kitten headbutted the slate, then looked to her father to keep his promise. A bite-sized morsel of pig meat was extracted from the tojay's meal and held out for the kitten to chew upon. Her teeth still weren't developed enough to eat the meat, but she could taste and enjoy Brenelin's superb cooking.

"Khajiit wonders if he'd be less angry if he gave him his eye as a gift." Mohmamara paused in the middle of eating some pork of his own to scowl. "Khajiit also dislikes excessive pronoun use with this bizarre manner of speaking."

"Makes you sound like an actual Khajiit, you know," Yagraz commented. She poured herself a tall glass of mead and chilled it with one word from the Frost Breath Shout.

"Khajiit has always been Khajiit, is not a different Khajiit now since vivid hallucinations." His spiteful pout was met with Yagraz giving him a 'really?' expression. "Alright, this one admits crying a lake of tears for dead Khajiit, and saying Mourner's Chant for them make him feel slightly different."

"What's Meridia think about all this?"

As if he'd been a popped balloon, Mohamara deflated. The only effort he put into anything for a minute afterward was to keep Jode from stealing more pork since she'd chewed the flavor out of what he'd given her. "Merria has not responded to Khajiit's prayers. Even use of beacon does not get a response. He fears she is even more upset with him."

Meanwhile, in Moonshadow, a meeting between mother and daughter took place. Meridia took the shape of a Colovian woman in a prismatic dress, while Azura took the shape of a matronly Dunmer woman. The Mother of the Rose stood away from the silver table where creatia food was laid out by her servants to feed the Daedras of Day and Twilight. She parted the curtains that looked out onto her realm--impossibly beautiful, even by Daedric standards.

The faux-'older' woman sniffed disdainfully at some displeasing part of the horizon and adjusted it by her will alone. "First you marry Jyggalag's punishment, then keep to the marriage after he became a mortal-turned-god, and now you hide a grandchild actually worth my investment from me for so long. Were I not ill, I would show you how displeased I am with you, daughter."

Meridia nodded and sipped her tea. "I would deserve it for how I have acted in the past. My… lack of parenting has ostracized my daughters from me and maimed my son. I've shamed you, and my sisters."

"Hmph." Azura let the drapes go and carefully walked to the table. It was unlike Meridia to admit fault--indeed, up until recently, it was outside the realm of possibility. She suspected Sheogorath's involvement, for he held dominion over the impossible. "Good that you admit it. You can begin to correct your mistakes, and bring your brood to heel." Azura sat, and sipped her tea as Meridia had.

The Daedra of Twilight looked on her daughter and saw something beautiful inside that she had not seen before in a Daedra of her line. Regret. It was one of the most beautiful things mortals had ever begotten, and it was something she herself could never experience. It inspired in her the need to reach out and comfort her daughter despite how terribly she had failed.

"Do any of them hate you?"

"No," Meridia sighed. "And I don't know why."

"Then there is still time to show them the love you should have from the beginning." She held Meridia's hand, as she had not done since Merid-Nunda admitted that Lorkhan had tricked her, as Azura said he would. "Your son is… a mess. There is no other way to describe the wreck you've made out of him. And he doesn't even know you as his mother." The aged Dunmer woman tilted her head back, considering. "Perhaps he ought not to know."

Meridia recoiled as if struck with a whip. But Azura held her hand tight. "He is starved for love, for a family. Nocturnal, Clavicus Vile, and… Malacath have all told me how bizarre it is for the boy to just accept them into his heart once he found out they are family."

"... Daughter mine, let me share with you something that your sister taught me, and tried to teach your son." Azura released Meridia's hand and clasped her own. "Even lies can be beautiful."

Back in Volskygge, Mohamara had finished the evening meal and was bathing with the rest of the settlement in the mountain stream. The excavation to have a portion of the stream attached to aqueducts for the settlement's use hadn't been completed yet so they used the stream for bathing Nord civilians struggled with the concept of communal baths, but Imperials, Forsworn, and the Pink Coats all had prolonged experience so there was no shortage of people to help with the awkwardness.

At least until the tojay's amulet lit up with blinding light. "Mohamara Ahramani, hear my word and obey," the voice of Meridia declared with resounding authority.

Of course, Mohamara was not listening, but desperately trying to get out of the bathing area while the 'normal' people panicked over talking jewelry. So he darted rapidly to the second throne room to take the Daedric call. "Um, Khajiit is sorry, Lady--"

"You are not to call me that anymore. I am not your 'Lady', I am not your liege lord, your superior, none of those things."

A pit of despair began to grow in Mohamara's chest. Though he couldn't see it, a nearby vase of flowers began to rapidly wither and die.

"Since Sheogorath has been such a sub-par parental figure for you, and you are rapidly growing in power of your own--I will step up to fill the void." Meridia's tone did not shift from her imperious normal means of speaking, but the light from within the amulet became less harsh the more she talked. "You will call me 'Mother', and I will act as a parent should. You and your descendants will be counted among my family, from this day until the end of days."

The despair in Mohamara began to dissipate, replaced with something worse: Hope. But he felt compelled to protest such an honor. "This one… this honor is too high for him, he is just-just… Mohamara, and not important enough to be related to you. You're making a mistake, believe Khajiit--"

Suddenly, the amulet shone harshly once more. And when Meridia spoke again, it was with a terrible shout that rattled the very mountain. "Who made all things? Who made the meek, the mighty, the humble, and the proud? Did not I?! Now obey!"

Like it was a burning coal, Mohamara released the morpholith and covered his ears from the volume of Meridia's reprisal.

After her rage subsided, the amulet's glow became gentle again. "It is not for you to say who is worthy of being my family. That is my decision. And I have decided to include you. If you still wish not--I will respect your wish, but not when it is rooted in whether or not you deserve this gift."

It was a long time before Mohamara was brave enough to accept that 1) he wasn't dreaming, 2) Meridia wasn't the sort to bait her followers into traps, and 3) he desperately wanted what was being offered. "Okay… Mother." It felt bizarre to use that word, Mohamara found. Until Sheogorath had gotten involved in his life, the concept of parents had been an academic idea--he'd certainly never lasted long enough with any foster family to reach that point.

"As you are now my son, I free you from the constraints of my worship. Love me in whatever way you wish, complete my temple if it pleases you to do so. Take the love I have for you, and make from it armor that nothing in the world can pierce. And teach your children to do the same with your love for them. Goodbye, child mine." The amulet's warm light faded away into its usual ethereal glow, and Mohamara was alone.

Meridia was his adoptive mom, the tojay thought to himself. He thought it repeatedly, to the point where he didn't notice his students ascend the stairs to investigate the shouting, see him nude, then trip over each other to go back. On auto-pilot, he snatched them from the air as they tumbled and set them on their feet at the base of the stairs, and pulled the curtains to the throne room through Mysticism.

He was still in shock, processing the idea of having a maternal figure to put a face to, to have a name for. How would Sheogorath react? Would Meridia want to be a part of Jode and Jone's lives? Would Molag Bal suddenly start attacking his valley for being Meridia's kin?

His thoughts were interrupted by his slate lighting up and playing a song… an incoming call? But it wasn't from someone he knew. When he picked up the slate, the identification was a picture of a green dragon--with four legs, and the name: NASTYBOI. When he answered, Mohamara had a feeling of whom was calling, and decided to risk offending a Prince potentially. "Uncle Peryite?"

The voice on the other line laughed like a hissing snake. "It is has been a long time since I heard my name spoken without contempt. Nephew, I've heard from Vile, Vivec, and Nocturnal that you are willing to help the family with our problems?"

"Of course, Uncle."

"Then I would ask you help me deal with a… follower of mine who's lost his way."

"So, uh. Which one of us is going to tell him?"

The five disciples of Mohamara and the Caller stood shoulder to shoulder in a circle around the artifact: The Eye of Mohamara. In the next room was Marcurio, attempting to teach Jode how to say his name. And they had been tasked with presenting the Eye to Marcurio and relaying his reaction to the Master once he returned from the Reach.

"One, two, three, not it," Orthorn declared while the others debated intellectually. This was met with five people calling him a cheater and decrying that he had acted in such a childish manner. "You're just mad that none of you thought of it first."

The truth of his words was evident in their disgusted expressions. "Let's rehearse what we need to tell him," Galamir said, as he held the Eye by its chain. "Hello, Lord Marcurio, your betrothed got incredibly violent after we gave him an experimental substance and clawed out his eye--here it is."

"That," Traynda, replied as if struck by inspiration, "might just be… the way to get us all killed!" The Redguard woman's tone suddenly became accusatory and enraged. "The Master warned us about his temper, and you want to just tell him bluntly what happened?!"

"Do we need to tell him where it came from at all?" Adannna said with a hand on her chin. "We could tell him it is a gift from the Master--nothing more."

"Except he would ask the Master where it came from," the Caller commented. "And then when he found out we knew but didn't tell him, what do you think his reaction would be?"

As one, they turned to look at the distant Imperial, who wove a cat's cradle of lightning to amuse baby Jone. With a few more lightning 'threads', and some clever fingers, he morphed it into a face that began to 'talk' to the babe.

"I heard he once turned some Dunmer woman into a bar of soap for kidnapping the Master," said Galamir.

"I heard he feeds people to his pet dragon for speaking to his enemies," said Brenelin.

"I heard he has the power to summon a hail of arrows from nowhere," said Traynda.

Marcurio bent over and produced a small Dwemer metal box which he placed before Jode. After he fiddled with it, it was revealed to be a music box. The alfiq kitten didn't care about it at first, but her mind changed when Marcurio picked her up and started to dance with her to the music.

"He could murder every one of us without a problem," the Caller said with horror.

Faintly they could hear the kitten calling the Master's soon-to-be husband 'Mario', and even though it was cute as all get out, the idea of someone so powerful, so dangerous having such a nickname disturbed the comparatively normal people.

Not Orthorn, however. He was off the hook for Marcurio's wrath--and mostly stayed around to see how his friends worked out the problem.

"What does the item even do?" Galamir asked, and shook it by the chain. "Maybe it has some protective power that we can make use of."

"Well, when I used it made me feel like I could do anything," Orthorn commented. "And made this pop out of my chest." He produced a shining red spherical crystal from his robes, inside of which was an indistinct metallic animal--the crystal was too foggy to see clearly. "Near as I can tell, it's a morpholith like the Master's amulet. But it doesn't charge nearly as fast."

"What's this about morpholiths?"

All six of the friends immediately jumped, screamed, spasmed, froze, prayed for deliverance, and nearly fainted, depending on which friend was watched, at the sudden arrival of Marcurio and the kittens to the conversation.

Immediately, the Imperial spied the crystal Orthorn had in his hand, and then the Eye. "Oh, magical artifacts. Mohamara's latest work?"

"Well… this is, yes," Galamir said in explanation. "Apparently one of the effects is it creates… these?" He pointed to the red crystal. "Though they're not as efficient as the Master's."

"Not surprising, Mohamara's draws from the beacon which draws from Meridia. My guess would be that these draw from Mohamara, and he's not nearly as powerful as Meridia." The thief-mage leaned in to look at the crystal, then the Eye. "Hmm, I can't tell what planar alignment that morpholith has. This definitely seems artifact-tier work, though."

"The Master wished you to have it," Adannna said at last. "It is called the Eye of Mohamara."

Galamir passed the Eye over to Marcurio who was visibly confused. Jone, sensing something shiny that made jingling sounds, immediately started crying so that it would be presented to him. Marcurio had no choice but to comply. "Wait a minute," he said after Jone calmed down. "Is this his actual eye?"

But the friends had wisely chosen to run away the moment Marcurio had taken his eyes off them.
"Mario!" Jode, naturally, cut through the Imperial's budding rage with her adorable mispronunciation of his name. She sniffed at the Eye as Jone gummed it, then got it stuck on his fang. "Momamama!"

"Mario is going to beat Momamama's ass," he told the kittens while he got the artifact unstuck from Jone. "Metaphorically. Verbally. All kinds of -lly's except literally."

If you're curious, the Three Wise Lesbians were Tamriel's first true pop group, though their music never gained much popularity outside Black Marsh and Morrowind. The concept behind them comes from this tumblr art.
It's either the deserts of Elsewyr, Our Three-Eyed.. Oh, errr, Two-Eyed Tiger of Many Color's personal domain coming together, or I have no fucking clue at all. Also, Meridia... One of these days, when he gets enough domains, your child is going to beat your ass for all the abuses you've put him through that people are going to mistake you for your mother. Kind of sweet, in a sickening 'the actual fuck is wrong with you' kind of way. And then there's the rest of his family. Because of course they're here.

At least we can get 'Mario' a Nice Hat.
Phenomenal cosmic power does not preclude one from being a douche, in fact it just raises the stakes.