Skooma Cat (TES V: Skyrim)

Chapter 39
Getting an education in late-capitalistic periods be expensive, y'all.
Chapter 39: The College Plan

It didn't take long to find Jouane Manette once Mohamara started to ask for him. The old Breton man didn't often stray from Rorik's Manor at the top of the hill. All the buildings in Rorikstead had the look of the oldest Nord buildings in Whiterun and Morthal--like they had been built from the hulls of ships. But if the namesake of the village still lived, it must have been a design throwback to his ancestors.

Rorik's Manor was easily the size of Jorrvaskr and appeared to be built in the style of an overlarge Atmoran ship, squat where Jorrvaskr was tall, and the decorations were of plant life not of Atmoran animal gods. When the tojay knocked at the door, a young Nord girl answered, initially looking up. She giggled a bit when she had to look down to see Mohamara.

"Hey, is Jouane at home?" The tojay didn't let the girl finding him amusing color his mood, he could see in her that she was grey and nearly dead inside like he had been--the laughter brightened her up just a little. "Could you tell him that one of Maria's friends is here?"

The blonde Nord girl ducked back into the manor, and soon the elderly Breton had taken her place at the half-open door. He reeled back in surprise at Mohamara's appearance, and the Pink Coats following behind him, but relaxed when he saw the Meridian amulet at the tojay's neck. Jouane stepped outside and closed the door behind him, not glancing about at all.

Mohamara guessed that he knew there were no Vigilants or was secure enough to deal with those who happened to know the coded phrase.

"You've returned… different than when I saw you last, dear friend," the Breton greeted the Khajiit warmly and bent down to shake his hand. "But have you done it? Is Maria home at last?"

The sabre-toothed Khajiit nodded, resolute. "Maria's home, but when we got to her house there was a horrible squatter inside. There was no swordsman around, so she burned her house down rather than let it be used by someone so wicked. I'm going to be building her a new house, and she asked me to tell all her friends she's safe again."

Jouane seemed pained when the tojay discussed the destruction of the temple but seemed to accept it. "At least Maria is home, and we can send our letters to her again." The Breton stood tall and clapped his hands together. "But today is Sundas, and Maria is home! It is time for a celebration!" Jouane opened the door to the manor and shouted orders to those inside. When he returned to look at the guests on his doorstep, he seemed younger. There were fewer lines on his face and his liver spots were fewer. "You and your followers spread the word too. We need to get this together before sundown!"

Mohamara and his Pink Coats went down the hill to Rorikstead, and as soon as Jouane was outside earshot, they began to pester the tojay with questions.

Annoyed, the pink Khajiit answered a few of them in broad terms to imply the answers to other questions as well. "Maria is my dear friend, who lives on Mount Kilkreath. The Vigilants don't like her, even though she wants them to be her friends too. I was raised in Maria's house, so yes I expect you to at least treat her with respect. No, Orthorn, Maria is neither a Khajiit or my mother. She's probably an aunt or something, but she's as good as family to her friends. For those of you who aren't native to Skyrim or High Rock, she would probably be better known as Madea. Now go, tell all the locals what Jouane told you to."

The 'Madea' aspect of Meridia was… intense. From what he'd heard about her in Temple, she embodied the unfathomable rage and use of violence that Meridia would visit on her enemies to the point of memetic status. People who thought Meridia proper had a hair-trigger temper had never seen the kind of stuff that Meridia would pull while Madea. The only Daedra with a temper in the same weight class was Malacath.

Mohamara did his part to tell people about the last-minute celebration. It probably wasn't going to be much--some casks of mead, perhaps breaking out a smoked elk or two that Jouane had been saving. The Legion soldiers alone would go through that. However, when the word was passed on, those of the village who weren't involved in putting away farming equipment or livestock went over to the Khajiit caravan.

They came back with as much food as the caravan was willing to part with--particularly new products made with 'beet sugar'. Sweet bread, cakes, compressed balls of the sugar, and more. Once he realized that Ri'saad's caravan finally had imitation moon sugar to work with, Mohamara knew what he had to do.

He had Hadvar buy all of the milk that the farmers could sell for the day and then bought salt, sugar, and fruit. Bananas, oranges and grapes--Mohamara felt a craving for something that came out of a strange purple bottle but couldn't remember what--, custard apples, regular apples, and more.

Ice cream was the invention of an Orc sometime in the Sixth Era, so he couldn't give the people of Rorikstead that treat. But he could give them a suitable stand-in: Smoothies.


Brenelin had the strangest of the 'smoothie' drinks that anyone from the Legion or Rorikstead had asked for once the fruit, milk, and sugar beverage became more accepted. Her smoothie was a finely cooked steak, mixed with chicken broth and gravy in place of milk. She also said she couldn't partake of 'beet sugar', so had to have Yehochanan spin up a great deal of sugar-silk for her drink.

The most common request for substitution was that the milk be replaced with mead or ale. While it irked Mohamara that even Traynda had the 'milk drinker' bias, he had no problem pouring the ingredients into an imaginary blender and blending them up for the thirsty patrons.

All through the main street were set up quick tables with what had been purchased from the caravan or brought out of storage for the celebration. The Legion didn't get the significance of 'Maria' being home, at last, many Mohamara had heard talking about it seemed amazed anyone would live on Mount Kilkreath with the Thalmor for neighbors.

He came to realize that the whole of Rorikstead was a Meridian community. Once Jouane had talked to them, virtually everyone had come to thank him for helping Maria get home safely. Even the children. More than one had glanced about before showing their own Meridian amulet to him since he wore his clearly on display.

Another guest arrived over the hill during the festivities, a wandering bard. Since General Tullius had not returned from his meeting with Ri'saad, Mohamara felt free enough to approach the bard before he came to the tojay for a smoothie.

"Well met," the wanderer, Talsgar said once Mohamara introduced himself as a bard's college graduate. "I don't imagine the Legion has been keeping you in good practice with your music much. You don't look like a drummer, and that's all they seem to care about these days."

"Nah, I was a singer. Haven't been in practice much, lately. There hasn't been… a good enough reason to sing, you see." The tojay shrugged. "Also, thanks for not thinking me a kid given how short I am."

"Well, even if you were a child--with those teeth you could do me in no problem. A solid chomp on my thigh and I'd bleed to death, no problem." The Nord bard mimed chomping down on an invisible target. "But I must respectfully disagree with you about good enough reasons to sing. You are alive! These people are alive! That is reason enough to lift your voice, is it not?" When Mohamara didn't look convinced, the bard looked around. "Well, what about this then? A celebration isn't complete without some singing, is it? Would you lend me your voice, fellow bard?"

"Alright," Mohamara shrugged. "But if I go off key from lack of practice, you only get to laugh one time so make it a good one."

"You jest, but I learned how to laugh on command from a peculiar jester I met once in Dawnstar." The two of them went among the people, with Talsgar clapping his hands for attention. "Well, this looks like a good party! Don't suppose I could get some food and drink in exchange for singing some songs for you folks?"

The people of Rorikstead squinted at the bard, then as one looked to Mohamara. When the cat gave a thumbs up to them, they looked back at Talsgar and nodded all at the same time. Meridians who lived together tended to do such things, it was called synchronizing. Mohamara had seen something like it among the Khajiit caravans, mostly in regards to Ri'saad. A way of communicating without needing verbal cues or excessive body language that usually happened unconsciously.

"Do you happen to know 'She'll be coming down the Mountain?'" The young red-headed Erik, the bartender's son, asked the Nord bard. "It's a bit of a local favorite."

"I've… heard pieces of it, but not the song to its completion, I'm afraid. What about you, friend?" Talsgar looked down at Mohamara and grinned when the cat gave an affirmative. "Alright, how about you lead us for the first time and I'll follow you for subsequent performances?"

"Alright," the tojay said. He wasn't going to miss a chance to sing a covert hymn to Meridia. "I'll need some men with decent singing voices for that song, it's explicitly meant for a group."

A few of the men from the village came to stand with him: Rorik, the landlord, Jouane, Erik and his father Mralki, and Ennis from the livestock farm. Yehochanan sat on Mohamara's head and mimicked his hand movements while he got them to harmonize with each other and the Khajiit himself. Those not in the singing group seemed produce instruments from nowhere, and the performance began.

"She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes;
She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes;
She'll be comin' down the Mountain;
Blowin' steam off like a fountain;
She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes!"

The pre-verse of the song had no musical accompaniment and was slow, specifically to give the musicians time to get in key. So when the music began to play in the interlude between verses, it was with a significantly faster tempo, which the singers then matched.

"She'll be wearin' seven colors when she comes;
She'll be wearin' seven colors when she comes;
She'll be wearin' seven colors;
That'd look gaudy on all others;
She'll be wearin' seven colors when she comes!"

The General's entourage had no idea why the locals were singing other than it provided entertainment for them while they enjoyed the free food. Unnoticed by any of the soldiers, Legate Rikke accompanied General Tullius back to town from the Khajiit caravan. Tullius held a woolen rag to his face to stymie the blood flow on four shallow scratch marks he'd earned from poor word choice with the caravan's leader.

"Oh we'll all go out to meet her when she comes;
Oh we'll all go out to meet her when she comes;
Oh we'll all go out to meet her;
And we'll all be glad to see her;
Oh we'll all go out to meet her when she comes!"

Jouane's entire purpose in the singers' sections was to follow up the second and 'when she comes' with a fainter refrain. No one but Mohamara seemed to notice how the men of Rorikstead, not just Jouane, seemed to grow visibly younger as they sang along.

"She'll take the head off Ragnar when she comes;
She'll take the head off Ragnar when she comes;
She'll take the head off Ragnar;
'Cause he's such a lying braggart;
She'll take the head off Ragnar when she comes!"

Ragnar the Red was a popular song in many of Skyrim's bars. And every singer had a different shield-maiden who took off the head of the bragging liar. The only unifying thing about her was that her name started with an M and she attacked Ragnar for lying and bragging.

"Oh we'll have a bount'ful harvest when she comes;
Oh we'll have a bount'ful harvest when she comes;
Oh we'll have a bount'ful harvest;
Cause it's all grown in her garden;
Oh we'll have a bount'ful harvest when she comes!"

Perhaps this verse would be most strange to those who had not grown up in the Meridian way. According to the old stories, Meridia kept gardens of magically enriched land to provide endless food for mortals. The ultimate goal was to prevent a special form of undead that Namira had begotten from ever emerging again. A teleporting undead spirit that was born from those starving so badly that they were forced into cannibalism. These gardens became useful when increasing amounts of land were developed for Tamriel's modern population in the Twenty-First Era.

"She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes;
She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes;
She'll be comin' down the Mountain;
And the sight will be astoundin';
She'll be comin' down the Mountain when she comes!"

The last verse of the song started with the same tempo as those before, before slowing down to the pre-verse's. Without a proper studio to get the quality right, Mohamara didn't think it was particularly good singing, but it didn't need to be. It was a way of telling Meridia how much they loved her and how wonderful it would be for her to visit them. When the musicians stopped playing, a few of the Legion and Mohamara's Pink Coats offered token applause.

But Talsgar immediately went into how to make the song better, speaking about such things as getting the singers to harmonize more with each other by moving their positions around, and getting some instruments properly tuned. Talsgar's rendition of the song seemed to resonate better, a product of how much more experience with music the Nord bard had.

Afterward, Mohamara went back to making smoothies, with Talsgar taking a juniper berry flavored one, as he said it reminded him of his home in Markarth.

However, the smoothie distribution halted by Legate Rikke making an appearance. "Conscript, General wants a word."

"Yes, Legate." Mohamara was going to leave without incident, but he stopped and decided to test something. "Orthorn, take over making the drinks for people."

The High Elf finished his snowberry smoothie and hopped to his feet to comply, while Mohamara left with the Legate to the General's room in the Frostfruit Inn.

"...What the actual fuck did you say to Ri'saad to make him do that to your face? Sir." Mohamara hastily added the last bit to his stunned question. He'd found Tullius dabbing a woolen towel in healing potions and then rubbing it onto his face.

Tullius' expression was as far from amused as Cyrodiil was from Pyandonea. "The same thing I'm going to tell you. Because of what you… unintentionally did at Helgen, I'm not certain I can allow your conscription to end with the conclusion of the war."

If Mohamara had claws, he probably would have scratched the General in the face as well with that. Yehochanan hastily extracted the simmering fury from within him and bound it up in prismatic silk.

"You represent an incredible asset even without that… unique talent. But I'm sworn to act in the Empire's best interests. And having someone that can level an entire city, and take out an invading army while doing so free to go wherever they like is not in the Empire's interests." The General's eyes somehow found a new way to convey his iron resolve. "And neither is letting a Daedra who naturally exists on Nirn run around without a leash."

"Technically that makes him an Ehlnofey, sir," Rikke chimed in.

"He could be Akaotsh himself--wouldn't even be the first time that's happened--and I'd still say the same. Skyrim has this consistent problem with letting incredibly powerful individuals run rampant. By and large, it serves us well--they deal with minor problems before they become major ones. But then there are situations like yours, or your Orc friend's, where leaving them to their own devices ends in chaos. Relax," he said when Mohamara and the cat's animal limbs moved into threat-making stances. "I know she'd burn through the Legion, perhaps literally, if we tried to conscript her. It's why we don't do that sort of thing to Orcs anymore."

"So what? Am I to be a conscript until your Empire collapses? Would you like the date and time it happens so you can put an exact number on my sentence? ...I don't actually remember the date, but it doesn't happen for a couple hundred years at least." Mohamara began to pace in the General's room, with Yehochanan's abdomen quickly getting covered in bound up anxiety and rage. "Long story short, volcano, Atmora, water everywhere, a new age of piracy and naval supremacy, elves in charge, everything is awful until Pyandonea gets sick and tired of Alinor''s nonsense."

"... Do I want to know if that's a lie, son?" The scratches on the General's face had been treated by the healing potion, so they resembled rows of inflamed skin mixed with scabs. "But no. Being a permanent conscript, while incredibly amusing, wasn't what I had in mind. Regrettably, your grandfather and I didn't get to that point in the discussion for obvious reasons." The last of Tullius' scabs fell off and he set aside the potion and blood-soaked towel. "Would you believe I actually respect him for being brave enough to do that while the Legate was there glaring daggers at him."

"The old cat isn't one to be bullied," Rikke quipped. "And he can take a punch like a Nord."

"He's not actually my grandfather… I think." The tojay kept pacing while Yehochanan scrambled to keep him stable. "It's a thing he started doing when I first joined his caravan because he knew the average Nord would look at me and see a cathay kid, not a grown tojay."

"I put that together, son. It sort of came up with the 'Skooma Cat' thing we discussed." The General shifted in his seat to relax since his face was healed up. "For Sheogorath spawn you're relatively… normal, you know."

Within Mohamara's ears, Sheogorath laughed. "Oh good, I was afraid that me and my son-in-law's father's relationship would be boring. Excuse me for a bit? I need to go dust off my big book of hurtful things to call other people's children. It's a signed copy!" There was a sound of echoing steps in the tojay's head, and a distant door slam.

"Normal is relative," Mohamara ground out and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."

Thankfully, Tullius was not stupid enough to ask which Mohamara imagined himself as. "Like I said, I'm not talking you being a conscript forever. And if I reassigned you to the commands of other military governors they'd probably use the… city-breaking potential you have on a more frequent, intentional basis. Having been on the receiving end, I can personally say I find the prospect unethical. Legate, the reports?"

"Yes, sir." Rikke produced a journal stamped with the Legion's dragon-diamond and began to read from it. "The Sunderstone coven has agreed to be subcontracted to the Legion. The occupiers of Fort Amol, elemental mages, have also agreed to be subcontracted and to keep the fort out of Stormcloak hands. A spellsword coven led by Bashnag gro-Grodush has agreed to negotiate terms for being subcontracted. The Cragwallow coven, displaced by Ulfric's boys, have agreed to be subcontracted on the condition of a permanent residence after the war. Assuming Bashnag agrees, we'll have an estimated three hundred combat-ready mages with half as many apprentices."

"I don't know if you've been paying attention to the status of magical education in Cyrodiil, but let me provide you an abbreviated version." Tullius looked around for some wine and seemed defeated in that there was none. "The Synod and College of Whispers are a joke. No one on the Elder Council or in the Legion takes them seriously anymore. And since we have no choice but to pull from their ranks for the Shadow Legion, that's become a joke too. You'll notice I didn't bring any of them with me--because if I had what progress we've made would have taken twice as long."

"On a scale of one to having dinner with the Thalmor, how bad are we talking?" The tojay stopped pacing to listen to the news. Covens weren't just a word for a group of mages, it was an incredibly specific type of magical community that bordered on an extended family setup. By far the most prominent covens Mohamara had learned about in the past, the Glenmoril Wyrd and Halliwell Sisters, had operated thus.

"I would legitimately rather go to every party Elenwen throws for the next ten years than have the Shadow Legion involved in this war. How's that on your scale?"

"Oof, that's not good at all." Yehochanan's emergency stabilization stopped, and Mohamara was mostly himself again. "So what do you expect me to do about them? Invent a whip that can reach from here to Cyrodiil and smack them whenever they do something wrong?"

"As amusing as that would be, no. The Legate mentioned that these covens still have apprentices in need of training--I would like you and your Pink Coats to see to that training. Far from the front, so there's little chance of the enemy deciding to attack like they did at Helgen, and far from civilization so if it does happen again we don't lose any more cities." There was something almost sardonic in the General's voice, perhaps he was a fan of black humor. "So, I'm reversing my previous order of you being made part of my entourage. Instead--we're sending you and these apprentices to learn from what passes for a magical university in this backwater."

"Winterhold is in enemy territory, sir," the tojay pointed out with an arched brow.

"Indeed. But Korrir's Hold is pathetically weak at present. He sided with Ulfric in the hopes that Ulfric would help his people, and that hasn't happened. He'll make a fuss about a bunch of new mages coming to his… hamlet and Ulfric won't listen. The College, like the Companions, is a mercenary organization in practice--they listen to gold first, and their scruples second. I mean--there's been a damned Thalmor there for years at this point, and Ulfric hasn't done diddly-squat about that." Tullius threw up his hands in exasperation. "Once they're fully trained, we'll field test them by taking Winterhold back--by then we should have the Pale back under our control, and we'll have the rebels trapped."

Mohamara didn't know how to feel about the knowledge that he had witnessed the dour General Seneca Tullius unironically using the word diddly-squat. Rikke seemed to be in a similar position: They both wanted to tell someone about this but knew that no one would believe them.

"So once we're at Solitude and all the apprentices we can expect to participate are present, we'll put you on a boat and ship you off to Winterhold."

"Winterhold doesn't have a port, sir," Rikke cut in.

"They have to get people out to that island prison of theirs somehow, don't they? It'll take weeks for all these green-horn mages to get to Solitude anyway, have our scouts look for a safe point to land, then."

"So who's going to be paying the tuition for these students?" Mohamara's question got both humans to stop and look confused. "It's four-thousand septims to apply to Winterhold, let alone learn magic there. Per person. Per six months."

Rikke was absolutely flabbergasted by that figure. It was so much money she had to lean on the wall to remain standing. "...How?" She was completely unable to believe that such sums of money were necessary. "That's madness, who could possibly afford that? You have to be joking."

"I jumped through every hoop imaginable to get scholarships and grants to go to college because even community schools like Jorrvaskr charged obscene amounts. That's what happens when there's no government in place that tells these schools what they are and aren't allowed to charge for the privilege of learning from their 'storied' and 'time-honored' institution. As for the port thing…" Mohamara's brows arched as he got an interesting idea. "If you want to really drive home how unimportant this Korrir fellow is, and are willing to let me break that weird anti-flying law you have, I could just… float the ship over."

Tullius blinked once, twice, three times before speaking a word. "I forgot that you could do stuff like that."

"Would you like me to write up something? Maybe a helpful list detailing all the strategically important capabilities my students and I are capable of? I guess since I'm going to be working for you for for the rest of the Era, I should learn to play The Entertainer, serve cocktails, and answer all questions with 'yes, mastah' or 'no, mastah', shouldn't I? Do you want those on the list, too?"

Tullius groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're not a slave, son. We're paying you handsomely."

The tojay shook his head and held up his hands in an X. "Yeah, wrong. It isn't the wage or lack thereof that makes a slave. It's the self-determination or lack thereof. Hell, I once did a paper about how soldiering is a willing form of slavery for my ethics course--you want to fight me for the high ground on this, I'm so down for that."

"Is this a bad time to ask about my pay raise, General?" All eyes in the room turned to look at Hadvar, who had leaned slightly into the doorway. After a solid minute of being stared at, he slowly stepped away. "I'll ask some other time, sorry to interrupt."
If anyone's been paying attention, Kraldr was the Jarl to precede Korir. He was the last Jarl alive that had seen Winterhold before the Collapse.
The toJay should be free! But nuke should be controlled. The today is also a nuke that goes off when you whack it the wrong way and has somehow not made himself the next best thing to god despite having enchanting far north of skyrim.

Eh. If its willing isn't it inherently an expression of self determination and thus not slavery?

Also you can fly mohamara and mind fuck. This sounds less like an actual argument and more lIke bitching to negotiate.
"So what? Am I to be a conscript until your Empire collapses? Would you like the date and time it happens so you can put an exact number on my sentence? ...I don't actually remember the date, but it doesn't happen for a couple hundred years at least." Mohamara began to pace in the General's room, with Yehochanan's abdomen quickly getting covered in bound up anxiety and rage. "Long story short, volcano, Atmora, water everywhere, a new age of piracy and naval supremacy, elves in charge, everything is awful until Pyandonea gets sick and tired of Alinor''s nonsense."
Damnit, Mohamara, that was such a power move until you RUINED IT BY BEING FUNNY AND LIKEABLE.

Tullius groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're not a slave, son. We're paying you handsomely."

The tojay shook his head and held up his hands in an X. "Yeah, wrong. It isn't the wage or lack thereof that makes a slave. It's the self-determination or lack thereof. Hell, I once did a paper about how soldiering is a willing form of slavery for my ethics course--you want to fight me for the high ground on this, I'm so down for that."
This is one of those great character moments that really makes you think "Hey, that's me! Yeah...yeah...that's! That's me. That's me."

Looking forward to mainlining some of that awful Saarthal badness! I hope that Quaranir fucking chokes. Actually, he's second on my list. I want to watch Ancano pop like a balloon.
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Eh. If its willing isn't it inherently an expression of self determination and thus not slavery?

Also you can fly mohamara and mind fuck. This sounds less like an actual argument and more lIke bitching to negotiate.
All negotiation is creative applications of bitching. Also, Mohamara's amulet can only produce common grade soul-thread, and his gear is already enchanted to all get out. Just lacks tail protection.

Also Mohamara's paper likened the act of enlisting to willingly putting a colar and leash on. A voluntary act that precludes changing it later. The soldier willingly gives up self-determination, possibly for the rest of their lives, so while it is an expression of self-determination it robs the self of futher self-determination. Note, that paper was written when Mohamara was like eighteen or so.

Damnit, Mohamara, that was such a power move until you RUINED IT BY BEING FUNNY AND LIKEABLE.

This is one of those great character moments that really makes you think "Hey, that's me! Yeah...yeah...that's! That's me. That's me."

Looking forward to mainlining some of that awful Saarthal badness! I hope that Quaranir fucking chokes. Actually, he's second on my list. I want to watch Ancano pop like a balloon.
He's Sheo-spawn, he can't not be funny or have funny things happen to him. Reminds me, we haven't had a situation that is solved by ditching clothes in a while, ought to fix that.

I'm told that writing character moments that get aggressively real and relatable are fun things to do. Not as fun as brutally maiming my characters, but still.

Personally I'm looking forward to exploring what the actual living fuck Savos Aren's policies are that so many people just straight up left the college.
All negotiation is creative applications of bitching. Also, Mohamara's amulet can only produce common grade soul-thread, and his gear is already enchanted to all get out. Just lacks tail protection.

Also Mohamara's paper likened the act of enlisting to willingly putting a colar and leash on. A voluntary act that precludes changing it later. The soldier willingly gives up self-determination, possibly for the rest of their lives, so while it is an expression of self-determination it robs the self of futher self-determination. Note, that paper was written when Mohamara was like eighteen or so.

He's Sheo-spawn, he can't not be funny or have funny things happen to him. Reminds me, we haven't had a situation that is solved by ditching clothes in a while, ought to fix that.

I'm told that writing character moments that get aggressively real and relatable are fun things to do. Not as fun as brutally maiming my characters, but still.

Personally I'm looking forward to exploring what the actual living fuck Savos Aren's policies are that so many people just straight up left the college.

Honestly, it seems like he just let the college go to rot, coupled with hostility from Winterhold, pruning most of the electives for an attempt at saving the college's budget through austerity, and the whole 'Fuck Ancano' issue.
Maybe it relates to the expedition at the labyrinthian? Maybe Savos is lazy or has ptsd. Also those guys that left were their necros?
Am I the only one who thinks Marcurio isn't a good match as a husband for Mohamara? While he is certainly an good person, there just doesn't lok like any sort of bond (romantic or otherwise) is forthcoming. Plus it just feels like he is continually making Mohamara uncomfortable. Then theres the fact that his dowry and marriage honestly look like a payment for his being placed in servitude in the legion under a father-in-law who only considers him a military asset, and otherwise considers him a low-life criminal.

But since Marcurio is nice enough to respect the boundries Mohamara sets makes me wonder if hes going to ask if he even wants to marry him in the first place.
Am I the only one who thinks Marcurio isn't a good match as a husband for Mohamara? While he is certainly an good person, there just doesn't lok like any sort of bond (romantic or otherwise) is forthcoming. Plus it just feels like he is continually making Mohamara uncomfortable. Then theres the fact that his dowry and marriage honestly look like a payment for his being placed in servitude in the legion under a father-in-law who only considers him a military asset, and otherwise considers him a low-life criminal.

But since Marcurio is nice enough to respect the boundries Mohamara sets makes me wonder if hes going to ask if he even wants to marry him in the first place.

This was tagged in the Ao3 version of the story, but Marriage before Romance is at play.

But the cat's already made his case for why he shouldn't trust Marcurio. It's also worth noting that the Tullius men are not of the same mind on this topic--Marcurio hasn't been made aware of these 'permanent military asset' plans. To give you an idea of how he would react, though, consider the following:
  • He had a strongly negative reaction to finding out Mohamara had been declawed, but not at Mohamara.
  • He nearly killed Karliah then and there when he found out she'd had the catboy in a muzzle.
  • When he found out about the kidnapping, his first comment was how out of practice at intentional murder he was.
  • Tullius didn't set Legion soldiers on Marcurio despite being 'criminal scum' because Marcurio would 100% kill his way out of Castle Dour.
On a meta level, the final candidates for the match were randomly selected, because it seemed a thing Sheogorath would do. Marcurio won out over candidates like Captain Lonely-Gale, Madesi, J'zargo, and Erandur. There were others but it was a substantial list and I didn't save it because record keeping is for nerds.
Isnt that fanart missing the big teeth? im still a bit uncertain how hes supposed to look apart from a child sized khajit with sort of fur tattoos?
Isnt that fanart missing the big teeth? im still a bit uncertain how hes supposed to look apart from a child sized khajit with sort of fur tattoos?

I purposefully kept it vague so the reader's imagination was able to fill in the gaps. Start with a sandcat, add some African wildcat traits, give it pastel pink, light blue, and lime green stripes (or mostly pink, I'm not the government, I can't make you do things). But yes, still missing the big ol' stabyteeth.
But will he Marcurio find out before or after he kills the High King of Skyrim?
Even I don't know that yet :V
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Chapter 40
Who's the leader of the club that gobbles up the cheese?
Chapter 40: What did I say about Sleeping Tee Sap?!

"I don't like this situation any more than you do, son."

The pink Khajiit's response was to reach up and lift Yehochanan off his head. "I need you to stop for a few minutes," he told the spider-crab once the two were face to face. "I want to be angry for this." Back onto his head, the spider-crab was placed, and the Khajiit metaphorically exploded at the General for his stupid sentiment. "You don't like it?! I'm the one that stands to lose out of this deal!"

Without Yehochanan keeping his rage in check, the timbers of the inn creaked and moved as if blown by a strong wind. The Legion veterans took notice and began to realize their peril. For a while, they had forgotten that the Khajiit was a Daedra, not just a child-sized cat.

"I said you wouldn't be a conscript forever, and I meant it," Tullius hastily clarified, careful to make it look like he was still in control. "It would send your family… the wrong message." The General's mind filled with images of the Mad God's justified vengeance upon not just him, but potentially the entire Empire for such a thing. Sheogorath had seemingly mellowed out since the Fourth Era began, but he was still the Mad God and wasn't to be insulted lightly. "No, what I propose with this setup is that you and your Pink Coats become… something similar to the Shadow Legion except competent. I need to consult with the Emperor for the specific chain of command, but you would have equal authority to the Legate here."

Mohamara's anger did not abate, it strained against the confines of the room and pushed furniture around to find ways out. "You say that. But already you've changed your mind once, what's to keep you from changing your mind again?" The cat's anger became less kinetic and more frigid. Ice began to form on the glass panes of the window, and the human's breath puffed out in clouds as all warmth drained away from the room. "You said Yagraz would burn her way through the Legion if you conscripted her. What makes you think she won't do the same when she learns of this? What makes you think Marcurio won't? Or that I won't?" His words saw frost cover every metallic surface in the room, from the Legate's armor to the iron fastenings in the lights.

"Nothing, but the hope that you can see my position and understand why I have to do this." A crack in the General's mask of impartiality was carefully created, to allow an expression of sympathy through that he hoped Mohamara would accept.

"I do understand. I just don't' care. About your Empire, about this war, or the wars to follow. As I said before, your Empire will fall long before it reaches the strength it had previously, even with my help." Suddenly the cat squinted at the General, and both humans felt something like rope wrapping around their necks though there was nothing there. "Wait a minute… your Legion has Stendarr as its patron. Your troops go on to become Vigilants, Daedra hunters when they can't serve anymore. Is this the game you're playing? Luring me and mine into a Vigilant execution camp or something?"

"No!" Tullius hadn't realized how quickly this could turn bad until the invisible rope around his neck began to tighten, enough to lift him and the Legate into the air. "Not a trap!"

"Your sympathetic bonds tell me you find the concept of honor ridiculous, General, so why should I believe you?"

"...So he finally said something to set you off, did he?" All eyes turned to find a figure in a short cape with a hood leaning on the doorframe into the room. It wasn't really a good disguise, given the hood was silk and had gold stitching to resemble a Chow Chow, the Tullius familial animal, and the wearer's soul patch was visible. "For me, it was the 'this is my house and you'll live by my rules' thing."

The General and Legate were released and crashed to the floor. The tojay stormed out of the room and stood beside the cloaked Marcurio, positioning himself so that the thief-mage was between Mohamara and the Legionnaires.

"No, it was finding out that he's never going to let me out of the Legion. Won't be a conscript, but never a free man again." Mohamara huffed, then poked at Yehochanan. "You can start up again, I'm done being angry."

All the mirth drained from Marcurio's face, though only half of it was visible. "Father, you can't be serious. You literally can not be serious--his family would set the whole continent on fire if you did that."

"What should I do then?!" General Seneca Tullius was without wine, and so his temper was frayed enough without being nearly choked to death by magic. "You had to get to this side of that avalanche somehow, probably flying that dragon you didn't think I knew about. So you saw what he did to Helgen. And that's just from losing his tail!"

"Wait, you lost your--" Marcurio looked down and noticed only about a third of the Khajiit's tail being where it ought to have been. Immediately, his face screwed up in rage but the thief-mage took a deep breath and was all smiles again. "We can talk about that later, love. Back to the topic at hand: You should do what the Empire at large has done--accept that there are forces outside your control." The son met his father's enraged gaze and lifted his hood to match it with his own. "Mara's mercy, Father, you're acting more like a Thalmor than a Man of Cheydinhal."

Rikke said nothing. She looked on and kept her mouth shut. Mohamara could pick up from her sympathetic bonds that she was relieved that someone who the General couldn't use his position to silence had said it at last.

Mohamara initially wanted to do nothing, but Yehochanan pinched his ear and gestured at the General. In Tullius' sympathetic bonds there was a knot of dissonance forming. The Tullius men were yelling at each other, both being too bull-headed to concede ground to the other. Mohamara had thought that Marcurio could diffuse the situation but he'd only made it worse.

"Am I going to have to be the reasonable one in this relationship? Is that what's going to happen? I just learned how to choke people with magic, too. Aww, man…." Mohamara buried his face in his hands, lamenting the inability to choke people to solve his problems. While this happened, he failed to notice a mouse with Sheogorath's face running across the floor with a comparatively massive purple flask.

Mouseogorath took some cups from the tavern's bar, and set them on the counter, emptied out half a bottle of Surille Brother's wine, and began to empty the viscous purple liquid from the giant flask into the bottle. He didn't completely empty the flask, however. Instead, he changed the container into a milk jug and emptied another milk jug into it. Once his work was done, Mouseogorath whistled and faded out of Mundus.

Mohamara looked over to the source of the whistling and saw a bottle of wine alongside a milk jug. He smelled a faint orange and grape scent that instinctively drove him over to the location of the drinks. The cat had a little bit of gold on his person and left that at the bar while he took the wine, milk, and some cups over to the arguing men and viscerally uncomfortable Rikke.

"Look, how about you jackasses have a drink, calm down, and we try talking about this without murdering anyone?" The sabretoothed tojay held up the wine bottle between the Tullius men to break up their red-faced screaming match. They were Imperials, so of course, they couldn't turn down Surille Brother's wine, but Rikke took a glass more reluctantly. None of them noticed the strange glittery substance that had mixed with the wine and made it slightly off-color.

About twenty minutes later, none of the four were in fit condition to argue. Mohamara was curled up in an almost perfect circle next to Marcurio, who in turn was propped up against the wall counting oxygen molecules and amazed that he hadn't been able to see them before. Yehochanan was spinning a web detailing mathematical equations between the rafters, while Qorach snapped at the shadow of its tail.

"I think my hands are too big," the General said in a daze, as he sat on his bed, staring at his hands and wondering how long they had been so gigantic.

Rikke, across the room and looking up at the ceiling, rolled over to look at him. "How big are they?" When the General showed her his hands, she recoiled. "You should see a healer about that, it can't be normal."

"What if the healer made my hands this big?"

"Shit, that's a good point."


Things had changed in the week after the Rorikstead 'discussion'. General Tullius had decided, with some gentle pushing from Rikke, that angering the Mad God by enslaving his son was not a good look and that they'd likely already incurred some of Sheogorath's wrath. So Mohamara's conscription was ended and a hasty subcontract was written up for him and his Pink Coats. This meant that all the tojay's followers who cooperated with the Legion would earn a wage, not just Mohamara and that they would be given official protection from the Vigil that was otherwise only offered to Orcs.

Marcurio had informed the caravan leaders that Ahkari's caravan had been taken in by the Jarl of Riften and was safe. Then he shared the information that his pet dragon, Kipgolsik, had used a Shout to turn the snow between Falkreath and the Rift into a glacier. It would still be an arduous process to get a tunnel dug, or possibly burned, through to connect the two sides. But once it was done, they would have a mostly safe route to bypass the Valtheim Valley. In the meantime, Ma'dran's caravan would travel south to Bruma in Cyrodiil and create a new circuit between there and Solitude, perhaps even stop at Falkreath.

Every time Mohamara saw Marcurio and the General in the same space after that, the thief-mage had a smile that bore far too many teeth, and the General seemed to visibly disturbed by it. And Marcurio seemed adamant that the General and Mohamara were to be allowed no more private discussions, as he would hide nearby whenever they talked about paperwork or what the General requested the other subcontracted students learn. Usually, Mohamara could only pick up on the thief-mages' presence by the sympathetic bonds because otherwise, he was invisible.

And rather than go to Solitude with the General after they reached Haafingar, it had been Marcurio's suggestion to go into the Volskygge valley and see how the settlement had progressed. It hadn't been very long, so Mohamara didn't expect much.

And naturally, the universe wished him to be completely and utterly wrong.

Volskygge mountain, an offshoot of the Druadach Mountains that separated Skyrim and High Rock, had become a busy little settlement. Volskygge, the Nordic barrow-fortress, was still being repaired internally, but the topmost levels had been successfully repaired and converted into living space. The displaced people of Heljarchen, who had become the bandits of Irkngthand, had no problem living in an ancient Nordic barrow-town it seemed--Mohamara had even seen the warriors using weapons taken from Draugr, as they were as good as common steel. But they weren't alone--almost three scores of Bretons had come to live with them, former members of the Forsworn that found their hiding places in the Reach no longer good enough to escape Igmund's warriors, and were all but forced to return to civilized life. According to The Caller, their bitterness toward the Nords had been calmed by warm food, warm beds, and good company.

In what way she meant that last part was something the tojay decided not to ask about.

Mohamara's Pink Coats went among the faithful to spread what they had been taught, and what Mohamara had commanded of them. This let the mage-thief to take Mohamara on a 'grand tour' of what was being done in the main building and budding settlement outside.

"How do you know all about this place, when I haven't even been here yet?" The Khajiit asked as the two of them climbed up the slopes of Volskgge mountain on invisible ladders.

"I've been using Kipgolsik the run around Skyrim," was the mage-thief's response. "He knows this Shout, Whirlwind Sprint, and it lets him go way faster than he normally can. Your Orc friend showed it to him. Anyway, I've been using it to basically explode my business and set up contacts across Skyrim--including here. Gulum-Ei's been helpful in getting your people what they need to get this place up and running faster, and with so many mages around they've had no trouble clearing rubble and such." The Nibense man turned in the air to look down to Mohamara with a dashing look and smug grin. "And fair Jarl Elisif, when I told her about how we were to be wed, and how she was invited--she was so ecstatic. Doubly so when I gave her a gift of some of my silks to get her approval for my latest venture--using the frostbite spiders here to set up a northern branch of my silk manufacturing."

"...You know, they aren't your property until we're married right?" Mohamara enjoyed the expression of confusion on the Imperial's face that preceded Marcurio trying to sweet-talk him into going along with the 'plan'. "Save the compliments, 'love', you can have the spiders and set up your branch here. What's your silk-making business even called?"

"Goldtooth!" Marcurio produced a small flag affixed to a wand-sized rod, a black background with a set of white teeth and one golden canine. "Logo still being workshopped. The name comes from the principal facility, Faldar's Tooth, and my latest acquisition: Goldenglow Estate!"

Onward they climbed, and as they neared the peak, Mohamara noticed a decidedly not Ancient Nordic structure sticking off the mountainside. He abandoned the ladder game to bounce his way up at greater speeds, and inspect the structure. At the peak of Volskygge was a two-story Nordic house made of equal parts stone, pine wood, and dried clay. It wasn't quite done--there were gaps for windows that were covered by animal furs, and there was an overhang for a covered porch that hadn't been added on yet. Soon enough, Marcurio joined Mohamara in looking at the building while floating in the air.

"Nice, isn't it? However, your followers were… focusing a bit too much on it, and needed to be told to get the rest of the place made livable. I figured you wouldn't want them starting from the top when they still needed to do things such as clear out roots, getting the ceilings stable, and making sure the indoor stream was safe to drink." Marcurio counted off these things on his fingers, though he repeatedly tapped his little finger and rolled his eyes upward like he was forgetting something. "Oh! And disabling the traps. No fun having to spend a week on a cot because a battering ram broke your ribs."

"Thank you for that." The tojay sat on the air and rubbed his forehead. "This is too much--it reminds me of a house I… saw before. Always wanted to live there, but…."

Marcurio scooted slightly closer but held to the cat's wishes on touching. "You did not bid them build for you this space. From what your student Galamir says, you don't want any temples? That's fine, but you do need a place to stay. You have this valley, this mountain, and you have my properties to choose from. Perhaps we could go inside and talk about permanent residences?"

The tojay's ear closest to the Man twitched and he looked over. "I can hear your teeth rattling--oh, right, the cold. Let's go, then." Mohamara suddenly zipped away, as if a trapdoor had fallen out beneath him and he was riding a chute down to one of the incomplete windows, and easily passed through the bear pelt that had been hung up there to keep the snow out.

Marcurio looked at where the tojay had been to where he had gone, and back again before he scooted over and followed Mohamara's path on the same invisible chute. The inside of the incomplete building was rather barebones, with the load-bearing walls and supports in place but not much else. Except for a stone staircase that led up to a double-door marked with Mohamara's crafter's mark, a three-eyed Khajiit head.

"Believe it or not, this was where a dragon priest was entombed--your Caller has his mask now," Marcurio quipped as he dusted himself off and lit a fire between his hands to light up the dark interior. "Over that way, you'll find the iron doors that lead to the second throne room. The sarcophagus was right here, and up there was a curved wall with the dragon language written on it." As he talked he moved around the building's interior to describe it. "It's the only part of the building that's quote-unquote done, and it's where I've been storing some things for you."

Mohamara was visible mostly from the firelight glinting off his eyes, teeth, and the eyes of his Servitors. "Is it warmer in that room or the… second throne room?" When Marcurio indicated the finished room, he led the way up the stairs and inside. The interior was like a storeroom, piled high with boxes, several pieces of furniture covered in linens. The sheer vastness of the room surprised Mohamara, it was like the outer room was a mere antechamber for this. But the walls were better insulated, and once the door closed he no longer heard Marcurio's teeth chatter.

"So… shall we talk?"

"Yes." The two sat down, Mohamara on a linen-covered dresser and Marcurio on a chest. "How about we exchange questions and answers? You can start a question, and I'll answer. Or Yehochanan will if it's something I'm being weird about."

The First Servitor clacked his claws like castanets from his Master's back.

"Alright," Marcurio paused for a moment and feigned thinking up a question when he'd had a list made for weeks. "First question: Do you want to get married?"

"I've wanted to be married for years. But I gave up hope that it would ever happen. Back then…." The tojay crossed his legs and looked down at his hands. "It felt like I was alone, even when I was with Yagraz. She always had her family to go back to, and I had no one but Meridia--not exactly a talker, that one. So yes, I want a societal construct symbolizing an emotional connection that answers to marriage. My turn?" He looked up and squinted at the practiced neutral expression on the Imperial. "Not going to ask you what you asked me. So--let's get this out of the way right away. I'm the same size as a six-year-old child, we both know I'm not one, but there are people who won't be so well informed. Are you okay with people jumping to certain conclusions?"

Marcurio nodded, and the fire in his hands grew in size. "I'm fully prepared to calmly explain the situation if they're confused, or burn their faces off if they're confrontational about it." There was a solid minute of utter silence while Marcurio looked proud of himself for his answer. "Oh right, next question. Hmm, what sort of Daedra… are you?"

"Kindness, not as glamorous as some others but hey, I'm pinker than I used to be. Not sure if I count as a Daedra until I have a connection to Oblivion, which could happen any number of ways--Oblivion is weird like that." The Khajiit shrugged. "My question: Why do you keep giving me things?"

Marcurio's smile was, for one moment, less smug and warmer. He shaped the fire in his hand into that of a blooming flower as he answered. "Because I was told you were rather… romantic. And so am I. If I could do it, I would compose poetry for you as well. And if we can come to… like one another, then perhaps you will have songs, poems, or gifts for me later on. I appreciate you teaching me to fly, though."

The questions then launched into rapid-fire questions and answers about the nature of romance and love. Mohamara's years of yearning and insight due to Meridian culture gave him an esoteric and idealized view of love. It was a grand journey to be undertaken by incomplete people helping each other to be more than they would be alone. But love could easily become pain and change back into love. Hate was a completely separate emotion, as the opposite of love was apathy.

Marcurio had a more hands-on view of love. It was ambition's truest expression--a force that could drive people to otherwise impossible things. Love was what made people want to develop skills, to learn subjects, to be people at all. Marcurio loved the thrill being a thief, he loved being a powerful mage, he loved being a Tullius man, and he loved himself--they were not independent facets of his identity but relied on each other for him to function. Changes to those things would fundamentally change who he was--what he was.

"It won't be long now, you know." Marcurio had warmed the room with his fire so that he no longer had to sustain it. "The wedding, I mean. I've contacted the Dark Brotherhood about assassinating Ulfric Stormcloak--turns out it was part of a larger plot of theirs. Didn't get all the details, but their leader--a sadistic old biddy named Astrid--made hints as such."

Mohamara felt a surge of sympathetic bonds from that revelation. Through Marcurio, to Astrid, to Eastmarch, and to a Nord man sitting on a throne in Windhelm. Presumably, he saw Ulfric Stormcloak. Through the bonds, he could feel the man's despondency, doubt, and frustrations.

"I suppose it's merciful to assassinate him," the tojay commented while stretching his legs before they cramped. "He's absolutely miserable at the moment."

"I can imagine. But on a lighter topic, I was reviewing the guest list for the ceremony the other day and realized I hadn't asked your input. Here, have a look and see if there's anyone who we need to add." Marcurio offered Mohamara a roll of parchment and looked immensely pleased with himself. "The checkmarks next to their names indicate that they've agreed to attend."

The Khajiit frowned at the list, as the enormous majority of the guests were names he had no memory of. "I'm guessing most of these will be on your side of the aisle?"

"Well, yes. I've made a lot of friends."

"Hmm. Send invitations to Senna and Eltrys of Markarth--they helped me out once, and I'd like to get to know them better. And some for the bard's college. Definitely get one for Hadvar--he's about the only Legionnaire I unambiguously like."

Marcurio arched an eyebrow. "What about my father?"

"The only Legionnaire I unambiguously like," the cat said again and stuck his tongue out at Marcurio. He went back to looking at the list and squinted at one name in particular. "Who in the Ashpit is Titus Mede II? Your maternal grandfather or something?"

"Oh, he's a friend of the family. I long suspected he was my uncle growing up, but no. Just a war buddy of my father's--much more likable too. Was really happy to have his RSVP." Marcurio, as was given with a professional thief, was capable of lying with a straight face flawlessly.

Sleeping tree sap on its own is a powerful sedative and narcotic hallucinagin. But add alchol and you get something that approximates cannibas.

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Neat, the Usurper is coming, alongside at least one Dragonborn. I hope they invite Ralof as well, if only to get him and Hadvar into the same room together, drunk, and out of uniform. Having a Priestess of Dibella there can only help the wedding night go off with a great big bang.

Wonder if anyone from Sithis' crew will show up for the wedding.

"I think my hands are too big," the General said in a daze, as he sat on his bed, staring at his hands and wondering how long they had been so gigantic.

Rikke, across the room and looking up at the ceiling, rolled over to look at him. "How big are they?" When the General showed her his hands, she recoiled. "You should see a healer about that, it can't be normal."

"What if the healer made my hands this big?"

"Shit, that's a good point."
And it's back to hilarious again.
Aaand there it is. I should note the reason why I was wondering if Marcurio was going ti ask "Do you want to marry me?" is because while an arranged marriage is something Mohamara has been expecting the lack of control and implied danger from Sheogorath arranging it brings dread, whereas asking Mohamara gives him the decisive power and says "I care what your thoughts/feelings are" which seems a somewhat romantic gesture.

On a seperate note, I had the hilarious thought of a Deadra of Jyggalag showing up in Modern Tamriel having filled out all the obscure paperwork to go right up to the head of the Empire and say "Jyggalag wants you ti make his worship legal."
When Sheo first approached Marcurio about the match, and when Meridia made her threats later, he asked them what Mohamara thought of it. That their reactions were both variants of "why would he have a say?" concerned our dashing rogue. Hopefully after seeing the General's conflict resolution skills, you understand why Marcurio would empathize.
Chapter 41
That feel when your sister has to call you out for being a terrible parent.

Chapter 41:The Kind Daedra

It came to Mohamara's attention that the tax papers he had filed at Helgen weren't valid as the only copies of them had been destroyed. Which meant he had to spend an afternoon going to Solitude to fill the paperwork out again. It was a miserable experience, he hated every second of it, and his day was immediately brightened by Marcurio throwing a ball of silk yarn down a hallway for the Khajiit to chase after.

"So, since you're not in the Legion anymore," the thief-mage commented as he continuously threw the yarn ball every time Mohamara batted it out of pouncing distance, "why are you still wearing their armor?"

"Force of habit, I guess," the Khajiit responded and bounded away after the yarn. "I mean, gambeson would be a thousand times better than most leather armor. But I spent a lot of time enchanting this get-up." He stopped talking for a while to gnaw on the yarn, then rolled onto his back to bat the ball into the air and bounce it.

"Could you… perhaps enchant normal clothes to act like armor?" Marcurio caught the yarn ball as Mohamara bounced it, and unraveled it. Once it was unwound, he trailed the silk string behind him and let the cat pounce after the string in an attempt to catch it.

"Not with common soul-thread. That sort of thing requires greater soul-thread at least because it has to diffuse kinetic energy into the enchantment and then the surrounding material. Greater and above soul-thread can harden the fabric relative to the amount of force applied. Gnah!" After many failed pounce attempts, Mohamara finally snatched the end of the silk thread in his teeth and held on.

"Well, you know my stance. Silks or nothing! I happen to know there's no silk in this closet if you'd like me to fetch you something appropriate?" Marcurio held open a door to one of Castle Dour's storage closets and looked down at the yarn-biting Khajiit with a shit-eating grin.

"Uh-uh, I feel for the 'get naked in the closet' thing too many times growing up." Mohmara shook his head and yanked at the yarn some more. "Not falling for it again."

Marcurio's smile wavered just a little. "...I'm honestly surprised you fell for it more than once. I'm concerned that you fell for it enough times to identify it so quickly. But I'm going to laugh for a minute or two at the mental image." And so he did. While the Nibenese man laughed his lungs away, Mohamara continued playing with the silk yarn.


When they got back to Volskygge with the Legion forces Mohamara had agreed to house on his land, and the supplies to build their housing, he found unwanted guests in his home. Namely, a Hagraven and Forsworn Briarheart accompanied by some Forsworn warriors. From what he picked up as he approached the first throne room in the mountain fortress, the Hagraven was appealing to the Forsworn deserters that had chosen to live alongside Mohamara's Pink Coats and villagers.

"The spilled blood of the Reach calls out to you, sons and daughters of Forsworn," cried the Hagraven, with her gangly limbs partially covered in feathers swung about in grand gestures. "The faithless have been stricken with a terrible plague that reaches over the mountains into the West Reach. And if you don't want to die in screaming agony, you will return to the Old Ways! Turn the fury this old mother knows burn in your hearts on these pathetic Nords, these followers of a weak Daedra, or suffer Peryite's curse!"

Marcurio and the newly promoted Praefect Hadvar didn't have time to attempt a stealthy takeout of the nine or so unwanted Forsworn. As if launched from a bow, Qorach lept from Mohamara's shoulders and wound around the Hagraven's neck as if it were a python. While she exclaimed in surprise, the Second Servitor bit her on her hooked nose and almost immediately turned her face purple and black from the unnaturally fast venom.

The Briarheart found his briar heart yanked from his chest by an invisible force. And the invading Forsworn found themselves held aloft by unseen forces whereupon Yehochanan would leap to each in turn and trap them in a cocoon prismatic silk.

Mohamara's expression, a vicious snarl, softened immensely when his living amputations returned to him once their work was done. The Hagraven and Briarheart were dead, and their Forsworn strung up from the ceiling by Yehochanan's silk.

"These Legionnaires have graciously agreed to help build the external settlement," he told The Caller while he approached the gathering of his people. "Direct them to the lumber pile and clay. They'll need some Alterers to work stone for them. If any of them take inappropriate actions or make unwanted advances, report it to Hadvar first and then me." The little cat bade her lean down and hugged her when she did so. "Thank you for keeping the situation under control until I got back, I can feel how difficult that was for you."

When the cat and Men left the scene to proceed further into the ancient Nordic barrow-fortress, the Pink Coats swarmed around The Caller to cry foul at her being allowed to touch the Kind Daedra or being pestered for how it had felt. Fortunately, her self-satisfied expression was hidden behind the mask of Volsung.

"There are veins of iron all through the valley," Mohamara told Hadvar as they toured the reconstructed Volskygge lower levels. "As well as orichalcum and pine for lumber. Spriggans live on the island on the pond out east, so we don't collect much from there except for clay. Up north-west from here is where I think you'll find the best place for a garrison, an old Imperial watchtower ruin."

"Pinefrost tower, yes the General said you might be able to help us rebuild it," Hadvar commented, swishing his Praefect cape at all opportunities. "Then there is the issue of that Falmer cave.…"

"If you want my help clearing it out, fine. They haven't come out to try and grab anyone since Kipgolsik started sitting on top of their cave," Marcurio commented. "Turns out that even though they're resistant to cold, they can still freeze to death."

By this time, they had traversed through the lower levels of Volskygge and ventured into the still under construction passages that led throughout the mountain. The most unpleasant part, from Hadvar's perspective, wasn't the spiders but the rooms of dead Draugr filling alcoves, with most of them appearing to have ice growing over them.

"Stahlrim," the tojay clarified. "In a month's time, they'll be grown over enough that we can mine it and use it for crafting weapons and armor."

"Shor's bones, where did you get enough to cover so many people?" The Nord man's eyes boggled at the thought of so much of the rare icy mineral. "And how did you find people skilled enough to work it?"

"Chillrend." The blue malachite glass sword floated through the air to hang in front of Mohamara as they crossed the bridges that led to the second throne room, where the Kind Daedra and thief-mage had set up temporary quarters. "The frost and paralysis effect come from a mixture of stahlrim in the malachite--my students and I examined it and Orthorn figured out how to turn ordinary ice into stahlrim. Small quantities, mind. From there, he jumped over to Apocrypha to find the knowledge on how to smith it."

"...So I'm to accept that the slightly dim-witted High Elf back there is just capable of doing things like this?!"

"I know," Marcurio said, voice flat as he flounced onto his bedroll. "It surprised me too. He has this black book that lets him just go to Apocrypha whenever he wants to. And I can't find it to swipe it and find out more about it."

Hadvar swept his cape back toward the path they had come, utterly flummoxed by the turn of events. "And--you're using the stahlrim on Draugr?! Why?"

Mohamara shrugged and ascended the stairs. "That's part of what stahlrim is for, keeping corpses safe from necromancers. Even if the Draugr are dead, they've decomposed as much as they're going to. It's why necromancers like Draugr so much, they don't have to worry about ideal corpse storage conditions." Once the cat reached the landing where the secondary throne lay, he pulled a rope and the doorway was blocked by pink curtains. "Tour's over by the way. Once your scouts have the valley mapped as much as you like, just talk to my people and we'll get your camp set up."

Hadvar looked from the curtained off landing to Marcurio and back again. "You are both entirely too calm about this!"

"He's a Daedra," Marcurio commented. "And I'm a powerful mage that's bound a dragon to my service. And you're… surprised we're calm about this sort of thing?"

"He wasn't calm when Orthorn first did it," the Nord said, pleading for reality to make sense again.

"And now you know how it felt when Orthorn did something that's not supposed to be possible," commented the distant Khajiit. "But after the eighth impossible thing he does, you just learn to accept that if you ask Orthorn to do something and give him minimal details on how to do it, he'll figure it out on his own."

Whatever Hadvar was going to say next was cut off by a sudden earthquake. Dust from the ceiling shook free, pottery not sufficiently far from an edge shook themselves over and were shattered. Something heavy and metal slammed shut up in the curtained off throne chamber--followed by a pained yowl. And a voice could be heard that seemed to shake the very Bones of the World.

"Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsbrom. Dahmaan daar rok."

When the earthquake ended, and mortals could stand up again, Marcurio rushed up to the throne chamber and passed through the curtains. Mohamara had the heavy iron chest he was using as a sleeping space snap shut on his fingers when the earthquake hit. The Imperial quickly lifted the lid and let the tojay yank his hand free to begin healing it rapidly.

"See, this is why I told you not to use the chest as a bed," Marcurio chided. "Something stupid was going to happen and you'd hurt yourself."

"Then you need to tell those freaks down there," the cat all but yelled back due to pain, "to stop being so damn loud all night long! I sleep in there because it's soundproofed!"

"Well, they're your people, you know. You could just ask them to… enjoy themselves slightly less?" Marcurio didn't comment on how the cat had clearly been changing when the earthquake hit--into some of the velvet clothes Marcurio had made for him. That the Khajiit had passively accepted them was enough of a victory.

"I went down there banging shields together screaming 'I didn't no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not going to get no sleep cause of me', what more can I say to them about it?!"

"Are either of you concerned about the earthquake and the voices we heard in it?!" Hadvar burst in and then hastily left with his hand over his eyes. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to catch you like that."

"Eh, it as probably Yagraz or something else thu'um related. She'll call me to brag if anything important came up." Literally moments later, his slate lit up from across the room and began playing Yagraz's ringtone. "See? Told ya."


In a slipstream realm between Aetherius and Oblivion, two sisters met for the first time in Eras to talk directly to each other.

Love-Family-Hope greeted the sister that came from Oblivion and filled the meeting space with the warmth she had for the other.

Light-Love-Command enjoyed the warmth and told her sister so, and the two orbited each other as they had with their absent sister Dark-Luck-Trust in the time before time.

Light-Love-Command asked her sister why she had requested the meeting, they weren't due to see each other again until the mortal world aligned itself properly, and Time-Lord-Dragon had orbited it a certain number of times.

Love-Family-Hope instead asked her sister if Light-Love-Command remembered that Love-Family-Hope loved her, and would raise not a blade against her.

The Oblivion-bound sister was confused, but there was no lie in her memory. She told her sister that yes, she remembered.

The Aetherial sister then said she had come to chastise Light-Love-Command for inflicting harm where she ought to have not.

Light-Love-Command reviewed all that she had harmed in her memory but could find none where she ought to have not inflicted harm. It confused her that Love-Family-Hope might be wrong, and see things that had not happened.

Love-Family-Hope created an effigy of a spirit that had only one name, Kind. It was brittle, cracked so much that only thin threads held it together, and obvious patches from Oath-Curse-Outcast and Poet-They-Creation covered the most gaping holes. Love-Family-Hope accused her sister of having no love for the spirit she depicted, and that was the harm she had inflicted.

Light-Love-Command grew terribly angry, for she was Love as much as her sister, and all that existed was loved by her. She accused her sister of betraying her since she had named the spirit Love in the likeness of Love-Family-Hope.

Love-Family-Hope asked her to point out where on the effigy of Kind was the Love Light-Love-Command had named for her. She watched patiently while Light-Love-Command tore apart the effigy looking for it.

When Light-Love-Command touched it, veins of Love lit up but sputtered and struggled to exist. She said pointed to these struggling inclusions of Love and said they were all she needed to know that Kind had Love within it.

Love-Family-Hope told her sister it was not enough. She told her sister it was shameful that Light-Love-Command could think that Love that lit up only when forced to by their touch would honor her, or her sister. And when Light-Love-Command grew angrier still, Love-Family-Hope asked if she had forgotten that her sister loved her.

The Aetherial sister created a new effigy, based on the shape of Kind but whole. When she touched the second Kind, love roped through its existence and it became Kind-Love. Kind beheld Kind-Love and asked to no longer exist, for seeing what it was not and could never be harmed it.

Light-Love-Command recoiled from the request, and could not understand how Love could be used to harm something in that way. She crashed into the slipstream realm and ground against the boundaries trying to make the two conflicting ideas line up.

Love-Family-Hope dismissed the effigies and reached out to her sister. The two embraced and for a moment it was as things had been before Charm-Word-Change had begun the Endeavor.

The Oblivion-bound sister asked the Aetherial sister how this had come to be. She could not understand how she had managed to do harm with Love. It seemed impossible, even for a transfinite being such as she.

Love-Family-Hope spoke consolingly and told her sister that she had let Command win out over Love. The rules with which the Oblivion-bound sister shackled herself had kept her Love from reaching out as it ought to have. This resulted in a spirit that was broken and only starting to heal, and who only knew Love from the intervention of the sisters.

Light-Love-Command asked what must be done to correct this, to undo the harm that had been done. She did not like that her sister's answer was that she would have to subdue her pride, admit failure and ask that which she had harmed for forgiveness.

The Oblivion-bound sister disliked it, even more, when her Aetherial sister told that it was possibly too late, and that which she had harmed wouldn't forgive her.


"So, short-stuff says you've been on the up-and-up." Yagraz looked through the other end of the slate, watching Marcurio like a hawk. "Not done anything weird, except hang out with thieves and spiders."

Marcurio, seated on the throne in the second throne room while Mohamara worked on an enchantment project nearby, looked utterly scandalized. "How dare you call hanging out with spiders weird. They're adorable and useful! Their venom has useful alchemical properties on top of being great for hunters, and their silk can be used for medical stitches and is as strong as iron."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The Orc waved dismissively, and let Marcurio see she was in the tavern in Ivarstead. He knew from the local bard--one of Maven's youngest son's old flame. Whom had found her husband murdered by the Black-Briar boy in broad daylight. Sibbi Black-Briar wanted her found, and Marcurio had done it. But when the man tried to use the Guild to have the girl killed, he crossed the Dark Brotherhood in so doing.

Not even Maven could keep him safe in prison after that.

"So I'm going to ask you for your help and use your precarious situation to influence my thoughts on you and if I should tell short-stuff it's safe to trust you more. Sound good? Yeah, sounds good."

The thief-mage arched an eyebrow. "You didn't give me much choice there, you know."

"Hey, I'm Ysmir, Dragon of the North now. I don't have to give anyone much choice." Yagraz's grin reminded Marcurio of his own, and he couldn't help but admit that having a Dragonborn ally would be useful in strong-arming more dragons into his service. "See, I need to get into the Thalmor embassy. Got to do some sneaky things. And I suck at being sneaky, but you're pretty good at it."

"What in Mara's name do you need out of the Thalmor?" Marcurio sat up straighter in the ancient Nord throne and wished that Mohamara had let him install cushions for a more comfortable sitting experience.

"Some of the people I've been talking to suspect that they're the ones who had Alduin World-Eater attack Solitude. I don't agree, but they want to chase down this lead until it hits a dead end. So can you sneak in and rifle through their desks or something?"

"The Thalmor embassy is one of the most well-guarded facilities in Skyrim." Marcurio's tone and facial expression were like he was talking to a child who ought to know better. "Defenses, both magical and mundane, dozens of incredibly perceptive Altmer guards who are literally stationed to guard seemingly pointless sections of the compound for hours on end. And you want me to break into this place… for paperwork?"

Yagraz nodded and grinned at the thief.

Seeing that there was no way out of this that would let his pride stay intact, Marcurio sighed. "I might have a couple ideas. There's a troll den that they use for body disposal, but that goes out to the torture shed. Yes, it's the size of a large house, and its name is literally 'torture shed'. The only other way in that wouldn't cause an international incident is a party Elenwen is throwing in a couple weeks."

"Well, that seems a pretty solid option. I can talk to my contacts and get a plan together using either of those, really, but I dig the subversion of them inviting a thief into their compound. But I guess you're a major player in Skyrim now, aren't you, slick?"

Marcurio shook his head. "Elenwen's party requires an invitation to attend. And I don't have one." Not that he'd have attended even if he had been--he had better things to do with his time than pander to Elenwen's ego. Such as pandering to his own ego. "I happen to have an invitation, but it's for someone else."

"...Who? Maven Black-Briar? Jarl Laila?"

To answer her question, Marcurio turned the slate to look at Mohamara--hunched over an unknown pile of materials, weaving enchanting. His tail had fully grown back and was twitching with mild annoyance though he didn't react to the conversation happening behind him as he had wax stuffed in his ears. His followers were getting noisy down in the lower sections of Volskygge.

"Oh. This cannot possibly end well."
-I made a kid!
--You mucked up a perfectly good cat is what you've done. Look--it's got horrible mental health and is only functional because of other people trying to correct your mistakes.
One, Meridia cannot physically cross Martin Septim's barrier, and even if she could her arrival on Nirn would destroy Mundus.

And two, it is far far too late for such a token gesture to make her monumental failures right again.
So Mom comes crashing in to the party, any bets on the functional ability of any Thalmor that tries to play bouncer duty on the Lady of seven colors?