Skooma Cat (TES V: Skyrim)

Kindness, life and love. Mohamara is such a pussy. :V.

He was never going to be a great warrior. At best, he's a gimmick fighter with Mysticism. But he doesn't need to be a great warrior, he's surrounded by great warriors (and soldiers), who can do that sort of stuff for him.
Chapter 58
I hope you all haven't forgotten that Sheogorath isn't exactly a good parent. Or a decent parent.
Chapter 58: Temper, temper.

The entire caravan of mages had been diverted to the ruins of a Dwemer city, Alftland, publicly for the reason of permitting a storm to pass and to let the Pink Coats make use of their newer, stronger morpholiths.

But the real reason was something small, selfish, and created just as many problems as it solved.

Prior to the diversion, Mohamara and Orchendor had been in their crate, getting used to their new love powers. There had been a brief hiccup where they got a rush of the bad families Marcurio and nearby mages had experienced, but that had passed. Marcurio, meanwhile, had taken to appreciating like Life, Love hadn't significantly altered his beau's appearance. He floated alongside the crate while it was carried by spellswords, and pondered.

But he didn't do so for very long--too much pondering creased the forehead, and Marcurio had no intention of getting wrinkles until he hit fifty at least. His pondering led him to knock on the slider to Mohamara's box, and wait for two tojay to appear on the other side. Whereupon he made a dangerous suggestion that could easily have gotten them both on the bad sides of multiple Daedra.

"We should elope."

The spellswords carrying Mohamara's box gave each other a 'what the fuck' look.

Mohamara and Orchendor looked at each other, then at Marcurio, like he had advised them to drink liquid iron. "Both sets of our parents are planning to be there," Mohamara said. His tone made it seem like he was explaining an obvious flaw in the plan.


"Our myriad sisters will likely show up," added Orchendor, his tone mirroring Mohamara's.

"More than likely." Marcurio rested his head in his hand while he continued to float along.

"Everyone in our family has anger problems, and us canceling the wedding to elope would give them an excuse to--," Mohamara's fearful rant was cut off by Marcurio asking him a question.

"Who said anything about canceling the wedding?" The thief-mage arched a smug eyebrow at his beau's confused expression. "We let them have their pageantry, big fancy wedding and all that… but in secret, we'll have been married for months already at the time. No one would know but us, these two fine gentlemen who will accept a bribe to keep their mouths shut if they know what's good for them, Mara, and some witnesses." He watched the tojay cats work out his line of thinking for a moment before clarifying. "I refuse to let our wedding be a painful memory for either of us. So we marry in secret and let the crazies ruin what basically amounts to a vow renewal. Follow me so far?"

"Wait," one of the spellswords carrying Mohamara's box spoke up. "Did you just threaten us?"

"Giller, I swear to every god known and unknown if you don't shut up and take the bribe I'll stab you to death myself," said the other.

Marcurio allowed himself to be distracted by their antics for but a moment before he focused again on the only one(s) whose opinion mattered in this situation. His mind was already plotting out two initial routes that could be taken from that point, branching off of 'yes' and 'no' respectively. No matter what the answer would be, Marcurio would be ready to seamlessly move along with his beau's choice.

"Alftand has a cathedral," Orchendor said at last. "And we still have the calling password in our slate Khajiit thinks." The emaciated cat vanished from the slider, and a moment later was replaced with the Dwemer-metal slate. "Yes, still got it! ...Um, wow, Khajiit didn't know Alftand was so badly damaged."

"Well of course it is," Mohamara said back. "It's not fully restored until, what, the fourteenth era?"

"But--we could use their cathedral. Get some people down there, act as witnesses, maybe summon aunt Mara, and it'll be done!"

"Why does it having a cathedral matter, love?" Marcurio reached in to scratch under Mohamara's chin so Orchendor could speak uninterrupted. That the pink cat became a half-melted weight which leaned into his hand for it was almost as good an outcome as getting the information, honestly.

"Mysticism, mostly." Orchendor looked at Mohamara half-melted, then pouted at Marcurio until the Imperial began to scratch his chin too. The strength of the scratching was reduced so that they could speak. "Places of worship are closely tied to divine energy."

"And oaths made in the presence of that type of divine energy, dead or alive, tend to be stronger," Mohamara added. "So while you can pray anywhere, the gods can more clearly 'hear you' in a temple." The pink cat's ears flicked while he was scratched. "Hmm, I wonder if Volskygge counts as a temple for--"

Both cats rose up off Marcurio's scratching fingers to look at each other in a panic. "We forgot to start building Meridia's temple!"

"No, you didn't." Marcurio gently reminded the two cats and would have added some physical affection to that, but they had moved too far away. "You told your followers to start on it, had the local quarries begin digging up the rock, and set up everything with the artists before you even left, remember?"

The two cats looked at each other, confused, then lowered their ears. Mohamara spoke for the pair of them. "I… don't remember that. But okay, that's started."

"Maybe you should write this stuff down? So you don't forget all the important things you're supposed to be doing?" Marcurio suddenly tilted his head back in thought. "Though I do that too. Granted, I have a lot less important things to do than you do." The cats found his hands again, and he returned to chin-scratching. "But, Alftand you say? Does that mean we're going through with my proposal?"

"So exactly what sort of bribe we talking about? Money, physical goods, women? I mean, the cat's supposed to be a god, he could just like make wives for us or something."

"Giller, if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to drop this box and shank you right now."


"No buts!"

And that was how they diverted to Alftand, once an important communications hub of the second Dwemer Empire. On the way down to the cathedral, they encountered a team of explorers who were both happy and sad to have them. Happy because an army of nearly a hundred mages, low skill mages mind, was enough to get them out of the sticky situation of being captured and tortured by Falmer. And sad because it meant that the price for their lives was that they'd get no treasure.

Mohamara didn't much care for the treasure or lack thereof, he had only been distracted from his eloping to stop a pair of Khajiit brothers from coming to blows. One was a skooma addict and in heavy withdrawal, and had stabbed his brother over imagined skooma. The Caller went to work healing the cathay stab victim's injury while Adanna brewed up a cure for Skooma made from a few drops of Mohamara's blood. Neither process would be done quickly, but the mage-crowd had no objections. The chance to see the inside of a Dwemer city, broken down though it was, and get a trinket seemed worth the additional delay. To prevent any chance of them being discovered easily, Mohamara had left his Meridian amulet in the Caller's care, publicly so that students could begin to enchant the explorer's equipment.

As they went down into the depths of Alftand, Mohamara's two halves, Marcurio, Serana, Orthorn, the Servitors, the babies, and Yagraz on a looking glass session were ridiculously overpowered for the Falmer defenses. Falmer that tried to fight were reduced to literal red paste in some cases, metaphoric red paste in most. Dwemer automatons would approach them threateningly, then pause and look at them. Every time, Mohamara and Orchendor thought really loudly the tune they had heard while hallucinating in the Reach nearly a year ago.

The tune was actually the calling password for Dwemer facilities. The Dwarves could speak across great distances, a skill that would be one day used to permit slates, micro-slates, and all varieties of devices to communicate from potentially continents away. That was the call, which could be mimicked by the thoughts of mortals. Loosely translated, the password meant: "I am a Dwarf, I am a laborer here to dig. Those who do not Call with me are my slaves. Let me pass."

The automatons let them pass.

Alftand's cathedral was a temple to Reason and Logic, Julianos and Jyggalag--though the Dwemer denied that the two could be assigned mortal traits like names and personalities. Directly above the entrance to the holy building was where they aimed to go. A few dead Falmer, and up a couple flights of stairs, the would-be husband pair stood on either side of a lever where they had set up Mohamara's slate. On Yagraz's side, she had brought a friend of hers--a priest of Mara--to officiate the wedding.

"It was Mara who first gave birth to all of creation," said the Dunmer priest on the other end of the looking glass.

Mohamara chose to let that slight against Meridia slide--lest he accidentally summon her.

"And pledged to watch over us as her children."

Again, the tojay shifted on his feet in mild annoyance. The Sphere of Love rattling around in him instinctively told him that such was his domain, and he should smite the mortal for saying otherwise. But he reigned that in, he'd been the god of families for all of a day thus far--no one knew who he was.

"It is from her love of us, that we first learned to love one another."

Marcurio bent down and offered his hand to Mohamara, who took it. They hadn't really been the hand-holding type of relationship, the cat realized. It felt weird. Nice, but weird. Orchendor was only slightly jealous, as he held onto both kittens during the proceeding.

"It is from this love that we learn: A life lived alone is no life at all."

Though they did not share it with each other then, both grooms felt that sentiment on a deep, personal level.

"We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to--"

"A parental veto on all of this! Really, lad, I'm so happy you did this, your sisters never got this far in a relationship that I could play the forbidding father routine!" Out of nowhere, Sheogorath popped into existence between the two and shook them about the shoulders. "Eloping! What a grand idea! Shame I have to quash it really--but dear old Meri-pants has her heart set on being there for the event."

"Sheogorath, Dad," Mohamara started but was tutted to silence while the Mad God physically picked him, Orchendor, and their kittens up all at the same time in a hug.

"It's just--I'm so proud of ye, laddie! You're defying me! Meri-pants too! A year ago you woulda ate your own hands first!" He squeezed them frankly too hard--Mysticism telekinesis had to be used to keep the kittens from being compressed. "But, proud as I am, this cannot proceed." Sheogorath grew a third arm to flick disdainfully at the priest of Mara on the looking glass. "Go on, go, you aren't needed no more. Except by all those people who do need you and are dying because you're not there. Perhaps you should go help them."

Fortunately, a plan had been hatched for exactly that situation. The babies were teleported away into the arms of Orthorn as a distraction, whereupon both Mohamaras drew back their legs and delivered a swift kick to the Mad God's squishy bits.

Gods doing violence to each other carried more weight than mortal-on-god violence. And even when he'd become a god, Mohamara's power relative to Sheogorath had been laughable. But the combined effects of three spheres and the unique properties of Kindness allowed him to hit above his metaphysical weight class. So that double groin-kick didn't just distract Sheogorath, it hurt.

It hurt like a bitch.

But neither cat knew that right away. They escaped their father's grasp and rejoined Marcurio in front of the slate. "Hurry up and get to the 'I do' part before he recovers," said the two cats as one.

"Wait--if your father has objections--" The Dunmer priest was cut off once again by Sheogorath.

The Mad God had grown demonstrably nicer over the Fourth Era and beyond. He loved fun, and he loved his children. But it had been a significantly long time since he'd felt something that actually hurt him. Meridia punching him in the face stung, but she pulled her punches specifically so that it never go worse than a sting. Except when she didn't, but Sheogorath enjoyed that too. When a non-Meridia person inflicted actual, appreciable, pain on him… Sheogorath tended toward the quintessential mortal trait of hitting back.

Which took the form of slapping Mohamara so hard the cat's neck twisted unnaturally, produced a sickening crunch, and carried the cat off the platform from the strength of it. Naturally, the elder scroll and Orchendor went flying with him--but the other tojay had gone unnaturally limp. They landed on the other side of a barred gate, in plain view of the mortals and immortals on high. Neither moved from their spot on the ground. Perceptive eyes, like Orthorn, Serana, and Marcurio noted that neither of them were breathing.

All around Marcurio, the scene became chaos. The Servitors sparked, smoked, and struggled to remain functioning. An earthquake started up in response to a god's murder. Yagraz appeared on the looking glass and demanded answers. Sheogorath made a face like he'd accidentally dropped some food on the floor. But all Marcurio heard was a persistent white noise, all he saw was Mohamara. It was like the immediate aftermath of the revelation that Mohamara trusted him--nothing else in the world existed.

"Things have been going too well, recently. Something bad's going to happen soon."

"For every good thing in my life, something bad has happened to make it a net negative."

His beau's words rattled around in his head like bees. And then a wasp joined them.

"We should elope."

His own words. The entire reason they were down there was that Marcurio had offered a change of plans on a whim. The Khajiit he loved was dead… because of him.

No, Marcurio thought to himself as he remembered Sheogorath's involvement. Because of him. The half of Mohamara's Eye that he had with him howled to life, and Marcurio became a being of elemental fire once more. In such a small space, it had quite the effect.

"Slick, no!" Yagraz tried to stop him from half a country away.

"Slick, yes!" His fire-voice howled as he launched himself at Sheogorath. It didn't matter that he knew the Mad God was well out of his depth, or that said Mad God also had half the Eye himself. Vengeance demanded violence, and Mohamara wasn't there to convince him otherwise this time.

He only barely acknowledge Jone's wailing as he tore into the stunned Daedra with claws and fangs of flame.


Serana, Orthorn, and the babies took shelter in the shadow of J'zargo while the Mad God got his metaphoric shit pushed in by an angry fire elemental. Frankly, she was surprised she hadn't spotted he was a fire elemental in disguise before. What else could just float along like that?

She'd come down for a divine wedding and ended up in the midst of a divine brawl.

"Big guy, you okay?" The Nord vampiress asked of the cathay-raht. He had stumbled backward and shattered a significant portion of the architecture behind him when he hit it. His spasms, the way metal seemed to grind whenever he moved, the way smoke rose from his nose and ears didn't speak well in her opinion.

"Okay, adjective--... Okay, adjective--...," the Servitor said back to her, with a voice unnaturally deep. His eyes would flash and light up in bursts when he tried to move in a more articulate fashion, but never long enough to permit him to stand. Neither of the cat-god's other Servitors were faring any better--the crab-like one seemed to be on fire when she last looked.

"I think we're on our own, any ideas?" Serana turned to Orthorn who had the unfortunate task of containing Jode who sought immediate escape and pacifying Jone who wailed louder than she thought was possible.

"Momamma!" Jode was wailing too but refused to let it paralyze her. A benefit of being more developed, Serana guessed.

The cat had been kind to her--expected of the God of Kindness. And she was sad that a genuinely involved and empathetic deity had been lost on what should be a happy occasion, but that wouldn't get them out of the situation alive. "Orthorn, come on! You're supposed to be able to do the impossible!"

The High Elf was thrown completely off his game by the sudden murder of his god and the need to keep divine children alive and safe. "Um. Ideas, ideas, ideas." He looked around and then clenched his eyes shut. "I'm not good with ideas! I just.. do things!" Jode bit him in her bid to escape, but he hardly noticed. "The master…."

Seranna slapped him to keep the High Elf from devolving into tears too. "Hey hey hey! Come on, we can't stay here, we need to fix this somehow!"

"Fix this… fix it!" With half his face red from the slap, Orthorn lit up with sudden inspiration. "A tojay of the master's size could safely be revived within a few minutes depending on the Restoration magic used! We fix the broken parts, and everything will be okay!"

Sheogorath skipped across the ground and struck the far wall like a stone tossed at a pond. He seemed no worse off from Marcurio's attack, detached enough to shout 'whee!' as he went.

"That's a fantastic plan, how good are you at Restoration magic?" Serana was disheartened when her question took the metaphoric wind out of Orthorn's sails. "What?"

"I don't know Restoration magic… I've never gotten hurt badly enough to need it. And nothing I could Conjure knows how to heal either!"

Serana pinched the bridge of her nose. The High Elf, it seemed, would not deliver her from the situation. She'd have to do it herself. "Alright. Fine. I have an idea--but it's a desperation move so don't give me crap for it when we're out of this!"

Without a thought to Orthorn's reaction, Serana bolted for the stairs. Perhaps he'd think she was abandoning him, perhaps not. She was more focused on not getting between the elemental in the shape of a huge fire-dog and the Daedric Prince brawling it out. Once she was at the gate, it took only a little squeezing, and she was through. The two halves of the dead god lay there, still as stone with the elder scroll between them.

She picked up the one with the broken neck and quickly spun his head back around to where it ought to be. "Well, on the plus side, with those chompers no one will be able to tell the difference." Her quip delivered to the corpse, Serana opened her mouth wide enough to expose her own fangs and dug into the dead god's neck.

For how awful the situation was, she couldn't help but note that the cat's blood was the single most delicious she'd ever tasted.


For the curious, a rotation of around 270 degrees happened there.
Serana nooooo!

Although I'm picturing meridia bashing Baal over the head to remove the negatives...
Man, Serana is going to get smote so hard by Meridia.

Also, we never forgot about Mad Skooma Cat's madness.
Vampirism. That has to be the single worst idea ever. A god who has been shown to her to immediately attempt to kill her on sight. As a vampire. So shocked I cannot sentence. Just kill her someone please.
Vampirism. That has to be the single worst idea ever. A god who has been shown to her to immediately attempt to kill her on sight. As a vampire. So shocked I cannot sentence. Just kill her someone please.

An earthquake underground could trap them all here forever, there's an angry elemental smacking around a Daedric Prince who thinks its all a game, all the healers are several hundred feet above, and there are babies crying for their dead cat-dad... mom...parent. These do not a sound decision making environment make.

Also, technically... half vampirism? Orchendor's still fully functional but it's sort of a Kami/Piccolo situation.

Yes, in the big picture it's a terrible decision. In the little picture, it's the only out she could see. The alternate was raising Mohamara as a zombie. :V
Also, technically... half vampirism? Orchendor's still fully functional but it's sort of a Kami/Piccolo situation.

Yes, in the big picture it':Vs a terrible decision. In the little picture, it's the only out she could see. The alternate was raising Mohamara as a zombie.
Does that mean hes now the daedra of life and (un)death
If ge ends up being a vampire lord ang gets to punch Molag Ball over it, then it wad worth it.
Chapter 59
Sometimes part of being a parent is letting your kids get in trouble so they don't do it again.
Chapter 59: Lesson learned.

Orchendor suddenly took a long, gasping breath. The Servitors stopped their erratic displays and began to repair their damage. J'zargo was quickly well enough to get between the fire-dog and the Mad God. He certainly couldn't fight either of them and win, but he was sturdy enough to convince them to stop the one-sided brawl and behold how the situation had changed. The earthquake seemed to have passed without major structural damage to the cathedral at least.

Yagraz had been on the other side of the looking glass the whole time and had provided advice to Marcurio on where to hit Sheogorath next. The slate was picked up so she could see the situation.

Down at the base level of the cathedral, Mohamara had sat up as if he was right as rain and clutched at his neck to stymie bleeding. Nearby Serana was pacing over a three feet patch of stone and gaining speed with every oscillation. Marcurio as the dog of fire abandoned Sheogorath to go down to his husband.

Orchendor had taken one look at Mohamara and frantically tried to get away, but the elder scroll held them in proximity. The reason why wasn't clear to Marcurio until he was closer. A thief needed to read body language, to find those special breeds of dumbass who weren't paying enough attention. So he immediately noticed the sharper body language around Mohamara. He'd been clearly sheltered and only showed anything close to combat instincts when the kittens were involved. But the Mohamara he saw there moved subtly like a small predatory cat. His ears moved at every sound, there was a subtle shift in the economy of motion--away from what Mohamara had before, and more toward Marcurio's. Before his eyes, the sandy yellow seemed to drain out of the tojay's fur, leaving only white and pink. Combined with close proximity to a vampire, there weren't a whole lot of alternate interpretations.

The shift in the cat's one eye from light blue to black and red cut those down to just one.

Serana was babbling about apologies for doing it but reinforced the necessity at the time. Marcurio barely noticed, like he barely noticed that the earthquake that had started when Mohamara had become a victim of filicide. All that mattered was the cat.

Said cat was examining himself. Marcurio didn't imagine it was a pleasant experience, death, and revival. Nor would it be a pleasant experience to deal with this sudden complication, given how Orchendor was still frantic to get away from his other self. The change hadn't affected the emaciated cat yet, but Marcurio held on to that sentiment just in case. It hadn't affected him yet.

He returned to his Nibanese shape and set the slate aside so Yagraz could see what had happened. No one but Serana was talking.

Half a country away, Yagraz could only look on and feel like the worst friend imaginable. The friend she'd gone through time to rescue had just been murdered and revived as an abomination by his own reckoning. But she was Yagraz gro-Dushnikh, greatest among the Companions, strongest Orc in all Tamriel at that time. She'd do whatever was necessary to help her friend… friends through this.

"So," she said at last. "We start on the plan to beat up Molag Bal, take his power over vampires away, and fix this whole mess. All in favor?"

It didn't dissolve the tension like she hoped it would, but it did break the silence.

Yagraz or Marcurio would have been furious in Mohamara's situation. But all the cat seemed to notice was the glowing half of his Eye around Marcurio's neck. "You used it?" His voice was raspy--not unreasonable given his throat had recently been twisted badly.

"Sheogorath broke it," Marcurio said back. He tried to make it seem like nothing was wrong. Perhaps if he played it off, his beau wouldn't break down from the awful situation.

Naturally, because the Aurbis desired Marcurio meet his destiny on the road he took to avoid it, the tojay's shoulders started to shake, and the sniffles came next. Mohamara was visibly holding back a full-on bawling fit, and neither Marcurio or Yagraz felt it undeserved.

"He killed me." Mohamara took his hand off his neck to look at the blood all across his palm. The wound had stopped bleeding but was clearly going to scar. "He… killed me."

Marcurio wanted to tell the cat that he'd been right. About the shoes dropped, about the anger problems inherent in both their families and about the ruined wedding. But he didn't say any of those things. Instead, he crouched down and spread his arms wide. It was perhaps not the best idea to hug a vampire, but his husband needed one.

The cat scooted over to him and buried his face in Marcurio's robes while they hugged. It would have been okay to cry about his own murder and the hideous means needed to reverse it. Serana's case for why she was justified in turning the divine Khajiit had transitioned into the usurpation potential, to eradicate undeath by defeating Molag Bal for their dominion. But neither of the Rainbow Men really paid her mind.

Orthorn's arrival with the kittens was more worrisome. Jode was still crying for her 'Momamama', and Jone was crying in general. It was clear from how the tojay clung to Marcurio that the tojay didn't want them to see him as he was. Orchendor, however, had yet to emerge from his 'get away from the vampire me' setting he'd been on since waking up.

If the kittens rejected Mohamara because of the transformation, it likely would result in a total mental breakdown, Marcurio guessed. He wanted to shield the cat from that possibility, but also acknowledged that they had just seen him die--and Jode at least was developed enough to know what had happened on some level.

"Master, um. The way up is closed off. What should we do?"

The High Elf and Imperial shared a look, where Marcurio tried to impress upon the ever so slightly dim man that now was not the time. But fortunately, Yagraz had an idea.

"Dwemer places always have elevators out of them. The guys loved not being able to secure their cities cause they just left backdoors everywhere."

At last, Jode wriggled her way out of Orthorn's grip and lept at her dads. Marcurio, keen to prevent further injury be done, tried to stop her, but she was the Big Moon and would get her way. She wriggled down into the hug to sniff at the top of Mohamara's head. His ears twitched at her approach, but his tail hadn't moved at all. It was the Khajiit equivalent to ignoring someone.

Jode didn't care much and rubbed her face into the pale tojay's head with a purr. She either didn't instinctively have problems with vampires or couldn't tell the difference. That momentarily perked Mohamara up enough to where he was about to pull free of the hug. But then Orchendor snatched the kitten away from his vampiric self and spat-hissed while he backed away to the max permitted by the elder scroll.

The whole situation was a cluster-fuck, in all honesty. Everything that could have gone wrong, that Marcurio could imagine, had. All that was left was for--

As if the Aurbis were purposefully arranging things, Marcurio had to suddenly release Mohamara and roll away when he felt the cat's head tilt upward and his mouth open. The cat's fangs snapped closed on air as Marcurio completed his roll. When he looked at his beau, he realized that it wasn't really him anymore. The crying, the emotion, the physical proximity, had all been a ruse. He knew this because the vampire grinned at him, that predatory body language indicating he was about to pounce and launched at the Imperial.

Time stopped. Literally.

All motion stopped save for Marcurio. He looked around in bewilderment at the scene, how Mohamara was frozen in the air with mouth agape and hands outstretched in a gesture that would have been threatening if he'd had claws. Serana was a blur of colors, features indistinguishable. A single rock from the ceiling hovered in the air.

And Sheogorath hummed a merry tune while he skipped down the stairs to where the results of his actions had unfolded. "Well, that was a merry scrap, wasn't it?" The Mad God purposely tripped himself and fell down the last flight to transition into a roll, roll over to Marcurio, and end up on his belly with his lower body bent back toward his head with both feet planted on either side of his face. "So! What have we learned?"

"How-- why--?!" Marcurio gesticulated toward the scene, frozen in time. "Just… why?!"

"Well, the how is less likely to get your head exploded." The Mad God took one half of the Eye of Mohamara out of his boot, and let it catch the light. "I'm connected to the Eye, and so are you. So I pull on the Eye, the Eye pulls on you, and I can take you with me through time easier than I can with other mortals."

"But time's Akatosh's thing!" The thief-mage was beside himself, the situation that had just played out, how his husband had tried to feed on him, and now Sheogorath's nonsensical unlogic drove him to insane giggles. "How are you doing this?"

"Oh, Martin likes me. So he lets me get away with this sort of things." Sheogorath swung his head gently to the side and scooted his feet in time with the swings. "As for why… well, you thought you were being clever, yanking the rug out from under us like that." The Mad God's tone of cheerful detachment gave way to a lower vocal range with an edge of malice. "I'm proud of my boy for defyin' me. But you? Not so much. So you needed a lesson on minding your betters." He laughed suddenly, mad and gleeful. "By betterin' your mind!"

"You did all this to prove a point?!" Marcurio's half of the Eye flared up as he tried to become a being of fire again. But it dimmed in response to Sheogorath's half of the Eye lighting up in turn. Absent any means of getting vengeance through violence, Marcurio pulled on his otherwise perfect hair in frustration.

"No, I did nothing to prove a point. I let the scene play out how it would have if none of the many Daedra in the family were keepin' tabs on you two 'cept me. I took their detailed spying and replaced it with nothing. So that when things fell apart, you'd have no one to call on for help but yourselves." Sheogorath laughed with his low tone, edged in malice. "Isn't that what you wanted, by eloping?"

"You… killed him! You let him become that!" Marcurio pointed at the frozen Mohamara vampire. In the frozen time, he could see more details, like how the white and pink tojay had been drooling while he lunged at the Imperial.

"Mhm. I tend to swing wildly from helicopter parent to sink-or-swim. It's a hobby of mine, makes the kiddies so delightfully unstable when I show up. Easy to have fun with." Sheogorath smiled like they were discussing vapid topics over tea. "So! What have you learned, son-in-law-to-be?"

"You're evil," Marcurio snarled.

The Mad God's smile grew slightly smaller but remained. "Well, I was the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood at one point, so that's a given. Perhaps you'll remember that next time you think you can outsmart me'n me wife?" When Marcurio had no immediate answer, Sheogorath nodded. "Good, I can tell you've learned your lesson. So, let's get going."

"Wha--don't touch me!" Marcurio tried to get away from the Mad God as Sheogorath reached out to him, but the Daedra's arm seemed to stretch infinitely. The moment the two made contact, the Alftand cathedral vanished. Instead, they were on the sunlit glacial paths of the Pale, alongside the long caravan of mages.

There, Marcurio saw himself, floating alongside the box in which Mohamara and Orchendor had been confined. The scene was similarly frozen in time as the previous one had been. Confused, angry, and emotionally drained, Marcurio processed all this and locked eyes with the Mad God once again.

"See, when most people break the dragon, it tends to cause a mess. But I've figured out how to do it all nice and clean after a lot of practice. Less breaking, more bending, I'd guess you call it." The Daedra shrugged. "Bending the dragon sounds a bit naughty though. I think Dibella wrote a book with that title. Anyway!" Sheogorath scuttled forward like some insane human-shaped crab and got all up in Marcurio's grill. "The only ones who'll remember what happened there will be me'n you. So keep it in mind would ya? Who knows, maybe next time I'll let it stay that way."

Sheogorath released him, and Marcurio found himself drawn to the other version of him like he were iron and the other him was a magnet. When he touched his other self, it felt like breaking through a layer of ice to fall into the cold water below.

And then time resumed.

Marcurio blinked, once, twice, thrice, and looked around in a sudden panic. His floating waved from how thrown for a loop he was, but the thief-mage barely prevented himself from falling into the snow.


Mohamara's question drew Marcurio's attention back to the scene. He looked at the two of them, and for a moment the specter of the Mohamara vampire lurked in his vision. He shook his head, and when he looked again, Mohamara was back to normal.

"You didn't finish your thought. 'We should' what?"

A natural liar, and eager to get the emotional rollercoaster he'd just gone on done with, Marcurio spun a quick lie. "We should get the kittens and have a family cat nap. Yeah." It was by far not his best work, but given the amount of shit he'd had to put up within the span of twenty minutes, it was the best he could do.

The two Mohamaras squinted at him, but then the emaciated Orchendor yawned. "Khajiit could use a nap, yeah. Existing like this is so tiring."

"Well," his pinker self commented. "That's because you won't let me share my energy with you. Honestly, you could at least let me give you the resources to not look all skin and bones." The two of them had a brief squabble on the subject, during which Marcurio retrieved the kittens, used Alteration to expand the gap in the box's side, then shrink it back once he and the babies were inside.

The spellswords struggled under the additional weight for a while but thankfully kept their stupid mouths shut so the cats and Imperial could settle down for a family nap.

I don't think this is a retcon? The events of the past couple chapters did canonically happen, but they also didn't. Because bending the dragon. They just mostly happened because Sheogorath is an awful, terrible, two-bit, no-good parent thanks to having a reset button equivalent.
I don't think this is a retcon? The events of the past couple chapters did canonically happen, but they also didn't. Because bending the dragon. They just mostly happened because Sheogorath is an awful, terrible, two-bit, no-good parent thanks to having a reset button equivalent.
Makes sense to me, time is funny in TES. But just because he retconned it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Or that he caused it, that he let it happen. Before he could be construed as genuinely trying to help in his own way, but this is beyond the pale. Sheogorath has passed the event horizon, he cannot be trusted. Ever.

Edit: also given Serana's background, I have honestly lost all empathy for her.
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Makes sense to me, time is funny in TES. But just because he retconned it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Or that he caused it, that he let it happen. Before he could be construed as genuinely trying to help in his own way, but this is beyond the pale. Sheogorath has passed the event horizon, he cannot be trusted. Ever.

Edit: also given Serana's background, I have honestly lost all empathy for her.

He takes the job of 'primary antagonistic force' in his son's life seriously. Maybe Mohamara should have been less ungrateful and thrown less blame on Sheogorath if he didn't want to have his brain stem broken and time reversed! Also you really should never trust a Daedra for any reason. Not even ones related to you. Especially not ones related to you. Most of this story has been a spotlight on Meridia's failures, now it's Sheo's turn.

Curious as to why Serana's gotten the empathy well dried out for her, there's plenty of perfectly reasonable reasons. So many! But curious as to which one was the tipping point.
Kind of still retconny? Well, the idea is not to change a past to suit a future need, but to warn someone, so... Not too sure?
This fits sheogorath so well, though I am still pretty sure Akatosh will still find a way to warn Meridia that he did it again, its his job as a concerned uncle.
Curious as to why Serana's gotten the empathy well dried out for her, there's plenty of perfectly reasonable reasons. So many! But curious as to which one was the tipping point.
Because she made him a vampire against his will. Why that is takes a bit of explaining.

She is a 1st gen vampire who was made by Molag Bal, with all the unspeakable acts that entails. Plus the fact that she has seen those she loves turn evil because of vamprism, and that she herself is a statistical outlier in not being an evil vampire. Plus in canon she only offers to turn the PC Dragonborn into a vampire because it would protect them from the Soul Carin, and accepts that risking it while mortal is an acceptable alternative to being undead. In short she went and threw away what made her sympathetic and likable as a character in a single act.
Because she made him a vampire against his will. Why that is takes a bit of explaining.

She is a 1st gen vampire who was made by Molag Bal, with all the unspeakable acts that entails. Plus the fact that she has seen those she loves turn evil because of vamprism, and that she herself is a statistical outlier in not being an evil vampire. Plus in canon she only offers to turn the PC Dragonborn into a vampire because it would protect them from the Soul Carin, and accepts that risking it while mortal is an acceptable alternative to being undead. In short she went and threw away what made her sympathetic and likable as a character in a single act.
It seems more like she panicked and jumped at the only thing she could think of to save him. "I mean, he's a daedric prince, he could fix himself, right?" (Or just have mommy kick molg bal in the nuts until he fixes it, whichever)
Arawn shares my view. She made clear it was a desperation move, because everything was going to pot. Serana doesn't take her nuanced view of vampirism until some character development from the Dragonborn in-game, and that hasn't happened yet here because she hasn't gotten a lot of screen time. And you forget that she knows from J'zargo that both Mohamara and Meridia have the means to cure a vampire--it would be reasonable to assume he could use it on himself, even if Meridia wouldn't give half a shit.

I'm not asking you to give her a chance you don't think she deserves, just letting you know more about the situation.
Chapter 60
Chapter 60: Everybody wants to be a cat.

"I feel ridiculous. Do I look ridiculous?"

"Not in the slightest," Marcurio lied as easily as breathing. "I'll let you see yourself in the mirror when I'm done, and you can decide if you like how I made you look." Beauty being subjective meant that the cat's appearance would be decided by him and no one else. But Marcurio had to admit, privately, that he did look a little ridiculous. A bit of hilarity was good for dealing with Sheogorath's demonstration.

With thief-like efficiency, Marcurio set aside the eyeliner pen and tried to find something that would help apply eyeshadow to Mohamara's fur. Around the eyes, the sandy-pink fur was shorter but still present which meant skin applicators wouldn't cut it. On a whim he had mentioned the makeup he himself used every morning to look his best, and Mohamara had commented that he'd never worn any. Beside Marcurio, Jo'leen, with Baishi on her head like a hat, was doing the same for Orchendor. It was something of a contest to see who could make the cat look the best.

Of course, it was cheating that she was more experienced, and had purpose-built equipment that Marcurio had been forbidden from stealing. But the challenge to do the best without adequate equipment thrilled him.

Winterhold was only a day away, the caravan was camped on Mount Anthor where Kipgolsik indulged in tinvaak with another frost dragon. Alduin's retreat from Marcurio had shaken his claim to lordship over dragons. It was currently up in the air if Alduin's next youngest brothers, Yagraz, or Marcurio would become lord of the dragons. The way Kipgolsik translated what the other frost dragon had said the popular opinion about Marcurio driving Alduin to flee, he almost got the feeling dragons found him attractive.

Every night since Sheogorath's demonstration, Marcurio had joined the Khajiit cluster in the sleeping box. There he learned that the Mohamaras indeed were cuddlers, and it hadn't been a fluke that he'd woken up with the pink tojay clutching his arm like a security blanket when last they'd shared a bed. Marcurio had the common sense not to tell Mohamara what he'd experienced because the Mad God had been specific about only he and the thief-mage remembering it.

It galled him that he could be cowed so easily. At least, it galled the part of him that was still in the mindset of a ruthless real-estate tycoon with side venues of resource acquisition for the guild and silk entrepreneur. The part of him that wanted to be a loving husband and father-figure supported him.

And it worried Marcurio that for the first time in his life, he was of two minds about something. It rattled his confidence. The confidence he desperately needed to make his beau look as beautiful as possible in the immediate present.

Something caught his eye and it clicked. He picked up a piece of bottom-heavy quartz and tapped it against the side of its container until it was in the pickup setting. Without hesitation, he touched it to one of Mohamara's pink stripes and the crystal took on the color. Then it was back to tapping as he adjusted the shade and tone to get it just right.

"Before I get started on this next part," he told the cyclopean Khajiit. "I want to let you know that I love you."

Mohamara's ears went flat against his head and his tail began to tap on the ground. "What are you going to do?" Immediate suspicion, with active negative hesitation--a good, healthy reaction!

"I'm going to dye the fur around your eye rather and put something on it." Marcurio easily ignored Jo'leen as she huffed about his cheating. "Your eyes are… is a really nice shade of sky blue, and pink naturally goes well with that." The Khajiit's eye was also small relative to his skull, but Marcurio didn't mention that. So he carefully applied the quartz, a tool used to highlight hair, and applied a shade of pink that would one day be known as 'bubblegum' on the cat's eyelid and under his eyebrow.

"This is going to wash out, right?" The pink tojay's tail hadn't ceased papping upon the ground, but he permitted Marcurio to go about his business. "Wait… it's magic. I can feel it. So I should just be able to dispel it."

"You would be a terror at the Emperor's court, love." Marcurio's mind went back to that den of vipers all atwitter to each other like best friends while they would sharpen their knives. "You could undo the most expensive looks with a whim. Lords and ladies would dread that you could reveal them as they are without hours of careful appearance management."

"Not the Emperor?"

That reminded Marcurio, he needed to get details about the differences between the present day Empire and the Empire of the distant future. What he'd picked up in passing was that some people called the 'Gavta's ruled and that Hammerfell was the capital province instead of Cyrodiil. Wholly insufficient information, in his mind.

Marcurio tutted, and ran his thumb underneath the cat's eye. From what he could tell, that was one of Mohamara's 'spots' that a less decent man could use to get the cat to do anything. "We don't mess with the Emperor, love, he gets that from everyone else. Tullius men let him have his lies if he wants them so badly."

"I kinda pity him, then. He must be lonely." The cat's remaining eye shone with inner light, then he nodded. That Mysticism thing, the thief guessed. "Yep, he's got that one is the lonliest number thing going on."

"His loneliness is of his own choosing. He opted not to take a second wife, or to have children after what happened to the last ones." The matter of succession wasn't public knowledge, but Marcurio had it on good General-level authority that the Empire's rule would pass to the lady Vici from Solitude should she outlive the Emperor. It was one of many reasons why his father's garrison rarely left Haafingar. The elder Tullius had been in the running, but gently requested he be removed from it. Blood relations between the Mede and Tullius families were four generations removed, and Seneca had plans to retire after his current campaign.

Ideally not in Skyrim, so Marcurio could enjoy some time without the possibility of familial visits.

With the eyeshadow done, Marcurio concluded his make-up attempt. It ended up winning out over Jo'leens because she had gone so far as to make Orchendor's face look like a giant butterfly with how much contouring and dusting she had done.


Jarl Korir had to have been having a bad day, Orchendor noted. First, he'd amassed what forces he had left in anticipation of an invading army. But then he found out they were intending to settle in Winterhold. But then he found out they were all mages. Low, to high, to low again. It pleased the emaciated tojay that the Jarl was forced to accept them because so many of the caravan members had the coin to spend in the tavern and trading store--necessity won out over the Nord's pride.

Winterhold would one day be an artistic city, on the bleeding edge of magical research, and the site of the only Telvanni Tower in all Skyrim. But in the Fourth Era, it was literally four buildings on the edge of a cliff with the College on the other side of a battered stone bridge. Orchendor was pleased as punch to see the college that had laughed at them when they applied in such disrepair.

It enforced a notion of duality that he began to notice in himself the longer he stayed apart from his more divine half. While the true Mohamara was Kind, Orchendor was Cruel. The emaciated cat didn't like it, even as he found visceral pleasure in watching the once-proud Jarl of Winterhold welcome them to his hold and Winterhold College crumble. On some level, he knew that it was wrong. And it was why he refused to accept any divine energy to empower himself or unnaturally repair the damage months of starvation had done. Cruelty combined with the power to kill on a whim would only spell disaster.

But it was still funny to watch.

It was just as fun to watch the College's bridge guard, a high elf mage that was so strongly attuned to Destruction magic that on a Mysticism level she felt like a mighty warlord, seem utterly flummoxed by a hundred plus mages who sought enrollment. Such was her surprise that she went and fetched the Arch-Mage.

Savos Aren, a simpering Dunmer mage who wore the hooded fur cloak that would later inspire Winterhold's teaching uniform. Orchendor could tell in his sympathetic bonds that the man was under enormous pressure and used optimism to try and stave off a mental breakdown. There once had been a great man in Savos Aren, but it had been wrung out of him by bitter austerity. It was clear to Orchendor that the man had no financial sense, or he would realize austerity just didn't work.

Then they had the uncomfortable conversation about the college not having enough space to house a hundred plus students.

"You have an Alteration Master on staff?" Mohamara asked while he gently rocked Jone.

"Well, of course," Aren responded. He seemed perplexed why a Khajiit spoke for so many Men and elves but rolled with it. "But what does that have to do with the housing problem?"

Orchendor and his pink self squinted at the Dunmer. The Caller squinted at the Dunmer. More than thirty novice Alterers squinted at the Dunmer. Marcurio gave Aren his neutral face of displeasure.

"...We can use Alteration to make temporary housing," the cat said as if he were explaining basic math to a mathematician. "Has your Alterer not been effecting repairs to the College?"

"Oh! I'm afraid he's our only Alteration mage on-staff… and he's usually occupied teaching our apprentices." Aren, once the plan was revealed, had no trouble following the idea from that. "Then again… I'm sure you have some students in that crowd who study Alteration? Why it could be a lesson for them!"

"Wait, hold on." Mohamara passed Jone off to Orchendor without looking at him, then looked at the status of the College. It was more put together than most Skyrim stone structures, but still in a state of active decay. An entire tower appeared to have fallen off at some point. "How busy is he being kept that he hasn't been able to start on this beforehand? He's actually Master tier, right?"

Aren was shocked, chagrined, and affronted that Mohamara would ask such a question. But Orchendor could see that it was all bluster covering a state of mind bordering internal collapse. "Of course he's Master tier, we don't go around giving those titles away… is that an elder scroll?" At long last, the Arch-Mage seemed to have eyes enough in his head to notice the ornate scroll that hung in the air between the two tojay.

"One thing at a time, sir. Are you overworking your staff, or is your staffer not skilled in construction applications?"

Marcurio nodded appreciatively of how business-oriented and confident his beau had become in this field. It was always good to see the cat god taking charge of a situation instead of being pushed around by it.

"Well, see, the college isn't like the schools in the south that you might be used to Mr. Ahramani. We don't assign coursework so much as we train students in the master-apprentice chain of teaching…"

Orchendor noted how the Dunmer looked at Marcurio when he mentioned 'schools in the south'. In the sympathetic bonds, he picked up notions such as a perception of decadence, and jealousy hidden behind faux-superiority. Fairly typical for Winterhold, from the emaciated cat's perspective. He was distracted by Jone whining plaintively, which caused the emaciated cat to immediately take a wolf pelt from the transport box and wrap the pudgy kitten under another layer of warmth.

"Huh. I didn't think an entire city could just… go into the sea."

Orchendor tilted his ear to the source of the speech, then look with his eyes. Serana and Orthorn's group of Pink Coats looked over the edge of the cliff to the ruins below.

"Was kinda banking on Winterhold still being here," the vampiress admitted. "Wanted to get out of this constant cold. A little cold is good for you but too much and it becomes annoying, know what I mean? Shame about all the lost architecture, though. Winterhold used to be as big as Haafingar when I was last here."

Of course, the main Mohamara put it together quickly that Serana had seen Winterhold, had been there, and that something could be done about that. Orchendor was dragged along while Mohamara, Serana, and an elderly Nord mage who turned out to be the College's Alteration Master began an arcane ritual of some kind. The emaciated cat simply didn't care about the situation anymore.

He focused on the pudgy baby in his arms, and on his sassy daughter when she would deign to be cuddled. While his main self was near-catatonic in the ritual linked with the mage and vampiress, Orchendor played peekaboo.

While he played with the baby, a wonder took place. The pieces of Winterhold city that survived erosion in the sea rose up to hover in the air. And from those pieces, the city began to take shape once more.

And Orchendor, still in the midst of peekaboo with Jone, found himself being loomed over by Thalmor. With the Friends of Llorona, a Vigilant of Stendarr roaming around somewhere, and Marcurio all floating around, the emaciated tojay felt no fear for having two of the Aldmeri Dominion's minions in his personal space.

"I recall only one tojay Khajiit being outside our records," said the hoodless one, his skull oddly curvy for a high elf. "Here, we have not only another tojay that there are no records for, but a tojay-raht as well. Our recordkeepers must be losing their touch."

The hooded Thalmor agreed and possibly expected Orchendor to be intimidated by how close they loomed in on him.

But all he did was hold Jone close and start to lick the kitten's head clean. The Thalmor weren't worth the effort of acknowledging.

Little did he know that his display of paternal affection was as good as a knife through the heart for both high elves. The hoodless one, Ancano, had recognized Mohamara from Elenwen's party, but not the new tojay or the baby. So he, and his hooded assistant Estormo had gone to investigate the matter. The tojay was scrawny, perhaps he had been starved for a prolonged period, but the babe was more than a healthy weight. And when the adult leaned back in the snow to clean the infant, both high elves went red in the face and gestured sharply.

To the ignorant men, it would seem a gesture of rage and affront at apparent disrespect. But to the elves in attendance, it was clear: they struggled to maintain composure in front of such primordial cuteness. The situation became only worse when the alfiq Khajiit, almost an adolescent, trotted by and found herself scooped up by the tojay and given a cleaning as well. Both Thalmor had to stomp off and find a private place to gush about the weapons-grade cutonium that they had just been exposed to.

"Aren," Ancano hissed as he recovered. "Aren has to be behind this. He's somehow discovered our weakness to Khajiit, and is trying to use them to escape his noose."

Estormo was still red in the face, so he covered his face before he spoke. "Oh by the homeland, I can still see it when I close my eyes." Suddenly, he squeezed his eyes shut and muffled an almost pained cry. "Oh no, now I'm picturing him and the other tojay being cute with the kittens together!"

Ancano recoiled from the mental image as if it had slapped him in the mouth. He too couldn't tolerate the cuteness, but his seniority allowed him to better recover. "We must find a way to correct this… perhaps the scrawny cat has a warrant for his arrest?"

Estormo looked over Ancano's shoulder as whatever heathen magic the other tojay was involved with came to a close. Winterhold city was restored as if it had never fallen into the sea. But that failed to catch the Thalmor's eye. Wordlessly, he pointed.

Ancano turned to see and hissed in pain.

Some magical side-effect had taken hold of the other two people in the tojay's ritual. Instead of a Nord vampiress and an elderly Nord mage, there was now a pair of additional tojay Khajiit extremely confused as to why they were smaller, fuzzier, and less equipped to fill out their wardrobes as before.

The Thalmor commander bit into his leatherbound knuckles at the site of them. Aren's power play had somehow found a way to make the doddering old Tolfdir into an adorably scruffy Khajiit. Though neither of them sported the cute fangs that Mohamara and, presumably, his kin did.

"I'll pen a letter to Elenwen," Ancano said at last. "We need reinforcements for this."

We need to sanction Elsweyr and Black Marsh--they have the facilities necessary to refine cutonium to weapons grade. It's just a matter of time before they develop viable weapons of cute destruction.
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Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Everbody stop becoming cats!

The Mysticism link allowed three minds to converge for one purpose. A master magician, a living god, and a monster in human shape were the three to converge at that time and place. The living god was to supply the power for their endeavor, the master magician was to provide the necessary skills, and the human shape monster would provide the blueprints.

They convened in what appeared to be a great Dwemer machine--they walked on metal platforms suspended from the ceiling, which through their link to the god the other two learned were called catwalks. Below them were massive furnaces, fed by some sort of fuel to provide power to the steam pistons that lined the walls and filled the space between catwalks. An army of duplicates of the living god walked around them, a workforce of child-sized cats exclusively.

There was a brief dialogue between them and the living god, who seemed to radiate a warmth that drew out pleasant memories of good times at home, with those they'd cared about. For both the magician and monster, it was bittersweet for those memories were long ago and neither could say they'd ever feel such again. During the dialogue, a room was made for them, mostly empty with an enormous table of Dwemer metal. As they talked about what they would need, the metal changed. Like it was liquid and poured into a mold, the table took the shape of Winterhold city from ages past.

The living god went to work on their portion of the task--the allocation of divine energy to bring the city back to life. This had the benefit of permitting the magician and monster to look around the divine realm.

"I think our divine acquaintance might be the rainbowest Rainbow Man I've ever seen," the monster said to the magician with her hands on her hips, looking upward.

The magician, an elderly man had been occupied watching several child-sized cats bring an entirely new piston into the chamber and set it up for activation. Despite their small size, they seemed to work with prodigious strength and efficiency. "What makes you say that?"

His fellow guest tapped his shoulder to draw his attention upward. All along the ceiling were stucco paintings of men in various forms of dress, undress, and mid-action. She then pointed to the piston tops that resembled muscular figures physically driving the piston's locomotion. Finally, she indicated the walls, which as they watched were being fitted with a mosaic of the living god seated on an open giant clam shell while the handsome rogue the magician had glimpsed, but the monster seen often, rose from an active lava flow in the tasteful nude to meet him.

"Hmm," the magician said. "I dunno. It's pretty rainbow-y, but to be honest it speaks more of an Imperial mindset more than anything." He led the way down the catwalk, unimpeded by any of the cat-staff. "I don't know about you but this is my first interaction with Aedric magic. Can you feel it? The air feels so thick with magicka that we're more than likely breathing it in."

The monster nodded and followed after her junior without argument. Technically, she was at least an Era or two old, so few people would be her senior despite her mid-twenties appearance. "I'm picking up on that. It feels stronger than any mage's lab I've ever been in." Moisture gathered on her brow, and when she wiped it off she noticed it sparkled like liquid lightning. "Wow, it's so thick here it's condensing."

"Really?" The magician stopped and turned back to her. "I didn't notice anything different when I… oh." He turned to the left and saw what was potentially the cause. "That might be why. Fascinating!"

When the monster turned to see, she saw a huge double door built into the wall. The catwalk didn't extend to the location, but there was an open gap in the safety railing to indicate there was one intended for that space. The door was covered in images of cats, faces she recognized from the mortal world, and flowering vines. At the top of the door, where it met the wall, was a plaque which marked it as 'The Heart Chamber'. Once she learned that, the monster peeled her ears for noise. It was hard to pick up over the pistons and machinery of the main chamber, but she could discern a 'ba-bump' to indicate a heartbeat.

"What do you think a living god's heart looks like?" Immediately, without hesitation, the monster lept across the gap and stood in the doorway to the heart chamber. "I bet it's just a big glowing sphere of divine energy."

"Now--wait!" The magician tried to stop her but was not quick enough. On either side of the gap, they stood. The monster was curious and unafraid. But the man was most certainly afraid. "Now see here, we have no idea what's behind that door. It's not easily available for a reason, you know! Caution will serve us well."

"Caution will also leave us with questions we'll never answer," the monster fired back as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Come on, how many times are you going to be in the domain of a god?" She unfolded her arms, gripped the doorframe with one hand and reached across the gap with the other. "Just a quick peek, then we go back to looking around. How's that strike you?"

The magician wanted to sputter and be firm in his stance of safety. But when he looked at the room around him, the wonderment in the place that he likely would never see again, and made his decision. Perhaps he would regret his decision, but at that moment his academic curiosity overwhelmed safety concerns. The old man reached out to take the monster's hand, and let her help him across the gap she easily jumped.

The door to the heart chamber swung inward, so all they had to do was to push on the handle-less door. A sudden thought occurred to the magician as the heavy Dwemer metal portal began to move: how would they close it again if there were no handles?

That thought was wrung out of him by the ever more overbearing sound of a heartbeat. Given how pink the cat was on the outside, he expected the god's heart to be a similar shade. But once they were inside, a soft sky blue light filled the room. Dwemer metal formed a chamber with many vaults and pillars, not unlike an Imperial basilica--but with architecture in the Nordic style. All along the floor, a glowing white-blue liquid ran through channels away from the source: a fountain from which liquid and the soft blue glow emerged.

Neither of them said anything as they stared in wonderment. The sound of pistons faded until all they could hear was the overwhelming heartbeat that seemed to come from the fountain itself.

"...I think this is his blood," said the monster as she pointed at the white-blue liquid that seemed to vanish the moment it touched the doorway.

"Fascinating, I think this disproves the theory that ebony is divine blood," said the magician as he crouched down to examine it. He was careful not to touch it. "It looks sort of like liquid crystal. Perhaps… oh, what was that strange Dwemer material that they warred internally over? Something related to Aetherius." He shook his head while the monster joined him in his crouched position. "Either way, as long as we don't touch it then we should be perfectly fine."

The monster looked at the liquid, and then the fountain, then back again. "Um. What if there's some of it in the air? Like a water fountain makes the air around it more humid?"

That gave the magician pause. Then he noticed his hands were turning into paws. "Oh. Oh dear."


When they emerged from the ritual, they were as cats. Tojay Khajiit specifically. Serana emerged slightly larger than Mohamara or Tolfdir, narrow in her build and with fangs that Mohamara's overshadowed sticking down from her upper jaw. Tolfdir was scruffy looking, thin as Orchendor, and visibly gray throughout his fur. That both of them retained their hair drove home the fact that as Khajiit were concerned, Mohamara and Orchendor were bald.

For a brief moment they were indecent--their clothes were sized for Nords. But Tolfdir's Alteration skills fixed that problem with a literal snap of his fingers. Still, they distracted some students from the wonder of Winterhold city's return. One, in particular.

"Wait! We had the option of being turned into cats?!"

"Giller, I swear on Malacath's mashing molars…."

"I want to be a cat too!"

"That's it! Imma kill 'im!"

Mohamara looked at the two new Khajiit and the rebuilt city then looked to his other self for help with the situation. "What in Oblivion caused this?!"

Surprisingly, it was Yehochanan who responded, with a clacking of castanet claws. "They were curious as cats, so cats they became." The crab thrashed when he suddenly found himself picked up by a pale tojay-raht woman with a monstrous temper, who shook him.

"Well how do we unbecome cats, you fuzzy mudcrab?!" Her words were fueled with outrage that, perhaps, she didn't actually deserve given her part in the situation.

Tolfdir had adapted to the change it seemed, and the elderly tojay was quite amused with trying to capture his own tail. "Oh my, this is such fun! I haven't had fun like this since I was an apprentice!"

"Hey if you don't want to be a cat, I'll take your place!"

"Giller, stop running so I can stab you to death!"

Marcurio watched this play out and surreptitiously reached into his pocket to stroke the half of the Eye he had. He was engulfed in a fire for a moment, and when he emerged it was as a tawny-furred tojay still dressed in unseasonable silks, and elected to cause mischief. He feigned shock and dismay at his own transformation. "What?! Oh no, it's spreading!"

Suddenly panic began to spread among the mages as they fled the site of what appeared to be a cat-transformation plague. Aren directed students up into the college, the Pink Coats did a marvelous job of keeping anyone from being trampled to death.

Orchendor paused from cleaning Jone to look up and see the crowd fleeing from a sudden plethora of Khajiit. Serana was still shaking the spider-crab, Tolfdir playing with his new tail, his pinker self looking at him for answers, and Marcurio making finger-wands at him while suddenly a tojay as well. Rather than try and make sense of the situation, Orchendor returned to cleaning Jone.

"Am I the only one here who still has some sanity left?!" Mohamara pulled on his ears in light of his other self refusing to help with the situation. A few seconds later, one of the spellswords that had carried his box rushed past him, doubled-back, and ran in place.

"Hey, this might be a little weird, but if you're turning people into cats, I'm so totally down for that." His statement was cut off by another spellsword's arrival on the scene, which prompted his hasty exit.

"Love, too much sanity is a bad thing, remember?" Marcurio commented and made use of his relatively equal height to Mohamara to capture the pink tojay in a hug and rub their faces together. "In other news, how do you like my Khajiit shape? Turns out your Eye has some nifty shapeshifting powers."

"You're handsome, but that's a given. Wait--shapeshifting…." Mohamara puffed up to almost twice his size while still in the thief's hug, his fangs were bared and he bapped the thief-mage as strongly as he could with his tail. "You did this on purpose?! I was afraid I messed with you in a way I couldn't reverse!"

"So is or isn't there a way to reverse this," Serana snarled as she shook Yehochanan more emphatically. "Spill it, mudcrab!"

Calmly, J'zargo made his presence known and separated the First Servitor from Serana by holding them apart in his hands. The vampiress spit-hissed like she was naturally a tojay as she clawed the air to get at Yehochanan.

"I understand your shock with the change," Tolfdir commented with his own tail in his mouth. "But consider that I did warn you about the possible dangers of poking around in there."

"This!" Serana all but roared and displayed that she certainly did have claws as she slashed at J'zargo's arm. "Is not! The time! For 'I told you so's!"

"Well, we're not dead, young lady, so there's really no rush to get the issue fixed." Tolfdir spat out his tail so he could attempt to catch it again. Despite his hesitation, he seemed to adjust to the change with grace.

"You know," Marcurio mentioned while he effortlessly restrained the divine pink cat's outrage. "You look way cuter with long fur, maybe we should look into making this permanent?" His smugness was met with a tail baffed directly into his nose. "Oh come on, I never made this much of a fuss when you kept chopping pieces of yourself off with no guarantee they'd grow back."

"You should have," Mohamara hissed. "It was obviously problematic for you and I was a bad husband for not being able to notice it at the time and help you work through those problems. All of which doesn't make you making me worry like this any better!"

"Don't you go insulting my husband like that!"

Mohamara baffed Marcurio in the face again since he had no other recourse.

Jarl Korir, stunned by the miraculous return of his ancestor's city, could only stare in wonderment as the foreign god responsible took two Nords and an Imperial and turned them into cats, seemingly as payment. All in all, he was fine with that, they were mages and thus he didn't particularly care for their welfare. The chaos that resulted afterward was also acceptable, given his city was back. At last, Ulfric would take them seriously! He would be worthy of respect! If his father was alive, the old man would finally love him!

He stopped to consider that last train of thought and completely missed the two Thalmor who walked directly by him up to the College.

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Serana could have totally tried to drink some of the god-blood, but chose not to, right?
like, she had the chance, a FOUNTAIN of Blood in front of her...and she didnt try and drink it...
wonder if that wins her some browny points?
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Serana could have totally tried to drink some of the god-blood, but chose not to, right?
like, she had the chance, a FOUNTAIN of Blood in front of her...and she didnt try and drink it...
wonder if that wins her some browny points?

That falls under having enough sense to not attempt to consume an energy field larger than your head.