Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Iterations

Voting is open
[X] - Appoint Major Bruce King to prosecute. King has the best handle on the situation at U.N. Relief Station when the Struan's colony fell apart.
[X] - Talk yourself with "Vinka Dialyse." Ask her to demonstrate for you the skills that the real Dialyse is supposed to possess. Start with an Aetherholt Trauma-Function test, which it is difficult to fake.
[X] Agree to the non-aggression pact. Invite representatives into the base for discussion. Propose a sharing of general information that isn't secret and suggest the possibility of other kinds of trade. (Goods, research data, Unity cultural files?) Offer a friendly warning about the pirates. Inquire about the reason for their fungus burning operation. Claim the island as our territory.
[X] - Appoint Major Bruce King to prosecute. King has the best handle on the situation at U.N. Relief Station when the Struan's colony fell apart.
[X] - Talk yourself with "Vinka Dialyse." Ask her to demonstrate for you the skills that the real Dialyse is supposed to possess. Start with an Aetherholt Trauma-Function test, which it is difficult to fake.
[X] Write in: Agree to the non-aggression pact. Invite representatives into the base for discussion. Propose a sharing of general information that isn't secret and suggest the possibility of other kinds of trade. (Goods, research data, Unity cultural files?) Offer a friendly warning about the pirates. Inquire about the reason for their fungus burning operation. Claim the island as our territory.

edit: I guess I'll bank the vote as well?

@Trenacker, do you have the planetary characteristics of this version of Chiron written down in one place somewhere? Things like gravity, atmospheric density, solar illumination, ocean salinity, etc?
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[X] - Appoint Major Bruce King to prosecute. King has the best handle on the situation at U.N. Relief Station when the Struan's colony fell apart.
[X] - Talk yourself with "Vinka Dialyse." Ask her to demonstrate for you the skills that the real Dialyse is supposed to possess. Start with an Aetherholt Trauma-Function test, which it is difficult to fake.
[X] Write in: Agree to the non-aggression pact. Invite representatives into the base for discussion. Propose a sharing of general information that isn't secret and suggest the possibility of other kinds of trade. (Goods, research data, Unity cultural files?) Offer a friendly warning about the pirates. Inquire about the reason for their fungus burning operation. Claim the island as our territory.

edit: I guess I'll bank the vote as well?

@Trenacker, do you have the planetary characteristics of this version of Chiron written down in one place somewhere? Things like gravity, atmospheric density, solar illumination, ocean salinity, etc?

Here's the original post with some of that information. Please let me know what else is desired.
Chiron's atmosphere is eight parts Nitrogen, slightly more than .08% Oxygen, and just .09% Carbon Dioxide.

Sea-level pressure is 1.74 atmospheres, or nearly twice what it is on Earth. Humans will need years to become accustomed to breathing unassisted. Currently, those without mechanical breathing assistance, including supplemental oxygen, will experience Nitrogen narcosis within just fifteen minutes—less, if physically active.
Is the percentage of oxygen supposed to be that low? I think that that percentage would lead to a partial pressure of oxygen of about 0.0014 atmospheres (for comparison, on Earth the partial pressure is about 0.21 atmospheres).
Is the percentage of oxygen supposed to be that low? I think that that percentage would lead to a partial pressure of oxygen of about 0.0014 atmospheres (for comparison, on Earth the partial pressure is about 0.21 atmospheres).
Yeh, if it was .08% Oxygen you'd die of hypoxia in minute. There's just not nearly enough to adapt to since that's less than 1/20 of Earth's atmosphere.

Looking at the values, I get the impression it's supposed to be 80% Nitrogen, ~8% O2, and 9% CO2 with the rest being miscellaneous gas. Conveniently, 8.1% O2 is the effective amount at 25,000ft on Earth, or close to the top of Mount Everest, so that's a good rough comparison for what Planet's atmosphere is like to breathe naturally. Which fits the in-story events much better, as it's supposed to be something you can adapt to with lots of time and effort.
Base Time
Chiron's day-night cycle is completed in eighteen hours. Operations Director Guan has devised a work schedule of only six hours and three shifts: early, mid, and final. The reduced work day will help colonists adapt to the added exertions they will need to perform in Chiron's relatively intense gravity. Six of every colonists' remaining twelve hours are "programmed," meaning that organized educational and recreational activities are available, but only two are mandatory. In other words, colonists can choose whether to work six, socialize two, and rest ten or to work six, socialize six, and rest eight.

This is interesting from a technical standpoint, because it means we need less energy storage in solar powered systems due to the shorter night time.

Chiron is a third again more massive than Earth so that, even factoring for Chiron's larger radius, gravity is a third again as strong. For humans, every motion on Chiron requires 130% the mechanical effort that would have been required on Earth. Expect to consume a heavy caloric load and rely on machinery to do many more tasks than you would ordinarily.

This has a host of interesting implications.
Health wise, we're talking endemic arthritis (because of the increased load on the joints) and heart conditions galore (because of the increased pressure the heart needs to exert).
Expect hip replacements to be pretty standard operations, perhaps even performed in a preventative capacity in the Supremacist leaning colonists. Likewise with Ventricular Assist Devices to lessen the load on the heart.
Spending time in water will likely become a favoured activity as a way of escaping the constant drag of the high gravity via buoyancy. The Datalinks say that the Peacekeepers are known for their reading rooms, but I suspect public baths and pools will make a resurgence among all the factions as recreational facilities.
People's endurance will be terrible, and soft exoskeletons like those being tested to improve the endurance of soldiers would likely be a part of everyday life in order to reduce the loading on the skeleton. Trips and falls would also be more serious, so expect a lot of things designed for old people on Earth such as sitting showers to be standard.
Reclined seating positions would also likely be standard in order to reduce the pressure differential the heart had to pump against.

On the mechanical side, land travel becomes more annoying, and water and air becomes more attractive transport mediums.
Vehicles will need to be built stronger, but adding reinforcement also increases weight so there comes a point where you hit diminishing returns. Maintenance requirements on load bearing moving parts also become more pressing.
Water on the other hand lets you exploit buoyancy.
We'll talk about aircraft later.

Chiron's atmosphere is eight parts Nitrogen, slightly more than .08% Oxygen, and just .09% Carbon Dioxide.

Sea-level pressure is 1.74 atmospheres, or nearly twice what it is on Earth. Humans will need years to become accustomed to breathing unassisted. Currently, those without mechanical breathing assistance, including supplemental oxygen, will experience Nitrogen narcosis within just fifteen minutes—less, if physically active.

As on Earth, it is hotter near the planet's equator. Temperatures decline toward either of the planet's small poles.

Rain falls abundantly on Planet, so there are fewer arid environments. Clouds form more easily and in greater abundance. You will be lucky to spot the suns through the clouds one day in ten.

So, Aircraft. Lift is proportional to atmospheric density divided by two. Now, Chiron's atmosphere is 1.74 times denser than Earths, but an aircraft only weights 1.3 times as much. Taken together that means that aircraft on Planet actually need smaller wings - proportionally, than ones on Earth - and makes flight very easy indeed. I would expect that Locusts of Chiron can get quite large indeed. Larger than most flying species on Earth today.
The lack of atmospheric oxygen also means that it's very easy for us to smother fires - simply let the outside air flow into the compartment. Or better yet - keep flammables under a tarp outside. Unfortunately it also makes internal combustion engines much more difficult to use, since you would have to carry both fuel and oxidizer. Electrical is the way to go. This does mean that the Hooded Lantern's jet powered heavy lift vehicles would probably make more sense to be retconned into using helicopter like blades - or at least electrical ducted fans.
Now, we could of course continue to use lightweight electrical motors to turn propellers, but an even more rugged and energy efficient means of propulsion is available to us due to the high atmospheric density: electroaerodynamic propulsion. Their thrust is proportional to atmospheric density, and are very efficient at turning electrical power into kinetic energy of an airstream. In the absence of large amounts of atmospheric oxygen, they also do not have to worry about generating ozone 'exhaust' as they do on earth, and their poorer performance at high speed is mitigated by the fact that the higher atmospheric density makes high speed flight inefficient due to the greater drag incurred. They also have literally no moving parts, which is a big boon for reliability.
But wait, there's more! Higher atmospheric density also makes lighter than air flight MUCH more attractive, especially since the lack of atmospheric oxygen means we can use hydrogen lifting gas (which is cheap to produce) without fear of going up in flames ala Hindenburg. In fact, the higher density of the atmosphere, means we can use smaller gas bags. Plus, lighter than air craft don't need any kind of runways to land, so I suspect solar powered blimps with EAD propulsion that fly above the cloud layer are going to be great.

Unfortunately, weather is very much more of an issue for us, winds will blow harder, and the higher water content will make storms more powerful, so we would want our aircraft to be able to fly above the weather were possible. RADAR will likely be the primary means of detecting things on the ground and in the air due to rampant cloud cover.

Speaking of, that cloud layer means solar is not ideal for anything ground based. Efficiency will be greatly reduced without clear skies. We should focus on wind, tidal, and geothermal renewables, or preferably - fission. Fission allows us a steady supply in a highly concentrated package, and by this time, safety should basically be a non-issues due to advancements in technology.

I'm going to push back against the nitrogen narcosis bit through. On Earth, nitrogen narcosis typically doesn't become an issue until 30 meters down when diving, that's about 4 times atmospheric pressure. I know that the partial pressure of nitrogen will be higher on Chiron, but I'm not sure it'll be high enough to induce narcosis at only 1.74 atm.

Oceans are warmer, sweeter, and much more active. Oxygenation patterns favor higher depths, so life is more abundant in the shallows.

Sweeter as in less salty, or literally 'there's sugars in this water'? :V

Assuming it's lower salinity, then that's good for us because that means submerged metals won't corrode quite so fast as they do on earth.

Planet's soil is silica-poor, frequently sandy, and alkaline. Overall, the quantity of arable land globally is much less. What Planet does have in abundance is nitrates, a natural fertilizer that should more than compensate.

The high heat and low oxygen levels on Planet are conducive to natural carbonization. Spectrographic analysis predicts with high confidence that Chiron boasts large reserves of fossil fuels. Your problem will be access: Planet's nitrate-based plant economy has accumulated many feet of organic detritus ("biomass") that must first be cleared to begin drilling. Carbon emissions on an industrial scale will massively stimulate plant growth on Chiron but amplify the greenhouse effect.

The water-table is predictably nitrate-infused. Drinking water not blasted by ozone is deadly.

Plentiful hydrocarbons are somewhat less useful due to the low partial pressure of oxygen, making them less competitive as a power source. But they are useful for making plastics and so on.

Most of the land surface of Chiron is thick with a dense carpet of tall, green vegetation built up over the nitrate spoilage undisturbed since its geological birth. Shallower seas are likewise clogged, discouraging wave effects and permitting the practical extension of the land-based ecosystem over huge spaces from which it would ordinarily be excluded. The floating, toadstool structures produced in this way are spongy to the point of being dangerous.

Another strike against ground based transport. Spongy terrain means you need wider wheels to support the weight of the vehicle, which typically means maintenance hungry treads. Combined with the greater weight of the vehicle due to higher gravity, airships are looking more and more attractive.
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The Hooded Lantern could always be using thermal jets powered off a nuclear reactor, they're small enough to put on a car in this setting so they can definitely fit some in a heavy industrial flyer.
The Hooded Lantern could always be using thermal jets powered off a nuclear reactor, they're small enough to put on a car in this setting so they can definitely fit some in a heavy industrial flyer.

That's a good point, but it's actually more to do with the fact that kinetic energy goes up with the square of the engine air stream velocity, and thrust goes up linearly with the velocity of the air stream.

A jet moves a small bit if air quickly, and a prop moves a large mass of air slowly, so the prop is more efficient at turning energy to thrust.

edit: Also, can anyone shed light on what exactly a foil is? Are they hovercraft? Hydrofoils? Shallow draft speedboats with inflatable hulls?
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Is the percentage of oxygen supposed to be that low? I think that that percentage would lead to a partial pressure of oxygen of about 0.0014 atmospheres (for comparison, on Earth the partial pressure is about 0.21 atmospheres).

Yeah, you're right. It's 8% oxygen in the original source material (game manual).

Your narrator is Math-bad™. :(

at Locusts of Chiron can get quite large indeed. Larger than most flying species on Earth today.
The lack of atmospheric oxygen also means that it's very easy for us to smother fires - simply let the outside air flow into the compartment. Or better yet - keep flammables under a tarp outside. Unfortunately it also makes internal combustion engines much more difficult to use, since you would have to carry both fuel and oxidizer. Electrical is the way to go. This does mean that the Hooded Lantern's jet powered heavy lift vehicles would probably make more sense to be retconned into using helicopter like blades - or at least electrical ducted fans.
Now, we could of course continue to use lightweight electrical motors to turn propellers, but an even more rugged and energy efficient means of propulsion is available to us due to the high atmospheric density: electroaerodynamic propulsion. Their thrust is proportional to atmospheric density, and are very efficient at turning electrical power into kinetic energy of an airstream. In the absence of large amounts of atmospheric oxygen, they also do not have to worry about generating ozone 'exhaust' as they do on earth, and their poorer performance at high speed is mitigated by the fact that the higher atmospheric density makes high speed flight inefficient due to the greater drag incurred. They also have literally no moving parts, which is a big boon for reliability.
But wait, there's more! Higher atmospheric density also makes lighter than air flight MUCH more attractive, especially since the lack of atmospheric oxygen means we can use hydrogen lifting gas (which is cheap to produce) without fear of going up in flames ala Hindenburg. In fact, the higher density of the atmosphere, means we can use smaller gas bags. Plus, lighter than air craft don't need any kind of runways to land, so I suspect solar powered blimps with EAD propulsion that fly above the cloud layer are going to be great.

Unfortunately, weather is very much more of an issue for us, winds will blow harder, and the higher water content will make storms more powerful, so we would want our aircraft to be able to fly above the weather were possible. RADAR will likely be the primary means of detecting things on the ground and in the air due to rampant cloud cover.

Speaking of, that cloud layer means solar is not ideal for anything ground based. Effic

So... this is awesome. Take 1 extra vote. Please, please join the Discord so that we may attach your brain to our machines to perform science. With a thinking sponge like yours, we could make our own Chiron for next time. And we could make this Chiron even better and more realistic.

My science is weak. My literature is strong.

That's a good point, but it's actually more to do with the fact that kinetic energy goes up with the square of the engine air stream velocity, and thrust goes up linearly with the velocity of the air stream.

A jet moves a small bit if air quickly, and a prop moves a large mass of air slowly, so the prop is more efficient at turning energy to thrust.

edit: Also, can anyone shed light on what exactly a foil is? Are they hovercraft? Hydrofoils? Shallow draft speedboats with inflatable hulls?

Assume a mixture of both. Some hovercraft. Some shallow draft, semi-rigid hulled boats.
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So... this is awesome. Take 1 extra vote. Please, please join the Discord so that we may attach your brain to our machines to perform science. With a thinking sponge like yours, we could make our own Chiron for next time. And we could make this Chiron even better and more realistic.

My science is weak. My literature is strong.

Legit question: Why is everyone suddenly adding Discord chats to their quests/threads/stories?

Assume a mixture of both. Some hovercraft. Some shallow draft, semi-rigid hulled boats.

Gah, that makes so little sense. I'm going to go crazy trying to figure this out. Is there anything in the original source material about it?
Legit question: Why is everyone suddenly adding Discord chats to their quests/threads/stories?

I assume they want a space to chat with like-minded people. Officially speaking, I use the Discord to develop ideas for the game in an environment that is closer to real-time than this forum. Unofficially, people join but don't speak.

Gah, that makes so little sense. I'm going to go crazy trying to figure this out. Is there anything in the original source material about it?

Why doesn't it make sense? Probably Unity wouldn't carry a single type of watercraft. Assume yours are hovercraft.

To my knowledge, there is nothing that officially describes Foils. They appear to be semi-rigid speedboats.
I assume they want a space to chat with like-minded people. Officially speaking, I use the Discord to develop ideas for the game in an environment that is closer to real-time than this forum. Unofficially, people join but don't speak.

For developing game ideas, I feel like using a thread in Creative Discussion Worldbuilding would make more sense, kind of how To Boldly Go and Airplane Design Quest do it.

Why doesn't it make sense? Probably Unity wouldn't carry a single type of watercraft. Assume yours are hovercraft.

To my knowledge, there is nothing that officially describes Foils. They appear to be semi-rigid speedboats.

I'm not familiar with the details, but foils seem large enough to mount pretty hefty armor and weapons,and we don't built semi-rigids that big, likely because of structural issues. They are light and basically unsinkable, but the same could be replicated by using a rigid foamed aluminum hull. On the other hand, the in-game graphics make them look a lot more like hovercraft, but those aren't limited to water and should also be capable of movement over land. Downside being of course that they don't handle rough seas so well, so they don't make sense for ocean crossings.

Hydrofoil might kind of make sense, because they have foil in the name, but they're finicky and not great for rougher sea states. And they have relatively deep drafts.

Might just have to accept that the game was weird in that respect.
I'd assumed that they were Hydrofoils, as hovercraft would be able to travel on land. Foils could not.
But yes, the graphics did make them look like hovercraft.
These cannons we're making, can they be mounted on Foils/Rovers? What would it take to build more heavy mortars, if we had to? We live on an island, best to start thinking about how to rule the waves. The Skagway's a great defensive tool, but there's only one of her; going to need that Foil assembly line for power projection.
These cannons we're making, can they be mounted on Foils/Rovers?

But of course!

What would it take to build more heavy mortars, if we had to?

So far as I know, mortars and bombs are simple. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your machine shop gives you that capability now. And once you complete the foundry, you'll be able to make rifled mortar barrels also.

I'd assumed that they were Hydrofoils, as hovercraft would be able to travel on land. Foils could not.
But yes, the graphics did make them look like hovercraft.

I thought hovercraft could ride up on beaches. This is what I imagine a Foil is like.
Thank you. So, once the arsenal completes (today?), we immediately knock out some defense emplacements. The Skagway's not getting fixed up any time soon, and the pirates could come for the rematch at any time, so put a pin in that for the moment. We also need to fix up this housing situation; nothing will erode that morale buffer we've got like having people sleeping in the greenhouses. As for the third, we could get that electronics assembly line, but, I honestly would rather get the medical lab. Medicine's our last unfulfilled survival need at the moment; getting a supply up and running would be very useful, and find something to do with the wasted nutrient surplus we've got going on. Besides, meds will be needed for casualties against the pirates.
Ok, I'm going to write up more detail about the atmospheric satellite idea and how it might work for us, and what the benefits might be.

So, the basic idea is that something high up can see further over the horizon than something low down. Satellites are of course great, but paradoxically, they're so high up that they need to be fitted with more powerful instruments do deal with the this extra distance, plus the expense of launching out of a gravity well. This is an even bigger issue for Chiron, because the higher gravity and bad weather makes rocket launch even trickier. A high altitude airship or airplane, designed to hover in place in the face of prevailing winds(which do exhibit seasonal and altitude variation), is going to get you most of the benefits of a satellite, for a fraction of the cost. Now, Chiron has a thicker atmosphere which would indicate that we could loft the airship higher than on Earth, but it's got higher gravity, which will squish the atmosphere down. I'm not going to run the math, so I'm going to assume the two factors cancel out, and on Earth the optimal point is around 20 km up.

I propose making a metallic foil blimp - it needs to be metallic foil because hydrogen will just... seep through the molecules of most compounds. This lifting bag is shaped like a cigar: a rounded front, a cylindrical body, and a tapered end with four fins. This is to reduce the difficulty of building it by reducing the amount of complex curvature of the material.
Slung underneath flush with the hull is a payload section that carries a RADAR/comms array in an aerodynamic fairing, control avionics, and a high voltage power supply.
The body of the aircraft is covered by what looks like a thin wire cage, and bands of metal foil: this is the electroaerodynamic propulsion system. It's literally just thin wires held out from the hull, and foil strips on the hull, acting as the anode and cathode. This will simultaneously reduce friction by energizing the boundary layer over the hull, and increase control authority by flowing fast air over the control fins. Ballasting is almost non-existent: the craft is filled with hydrogen and allowed to rise to it's natural maximum altitude. Once hydrogen is released to descend, the craft is committed to going down. This will likely need to happen a few times a year for servicing, likely timed with the start of a new season so the the hydrogen fill factor can be tweaked to keep the craft at the new optimal altitude where the prevailing winds are blowing slowest.
For power, we can either drape the body in solar panels and add batteries to the payload section, or we can mount a microwave rectena and use beamed power to supply the airship with a steady supply of power. The later option allows us to make a lighter and smaller airship because batteries are heavy - through it would likely have a small backup battery good enough to allow it to safely land if power was cut off. I leave it to GM to decide which is more appropriate.

So, what does this system give us? Well on Earth a platform at 20 km up will have line of sight to an area 504 km in radius, this will be even higher on Chiron because it's bigger size means it curves less. In that area, we'll have direct comms, as well as visual and RADAR observation, both passive and active. A big metallic balloon also reflects RADAR like mad, so it will be very visible and act as a beacon telling the world 'WERE HERE'. Normally, this would be bad, but the Peacekeepers want to talk, so...

edit: If we use an airplane instead of a airship, and beamed power, we could power one of these from a foil in order to give it excellent sensor range. They'd need a guided missile to try and shoot it down.
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[X] - Appoint Major Bruce King to prosecute. King has the best handle on the situation at U.N. Relief Station when the Struan's colony fell apart.
[X] Write in: Agree to the non-aggression pact. Invite representatives into the base for discussion. Propose a sharing of general information that isn't secret and suggest the possibility of other kinds of trade. (Goods, research data, Unity cultural files?) Ask specifically if they know of the fate of any other Unity survivors. Offer a friendly warning about the pirates, as well as any entity calling themselves "Spartans;" the former are opportunistic bastards, and the latter are dangerous militarists. Inquire about the reason for their fungus burning operation. Claim the island as our territory.
[X] - Request that Dr. Singh provide a full psychological workup of the person wearing the uniform of Vinka Dialyse.
Thank you. So, once the arsenal completes (today?), we immediately knock out some defense emplacements. The Skagway's not getting fixed up any time soon, and the pirates could come for the rematch at any time, so put a pin in that for the moment. We also need to fix up this housing situation; nothing will erode that morale buffer we've got like having people sleeping in the greenhouses. As for the third, we could get that electronics assembly line, but, I honestly would rather get the medical lab. Medicine's our last unfulfilled survival need at the moment; getting a supply up and running would be very useful, and find something to do with the wasted nutrient surplus we've got going on. Besides, meds will be needed for casualties against the pirates.
I agree that we need some defense emplacements to protect the Skagway. It would be a great shame and waste if we are unprepared and the pirates returned to attack Warm Welcome en masse to destroy the Skagway just before it is back online. Housing is also important. I think we should solve our energy bottleneck before constructing additional energy draining labs. We should pick between the renewables or the biomass burner and additionally convert the rovers to non-nuclear power so we can use the reactors for energy production permanently.

Next turn, the Skycrane's rotors will be repaired and it might be available to use. We should probably offer the Tomorrow Institute the chance to fly home to Bright Point instead of waiting for the Skagway to be repaired. If he chooses to leave, then it would be the last chance to speak to Sathieu Metrion. Would we finally confront him about Tạ Dọc Thân and his concealment of his death in addition to all the odd behavior of the Tomorrow Institute personnel? Lies that could be dispelled with the Unity Core database. This may bring up uncomfortable questions about any responsibility that Lal might have in Tạ Dọc Thân's death on the Unity assuming that actually happened. Alternately, we can ask personal questions on Metrion's hopes that the Unity Core data might one day return him to Earth.We could ask him if he really believed that the Unity might return to Earth instead of being a one way trip and point out that it seems unlikely anyone on Chiron will ever see Earth again. Or we can ask him about the Nautilus Pirates and if they could be a threat to Bright Point as Metrion claimed Bright Point was untroubled by violence. Tell Metrion about Skinner's supposed encounter with the Tomorrow Institute foils and watch his reaction?
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I agree that we need some defense emplacements to protect the Skagway. It would be a great shame and waste if we are unprepared and the pirates returned to attack Warm Welcome en masse to destroy the Skagway just before it is back online. Housing is also important. I think we should solve our energy bottleneck before constructing additional energy draining labs. We should pick between the renewables or the biomass burner and additionally convert the rovers to non-nuclear power so we can use the reactors for energy production permanently.

Next turn, the Skycrane's rotors will be repaired and it might be available to use. We should probably offer the Tomorrow Institute the chance to fly home to Bright Point instead of waiting for the Skagway to be repaired. If he chooses to leave, then it would be the last chance to speak to Sathieu Metrion. Would we finally confront him about Tạ Dọc Thân and his concealment of his death in addition to all the odd behavior of the Tomorrow Institute personnel? Lies that could be dispelled with the Unity Core database. This may bring up uncomfortable questions about any responsibility that Lal might have in Tạ Dọc Thân's death on the Unity assuming that actually happened. Alternately, we can ask personal questions on Metrion's hopes that the Unity Core data might one day return him to Earth.We could ask him if he really believed that the Unity might return to Earth instead of being a one way trip and point out that it seems unlikely anyone on Chiron will ever see Earth again. Or we can ask him about the Nautilus Pirates and if they could be a threat to Bright Point as Metrion claimed Bright Point was untroubled by violence. Tell Metrion about Skinner's supposed encounter with the Tomorrow Institute foils and watch his reaction?

Regarding energy, we're supposed to be on the verge of cracking hydrocarbons, and we no longer have any land threats, so that should be able to wait a turn or two. Also, we're probably going to need the Skycrane for land salvage.
Regarding energy, we're supposed to be on the verge of cracking hydrocarbons, and we no longer have any land threats, so that should be able to wait a turn or two. Also, we're probably going to need the Skycrane for land salvage.

Is wind power not something we can do? I was under the impression we were on an island, and the denser atmosphere means we can extract much more energy fro lower wind speeds. I imagine some wind turbines along the shore or align the island's highest elevations?

edit: Is there any chance we could get a map or Warm Welcome and its surrounding environs?
Is wind power not something we can do? I was under the impression we were on an island, and the denser atmosphere means we can extract much more energy fro lower wind speeds. I imagine some wind turbines along the shore or align the island's highest elevations?

You can, yes.

edit: Is there any chance we could get a map or Warm Welcome and its surrounding environs?

I've struggled with that because I am a terrible map-maker. If anyone wants to make something, or suggest something, I'm up for it.
But wait, there's more! Higher atmospheric density also makes lighter than air flight MUCH more attractive, especially since the lack of atmospheric oxygen means we can use hydrogen lifting gas (which is cheap to produce) without fear of going up in flames ala Hindenburg.
Hindenburg issue was actually the paint being essentially rocket fuel IIRC, which took high temperatures to ignite, but lightning took it there. Not a fault of hydrogen, though it didn't help how things finished once it was all burning hot.

That said with the powerful storms and the simple lack of good hangars we could tuck a blimp away in, I believe they'd mainly be of highest utility as an augment to our observation towers in the immediate future. Maintaining a lighter than air vessel at the right positioning is also nontrivial without positioning satellites, they'd need to do it the hard way with maps and charts...which is complicated by simply not having survey data.
Hindenburg issue was actually the paint being essentially rocket fuel IIRC, which took high temperatures to ignite, but lightning took it there. Not a fault of hydrogen, though it didn't help how things finished once it was all burning hot.

That said with the powerful storms and the simple lack of good hangars we could tuck a blimp away in, I believe they'd mainly be of highest utility as an augment to our observation towers in the immediate future. Maintaining a lighter than air vessel at the right positioning is also nontrivial without positioning satellites, they'd need to do it the hard way with maps and charts...which is complicated by simply not having survey data.

Good point on the paint.

The hanger however is unnecessary. This blimp is meant to be in the air all the time except for required maintenance, flying far above the storms. If for whatever reason it's caught in a storm on the ground, it can just be deflated and the payload section and envelope stored away for a bit. It doesn't have a rigid hull like a Zeppelin after all.

Such an airship would be an extension of the observation towers, with a much higher vantage point, yes. And it could be usefully for weather observations as well.

We don't need GPS, we can just set up two radio transmitters on the ground, whose position in relation to Warm Welcome we identify via basic surveys, and use them (with the link to Warm Welcome acting as the third) to triangulate the craft's position in the sky.
Voting is open