[x] Call it in, then go check it out
-[x] Obviously
--[x] While our patrol partners are stealthy

I'm mildly surprised that there are options other than checking it out...
[x] Call it in, then go check it out
-[x] Obviously
--[x] While our patrol partners are stealthy
[x] Call it in, then go check it out
-[x] Obviously
--[x] While our patrol partners are stealthy
Call it in, then go check it out – 14 Votes
- Obviously – 10 Votes
- While our patrol partners are stealthy – 8 Votes

You fall back on your training. Call in all altercations.

"Console, we have a full-blown war over here."

"Copy, Dakka. Proceed as seems necessary, PRT vans are en-route."

You nod to your teammates, and they give you reassuring looks.

"Can you two go around the sides, try and get a good angle on it? I'll walk up and make myself an obvious target."

Miss Militia nods. "Give me a few minutes and I can get onto a roof. I'll comm you when I'm in position."

"I'll cover the other side." Triumph's grin is visible under his lion helmet.

You aren't certain just how stealthy a guy whose power is 'shout so hard things explode' will be, but it's certainly going to be better than your ninja skills. That is, higher than zero.

Your two colleagues depart, splitting off into dark alleyways. You feel kind of dumb, just waiting in the street while they get into position, but soon enough your comms crackle again.

"In position. Haven't got eyes on it yet, I don't want to risk being seen, but I can hear Skidmark from here."

"Same. I think they're against the ABB, I can hear Cantonese."

You sidle up to the corner and peek around, just to get a good look.

It's utter chaos in there, with the Merchants in the middle of the street, firing up at the abandoned buildings around them. You can see Skidmark, using some sort of field effect to fire bricks and glass at the buildings. You also see someone in a ramshackle mech suit, a forest of massive pipes along their back pumping steam and hot air into the night sky. You assume this is Trainwreck, a cape whose power is either 'crude Tinker' or 'really weirdly specific telekinesis'. Possibly both.

Several of the non-powered Merchants are down, bleeding and writhing or still. Someone – presumably the mech-suit guy – has smashed up the street enough that they have cover now. Gunfire is raining down on them from the buildings around.

Then someone throws a grenade, and it erupts into a pillar of ice. It fell short of the Merchants, thanks to some quick action from Skidmark, but it sends chills down your spine.

Well, time to go.

You turn the corner and stride down the road, shockgun in hand. You come to a stop just by an alleyway, so you can run if you need to.

"HEY!" You bellow, and everything stops. All the fighters turn to look at you, surprise written on their faces. "Stop this shit."

You're pretty sure you hear Miss Militia facepalm.

"Surrender and this will go easy for you."

Their response is pretty obvious, in retrospect.

How do you handle it?

[ ] Focus your efforts on the capes, Miss Militia and Triumph can take the mooks.
- [ ] Lethally
- [ ] Non-Lethally
[ ] Focus your efforts on the mooks, Miss Militia and Triumph can take the capes.
- [ ] Lethally
- [ ] Non-Lethally
[ ] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [ ] Lethally
- [ ] Non-Lethally
[ ] Run like fuck, this is a lot of bad ideas.
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[X] Focus your efforts on the capes, Miss Militia and Triumph can take the mooks.
- [X] Non-Lethally

Double xp for the win.
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [X] Non-Lethally

Might be Bakuda.
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [X] Non-Lethally
I'm glad people like that line.

I'll admit, it made me laugh to write.
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
-[X] Non-Lethally
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [X] Non-Lethally
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [X] Non-Lethally
[X] Focus your efforts on the capes, Miss Militia and Triumph can take the mooks.
- [X] Non-Lethally
[X] Get into that building and find whoever threw that grenade. They need to be handled ASAP.
- [X] Non-Lethally
[X] Focus your efforts on the capes, Miss Militia and Triumph can take the mooks.
- [X] Non-Lethally