Protectorate – 12 Votes

You make your choice. It's not hard; $50k a year plus double minimum wage starting salary, for being a hero? It's not exactly peanuts. It also means you can do good, make up for your mistakes.

They let you out of the cell, and fit you with a tracking bracelet. 'Just until the investigation's over.'

You don't care either way; if it comes to it, you can just take off the arm it's attached to. It'll grow back, after all.

They give you back your things, most important among them your cell phone.

They let you duck into an isolated room so you can try to call your parents. Mom doesn't answer, but then she's in San Diego and probably off her head on smack, so it doesn't surprise you. Dad doesn't answer either. He's in New Orleans, and he's probably too busy working.

Or is it Dad that's the smackhead? You can't ever really remember. Your parents weren't exactly present when you were growing up. You've said maybe five words to them in the past eight years. But you had to try to call them anyway. You still hope that one day they'll actually notice you exist.

You give Aunt Jessica a call. She's not actually related to you, but is the little old lady who lived next door to your Dad and who fed you most days.

She answers the phone after a few long rings.

"Hey, Aunt Jessica. How are you doing?"

"Oh, Tom! I'm fine, dear. How are you?" It's comforting just to hear her voice; she's always represented stability to you.

"I'm- Things are kinda complicated at the moment. But, uh, they might be looking up." You think.

"That's good. Will I be seeing you for Easter break?"

You let out a strained chuckle. "Sure, if I can afford the airfare."

"I hope you can. Well, I have a pie in the oven, so I need to go make sure it doesn't burn. Take care of yourself, Tom."

She hangs up. Always busy, is Aunt Jessica.

You slip the phone back into your-

Okay, it disappears and you get a notification.

Mobile Phone added to Miscellaneous Inventory.

Fucking powers. You can pull it back out just as easily, though, so you let it fade out of reality. You leave the room, and outside, waiting for you, are two costumed heroes. Miss Militia and Armsmaster.

It makes sense; Militia has a power that seems very similar to yours, superficially, and Armsmaster is a Tinker who can figure out most technology.

They lead you off to test out your powers and to process you for Protectorate membership.

What colour is your costume?

[ ] Red and White
[ ] Blue and Gold
[ ] White and Black
[ ] (Write in)

What do you show them?

[ ] Just the weapons
[ ] Weapons and regeneration
[ ] Weapons and your new skills
[ ] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
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[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Bright Neon Yellow, so bright it counts as a weapon and a public disturbance just by its very presence.

[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Bright Neon Yellow, so bright it counts as a weapon and a public disturbance just by its very presence.
[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Bright Neon Yellow, so bright it counts as a weapon and a public disturbance just by its very presence.
[X] Red and Blue

We already have a pretty gruesome power, we don't need to add menacing color to it. At the same time, I'm also avoiding White and Gold because that's Dauntless color, and considering how we're also a Cape with growing power... I don't really want to have the same power as him. So, Red and Blue, bright and not menacing, plus some homage to Spider-Man, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility". Seems pretty fitting.

[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Orange and black
Let's dress up like Gordon Freeman
[X] Everything (except TTBGs and Surprise!)
we need a nice open space in the middle of nowhere before we test either of these, hell for all we know surprise is even more of a risk then the TTBGs seeing as we never tested it
[x] Black and gold.

The best color combination.

[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)

They're out new teamates and we're gonna be a hero. Why wouldn't we be honest with them?
[X] Orange and black
Let's dress up like Gordon Freeman
[X] Everything (except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Everything (Except TTBGs and Surprise!)
[X] Bright Neon Yellow, so bright it counts as a weapon and a public disturbance just by its very presence.