Shipwrecked on a Strange Shore

Not voting because I have no idea what this vote is about.
Basically, you found some fruits/berries that you have never seen before and that all seem like they should be edible, but you've never actually had to test new plants before, you were always able to look them up or have someone tell you that, yes those are edible or no they are not. These are things not included in Plant-lore because you are way too far away from anywhere you've ever been or read about. Instead of rolling survival, I want to know if the thread has any input or insight on how you want to test them for edibility. Or if they would like to coin a name for them. This will probably shape how you deal with unknown potential food plants in the future.
  • At least one of them seems like it is being eaten by the local wildlife. Possibly the others too, you cannot tell.
  • They don't have a milky sap or white berries.
  • They smell pleasant, not bitter.
  • You had no adverse reaction to touching the juices/flesh of the fruit.
  • You have, so far, had no adverse reaction to accidentally eating some of the mock strawberries.
As for the Rossana vote, it's mostly me wanting a writing prompt, but you could also specify, say, wait for Rossana's input on the plants or something.

Anyway, barring any major objections the vote will close in two hours.
The vote is now closed. Well, it was an hour and a half ago, but I forgot to post this. You may continue to suggest names for the fruits if you like. I don't know when the update will be; because I write like a darned glacier. If we're lucky it'll be tonight, if not, who knows. This weekend?